tv Hannity FOX News October 30, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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up the zoom. we know how she feels about harris. dale from beaverton, did he look better in the mcdonald's apron or the garbage vest. he said the vest had a slimming effect. apron i'm not sure about. with all the jobs trump has tried out lately mike a robe better luck out. dirty jobs with donald trump i could see on fox nation. gym from oil city in pennsylvania. i heard a rumor the pelosi's are investing in hefty this week. tony from colorado. joe come on did you forget what you saw happen >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to hannity
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and buckle up for a jam-packed show. part two of my exclusive interview with former president trump in a few moments. also trump and all of the maga movement a bunch of garbage. we have lots to say about that. we have ted cruz and my monolog on this left-wing garbage rhetoric and hitler rhetoric and fascist and racist rhetoric. first breaking on election integrity efforts across the country we begin in the commonwealth of virginia. the governor just scored a major victory with the u.s. supreme court halting a lower court ruling preventing 1600 self identified noncitizens from going back on the voter rolls while we wait for justices to make the ruling. on the west coast troubling news with two drop boxes with ballots were set ablaze in washington and oregon. devices with free gaza messages
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were found at the fires but somehow the police say they couldn't determine a motive. true mystery. anyway perhaps even more concerning this story out of an all-important battleground state of pennsylvania where election officials are investigating thousands of suspicious voter registration applications. with the latest our media and legal editor carry herb on with us what's the latest? >> in virginia a great victory for the rule of law and the governor. it's the only one that makes sense. it's a federal crime for noncitizens to vote. in virginia there is another law that is a dmv role that says if you self identify and check the box that you aren't a citizen you can't vote. the last couple of years of had the governor into steen cleaning up voter rolls taking noncitizens off as they should. in august he had a executive
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order formalizing the process. then out of the blue a few weeks ago the department of justice swooped in and sued virginia that they were disrupting a quiet period lead up to the election. the problem is it didn't apply here because it wasn't a systemic purge it was individualized cleanup related to the dmv rule. today the supreme court allowed governor young can and esteem to remove these noncitizens from motorola's the court case plays out. >> sean: thank you for the update we will follow that. top story tonight party of unity and joy and happiness in the love and peace is at it again. according to the president of the united states joe biden half the country's quote garbage take a look. >> i don't know the puerto rican -- the puerto ricans of my home state of delaware that are good
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decent honorable people. the only garbage i see floating out there is his supporters according to the democratic party millions of americans just like you and me are a basket of irredeemable deplorable's and racists and sexist fascist loving nazi that cling to our gods her bibles and religion. top democrat in the white house sphinx we are also garbage. as the saying goes one man's trash is another man's treasure in wisconsin do take a like that might go down as an iconic epic moment that we might remember for a long time. donald trump with a ride on a garbage truck decking out american flags and maga a gear you can tell a lot of at the state of the campaign by optics as democrats were ratchet up the vitriol and donald trump is working at mcdonald's telling
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jokes at the al smith dinner comforting people in north carolina where it matters working with elon musk to get communications. generally this case having a great time take a look. >> i think democrats did a poor job as we lead in every state leading big. the comments made by both of them is there a two of them being garbage 250 million people it's like deplorable's for hillary i think it's worse for joe biden to make that statement it's a disgrace. >> 250 million americans are not garbage i response to them is pretty simple you can't delete america if you don't love americans. the problem with the democratic party is they are the party of coastal elites.
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they are the party that caters to hollywood in d.c. and new york society. donald trump nose without hardworking americans the people that make this country great and the people who collect our trash and pave our roads and drill for oil into fracking and grow crops deliver food to stores and trucks builder infrastructure america would come to a grinding halt. you won't see harris in the back of a garbage truck. she prefers manicured grounds of the washington outlets where last night surrounded by her elitist d.c. friends she viciously trashed donald trump and oma's in the same breath started talking about unity. lack of self-awareness in the democratic party is almost unbelievable take a look. >> for too long we've been concerned with too division and chaos in mutual distrust. >> president joe biden: the only garbage i see floating out
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there is his supporters. >> we need to stop pointing fingers and lock arms. donald trump is a big rally going at madison square garden. it's a direct parallel to what happened in the 1930s and madison square garden and don't think he doesn't know for one second what they are doing there. >> i will work every day to build consensus and reach compromise. >> no, it sounds bizarre. if he set me five years ago you lock me up. now lock him up. >> it's time to turn the page on the drama and conflict and the fear and division. >> let me ask you tonight do you think trump is a fascist? >> yes, i do. >> sean: you might have a time unifying the country while campaigning and comparing your
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political opponents to and fash -- nazi, fascist and racist and garbage. it's past time for them the pick elaine you to bring the country together or do you want to call the people in this country disagree with evil because you can't have it both ways or do both. the state run media mob is trying their level best to put a positive spin on the lighting and smearing and hypocrisy today "the washington post" pushed white house propaganda with claims his comments were little more than a punctuation error. npr is accusing republicans a pouncing on biden's rhetoric and somebody blaming biden's stutter the excuses are hot and fast as always we let you decide. >> he wasn't calling from supporters garbage is why he wanted to make sure we put out a statement to clarify what he
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meant him what he was trying to say. >> you're clutching your pearls because you're trying to make something out of the tongue slipped. >> it's obvious to me if there is an at the end of supporters. he was referring to garbage spewed by supporters not based on them themselves. >> based on the example given if you're somebody who supports those examples he gave. >> reporter: when asked about the rhetoric she can find the courage to condemn her boss instead serving up a meaningless word salad as per usual take a look. >> what you think of president biden's comments about garbage last night? >> first of all he clarified his comments but do let me be clear i strongly disagree with any
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criticism of people based on who they vote for. >> sean: talking in circles like she wouldn't condemn her own vice president who compared the msg rally to a rally just like calling don trump a fascist and keep in mind and environment after two would be assassins and iranian assassination teams in the country you would think they would want to ratchet down the rhetoric can be responsible instead they are irresponsible earned her surrogates are spending the last stretch of the campaign with smears and slander of lies and misinformation every single day not only of donald trump but everyone who supports donald trump. they are claiming you are nazi fascist supporters. her running mate weird tim walz is unapologetic in comparing americans to but -- nazi because that's what he was complaining. >> you compared it to a -- and nazi rally. >> and comparing the heat out of that. >> do you stand the comparison
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to a rally three. >> i will let the american public make the decision on what they saw. >> i will she find common ground of people he supported donald trump someone she calls a wannabe dictator a tyrant. >> the vice president's rhetoric is one united states gives one that were all in there together. >> i want a larger context of your comment comparing the rally and i'd also throw in obama's guns and religions comment a little while back the deplorable line from hillary clinton in the way democrats are seen by some voters as dixon respecting them undercut the message the unity from the campaign. >> certainly not. >> sean: not at all or you kidding me? and weeks after two different people tried to assassinate
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donald trump they don't the courage to do the right thing. lower the temperature. take a look. >> a talk with the governor yesterday comparing the rally on sunday to that of a nazi rally in madison square garden in the 1930s. do you see as a similar comparison. >> the election is in seven days. on the one hand you have donald trump constantly fanning flames the division and its having the american people point their fingers at each other and the it's founded on a lived experience that the vast majority of us have more in common than separate us calling candidates and their supporters inferring they are not's -- nazi and fascist and garbage is that
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hateful the messaging from the harris campaign doesn't make any sense not just a weird fake promises to unite the country. from the border to the second amendment the economy to texas and the wars overseas. harris and weird tim also been over the map. lilly way to know how she would govern his look at the last four years ask yourself before you vote are you better off then you wear four years ago did they do a good job securing the border are your towns and cities more safe and secure? how do you feel when you go to the grocery store paying inflated prices in every item you buy it every store. how do you feel about gassing up your car paying $1.50 more galon. hudy feel about war in europe and/or in the middle east and the withdrawal from afghanistan. between now and election day you have to answer those questions and go to the polls.
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one week from today all of those will close and we will start the vote counting. we will then of the president-elect. joining us with more texas senator ted cruz your reaction to this? >> it's astonishing six days out in that closing argument for harris is that trump is a nazi and half of america is floating pieces a garbage it's what they believe and think as you laid out in your monolog there's a clear line from calling us garbage to hillary clinton calling us deplorable's and obama saying were bitter and angry and clinging to our god and our guns it's an elitist condescension and contempt. i think trump put it beautifully that you can't lead america if you don't love americans. the radical left look down on us as a bunch of ignorant rubes that's why their strategy is
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based on a lying to us and you show tim walz saying we need to be unified you dang it nazi that's out there and that's their closing message. >> sean: i'm laughing but there's nothing funny about it especially in an environment where donald trump came with a millimeter being assassinated with an assassin couple hundred yards away from donald trump with an ak-47 with the scope they didn't sweep the area and the and then they juxtapose that with we are the party of joy if you like me president i'll unite the country what he vote for me a doesn't sound like it to me senator a covered a lot of campaigns. >> trump arrangement syndrome is a real thing we see that with
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joe biden who wants to lock trump up and we see that with colin already was angry and yet chuck schumer has made it split on his number 1 target the country every single day chuck schumer is putting millions more dollars into my race in texas and to attack adds and just today the news broke that it's the most expensive senate race in the entire country with over $100 million coming from schumer and george soros relentless attack adds so i'm grateful those who have gone to ted and i would ask everybody we are six days out and contribute ten, 25, 50 or a $100 the world more.
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this is to save us from the day illusion from schumer and soros. it's arrangement feeling attacks from schumer and soros on me as well. >> sean: keeping people like you and the senate adding people like bernie marino in ohio and michigan will be a great ad for republicans in pennsylvania great senate candidates in nevada and arizona don't need the biggest majority you could have in the senate and don't you need the biggest majority in the house i hope people will take into account as we going to the polls. >> you absolutely do on the upside and they hope we get a republican senate and republican house to get big victories and secure the border and cut taxes and end the wars abroad.
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israel will defeat hamas but on the flip side if god forbid harris wins democrats will likely win the house it's the last check and balance to stop the country and the reason schumer is coming out of texas place at the ted neck so may come back part two of my exclusive interview of trump ask him about the left a dangerous rhetoric his final pitch to voters will that go down as an epic iconic moment that change the directory in som icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: here's more my exclusive interview former president donald trump. >> is the rhetoric putting your life in jeopardy, third or jeopardy. >> lot had arranged people in this country. >> i looked at the 20 oh, we are talking about. i'm disappointed the fbi hasn't opened up some of these phones one guy had six phones another three applications. two of them were foreign-based. maybe it was something to it they should open up those phones. why haven't they. why haven't they opened up the three applications. the first one had three and the others were encrypted and the these were foreign apps.
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when's you thank you would open them up. it's a strange situation going on. i don't think there's ever been a president to a more strong support than i have when mentioning madison square ga madison square garden. how do you ever fill it madison square garden. i filled up the nassau coliseum almost the same size we could've filled it up multiple times. and we saw that as number bigger eyes. it was 107,000 people. >> sean: if you are president and your opponent was being targeted in our country by iranian assassination squads and you are president what would you do? >> i would tell them even if i didn't like my opponent the
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can't don't have to love me because in critical of them. it's because they don't know what they are doing. they have wars the middle east is blowing up in ukraine would never been attacked by russia if i was president. october seventh never happens. we would have with inflation most dangerous in their history never would've taken place like that and air force base one and it's not afghanistan moving up to china and one hour away where china builds their nuclear weapons. wouldn't it be great if we had that. and its grossly incompetent. she's a radical left person anybody with for ideology you can go for her ideology it's the ideology of a communist saying this country is not ready for
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that i don't think it ever will be and if it is were in trouble. >> sean: to closing arguments. mcdonald's. three hours and joe rogan your rallies it madison square garden i've known you a long time long before you ever decided to get in this crazy political world you are now in. i know you well enough to see you are having a lot of fun lots is at stake but i can tell you're having a good time in my wrong? >> not only are you correct when you say i'm having a great time. when you say good time it's hard to say i'm having a good time because yesterday i had three rallies. >> and you're in front of a crowd. >> 158 days in a row no days off. she took two days off in the last few days. i think it's down to 14 days and she was taking days off all the
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time. she only does like one little event even when she does work. they don't get any people at their events. they don't bus anybody in they don't get people and you saw beyonce came to see her. she didn't sing and everybody was screaming and cursing because of what happened we have a real campaign like ever getting in this country. it's not a question of if i'm having a good time i think we've made progress we need to see the country. we are a nation in decline i say it. a nation in serious decline we can't go for another four years. we can go for another year like this we have criminals coming in at a level never seen before in the biggest thing. with the economy and inflation and everything. the borders number 3 and for
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great america, border is the one. we are allowing tens of thousands. border patrol which is so great they do things which they've never done before. they announced how him many different crimes are coming in. they said 13,099 exact. murderers and people who are in jail that were released into the country with 16,000 drug lords and drug deals and everything is detailed never doing that before and i can say with the crimes were. and they released over 13,000 convicted killers many of them killed more than one person and they are roaming the fields of our country making america great. i will make them great again. and we have the formula it's down pat. and we have jobs pouring back into our country and we're going
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to see something nine everybody in washington. i was not a washington person is really there. i know the good and the strong in the week and the stupid. i know everybody. we're going to to make this country great again. we have to save our country. if they win the election the country is finished. they raise people's taxes and every company moves out of america and doesn't know what they are doing. they're using certain things against other countries taking advantage of it and the most beautiful word in the dictionary is tariff you will make money in the country pay off our debt and do thanks nobody thought possible and it will happen quickly. >> even then the threat of terrorist will prevent them from
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putting tariffs on us. >> in mexico which is a threat for us in two ways they are killing hundreds of thousands of people by letting fentanyl through the border. we need to stop it. i had it close to stopped. strongest border in history now he had the worst border in the history the world the day i left our office strong as border in the history of the country never a border where tony 1,000,000 people were allowed to come across almost at one time it's crazy what were doing we have a country of taxes are going down they don't respect us i went to shins so abe of japan who was assassinated.
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i said you deal with us is horrible and he said i knew you were going to come. and he said what you mean. he said i knew at some point you would come. 25 years nobody came. no american came to renegotiate. i knew you would do it. so i renegotiated it i was stuck with a bad deal to start off with as we had a bad deal with japan but i renegotiated it with south korea as well. don't forget i'm negotiating from a bad place they had these deals made by people who were either really stupid or corrupt. they had to be corrupt to make these deals we have the worst trade deals i was fixing trade deals and taking care the country will make america great again i don't want to be on some beautiful beach i don't want to sit somewhere nice watching television or doing something
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want to be doing what i'm doing it so incredible. this is a movement. it's a movement maybe like the world has never seen. maga make america great again. the world has never seen a movement like this. we are against the opposition it was the fake media which was terrible. >> americans won't have to settle with "the washington post" lower expectations sounding a lot like jimmy carter telling america to put on us weather. and there's a backyard and we have higher aspirations wouldn't oil be that? it would neutralize putin and iran and make america rich. >> interest rates are coming down big and energy prices are coming down. will have everybody's energy
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bill from january 20th when you take office cut in half. when that happens everything else comes with it oil is so big and important. and with inexpensive energy companies moving to our country at record clips because otherwise they would have to pay to do business with our country. and i are there workers. we allow the country the likes of which at the greatest economy the history of our country i met with mclachlan and fabrizio who said if george washington came back from the dead and brought along abraham lincoln's vice president sandy couldn't beat you sir and two days later we had the period of time with covid-19.
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>> you look at the way has doing the first interview. being a very talented guy. you've always been fair. don't want any special favors. >> god bless you thank you for being with us. coming up president trump wrote in a garbage truck earlier today after biting called his supporters garbage last night. i rally tonight and a garbageman's vest on and was pr
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of the donnell there's a garbage truck will wearing a sanitation vest. when he warren stage for a rally in green bay where he was endorsed by packers legend brett favre. trump took time to address biden's comments yesterday when trump supporters were cold garbage. here's a look at his response. >> kamala harris is not fit to be president to the united states. in no way is she fit. she doesn't have the intellect or stamina or special equality that real leaders and people like brett favre have. joe biden's commons were the direct results of the harris decision to pretreat everybody who is voting for which is a lot of people and we know that's what they believe they treatable country like garbage it with open borders and all the borders and horrible things and here's
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joe konjuh start with you when the president said and when you have harris saying with her and her surrogates saying they are a fascist and they're singing about donald trump supporters and saying it for the country. it's on the heels of the unity speech. the question is if it will have an impact a lasting impact i think it will my wrong? >> you are 100% correct. if i was donald trump i'd wear it every day because that vast represents nurses and doctors and military teachers and everybody who is a working-class american. what donald trump is doing he is
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destroying the democratic party. destroying identity politics periods policies worked for everybody. at madison square garden you saw blacks and whites and and catholics and working people. 's message resonated with everybody it's a reminder he cares about the average american citizens it's what's driving the democratic party crazy. it's a mental representing everybody. he represents the forgotten man and that vast for people still on the vet fence and those considering voting for the first time that donald trump will work for you and not for the elite from the state run media mob the legacy media which is dying and we learned from the media center
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80% of the harris coverage is positive, 85% is negative and what's interesting is how quickly they were racing out there to make every ridiculous excuse they possibly could for joe biden's comments. they needed an '. it's absurd what they are doing i don't take us the worst comment. do not nazi and fascist comments the closing argument made by every surrogate and the candidates themselves. it's like poisoning the dialog in the country. they complain about mean tweets of donald trump? >> the anti-poison part of this while there is legacy media which you just said is dying there is social media and podcasts and other options that
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have never existed before that counter all of that. makes everything stupid and legacy media like joe biden wasn't talking about half the country when saying they were garbage. there a fact-checkers over the place and making sure the truth gets out. and on social media think about the closing act donald trump as. first al smith there is campaign had no answer for whatsoever. king of roasting and he owned at that stage and put the most current review video ever seen while 20 years ago molly shannon having a video nobody liked. we had the mcdonald stop with donald trump which we look back on if he wins it increasingly looks like he well it was a masterstroke the harris team had no answer for and through the
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media into a meltdown which tells you it worked. you know how may people of you that more than 70 million people across two platforms aren't legacy media. were approaching super bowl numbers when it comes to that. and the whole thing now as far as harris talking about i will do joe rogan only if i do it for one hour and he comes to me. that dog don't hunt. joe rogan won't do that. jade events took it instead madison square garden on sunday and now the garbage comment from biden which donald trump again made into a plus for him based on these optics we are seeing now i swear to god between hillary clinton calling trump supporters deplorable when barack obama clinging to their guns and their bibles and
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joe biden calling them extremists it's all backfiring on democrats as they are the party of elites party of the 1% and party of condescending and being pious. it's a winning campaign because donald trump is connecting with voters that matter in places like pennsylvania wisconsin michigan working-class people over the country for that matter connecting and they are not. >> sean: hatred and name-calling compared to mcdonald's al smith jen dinner and three. them with the vest on what a comparison. thank you. and that vest might become iconic as leo's hat might be the biggest merchandise requested item in the country next will be comeback cohosted the hit show the view ramping up their despicable anti-trump rhetoric
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>> ♪ ♪ of less than a week until election night the cohosts on abc the view have kicked their anti-trump harmful rhetoric up a few notches as they continued to spread the lies using scare tactics all to get harris selected let's look at their latest despicable coverage. >> these remarks hit me and we saw a speaker from the ellipse donald trump january 6 was the last time some one spoke their
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evil dangerous marxist communist fascist sick people the enemy within and he said all of that just this week i don't understand why you're clutching her pearls we need to call it rally like it was it was a white nationalist rally. please red project 2025. please read that those are the policies that if they get elected it will be the policies of this country they are xena are xenophobic and racist and bigoted and against the elderly. it is the worst division of america that could possibly exist is talking about you. all of you. he's not going to be saying they're o you're with awake i'm
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going to keep you from being deported. yildiz party and put the white guy with somebody else. the man is out there it was every thing you need to know about donald trump a one weird white nationalist not see -- and nazi rally. >> sean: hard to watch. here for reaction your times best selling author and broadcaster elizabeth hasselback. how many years did you sit around that table? >> ten long years. i much prefer ship -- sitting with you sean thank you for having me. >> sean: i used to go on the show until they had it after an incident with rosie. was i ever on when you were on i don't remember. i block those memories out. >> it's because trauma. >> sean: if i have trauma you must have ptsd listen to what they're saying with rage hatred
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and name-calling racist and homophobic and bigoted and garbage. -- not smac garbage does that work. >> i would tell you what works millions of people are inspired for their halloween costume tomorrow those vests will be sold out across the nation. credit donald trump with that if nothing else. when i see that film and watch it back. it's obvious and i explained why a minute or so wide the left is hitting the panic button that is evidence of the goal of this media machine for harris to actually create what i believe is a political concussion for the viewer. if they hit us in the bed enough with the lie we will be dizzy and lack of depth perception and have the inability to act having just recovered from a concussion i know those are symptoms and side effect of having one i think that's what they're trying to do to particularly the christian voter.
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75% of christians are opting out because they can't bring themselves to vote for trump. here's the deal its causing panic right now the only solution for political concussion is spiritual awakening and christians are mobilizing to the polls because you know it's mean? the sexualization of children and platform on the left that pushes that. you know it's mean and of noxious murder babies in the womb without limitation for nine months. you know it's awful and offensive an open border doesn't let anybody and that gender-affirming care for minus about parental consent. she lied last night saying donald trump will support a national abortion ban and he doesn't support ivf treatment another outright lie.
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that is another part of her closing argument last night. women here that do they believe that. >> i don't think they do the lies are clear and they're worried about it i'm pretty sure there needs to be a prayer full push of voters of faith and the platform that you could be voting for by not voting at all actually will promote evil. it spiritual warfare it says in scripture making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. whoever knows the right things to do and fails to do it so i would just goes far sitting i would pray to big fellow christians and those of faith do not stepped out of it and stepping out of her the responsibility although they may be politically concussed from what we are hearing from that table the view with voices like
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yours. we need to step forward and act. >> sean: those who believe in the second amendment and hunters numbers show tens of millions aren't voting and they need to vote there's a lot on the line here. moran hannity straight ahead ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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vo: gracie and pedro might not get along so well. pedro: you're standing on my tail. vo: but there's one thing they agree on; there's a right seat for everyone. pedro: ohh, that's the good stuff. vo: whether you're a dog... horse: hold on, pooch! vo: ...a cat, a fish, or a rat... ferret: and i, i'm a ferret! vo: sure to travel safe. pedro: how can you be so sure? gracie: i'm absolutely positive! vo: on your next adventure, make sure your children are in the right seat for their age and size.
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get it right at: >> sean: that is our time left this evening let -- thank you for joining us from a conditional possible. never missed an episode of hannity and for news all the time had to our website for more. in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld has a great monolog to put a smile have a great night. >> ♪ ♪
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