tv [untitled] October 20, 2024 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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joseph, you're always a wealth of information on this. i wish you were advising the biden-harris administration on this information. seems like they are the people that ought to be more aware of it protecting us and closing the border so this wouldn't have happened but i'm glad you pointed out this is a biden-harris phenomenon. this idea of these transnational gangs in our country starting in 2021. joseph thanks for joining us. >> absolutely, thank you, rachel. rachel: north carolina early voters exceed 2020 turnout, all while recovering from hurricane helene. go get them. rnc co-chair lara trump on what it means for the campaign, next. ♪ hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. give us this day our daily bread and
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>> charlie: so today marks 16 days until the election and both candidates are hitting the swing states. rachel: former president trump is still in pennsylvania where he is expected to work the friers before heading the steelers/jet game. will: vice president harris is in georgia with no plans to campaign with president biden before election day. republican national committee co-chair, lara trump, joins us now. thanks for being with us. >> good morning, guys. will: interesting reports out of north carolina that early voting exceeding that from 2020 and this despite the fact obviously we've had a horrific storm in western north carolina. what are you guys seeing from inside the republican party about the returns on those early voting mail-in voting et cetera? >> well, i think you're exact think right, will.
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listen, i have felt a little bit like a broken record over the course of the past several months because all i've talked about, the messaging you've heard from donald trump, the messaging from the campaign and the rnc has been vote early, vote early and what we're seeing is that people have heard this and they are actually executing this and this is how we're going to win, guys. this is so big. you're talking about my home state, will, of north carolina. we have seen early vote totals there that are outpacing democrats, meaning the first two days of early voting which was thursday and friday, republicans had a thousand more votes than democrats coming out of the two days. we never see that it's like an 80/20 split in the democrats favor. go west in north carolina to a county yancy county, one of the counties very badly damaged by the hurricane. we saw historic turnout, and it's a very red county on the first day of early voting. let's head west for a second to nevada.
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early person, early in-person voting in nevada we're seeing same thing. republicans are outpacing democrats by a huge margin so we're seeing that people have heard a rallying cry to get out and vote early and why this is important is because we want you to bank your vote. we don't want you to have to worry about waiting in super long lines on election day and it allows us as a party and campaign to then apply our resources to turn out low propensity voters who may not vote every election cycle. that's how we win this thing and what we've seen is its been massive. will: as a quick follow-up, you just brought it up. i'm curious. would there be any concern those people are people who would have voted in line on election day, or that it represents low propensity voters who might not have voted at all? >> well i think part of this is that we hope to get from now up until election day those very low propensity voters to come out so some of these people may have been those that waited in lie but we know why that doesn't work. look at places like arizona.
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people had to get out of line and go back to work and deal with their life. you can't wait until election day. get your vote banked right now and it's going to allow us and we've targeted these people. we know who they are and they vote republican but we know they don't turn out every election cycle and now we can apply resources and get those people out to vote and as donald trump always says swamp the vote and make it too big to rig. rachel: i ask you this because i know you're from north carolina. how much do you think that this really high turnout you're talking about in north carolina, this early voting in spite of a lot of disruption to people's lives with the hurricane has to do with the federal response to the hurricane and this sort of knowledge that came, you know, we all came to find out that fema funds were being rated by illegal immigrant funding as well. so do you think that there was sort of a connection between
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those two, an anger, that's propelling people to the vote? >> oh, i think that's for everyone right now, rachel. i think that that's just probably been the nail in the coffin for a lot of people in western north carolina, for the harris walz ticket. anyone even on the fence, which i'm not even sure how you could be at this point. there's no comparison between what donald trump wants for america and what kamala harris want the for america, but for so many people, it's just a symptom of really this rot that we have in our country right now at the level of the federal government with kamala harris as the border czar who as you say, you know, you see all this funding go to rehousing and moving around people who broke our laws to come here. whether it's the fact that people can't afford their lives right now, gas prices soaring, they see that we're on the verge of world war iii with kamala harris and joe biden in charge. it's frightening so i'm sure. when people in western north carolina felt like they had been forgotten that they came last as american citizens instead of first, i'm sure that has driven a lot of people despite losing
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their homes, having their lives upended to get out and vote in this election and i hope every single american who wants to say not just this country but the world takes a note from those people in western north carolina, get out and vote. rachel: if they can everyone with. >> charlie: exactly. so president trump will go to the jets/steelers football game but before he does that he's going to tryout the french friday line at mcdonald's and i just, i know that as his daughter-in-law you've probably been to a lot of mcdonald's with him. do you have faith that he will get the salt right? >> [laughter] it's a balance. charlie, it is such a balance. you can't have too much but those fries are salty and that's why we all go to mcdonald's i think. listen, it's a staple on the trump force one plane when you fly with donald trump you are always guaranteed your getting mcdonald's so i'll say this if there's any person out in america who understands how to get the balance of salt right with the fries donald j. trump is that person and i have full
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faith in him on this. rachel: well it's my personal favorite from the president this campaign season. [laughter] i'm looking forward to seeing what happens, and the point he's trying to make of course is he thinks, he says she's not telling the truth about having worked at mcdonald's in her college years and he's going to mcdonald's to make the point he's worked there longer. we'll see. she can show the proof. >> charlie: closing the loop on that one. rachel: that's why. all right lara trump so great to have you on. will: thanks. >> thank you, guys great to be with you. rachel: you've got it. will: we reached out to the harris-walz campaign invited them on and have not yet received a response. rachel: or fries from them. will: we have not. rachel: achieving the american dream now costs you a staggering had $4.4 million. jackiedeangeles crunched
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where it was yesterday. area of low pressure moving across the four corners bringing more rain and snow and look at the eastern part of the country. high and dry and this area of high pressure here is very abnormal and it is allowing drought to begin to spread very quickly across a lot of the east ebrahim raisi part of the country. this is the next seven days we have this moisture across the central part of the country but we don't get moisture across parts of the east and we get more rain coming into the pacific northwest. this right here is hurricane oscar, became a hurricane very quickly yesterday has impacts right now will impact part of eastern cuba and eventually, move in towards the bahamas. not impacting the us other than bringing big swells, be very careful if you head to the beaches especially across florida over the next few days. all right charlie sending it to you inside. >> charlie: thank you, rick. so, the price of the american dream is now standing at a shocking $4.4 million over a
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lifetime, rising from 1 million from just a year ago, rising $1 million from just a year ago. the findings take into account the estimated sum for typical milestones like weddings, raising kids, buying a house, and retirement. so, how could this impact voters at the ballot box? here to discuss is co-host of the big money show, the great jackie deangelis. jackie: good morning. >> charlie: so this is kind of mind blowing to me. i'm not very good with all of the money numbers and everything, but a million dollar increase over the course of a lifetime to achieve the basic things we expect to have in america seems stunning to me. jackie: it is stung and i love this story but i hate this story, but we're shining a light on it. we're tossing around a figure of a million dollars like it's chump change. some people don't save that in their entire lifetime so i don't take it lightly this price tag
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has done up. the problem is that just when people feel like they are doing well and getting where they needed to go, under president trump, the rug was pulled out from under them by the biden-harris administration. let me give you some quick math. 48 months in their administration, the low estimate of what inflation and higher prices has cost families is let's say a thousand dollars a month. that's $48,000 a year, pardon me, $40,000 over now years. that's a down payment on a home they robbed the average american family of. then they are going and saying well we'll give a first time home buyer $25,000. well tack that on to our debt. none of it makes sense. people can do it on their own just don't strip them of their money. >> charlie: you look at young people today. i don't even know how they begin to collect a down payment on a house and one other thing i think is so important. you look at the numbers of inflation and inflation is down from 2022 in 2024 and it looks like it's going down, but when
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you look at it that doesn't mean prices have come down. jackie: we call it in my field sticky inflation. it's very sticky. the prices are high. they have not come down even though that rate has slowed a little of the increases. last point, bring energy costs down, president trump wants to do it. you will start to fix the pricing problem. take the regulations away. start letting, you know, lower the corporate tax rate. let the growth machine work. that is not about giving tax breaks to the rich like kamala harris says. he will do it. he's the only one who could do it and the dems love to say but look at the stock market we're at record highs. that goes in cycles too and one-day the music will stop and mom and pop are holding the bag. >> charlie: exactly. jackie, thank you so much. don't miss her on the big weekend, big money show at 1:00 p.m. eastern during the week on fbn. we'll be back in a minute.
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state championship. you know, i introduced him as coach but he's also pastor and chancellor as well and check it out on fox nation. i had him this week on the will cain show, last week on fox & friends it's an incredible show. it's not just about football. >> no, it isn't. will: that's the key. >> that's the thing, will. it's the story of these kid's lives and when you go into any community in america, what you'll find is such diversity when it comes to the things that kids face everyday, and this is not a scripted show. it's real action. it's what's really happening. one of the kids, in fact, in this week's release is a kid that is named tristan santora and he loses his mother last year, before the season, and it just shows how he overcomes this trauma in his life and how his teammates help him. it's a very special show and the producers have done a great, great job. will: i want to mention
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football in a second but we've had this conversation. it's a vehicle, sports is a vehicle, and this show is a vehicle for you to illustrate how you're using this as an opportunity to build better men. >> exactly. and that's what our goal is. in fact i've told the kids over and over, i've said there's absolutely no way we would have this football team if i didn't have an opportunity to do what i do everyday and that is teach you the word of god and the principles of christianity. teach you how to be good sons, and hopefully one-day, good husband's and fathers, and they are buying in. will: that's incredible. you talked about what we saw in this episode that was released this week. just give me an example of some of the kinds of young men and problems, don't want to say problems, challenges they are facing in their lives. >> one of the young men on our football team is facing the challenge of his little brother who he adores having leukemia, spending so much time at st. jude's and so while his family is there in memphis, he's back in shreveport as a
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16-year-old basically living with other families and calling that little brother every single night. on and on these stories go, and they are the stories of life and people have asked, well, how do you get these kids ready to go into the real-world? i said are you kidding me? i'm trying to get them ready for tuesday. will: [laughter] well you're doing a good job, because this is all packaged around football. coach and i were just talking about they set a record for 900 yards last week, 800 yards passed by your quarterback incredible and playing the biggest schools, not just in louisiana but texas as well and you can check it out coach denny duran, his program god, family, football, a new episode every friday. appreciate what you're doing, coach. thank you so much. all right more fox & friends, just ahead.
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