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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  November 4, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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black america's closing argument for trump on "x" last night. that was live last night. give us a quick, quick highlight? >> quick highlight is simple. when donald trump was president wages adjusted for inflation were up, our borders were secured, the world was at peace, black americans were getting ahead, the wage gap was shrinking. all of that economic success was because of donald trump, and we can have it again. but it's incumbent on black americans especially to actually look at the policies and support the person that will make america great again. it's without a doubt donald j trump. >> laura: you bet. congressman, you've done an amazing job out there. it's been such a pleasure and privilege to have you on this show all election long. thank you so much. that's it for us tonight. tune in tomorrow for special election coverage. we'll all be on the same panel. thanks for watching. and look who's here. i never get to do a hand-off with jesse watters. and jesse watters is actually
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here. jesse. >> jesse: it's like the last time you and sean and i were together. they were practicing tae kwon do. >> laura: i don't think i've recovered from that. you were much stronger. >> jesse: i'm still soar. >> laura: hannity still think he's stronger than you. we'll leave that for another day. >> jesse: thanks, laura. welcome to jesse watters "primetime." tonight. >> i've been coming to you day after day after day with numbers. the only takeaway at this point, it's historically tight, but basically any scenario is on the table. >> jesse: one day away. it's up to you, america. >> mr. trump: together we will fight, fight, fight, and we will win, win, win. >> it's a bigger, tougher fight in philly to get the vote count up than it has been in the past. that has me worried. >> jesse: all eyes on pennsylvania. >> this election is going to be one of the closest in history. your vote will make the difference. oh, blah-blah-blah, i'm just one
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person. no, shut the [ bleep ] up, gary. >> jesse: the meltdown begins. >> who raised these people? >> jesse: plus... >> if kamala harris wins tomorrow i will do the [ inaudible ] [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: fox news alert. we are one night away from election day, and no one knows what's going to happen. trump's confident, kamala claims she's confident. and the polls say it's a dead heat. trump and harris both slugging it out looking to land one last shot. [ chanting ] >> are you better off now than you were four years ago? [ crowd noise ] >> mr. trump: together we will fight, fight, fight and win, win, win. [ cheering ] >> let's get out the vote. let's get out the vote.
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let's get out the vote. let's win! i love gen z. my plan will be about cutting taxes for workers and middle-class families and small businesses. >> kamala talks about figuring the economy, but why doesn't she do it. >> kamala broke it and i will fix it and fast. >> we are fighting for a democracy right now. [ cheering ] and we love our democrat circumstance and democracy can be a bit complicated sometimes. >> america will be bigger, better, bolder, richer, safer, and stronger than ever before. >> [together]: usa, usa! usa, usa! >> here's the thing. we like hard work. [ cheering ] phard work is good work. [ cheering ] hard work is joyful work. >> i've been waiting four years for this! kamala, you're fired.
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get the hell out. get the hell out of here. you're out of here. >> jesse: trump spent the day zigzagging from north carolina to carolina and finally michigan where he closes it out before midnight. and because nbc broke the law by inviting harris on snl and not trump, the network was forced to give him equal time on another show. and he chose sunday night football. >> hello to our great sports fans, and i hone you're having a fantastic time. we're two days away from the most important election in the history of our country. we have to save our country. and it needs saving. it's in very bad shape. we have to straighten out our country. we have to close our borders. we have to lower our taxes. we have to get rid of inflation. and we're going to do it. just remember, kamala and her friends broke it. i'll fix it. most important election in the history of our country. go and vote. >> jesse: harris spent the day in pennsylvania.
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she'll be in philly tonight with lady gaga. celebrities are only way she can fill seats. before that she was going door to door looking for votes. watch this. >> how are you? >> hi, hi. >> oh, my god. [ laughter ] >> it's the day before the election and i just wanted to come by and say i hope to earn your voted. >> jesse: talk about ending the campaign with a whimper. i almost feel bad for her. both candidates have spent the most time in pennsylvania, the keystone state seems to be the key to victory. the race in pennsylvania according to the polls is tied. it's also tied in michigan and wisconsin. harris can't afford to lose any of these states because donald trump's ahead by at least a point or two in north carolina, georgia, arizona, and nevada. it looks close, but the trump campaign feels good about where they are because of the early vote.
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for the first time in history republicans are ahead in the early vote. that's in person and in mail ballot combined. they're ahead in arizona, georgia, north carolina, and nevada, and have cut democrats' early vote lead in pennsylvania by half. we'll have more inside information about the early vote later in the show, but the trump campaign says women and urban voters are down by 2020. and rural voters showing up big. 9r the 'em kraatz are counting on -- the democrats are counting on a big turnout on election day, which historically rarely happens for them. they are relying on enthusiasm so far, but we haven't seen any enthusiasm show up so far in their vote. it has david axelrod worried. >> so what i'm worried about is how -- you're counting on some women who are independent, republican women to come out and vote for harris. is that going to materialize?
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is the gender gap going to be what you need it to be? are minority voters going to come out in the numbers, african-american numbers in particular, and are you going to get the margins that you want there. so there are a lot of open questions. this race is filled with uncertainty. >> jesse: republicans worked their tails off put together a ground game over the last few years, and we're already starting to see the results. the polls say the race is tied, but there's still a lot we don't know. >> i think the bolsters are gegetting this wrong. they're giving us the same poll over and over again. they are telling us we're watching a basketball game where every play is a jump ball. somewhere somebody is missing something. i think there's -- i'm not going to call it a wave, but i think there is a wavelet out there of republican enthusiasm and registration. >> jesse: wall street, who pays guys millions of dollars to know things before they happen, is seeing the same thing.
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>> the expect station donald trump will win the white house in just a few days. we'll know shortly. >> jesse: h'm. wall street isn't always right, though. but even our good friend chuck todd is predicting a chump win. >> this is not the beginning of -- trump win -- >> we are about to have two -- just finish two straight one-term presidents. the likelihood of this being a one-term presidency is high, not low, because we are a country that has been voting against. we voted against hillary clinton in '16 and got trump. we vote dented trump in '16 and got biden. i think this is another vote against election, not a vote before -- vote against. >> jesse: this election really started with the raid. biden sending the fbi to turn trump's house upside down rallied the party around him. after that it was overkill. indictment after indictment after indictment. even a mug shot. then unconstitutionally excessive fines and a six-week show trial. trump's numbers began to skyrocket.
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biden was in trouble, so he gambled and called for an early debate. a gamble he lost so badly he lost the nomination. the democrats stripped biden of his delegates and forced him off the stage with a gun to his head. meanwhile, guns were loaded for trump. and 45 nearly died in butler. the assassin was put down by the biden administration. they stonewalled investigators, seized the shooter's phones, burned his body, and still do this day we know nothing. kamala's war chest and the democrats' forced her on to the party and manufactured a bounce that began to fizzle this fall. the more she exposed herself as someone who couldn't really be taken seriously, the more we saw of kamala, the less we liked her. and when she said there wasn't really anything she'd do differently than joe biden, that may have been the beginning of the end. but the more we saw of trump in ways which we've never seen him before, mcdonald's drive-through window and taking out the garbage, america became comfortable again with the idea
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of returning the former president to the white house. but the machine kept coming. oprah, michelle, barack, bill, hillary, bruce, beyonce. "60 minutes," bias moderators, a list of hoaxes longer than a diner menu. but the october surprise was scranton joe who wouldn't go down quietly. his strange outbursts and jodh ball behaviour reminded america the mistake we made -- odd ball -- and the woman who went along for the ride. in the last two weeks we saw democrats insult not just republican voters, but their own voters. as the machine broke down they began calling us unamerican, fascist garbage who needed to be smacked in the ass. and democrats who didn't agree were sexist race traitors who should lie to their spouse and vote for hair industries if they wanted any chance to get lucky in bed -- harris if -- how will it ebbed? we don't know yet -- end. this might have been the most
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iconic campaign in american history. the rest of the story hasn't been written. that's up to you. if you didn't vote early, tomorrow's your day. and if enough of you do what you need to do, we could know the winner on election night. imagine that. let's bring in former speaker of the house kevin mccarthy and former white house press secretary and ceilidh mcelhinney. we have to -- kalee mcelhinney. we have to go ladies first. you know how shrivel rist i am. i saw my mom today -- chivalry -- i saw her today. she's not very happy. she's ride or die kamala harris. when you look at how things are now, kamala is going door to door. >> yes, quite literally. >> jesse: what does that tell you? >> i saw her pop up at some random person's house in pennsylvania and acted surprised, and the voter acted surprised, maybe they were. i'm sure that was heavily vetted. no campaign would let her do that. i think donald trump is in the
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best position he's ever been in. when you look at polls he has auto lead in five of the seven battleground states -- a lead -- according to the average, all within the margin of error. nate kohm says we have every reason to believe the polling bias over trump has been corrected over the last four years. and i just checked the new returns out of pennsylvania. 40 -- 412,000 now. anything can happen. no one knows what's going to happen tomorrow. but i would rather have trump's hand of cards tonight than kamala harris'. >> jesse: so would i. but we don't know about women. women continue to surprise, speaker. they came out strong in 2022. i didn't see it coming. i don't usually see things coming when women are involved. [ laughter ] but again, it's so unpredictable. there's a chance she could win. there's a chance cohen big.
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>> yes. even though the polls are tight -- chance he could win -- if someone breaks, someone can win big. i talked to the president. he called me twice today. 7:00 this morning, very confident. you look at him up on stage, very comfortable. he calls me before he's landed into pittsburgh. very confident where he's going. that's not somebody worried about where it is. when you look at the gender vote, i went back because i'm concerned by it. i really am. but if you look at the gender vote today based on 2020, bider was doing better in the gender vote than kamala is right now -- biden. he was close, but doing better. it's just what she was talking about. at this moment in time in pennsylvania, democrats were up 1 million votes on us in pennsylvania. i've said this from the very beginning. the one state i'm watching tomorrow night is pennsylvania. if trump wins that, it's over. >> jesse: they have been working hard. they've been registering voters. they have a ground game. there's a lot of lawyers involved, and there's excitement. you can tell when you bring out all these new people for the first time, the campaign is
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saying people that have never voted before are actually voting early. >> yes, no doubt. so michael whatley said last week that he thought we would go into tomorrow with leads in north carolina and in arizona and in georgia. well, michael whatley, we can add nevada to that list. all four states republics have lead in the early vote -- republicans -- democrats had leads in two of those last time. the big question, the huge question is are we cannibalizing their vote. will they not show up tomorrow? michael whatley said he saw polling that showed 20% of those are voters who didn't vote in 2020, and he believes they voted republican. that is a very encouraging sign. again, you never know. i remember landing in grand rapids in 2020 feeling very encouraged. so you never know what's going to happen. >> jesse: you never know. and they do know a little bit, though, because you've seen turnout in the urban centers down. and as you said, she's performing under where joe biden was performing. so democrats are relying on a
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huge election day wave tomorrow. >> and that's what they usually lose. >> jesse: that's what they usually lose. >> we were just talking about the early vote, you can go see -- and they calls one of four voters -- call them one-time voters. in nevada 23% are newly registered. we are getting more people who are low-propensity votes to vote early. that's really positive. the other thing you have to think about, in 2020 it's different. that was covid. remember, people were changing the election laws, just dost what they wanted. they mailed everyone a ballot in pennsylvania. if you look, there are 300,000 democrats who voted in that presidential election who have never voted again. and now the registration is even tighter. so you've watched republicans do their job for the last four years and improve. now, is it enough? that will be the question. and i don't think there's an undecided voter. if you look at kamala's campaign, remember when she went really ugly and said fascist nazis? that was to gen up her because because her base wasn't turning out.
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she had to do everything she can. trump is evil,'s hitler, you have to turn out, and it hasn't materialized -- he's -- you have mussina,ing aal rod, they're all complain -- axelrod, and they're all complaining right now. >> jesse: and now she's closing with unity. >> we went from joy to hitler to unity. >> jesse: trump closing with a different message, returning to the golden age. let's listen to a sound bite. >> mr. trump: my message to americans tonight is simple. we do not have to live this way. we don't. we don't. and we won't. we won't. cheer cheer we do not have to -- [ cheering ] we do not have to settle for weakness, incompetence, decline and decay. with your vote tomorrow we can fix every single problem our country faces and lead america. [ cheering ] and indeed the whole world to new heights of glory. a vote for trump means your groceries will be cheaper, your paycheques will be higher, your
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streets will be safer and cleaner. your communities will be richer and your future will be brighter than ever before. [ cheering and applause ] this will be the golden age of america. >> jesse: that's a nice close, kalee. >> it is. look, jesse, we suburban women get a really bad rap as we're all going to show up and vote on abortion and for kamala. what you just heard is what the women i exist around are going to be voting on. what you just heard. i encourage everyone, if you want a reminder of the golden age, go read the "wall street journal" piece that topped days before the election, the higher wages of growth. twotimes wage gains under trump -- two-time wage gains for trump over obama. >> jesse: mccarthy started the golden age a little earlier than the rest of us. you should see how much he gets paid for speeches. [ laughter ] >> the best thing that trump is doing, he says kamala broke it,
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i'll fix it. he is so good -- that is the slogan. >> jesse: great message to close out. good to see you both. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: all right. big day. to the most accurate pollster of 2020, his prediction next. hey! try new robitussin soft chews. packed with the power of robitussin... in every bite. easy to take cough relief, anywhere. chew on relief, chew on a ♪ robitussin ♪ ( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone."
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[ ♪♪ ] don't look now, but pennsylvania is coming in hot. both the paris and trump campaigns holding three rallies in p.a. today. both candidates are hustling. but what's the mood? "the new york times" says republicans are cautiously optimistic, while democrats are stressing out over a potentially embarrassing loss. but the media's giving up the game. >> i'm worried, philadelphia is where we have to run autopsy big
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margin. phil -- running up a big margin. but philly has been going down with people not getting out to eight vow. the other thing that has me worried is the jewish vote in the suburban areas, biden won the ewish vote by 70%. -- won the jewish vote by 70%. some polls show kamala at 50/50. that is 70,000 votes we've bled away. that is the margin for victory. >> jesse: trump's up in pennsylvania by a hair. but who knows. although the most accurate pollster in 2020, atlas intel, says trump has a larger lead in the keystone state. what does atlas know that others don't? andre is the ceo of atlas intel. you pretty much nailed 2020. right now you have trump up one in pennsylvania, but where is he in the rest of the battle grounds, andre? >> thank you so much for inviting me on your show, jesse. since the beginning of the race
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atlas intel has shown an advantage for trump. he's consistently polled ahead of kamala harris. we're showing him within two points of harris in the state of minnesota. >> jesse: wow! wait, sate that again. you have trump within two in minnesota? >> yeah. so that really points to a structural advantage, right? all of these swings states are very competitive. the political machine on both sides is very strong. the amount of money, of resources that's spent on these campaigns is huge, right. in states where democrats have traditionally improved like in north carolina or in georgia, structurally they're continuing to improve, but they're sort of brattling against large disapproval rates for the current president, and in some of the states where they're leading before, also because of
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structural changes like in nevada, we think that trump has a good chance of, for example, turning nevada, and he is pretty close in our numbers in the only poll we released so far in minnesota. >> jesse: all right. so you say you're going to give trump nevada. now, clark county where vegas is is historically corrupt. there's a machine. they have ward bosses. they do what they need to do every election to get the democrat in there. why do you think trump will be able to propel over that clark county machine this time in nevada? >> no, the machine vote is something that polling generally doesn't capture well. so if the machines will have a huge impact then it means we should expect the result that is perhaps different from our polling. now, in terms of what the tendencies are in the state of nevada, and it's actually similar to arizona as well,
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you're seeing a very heavy turnout in rural areas and you're seeing quite depressed around urban areas. suburbs indicate that more conservative voters are showing up and kind of compensating for progressive voters that aren't. so on the balance and the early vote, the rural areas are really looking really good for trump, and everyone is sort of wondering about election day cannibalization. is it auto case that these voters instead of showing up -- is it a case that -- on election day already voted and the depressed turnout on election day? that is possible. but i don't think, you know, all of the -- all of the vote theirs didn't show up on the democrat side so far will show up on election day. so at the end of the day you have to look sort of at magnitudes on both sides and try to understand on balance what is more relevant. what i would say is that overall the data so far kind of suggests that the conservative base this time around appears to be more
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excited about participating in this election cycle, while the progressive base is a brit more see mobilized. >> jesse: okay. we will a he see how it -- we'll see how it shakes out. let's see if you can go two for two. andre, good to talk to you. >> thank you so much, jesse. >> jesse: let's bring in america first works, executive director ashley hiec. why should republicans be so confident? >> this is a big math problem. we've done door-to-door canada vanceing since late june, early july -- canvassing -- republics are very excited about change -- republicans are very excited about change. people want change. there is no vision from the left. what is absolutely mind blowing to me is that kamala harris, who is supposed to be this historic female trail-blazing candidate that the liberal bias media wants us to believe she is is actually depressing voter turnout amongst women. there are 547,000 less democrat
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women voting as of today compared to 2020. and that is the number same day last election, election eve, 547,000 less democrat women voting. meanwhile, there's 112,000 more republican women who have already voted. i think the republican women are the silent trump voter. i think even the independent women. they may not want to, you know, put that sticker on their car because they're supposed to be for a harris candidacy, but when you're paying $8 for a gallon of orange juice and you can't pay for school supplies for your kids to go back to school, they're going to vote for donald trump. >> jesse: all right. women continue to intrigue us. ashley, thank you so much for your analysis. we really appreciate it. ben shapiro's on deck, plus johnny talks to voters. >> big day tomorrow! you excited? >> i am, kind of, sort of. >> what day is tomorrow? >> valentine's day. let me check my calendar.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: the election's still 24 hours away. nobody knows who won yet. but there's one party that's acting like they do. from portland to dc, liberal cities are boarding up windows like it's the summer of love. are they worried about democrats burning down businesses again? riot fences went up at kamala's house in dc, and the white house. and in new york, someone with a maga hat had his teeth knocked out by a complete stranger. things are tense. in 2016, democrats threatened to flee the country from trump won. this time they're taking out insurance policies. one democrat said that he and about a half dozen other lawmakers had taken out legal insurance to pay for lawyers in case trump tried to sue them or arrest them. the ones that aren't getting insurance are getting guns. some rebs are also discussing high -- members are also discussing hiring private security out of concern their opposition to trump could make them a target.
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not everybody can afford private security. one democrat put together an insurrectionist getaway costume complete with tactical pants, tactical boots, and one key part of the disguise that the lawmaker asked the reporter not to disclose. they're playing dress-up for an imaginary threat over an election that hasn't even happened yet. if it sounds like they're hitting the bottle it's because they are. a liquor store in dc told "the new york times" that sales are up, but bar owners say less people are coming in. that means democrats are drinking at home alone. the election's dc's super bowl, but the sy super bowl party is pretty bleak. one said it's themed around the end of the republic. [ laughter ] we have one last time in the play list mix. it's the end of the world as we know it. i'm getting some coffin-printed plates so we're trying to make light of it. it's not just dc that's sucking down booze and xanax.
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there is a revolt going on at the "new york times." their reporters and their readers are upset that the paper doesn't call trump a dictator enough. and workers went on a strike. they want pet bereavement leave, unlimited break time, and a ban on scented products in the break rooms. oh, and a trigger warning in case anything unsettling comes up at a meeting. but these young reporters actually think trump's mussolini. they're getting high on their own supply. and tweaking out right before the election. you can't be shooting inside the tent with hours to go. the old democrat machine would have had this all in line slinging the same spin. but kamala's campaign isn't making smart choices. they gave robert de niro a mic and sent him to an eagles' tailgate. watch. >> trump admires hitler and ridicules our american troops who died for us. he mumbles, he stumbles, and blubbers on. clear signs of dementia.
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he promoted the project 2025 agenda. that's all in memory. all in one week. >> jesse: four hoaxes in 40 seconds. that has to be a new record for bobby. no one buys this garbage anymore. normal americans don't base their votes off what celebrities read off a script. they even started sending comedians out to yell at us a. >> this election is going to be one of the closest in history. your vote will make a difference. that means, you gary oh, blah-blah-blah, i'm just one person. no. shut the [ bleep ] up, gary. last time only a few thousand votes kept trump out of office. and this time we will hold you personally responsible, gary! >> jesse: for democrats this isn't politics. it's personal. if you don't vote their way, you're dead to them. they're not even trying to persuade you. they're trying to insult their way to the white house. msnbc says they're garbage and so is your mama. >> i will ask a question that i think is a fair question to ask.
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who raised these people? >> yeah. >> because they were not raised by anybody in my neighborhoods that i grew up, any middle class neighborhoods that i grew up in. these people were not there. >> jesse: they weren't prepared for half the country to like trump after they told us he was hitler and they don't know how to handle it. trump was never supposed to make it this far. he dodged two impeachments, two assassins, and four indictments. this former msnbc host blames joe biden for that. he says no matter who wins or loses on tuesday, i will never stop being mad at joe biden and merck garland for allowing trump to face election this week without facing a courtroom. trump's a free man because biden didn't lock him up before the election. and now the democrats have to face him at the ballot box. they thought lawyers were going to choose the president, not voters. and that's why they're drinking, because you have the power.
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>> ben chapdelaine is the host of the -- ben shapiro is the host of "the ben shapiro show." how do you think the democrats are handling the election and the aftermath. >> not well. when you're boarding up your stores in preparation for what looks like trump passover, right, if you put the proper harris-walz signage on injure store and the god of destruction won't visit upon you, that's never a particularly good look, and the levels of panic are off the charts, and that speaks where they think this election is already. they think this election is already trending in donald trump's favor. if they didn't think that, they wouldn't be doing precisely what it is they are doing right now. it's funny. a lot of the headlines right now are about how they're preparing for donald trump reuters. really, in washington, dc, we're back to the jesse smollett story now. the panic is palpable and it's coming largely from one side. >> jesse: do you think they're prepared for a trump victory? i sometimes like to believe that maybe they'll coalesce and help
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the country return to normalcy. maybe restore the borders. maybe stop spending so much money. or is this just going to be a blood thirsty ghoulfest on day one? >> no, jesse, you sweet summer child you. [ laughter ] what do you think -- [ laughter ] >> jesse: i know. pelosi will raise the capitol with the spear and nunchucks. i get it. but the rest of the country has to say, we put this guy in there for a reason if that happens tomorrow. no? nothing? >> all americans want is normalcy. that's all they want. and, in fact, in 2020 that's what they thought they were getting when they elected joe biden, which is why he started in office with an approval rarating in the high 50s and immediately sank because it turns out both he was not normal and his administration was not normal. what they were providing was not normalcy. this is why what they're talking about right now, the american people electing donald trump, is a return to normal city. solid economy, no wars, regulatory state that makes sense, lower taxes.
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all people want is to not think about this stuff anymore. if democrats make the mistake of running up against donald trump's normalcy agenda -- makes no mistake, he is running as a normal, moderate candidate. that doesn't mean he doesn't same things, but his agenda is what americans are looking for. by every available poll, by the way. if they stand in the way of that agenda they'll pay the price at the bel, next time -- ballot box. >> jesse: he's running as the rich, stern grandfather, and a loft of people respect that. when you say some people have to lawyer up because trump will throw him in gitmo, what does that tell you. >> they they're losing. kamala harris' team put out a couple adds in the course -- ads in the course of the last 7 hours. for women it was you need to hide if your husbands -- 72 hours -- how you're voting. you need to secretly vote for
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kamala harris. and they said to men, you need to hide from the other men if your voting for kamala harris. what does it say about a campaign when they say to their prospective voters, when know you have to keep it a secret. i've heard a lot of people make a case for trump. i'm one of them. i've heard many people make a case against trump. no one can make a case for kamala harris. she hasn't made a case for herself. tim walz hasn't. joe biden won't. there is no case for kamala harris. there's pro trump and anti-trump. i wonder whether anti-trump gets you across the finish line with a candidate on the other side like kamala harris. >> jesse: if she can't make a case for herself, why should other people? she doesn't even talk about the last four years. she doesn't talk about the next four years the last four years. she just talks about donald trump. do you get a sense sometimes -- and we talked about this right after the coup -- that this was just to stop the bleeding down ballot. this was maybe to save thehouse,
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maybe stop the bleeding in the -- the house do you still see it this way? she's knocking on doors at 8:30 at night in pennsylvania. >> i mean, i think that everything that she's doing right now is a desperation move. she herself was a desperation move. that's why she's spending time in places with competitive senate races that may not be competitive for her on a presidential level. she's really allocating rees sources oddly for a candidate who theoretically according to her is up -- realresources -- resources. >> jesse: i think we can read the tea leaves, those of us who can read. ben shapiro, good to see you. >> you, too. >> jesse: big day tomorrow. >> oh, yeah. >> jesse: johnny conducts exit polls. >> who are you voting for? >> yeah, um, i don't want a lot of backlash. i'll just say i'm ready for
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: we're now almost three hours away from election
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day. nobody really knows what's going to happen except for you. the voter. power's in your hands. so how will you vote? johnny hit the streets to find out. big day tomorrow. you excited? >> super excited. >> i'm ready for it to be over. >> i am, kind of, sort of. >> what day is tomorrow? >> valentine's day! [ buzzer sounds ] >> happy valentine's day, everyone. >> election day. >> did you volt? >> i have. >> i'm doing it tomorrow -- voted. >> i voted in california absentee. >> i did. >> no early voting here. >> why are you voting? >> to make this country better. >> to protect my rights. >> i'm dammed if i do, i'm dammed if i don't -- damned. >> who are you voting for? >> kamala harris, but i didn't feel really fully comfortable with either. >> donald trump. >> yeah, um, i don't want a lot of backlash. i'll just say i'm ready for change. >> do you think she's voting for
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trump? i think so, huh. [ laughter ] [ cheering ] thank you. >> killer cam. >> killer cam? >> that's kamala, y'all. >> kamala, but i think trump would be a better leader. however, i'm scared he's more likely to become a dictator. >> how? >> once trump gets power he's not easy to lose it. >> do you know he had power already and he left the office when he lost? >> it's a power thing. i think he likes power and likes holding on to it. >> mr. trump: but he gave up power. >> yeah, after a rant. >> but he still gave it up. >> i really regret doing this. >> kamala harris. >> why are you voting for kamala? >> she imparts some of the values i think will make this country better? >> what values. >> her positions on taxes. >> what are your positions on taxes? >> me, i don't know 100%. >> miss harris. >> why? >> she has a plan to help the middle class. >> how is she going to do. >> i don't know, but i trust
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her. >> why do you trust her? >> because that's the right thing do. >> why is it the right thing to do? >> because donald trump, he not for the middle class. 2 yes. >> because he's rich. >> kamala harris is rich too. >> not as rich as donald trump. >> i'm really rich. >> who do you think could win the election? >> it could be a coin toss. >> heads or tails? >> oh! >> that's weighted. >> kamala, you're fired. get the hell out of here. >> joe biden called trump supporters garbage. it be well, i recycle. >> i don't think he meant it because he can't really think. >> excuse me, we can only re-elect donald trump. >> donald trump says he will protect women whether they like it or not. how do you feel about that? >> that's nice. thank you. >> it's good. you want to be a president for all the people, right? >> that would be amaze. >> how dare they! >> if kamala harris wins tomorrow i will -- >> definitely go have a drink. >> start crying.
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>> celebrate. >> do the thank you, lord. thank you, lord. >> if donald trump wins tomorrow i will... >> definitely go have two drinks. >> [ inaudible ] the taxes may be high out there and i might not -- na, i'm going to stay here. i'll do like i've been doing all the time. >> take a shot. >> cry. >> you and me both, sister. >> where are you going to watch the election on? >> i guess on fox. >> what do you want to tell jesse watters on fox news channel? >> i'm a big fan. >> cast your ballots. >> get out and vote, america. >> go, get out and vote, america. >> there you go. >> jesse: fox news alert. president trump holding a rally in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. meghan kelly is joining him on stage. let's listen in. >> -- tomorrow all day. 22 years old. killed in georgia. a young nursing student by an illegal.
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i'll be thinking about joshua, 12 years old, in texas, murdered by two venezuelan illegals. president trump closed the border. kamala harris opened it by choice. it wasn't accidental. she said it would be humane. that's what she and her boss believed. tell it to lincoln reilly's family. there was nothing humane about it. he closed it. they opened it, it was an intentional choice and there's no reason not to believe they won't do it again. the boys should not be in the girls' sports. [ cheering ] the boys should not be in the girls' bathrooms. the boys should not be in the girls' locker rooms. paid paid nab, north carolina -- caton mcnabb, slammed so hard in the face by a volleyball, hit at her by a boy pretending to be a girl, she suffered traumatic brain injury and permanent paralysis. kamala harris looks at her and says, be kind. suck it up.
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and that's what's right. [ booing ] why do our girls have to face brain damage in order to be kind to boys who want to invade their sports? and, by the way, they are going into the women's prisons. she changed the law in california to make sure that taxpayers would pay for their sex change operations. she was not just following the law. she changed the law. president trump will stop it. [ cheering ] he got mocked by the left for saying he would be a he will bef women, and it's why i'm voting for him. [cheering and applause] >> he will close the border. he will keep the boys out of girls sports and where they don't belong. and you know what else? one more thing. he will look out for our boys too.
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our forgotten boys and our forgotten men. guys like you. guys like these guys. who have got the calluses on their hands who work for a living, the beards and the tats who maybe have a beer after work and don't want to be judged by people like oprah or beyoncé who will never have to face the consequences of her disastrous economic policies. these guys will. [cheering and applause] >> he gets it. president trump gets it. he will not look at our boys like they're second class citizens. and ladies out there who want a bit of girl power in this election, let me tell you something, how can you win when the sons and the husbands and the brothers and the dads you love are losing? it's not a win.
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we care young women or older about the safety of our children. and we may not get so obsessed about what happens when they're in the womb that we forget about taking care of them once they're here, we're here, and they're loved. last point, what i don't think you want is the less version of masculinity. you see that ad they did about trump voters trying to encourage women to lie to their husbands so they could vote for her instead of trump? that's their version of what marriage looks like. the an overbearing husband who bullies his wife into saying she voted one way as opposed to an honest, open relationship. oh, wait. i'm talking about kamala and doug. sorry. where was that story in the news? where is that story? i don't remember a single media
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person, not one who sat with him asked him about the abuse allegations against him by a successful professional attorney who has grave details, who has receipts, witnesses. no one even asked about it. i'm not into their version of toxic masculinity or new masculinity. i prefer the old version. [cheering and applause] >> all of you, and i prefer a president who understands how to be strong and how to fight. i hope all of you do what i did last week. vote trump and get ten friends to vote trump too. [cheering and applause] >> jesse: you just saw meghan kelly endorse donald trump. you might remember her from 9 here on the fox news channel, and my wife just listened to her
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podcast this morning saying she wants to vote for trump to protect women, protect women from migrant crime, protect women from men in their sports, but also protect men and boys. men working at the factory, men working at home. and we should never encourage women to lie to their husbands when they go into the voting booth as kamala harris has done so, a full throated endorsement from meghan kelly to donald trump. and a fox news alert, joe rogan endorsing donald trump. this just after elon musk made the case for 45 during his two and a half hour sit down interview on rogen's podcast today. so two major endorsements, meghan kelly and joe rogan monday night right before the election. let's do some texts. kirk from frisco to texas. it's election eve. everybody please remember to leave our diet coke and
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mcdonald's for donald trump tonight. cindy from mesa, arizona. united states gender reveal tomorrow night. i hope it's a boy. harold from youngstown, ohio. i appreciate you having the best pollsters on your show. he calmed my nerves a little. you mean johnny? very accurate. oh, atlas intel? he is good too. gary from birmingham, alabama. shut up, will ferrell! i thought it was funny. bern de niro. my god. let's bring in sean hannity. how you doing and how you feeling on election eve as they call it. are you leaving out cookies for donald trump, diet coke and a big mac? >> sean: i'm like the rest of america. you know the amazing thing is if we figure half the electorate voted by now, we still have 80 plus million americans that will vote tomorrow. this election will be decided in


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