tv Outnumbered FOX News October 24, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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♪ ♪ >> emily: hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i'm emily compagno here is my cohost, harris faulkner and kayleigh mcenany. also joining us today, tammy bruce, fox news contributor and president of american spirit enterprises, and kevin o'leary, chairman of elyria ventures, and you know him as "mr. wonderful." vice president kamala harris struggled to defend her order record at a cnn town hall. watch. >> 2022, 2023, there were record border crossings. your administration took hundreds of executive actions and didn't stem the flow. numbers kept going up. finally, in 2024, just in june, three weeks before the first presidential debate with joe biden, you went to do executive actions that had dramatic impact, really shut down people crossing over. why didn't your ministry can do
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that in 2022-2023? >> first of all, you are exactly right, anderson, and as of today we have cut the flow of immigration by over half. in fact, the numbers i saw most recently, illegal immigration -- hold on, let me finish. speak about why not do it in 2022-2023? >> we were working with congress and hoping actually get a long-term fix to the problem instead of a short-term fix. >> you couldn't have done both at the same time? >> well, here's the thing -- we have to understand that ultimately this problem is going to be fixed through congressional action. congress has the authority and the purse -- >> do you wish you had done those executive orders in 20 2022-2023? >> i think we did the right thing. >> emily: she was then asked about the border wall. >> let's talk about this compromise bill you want to pass if elected. he said that's going be a priority. it includes $650 million in funding for the border wall, something or pelicans wanted. that was part of the compromise. under donald trump you criticize the wall where the 50 times.
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you called it "stupid, useless, and a medieval vanity project." is the border wall stupid? >> let's talk about donald trump and that border wall. [laughs] remember, donald trump said mexico would pay for it? come on, they didn't. >> but you are agreeing to a bill that would earmark $650 million to continue building that wall. >> i pledge that i'm going to bring for that bipartisan bill to further strengthen and secure our border. >> to fix the problem you are doing this compromise bill. it does call for $650 million that was earmarked under trump to still go to build the wall. >> i'm not afraid of good ideas where they occur. >> so you don't think it's stupid anymore? >> i think what he did and how he did it didn't make much chance, because he didn't do much of everything. >> but you want to build some wall? >> emily: kevin, there is a lot there. what is your take it? >> kevin: she missed the opportunity yet again. this thing is killing her, this border wall thing.
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she should have come out and said when she had the opportunity on fox with bret's sake, look, in the early days of our administration we allowed a lot of people into our country that we didn't know much about. i own it. i take responsibility for it and i've learned a lot from it. and for that mother who lost a daughter, i feel your pain, and i believe it has motivated me beyond anything in my life to make sure this never happens again. but no, she doesn't do that. it is more of this verbal salad. she won't take responsibility. and when i have this discussion with her advocates and her proxies, even they admit behind closed doors, i don't feel any compassion on this issue from her. it's a huge mistake. if i were advising her right now, i would say, listen, stop with this. own it. show you care. tell people, it has hurt you, it
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will never happen again. you were the border czar, yes or no, whatever you want to call it, and you failed on that mandate, but you know exactly did wrong and you're going to fix it. can you imagine if she did that, how this would help her at this point? people could connect with her. there's no connection. there's no authenticity. i'm very critical of this particular issue for her. i really feel she just won't take responsibility, and it is killing her. >> emily: that criticism is so well-founded, and equally launched as well, kayleigh, toward joe biden. we have heard that same -- it is not a gripe, it's a very accurate notation of the lack of empathy, the lack of human quality. i can't figure out, kayleigh, what i am more shocked and disheartened by with kamala. is it the fact that she is so woefully inadequate with her policies and her understanding, or so woefully unprepared, seemly, for any question, for any scenario, when she has been the one our tax dollars has been
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paying as vice president for the last 3.5 years? i am shocked at how little she seems to know, how little experience she clearly draws from, how absolutely ineffective she has been these last days and years. >> kayleigh: absolutely, emily. that's what i was thinking this morning as i watch this last night and watched more of it this morning. she took off tuesday, and people say, no, she did the telemundo interview, but she took off the campaign trail and stayed in d.c. yesterday we heard a 2-minute statement from her from the naval observatory, and then she does this town hall, but she's off the campaign trail. you have had 48 hours to prepare for this town hall, and this is what we get? to say that you were right to wait three years to invoke executive power -- you know i love to say it, emily. he waited three years and you were right to do that. if you are right, you mean you are right to let in 11 million people? you are right to let in the
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killers of laken riley, jocelyn nungaray? saying you are right is saying you are right to let in those killers, and you are saying your right to lead in the venezuelan gangs that, yes, have taken over a handful of apartment buildings that according to martha raddatz me to accept because those are just the plebeians out in aurora and we are living in our slinky d.c. apartments, or in her case the naval observatory. it is so out of touch. kevin is spot on. it's interesting when you hear donald trump say the economy is in a ruin issue. border is number two. but trump has said he thinks immigration is going to determine this election. and that guy has got something. >> emily: i also found, again -- look, i guess i'm never surprised anymore, frankly, by that lack of experience and the fact that she fails to draw on experience you would expect given her titles. but the fact that she talks about congressional action now, when they owned all three branches, the fact that she says that's what we need to do, what about enforce all the laws that were in place and you assumed office? what about not undoing
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everything? it's like a weird amnesia as the rest of us americans have watched the effects come in our cities totally destroyed, families losing their loved ones at the hands of dismantling the policies that worked, refusing to enforce what was existing, and now blaming congress years later when it was all within your reach, all within your hands. and, by the way, remember, she campaigned on fixing the board of years ago. >> harris: well, by camera leadership for one party has gotten us nowhere in many cases. so it is not that she can't remember. they couldn't do anything even with that. they are not organized enough to on this issue. kevin, what you are asking almost at this point would look like a light coming from her. i can't figure which emotional selects she is really dedicated to. i thought we were going to see joy. she was the vice president who potentially, on camera, at least, has left more than anyone we have seen in the history of the country. but i legitimately thought the
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answer back from the rnc lovefest that we saw on the floor of the convention after the first assassination attempt of the eventual presidential nominee that night, the eventual and effective answer back was the joy. i know a lot of people made fun of it but there was a lot of joy at the rnc. so she's going to go with this. that's not what we get, though. we don't get that authenticity of the moment. if she is really feeling -- i know you feel it. it is palpable sitting next to you when you describe what you want her to do, because you feel it. i don't know that she is capable of doing what you are asking her to do. if she tries and she fails, it looks like a lie, which hurts her even more. >> tammy: actually have some admiration for her lack of a willingness to speak specifically about the issue, but it is a lie by omission. i don't think -- because it would come off as a lie if she
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takes her approach, kevin. because it is not true. so she can't go there, but i will remind everyone -- i just want to scoot this in. in the 2020 election, what is happening at the border was never discussed. it was never an idea. it was never a plan. it was never announced. it was the ghost, and what was the first thing he did on the first day? started with all of those. what come over 100 executive orders? and it was about the border, opening the border, moving them in, refugees, amnesty, flights in, buses in. that's what happened after that election, and it was never discussed before hand. that's why what is not discussed matters. you got to look at their actions. >> emily: that's right. and what is discussed right here on this couch will be awesome all hour. coming up, new polling shows that former president trump is pulling ahead of vice president harris with just days left to go. don't get too excited.
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♪ ♪ >> harris: we are just 12 days away from the 2024 presidential election, and a new national poll has former president donald trump now head of vice president kamala harris. not by a lot, but ahead. "the wall street journal" poll shows trump with a two-point lead over harris. that is still within the margin of error. again, it is tight-tight. and with a race so close, we know that date is going to be here before we know it. both candidates trying to get
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their message to voters. what you have heard me call the closing argument. vice president harris had a huge opportunity last night, and you have heard mr. wonderful, kevin on the couch, saying that she potentially missed at least some of her opportunity last night during cnn's town hall. but even cnn's own panel says she came up a bit short. >> she focused a lot more on donald trump. i think that's fair to say, than she did on many specifics in terms of what she would do as president. >> i'll just tell you what i'm hearing from people who have been talking to, and that is that, if her goal was to close the deal, they're not sure she did that. the question about her legislative priorities, name one, there wasn't one. >> the thing i think got her tripped up at certain times was when certain voters are asking to drill down, actually, on some policy. and she didn't want to go there. >> when she doesn't want to
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answer a question, her habit is to kind of go to word salad city, and she did that on a couple of answers. one was on israel. anderson asked a direct question. would you be stronger in israel than trump? and there was a 7-minute answer, but none of it related to the question he was asking. >> i think the word salad stuff gets on my nerves. i think some of the evasions are not necessary. and some stuff got lost in the sauce. >> harris: david axelrod put some stuff on people's minds. he is a smart analyst. we know that from his background. but, kayleigh, the idea that kamala harris is a word salading us, it sounds from him that it is on purpose. it is now a verb. [laughter] >> kayleigh: i do not understand it. she had a fine debate against donald trump with two moderators who are very much on her side. that is not an easy environment, and she excelled in it. but it just defies my mind, why can't she just answer a
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question? last night anderson cooper look at her and just said, "what's a mistake you've made in life and what did you learn from it?" i admittedly get nervous when greg gutfeld asked me a question on "the five" and i have to come up with something on the fly, but you can do it, especially on an easy question like "tell us about a mistake." and she couldn't answer the question. when david axelrod is criticizing you and jake tapper and dana bash, you've lost the plot w when he lost cnn. you have no major game change moments next? where is your next game changer moment? your speech where you're going to but talk about january 6th? good luck. >> kevin: imagine my dilemma. i am an investor. i've to work with government no matter what happens on the fifth. i want her to be a successful president if she wins. i support entrepreneurship, and that is a nonpartisan issue. it is bipartisan in every way. what i would like to do -- and i
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know this is probably going to fall on deaf ears, but there's a bunch of things in her policy that i would like to talk to her about. >> harris: uh-oh. >> kevin: i want to interview here, because we have moved away from the things that matter to maintain the american dream, which is the only job the president has. the real job of the president of the united states is to maintain our number one export, which is the american dream, and that encompasses all aspects of government. including defense, including immigration. but think about the discussions we've had about raising the corporate tax rate to 28%. that takes america down to the bottom quartile. >> harris: why do you think she's not talking about anymore? >> kevin: because i'm not interviewing her. somebody else's letting her get away with a bunch of stuff here. i want to talk about price gouging and industry of grocery. >> harris: how is she going to do that without pressuring companies? >> kevin: there's no way she can deliver on the 3 million homes because this is zoning state-by-state. it's not a federal mandate. and she should take my
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interview, because it will help her. it will help her be able to communicate. >> harris: have you offered? >> kevin: no, i'm doing it right now. >> harris: we know they watch. it's the number one show in day time on cable. emily? >> emily: to take that ball a few yards further, i think frankly she doesn't have the intellectual capability to keep up. what i see in her is an influence, clearly, the academic bubbles, people in academic bubbles that have no real world experience. first of all, we know she's continuing to plagiarize. we haven't even brought this up yet, but just to hammer home that a sitting vice president who has made her way through the ranks of senator, attorney general, d.a., these things she touts, is still using plagiarized language from other people's work. she is still failing to again draw from experience in these roles, because there is none. because what she simply does, i see come is parrot what someone tells her, what some academic conceptual person tells her. without real world experience
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that she has never made overhead, she's never made -- there are things in the real world, the instant that you are in the real world and earn your own money, that you know. even the policies the other day when she said she would lately be unconstitutional with the forgiveness of certain loans. >> harris: based on skin color. >> emily: exactly. it's a joke that someone of the caliber of her office truly fails to understand the law or the real world whatsoever. >> tammy: and speaking of that, even last night, when she was asked about taking actions on issues, she delivered an answer about, i'm going to maybe not be immediate. i'm going to have to study this. i'm going to look at it more. and she has been the vice president. she's been a senator. she's been a district attorney. she's been an attorney general. you know the issues you are supposed to, but i will remind everyone that they are relying on slogans. at first it was "brat," the brat campaign. to be feels like years ago now. >> tammy: happy warrior, now
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it's "turning the page." slogans don't put food on the table. when you're looking at the nature of the argument about -- she still only talks about trump. from the start she has. he is defined. they have done it. americans love him anyway. we love him anyway. we are not denying anything. we are not pretending. we love him anyway. they now needed her to do something else in that regard, and i think that most americans thought, if you are the nominee, you have been vetted as a serious person. they learned that is no longer the case when it comes to what the democrats have done. >> harris: she wasn't the nominee. she was the person they put in place of the nominee. so that speaks so much about why people don't feel like they know her as well. i hope you get your interview. it'll be tough. and we'll finally get to learn something. i hope it can happen before november 5th. >> kevin: i would help her. i wanted to be successful. >> harris: i know you want to help her, but if it's donald trump, you can do business with him, too.
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the atlantic claims former president trump disparaged a slain army private four years ago when he was in office. but her sister is speaking out, and very strongly disputing that story. she says it is not true. a live report, next. rn by celeb, athletes, and world leaders. but i've always felt most comfortable up here, with the folks that made me who i am. i'm right at home, out here on the land. and i'm in my lane on the shoulder of the interstate. because this is where i come from. i've been showing up here for nearly 200 years. and i can't wait to see what's next. hats off to the future. nothing runs like a deere™
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us in los angeles. >> hey, kayleigh. it's a story that's become as much about standards of journalism in this election season as it is about what was or wasn't said by former president donald trump in any particular meeting. here is the back. army private, the daughter of mexican immigrants, was murdered at fort hood in april 2020. then president trump met with her family in july 2020 and promised to help pay for the funeral costs. now a new article in the atlantic claims using unnamed sources that in a later private meeting in december, trump complained about the $60,000 cost, made an offensive remark about burying guillen, and ultimately refused to pay. but his chief of staff, mark meadows, who is in the room for that meeting, has denied trump said anything disparaging, and now guillen sister is pushing back hard on the
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reporting, talking to laura ingraham last night. >> it was a lie from the very beginning, and it was very upsetting. my sister's name was never to be used in this direction, and that's what they did. what i'm going to do now is defend her name and myself and my political views. >> and the family's lawyer says the writer, jeffrey goldberg, was dishonest in his initial approach to the family. >> he first reached out to me and said he was interested in doing the 4-year anniversary of vanessa's murder story. >> for his part, goldberg is standing by his story. >> the fact remains that he didn't pay, that there is a split. mark meadows has come out and said this didn't happen, but i have great confidence in my sources and in the notes that i've seen. >> it's also worth noting that goldberg said the guillen family lawyer told him trump did not
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end up paying for the funeral costs, which were ultimately covered by the army and private donations. as far as we are aware, kayleigh, neither the family nor the attorney has denied that part of the atlantic's story. >> kayleigh: thank you very much, jonathan. tammy, i was in the room for the july meeting with his family. it was somber and meaningful. the present was heartfelt. john roberts pokes his appearance, he was the poor reported that day in the july m. they also disputed this, among others. the chief of staff of the vice president mike pence came out, as well. let's make this every headline in the media. >> tammy: and that is the point. the stories i give everyone permission to say certain things, same as with the russian hoax and what the fbi was doing. but president trump, as john roberts would no, he is a talker. we are all talkers. if you've been around and you're
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going to hear things that would relay that kind of awful tenor and attitude and tone that he is accused of. fascinatingly, he has been accused of these "losers and suckers" remarks come in front of the military, allegedly. but he says these things can meet me not around people who will come up and say so, not in public, not with people who would normally hear them if that is his attitude, because you have that kind of thing in people's attitudes and comments about other things. but it happens that there is no name sources, anonymous sources, and the people who were there are saying this never occurred. it was the same situation, and yet this has happened before. we have seen this. the american people know it's happen. this has fallen flat. but it abuses the families in the process, and that is i think what is important here. >> kayleigh: it is important. harris, i was standing on a tarmac when the "losers and suckers" comment popped. we were given virtually no headset from the reporter paid
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within pretty much hours, were able to aggregate dozens of people who said, this never happened. nick fuentes, an aide to john kelly, came out and said "i never heard anything about losers." and in the pc said there was not a bad weather call that stops the coming from the cemetery. it took moments to pull up emails to dispute that an john bolton, not a fan of trump, also disputed that. this is shoddy reporting when it's anonymous sources and you make no effort to get the other side of the story, and on the record sources. >> harris: i'm not going to miss the opportunity to interview right now the former press secretary for president trump. i just have to ask, in those moments, you know that it is a gotcha fast. how do you then prepared today for what's coming in the next 12 days? because you know what it looks like. >> kayleigh: harris, i'm really glad you asked that, because i remember the story pops and president trump was on the rally stage. i'm just going crazy trying to
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get service, call sources. i wasn't there at the time the allegation was made, so i'm trying to get the facts. as i'm doing that, and watching them on the stage thinking, i'm going to have to share with him when he's being accused of when he walks off the stage. and on air force one. i have never seen president trump's upset, so dismayed about any story. finances he would just go, that's whatever. no, he cares about our military. he loves our military pain he was emotionally upset by that story. i remember him saying, "what kind of monster would ever say that?" would have to tell that to a president is a big thing. they got a lot coming up the next 13 days. >> harris: it's going to be really interesting. i just wanted to get your take on it, because they've got to brace for it now. every day it is a drumbeat, it is somebody from the past, and it is not about joy. >> kevin: the institutional liability here. if you are thinking about the atlantic brand, it is not a fake news brand. so the board has to talk to this
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editor, and obviously scrutinize this story with some detail, because right now i would expect that to occur. i think if you are editor goldberg you are 50/50 on the whacking stick here. there's a lot of risk for him. and that's the end of his career. >> tammy: but the owner is laureen powell jobs, a super major donor to kamala harris. i think we need to have -- >> kevin: then she changed her brand. >> tammy: we need to find out as i could how this happens. >> kayleigh: all right. more "outnumbered" next. and y? the smart investor has their money in a guaranteed product that goes up with the market. their gains lock in, and when the market goes down, they don't lose money. forward with their money, never backward. and we do it for our clients every day. if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you.
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help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free. and there's no obligation. you know medicare won't cover all your medical costs. so, call now and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer. >> harris: los angeles county district attorney george gascon says he will announce a decision later today regarding the potential resentencing of erik
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and lyle menendez. the two brothers are serving consecutive life sentences for killing their parents 25 years ago. this is a big story again all over the spectrum because it is on netflix, and people are talking about this. today is the day we find out what a resentencing could look like. william la jeunesse is live in l.a. with more. william? >> harris, d.a. george gascon is expected to make resentencing recognition at 1:30 local time, but the next four hours, in the lisle and erik mendez case. however, the final decision will be up to a judge. the brothers have served more than 40 years of a life sentence without parole for the 1989 murder of their wealthy parents. prosecutors argued they were after the parents' multi-state. but the legal team says they suffered emotional and physical abuse by their parents,
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including molestation by the father of her years. here's the new evidence. it is a letter the d.a. is reviewing that corroborates their story. it is a letter that erik wrote to his cousin a year prior to the murder, saying, "i'm in trying to avoid dad. it is still happening, but it's worse for me now. i never know when it's going to happen and it's driving me crazy. every night i stay up thinking he might come in." speak over 40 years of doing this, i have never seen the evidence he is not presented to the d.a. office. >> about two dozen members of the menendez family held a press conference recently, calling for the brothers released. they say while the murder was tragic, so is the abuse. speak of their actions, while tragic, over the desperate respo survive the unspeakable cruelty
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of their father. speak of the bottom line, after three decades behind bars, 56-year-old lyle and 53-year-old erik could get released. in about a month, month and a half. >> harris: william la jeunesse, that is a long journey, and america has followed it and they are following it now. i want to tell everybody come out emily compagno and her true crime podcast, which is found anywhere you want your favorite podcasts, that is on my list, has really dug into this about the menendez brothers. and of course she is a former federal attorneys and she knows her stuff in that regard, too. don't miss that on the menendez brothers true crime podcast with emily. turning to this, if owning a home is part of your american dream, an opinion piece suggest you might want to scale back your expectations. the op-ed is titled "the new american dream should be a townhouse."
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well, i live in a townhouse. look, we just want a home. it talks about how high interest rates and steep prices are holding young americans back from homeownership rate with a solution for the problem is for people to just give up. here's a quote. "owning a home has long been a core part of the american dream. today, however, there simply aren't enough affordable options, and that ideal is increasingly out of reach. there is a sensible way to address the shortfall, but it requires moving beyond the antiquated vision of a big house with a fenced in yard in the suburbs. "that was never my exact dream. i kind of wanted the people who are in it, like my cute husband and my kids, but whatever. kevin, what do you make of it? >> kevin: this is a total load of crap. that's what this is. >> harris: i'm kind of with you. >> kevin: there is no such thing as a discount american dream. that's not how it works. there's only one american dream.
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every leader in this country, regardless of a party therein, that's why i'm here. that's why every american comes here. we don't discount the american dream. who wrote this? this is total b.s., and that is not what this country is all about. if you want a big house, you can get one in america. you got to work for it. you've got to go for it. you have to keep trying until you get it. that's what this country is all about. that disparages the american dream. >> harris: i don't think anybody disputes what you are saying or disagrees with it. the american dream, we can all go for it. we are going to need a little help coming out of this high inflation, however. >> tammy: this is about normalizing shrinking your expectations, not expanding what you want in life.
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that is what america does. that's the american dream. for some it is like a tiny house on a lot and for some it is no house at all, and you travel. it's a different kind of thing. the bottom line is, how dare they suggest and normalize the fact that you've got to lower your expectations. that's not this country and it's not going to happen. >> harris: emily? >> emily: that's right. as a resident cheerleader, what people need is encouragement. pray big, dream big. don't self-edit, don't limit god, don't limit your opportunity. the notion we are told to shrink our dreams, instead of shrinking the government and shrinking regulations, is preposterous. i agree with you, this makes me so mad and upset, and what kills me the most is that all people need is a little encouragement, mostly. you've got this. you can do it. >> harris: opportunity. >> emily: exactly prayed so many people are already living under a shroud of depression and fear of attempting something big. this is the last thing americans need right now. >> harris: this is the point
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that i have argued where she's really missing it, kamala harris, as the vp right now, and wanting to be president. this is where she's missing it with black men. can you hear a little bit from her as she talks about the american dream? >> i am speaking with people of every background in every area of the country, of every age. the idea of the american dream was something that previous generations could count on. not as much anymore. >> kayleigh: wow, so she's admitting what we all know. i'm so tired and sick of the elitism of the media. i'm tired of martha raddatz telling the people of aurora, colorado, -- is just a handful of you all. just a handful of you guys. this is the same attitude from "the washington post." your american dream is antiquated. and you are dream should be a townhouse. that's fine if your dream is a townhouse. townhouses are beautiful. don't tell me what my dream should be. don't indict my dream as antiquated. and then admit that prices are too high. you know why they are too high?
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the trillions in spending under the biden and administration, no will to fix it. get out of the lake and the government. we will achieve our dreams. don't tell the media to fix our dreams. >> harris: i'm going to take my chiefs jersey off and where n my "outnumbered" jersey! we are getting kevin's take on the presidential race, chinese tariffs, and advice for entrepreneurs next. ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! —uh. —here i'll take that. [cheering] ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar and a protein blend to feed muscles up to 7 hours. ♪ veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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ensure clean water. and to fix what's actually broken, all public funds go to local schools. without raising taxes. yes on 2. all kids deserve a safe place to learn. on puberty blockers has withheld study results. why is that command we will dig in. join john roberts and me live as "america reports," top of the alley. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: we are less than two weeks away from election day, and the race between former president trump and vice president harris is close. kevin, it is close, but kamala is only up nationally 0.2 percent. "the wall street journal," cnbc, rasmussen. there was one more where they all showed trump leading but within the margin of error. so where are we? >> kevin: we are in the unknown zone trade even if you look at the data from the 43 counties, swing counties in seven states, the margin of error is 3.2-4.7%. i can't use the data to make any investment decisions. it is a jumble. i would like to hear more about policy. i talked a little bit about what i want to hear about taxes, all these things that vp harris has talked about, that i have no data about. mostly i want people to hear authenticity. they know what trump is, they're not quite sure what he's about yet. >> harris: is he good on taxes for business? >> kevin: he's going to keep
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it in the 20 range. going up to 28 would have companies moving to ireland again. >> harris: that's kamala harris. >> kevin: that's not a good idea. that would bring us to the bottom quartile. that's not good for america. >> harris: chasing 28%. >> kayleigh: kevin, tariffs has been the big debate, and he saw this in the interview last week with bloomberg. we also saw that biden kept many of trump's tariffs in place. as an economic guru yourself, ready stan connects me that i've been vocal on tariffs, specifically on china print i don't be believe in long term tariffs pray they are used to bring somebody to the negotiating table. i do business in china and i can tell you they do not expect to micro spect ip law property rights. we can't do the same they are, and they steal our property. i'm living with that. 1999, with the previous administrations, we thought they would play fair. they don't. i'm proposing something even more radical. as soon as there's a new
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president, 400% tariffs and their supreme leader will fly to washington in 48 hours because we will lie about their economy. we should use our strength to squeeze -- i'm not against the chinese people. i respect them. the leadership lies and cheats and steals. there's no way to put it. until he flies over here and says, i can't do 400%, that's going to wipe out my economy, there's riots in the street. that's how you do it. you squeeze heads until they just say, i can't take it. you bring them to the table and you say, we have to have a reciprocal playing field. that's all i want. i want the same rules there that i have to give them here. and i want it now. he's only talking about -- >> harris: he did it with the border. >> kayleigh: yes. >> harris: i'm just using an example. would she do it is a bigger question. >> kevin: 400% tariffs, we are
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still the largest economy. he can't even make it without us. let's really show him we are not screwing around. >> harris: so you're not sure if she would do it? >> kevin: a guarantee he'll be out of his mind. >> kayleigh: based on what i watch with anderson cooper last night, i can imagine she will talk to her leader leveraging tariffs to any effect, that i could be wrong. you know the controversy over tracking private jets with celebrities. well, meta joined x and they have pulled the plug on accounts tracking celebrities' private jets. a florida-based college student, literally just a kid, had social media profiles that monitored air travel. he did it with taylor swift, elon musk, mark zuckerberg, trump, others. they announce his account has been suspended. is it the right move? >> kevin: actually, i believe in democracy in the sense that you can't stop someone from doing this. what celebrities actually are doing with their jets, they will have two different services, many of them, so if they really want to go somewhere and they
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don't want to be tracked, they will just switch the tail number. >> emily: a decoy, i love it! >> harris: you're giving us insight to what it's like to be rich! >> kevin: i do it myself. >> harris: i was going to say, that sounds personal. >> kayleigh: and he is not so happy his account was removed. we want to ask you what you would tell an entrepreneur who is a winner or loser, how you can tell j it is 90 seconds -- just 60 seconds, he didn't even give him 90. >> kevin: i would say to them that entrepreneurship is not a destination, it's a journey, and it's a very difficult long road. but it is what makes you do it, the pursuit of freedom. not about money. at the macon dream. that's why people risk their lives to come here. >> emily: how can you tell a 90 seconds if someone is a winner or loser? >> kevin: i can tell just by looking at their demeanor, how they're standing there. it's in the eyes. if people can't look you in the
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eye and get ready for that narrative, they're never going to be successful. >> kayleigh: now we are going to have kevin analyze all of our eyes in the commercial break. more "outnumbered" in a moment. and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis
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>> we are tracking several live events throughout the day today so stay with us. we have 2:30 eastern where the pentagon is set to hold a press briefing and on the campaign trail former president trump will speak in the battleground state of arizona at 5:00 p.m. eastern. at 6:00 p.m. eastern we have j.d. vance speaking in michigan and at 7:00 p.m. a vice president kamala harris will be holding a rally with former president obama in georgia. bring your salad dressing. we are following it here. thank you mr. wonderful as always. we love when you were on. tammy of course as always feared when you can't make it live, dvr the show and for now, here is "america reports."
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