tv Outnumbered FOX News November 4, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST
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>> kayleigh: it is election eve in the 2024 presidential election is a neck and neck race. former president trump, will he pull off the greatest comeback in american political history? or will vice president harris deliver an unprecedented victory after her late entrance into the race? that's a question this hour. right now both presidential candidates are rallying their supporters, delivering their final pitches in battleground states today, and both will be in pennsylvania at the all-important state holding rival events tonight. but it will all come down to which party turns out their voters. hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany with my cohosts, harris faulkner and emily compagno. also joining us, shannon bream, fox news chief legal correspondent and "fox news sunday" anchor, and bret baier, anchoring executive editor of "special report with
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bret baier." this is a big question, bret. this hour everyone wants to know who z and who's winning, and anyone who tells you they know it's going to happen tomorrow night knows nothing about what's going to happen tomorrow night. >> bret: 100%. >> kayleigh: i thought it was apropos to bring up his head leaned from 2016 to underscore that point. this was a flashback, here we go. let's pull it up. "clinton eyes biden for secretary of state." "joe biden is at the top of the internal short-list for hillary clinton's transition team as a picker secretary of state." she of course went on to lose that election, underscoring the point that no one knows. >> bret: that election is great at painting the picture. after the exit polls, and back then we used exit polls, we thought we are going to call that race for hillary clinton at 11:00 p.m. just by looking at what we saw it early. suddenly, as the raw numbers came in, we realized it wasn't matching up, and then finally at 3:00 a.m. when we called wisconsin and i say donald trump
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will be the 45th president of the united states, it changed the entire ball game. from that point to now, i think we are in the same spot. we don't know what tomorrow looks like until we see the raw vote total. we see a bunch of early votes, we see more people early voting than ever before, but inside those numbers we don't know what they look like. >> kayleigh: shannon, we all like to read tea leaves. there's polling, early vote. the tea leaf we have today is where people are campaigning. this is the schedule here. interestingly, trump feels he needs to go to north carolina. i can shake up the map if north carolina switched. more interesting to me is the fact that kamala harris, pennsylvania, pennsylvania, pennsylvania, pennsylvania. she knows she needs pennsylvania. >> shannon: is a huge electoral prize. with all these polls essentially dead heat in the battlegrounds, they are mapping out what their strategy is. the trump team feels good because they think the early voting gives them clues that they think are good for them. urban voting is down, female
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voting is down, as compared to earlier numbers. and they are up in rural areas. the democrats feel good about rural areas because they been picking up some ground there. this whole theory of lose by less, so the state totals are better in your favor. so everybody is looking at those early votes and trying to make hay of what they are. democrats also think that possibly trump day voters, they are capitalizing dumb at cannibalizing them by using them on early voting in your pulling them off of where they would have voted. >> kayleigh: that's a big question, harris. are they cannibalizing their early vote? as of 8:00 a.m. this morning, they have a lead of 409,000 votes. some wish it was closer to forge a 50,000. some republicans like that margin. nobody knows how the independents voted. we have no idea. >> harris: donald trump made a large or than we'd ever seen him to make people get out and make their votes count early on. so if they support him going to
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answer that call, we don't know the percentage of total donald trump votes that actually vote early. i think it's impossible to actually know what motivated them to do that. on either side of the aisle but particularly for him. i would say this, he's going to be in pittsburgh later today. they are both in pennsylvania, and she had something that donald trump didn't have as an option. the governor of pennsylvania, josh shapiro, who you just sat down with. very popular democrat. he knows his power, right? he knows what he can deliver. i don't understand how they got tim walz on the ticket for her, that maybe he will deliver minnesota. that is not a battleground state. she had an option to do that. again, it is the silly season, these last 72 hours. are people going to take in what she has to say in four different municipalities of pennsylvania? we'll see. she better not talk about fracking. >> bret: they are saying they're going to continue to count in the process has changed a little bit, but they don't start counting until
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election day and the polls close. so it could be a long night in pennsylvania. just be forewarned about that one. the other thing is that the detail, technologywise, that both these campaigns have to be able to pinpoint who these voters who have already voted, they know a lot about these people, about what they're paying and mortgage, what they do. >> harris: really? >> bret: crazy amounts of info. based on their social media. so they kind of extrapolate who these people are, and that is how they get to what low propensity and high propensity voters, whether they come out on election day. >> harris: were to the wise, then, don't put your mortgage amount. >> kayleigh: or anything else. emily, yesterday m i'm sure the trump team was enthused by this. there's no reason to believe that pollsters fix what went wrong in 2020 premeaning there could be a polling era.
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meanwhile, the caveat to that, since 1972 there's never been three cycles in which a presidential election year the same party was underestimated. so tomorrow either history is defied and trump exceed the polls were he already has a nearly within the margin of error, or we could see something different. >> emily: flew me twice, fool me thrice. the margins are so important, and when you look to that point that the vice president's in pennsylvania only, and yet the former president added two states on top of that. at this 11th hour i think what that shows is that they think they could be successful. it is certainly not who they think they might have a chance with. this is the 11th hour. this is the most emblematic of where the resources or their intentions and bets are. think about nevada, think about georgia, think about new mexico. there's a lot equally up in the air, and yet interestingly for the vice president to focus solely on pennsylvania i think shows you where she might be reading the tea leaves. it's also important to note, in addition to the 2016 mirror,
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since then we have had colossal shifts in population. we have had colossal shifts in demographics from state to state. a complete reorganization of voting, of congress, of rules. it's a whole new ball game this time around, so i think while you're dealing with the same characters it is not even a part two. i think it simply knew story to be written that we don't know the answer to. >> harris: real quickly, because you and i have talked about arizona before, living down there part of the year you have seen so many californians come into the state. they say it is more purple than ever. but they are ground zero for dealing with fentanyl more than anyone else along the border. >> bret: i kind of thought the former president was going to do the final event on the border, since he is -- it is such a big issue. that 11:00 p.m. he be in some county in arizona and say this wall is the reason we are going to stop. i felt that was going to happen. i think they are focusing on where they want the votes and where they try to get the win. >> kayleigh: and my bet was
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always on the superstition of the former president wanting to end in grand rapids, michigan. a little history there, little memory. bret, i wanted to highlight, emily talked about writing the story of this election. you talked about what the message should be the wednesday after, but wraps tuesday night, whenever we know the result. the sunday after, who knows? that the message needs to be unity. >> bret: i think a good thing to start with on the monday of election week was to look at the history of winners and losers, how they talked about unity and bringing the country together. we have a divided country to the point where thanksgiving tables are going to be tough for some families to pass the brussels sprouts. >> harris: it's also going to be expensive. >> bret: it's going to be expensive but also ideologically they are battling over this election. the message of unity from both sides would be great, and i just went back to history in this piece and looked at what everybody has said in the past. >> kayleigh: really important point. family and friends over political identity. let's try to manifest that as we approach election day tomorrow. battleground states are also battlegrounds for lawsuits this
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election. a live report on the court cases, next. for your family? newday usa can help. veterans have earned a lot of va benefits with their service, but the va home loan benefit is a big one. by using your benefit at newday you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out an average of $70,000. use that money to pay off high rate debt and get back on your feet financially.
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>> harris: photos across this great nation are casting their ballots for what could be the most litigated election in u.s. history. several key battleground states are dealing with legal challenges. david spunt is in washington, d.c., with more on the cases that we are already watching. david? >> hi, harris. good to be with you. no exaggeration when i say this story changes by the hour. let's see where we are right now and start out west in arizona. the secretary of state there has a deadline today to identify some 98,000 names of people to double check they are eligible to vote. in september arizona state officials announced a data coding issue in the driver's license database that would have allowed at least one noncitizen
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to register to vote, prompting the concern that could be more. similar story in iowa where a joe biden-appointed federal judges allowing the state to challenge hundreds of ballots from potential noncitizens even though critics argue many of these people recently became u.s. citizens. he saw something like this plant in virginia, and in philadelphia right now the district attorney, larry krasner, back in court over a lawsuit involving elon musk's $1 million giveaway to random voters who sign a pledge supporting the first and second amendments. musk was not in court today. krasner says it is an illegal lottery and despite musk wanting to move the case to federal court, a federal judge late last week sent it back to local court in philadelphia where this moves forward. musk has argued there is no specific condition to vote to get the money. someone just must be registered, and signed a petition supporting those amendments i just
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mentioned. we look on a bigger scale, broadening out. look at all that yellow. the 2024 presidential election battles didn't just boil up in the past few days. they have been percolating for the past year. at least 150 in more than three dozen states. they include voter eligibility and rules for casting ballots. this is just preelection. we will see what happens post-election. as shannon can tell you especially, with the supreme court in the coming days and perhaps even weeks. >> harris: look at you anchoring the show! you just teed up to shannon! >> good, i'm trying. >> harris: you did great. thank you. >> bret: two lucky guys. >> harris: 150 cases and 37 states. that is more than half the country and population of eligible voters. >> shannon: and we have known for weeks at both sides are doing this, trying to preemptively create the scenario they think is best for their situation. i have talked in recent weeks before any of these cases were bubbling anywhere near the supreme court with some of the justices. i get the census is not their
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favorite part of the job. at some point they're probably going to be called into these things. from the chief justice on down, they want to protect the court as an institution. they do not want to appear political in any way. it ought to get pulled into another bush v. gore. and in the last week or two they have got a responsibility to handle these emergency petitions that come to them and they expect more. >> harris: dig into this legally for us, emily. what happens with those cases that don't get adjudicated or reach some sort of resolution before the race is called or before election day? >> emily: part of the demands in these cases is that those votes are set aside and sequestered so that indeed, once the ruling comes down, they know how to handle them effectively. think of it like the forensics and going backwards. it's incredibly difficult. the integrity of the election at stake, it is impossible. so it is crucial that, in these cases, where any votes are at stake, those votes in particular are put in a separate pot so
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they know exactly when and how. >> harris: a legal follow-up, and your opinion, are there enough votes that we know about in that sort of a situation already such that you would wait for that? like, you wouldn't call the election for that. some of these are only a few thousand a part in some of these battleground states. >> emily: i think that the answer. frankly, i hesitate to say a declarative statement such as "and that could win or lose the election." but the reality is every vote is important and every vote matters because it is so tight and close and because we have no idea. frankly every single vote matters and every single vote that is at all questionable for those reasons, that would be just as important as every vote cast prior. >> harris: bret, my ears perked up when shannon said bush v. gore. i wouldn't even date guys named chad after that. [laughter] actually, it's true. >> bret: you don't even "hang" with chad? [laughter]
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>> harris: now i'm married! what do you compare this moment to? at that moment? >> bret: i don't think we are there yet. maybe tomorrow where we start to see states colliding and we are not deciding. we don't know that yet. there could be a decision that we find out based on how it turns. remember, if just one point goes either way, one of these candidates could win all seven of the battleground states. >> harris: isn't that amazing? >> bret: then the sequestered modes really don't matter because it is an overwhelming win. so we don't know that yet. but i was there, i was bouncing from courtroom to courtroom, covering in tallahassee in 2000. at the time, in the back of a ryder truck with the late jim angle. but that was the moment where the presidency hung in the balance. it could be that way, i hope it's not. ski one last quick thought? >> kayleigh: to put into perspective why these do matter, the arizona case, that involve
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218,000 votes -- excuse me, registrations, there were not passed through a system error. it is now a list of 98,000. my point is these are big numbers and it'll probably be a small number of registered noncitizens there. but regardless it matters in a close election. >> harris: are election coverage continues. my goodness, it is election eve, and you are looking at doylestown, pennsylvania. both presidential candidates will make their way through that battleground state today, and it just may hold the key to the white house. beautiful town there. great day. meanwhile, vice president kamala harris is being labeled the "no comment" candidate for not answering questions about her policy stances. one in particular that really matters, next. ♪ ♪
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>> emily: we are one day away from paul's closing and voters still don't know where vice president harris stands on key issues, so much so that axios is now labeling harris the "no comment" candidate. just yesterday she refused to say whether she voted for or against a tough on crime measure in california. watch. >> my ballot is on its way to california and i'm going to trust the system that it will arrive there, and i'm not going to talk about the vote on that because honestly it is the sunday before the election and i don't intend to create an endorsement one way or another around it. but i do vote. >> emily: is a former district attorney, attorney general, and current candidate for president. we have seen the stodgy author at her campaign, with the vice president's team refusing to comment or give clarity on a wide range of issues including reparations, century cities,
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taxpayer-funded gender surgeries for inmates, ending the filibuster, executive actions make a pathway for swiss citizenship for millions of dreamers, and restoring voting rights for all prisoners. the reason the team has been asked to provide clarity on those issues is because the vice president has expressed positions on each of those things that are frankly radical or at least that americans want to know. has she changed her mind or does she feel that way? is not out of the blue. voters need to know. >> bret: i think this axios piece is right on end exploring why she's not having a definitive position on all of these things. but i think that answer is really interesting. here is somebody who is trying to say, listen, i'm going to be tough on crime. i'm a prosecutor, i thought all these tough criminals. prop 36 provides stricter penalties for felons, for criminals. it is opposite prop 47 where she
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got lambasted for supporting earlier in her career, which reduced sentences and the crime. one would think that this would be the moment, yes, i voted for it. but the fact that she said i don't want to affect things the sunday before the election, that's like when i interviewed her and i said, what is your feeling on this? and she said "i'll follow the law." she said it numerous times to a couple different questions. you're going to be in a position that you could affect the law. how do you feel about it gmac. >> emily: and has a crack at voters need to know. what if you are a single in california in that position on crime, the president's stance on crime is exactly what is most important to you and you actually want to hear from this candidate exactly how you feel about a tougher stance on crime. and she says this is not the time to endorse? this is exactly time for americans to know how you feel. >> shannon: your position matters. a lot of said maybe the reason she doesn't want to talk about that although she talks up being a tough on crime prosecutor all the time is maybe the same
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reason she stops referring to president trump is a convicted felon. because there are tens of millions of people who are trying to put their lives back together in this country. that's another constituency. loved ones and friends. you risk alienating them by exposing how you're going to vote. and every one of those issues that you listed on the screen, they are all controversial in some way. they're not easy to navigate. so much easier to say, i can run at the clock for whatever it's going to be, this really unusual campaign, versus taking a position and risking losing some constituency out there. >> emily: how is it serving a candidate for president? >> kayleigh: it may serve her but not the american people. i think we can conclude, any voter can fill with whatever they so desire. i believe the statement that my values have not changed. i believe they found permission to say she still stands for me
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while also not giving a line to the trump campaign to use against her and create a wedge with centrists. this piece was a long time in the making. 15 huge policy proposals that we have no comment on. but every morning i would wake up, a and i have alerts on my phone from alex, and it would pop up. i asked the campaign about transgender surgeries for federal prisoners, no comment. every morning at 8:00 a.m. he religiously try to get answers from her and could not. where was the ferocious roar from the gaggle of reporters saying you need to answer this? i watch the clip three times in it's an indictment of the press we don't have these answers. >> harris: nobody can go down a rabbit hole on an issue quite like kamala harris. look at the jewish vote in this country in the opposite messaging depending on which zip code she's talking to about muslim americans and the issues with people caught up in the
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middle of a war between the hamas terrorist government that rules them in israel defending itself after an invasion and massacre from that same terrorist government. look at that and a look at what she says in a different state where she needs the jewish vote, like pennsylvania. could have had the jewish governor on her side as her pick. she didn't do that with josh shapiro. she is duplicitous, and when that woman goes down in a rabbit hole on an issue, it is calamity driven. so i know think that she walks away from this. you and i talked about this, you brought this to my attention today, bret. she can't answer that because it's been pole tested. she will give the right answer. >> bret: bernie sanders said don't worry, she feels the same way, she just has to say what she needs to say to get elected. that sentence actually came out of his mouth. >> emily: that's frightening. i'll be curious, how many voters feel that is impactful on their vote, the fact that she in fact hasn't changed her mind
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potentially for the fact that they might not know how she feels. >> harris: thank you for that question. >> emily: you are looking. >> emily: at traverse city, michigan, a key battle that both candidates are looking to win. communities like traverse city will play a pivotal role in deciding our next president. so stay tuned as our election coverage continues. and coming up, second gentleman doug emhoff says if you are a young man and you think trump is cool, you are wrong. his remarks, next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> harris: he is the husband of the vice president. second gentleman doug emhoff. and he has a theory about why former president donald trump has had major appeal with young men this election. >> i talked to young men who might be taken by the fun side of donald trump, such as it is. the dancing, going to the wrestling matches, going on the podcasts, trying to portray himself as someone who he really isn't. i think cardi b called this out and said it's all a hassle. i'm trying to employ young men in particular to do the research. he's not your friend.
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the policies that he is talking about will not help them in the economy. the policies that he's talking about have nothing to do with them. so they might think he's great and cool but i was at an event somewhere talking to a mom of an 18-year-old he was nervous and worried that he and his friends were all kind of taken in by this part of trump, and she just said, please, just go online, watch him, watch his speeches, listen to what he's saying. not the podcasts, not him at the wrestling matches or ufc or the football game. listen to his speeches and watch him and then look at her and watch her. he came back and said, oh, my goodness, mom, i'm voting for harris. >> harris: bret baier? [laughter] first of all, that was a long sound bite! >> bret: did somebody else want to weigh in? >> harris: i picked you first
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for a reason! >> bret: listen, you do three hours with joe rogan, there's a lot of young men that listen to that podcast. >> harris: sure. >> bret: arguably he got through some tough questions and had some interesting back-and-forth. she was offered to do that, she didn't do it. i think it's a little bit misguided because some of these young men have a memory of what their life was under the trump administration. they looked back to that. i'm not sure i totally buy it. >> harris: cardi b has talked a lot about her lambo. i don't know she somebody to get your talking points from on the economy but she's also very popular. >> bret: i don't quote cardi b a lot so i don't know. >> harris: best manicure on the planet, she has. >> emily: to me this is totally illustrative of the disassociation that dug in this administration has for the rest
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of the american people. it's just like how they painted the caricature of the logistical or christian women. painting us into a box that we have to do it her husband says. we can think for ourselves. he thinks young men of that impressionable and that donald trump is a mirage. the whole point is donald trump was actually authentically being himself when he's on the podcast and in the garbage truck and doing other things. he has never for one moment not been authentically himself. and that is why people are drawn to him. that is -- that same broad inaccurate brush is what they painted joe rogan with when they called him the broke eye and said we are fused to go on. what you're hearing is the disdain from this administration, from the candidates has been, for half of america, we can surely fit into a box or they will never understand because they are totally disassociated from real americans that actually think for themselves. >> harris: and the irony is he quotes a woman who is very much
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in power. she's no wallflower. she's big and bold. do you remember this "washington post" headline from back in august? it reads, "doug emhoff, modern-day sex symbol." it goes on to say, "and half is secure enough with his own masculinity to sometimes prioritize his wife's ambitions over his own." "what a hunk." >> kayleigh: he might be a modern-day sex symbol to some but for other he's off base with his political analysis. the point about donald trump not having policies from an economically, that is a testable proposition. read "the wall street journal" piece that popped right through the election talk about the higher wages of growth. donald trump in his economy sought double median household income gains over the eight years of obama and biden. in 2023 or two and 19 that was 4,003 to $79.
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imagine that being added to your paycheck. so that's categorically false. in his whole point about donald trump being likable, i thought wanting to have a beer as voters and therefore voters wanting to have a beer with you was a good thing in politics. being likable is a good thing. but he seems to discount that is something that is superfluous. >> harris: so he's not friends with elizabeth warren. >> probably not. >> shannon: it's almost that argument over who is the fun parent. you go to your dad this weekend he's going a cheeky decision or a will they give you candy. he sort of saying trump is the fun parent. but everyone's having all the concerts and the celebrities and the parties and the dancing and all that kind of stuff. so it feels like they're working on the fun vibe, too pray the point about cardi b, remember how mad she was at this administration? i can afford the stuff what about my family and friends? and we are fighting these wars overseas and spend how this money. i would have to bleep it because
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>> just over 24 hours to go until the polls close in the race for the white house, both candidates focusing their efforts on pennsylvania. we are live in scranton with the harris campaign and in writing with the trump campaign. >> and in the race to 270 to enact the electoral college, we'll be looking at several pathways to victory for both candidates on the touchscreen. guy benson is here to take us through it. >> and with legal battles looming in key battleground state what does it mean for american trust in the election results? kerri urbahn joins us. >> that the big question. come join john and me live from new york city as "america reports" counts down to election day. >> emily: democratic vice presidential nominee tim walz is speaking now at a campaign rally in la crosse, wisconsin.
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walz has three campaign events in wisconsin before heading to michigan for a campaign event tonight. over to this travesty. new york state is now being accused, rightly so, of government overreach after the state department of conservation seized a tiktok user's viral pet squirrel. mark longo said he adopted peanut the squirrel seven years ago after his mom was run over by a car. but last week, authorities served him a surprise warrant, claiming that he was illegally housing wild animals. authorities took peanut and also his pet raccoon, fred, that a neighbor had dropped off for care. shortly after, longo and his wife were told they had both been euthanized. >> peanut was the best thing that ever happened to us. and we got confirmation that they put him down.
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>> bret: oh, my gosh. >> emily: now the government of new york is being called out for seizing pet squirrels and murdering them instead of cracking down on violent criminals. here is how peanut's owner described the raid on his home. "they treated me like i was a terrorist. they treated this raid as though i was a drug dealer. they ransacked my house for five hours. they asked my wife, of german descent, litter immigration status was. they asked if i had cameras in my house. they wouldn't allow me to go to the bathroom without a police escort who then checked the back of the toilet to see if i was hiding anything there." this is where your tax dollars are going, shannon. this regulatory state, this regulatory state structure that has been absolutely weaponized, that seized a squirrel for five hours and then murdered them. the travesty is the bloat and weaponization of the regulatory state to result in murder and then to think it is okay when real criminals are ransacking
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the streets of new york city. >> shannon: you and i feel very passionately about this. i know not everyone is going to agree. i know these are wild animals and you have to keep a license, but he said he tried to release the little squirrel into the wild and it couldn't survive. it had lost its mom and it was attacked by other animals so he brought it back in. ten government agents showed up for this according to one of the reports. ten government agents ransacking the house for five hours. i also appreciate that you referred to the death of peanut as a murder. >> emily: it is! >> shannon: that's how i feel about it, too. and asking about the wife's immigration status, that seems like a bit of an overreach on this whole pet thing. justice gorsuch has a book out called "overruled" talking about this kind of stuff with regulation. there was a guy who would take his rabbit to magic shows at libraries, and an agent came up to him at one point with a badge and said, "i have some questions about your rabbit." literally told him, "i'm going to have to do a home visit." did a home visit to see the care of the rabbit and asked what the plan was for emergency
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evacuation should something happen. it got ridiculous. but this really happens. you have to ask yourself, this is the best government use of time and money? >> you guys are really fired up about the story. is this your favorite story of the month, the year? >> emily: of life! because -- sorry, second to that. we saw this during covid. we saw weaponization of regulations. the death sentence for the animals because of no license? we saw the death of businesses, the death of people's livelihoods, because of license issues under covid. so this has real-life ramifications. that poor little thing died. by the way, can you imagine the s.w.a.t. guys when they got the mission for the day? "you're going to raid a house for five hours for a squirrel." i hope they were shocked, too. >> bret: has she ever been this fired up? >> kayleigh: she is fired up! >> bret: i want to point to president trump's statement on that.
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i'm just kidding. >> emily: bret baier! [laughter] >> bret: i'm kidding, i'm kidding, i'm kidding! >> kayleigh: you can never fact-check bret baier. >> bret: he did put out a statement. >> kayleigh: he did. >> bret: but that was the wrong one. i was just kidding. >> kayleigh: point well taken. emily, i love your passion on this. to me it is a story of government overreach. we saw was covid there was a case in california where newsom wanted to regulate the number of people in a home who could gather in prayer in their home. think lee that was overturned when amy coney barrett made it to the court. we saw this with the pro-life peaceful prayerful father who is rated at his home in front of his children. thankfully we still have juries and he was acquitted, that your point is well taken. new york knows how to act when they want to ask. they haven't wanted to act with violent crime. they do want to ask against daniel penny but yet they will act here. 550,000 followers, this squirrel has. this has gone viral. maybe pick better next time. >> bret: and new york
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governor hochul, just in the same time frame, came out and said if you're voting for a republican who is antichoice, she said they would be anti-american. she use those words. in the realm of just a couple of days from this, where people are fired up about it, you know, it doesn't match. >> emily: it doesn't. harris, this is one example, the death of -- it just kills me. the whole point is this has been used repeatedly. i saw firsthand in minimum security federal prisons, people who are literally there because of license issues. it's not hyperbole to say that this example is a terrifying one that can affect every american. what next in your home? what did you fail to pay? what did you fail to do with your car registration or check a box on something, and the s.w.a.t. team is at your door? and the murder of a little creature. >> harris: i'm confused about the resources that were poured into this. i think it is a legitimate
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concern considering -- and i don't live in new york, i only work in new york city, but witnessing what they have gone through in this city with resources being sucked up as nonvetted people come into the city, as entire islands like roosevelt island have been scrubbed -- at one point, scrubbed of all its soccer fields and whatnot and childhood activities, to put people who are not here eagerly. we all have a heart to help everybody, the animals included. if there was a way to handle this without ten s.w.a.t. members, they should have found it. this makes them look really bad. and really wacky, that they put that before human beings. like, squirrels, yes, they can be rabid. i read that in one of the reports, that they had to kill the animals to test them for rabies. we had raccoons in our backyard and they test them and repurpose them -- i shouldn't tell you where. but you have to go at least 6 miles away because they can find their way back home. that's how many we've had to deal with in new jersey. so there are a lot of ways to deal with this without euthanizing the animals, without
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executing them, without murdering. whatever word you want to use, those babies aren't here anymore because somebody really overreached. >> bret: this was viral. >> harris: with trump's help, no doubt. >> bret: fake and real. >> shannon: the memes are delicious. >> emily: i'm grieving! >> more "outnumbered" in a moment. t we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. here's an important benefit for veteran homeowners who need cash. you can take out $70,000 or more with the newday 100 va cash out loan.
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reading into the numbers. speak of the campaigns have a better sense than we do about who these voters are. he is running a little bit late and he will be in redding at 3:00 p.m. and just so everybody knows we spent the last commercial break talking about peanut. >> they know. speak of that so forceful the issue has been. we will find out a lot early in the afternoon once we get hard numbers by about 5:00, 5:30. if it matches what we are seeing, it will see it, it tells a story but not the whole story. >> for people that want a sense of how it will go. 7:30 north carolina does and that might be the first look. >> they are great states because they have changed the process and sped it up even though hurricane helene caused problems in north carolina they expect to have results fast. georgia and north carolina will have a bunch of votes when the polls close and they'll give us a good picture. >> and voters voices will tell the story of how they have seen
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the election and they view the results. >> i can't wait to find out what swayed the votes. we'll do a show of hands throughout the night on different issues. how many of you voted today, how many of you voted previously which is interesting because a lot of people did vote early but not just early ballot mail and, in person early which is why we saw the lines and even in cobalt blue states like mine of new jersey. it will be interesting to see what drove them in so early. >> it well and our expert election coverage happens all night long. i will be here until eight in the evening and some would say early in the morning with our fax network. tomorrow it starts at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. thank you to everyone. it is a big night. election eve. and tomorrow we can only guarantee one thing and that is this. history will be made. but for now, "america reports."
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