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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 1, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ >> i'm martha maccallum with jessica, and jesse, judge jeanine and gregg. 5:00 on a friday and this is the five. >> ♪ ♪ of these are happening by the hour over these comments and controversies left to right. dominating the conversation with multiple days to go. here's a headline that says trump calls for the execution of cheney. they mischaracterized comments by former president trump made last night about liz cheney being a war hawk let's listen to this closely. >> she is a radical war hawk let's put her refer a rifle therewith 9-barrel sitting there shooting at her. when the guns are trained on her face.
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they are all war hawks when they are sitting in washington a nice building saying let's send it 10,000 troops into the mouth of the enemy. but she's a stupid person. >> the press wasted no time to follow the judges lead and twist the comments. >> violent rhetoric donald trump going after political foe liz cheney. >> calling for her being shot in the face. >> that's not acceptable. this is so dangerous. >> it's a disqualifying statement why is he allowed to run for president. >> i fled communism this is what communists did do they shoot their opponents. >> let's be clear when you talk about 9 barrels. for all the folks out there who want to dance on the head of a pin that's what he's talking about an execution fantasy they call it the latest fake media outreach the former
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president trump is calling her a war hawk but that clarification didn't stop harris from running to the reporters watch what she said? >> he increased his violent rhetoric about political opponents and in great detail suggested a rifles should be trained on former representative liz cheney. that must be disqualifying. anybody who wants to be president of the united states who uses that kind of violent rhetoric is clearly unqualified to be president. >> the four president defending himself at a coffee shop in michigan. >> liz cheney is a disaster. she is a war hawk and a dumb one at that. you put her into the field of battle she would be the first
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one to get out. she would check it out so fast that's what i would say they don't mind telling people but if they had to do it themselves she wouldn't she's a coward it's pretty clear from his comments as they went to a listen to the exchange around this it so very clear and it's reprehensible to me when i watch those comments by members of the media do not even mention the fact that discussion was about being a war hawk and whether or not the same people he push war would be able to do what our young men and women do themselves right? that was clear to me. >> yeah, it's clear to me he wasn't calling for the killing of liz cheney he's making the same argument the left made about the right during the iraq
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war around 2002 until 2008 saying you are sending troops into harm's way but very few have you served in the military and it would be totally different if you had to serve in the military. the left said that about the right to for years and now you have the liz cheney and i have to tell you it's a woman news family has benefited off of war and profited from war. when dick cheney became the head of halliburton taking it from the 73rd biggest oil company towards the 18th. liz cheney six years later 47 million. these are people who make money off of military confrontations. for the left to turn this around as it's not surprising. nothing else.
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you got joe biden calling us garbage and with multiple days for them to keep doing this to us but donald trump a saying i don't want to send people to war. he backed it up by leaving the world in peace and with the abraham accords and not sending our man. >> it's interesting the argument judge janine made is exactly. i remember covering that period that was the argument made against the bush white house with constant comparison from years prior this is a war hawk so now you have president trump calling her a war hawk in this moment never went saying is a crazy put -- a wants to shoot someone with that story. >> as usual the people who want to defend donald trump do a better job at defending it then
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donald trump themselves. definitely a strong one. a lot of people warmonger or say we just go in and they aren't sending their sons or daughters but using that rhetoric and saying let's put it with a rifle standing there with 9-barrel shooting at her lets see how she feels about when the guns are trained on her it's conjuring something similar to comments he made to nights ago about protecting women he's talking about protecting them from illegal alien crime but he says i'll protect women whether they like it or not and admitted on stage he wants is --'s team wants him to stop talking about it and nikki haley made the case where she said the rather rick is too grotesque. it's too masculine of the campaign and you see that in the gender divide. it's what's bearing out in the election of sure you've seen
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people talking about this the harris campaign has put it out there to all reporters today with what they see from the late breakers as the last week has seen a double-digit search for the harris campaign in the madison square garden rally was a lot of people's last straw. when you have a lineup that has dana white and hall kogan and elon musk and rfk and tony hinchclir there corrupted the puerto rican community and latino community at large against the trump campaign saying i get a visa comedian i don't blame him for that he has a right to say it don't think it was the right venue for it if you want your candidate to get elected but for them to take that and say this is what he showcases. you watch the video from bad bunny about it i'm surprised. i'm surprised by the level of explosiveness this because. he can't sit there and defend it
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and it's about being out of context when people are telling you we know who donald trump is in it someone who says something like this. >> it's on most like you call him a nazi. >> know you don't but you defend people do. as always somehow the rhetoric is worse than the deeds behind it. it's not what trump says want to protect women from illegal violent offenders is not like i'm upset about illegal violent offenders i'm upset over the rhetoric he used or a million are dead in the ukraine russian war because we are funding it. companies like halliburton. that's not the thing that's outrageous it's the rhetoric trump uses when he refers to war pigs because that's what they are to quote the great ozzy osbourne. it's not until trump uses the inflammatory language that democrats suddenly decide or
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discover that there is an issue behind it. do you think democrats had any idea there was a trash crisis in puerto rico until a comic made a joke about it no. all these guys are wringing their hands these famous puerto ricans are doing anything but posting on twitter are they doing anything to solve the trash crisis? no. you can bet trump probably will but the liz cheney hoax is pretty created on your side thinking your voters are stupid and lazy. assuming they will except and out of context quote and not like behind the entire fop process. not just a liar and cheat but also playing along as a fabricator that the media plays along with it. this is their side that's why the mainstream media is dead.
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it's gone. you can put a nail in this coffin it isn't coming back after twain 24 it's why harris and jim also called elon musk day probably didn't hear that from the media but you heard it here that's why they can't do podcasts the only survive into minute bursts on cnn and msnbc because they are in a situation or somebody asked them a follow-up question or showed a clip in entirety they'd be humiliated further. [ bleeps ] posters they are that so you perpetuated the fine people hoax the bloodbath lie and drinking bleach. again it's time to put a nail in the coffin of mainstream media. >> jesse it strikes me as i do have a few messages after this blowup from families whose sons and daughters of served in the military and i think the trump campaign is actually been masterful at finding the other side of these issues.
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this back-and-forth you are going to have a lot of military families across the country who live in all over the country in swing states that look at that and say yes, you know what. i'm not sure she would be on the line but my child is. >> he's in michigan where there's a lot of muslims he's campaigning with muslims who are watching the democrats defend and campaign with liz cheney in the final stretch people in dearborn they are not super upset about what donald trump said about liz cheney. i don't know why the democrats are defending her and campaigning with her in the final stretch of this election it doesn't make much sense to me. 20 years ago you said the same thing about people like cheney as what trump said. if you call the guy hitler for a year what doesn't matter what he
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says. he can say whatever he wants. lec saying things. the other person says dumb things. i'd rather have riske controversial things than somebody who says dumb things. she says dumb things or nothing at all and everybody understands that. he was a peace candidate he is a piece candidate never used the military against anybody or locked anybody up like the democrats did and there were no new wars started under his watch. proof is in the pudding i don't know where that came from. but the proof is there. >> one more thing it was joe biden who called to put donald trump in the bull's-eye just days before donald trump was shot. did you see that a headline. >> you can't deny that joe biden said to put donald trump in the
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bull's-eye and two later he was shot in the head. >> maybe they suggested just liz cheney go hunting with her dad. >> anew that would come up in some way. straight ahead harris closing message taking another hit with a lackluster jobs report today
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for voters, there's no bigger issue than the economy,
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and the harris campaign can't be happy to be closing with the worst jobs report in four years. u.s. employers just added a measly 12,000 jobs in october. and this isn't very reassuring. harris is once again acting totally clueless on what her first executive action would be. >> day one, what's your first executive action? >> well, my first priority, which will be probably the package of bills is about bringing down the cost of living. >> donald trump wasting no time explaining how he will fix kamala's poor economy. >> on day one, i will sign an executive order directing every federal agency to immediately remove every single burden and regulation driving up the cost of living. i will create a new cabinet position for senior member of our administration who will
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tasked with everything in a federal government's power to reduce the cost of living. >> jessica, i thought that kamala thought that biden. nomics was working, and when i saw the 12,000 jobs, i thought it moist be for a county or maybe a state. but it was for the whole country. >> no. it was definitely disappointing compared to the gang buster reports we've been having, and there were strikes like the hurricanes that largely contributed to this, but they certainly have a large record to run on, which is why she completely decimated his lead on the economy. i don't know if you saw the polls across the blue wall states, which is the kings to the king dom for the democrats. but harris has one point in michigan and two points in wisconsin i believe it is, three or four points in wisconsin. and that's because she is messaging on this non-stop, and
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donald trump is messaging on anti-trans issues. and that ad during the football game says she is for they/them. and donald trump is for you. why are you talking about trans issues as your no. 1 issue. and the other thing that keeps sticking out to me as very strange and maybe someone has the answer, is why is there so many reports on the missing ground gains, out of parts of arizona and michigan and pennsylvania. the democrats have knocked 1307b million doors across the battleground states. and in october alone made 100 million phone calls from their phone banking. you don't hear that, and you see charlie kirk losing his mind or youtube cast and says what's going on, all these women are voting on top of it.
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i think the early vote has been 54%, but he said where's the game. i thought charlie kirk is going to be delivering it. >> what you didn't know is that 12 million people shut them in your face. >> that's not true. have you seen the coverage of conversation? >> have you seen the ring camera, jessica? you're throwing stuff out that no one cares. >> what are you getting me? are you getting me big village? >> i'm asking this woman, what is the first thing you will do on the job executive action. and she can't name it. she's talking about what she will do in congress. when biden got in, i remember they had that video. they had 16 things soosign it. he just, he didn't know know what he was signing. i remember one was tearing uptrump's border policy and the other equi]other equity.
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so she should know the priority day one, so now. i haven't heard her talk at all. when we watch her speeches, she never talks about biden-nomics, and she doesn't talk about all these things they did in the last four years. and she doesn't talk about what they will do in the next four years. she talks about how she's going to be a great president and how donald trump is a fascist. >> the last answer i heard when they asked how she was going to do, she started with the middle class non sense. >> but you want a president who is tearing and has a heart. she's sending a message that she is uncaring, that she's going to make you wait. the fact that you are living paycheck to paycheck, she's not going to do anything for you
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until day 1. so you can answer, and if you elect her, then she'll do something for you. what do you think of that? >> well, i think it's really difficult for her, that, you know, she was standing out in front of the white house. and she does own the record of the last three years. one thing that keeps is trying me are these downward revisions. you have in august 800,000. can you iimagine how much we're paying interest that agency to come up with these numbers that they're correcting. look at august, they revised 81,000 and september 31,000. so the jobs that people thought were on the books was not. and that's the answer to the question, why do people say they don't feel like things are getting better and the administration and harris campaign keep telling them actually things are going really well for you. i remember some guy on the boardwalk, i told him that question. he laughed. he said don't tell me how to experience my own life and how
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to pay for them. the cost is up 20%, and they're both using that phrase, trump and harris in these final days. but the difference is that mayoress is talking about what she will give you, 25,000 dollars for this and 5,000 dollars for that. that can be very persuasive with a lot of voters. trump is saying i'm going to slice and dice reg ulations from book. that will help businesses to thrive. they will hire people, and your wages will go up, which is what happened the last time around. so they have both experiences to compare. one is i'm going to give you some money. the other is i'll stimulate the economy. we'll see who wins out. >> but in addition to that, people remember the trump years as being better than these last four years economically. >> true. true. their last ground game was to get the dems to vote. their only job was committing the yellow tape, the people who go around crime scenes.
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the 10,000 jobs, which will be really hard to downgrade from 10,000. it has been a good record in economy for rich liberals. you know, why did billon clinton have to make the argument that a bad economy under biden and kamala is not a good reason to vote for jump. why did he do that? maybe he's right for him, for cloony for the rich and famous, bad economy is never a problem. you already spent 100 bucks for breakfast at the four seasons. all the things that matters for voters, cost of living, crime, has no effect on the people who wish you would ignore those issues. after the election, they can go back to their secure estate. but you're screwed. >> i can actually refute that. it's more than 100 dollars per person at the four seasons. >> really? >> yes.
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it's almost 120. >> thank you for adding that. >> all right. coming up. elon musk's mom is ditching the democrats. hey, take a moment. do you know who we are? we are the kids you champion every day. we are the ones who dream big. and because of you, our dreams become a reality. these are more than just words.
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elon musk certainly makes waves this election season, but his mom also making headlines after telling what caused her to ditch the democrats. >> when i became a u.s. citizen, of course i was democratic because they're the good, kind people who care about america. and then i saw, i would watch cnn and msnbc and read the new york times, and oh, wow, the republicans are terrible. but then they'd also say elon
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is terrible. i'm thinking why are they lying about elon. and i would resign from the democrats, i just felt such a relief that i'm not part of the party that's now malicious and dishonest. >> usually, greg, you have, when you get older, as you know, people become more conservative. >> that's what this is. >> yes. that's what this is. no, i think you've got it backwards. >> i have it backwards. >> no, reverse. >> no. musk's mom didn't ditch the democrats more than elon ditched the democrats. the democrats ditched them. >> that's what i said. >> close to bill, and all those other prominent independent democrats. and if you stand still and the vessel you're in slides left and further left, it's a lie to say it's you who moved. that's what makes these people so deeply offended. how you push a part on people
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had who understand how long life truly is, and this is not democrat or liberal. it's insanity, and in the old days, you could be a democrat because you didn't politicalize crime. we didn't politicalize biology. we knew what a boy and a girl was. we didn't politicalize a border. we knew what security was. but even when they were on rogen, he pointed out how censorship is a virtue of the left, disguiseing it as a fight for information. this is something that old school liberals, it turns their stomach. think about the transsurgery for kids, it's finally turning the tide and being exposed and banned in states. i talked about this for four years. i was called transphobic and accused of hate speech and misinformation. and that was all in an effort
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to shut down conversation. and who was doing that? the left. and if they had succeeded, it would be a lot of butchered kids. you're welcome. >> you're welcome, kids. >> stand up for judge janine. >> i am standing. >> and musk, by the way, she's stomach. i mean, you just want to talk to her. she had the benefit of what most americans don't have the benefit of. she knew that once cnn and msnbc started lying about her son, she knew that that's a straight out lie. a lot of americans don't see it as objective. you know, the democrats are so good. they're a party. they care about everybody. and i know when i used to swear in newly elected and naturalized citizens, it was the democrats bringing them in and getting them to sign from
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play party. and so, you know, it's going to take a lot for people to get away from that. the democrats don't care about you. and to get away from the illegals affecting your budget and education and funding. they're going to keep electing progressive vas. but when you talk about jd vance on joe rogan. one of the things he talked about, he said tim walz is so uninformed. he said it's noer guarantee to free information or hate speemp. tim, you're stupid. you don't know what the law is. it is protected speech under the first amendment. >> don't be so hard on that gay guy. >> he's just happy, greg. >> let's see how the media
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reacts to that versus him saying that about musk. >> exactly, and when he lies about that, he says my mom versus the media. >> it's when you trust the media, most of the time until you get to a story that you know about, like your son. >> and that's what opens your eyes. >> but i think what she's talking about is something we'll be watching closely on election night is whether or not there's a true realignment happening in the country, and whether or not the diverse party is becoming the erepublican party with lots of hispanic and black voters, and whether or not the democrat party has become the party in favor of war. and, you know, you can look at it anyway you want, but the other thing about censorship, when i heard the vice president, kamala harris saying trump should be disqualified. i was, like, is that how that works? you get disqualified for something you said in a
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free speech country. that should absolutely disqualify him. when the vice president said it, i was a little surprised. >> before we get to jessica, this is your pin. >> oh, my gosh. >> look at this thing. it's a jewel-encrusted royal pin. >> it's the size of. >> it has a crown on top. >> what a pin. jessica, keep that. >> it's a scepter. >> put a spell on me. >> i love the pin. >> so i think indemocrats made a mistake shunning olon musk. it's someone who believes in climate change as a threat, and someone who is fundamentally pro choice, all these reasons. and i think that elon musk
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needed arms opened to him to have more conversations about the positive contributions like star length, which is absolutely incredible, saving people everywhere from north carolina to ukraine. and i don't think that twitter would be the way that it is now if we had been more embracing and he would certainly be a top surrogate for donald trump. >> he would embrace didy. >> don't do that. >> snlt it crazy those for kamala are also being outed at d diddy parties. >> we've got to go though. let's go to a fun segment. i have celebrities know what's best for you and your family. hollywood avengers are assembleing for kamala
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all right, you guys. hi, avengers. >> hi, scarletch. >> jumping on the call. >> i think you mean assembling. >> that's pretty good. >> no, that was funny. >> who wants to make fun of them first? greg? >> yes, this is a great contrast between the fictional and imaginary. harris has the guy who plays tony stark, trump has the real tony stark, as in elon musk.
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so you can have your impostors, because they're not real. >> just because it's friday, i feel like you'll be more honest. >> i'll be brutally honest. are you ready for this? if they came out and endorsed trump, i would say this is great. this is going to move voters, but now they're dealing with kamala. so i'm just going to blow it off. >> do you want to do the same with taylor swift? >> what makes actors think that we give a dang? >> when you have them you do, but when you don't. >> in the beginning, they say it's kamala harris. i'm down with democracy. they're dropping the i'm and saying i'm down with democracy. >> you don't understand what i'm saying. the republicans have the actual avengers. >> we have the pirate ship.
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we have the pirate ship. you have the goody two-shoe hally pop. >> we have everybody
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fan mail friday. this is a great question, because i thought about this as a kid a lot. what first name would you have picked for yourself? >> mike. >> you wanted to be a mike? >> i wanted to be a mike, michael jordan, mike tyson, michael jackson. >> mike myers. >> yeah, thanks. >> your first name is judge, judge junene >> mel. >> why? >> because i like it. >> mel. >> jessica? >> no. mel ferris.
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>> mel practice. >> i was supposed to be name, they knew i was a girl, but i was supposed to be named teddy. my dad chickened out at the last minute. so that's why i named my daughter teddy. >> your name should have been boris. and who's to say it's not gender neutral. >> and martha? >> are you suggesting that i wouldn't want to be named martha? >> that is a classic. >> actually, as a child, i liked my name, but i would be, like, my name is susan. hi. my name is jennifer. i didn't like it as cade it's an old lady name. >> but when you were a teenager, you were probably a cute girl. >> i was never a marty. i was martha, martha, martha.
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>> you didn't give a name. what did you prefer? >> jennifer, susan, any one of the ones i said >> i wanted to be dakton or cig. there's not a lot of gregs greg morgan, greg brady. >> yeah. but that's a character. get with it, martha. >> all right. what do you have to buy, even though you have many of them. i'll go to you, martha? >> what do you have to buy, even though you have many of them? shoes. >> typical cliche of a female. i should be surrounded by smarter women. >> oh, please. >> we have to protect these
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women. >> they're fine people. >> are you drinking bleach again, jessica? >> i injected it straight in, because you told me to i'm an abo obsessive of toilet paper. >> really? >> yeah. we have great storage. we will have it, and i will still buy it. >> i dream about toilet paper. >> it's so good. >> you can never have enough. >> nope. >> nope, not at all. judge, what do you think? >> shoes, bags, jewelry. >> bags, chocolate? >> jewelry. >> jewelry. did we ask you yet, jessie? >> electric bentleys. collection in a garage. you can never have enough. >> greg? >> let's see. >> records. >> yeah, i do buy a lot of records. i listen to them once and forget i bought them. i bought a record twice once.
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do you know a glirl who collected scissors? she had 400 scissors. >> that's so scary. >> yeah. it was an obsession. >> what happened to her? >> she's now running for president, kamala harris. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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let's do this. >> i knew you were. >> neo-nazi or what? >> take a look at this you wouldn't believe but this is in wellington, new zealand. jeffrey finally going out for a walk is so to see him he is on top of a large building. and he's going going to be moving to australia. the sculpture is named after quasimodo 6 feet tall hasn't been to wellington, new zealand, since 2019. >> everybody is all making faces what are they talking about. >> take a look at this punk dunk at the portland zoo rescued the
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auditors showed up their skills last week in their enclosure by playing a friendly game of basketball with many pumpkins. talk about a bunch of michael gordon's get it a gourd. jesse? >> national all thursday in honor, get it together how i see what the click one. i don't need the money but we didn't have any other options. >> you cannot think of any other books you like. >> biden eats award ceremony at 8:00. >> just quickly mimic congratulations to my friends alyssa and greg on the birth of their baby boy cameron alexander weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces in a
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letter to patty was his parents were excited about the grandson but also watch and began babies of got a bun in my oven. a traffic stop became police start after they saw this wife was in labor as they rushed merry to the hospital. they were pulled over in the officer understood the situation transitioning to an emergency escort after they got to the hospital safely. newest baby henry was found this born a couple days later. >> i was three things mimic congratulations very cute family present. >> we are here all weekend folks. have a good night. >> ♪ ♪


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