tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News October 26, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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nieman marcus was still in business my bad. if you would to accelerate your demise congratulations getting rid of christmas will do that. left its mold needless to mark up. >> really bums me out. absolutely wild. like told you. that doesn't for us brings you back here tomorrow at 7:00 p.m.. eastern for the big weekend sh show. "life, liberty & levin" starting right now. thank you for watching the progressive got about 30 more seconds. [laughter] until "life, liberty & levin" starts. [laughter] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hello america i market levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday. thank you for being here we have two great guests, ted cruz and katie before we get to our guests, you hear a lot of hitler these days from the democrats, from their media may be a general or two. i got to thinking, what do people know about hitler? could be half the country design of the foggiest idea the democrat party has been very successful in dumbing down what hitler did with the third reich means in fact the democrat party's been calling republicans hitler from barry goldwater to ronald reagan, george w. bush, richard nixon, john mccain, mitt romney they called nikki haley, eva brought hitler, hitler, hitler. donald trump they must decide in a million times. it is because kamala harris is
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sophomoric but she's childish. she lacks substance a sheet lashes out to be the amazing thing about the people using the word hitler comes from a party who has members that worship hitler. he talked like hitler. who attacked the jews who are anti- semites who attacked the state of israel. kamala harris has supported her reelection. omar, has supported her reelection. aoc. the democrat party is that modern neo- nazi anti-semitic party in the night states of america. i will get to that in a minute. i want you to look at this little montage of how they treat trump fascist dictator, hitler, go. >> is a step from the 1930s this is hitler stuff. >> yes he is authoritarian figure. >> general mark milley is core to sing general is fascist to the core what's driving harris to support this language publicly? >> it is the truth is what people believe and i think she
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wants the american people to really take a hard look at who she is running against and who could be the president in charge of the nuclear codes. >> he is a guy he's a very animalistic human being. >> i think this one is don't risk it with this is as dangerous talk this is the talk of dictators. thirty-six the use of the word hitler msnbc, cnn, use the word hitler is ubiquitous. as a jew, it disgusts me. particularly when we have a party and immediate and a candidate kamala harris. when it comes to october 7, undermines the state of israel. and gives safe cover to some of the things the enemies of israel have done. particularly when this administration has surrounded itself with anti-semites, jew haters, rats nest of jew haters at the state department and in
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the national security council. this is not new i wrote in my book the democrat party hates america i have a chapter to end tight black racism and semitism. franklin roosevelt his state department during the holocaust horrific and same with the "new york times" and the rest of the media horrifmeat horrific chapte antiwhite racism and anti-semitism. anti-semitism has been a concert in the democrat party. it's in our streets or university to sinner colleges it in our culture they control at t all. donald trump is hitler so i think it is time we take a look at who hitler is because if i do not do it, nobody's going to do it. graphic warning, go. >> originally german occupation authorities established ghettos to concentrate jews and separate them from the non-jewish population. later in the war get it served as a staging ground for the transportation of jews to the east. euphemistically called resettlement by the germans who
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promise their captives better conditions and opportunities to work. the germans and their collaborators deported roughly 2.7 million jews and others to killing centers in german occupied poland. the largest of the camps, transports arrived from all across europe. those whom the ss judged unable to work were killed, often within two or three hours after arrival after several killing facilities exclusively designed to kill human beings on an industrial scale. camp authorities used poison gas to murder children, women, and men. at these killing centers nearly half of all holocaust victims died. as german military forces advanced, mobile killing squads
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advanced with them. the german army, military ss and german police units took an active part in authorized mass murders. the germans and their accomplices rounded up the victims, drove them on foot to a killing site. often made them remove their clothes. and shot them. participants in the murders included local collaborators, especially police and latvia, let the way neah, estonia, ukraine, belarus. the german killing squads and their auxiliaries murdered at least 2 million jewish men, women and children and mass shooting operations.
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in april 1945 u.s. troops in germany and austria came upon concentration camps the soldiers saw the camps with their own eyes and that truth was undeniable. general dwight eisenhower at commander of the allied liberating forces wrote, the things i saw megan a description. the visual evidence in the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and beastie reality were overpowering. >> dead prisoners hauled out and stacked and twisted heaps. dead women like marble statues. this was what these inmates had
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to live among and die among. the dead, which lay in there were not numbered in hundreds but in thousands. not one or two thousands, but 30,000. here is a pit where the inmates come in order to earn food had to drag the bodies of their comrades that they were too weak to keep up with the rate at which they were dying. so the pit remains only half filled. mark: what happened on october 7
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was the worst thing since that. look how our media, our colleges and universities in the democrat party turned on israel. and benjamin netanyahu that use the statistics against the jews. how they use an talk about the jews in israel committing genocide. kamala harris did that. let's take a little peek at donald trump. first his father fred trump. take a look at this, go. >> 1955 holocaust survivors looking to begin their new lives were arriving by the hundreds in brooklyn. they quickly out the synagogue that was run from a garage prompting the rabbi to the building's owner, fred trump. today the jewish center stands strong on the plot of land given to the jewish community for $10 by mr. trump. fred trump made it his priority
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to help construct the solid brick synagogue to provide a lifelong place of worship to survivors arriving from poland, germany, austria and their families still worship there today. passing by a simple block on the wall that reads fred trump, humanitarian. sixty-two years later donald trump followed in his father's footsteps to erect another building. the united states embassy in jerusalem, israel has no better friend than president trump. mark: president trump is only president of the united states on the holiest sites in the holy land for the jews. and her four years as vice president kamala harris never went to israel. anymore i guess then she went to the border. i want you to take a little look at this too, who they call hitler, donald trump, go. >> therefore, i have determined that it is time to officially recognize jerusalem as the
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capitol of israel. while previous presidents have made this a major campaign promise, they failed to deliver. today, i am delivering. >> there he is president trump praying at the western wall. americans have never seen anything like this before. does he look like hitler to you? that's may 2017. he did not do this for political reasons a jewish populat the jes a tiny percent. look at this this is october 7 honoring the anniversary of the horrific events that took place since the holocaust in queens, new york with rabbis. kamala harris was nowhere to be seen. neither was her husband. no was joe biden pray this is a man whose daughter converted to orthodox judaism, his sudden lasideallows an orthodox jew ane has three jewish grandchildren. how did they are they comparing to hitler with a or that party
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up to leave, omar, bernie sanders but there's the party that's been undermining the state of israel its ability to destroy hamas and hezbollah their funding ironic. they're finding terry's in the middle east where they funded the plo, which donald trump got passed to prevent the funding anymore of terrorist activities. by the palestinian authority. yes, donald trump is the best from the jews and israel ever hand he is the best from the jews in america ever had. franklin roosevelt block to jews from coming into this country who are trying were trying to e death camps you saw. yes. he also persuaded the "new york times" which is more than happy to follow owned by a jewish family, to cover up the holocaust and there been books about it and i've talked about it before. and now that corporation participates in this ruse this lie about donald trump the dictator, the fascist. donald trump, that is right. hitler, hitler paid for juice i
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can tell you this, at least to jews who know what happened in their history, leaves jews believe in their faith. i can tell you this we are just by the party in the propaganda. but they say, when they say about trump they did not list the administration when rights againbryceagainst the jews whicd me of the third reich. just last year the united states of american or ivy league colleges, that his rights by the burning of the american flag the curing of hamas, hezbollah the muslim brotherhood of flags the palestinian flag. later the peaceful policy and sweeties please step forward? kamala harris once the vote people. xg hud central point i'm not talking muslim talking about jihadists and islamists. and now they bring out jon kelly a general. jon kelly says by god four years
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ago you should have heard trump talking about hitler and the hitler generals. nobody ever heard this. nobody ever heard this before the daily wire points out jon kelley's history of anti- trump activism and his smears is a history of smearing trump. like many former aides looking to continue their careers he rebuked trump for lieutenant vindman who leaked the fiber private phone call between trump and zelenskyy. getting to hero status on the left we also attempted to recruit others to divide trump when he was president of the daily wire has reported previously. he tried to recruit ambassador nikki haley to his grouping saying he was doing it to save the country. when trump fired kelly, the former four-star general was singing a different tune. defendant trump. multiple sources for information for making a decision now they'vthathad second thoughts. yet, a man whose chief of staff to mike pence, no friend of donald trump's and was around all of the time kelley's chief
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of staff he put out a statement. iva boyd on interest staff leaks or rumors even lies as it relates to my time at the white house. general kelley's comments regarding president trump are to agree just to ignore. i was with each of them more than most in his commentary is patently false. from the atlantic that hates it trump and of course does not practice journalism and my view. they go with one anonymous source in another false story where the daughter had to come forward and say that is a lie. now they regurgitate the stuff. people do not remit democrats used to hate kelly when he is the head of dhs were they called him indecent, immoral, corrupt, disgrace, hypocrite. even harris is just the news reports. thus he has an inability to speak truth to power to this administration lack the implications of perspectives he was supporting. i want to get into this general stuff it. let's get into this general stuff. dictators, june is called the
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dictator? jon adams for the sedition act and who also is called a dictator? president andrew jackson. you know who is called the dictator? woodrow wilson, franklin roosevelt, abraham lincoln. abraham had a lot of aunt. they were just like kelly. they were just like mattis. they were just like millie who dares to come forward. because the disgrace of afghanistan will be right there on his epitaph millie's epitaph for the rest of his life. generals, that lincoln had problems with. general jon fremont. general benjamin butler. general general mcclendon, general mcclellan, general jon logan, general jon dicks, general fitz, jon porter, general david hunter, general henry, general winfield scott, either fired them comment remove him, he replaced them and switch them with other generals on the generals did not live up to the
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president's expectations, link and change them. ultimately commander-in-chief quote even after ulysses s grant became general chief 1864, lincoln maintained a significant degree of strategic oversight. he was a hands on commander-in-chief who persisted theithrough a terrible ordeal of defeat and disappointment the final triumph and tragedy at the end he was assassinated for just like they tried to assassinate donald trump. in this propaganda about hitler, may wind up putting a bullet in donald trump's head. i do not think they care about it quite frankly. i really don't pay if you want to talk about anti-semitism, it is you kamala harris it's the things you have said about the jews. it's the things you've said agaiyou have saidagainst the st. it's the things you have said in favor of hamas and our enemies. talking to both sides of your mouth written both sides of your mouth. so i want you to know the american people that generals
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speaking out trying to destroy a president, that is not new. eight media calling a president a dictator, that is not new. i want you to know that part anti-semitism on the left, whether it's the "new york times" or the "washington post," whether it is franklin roosevelt and his rep failed state department like today. whether it's the current administration, filled with iranian sympathizers that funded iran. that funded a mosque that attacked israel. this current administration with kamala harris as the number two is the most anti- somatic, anti- israel administration in history. and they bring up hitler. because kamala harris is pathetic. sophomoric, childish, no substance. it is illiterate in english. does not know what she is talking about. and she wants to be president of the united states because she thanks it is owed to her.
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they stop counting votes in pennsylvania and arizona. and find out all is lost. we are patriots. we are americans and i saw one of these democrat flunkies on fox who said were counting on turn out right were counting on the army we have out there. turning out our base. i'm thinking to myself they're tens of millions of us if we turn out we will beat them but am worried about texas. ted cruz is appointed to ahead or behind parties being outspent five -- one. it's very close in texas. i wanted ted cruz to come on and tell us what's going on in texas but i went to a erred urge you tax since its early voting boat, boat, boat. i'm not used to this, neither am i my whole family voted early. everybody needs to get out there. ted cruz, how are you and tells was going on in texas. lexmark is going to see it's always great to be with you in the middle of an epic battle i am doing a 53 stop bus tour every part of the state we are
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crisscrossing the state. i have got to tell you, i am getting pounded everywhere i go. chuck schumer and the democrats are spending millions unloading on us. this race is going to end up where they're going to spend over $100 million from chuck schumer and george soros up or if you are in texas and turn on the tv, every second or third ad is an attack ad. every day or two we get another story. schumer put another 3 million, schumer put another 5 million in. we've got money flowing into this up or just a couple days ago we had a pole timeout that show this as a one-point race. listen, the radical left, they want to take me out. they hate me. we saw that powerfully illustrated at the democratic national convention when my opponent spoke he spoke for just a couple of minutes at the end of his remarks the entire stadium spontaneously began chanting beat ted caruso. 20000 elected democrat delegates
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i was the only elected official in the country the got the particular treatment. mark, i've got to tell you i'm pretty proud of that. these sob are trying to destroy america and they see me as standing in their way and fighting to stop them for they want to get rid of me. they are not going to get rid of the bed is dependent on your viewers is dependent number one on texans. texans come out and vote at early voting right now come out and vote bring your friends, bring your family and then all across america we need help with the money flooding in against us is massive. please go to ted ted cruz.or contribute 10, 20, 50 bucks may be 100, 500 maybe even 1000 but what i can tell he was one or $50 million coming in against you. it is relentless. never, never stops. as i said the last public poll showed this is a one-point race. i need your help. please come to ted give generously. and give so we can communicate
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the truth for the other side is lying. the other side is pretending that suddenly they are for border security. they hate mortar security. he is kamala harris their open border radicals. he voted one 100% with nancy pelosi his first four years in congress. he voted one 100% with joe biden and kamala harris the first two years in office. both are trying to hide in joe biden's basements and pretend they are not open border radicals. i need your help or age noted ted and support us so we can tell the truth and put out his record and my record. mark: on me say this to my audience which is very patriotic it's a very big it's the biggest audience primetime night here. let me say this to you folks. you talk about american history. you talk about the founders, we talk about representative government and our constitution. that is what is on the line
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here. that is exactly what is on the line. these people are revolutionaries they revolution about immigration, they want revolution by washington dictate. they do not believe in state authority. they do not believe -- make their lying through their teeth about abortion pe for their lyig through their teeth about the law wall. they don't people to know they stand for parade they have to spend billions of dollars kamala harris two, to lie about themselves and lie about their opponents. ted cruz is a constitutionalist but they say we are concerned about democracy if you are concerned about democracy the number went senator ivo forrest ted cruz. they do not believe in democracy every two bit dictator of the base of the earth talks about democracy. the inbred who runs north korea talks about democracy. the regime, and tehran they all talk about democracy. the democrat party does not believe in democracy they believed in democracy they would not be attacking the constitution the way they do. ted we will be right back.
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now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪. mark: welcome back america. you notate we get calls and say what can we do? what do you mean weak? we? what are you doing? it's not a matter of what can we do it means nobody's doing anything. what do you want people to do in the state of texas? it's really their republic pick texas more than any other state
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has a history like no other part of this country. what do you want your patriots to do in texas? what is really three things number one votes. number two gay friends and family and everyone you know to vote number three, contributed ted let me take a minute to lay out with the stakes are. i'm not sure everyone fully comprehends the upside and the downside for you and i both pray we have a great election day 10 days from now. we hope donald trump is reelected eve river publican see republican house of. and an enormous amount of the things will happen including will secure the border, we will extend tax cuts will end the war on oil and gas from washington and the wars abroad israel will defeat hamas for this a lot of upside if we win. but, if we live it's a bad election to god for bid kamala harris becomes president, if kamala harris wins i think we lose the house as wellin my mind the two are positively correlated. if we lose about the white house and the house and the senate becomes magnitude more important
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if you look at the map of the senate right now democrat 751 -- 49 majority. republicans are likely to win west virginia and montana. that would give us a 51/49 majority. butts, schumer is looking at those same polls which means he is only path to hold onto big majority leader is to come to texas and take me out. if i ai am up by one point he no gain just over one point to take me out. let me tell you what happens if that happens. today schumer has 49 votes to end the filibuster the filibuster is a requirement that you need 60 votes to take up major legislation. my opponent has pledged to be the 50th vote. if that happens let me tie when january looks like next year. schumer would come back as majority leader he was the filibuster or pieces of legislation in rapid succession. number one he would pass us when the first bill he introduces every congress. it's a federal takeover of every
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election and american abstract on every election integrity lowest ranked on every photo id law. it would legalize and ballot harvesting in every state in the union. that is designed so democrats never lose another election. the second think they would do is add two new states. d.c. and puerto rico they do that because they believe that gives them 40 democrat senators. they would do that so democrats never can lose the senate. the third thing they would do is grant amnesty and immediate voting rights to every illegal alien in america there are 20 to 38 million and a merit of the two to 3 million in texas. if that happens, texas immediately turns blue. not slowly, immediately. every statewide elected official loses the next election. governor loses, the lieutenant governor, the attorney general, all nine republican supreme court justices lose. texas becomes california instantaneously. and a fourth, they would pack the u.s. supreme court they
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would grgrowfrom nine justices . they would put four radicals who will take away our free speech, our religious liberty in our second amendment. now mark, you've known me for a long time but i'm an optimist i believe in brighter days i have no answer to that scenario. that's a system ending event. in history great nations rise and fall. that scenario i believe is the end of the nine states of america as we know it. what is terrifying to me as i think very few texans very few americans realize we are one vote away. that's a real scenario don't think there's any hyperbole there. if you do not want that to happen than i would ask you. imagine the grief you would feel a november 6 if you woke up all of that is about to happen and they democracy the constitutional republic that we have in america is gone. if you would feel horrified and sick to your stomach. i ask you to take that horror and acted now coded ted
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right now give sacrificially because we are not going to let that happen. but i need your help to stop it. would you go to ted you give me the resources to prevent that from happening. because if it happens there is no turning back. the republic is lost to pickwick despite donald trump says it's the most important election in our lifetime. this is not about even policy disputes. this is about whether you want to live in a constitutional republic or not. that is what is at stake. ted cruz, god bless you my friend and we wish you all the best of the people in texas as early voting. vote, get on the phone. get a hole of other people pay if you come out in big numbers we win and they lose. and constitutionalism wins. god bless you my friend. >> amen, thank you mark. mark: we will be right back.
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews
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living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will
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be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. around the world, children international is giving girls and boys in poverty a chance to thrive.
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mark: welcome back america. we are here really great thinkers the town hall and on fox and on elsewhere, katie pavlich a friend of ours, fox news contributor, editor of town hall. katie pavlich, i thin think aboe american dream. kamala harris seems to think the american dream is being a democrat party operative working your way up the ladder through one or another think running for the president of the united states with the complete agenda. a sophomoric mindset let me ask you something the american dream and opportunity. let's talk about that. she could not give us an answer on food prices and fuel prices and basic stuff that people need to survive. we talk about the american dream it's not you go to the grocery store in a forward food. the american dream as i can be successful beyond all my wildest dreams. she said she's going to create an opportunity economy. they do not create opportunity for anything else it's big government and its opportunity
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for politician, for bureaucrats and the ruling class in washington d.c. what is this woman going to do for the average person in america? based on a very limited information she has given us so far, her record in the u.s. senate and the votes she took their to the left of even bernie sanders is a very clear she'll make life of the average american much harder. of course the biden/harris administration they proudly touted by the way for the past three and a half years by making sure her name was and all of the policy positions the president put forward. they made life very difficult for the increase in grocery prices might 25% are going to court the u.s. energy which is the basis for why everything is more difficult in this country. she wants to control the things that make everybody's life better. simple things like gas stoves and the kind of car you drive are these ridiculous mandates that only benefit the cronies in this brand-new scam and jen that she has put forth it is to run away from because it's so
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unpopular. when you ask about her plans for the american people there are two very bad things she has never done anything in the private sector. she does not understand how business works i have to make payroll if you own a small business. to make sure comply with the regulations of the government does not crush you when you are running a business. and you combine that with anticapitalist central controlling agenda democrats have been promoting joe biden has pushed the country into in the past three and half years. it's a very, very bad broadly but more specifically for americans trying to make it in this country. mark: do you think enough americans understand that she did this? she caused inflation it's the biggest leftist in the senate. she supported massive deficit spending massive redistribution of wealth massive centralization of government. she wants the trust's tax cuts
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to be repealed 5% went to the middle class and small business. their taxes will skyrocket. hughes funds to increase inheritance actions to lower the right of people to pass their property to their children and their grandchildren. she will put farmers out of business, small businesses out of business but she is a wrecking ball isn't she? she would have no answer and have to look in the mirror and say really, if you want the economy to work you've got to vote for donald trump. >> you said something in the first question they asked she's running for president. first of all she is installed as the democratic nominee people are underestimating how uncomfortable that is for a number of people she did a town hall with univision at one of the people asking the question clearly from a non- english speaking country somewhere in south america possibly in mexico he was saying is very uncomfortable with that party has seen this play out before corruption in these countries that has now made its way into
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the united states. when it comes to what people know about kamala harris, she does not have a lot of options and giving details to the american people about her policy proposals. she had a dropout of the 2020 presidential race in the primary because even democrats at the time rejected her far left agenda. so now she has a biden/harris agenda that she could not do that she so unpopular they kicked joe biden out of the race. claiming it was about policy and losing to trump not because it is about his mental decline. now she has nothing to go on because she is not done anything substantial business or the private sector her entire career and therefore she has no real solutions other than using the federal government to implement more regulation. to spend more money which will make everything more expensive to give handouts as if the government's going to grow the economy and of the private
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sector. such a key point taxes are going up trump tax cuts are not renewed every middle-class family in america is going to see their taxes go up. which means less money at their pockets when everything is more expensive. mark: when we come back katie pavlich it is kamala harris who supports violence. it is kamala harris who rejects public safety. when we come back i want to pursue this with
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mark: welcome back america. katie pavlich of all of the people kamala harris picked to run with her, she picks tim walz she agrees with him he let minneapolis burn despite the left wing mayor begged him for the national guard he burned a police precinct what is kamala harris do? she helped set up a fund that would help fund the release of people who were violent and involved in that. anti- cop she used to support the fun police movement. there is not a major law enforcement group that isn't is endorsing her. generate six talking about next week donald trump look what happened here. why doesn't she go in front of the courthouse important one? why did she or the precinct used to be in minneapolis, minnesota?
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she supports violence. as long as the violence advances the agenda she supports. we should not candy coat this anymore. >> yes, so many americans how the violent riots in 2020 most expensive in american history talk cussing but $10 billion combined with the right culture that started on donald trump's inauguration in washington d.c. there is rioting in the city during his inauguration. they excuse it because they agree with it. they see this violence as a way to get to their political goals which is why they do not prosecute the types of people who are being funded by left-wing groups to engage in this violence but let's not forget that kamala harris is one of the lawmakers is still to this day is raising money for minnesota freedom fund which bails out murderers and rapists putting them back on the streets to victimize other innocent people she also, when jacob blake in the example in wisconsin was kidnapping children and the police shot him she said he was a long time.
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she came out and said she was very proud of him. she endorsed jesse when he made up the whole story about being assaulted in the middle of a blizzard at 3 33:00 a.m. in the morning people screaming this is maga country in chicago. never apologize for that hoax to pretty bring it back to the election now of course receiving violent crime all across the country increasing despite the eye hear that crime is decreasing the administration taken number of victory laps on that. it's actually up treatment comes to illegal immigration which is the number to think people are voting on. kamala harris compared ice agent who go into communities like colorado or venezuelan gangs taken of her apartment buildings and arrest those criminals. their kkk members. that they were racist. she wanted to defend ice the very people trying to go in and take out the criminals she has let into this country.
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yes there are absolute absoluteh condoning violence so long as it meets their own political endgame. quickly eating is the first to use when the leader said the other day,% of the death caused by a mosque terror and their family. she and bernie sanders keep on she is the most anti- israel presidential candidate in american history. and yet, who is she siding with? by talking out of both sides of her mouth. give any any comfort with the constant cease-fire the boycott of netanyahu. you oppose a vial to support the elimination of these organizations, no? lexapro terrorism stance that a woman who wants to be the commander-in-chief of the united states of america, it is safe that terrorists are iranian fact whether they are gossip for hezbollah in lebanon just this week we get the anniversary of
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the beirut marine bombings by hezbollah in the 1980s a woman who wants to be in charge of protecting the country against these threats. siding with the talking points but also on policy in terms of saying israel's committing genocide which is a complete lie and stopping weapons shipments i work they defend themselves but they do not want israel to win the war which is why netanyahu continues to ignore the by administration. mark: you are terrific is always a pleasure to see you katie pavlich it. god bless you my friend. >> thank you market. marmarco.mark: we
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♪ [female narrator] you know what hope is? hope is action. carving a path forward even when it's hard. and kids who still know how to dream, they are the best path finders of all. so at childfund, hope means helping children worldwide grow up healthy, educated, skilled, and... so all those other good things can come true for them, safe. and that means safe at home, at school, online. hope means walking that path together, all of us. hope includes you.
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illinois. as a man who wrote about this, general james mattis, you may have heard of that publication. kamala harris is america, food and energy prices, the basics become unaffordable grief because that's who she is. blackout and brownouts, the death of civil society. the growing centralized police state without any opportunity to challenge it and the deconstruction of the constitution republic. she will tell you where she stands, i'm telling you where you stand, vote for kamala harris' vote for the enemy within and destruction of the united states, about fraternal trump is for the shining country on a hill. tomorrow night on life liberty and the. ♪ ♪
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