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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  November 2, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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griff: less than 72 hours until election day, and both candidates are expected to speak this hour. former president trump will soon take the stage in north carolina, and vice president harris will rally in atlanta. welcome to "fox news live," i'm griff jenkins. hey, gillian. gillian: hi, griff, i'm gillian turner -- [inaudible] [audio difficulty] national correspondent aishah hasnie is there and has a preview for us. >> reporter: sorry, gillian, couldn't hear you there. we just i saw the video is plague behind me, the introduction video to former president trump, so he should be coming out here shortly behind me. i can tell you that the closing message today is kamala broke it, and trump will picks if it. the former president will hit on the disappointing jobs report and basically blame vice president harris for it. he's got a new nickname for her that he's going to be debuting today. it's hurricane kamala, and he's going the blame her for the loss
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of hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs, and he's going to say that that is a disqualifying factor in this race after she said that he should be disqualified for those liz cheney comments. he's also going to the talk about, i'm told i by the campaign about hurricane helene and the federal government's response to north carolina. now, i can tell you the economy rules here in north carolina, and half the state, more than half the state has already voted early in this state. early voting actually ends this afternoon at 3:00. and listen to this, more republican voters have voted in the state even though there are more unaffiliated voters and more democratic voters than those republican voters. so that's an interesting point as well. and he is still tied with kamala harris here in north carolina according to a brand new fox news poll. and i can tell by the crowd can cheering behind me, the former president is just about to come
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out, and there it is, they're to introducing him now. sending it back to you. >> -- of the united states, president -- griff: you see former president trump coming out. we'll dip into that in just a moment, but first, vice president harris set to hold campaign events in battleground states of georgia and north carolina today where he hopes guests jon bonn jeev i have and -- john bonn john bonn joseph any -- jon bon jovi will boost -- >> reporter: she'll be taking the stage in about 15, 20 the minutes or so. i've heard a few different numbers, but certainly a strong turnout on a beautiful fall saturday here, even football saturday, so a lot of folks gotta compete with priorities. we learned that the campaign is going to unveil a 2 2-minute if closing ad, they're calling it a brighter future, that'll air on nfl games tomorrow, so we know
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they're going to the try to galvanize those people that have not voted yet but are also realized that election day being so close, they're going to have to make a choice within the next 72 hours or so. here in georgia just like we were hearing from aishah in north carolina, the polls are still tight. it is showing the former president with a slight lead here, he lost in 20 the 2016 -- 2016. what has changed since 2020 is seeing how much the democratic establishment has grown. in the last few minutes we heard from georgia's two democratic senators, the mayor of atlanta and a growing constituency of democrats in the state that was solid red for so long. i grew up here, and i remember you really only felt like it was the republicans in control and now, obviously, georgia much more in that purple state. we know that the former president has spent a lot of time in georgia as well. of he was just here earlier this weekend, a rally in downtown atlanta on monday, just a few miles. but crowd size aside, there's
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going to be a lot of focus on how the early voting turned out. more than 4.4 million georgians have already cast their ballot, how many more people will show up on election day is the big question. i was speaking to one of the waitresses last night, and she said it was a long time for her to wait, she couldn't vote early, so she was going to haved to do it on tuesday. i'm curious how many people say we tried to vote early, they're going to show up on election day or one of those things where the people that got it done will carry this election in georgia. griff? griff: -- any idea who's going to win this presidential race, but we do know who's going to win that georgia-florida game today. go, dogs. mark never -- meredith -- >> reporter: go dogs. yale jill straight back to north carolina, former president trump's taken the the stage there at a rally right now. let's listen in. >> usa! usa! usa! usa!
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[cheers and applause] >> thank you very much. oh, you know, this was supposed to be a small, little stopover. we got 20,000 people here. [cheers and applause] this was going to be a little stop the over, tim. -- stopover. this is great. we were just going to to stop over real quick, a little group of people. this is not a little group of people. hello, north carolina. this is going to happen. i have a -- [cheers and applause] i predict. let's make a prediction. this will happen on tuesday, i think, right? this will happen on tuesday. [cheers and applause] i think they'll end up having many, many more people than they thought. this is gonna if be great. but we have to get out and vote and we will because i am thrilled to be back in this beautiful state. what a great state. you know, i have a little granddaughter named carolina, or you know that, right? if. [cheers and applause] thousands of proud, hard working
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american patriots, which is what you are, you really are. you're amazing people. it's an amazing place. you've been through a lot. your government has not helped you too much, i can tell you. your government, fema has let you down because they wanted to spend the money on illegal migrants. [background sounds] we'll be here on january 20th, and you'll see how -- you'll see quick service, all right? i like to begin by asking a very, very simple question. are you better off now than you were four years ago? >> no! >> i don't think so. [laughter] i don't think so. i have come today with a message of hope for all americans. with your with vote on tuesday, i will end inflation, i will stop the invasion of massive numbers of criminals that have come into own our country -- [cheers and applause] and i will bring back the american dream. we don't have the american
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dream. we had it. we had it. you know, we also had energy independence four years ago. this is all you need to know, kamala broke it. she broke it, we will fix it. i will fix it. it'll be fixed very fast. [cheers and applause] and america will be bigger, better, bolder, richer, safer or and stronger than ever before. this election is a choice between whether we will have four more years of incompetence -- they're grossly incompetent, let's face it. they are the worst. that's no president. but i shouldn't say that. nope. nope. inclusion. i shouldn't say that. [laughter] you ever hear her? we want to be a unified country. uh, uh, we want to be a unified country. she said the other day, we want to be unified. we don't want to say bad things about anybody including our, including our opponent. he's hit lore. -- hitler. [laughter] you ever hear that?
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she talks about unity, and schoen -- then she calls me hitler. whether we begin the the four greatest years in the history of our country, i'ming asking you to be excited about the the future. you need to be excited about the future. it's such a great area, this whole area. [cheers and applause] and i'm having asking you to dream big again. we're going to dream big, and we're going to make this america's new golden age. it's going to be the golden age. every problem facing us can be solved, but now the fate of our nation is in your hands. we win this state, we're going to win the whole ball game, you know. [cheers and applause] and we've won it twice before, and we won it quite easily. by the way, michael did a fantastic job. he did so well, you know, he stopped the steal, he stopped
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the cheating here. they didn't stop it in other states. he did so well, we did so well i said, michael, how would you like to run the whole damn thing, right? and then i said, what other star do i get, maybe my biggest star of all, lara, from your backyard. lara. [cheers and applause] i got lara from youring backyard. good couple too, right? that's a good team, eric and lara. on tuesday you have to stand the up and you have to tell kamala that you've had enough, you can't take it anymore. grower grossly incompetent -- you're grossly incompetent. kamala, you're fired! get out of here. [cheers and applause] you're fired, get the hell out. get outta here. we gotta the fix our country. i watched her this morning. she gives these press conferences that last, like, about two minutes. it's weird. i get all set, i want to watching? , right? ladies and gentlemen, the the
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vice president. she comes up for two minutes, and and all she does is talk about me. she never talks about what they're going to do. the last time she spoke, she mentioned my name, like 28 the times. she didn't talk about what she was going to do. and economically she doesn't know anything. in fact, what she's proposing -- well, wait a minute. you just saw, you were going to go over it in a second, the worst numbers i've ever seen. how good was that? to get those numbers four days before the vote is, was -- thank you very much, sir. thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you, sir. [laughter] you would have liked that in one of your races, wouldn't you? no, to get those -- they had the worst numbers, i think maybe like sort of ever? and there were, like, four days. and i want people to remember it
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because a lot of people are, like, this won't affect the election because a lot of people aren't thinking about that. look at all of them, look at all of the fake news. they say all of that. [background sounds] they always, they always say that. but i think it's unbelievable timing. if i had my choice of -- i think it's perfect. i covered it last night. we were in milwaukee in the biggest arena you've ever seen. same size as madison square garden. it was packed hours before the event. we could have filled it up twice. [cheers and applause] and that's wisconsin, the great state of wisconsin. and a great green bay player, the great brett favre -- [cheers and applause] you know, he endorsed me. he endorsed me, and that's a big thing in wisconsin. he was on on the packers as football fans know. he could rip the ball. he could throw that ball so hard, so fast, sometimes it would hit the river in the face. he -- the refer in the face -- receiver in the face.
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a lot of 'em payment -- embarrassment. i took his sand -- shook his hand, he had the biggest hand i've ever seen. his hand was, like, three times the size of a normal hand. his fingers were like, like sausages. [laughter] i said, they're the -- i looked at it, that's ooh the biggest hand. so he was born to do that. but you know what? he said, i've never done this before. he did a beautiful little speech. he said i've never if done this before, over never endorsed -- i've never endorsed anyone before, but we're endorsing president trump because we want him to do the same job he did. [cheers and applause] really nice. never did it before. for these past few years, we've been fighting to take back our country, and it's been a failed and corrupt administration, a horrible administration, an administration that you know you like to see like a football coach, he brings something, he brings a little's prix decor? biden, look -- by the way, they're fighting like hell, the
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two of them. biden said you stole, you stole my presidency, and you're no better than i am. [laughter] no, it's the same thing. i think the numbers -- i think joe, maybe, we're going to see on tuesday, right? but i think joe might have done better. but joe, the reports are, look, he hates me. we had a debate. he didn't do too well, but that's okay because, you know, you don't take an election away. he didn't do well and if his numbers went down a little bit, and you know what happened a? they walked in and they said, you're not running anymore. get out, you're out of the race. this is the president of the united states, that they did this. it was a coup. i don't like the word, but it was a coup. it was sort of worse because this takes a little more time. crazy nancy and others, they walked in -- she's crazy as a bedbug. and somebody should look at her visa stock. she sold her position. this is a woman, started off
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with nothing, now she's worth $200 million. do you think she's been honest? if, no, she has a big position in visa, right? i think it was visa. one of them. whatever, who the hell cares? [laughter] but visa. she plays the market. it's not really playing when you have the information she's got. so she sold her entire position the day before it was announced that visa's under massive investigation. now, is the fake news going to do anything about that? i doubt it. >> no! >> together the, we have overcome every attack, every abuse and even two assassination attempts. i remember them. [cheers and applause] and now it all comes town to this -- down to this. remember, assassination, nasty, but it really is, i mean, they go after people that are meaningful. they go after a people that are meaningful. they go after people that belief
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in making other countries -- believe in making other countries pay for what they do. we're tired of being ripped off. consequential, i guess, is the best word. they seem to go after consequential presidents. and i didn't know it was such a dangerous profession. being president is a very dangerous -- who would have thought? but if you look at race car drivers, oh, i have a lot of race car driver friends. you know, i own a job with down the road in a place called charlotte. have you ever heard of it? [cheers and applause] it's been such a pleasure. we have a lot of the race car drivers are members, and it's been a great place. i'd like to be able to come here sometime and actually play it, the course. the beautify, i'm doing a whole big thing there years ago, it just works so beautifully. but i was talking to somebody, and they were talking about a consequential president. and then the all the race car drivers, and i said, let's see, and i asked somebody. and you've got to be careful
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when you talk about this subject. you don't like to say what's the level of death when you're talking to a race car driver, right? so i did a little -- it's like one-tenth of 10%. and the bulls are a little bit more. president? that percentage is, like, up there high. it's probably the highest thing you can do. nobody told me this when i was thinking about it. [laughter] nobody told me this. but i wouldn't have changed my mind because we're going to make this country greater than it's the ever been before. [cheers and applause] we had the greatest economy in the history of our cub. we had the -- country. can we bring down my favorite chart of all time? bring it down. it's my favorite chart of all time. [cheers and applause] that that chart, i love. see? right now i'm looking over there. well, if i was looking over there --
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gillian: -- into a rally crowd in the thousands. in gastonia, north carolina, making a last minute pitch to voters there. we got a historically tight race there, less than 72 hours away from election day. we've got a fantastic political panel to debate where this is all head ad over the next couple of days, let's bring in colin reid and democratic strategist kristin hawn. kristin, let's start here, i mean, trump started to touch on a bunch of different issues, he's going to be going for quite some time. we'll take our viewers back as soon as he makes any news there. three days out, a little bit less, the candidates are tied at 48%. hower thefy is -- terrifying is that for the harris administration right now? >> i don't think anybody's terrified. it was always gown to be close. i think it comes down to ground game, it comes down to talking to voters and, you know, communicating what you're going to be. it should be terrifying to them and to to us, but nothing
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easterfying. we're talking about the democratic process, right? -- nothing's terrifying. the states we're all looking at like pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, arizona, evens got their nose to the ground right now. they're walking around, they're, you know, the trump people and the harris people, right? we're all trying to get out the vote, make sure people are doing what they're going to say. so it's not terrifying for anybody. i think that's maybe the wrong word. we're all trying to do what we need to do to make sure that we win. gillian: i know after the sort of last minute candidate coup that happened a couple of months ago, running against a candidate, now former president trump, that they say say is a threat to democracy,, the maybe it's not terrifying, but it's definitely something. >> pretty amusing their candidate has received precisely zero votes.
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but this is where we are in this election. and it's an important point you with raised, gillian, which is we are right now where we were before the june debate that ended president biden's candidacy which is vice president harris has precisely one path to the presidency, and it's through the rust belt states of wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan, plus the the congressional seat. and then that's it. and president trump, he's got a lot more paths, and it is close. don't get me wrong, it's a tie ball game, it could go either way, but if you're one campaign you've got a lot of paths, and if you're one campaign, you've got one path. gillian: and you also have not optimal situation for the harris campaign where they're spending the last couple of days fighting comments, unforced errors from their own surrogates out on the trail, president trump, hunter biden can concern excuse me, president biden, hunter biden, mark cuban -- >> there's a lot of things that are happening on both sides. i'm a person that wants to the talk, and i want to say a candidate coup is not a thing.
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when we had -- kamala harris is the legitimate, she went through a process, this is not a coup, okay? so i'm just going to pull back from there, it is not a coup, it's the process we went through, and she is the legitimate candidate for president of the united states. gillian: well, she did become the candidate concern. [inaudible conversations] >> through a legitimate -- gillian: it made -- >> -- of the democratic party, and i'm not going to -- gillian: we don't need to relitigate that -- >> well, you said something, so i just want to put it out there. also i think that both sides, like i said, like going out on the campaign trail, there's the last four days is and there are a lot of people that don't pay attention to the last four days. and that's not a bad thing, right? if they're just like -- so both sides are, like, coming out on the campaign trail, getting the people out there, knocking on doors, and that's the democratic process. and i love to see everything about that. republicans out there, democrats
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out there -- gillian: colin, last word. we've jutte got a couple seconds left. >> these comments like kamala harris of time, and time is one thing that's running out for both these campaigns and that's why the comments are so -- gillian: because of when they happened. they're happening now, again, with less than 722 hours out. we've got to leave it there. thank you for sticking with us through former president trump's remarks. we are going the take you back there live the second he makes some news. griff? griff: great discussion, gillian. we are watching that a rally you see there at the bottom of your screen, the suspect expected to speak soon. we will -- expected to speak soon. we will take you there live when "fox news live" b ♪ ♪ so i actually got it to tony. woah! and he even sent one back. but in the future, i'm gonna need an address and a zip code. we did this for a skateboard, see what we can do for your business. fedex. t—mobile's 5g network connects
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a hundred thousand delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t—mobile for business. next january, one of us will be president. if it's donald trump, he will wake up every day and stew over his enemies list. that will help no one. if i am president, i'll be focused on my to do list for you, the american people. i'll cut costs by cracking down on corporate price gouging.
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make housing more affordable. lower taxes for middle class families and protect social security. i will focus on getting things done. i'm kamala harris, and i approve this message. let's get to work. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust.
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let's go boys. the way that i approach work, post fatherhood, has really been trying to understand the generation
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that we're building devices for. here in the comcast family, we're building an integrated in-home wifi solution for millions of families, like my own. connectivity is a big part of my boys' lives. it brings people together in meaningful ways. ♪ ♪ gillian: welcome back. vice presidential candidate j.d. vance is holding a rally right now in las vegas just a couple days before the election. let's take a listen. >> you're doing a great job. [cheers and applause] so in each state i've got to check because, you know, of course i'm spending multiple, we're going to to multiple states a day at this point in the campaign. but now with early voting in nevada, it is over. so we've just got to make sure if you haven't voted yet, get your absentee ballots in they'rl
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outstanding, or go and vote on november 5th for donald trump to give this country peace and prosperity again. [cheers and applause] i want to ask here, who's already voted? [cheers and applause] that's pretty good. and who's going to vote on election day? [cheers and applause] also pretty good. well, i want the make a request to all of you who haven't voted and even those of you who have, i want you to vote ten times for donald j. trump. [background sounds] [cheers and applause] now, i was told we have 47 reporters back there, and they're all a ready to write a story, vice president d. vance comes to las vegas and encourages voter fraud. here's the way we're going to vote legally ten times. i want you to get yourself to the polls, i want you the take nine of your friends and family so that we can take this country back. that's how we vote legally ten times. [cheers and applause] but remember, the state of nevada was decided last time by
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34,000 the votes. that is a very small number of votes. so every single thing that we can do in this final stretch is going to make sure that we give the american people the leadership that they deserve. think about this. you know, we, all of us who care about politics, it's easy to get ca caught up in red team versus blue team, are republicans versus democrats and we're thrilled to have a number of republicans, independents and democrats who are on the trump team because we want common sense back in government. i'm sure a lot of democrats and independents just in this room. thank you. [cheers and applause] gillian: my mic working? oh, okay. all right. we have been listening in to vice presidential candidate, sitting u.s. senator j.d. vance out on the campaign trail right now in las vegas, nevada. looking ahead, we're going to hear from presidential nominee and vice president kamala harris herself in just a few moments. but while we are awaiting that,
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we will bring you right back here the second he starts making some news but, griff, over to you. griff: the candidates are barnstorming and so too is president joe biden making a last minute stop right now in his childhood hometown of scranton, pennsylvania, to ham cane for harris as a nearly -- campaign for harris. alexandria hoff is live in scranton. hey, alex. >> reporter: hey, griff. yeah, the president has mentioned that he wants to help his vice president in this campaign, and the way he knows to do so best is to come here to scranton, pennsylvania. he lived here til he was about 10 years old. we're kind of -- kind of reminded about that every election cycle. yeah, he is making remarks at a get out the vote rally. when it comes to helping his vice president, you know, the harris campaign has made it pretty clear in the lack of joint events that they don't think that the president being on the trail is all that much of a help. there are some issues going on
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here in pennsylvania too. i want you to take a look at -- i think president biden is still speak at that get out the vote vent. hopefully, we can get that up for you. if no, we'd like to take look at bucks county. there's a lot of legal issues taking place here. looks like president biden might be taking questions. we know he was in pennsylvania, at least in philadelphia last night. he's speaking still. he was speaking to union workers, this is a campaign event. he looks pretty fiery right now in his remarks that he's making, encouraging everyone to cast their ballot because in bucks county, that's one example of areas where people have been very, very passion name. pennsylvania has on-demand, mail-in voting. it's been prolifically used this year, but long lines and confusion have been plaguing especially there in bucks. the trump force 47 bus tour went through bucks yesterday, and mississippi republican senator cindy hyde smith was onboard or or and showed how dedicated
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those voters had been. >> they weren't about to get out of that line. people are committed, they're excited, they want a better america, and they will be glad to tell you about it. >> reporter: already been widespread complaints from erie county residents when say they -- >> so right there we're looking at erie county, that's another swing area in pennsylvania. perhaps the two most critical, a judge ruled that up to 17,000 voters who had not received their mail-in ballots can actually vote early in person now through monday. the democratic party sued the county on benz. so there's been legal -- wednesday. there's been legal battles playing out across this state. president biden kind of making this small scale plea to a community that he knows really well that that they need to get out and vote. it is too late to nail that mail-in ballot, so we've seen a lot of activity at dropboption boxes. a lot of other people will go on election day. griff?
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griff: alexandria hoff in scranton. alex, thank you. gillian? jill swrel thank, griff. the supreme court rules last night to uphold the pennsylvania state court ruling allowing certain provisional ballot otts to be counted in the state, this along with the election now being three days away. for more, let's bring in former federal prosecutor andrew cherkasky. andrew, we got the ruling against the rnc yesterday on the pennsylvania provisional ballots, but the day before that and the a day before that we had victories for the state of virginia in rnc lawsuits as well as bucks county, pennsylvania. what do you make of the sum total of all this litigation? >> well, election integrity is paramount in this election so everybody in this country has confidence in who's elected and really around the world. now we're seeing these legal battles kind of one after the other, and you could almost kind of make a scoreboard as to who's winning or losing. even with yesterday's decision, that wasn't a particularly
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impactful decision. the supreme court didn't set any rules or precedent as a result of it and, in fact, leaves open reviewing that issue after the election if more issues come couple from -- up from that. the republicans have had some very big victories over the past few days not only winning the position they had, but also laying the framework to show there are issues with election integrity in various states throughout the country and calling into question some of those big concerns that we've been talking about for years now. gillian: so 150 lawsuits that we have counted so far here at fox news over the past year, and over three dozen states. that includes now all seven of the primary battleground states this cycle. jonathan turley was on yesterday, and he said -- he agrees with you that election integrity is paramount. some concerns about the timing here. he is worried that all of this going on so close to the election is a risky proposition. take a quick listen to him. >> the concern that we often have is that if you make changes in election laws this close to the election, it fuels a lot of
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distrust about election integrity. gillian: what do you think? >> well, it goes both ways. on one hand, it is very important to ensure that the election rules are set and that there's confidence in that and that can essentially best thed for months ahead of -- tested for month ahead of the election. on the other hand, the democrats in virginia were saying glenn youngkin's efforts was too late in the game. the supreme court overruled that. the devil's always in the details on these election fraud or election confidence-based issues. and if so you're to going to have to look at each one of these cases on a case-by-case basis. and that timing, you have to look at the fact that it's important to recognize election interference or election integrity issues before the election so there's not, essentially, complaint about thes afterwards so you're complaining post hoc, after the
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fact. it's important both sides, in fact, voice their opinions if they're seeing everybody shoes and that politics aren't brought into the actual creation of the rules in a way that undermines the integrity of the election. jl jill you also sometimes can't predict the future, right, and when it comes down to what we saw happen in bucks county earlier in the week, you didn't know those people waiting on line before the deadline were going to be the sent home. that's something you could not have anticipated, so you've got to to file litigation in realtime. >> that's right. there's no way to stress test an election. we've seen one-off issues of voter machine issues where certain buttness to aren't pressing right -- button it is aren't being pressed right -- aren't pressing right, and it seems like people are responding to those specific issues and looking into them. but that's the stress test that can't be done ahead of time, and those are going to come up to 23409 only with early rote -- not only with early voting where lines are getting cut off early, what happens on tuesday could be
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more of that. so you can't prohibit that. you have to be responsive when those things -- predict that. you have to quickly file lawsuits because the timeline to seek remedies is so short and so limited. gillian: yeah. all right, andrew, thank you for taking time out with us today. we really appreciate it. ♪ ♪ griff: the idf says e it has eliminated two hezbollah commanders responsible for firing over 400 projectiles at israel in october. this as the country continues its operations in gaza as well. matt finn is live in tel aviv tracking all of this. hey, matt. >> reporter: hey, griff. there is a lot of uncertainty and angst in the air tonight here in israel. iran has already warned that it has the obligation to retaliate against israel after the israeli strike in iran last week. now, today, we get this ominous warning from iran's supreme
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leader. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: the enemies, whether the zionist regime or the united states of america, will definitely receive a crushing response to what they are doing to iran. the iranian people and the resistance front. >> reporter: so notice he mentioned the united states there. now israel previously responded to iran's initial threats last week that it would retaliate. israel is warning that the idf is at, quote, peak readiness both offensively and defensively. and peace talks this past week, even u.s. officials told fox they were hopeful about, well, they fell flat. hamas' denied -- a hamas denied offers. a delegation met with prime minister benjamin if netanyahu including the special envoy the lebanon. earlier in the week the cia director, william burns, also participated in peace talks here in the middle east. at this moment there is no ceasefire, and 101 hostages
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remain in gaza. reports allege people within prime minister netanyahu's inner circle have allegedly been leaking damaging documents to foreign sources which have compromised these peace talks. netanyahu's office wrote: contrary to the false publications and the appearance that the media tried to paint, no one from the prime minister's office was invested or arrested. -- investigated or arrested. there is a gag order on this topic. it is a adopting story. the case is -- developing story. the case is scheduled in court tomorrow, so we will keep you updated on that. griff. griff: all right. matt finn live in tel aviv, thank you. gillian? gillian: all right, we've got a lot more ahead. former president trump speaking in north carolina, president biden speaking in pennsylvania. looking ahead, we're going to hear from vice president kamala harris this hour. stick with us. ♪
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me!
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gillian: welcome back. vice president kamala harris just taking to the stage in atlanta, georgia, right now. let's listen in. [cheers and applause] >> all right, georgia. so we have three days left. three days. in one of the most consequential elections of our lifetime. and we still have work to do. we still have work to do. but here's the thing, we like hard work -- [cheers and applause] hard work is good work. hard work is joyful work! [cheers and applause] and make no mistake, we will wi- [cheers and applause] we will win. and we will win because when you know what you stand for, you know what to fight for. [cheers and applause] and, georgia, we have an opportunity in this election to finally turn the page on a
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decade of donald trump who spends full time trying to keep us divided and afraid of each other. we're done! we're done with that. we are exhausted with that. [cheers and applause] enough of that that! enough! >> we're not going back! we're not going back! we're not going back! >> and we are not going back. and one of the reasons is because we do know the contrast, and we know when he is -- who he is. but, atlanta, that's not who we are. that's not who we are. and it is the time for a new generation of leadership in america! [cheers and applause] and i am ready to offer that leadership as the next president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] and, georgia, you know me.
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i'm not afraid of tough fights. evidently. [laughter] for decades i was a prosecutor, i was the top law enforcement officer of the biggest state, and i won fights against the big banks who ripped off homeowners, against for-profit colleges that scammed veterans and students, against predators who abused women and children, against cartels that trafficked in guns and drugs and human beings. [cheers and applause] i won those fights. and i pledge to you, if you give me the chance to fight on your behalf as president, there is nothing in the world that will stand in my way. [cheers and applause] and, look, we know who donald trump is. [background sounds]
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and, and because we knows this is not someone who is thinking about how to make your life better. this is someone who is increasingly unstable, obsessed with revenge, consumed with grievance, and the man is out for unchecked power. and unless -- in less than 90 days, it's either going to be him or me the oval office. [cheers and applause] [background sounds] if. >> kamala! kamala! kamala! kamala! >> and here's the thing, so help spread the word because part ofs it is to help people imagine, you can imagine in your mind to value office, right? you can picture it. you've seen it on tv. so just imagine ifs he is elected, on day one donald trump
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would walk in that oval office with his enemies list, institution over an enemies list are. when i am a elected, i will walk in on your behalf with my to-do list. my to-do list. [cheers and applause] and and at the top of my list is bringing down the cost of living for you. [cheers and applause] and that will be my focus every single day as president. i will give a middle class tax cut to over 100 million americans. [cheers and applause] if i will enact the first ever federal ban on corporate price gouging on groceries. [cheers and applause] we need a medic over here, please. we need a medic over here. if everyone can just part a little bit so we can let somebody through. okay? okay. all right. see, this is what we do. we look out for each other,
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right? [cheers and applause] that's how we roll. that's how we roll. gillian: all right. you're listening to vice president kamala harris speaking at a rally in atlanta, georgia, this hour. she just paused to ask the crowd to part so that a medic could get through, somebody who needed medical attention in the crowd. it seems to be something we're seeing more and more of with these rallies with tens of thousands of people in attendance. we're going to keep a close eye on this. we will bring you back to to her if she makes any news. over to you, griff. griff: all right. meanwhile, a pivotal district in nebraska could play a key role in the election, and not only in the presidential race. garrett tenney is live in omaha with more. hi, garrett. >> reporter: hey, griff. nebraska is a very red state, but it is not a winner-take-all state, ask if has why harris and democrats are spending loads of cash to win the state's send congressional district and its single electoral vote.
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that is creating a huge challenge for the sitting republican congressman, don bacon, who is facing a tough re-election race against tony vargas. this district is far more purple than the rest of the state which is why bacon has been able to win as a moderate republican income 2020, bacon beat vargas by fewer than 3 points. this time around he is facing the strong headwinds of kamala harris polling 12 points ahead of donald trump in his district. but the retired air force brigadier general says voters here know his record. >> my job is to get things done and serve our country, and a lot of modern democrats, even some hard core democrats, they're voting for me because they see what i've been doing in the district. so i think they think that i'm -- whether or not they agree with me all the time, they know i'm trying to do the right thing. >> reporter: tony vargas is banking on democrat enthusiasm for kamala harris here to carry him across the finish line. his campaign didn't make him
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available for if ap an interview or provide us with a statement on his closing argument for voters, but here he is at a recent rally with tim walz. >> coach truly, truly represents our valleys and who will fight for working class families in the united states house of representatives unlike congressman bacon and and his extremism. we need new leadership are, everybody. >> reporter: now this race is one of several tight races democrats need to win if they are going to to retake the house. griff? griff: all right. garrett tenney live for us in omaha, thank you. gillian? ♪ gillian: all right. a lot of attention today being paid to the swing voters in the battle ground michigan as former president trump courts arab-americans unhappy with the biden-harris administration's handling so far of the war in gaza. grady trimble's live in dear born, michigan, with all the details. grady. >> reporter: hey, gillian. this city has the largest arab-american population in the country.
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traditionally, that is a country that would vote democrat. but this time around, this election things could be different, and that that's why former president trump stopped in dearborn yesterday with trying to win over voters or who disagree with the biden-harris administration's handling of the wars in the middle east. at this polling place, early voting underway here in michigan, i spoke to two new u.s. citizens, both from lebanon, both voting in their first presidential election, and they both tell me they're voting for trump. >> president trump, like, promised us do -- i know he gonna keep the promise. we should have change, and we should bring peace to the middle east. >> reporter: why do you think he's going to handle the middle east better than the current administration? >> because he don't like war. he don't like to spend out u.s., like billion for ukraine, billion for israel, billion here, billion there. we need the money in america. >> reporter: for her part, vice president harris has continued her calls for a ceasefire, but she has not visited dearborn as a
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presidential candidate. congresswoman debbie dingell, who famously rang alarm bells about the weaknesses of hillary clinton back in 2016 because she sensed a lack of enthusiasm particularly at united autoworkers' union halls, well, this time around dingell says this state is still up for grabs, that it's anybody's race. and that's another key voter bloc that both candidates are trying to court. harris, of course, has the united autoworkers' union endorsement, but we've talked to to rank and file members, gillian, just regular autoworkers who say that they support former president trump. gillian? jill grady trimble out there for us, thank you. griff? griff: for more on the top issues nation michiganders, we're joined by former house intelligence committee chair mike rogers. we should point out we reached out his opponent, congresswoman elissa slotkin, with an invitation. she chose not to do so. mike, let's get right to the top issues. clearly, across the country
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we've scene the economy reigning king, but there in michigan also too the issue of electric vehicles, the evs and the if ev mandate of sorts. how is the race going, and what do you see as the top issues in these final days? >> yeah. well, the momentum is clearly on our side. i'd rather be us than them right now with the momentum change we've seen in the last few weeks. and why evs are so, you know, when the rest of the country catches a cold on ev debates, we get pneumonia here in michigan. 2400 layoffs at stellantis, 1,000 at general motors. 700 just announced last week at ford, and ford lost almost $4 billion on just ev sales unit alone. and so it is having a tremendous negative impact on the auto industry here and, in fact, impacting real families trying to put food on their table. so not only did they just get pink slipped, they can't afford groceries and, oh, by the way,
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that pink slip goes through the end of the year. is happy thanksgiving and merry christmas the a whole bunch of families who are going to be struggling coming up in the state. that's made a huge, huge difference for us. griff: and for our viewers, the biden-harris epa has a very strict regulation pushing the automakers to have a certain number, in some cases half of their car fleet, to be evs. they don't outright ban gas vehicles, but yet elisse -- elissa slotkin is saying in a recent debate she doesn't support the everything v mandate. >> this may be the most dishonest moment i've seen certainly in my career. she voted for the ev mandate maybe seven weeks ago on the floor of the unite house of representative asks and then came back and said i don't with support ev mandates. you see what the impact of these are. by the way, 5,000 auto dealers around the country wrote an open letter to the country saying these are ev mandate, and they're killing our business. so the only people that don't
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believe that they're ev mandates are the people that are voting for them. s it is having a tremendous negative impact on our working families here, and it's, it -- listen, we have to end the mandates. markets work, mandates don't. people don't want to buy them, they do want to buy hybrids. why did we skip past hybrids? point that and honda -- toyota and honda are creating hybrids, and people are buying them like crazy. jif jeff jeff -- griff: you started the interview talking about momentum, i want to drill into that because the latest fox news poll has you trailed by 4 points, and -- trilling by 4 points. and it's somewhat similar the numbers we've seen back in the summer. why haven't you closed that gap? >> well, our internal poll show that we've chofer closed that gap. there was a public poll over the weekend that had us tied at 49-49. our internal numbers show us
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tied. the last several polls. so i can't speak to the fox news poll, but our polling shows -- tells a very different story. and our ground game is a massive part of that. best ground game in the countried to. last week alone, 88,000 doors. griff: wow. >> yeah, it's unbelievable. and so that energy -- you can feel that energy when we're out there. and we get a lot of people, this is important,, the go up to the door and they'll say, yep, i'm going to vote for donald trump, i'm voting for mike rogers. hey, would you like a sign, nope, i'm not telling anybody. so we march on down the street. and it's happening over and over and over again. think there's underpolling happening here. we sense it in author ground game. that's' why i think we're going to win with on tuesday. griff: we will be watching it and following. mike rogers, thank you for tame -- taking time today. that'll do it for us, but good luck. >> rogers for, still need some help. griff: all right. thanks, mike. gillian? ♪ ♪
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gillian: it is that dreaded time of year again, if you're here in the northeast, we are about to fall back when daylight saving time ends tonight, 2 a.m. be sure to turn your clocks back before you go to bed. we'll be waking up in the dark tomorrow. griff: i'll take an extra hour of sleep. that'll do it for us. great being with you, gillian. gillian: thanks for having me, griff.zed i'm gillian turner inss washington., "fox news live"e' continues now.s ey need instant. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. i'm a lifelong republican and i voted for trump twice, but i can't do it again. trump wants a national sales tax on imported goods. it'll make everything more expensive for regular people,
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all while giving tax breaks to billionaires. you're rich as hell. we're going to give you tax cuts. kamala harris is for regular people. she wants a tax cut for 100 million americans, so we keep more of our hard-earned money. i'm a proud republican, but this year, i'm voting for kamala harris. ff pac is responsible for the content of this ad.
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