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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 2, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> a fox news alert you're looking at two competing rallies
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for vice president harris on the left of your screen and former president trump on the right. underway in two key battleground states, trump and here's are making one final push through those crucial states as are their vp picks minnesota governor tim walz and ohio ?afort jd vance with just three days to go until election day. trump is speaking at three different rallies today in north carolina and virginia, while harris hosts rallies in atlanta and charlotte. good evening i'm jon scott and this is a special two hour edition of the "fox report." ♪ ♪ jon: we go first to alexis mcadam where former president trump will cap off his busy day later this evening. alexis. >> line already forming here in greensboro, north carolina that's because this thing is down to a dead heat that's why the former president is hitting the ground hard here is in the
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tar heel state. you don't to look at some of the polls but you have to look at the former president's campaign schedule to figure out it is this close he's in north carolina jon, four times in the next three days and that one will be later tonight in just a few hours. out here on the ground people tell me the economy is their top issue. take a look here on your screen this is a few hours ago where the former president was talking about the economy and how he plans to improve things asking voters that he what they would like him to do when it comes to job answer cash back in their pockets and talked about border and crime and trump won north carolina last election and president biden beat him in guilford county that's where i am right now. today is the last day of early voting in this state and more than half of the state has already hit the polls. this election more registered republicans have cast their ballot in the tar heel state than democrats which is a big shift since 2020 back out here live it comes down to this former president has been asking this at his rallies trump says
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to the crowd are you better off nows than you were four yearsing and most people say no that's what people here told me also in the line. they say they're spending more and more on basic things including gas and groceries and they can't take it anymore. jon. jon: in the western part of north carolina they're still cleaning up after those devastating post hurricane floods. is there any indication how much that has affected the early voting, alexis? >> yeah. some of those areas people had originally had major concerns they were going to be able to get to the polls to see that big turnout in some of the other areas we won't know what counties to have that trickle and effect people here on the ground said they thought it was better to get it as early as possible to take a while to get that counting down and they have some concerns about that. so they want to make sure their vote got in and counted. jon. jon: what about the issues in north carolina are they different than anywhere in the country i assume economy is number one.
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>> yeah when you go out to talk about the people no matter in michigan where i was yesterday and here in north carolina they talk about the economy because that's what they think about every single day you have to look at your taxes, you have to look at what you're paying for your gas, groceries and your houses they said they're paying more now than they ever did and they're not interested many talking about personalities some people complaining, you know, trump's rhetoric and comments he makes at rallies they don't really care. they're paying so much now for basic necessities they're like we have to do something else an see exactly what happens and when you look at the polls it is down to the wire and barely to make the final push that's what he plans to do tonight. >> alexis mcadams thank you. >> thank you. jon: a lot still up in the air with just three days to go some last minute polls shows trump momentum in trirnlly traditionally blue states like minnesota and new hampshire and here to weigh in fox news
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contributor james freeman. minnesota potentially in play, james. that's pretty astowngsding considering that's the home of tim walz the democrat vice presidential candidate. >> yeah. truly astounding i think winning minnesota for donald trump would suggest a national landslide. we've seen now in several elections in a row especially ones involving donald trump, the polling before hand tends to be extremely inaccurate. now, i think because of this there's a -- an expectation on some people's parts that it is going to be just as wrong again in favor of his opponent and therefore may be mr. trump is headed toward a blowout victory but you have to assume that a lot of pollsters mindful of this past bias against trump have tried to correct for that in their samples. but you just never know. jon: yeah. the polling has been off in the
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last couple of elections and let's see what this one how it all turns out. i think we can put up on the screen the minnesota numbers, 48% for harris and 45% according to the minnesota post poll there's a margin of error of almost two and a half percent. so you could easily reverse those nowrnls the screen and they would still consider -- be considered accurate. we can also look at a state like new hampshire where 49.8.of the vote in new hampshire according to the new hampshire journal 49.8 voters favor kamala harris and 50.2% favored trump. now again inside the margin of error so you can flip those numbers. but pretty astounding for a state like new hampshire that haven't voted republican for president in quite some time. james. reporter: yeah. if those numbers are accurate, obviously, the trump campaign would be feeling ecstatic maybe
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they are feeling that way. they would suggest a blowout well over 300 electoral votes, and the minnesota thing would be astounding and ironic i'm sure for everyone involved in the harris campaign because to this point, a lot of the questioning about that pick has been did she make a mistake in not choosing josh shapiro governor of pennsylvania given that importance of pennsylvania and that big 19 electoral vote prize. but if in addition to losing pennsylvania, they also ended up losing tim walz's home state. wow. that's going to be maddening and i'm sure a source of discussion democratic circles for a long time. if it turns out that way. jon: yeah. i know you've been watching some of the early voting numbers, and one of the astounding things is just how many people have already voted in this country more than 70 million early votes
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cast. are you seeing anything in the -- in the registration numbers that give you some clues as to where this thing might go? >> well certainly, republicans are very enthusiastic in a number of the battle ground states including arizona, including pennsylvania in terms of how they've been able to widle down the democratic advantage traditionally in voter registration. as far as early voting, also a lot more republicans voting early this time than last time but i'm not sure that necessarily means too much in terms of a final result because, obviously, donald trump has been encouraging early voting this time and discouraged it last time so we don't really have a baseline to measure because republicans tended to vote for more on election day, obviously, now embracing early voting in a big way and republican campaign
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officials love that. because just like democrats they love to be able to track the progress of the turnout and then the vote and specific areas before election day to know where to focus their ground game their efforts to bring other people in the polls that to the polls and, of course, you have this other phenomenon which is that -- i know a lot of people lament our current polarized politics but citizens are very engaged. the 2020 turnout at two-thirds of the eligible voting population in the u.s. was the highested it been in 100 years so this is exciting we have people engaged in democracy but it also does make it extremely hard to predict. because a lot of what's happening now is people are wondering not just how are those undecideds going to fall but how many people will show up? how many people who are not frequent votes or maybe never voted going to show up based on the big surge in turnout in
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2020, obviously, a lot of stuff with covid and expanded opportunities to vote was part of that. but i think a big question now and -- a focus for both campaigns is trying to bring out not just a persuade undecideds but bring out those reluctant unlikely voters who if they show up would be inclined to vote for a particular candidate. >> yeah. we're going to be talking a bit more about that and another segment this hour. but i want to put up on screen -- the six real tossup states according to the fox news power rankings. georgia, michigan, north carolina, nevada, pennsylvania, and wisconsin -- those, those six james, are likely the ones to decide this election although i've seen some polling out of nevada that looks very favorable for donald trump. >> yeah. i think you look at the polling averages, only michigan and
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wisconsin is there a harris lead and, obviously, a very small one. the former president leads in the rest of the battle ground states. and if -- if minnesota and new hampshire are now in play then he's maybe feeling even more optimistic. we have to also the usual caveat they're all slim leads everywhere. so very tight race across the battle grounds, but certainly at this moment, based on polling, based on the -- registration numbers you referenced, again, who knows if the polling is accurate. but you much rather be in trump's shoes right now than kamala harris'. >> what a long strange trip it's been since, you know, that debate where it was donald trump versus joe biden. and then all of a sudden well not all of a sudden but a couple of weeks later yoib joe biden is out of the race and we have a completely different candidate for president it's been a wild
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election, james. just kind of get your thoughts on it. j could get stranger and longer let's hope for a decisive result on tuesday night. jon: all right yep. we can all go to bed early maybe. [laughter] james freeman from "the wall street journal." thanks. jon: well vice president harris campaigned in atlanta, georgia, today a state that was decided by less than 12,000 votes in 2020. remember that? madison alworth is also there in the peach state just a little further south in maycon where first lady jill biden campaigned for the vice president today. madison. >> hi, jon you know it was all hands on deck for the harris campaign here in georgia today. doctors jill biden was in the building behind me earlier this afternoon energizing voters encouraging them to get out to knock doors and to bring their neighbors and friends to the pollings on tuesday. and part of the reason for her being here is because so far, this county is behind the rest of the state when it comes to early voting.
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statewide, 55% of active voters cast an early ballot here in georgia. smashing early voting records for the state. but in bev county where maycon where i stand is located turnout was 45%. and among black voters who are the majority of residents here turn out was 40%. it is a group that tengdz to vote for the democrat ticket. but we've talked to some voters while some are rt spueing harris others are undecided and they said they will vote on election day but they don't know who for yet. take a listen. >> i'm definitely undecided yes, i am. but by tuesday of my mind made up and i'll go to the polls and vote. >> concerns about who to vote for. you know, so that you know people are about 50/50 on the fence so i think they're trying to make the final decision on where they want to vote for and i think those numbers will go up big time. >> many believe that the lack of participation in this area is
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due to economic issues. the medium household is under 49,000 a year whereas for the entire state it is 71,000 a year. that indecisiveness drawing attention from republicans particularly from top of the ticket former president trump is going to be right here in maycon for rally tomorrow night. it will be his first time visiting the area this year. jon. jon: all right madison alworth in maycon, georgia, madison, thank you. well georgia and north carolina could prove to be pivotal swing states former president trump hopes to keep hold of north carolina which hasn't gone blue since 2008. but he's hoping he can win back georgia which president biden managed to flip in one of the more stunning upsets of the 2020 election. let's bring in north carolina gop congressman greg murphy he sits on the house weighs and means committee. there have been a lot of people who have moved into your state over the last four years.
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or really over the last eight years, congressman. how does that bode for your party and former president trump? >> hey, jon. i think it actually bodes very well. i look at our particular district. i'm very blessed to have beaches and outer banks we've seen so many individuals who have come, you know, since the pandemic since the last election. the majority of those individuals are conservative a lot have moved from new england from new york and those tired from high taxes and oregon and california moving here trying to escape the nonsense that are seen in democratic states. so i definitely think it is a good thing that our population is risen and in the manner in which it has risen and bodes very well for the gop top of the ticket. jon: i want to put on the screen fox news polling on north carolina. and it shows vice president harris at 50% donald trump at 49%. but again, there's a margin of error here of plus or minus three points so essentially it
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is a tie. according to our fox news polling, it could go either way. you seem to think it is going to go donald trump's way, why? >> i do. i think, you know, so many of these polls jon as you were pointing out a few minutes ago polls are just so far off base. i think some people are reluctant to admit good bad or indifferent that they're polling for trump because some of the emotional attitudes that go through that and republicans don't answer phones when people are calling them and they're doing work so i feel very, very good about president trump taking the state. remember, this is a military friendly state and people have not forgotten absolute debacle that occured in afghanistan we lost one of our own marines from camp that is running deep and were strong military friendly state i think that will carry a lot of weight along with so many other things. you know, kamala has not just
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presented a case to vote for her. she hasn't said well i'll do what biden has done in the past. but there's nothing there. there's nothing there. so i think president trump is making his case. he's, obviously, very, very energizic not hiding in a basement i think president trump wins out the state. jon: but somehow she has really flipped her own personal polling numbers around. she was down in the 30s in popularity before she became the democrats nominee and now she's neck and neck, obviously, maybe even ahead of former president trump. to what do you attribute that? >> i don't attribute that anything to her specifically. there, you know democratic party has tried to create a persona that was not there. remember jon four, five months ago before she was ever on the ticket democrats are trying get her off the ticket. pelosi was calling for an open convention rather than just anointing her immediately so this is a persona created by i'm sorry the fabrication of the democratic party.
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and mainstream media trump is a known quantity some folks don't like that quality but people also know that during his presidency we have low inflation. we had respect around the world and we had peace. so i think when voters go to the poll, you know, sometimes they just have to make the right choices elections are emotional things. but i think safety and security their family as well as all of the inflationary pressures of that the kamala harris biden administration has caused. really are going to root the day and pull the state forward. >> i showed the numberings from your state north carolina, which is essentially a tie kamala harris up by one percentage point apparently in a three percentage point margin of error take a look at georgia where it is also a one percent race. but it goes the other way 48-47 in favor of trump. this margin of error a little bigger 4.7% have you spent enough time taking a look at georgia to predict where that race is going president trump
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lost it by about 12,000 votes against joe biden. >> yeah. i know that and no i've been taig a look trying to study all of the ground -- all of the difficult states rather challenging as i was up in new york helping another capability the other day. i think there's a national feeling that if you look back at what's happened over the last four years kamala represents hell she was part that have problem for the last four years it is intregging to see mrs. biden out campaigning she was part of the problem that we had with president biden i don't know that that's really a good idea. i think that the people in the country, georgia, michigan all the other folks will see they don't want more of the same. you know kamala talks about change well why didn't she change it over the last four years. so we're seeing more and more i think it really the momentum definitely is moving in president trump's favor. just have to run that through the line through the tape on tuesday. jon: greg murphy it is going to
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be an interesting race to watch thanks for giving us a preview. thanks. >> all right take care. jon: you too. more special democracy '24 coverage straight ahead on the "fox report." [child laughing] (♪) (♪) [child giggling with delight] (♪) come on you two. dinner time. ♪ ooooh. ooooh. ♪
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jon: well, it's the final weekend before the 2024 presidential election vice president kamala harris spoke at a campaign rally in charlotte earlier today. her second rally of the day after she spoke in atlanta earlier this afternoon. meanwhile, in virginia former president trump is supposed to speak in salem at his second campaign rally of the day. still waiting for the former president to take the stage there and he isn't done after this, mr. trump will fly back to north carolina to address his supporters in greensboro, he spoke at a rally in guesttonia this afternoon. star power to add to the event where rock star jon bon jovi and other musical guests put in an appearance. senior correspondent jonathon surrey is there live with more. jonathon. reporter: yeah. it was a political rally and a
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concert we heard performances by jon bon jovi and khalid just before vice president harris took the stage. at this rally trying to contrast herself between kamala harris and former president trump. now at one point during her speech she was interrupted by protesters, crowds started shouting them down shouting kamala so you couldn't really hear what the protesters were trying to say as they were escorted out of the venue and then harris addressed the protesters directly. let's take a listen. >> hey, listen it's all good. and look, we all want that war -- in the middle east to end we want the hostages home. and when i am president, i will do everything in my power to make it so. [applause] so so much about what i care
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about on your behalf is truly about dignity. it is about dignity. it is about the importance of lifting people up and not trying to tear them down. [applause] >> now, harris arrived at this rally after delivering a similar speech in the swing state of georgia. and now as for north carolina, harris tries to appeal the voters in this swing state, some political scientists say she faces a challenge when it comes to pocketbook issues. >> 70% of the north carolina listed economy as one of their top three issues. when we have done polling about which candidate is performing best on the particular issues in the state trump tends to do better when people are thinking about the economy. >> and now both harris and trump
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campaigns are pivoting to election day, the early voting period in north carolina ended at 3:00 this afternoon. and the set a new record exceeding 5 million early ballots i'm sorry exceeding 4 million early ballots cast. jon. jon: i spent last week with north carolina friends they voted well in advance. a lot of people joined them, obviously, jonathon serrie in charlotte, north carolina jonathon, thanks. ♪ ♪ jon: in sense the national spotlight is shining on door county, wisconsin where voters have correctly backed the winning presidential candidate for more than two decades now. so can voters there offer a clue into the potential outcome of this year's race? senior cor correspondent mike
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doaben is there live. >> people can certainly provide a window into what the rest of the nation is thinking as you mentioned there, every election this century has door county votes so goes the rest of the nation. one of the things you can tell by the way that people in door county are oriented that they were split like the rest of the nation. they come from a diverse background you've got an economy that's based in shipbuilding, manufacturing, a lot of retail, tourism industry, and you've got a lot of retired people who moved here. as a result you've got a lot of die divergent view point and they can sit down peacefully over a beer or a cup of coffee. >> i know it's -- a critical state for the republicans to win. and we're praying they will. >> this is a important state that republicans need to win. and again, i want to win on the moral side of it.
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and i just am concerned about the decline. in america -- >> i hope trump doesn't win. [laughter] >> why do you say that? >> i don't him to be president. >> because -- of his behavior? because of his policies? >> because both. >> one thing here is that people thans the role they play is very important. one point 3 million ballots have been cast that's a quarter million more than this time in the 2020 election. as you look over the state for the trends, population centers, milwaukee and madison that's where the universities are located and those are the liberal strong holds you get out across the rest of wisconsin you've got a lot of farmland out here you've got a lot of trump country. jon back to you. jon: mike tobin in door county wisconsin let's see if they keep that streak going. mike, thank you. from wisconsin let's head to
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michigan, another battle ground state in the so-called blue wall. fox business grady trimble is live in dearborn for us. grady. >> john former trump was here in dearborn yesterday trying to win over support of arab american voters who traditionally vote democratic. but this time around, things could be different for them because so many of them are frustrated with the biden-harris administration's handling of the wars in gaza and lebanon. so some of them are skipping out this election entirely. some are voting third party, and yes, some are voting for former president trump. at this early voting place, i spoke to two new u.s. citizens both from lebanon, both voting in their first presidential election, and both casting their ballots for trump. at his stop in dearborn, yesterday, former president promised to bring peace to the middle east. and the folks i talked to here say they believe him. for her part vice president harris as you heard in jonathon,
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serrie report called for a sees cease-fire and not visited dearborn as a presidential candidate and harris has another yiengtsed autoworker union endorsed her and held a get out the vote event yesterday in detroit. trying to get their members to vote blue. so in addition to the middle east, another top issue for voters here is the economy and more specifically the autoindustry. but the voters i've spoken to are split on which candidate they think will do a better job on the economy. >> i really think they'll make sure prices go down with drilling make sure the prices of fuel and everything are lower. kamala i think she's for the working class to average american person and i do believe that she'll make some impact and some change around things that we're experiencing right now. >> i always vote for democrat but this time i don't know. may be change it. >> you voted republican -- >> yes. >> are you a uaw member?
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>> yeah. >> in a state that could be determined by a handful of voters, these two groups, union voters and more specifically autoworkers as well as arab american voters they could determine the outcome of michigan maybe even the election. jon. jon: grady trimble in dearborn, michigan, thank you. much more of the latest on this election coming up when a special edition two hour "fox reportrt" returns. we design and test our own tools and sell them directly to you. no middleman. no folks in suits telling us to raise prices for the heck of it. just quality tools you can trust, at prices you'll love, every aisle every day. that's how we like to do business any way. whatever you do, do it for less at harbor freight. (♪)
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jon: turn our election attention to a couple of states polling shows former president trump with a slight lead in arizona and early voting in nevada shows republicans polling ahead. as we await former president trump's rally in salem, virginia, with just three days until election day. that's what you see on your screen right now. the former president will be at
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the microphones well -- who knows. but pretty soon. gop strategist pete seat is here with his thoughts on those two western states. nevada is kind of a curious situation, pete. it hasn't voted for a republican for president since 2004. and george w. bush what do you think are the chances around in this very tight race? >> yeah the only republican candidates for president who have won nevada since 1988 all share the same last night. bush. george h.w. bush won in '8 8 and george bush won in 2000 and 2004 but the signs are pointing in the right direction for donald trump. not only is the economy and affordability and cost of living top of mind for voters, but republicans, republicans cast 50,000 more early votes than
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democrats in nevada with their early voting period just having ended. >> that's not usual. i mean, that's not the norm for republicans typically -- republicans liked to come out on election day whatever day that might be. and democrats were more inclined to rely on early voting. what do you think is making the difference this year particularly in nevada? >> the republican national committee has leaned in heavily on early voting. they've been running a nationwide program called bank the vote trying to encourage republicans to do just that. to bank their vote, to get it in early. don't rely on your schedule being derailed on election day whether it be having to pick up the kids from school or soccer practice or weather impacting your plans, get that vote taken care of and republicans have heeded that message and cast their votes. >> we're going to be going to a trump rally in just a second
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he's not at the microphone yet let me ask you one more quick question. so these two states -- you know, obviously, any one of the swing states could decide the election. but you seem to feel pretty good about republican chances in arizona. and in nevada, pete. >> yeah there's some cautious optimism for kamala harris that's namely the fact that there's an abortion referendum on the ballot in both of the states that could draw out female voters which have been an important block for kamala harris. but immigration, economy, affordability all of the issues that are critical to donald trump, his plans, his platform, his record from his first terming are what are bringing out voters. if you look at voter registration numbers in arizona -- in arizona, nearly 90,000 newly registered voters, the largest group of that republican males.
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and that is core, core to the base for donald trump. former republican governor of arizona doug doocy is leading up a voter organization that signed up 36,000 new voters in that state. jon: that's a huge number, obviously, in a race that is going to be as close as this one seems to be real quickly, pete what about coat tails because there are a couple of senate campaigns in both of those states that republicans would very much like to pick up. how's that looking? >> we've seen both sam brown in nevada, and carey lake in arizona lead in their very first poll of the year. by a single percentage point, the most rentes polls that came out this week, now, could those be outliers, could they be peaking at the right moment? we're not going to know until tuesday. but it could very well be the trump effect that is your honor iting the tide in their favor. >> let's listen to former
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president pete seat thank you very much. let's go to donald trump, in salem, virginia. >> thank you mr. governor we're going to win. thank you very much. you have a great governor in this state you did a great job in your attorney general. the whole group. thank you, glenn. what a job. so very special, hello to virginia. i know it well to put it mildly. i'm thrilled to be in the commonwealth with thousands of proud hardworking american patriots that's what you are, you are patriots. and i would like to begin with a very simple question for you to answer if you don't mind. are you better off now than you were four years ago? i've come today with a message of hope for all americans with your vote on tuesday that's a big day you have to get out --
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we win i'll tell you what -- we win virginia, we win the whole thing without question. [applause] the whole thing. [cheering] now, it is very possibility that without winning virginia we're beginning to win the whole thing too but wouldn't it be nice? we have to do it. we're going win virginia i felt it your governor felt it. i felt it for a long time. but i will end inflation, i will stop the invasion of criminals into our country. and i will bring back the american dream. [cheering] this is all you really need to know. kamala a low i.q. person broke it and i will fix it. i promise. i will fix it. go quickly. it is going to go quickly.
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[applause] they've done a lot of damage. but it will go quickly. america will be bigger, better, bolder, richer, safer, and stronger than ever before. [applause] and this -- this election is a choice between whether you will have four more years of incompetence and failure or whether we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country. that's what's going to happen. [applause] and i'm asking you to be excited about the future again. be excited. you know, it's hard for you to be excited. you're watching what they've done to this country it is hard. just be excited. it is coming back. it is going to come back for you -- [applause] and i'm asking you remember this too. dream big again. you're going to dream big and we're going to do some incredible things. because this will be america's new golden age. it is going to be a golden age
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of america. we're going to get this stupid people out of here as quickly as possible. [cheering and applause] what they've done. every problem facing us can be solved, but now the fate of our nation is in your hands. it really is in your hands. on tuesday, you have to stand up. you have to tell kamala -- [booing] and you can't call her harris you know why you say harris who the hell is harris -- the whole thing doesn't work so we just call her kamala. you're going tell her that you've had it. you've had it kamala you're the worst vice president in history. you're terrible at what you do. you've destroyed our country. kamala you're fired get the hell
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out of here. [cheering and applause] get the hell out of here. i'm here today in this incredible commonwealth for one very simple reason because i believe we can win virginia and that would be unbelievable. [cheering and applause] and working with your governor, we will get ms-13 the hell out of your communities you're loaded up with them. loaded up they don't want to touch them we're going to touch them and get them out and i.c.e. all over the place you know what i.c.e. is. you know what i.c.e. is they're very tough people that love our country. and if you don't have a very tough people you're not getting mississippi sp ms-13 out it is like their cup of tea. we will cut your taxes create millions of jobs, fix your
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schools, stop the and won't let them change your kids' gender. no. you will not be doing that and won't be changing your children's gender with their transgender craziness. and we will protect parents' rights and we will protect school choice you're going to have school choice here. school choice. we'll bring back an education system based on merit don't forget our supreme court gave us in a very great ruling. a decision that we're actually allowed to use merit again. merit -- so that if somebody works hard, if somebody works hard, lay do well. they work so hard and do so well. we actually have a merit-based country again. can you believe it? isn't that nice?
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and we will, of course, keep men out of women's sports. i promise. [applause] last year radical left gender insanity arrived here in salem when a man was allowed to transfer on to the roanoke college women's swim team. [booing] and i just met them backstage, the great swimmers, i didn't notice a male on that particular team. i didn't notice a male on that team. perhaps i don't understand what's happening but i didn't see males on that team believe me. but the brave members of the swim team stood up to the transgender fanatics something new in our country. [cheering and applause] and those strong -- and i would say beautiful but
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i'm not allowed to use that term anymore with women because if you mean beautiful it means the end of your career in politics. you're not allowed to say a woman is beautiful so i will not tell you how beautiful they are. but they are beautiful -- but those strong beautiful intelligent women, they won. they won. and today we're joined by seven of the great members really championship incredible swimmers of the roanoke college women swim team that have gotten more publicity than i have. what the hell is going on here -- including team captain lily mullins a real champion. come on up. come on up, ladies. [cheering and applause]
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[cheering] lily, everybody. a little bit earlier we took about -- >> ten minutes from the harris and walz campaign appearances given you ten minutes of the trump campaign appearance there trying to keep things even this close to a very, very tight election so we're going take a short break we'll have -- the very latest just three days to go until election day. more on a "fox report" returns. [achoo!] needs,
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alka seltzer plus cold & flu when speed is what you need, bounce back fast with alka seltzer plus. also try the new chewable fizzy chews. no water needed. leo! he's there when we wake up, he's there when we leave, he's there whenever we come back home from school, he's just there always. mash it up doofus. ever since we introduced him to the farmer's dog, his quality of life has been forever changed. he prefers real, human-grade food. it's... real food! it is! he's a happy dog now. he's a happy, happy dog. he's a happy, happy, happy dog!
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oregon jon: former president trump speaking now part of the wild dash to the finish of the 2024 election cycle. let's get back to gop strategist pete seat here with his thoughts. according to roanoke college poll, the race in virginia doesn't look particularly close although again, this is a 4.6 margin of error. so you want to swing that, you know, all the way swing that pendulum one way this race could
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be essentially a tie. but according to the overall poll numbers, kamala harris leads donald trump by 10 points in virginia. now, he's got this in port, obviously, of glenn youngkin there what do you think are the chances that form or president trump wins virginia? , pete? >> the trump campaign may very well have internal polling that tells a different story and paints a different picture of the state. but i remember when they were out in coachella, california, a few weeks ago. the campaign made the point and the case this wasn't about trying to win california which was not going to happen. this is about the fact that donald trump as the republican nominee as a former president has potentially next president, gets media coverage no matter where he is. he doesn't have to be in one of the seven battleground states to get media coverage, to get attention, to communicate his
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message to those constituencies and kamala harris has done the same thing she went to houston, texas a few weeks ago had is not a battle ground state to talk about the issue of abortion, because that is how she's trying to drive those female voters particularly those between ages of 18 and 29 to vote for her. >> pennsylvania -- maybe the key state this time around and there's one pretty large voting bloc that doesn't typically vote in pennsylvania. that is the amish and republicans and the trump campaign have made a special push to try to get the amish out to vote normally i'm told that theamish like to maintain a separation of power of ordinary life and politics. but the trump campaign is trying to win the amish vote. what do you think are the chances they can bring out enough to make a difference, pete? >> yeah the amish tipping scales
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of an lex is not something you hear every day. but we also have a sizable amish population here in the northeast part of the state and experienced some of the same dynamics with them as well. in a race this close, jon, razor thin tossup you're going try to find every single vote you can find. kamala harris is doing the same thing in arizona with the mormon vote. nearly half a million mormons live in arizona, they're typically historically republican voters but some of them are starting to move towards her because they have a distaste for the way donald trump talks. so you're going everywhere. you're trying to find constituencies that typically don't align with you it is strange fellows 2024 is all about strange bedfellows and shifting dynamic of the political environment. jon: it is still a very tight race one that could go either
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way in a word right pete? >> absolutely we'll see what happens tuesday maybe wednesday, thursday when it is all counted and down. jon: pete seat, pete thank you. and our special two hour edition of the "fox report" continues on this daylight savings saturday. right after this -- lstate first. it's gonna get nasty later. like you know, to check the weather first, before sailing. have fun on land. i'll go tell the coast guard. so check all state first for a quote that could save you hundreds. do your dry eyes still feel gritty, rough, or tired? with miebo, eyes can feel ♪ miebo ohh yeah ♪ miebo is the only prescription dry eye drop that forms a protective layer for the number one cause of dry eye: too much tear evaporation. for relief that's ♪ miebo ohh yeah ♪
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