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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  November 3, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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this is sunday november 3rd this is a special edition of "fox & friends." baling we get some overtime because we're two days away from election day and both candidates are hitting battleground states after this surprise "saturday night live" appearance from kamala harris. >> american people want to stop the chaos and end the drama. what do we always say keep kamala and carry onala. >> plus, former donald trump making a play for blue leaning virginia. can he pull that off? >> people are seeing that there are serious issues to be had both for policies that will support your pocketbook and the nation. that's donald trump. >> see if there will be a second big upset met with glenn
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youngkin couple of years ago and commander in chief latest confusing campaign statement. he's a rageaholic. >> this is a kind of guy you like to smack in the ass -- agghhh. he's running our country this is the president of the united states. final hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and remember mornings are better with friends. >> edition of this sunday, "fox & friends." >> that's right less than 48 hourings away from election day and both campaigns are back on the trail today making their final push to get the undecideds and unvoted people are who haven't voted to vote for them. >> we have team coverage for you aishah hasnie is in north carolina with the latest on the trump campaign there and we begin with carley shimkus ahead of the trump rally. >> hey guys yeah good morning so
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the story of the moment is that the line has grown to lengths even surprises me. just look at this. so donald trump is going to be speaking over there. and then look at how many people are in the line as far as the eye can see. oh, my goodness so i'm going to be talking to some of them see how they're feeling tell us why you're here. >> katherine here to support trump. reporter: why tell us about that? >> i support a fella that's for sure. i support everything he did in 2016. the way that he supported economy, wall, immigration, tariffs everything that he's done. so big supporter. reporter: thank you so much. are you guys surprised how many have shown up to this rally? >> absolutely. it is crazy right. what do you think it is going to be like when he starts to speak? >> over the top. >> what is your number one issue most important thing to you. >> number one is the economy, and the border, and i leak what he's doing as far as no tacks on
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tips and no taxes on social security in particular. reporter: that's right those are other things when he's talking about the economy. do you guys live in pennsylvania, lev in this area? >> i'm a pennsylvania -- hanover -- >> they say this is neck and neck but on the ground a sense when you're talking to people, how does it feel? how do you think it is going to go? >> well, hoping to get trump -- make sure the people i talk to like trump so maybe it just depends who you talk to now myself i'm not a republican. i'm a libertarian. >> and you're voting for trump. >> tell us why is that? >> a big reason is the no tax on tips. no tax on overtime and because libertarians believe that taxes -- small government and they believe taxes are thefts. >> so this libertarian you're voting for trump that is very interesting. i want to show you how big the crowd is it's definitely been growing over the last two and a
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half hours and it is probably going to continue as he's setting the stage at 10 a.m. going on over to north carolina and georgia. back inside to you guys in the studio. >> one big crowd there to see you carley i'll tell ya. reporter: i don't know if it is for me. >> why do you say it like you're surprised? >> i shouldn't have put that in the voice -- it is shimkus factor people are showing up. legal challenges underway in several states ahead of election day. >> in pennsylvania rejecting republicans pleas to reject provisional ballots with mistakes as crucial counties face challenges over mail-in ballots and voter registrations. >> rnc is celebrating after a gop watcher were allowed into four blue leaning counties election officers were extended absentee ballot hours. >> another set of eyes here to discuss fox news sunday anchor
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fox news chief legal correspondent shannon bream. >> great to be on the couch with the friends. >> just us or does it seem like there's more legal challenges prior to the election is that just we're paying more attention? >> most litigated election in history and both sides of the campaigns national organizations they all have lawyered up and they're ready to go. there are more than 200 cases we're tracking all across the countries. >> it makes more sense to fight about stuff before than after because it's hard to put the toothpaste bag in the tube. let's start with a pennsylvania. so essentially what the high court said is if somebody is screwed up their ballot, it is not going to count. >> well here's what's happens there's state and there's federal in pennsylvania. there's so many of the case what is the supreme court said this week there were challenges you messed up your mail-in ballot could you then go cast a provisional ballot fix it and do that, supreme court said we're not going to get in the middle of this and stay that order but there was a statement not a desent but a statement that
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thomas justice and gorsuch joined that said listen this only involved a couple of voters and it only involved one election board in a small county. even if we gave you the relief you're seeking it wouldn't have statewide impact. some people see that as a signal from him if you're going come back this is the way you should shape the case if you bring it back to us in the supreme court. >> civilians that didn't go to law school and be like don't come at me with two instances but coalition of people. yeah. >> what about 2500? >> you guys have been covering this so weird large batches of registrations have been showing up some local officials have been telling us we're trying to dig into this and get more information. they've said when they've gone through them they were flagged because there was some odd things going on and they have found dozens of these were faulty even wrong addresses or people who were deceased that kind of thing. so they're trying to dig into see where all of these ballots came from and if it is a broader problem in other counties. >> i read it does not seem to
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favor one particular candidate over another that suggests somebody trying to get as many people registered as possible. shannon: maybe just throw some chaos into the system because there's not enough already. >> you came up everyone is coming up from washington. to cover this, what can you expect? do you think we'll have the results the next day? shannon: i don't know. because we've been warned by pennsylvania. that they take time we know they're going to go into wednesday and lets our viewers know there are delays and maricopa county said up to 13 days and still hanging on looking for an arizona result that could extend things but as many lawsuits as we already have we've been warned there are more coming on post election day that could drag everything out. >> why is maricopa county going to take 13 days because they don't count things until election night and -- oftentimes they don't count them if the -- margin of verdict is so great that the -- you count the 2,000 no doesn't matter. >> all of the states do this differently so you know there are going to be dirchts results
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with maricopa, i think it is first time since 2006, they've got a two page ballot. so it takes peel a lot longer to fill out and you have to feed things through the machine and taking twice as much time it has taken several days to get things done but 60% of the votes come through maricopa and a labor intensive process the way they do it out there. >> i think the concern for a lot of people is we know what happened with bush and gore. before the fixer system why the states with the same issues back in 2020 have the same issues this time around? shannon: my husband asked me this the other night there are laboratories of democracy all of the 50 states but take notes from states that are doing it well. you have to do that. in pennsylvania one of the toughest states one we're watching closely and a ton of litigation there have been those who have said there were fixes
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that were potentially coming. and they blamed trump they say he discouraged the local state officials enlawmakers in pennsylvania from making the changes. i don't know. all i know is they have a lot of litigation because there's a lot of confusion. >> you don't get offended often and neither does -- >> i wouldn't be next to you. >> to advance. call hr? >> can i finish please? >> my wife doesn't get offended either but she was offended by this commercial that said you have to lie to your husband about how you voted. did you notice people really getting upset by that because i'm getting that a lot. shannon: i feel like you have bigger problems like you can't have an honest conversation i'm going to vote differently but if you have to hide that feels hands maids tale if you can't have a conversation more independent? >> we're seeing colored television now. 1990 women can vote. >> i feel like we need some
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relationship counseling that you may differ on things politically. >> how's your husband going to vote because she's going vote for harris i said well how is your husband going to vote she said well he better vote for -- harris -- but he's supported trump in the past and that's kind of the -- >> might have to lie when he goes in to vote. >> back in the day everyone was pretty -- more moderate. this election she's supersocialist and very progressive. and he's not. so i think if you know your spouse well enough you'll know which way they'll vote. >> the marriage where is you're going be combustible and you're honest about what it is. >> never talk about politics at table a lot of quiet. silverware hit the side of the plate. >> around the corner. krek ets are chirps. >> i'm sure you're talking about this election on your show. shannon: we are we're going to do the pat to 270 we love to play with the board no one is
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bill hemmer not trying to tbh comparison we're going to go through the past to 270 and talk to elise stefanik she's had a lot to say about what mark cuban said about strong and intelligent women and mark kelly out of arizona a critical battle ground state. we'll ask him about those delays we expect there and how it works in arizona. >> but lawrence is getting close. >> doing the moon walk -- a vibe. lawrence: trying to get close. >> he gave you a compliment. >> bill hemmer never complimented me 17 years i've known him. >> do a poll here do you know how your significant other is voting? >> yes. >> i do too. did you? >> she ask me, of course, i know. i see yelling at the television a lot. lawrence: not existence, tbd. >> we know who she better vote for. >> say thank you shannon bream. >> one, two, three, thank you shannon bream. >> mornings mornings are reallyr
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with friends. okay both trump and harris making their final campaign stops in the coming days. so let's go to north carolina first with aishah hasnie as trump is set to rally voters in the tar heel state. hi, aishah. >> good morning to you ainsley there's so many of excitement at the rallies these are final rallies a lot of folks just talking about the fact these are possibly the final rallies for the former president after three presidential runs so people are really taking this in. he's going to be in -- going to do seven different rallies across four different battleground states in 48 hours and strictly sticking to battle grounds now but he was in lean blue virginia speaking to a huge crowd there. it is a state that he feels like he can flip this year. >> i'll tell you what -- we win virginia, we win the whole thing without question. whole thing --
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[applause] now, it is very possible that without winning virginia we're going win the whole thing too. but it will be -- wouldn't it be cool. wouldn't it be nice? we have to do it. we're going win virginia. >> trump's final message to americans is simple. kamala broke it, he can fix it and he's targeting suburban female voters especially right now in this final spread. he's hoping that securitying and safety and the economy can sway them. >> yesterday was announced that kamala's economy added only 12,000 jobs. nobody has ever heard that have. one of the worst jobs report of all time they say kamala economy is like in a depression. worst numbers i've ever seen and worst numbers in many, many, many years i stand bump you today as the only candidate who can rescue our economy. >> and we'll be watching very closely to see if he addresses this.
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a new des moines register poll that shows that harris is beating him by 3 points in iowa it sort of sent shock waves across the political spectrum this poll shows she's being carried by female voters. the trump campaign is telling me that this poll is an outliar while those battle grounds states might be close it is not close at all in iowa and questioning timing before the sunday shows and pointing to emerson poll with trump up by 10 wreg emerson college released reflects state of the iowa electorate and does so with far more transparency and in their methodology. so we'll be watching his remarks here today in north carolina. he did mention iowa last night in north carolina at one of the earlier or actually the late prime time rally. didn't talk about the polling. but just said how he had won big back in 2016 and by the way, kamala harris never made it to
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the iowa caucuses in 2020. back to you guys. >> all right aishah in north carolina thank you very much. lawrence: suddenly up -- >> she mentioned that iowa poll seen as an outlier or could be, you know, the leading edge on something we'll know by the middle of this week. >> the same pollster was dead wrong in primaries. >> see by then and who knows what it is and the point is after that came out then the -- the betting markets all shifted and now on -- on they're tied at 50/50 predicted actually says she will win trump was way ahead before. and there's an interesting item they just posted to top of washington post that is we have hard kamala harris since she's been running. she said i am the underdog. i, you know -- i'm the underdog i have to cool from behind behind apparently ts no longer the case she and her campaign are saying to supporters to the media they are
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confident she's goapg win so they've taken that turn from underdog to we're going to win. >> betting markets can be completely wrong you can have one person that's a billionaire that's putting in money you can have a -- exactly. ainsley: it shows you they're neck and in neck really all of the polls really. >> saying they feel they're up with men than she's up with women and the whole white dudes for harris everyone was laughing off but it was a real concern that white men were not going to vote for kamala harris and they're seeing that in the early voting that they're not coming out. they are seeing some signs that the reluctant or the reluctant voter or ones that don't show up are beginning to show up. and that would be a salute to the ground game but that happens of charlie kirk and elon musk. lawrence: interesting when you look at the form or president donald trump he's going places that typically republicans wouldn't go to in the final days.
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he's trying to expand the map right here and when you look at her she's targeting different coalitions that used to be just solid blue. and i think that shows you maybe the campaign is saying with their words but what she's showing up to a black church that's typically dead, set 95% of the time vote for democrats on a sunday today. that tells you that she's worried about something. >> in detroit she's the rally i believe it is a rally in detroit and then going to go to a church there in detroit and donald trump three different states and seven more rallies. >> only poll that counts is the one on tuesday. so you've got to votes. or you can't complain. ainsley: that's a good line 17 minutes after the top of the hour turning to more headlines starting with a fox weather alerts. oklahoma city police say that at least six people are in the hospital after at least three tornadoes formed near the city just after midnight. officers say that several businesses were destroyed. the tornadoes reportedly also downing powerlines and damaging
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an air force base. a kidnapping suspect leading los angeles police on a slow speed chase last nights. across southern california, the chase began after the suspect fled a traffic stop. and lasted more than an hour and a half. officers say they found the unidentified suspect inside the car with a woman who they believe is the victim. no word yet on any charges. elon musk is speaking out after peanut the squirrel was euthanized in rural new york. state officials confiscating beloved pet from its owner claiming they received reports about wild animals being kept illegal before euthanizing. musk one of the thousands that are outraged about this story posted on x, quote, the government should not be allowed to barge into your house and keel your pet. that's messed up. vice president kamala harris making a surprise appearance at the final episode of s&l live. >> nice to see you kamala.
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>> it is nice to see you kamala and i'm just here to remind you, you got this because you can do something your opponent can not do. you can open doors. [applause] i see what you do there like a garbage truck -- [laughter] >> i don't really laugh like that do i? >> a little bit. >> i should say the final episode before the election but just last month executive producer lauren michael said, quote, you can't bring the actual people who are running on -- on the show meaning because of election laws and the e equal time provisions you can't have main candidates without having all of the candidates. >> does he not have control of the show? what changed? >> the campaign that he was never asked. donald trump never asked. >> from yesterday show the next week will decide if the next
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president will be kamala harris or everyone at s&l will get audited? >> with january. like the republicans did on lois lerner. >> interesting to where what nbc has to do with the invite in the meantime economy is top issue as both sides make their final pitch on the campaign trail that's straight ahead on this sunday fobs and friends.
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lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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it brings people together in meaningful ways. ♪ ♪ reporter: good morning everyone looking at the central u.s. we have the potential for showers, thunderstorms and even some severe weather we had tornado reports in oklahoma overnight last night, and we have a severe storm threat not only today. but through monday, so this is an area we're going to have to watch the good news is we don't have recent warnings but we have a lot of lightning and gusty winds with us so keep that in mind tornado watch expired that's the good news but we're looking at the severe weather threat not only today but monday i know a lot of people are early voting. keep that in mind know what your sphk going to be. we could see snow across the higher elevations of the northwest there's your election day for the swing states of wisconsin as well as michigan. so rain in the forecast but i don't think there's going to be
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any severe weather that's the good news. also watching the tropics invest 97l will move slowly into the gulf of mexico. so something we have to watch. obviously, and we will. fox for all your latest details and the marathon today is happening ainsley, it is going to be pretty good weather i think you're a runner which i am not. you know, mid-50s is not bad. >> yeah. i know. traffic all of the streets are closed down. inch that's not good. how are you going get home today? >> i'll be taking masstransit. >> me too first time before covid. too scared to take the subway. >> you're going to be fine i promise have brian make sure you get home safely. >> i'll take all of the three guys home with me. thank you so much janice former president trump making friday jobs report a part of his closing message to voters. >> kamala's economy is like in a depression. the worst numbers i've ever seen, worst numbers in many, many, many years, i stand before
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you today as the only candidate who can rescue our economy. ainsley: here to discuss is "sunday morning futures" anchor maria bartiromo good morning to you maria. maria: hi ainsley how are you? ainsley: thanks for coming on this morning with us. i was talking to lee carter she owns associates she looks at dials to see what resonates with the voter that message of the economy, we're better off under trump than we were under kamala. that seems to do really well as a message. maria: yeah. and it is a message that really resonates with people because it is real. i mean, we saw the jobs numbering coming out on fridays we're only 12,000 jobs were created in the month of october. versus an expectation of more than 100,000 jobs. now, the issue here, of course, was to do what strikes and storms we had hurricane helene. we had lots of worries over storms during the month, of course, we've got the boeing strike underway as well so there
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were outside forces with the october numbers but nonetheless you're still looking at a jobs market that is slowing. and as the issue of the economy is really high up for voters, that's why president trump is leaning on that. we all remember when president trump was running things. we did have very strong growth. we had job creation we didn't have the kind of inflation that we're talking about today. and when you look at jobs and growth that's one part of the conversation. but the voters really are focused in on the fact that everything is more expensive. and when you look at inflation even though it is come off the highs it is not where the federal reserve want it is to be and you're still talking about prices for just about everything being up 20%. under kamala harris and joe biden. and that is why president trump is talking about it so much you know what ainsley there's a certain sophistication about the economy that comes through what president trump talks about it when he's talking about his efforts to no tax on tips no taxes on overtime extending tax cuts. cutting into and tapping into
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america's potential energy capacity. is also something that he's articulated very well. kamala harris simply what is not articulated that kind of sophistication or understanding of the economy. i think that comes through. ainsley: i think people are going to really think the people that i've talked to voting for donald trump they feel like that's the most important thing for them that and the border immigration and prices of the groceries. all right you have a special edition of "sunday morning futures." it is going to be on fox business today who's going to be on your show? maria: we're doing our own special election program on fox business this morning. i'm talking with the mayor of michigan. he's one of the arab americans who are -- endorsing president trump. the mayor from michigan is talking about everything from economic policy to foreign policy. as the reasons that he's firmly behind president trump. so we're going to talk to the mayor to see how president trump's message is resonating with the arab american community we're also getting do the down
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ballot races and lottery contested races like texas ted cruz my special guest representative anna l'una is also talking about what voters are looking at in florida. and then we're talking about the china angle, the oversight committee is launching an investigation into tim walz ties to china why and what specifically is behind that investigation with the chairman of the oversight comeed james comer my special guest and talking about securing the vote. how was confidence are we should have should we have ratner this election in terms of all of the illegals -- being talked about and all of these lawsuits that you all were talking ab few minutes ago so talking with lara trump about securing for tuesday. >> you get the best guests i'll be watching on fox business tuesday. >> if you want to watch i know you do. thanks maria have a great show. maria: you got it. ainsley: more than 1.35 million
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voters have cast their ballots in maryland former governor turned candidate larry hogan will join us next.
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♪ ♪ >> so it is not just the presidential election wreer we're watching on tuesday there could be a balance of power shift in the house and senate. bill hemmer explains what to look for. >> net gain is overall change in the number of seats in the senate and house that are held by each party. this will be key on november 5th as we track the balance of power. about a third of the senate is up for grabs on election night. and most of those seats are held by democrats. democrats have a slim senate
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majority right now. there are 51 democrats including four independents aligned with them. and 49 republicans. the gop needs a net gain of two seats to take the outright majority. if former president trump wins his race, republicans would need just one pickup to flip the senate because the vice president will cast the tie breaking vote. over on the house side republicans hold a razor thin majority with 220 seats. while democrats have 212. three vacant seats likely to remain in party hands with every seat up for grabs in the election, democrats need a net gain of four to take control of the house. as you watch an election night remember the balance of power should shift throughout the night as results come in. and with such small majorities in the senate and house control
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of congress could ultimately come down to just a handful of seats. >> now really impact the country too. so one of the major races could decide senate of ambulance of power where a republican has not won in 44 years but never a republican in my lifetime like larry hogan our guest will change that and he's going against angel brooks with a slight lead in some of the polls and not extensive amount of polling governor, republican successful in maryland. why do you think you could be successful and win like you did the governor's mansion why do you think you can do it in the senate? >> well, brian i think we're going to be the biggest surprise upset in the country on tuesday night, and we're out there working hard. look the voters of maryland know me and i know i'll be a guy that stands up to try to represent all of the people of our state that -- that i'm sort of a strong independent leader. that is going to do the best job
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representing everybody and we have to have a winning coalition of republicans and independents but a pretty big chunk of democrats but that's what i did as governor i'm the second republican governor reelected in 2048 years so it's hard to do in our state. but we -- as you point out we haven't had a republican senator since 1980 but it is a tossup race right now and we're feeling really strong. >> so governor. you consider yourself a conservative but your state isn't. how do you decide when to vote then how to vote then? >> well you know i stand up and try to push things i can get done. i'm only govan in america to get a include letture to cut taxes we did it eight years in a row by 4.7 billion and took our economy from 49th out of the 50 states to 6 and turns out you know democrats like that too and you know i'm back in the blue, and getting tough on violent criminals i'm for securing the border those are things that even democrats in my state agree
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with. brian: you and former president have clashed in the past where do you agree? >> well, you know, he did a great job on the economy no question about that, and i think with the -- you know, number one issue in this campaign right nowing in our state just like it is in rest of the country is people are concerned about affordability inflation and cost of nearly everything as the cost of housing, cost of groceries, cost of energy. i think, you know, we do agree on a lot of economic policy. brian: so i notice in terms of the stakes that couldn't be higher. because republicans if they get the majority no one is talking about filibuster never going add two states. no one will read electoral college but democrats are on the record they want to do all three and wyden is moving on that. do you emphasize that from the start? >> yeah. no. people aren't really talk about about that much on the stump but that's what democrats are threatening to do. i think it is really important i'm a guy who believes we need
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less partisanship rather than more and jamming things through on one vote opposed to keeping the filibuster where you have to find bipartisan cooperation reach across the aisle to get things done. you know, i'm going to protect the filibuster i think democrats are making a big mistake on that we shouldn't jam things through on a partisan vote. >> you consider yourself with joe manchin was able to do in the senate, you've considered that your template? >> well joe manchin is a very good friend. he and i were working together on no labels with the problem solvers caucus, and joe came out and endorsed me and proud to have his endorsement and a 2-1 democratic state and next door neighbor democratic senator get onboard i think it is big for our campaign. brian: you're trying to buck the odds but you have the profile to do it and i think a lot of democrats seem very nervous about it. governor -- >> they're getting nervous. brian: wearing the lucky vest meanwhile in 90 minutes form or
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president trump set to take the stage in battle ground state of pennsylvania. carr carr carley shimkus is talking to voters in the crowd and they seem to like the country. >> usa. ♪ ♪ no more gross cough syrup. we all want you to feel better. i want extra tv time or i'll walk! how about this? introducing the only kids soft-chew for medicated cough relief. aaaaghhh! new mucinex children's mighty chews are mighty clever.
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ainsley: we are less than 48 hours from election day and both campaigns making their final push to voters. brian: white house correspondent jackie ibanez has the latest on the harris campaign. jackie. reporter: good morning to you guys the vice president events today compete with football so trying to break through with a two minute ad that will air when swing state teams that detroit lions and green bay packers face off. >> we see in our fellow americans neighbors, not enemies. we believe in each other. >> president biden once again made harris's you knowty pitch a bit more complicated with another remark about republicans. let's listen. >> there's one more thing trump and republican friends want to do they want another giant tax cut for the wealthy.
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now i know some of you are tempted to think look guy ill tell you what, man. used to have trouble down the plot once in a while. [laughter] but i'm serious. these are the kind of guys you like to smack in the ass. [laughter] >> that was at an event in scranton yesterday the president's first official harris campaign event after the now infamous garbage debacle his campaign calls in support of harris were canceled in that fallout and it also came on heels of mark cuban big harris surrogate apologizing for insulting female trump supporters harris, though, seems well aware she's got to target a broad audience stopples with competing views. her ads in michigan and pennsylvania have different messages about same issue targettings jewish american voters and arab american voters with basically different messages about war in gaza.
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campaign, though, is projecting confidence saying "new york times" poll today basically confirms their internal data last week that shows late breakers are siding with harris by 2-1 margin. guys. >> so jackie you're there in detroit are there any commercials on television other than political commercials? [laughter] >> you know, not that i've seen. i think the airwaves are saturated at this point i don't know if you can buy an ad at this point because pretty much all of the air time is a political -- ainsley: one other that i see a lot doctor he's the sleep guy. fox we're grateful. >> superbeats is my favorite. >> what's not to love. i love that. i love the new cologne that men wear. >> women, i love it. they like the guy they want him to come back because he smells good.
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brian: a quick thing jackie was saying surrogates are so needed jd vance is doing four sunday shows and all of the interviews joe rogen for three hours governor walz has small venues. lawrence: the star too. brian: three stories on him about what he's done to fill the gap on what kind of economy -- but then he got ahead of himself with the view and you realize to blow up. but the problem they realize in governor walz they have someone not capable of being a surrogate. >> back out to carley shimkus talking to trump supporters heated of his rally that starts in an hour and ten minutes. brian: i would like to check in with bill hemmer -- lawrence: i was supposed to read that. this is sunday -- >> should you guys be in church? >> we're going after. >> i went yesterday. say a prayer for us. morning guys.
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sunday fun day america in "america's newsroom." >> sets it is true we're hear for special two hours of election news. >> best analysis and a sneak peek of the new special features on the billboard coming up. >> excited about that also charlie hurt guy benson many more and weal see you at 9:00. if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up i have dry eye... tired, itchy, burning... my symptoms got worse over time.
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♪ ♪ hello everybody i'm at donald trump's rally first of three stops for the president today. things are just getting started we just had the pledge of allegiance prayer and national anthem and this wonderful lady decided she wants to tell us why she's here today. tell us about that. >> i just want america to be great again. we need trump more than ever, and we hope god is on our side and we can bring him back to the white house. [cheering] >> i was told you were camera shy by request i'll skip over you and talk to you guys in the vests. tell us about this. it says on the back are you excited to hear the president speak? >> very excited. >> yeah. yep. listen to you on the way in on the app so -- >> thank you so much. so what issue that matters the
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most to you? >> getting back to values that made america great. you know, our core values of god, country and family so mr. trump is the candidate to do that. >> this is a pretty big crowd here and people have been lining up since midnight does that surprise you? >> not at all. >> are you looking forward to seeing the president? >> absolutely. >> why do you support him? >> for god, country, the united states. >> these cute little supporters as well here. do you want to say -- hi fox and friends? >> hi "fox & friends." >> back to you guys in the studio. >> thank you carley we're getting into the election day spirit with some patriotic snacks here on the fox square. j joining us right now is lifestyle expert carey riley start with election day actually has a food, an election cake. >> how excited are we to eat? >> make them so voters would come out to get a piece of cake. we have a carvel ice cream cake
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and i just pulled in fun stuff on the top. you can pick this up in your freezer section in the grocery store in the bakery section of the freezer. >> that's not all you have. >> no we have bald eagles i've got ahead -- >> constitution apples. >> there are little marshmallows dipped in white chocolate on top of an oreo, of course, we have our popcorn and our polling pretzels dipped them in white chocolate debate dip had is all edible flag and lawrence come on down and here farm rich. this is delicious this is in the freezer section of the grocery store. you can just -- heat up these snacks put it on what i'm calling a ballot bite board. >> crispy dill pickles. mozzarella sticks onion strips. and comes with a dip. >> instructions on the box. put it in the air fryer. >> so carey you have snacks for
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election night that stretches election night that stretches you've got breakfast. >> is this on the website. >> this is all on the website. this is seven layer dip. >> my mom used to make this. >> isn't that fun. you start with refried beans and guacamole and sour cream. >> doesn't matter who you're voting for, we all love food. >> 100%. we all need to destress. >> before the votes get counted, we all agree, once the votes get counted we'll see who is left in the room. >> that's exactly right. >> go to, you can get the different recipes, go to the grocery store. >> can i take this home? >> it's all yours. all of it's going home with everybody. >> thank you for coming! >> have a great sunday. e you back tomorrow >>


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