tv Hannity FOX News November 4, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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cindy from mesa, arizona. united states gender reveal tomorrow night. i hope it's a boy. harold from youngstown, ohio. i appreciate you having the best pollsters on your show. he calmed my nerves a little. you mean johnny? very accurate. oh, atlas intel? he is good too. gary from birmingham, alabama. shut up, will ferrell! i thought it was funny. bern de niro. my god. let's bring in sean hannity. how you doing and how you feeling on election eve as they call it. are you leaving out cookies for donald trump, diet coke and a big mac? >> sean: i'm like the rest of america. you know the amazing thing is if we figure half the electorate voted by now, we still have 80 plus million americans that will vote tomorrow. this election will be decided in the next 24 hours.
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it's crazy. joe rogan is a big enforcement, i think, and that came out of nowhere. we're going to talk about that a little bit tonight. how are you feeling? >> jesse: i'm feeling confident. cautiously optimistic. no predictions. i learned my lesson the last time. it's up to the voters tomorrow. >> sean: it's up to the voters to know. the one thing i would say they have in their favour is early voting has gone well for republicans. you hope they didn't can ballize their day of, but they did seem to get a lot of low propensity, mid propensity voters in early voting. i think that will be very helpful. and i just want to know if your mom is voting for trump? did you convince her? >> jesse: saw her this morning. not voting for trump. that's guaranteed. i'm sorry. i tried. >> sean: sensei sends his regards. i will say that to you. >> jesse: i feel safer i'm not anywhere near him, but tell him i said hi too. >> sean: great show as always, jesse. thank you.
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>> jesse: see you tomorrow night. >> sean: and welcome to hannity. in less than three hours, it is election night, election day in america. but breaking moments ago as we were just discussing joe rogan has now officially endorsed donald j. trump for president. more on this in a moment. it's officially election eve just a few hours short. polls will be open. the and anyone who didn't already vote will have one last day to cast their ballot, let their voice be heard. it is expected 88 million plus americans will vote tomorrow. that means this election is not decided. mark my words. it will be decided now by what we call turnout. now, i have been saying to people especially if you live in georgia, north carolina, pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan. , if you live in arizona or nevada, treat your vote like it will be the deciding vote this election. if you look at the polls for what they mean whether you trust them or don't trust them, this race has razor thin margins in
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these key swing state. your vote will absolutely matter, and you couldn't have two more distinct visions for the future of the country. in these swing states alone, your vote will be particularly important. here's where we start tonight. according to my sources there is cautious opted mitchel at the trump campaign. don't take that to the bank. assume your vote is the deciding vote. as of tonight, kamala harris has a little bit of a math problem in key battleground states because early vote turnout was way down for democrats especially in deep blue urban areas. meanwhile early bird turnout was way up for republicans with a record participation in rural areas but all of this will mean absolutely nothing without a big day tomorrow. what i would say is a sense of urgency is critical. this is a tipping point. i would even call it an inflection point for the country. there is so much at stake. and if you care about your children, your grandchildren, you gotta care about the direction of the country. it is no doubt a kamala harris
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presidency my mind would be a disaster. new york despite all the vague answers, and i love my favourite answer is kamala, what you think do haver of the economy? i was born in the middle class. what do you think of the immigration problem? did you know i grew up in a middle class neighbourhood? besides all of that, the uncomfortable obnoxious giggling, the lack of vetting from the media which i think is a huge story as it relates to the entire electionics cycle, this is no mystery about what kamala harris truly believes. this the single most radical far left candidate to ever run as a major party candidate. but don't take my words for it. in spite of the media hiding all of this for you, before you vote, let's do what the state-run media mob has purposefully failed to do. let's just play kamala, her own views in her own words that she has been unwilling to express and has been ducking and dodging and hiding and bobbing and
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weaving. let start with the life blood of the world economy. it's called energy. take a look. >> will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office adding the united states to the list of countries who have banned this devastating practice? >> there is no question i am in favour of banning fracking so, yes. >> so would you ban off shore drilling? >> yes. ment and again i worked on that. >> sean: of course she went to pennsylvania, so she's taking a different position. which kamala do you believe? do you think that person will be egotore sign off on new leases for fracking? she has been against off shore drilling and has long been wanting to destroy the fossil fuel industry in america. she supported electric vehicle mandates, no choice but mandates. meanwhile in donald trump's term he unleashed american energy independence. we were independent for the first time in 75 years. do you remember what you were paying at the pump? it was way down. the do you like paying a dollar,
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a dollar 50 more per balloon now? america was a net exporter of energy. at the same time kamala cosponsored the capitalists killing $93 trillion green new deal proudly declared she would get rid of the filibuster to ram it through congress. in her own words. >> here's my point. if they fail to act as president of the united states, i am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a green new deal. [ applause ] >> sean: why is she not running on what she really believed? she cosponsored that bill with bernie sanders in the u.s. senate. that green new deal would implement full fledged socialism, statism, marksism. , pick the word of your choice into the u.s. it would cost a whopping 93 trillion, allow the government to control the means of production in several major industries and spell the end of capitalism and the end of the american dream. and by the way, capitalism, the
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greatest wealth creation system ever designed by mankind, but kamala thinks it's a great idea, so great that she wrote the bill in the senate. kamala's track record on the economy is absolutely awful. take a look. >> fighting inflation is one of our administration's top economic priorities. >> was it wrong to consider inflation transtory? i mean these price speaks feel like they will be with us far while. >> we have to address the fact that we gotta deal with the fact that folks are paying for gas, paying for groceries and need solutions to it. >> she's promoting policies like saying that every single carbon emission in the country, every car should be eliminated within the next 11 years. everything everything from a 70 to 80% tax rate. do you think this ideology of the socialist left could splinter your party? >> you know what,ics no. i think that she is challenging the status quo. i think that's fantastic. we have got to increase the corporate tax rate.
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we also have to increase taxes for the top 1%. and part of that is going to be about repealing that tax bill that they just passed and also looking at state taxes are going to have to go up. >> sean: by the way she is now saying on day 1 she is going to deal with inflation and that she's going to fix the border that she's been telling us for three plus years is secure. wasn't day 1 january 20th, 2021? and talking about a 70% tax rate. on top of a tax on unrealized capital gains which is a hike in and of itself, of course she has vowed to let the trump tax cuts expire. that means all of you will pay higher taxes. remember trump lowered taxes for all americans with those tax cuts but who benefited? the middle class and minorities in america. meanwhile kamala thinks bidenomics was a great success. she wouldn't change a thing. take a look. >> all that, ladies and gentlemen, and everyone else, that is called bidenomics.
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[ applause ] >> that is called bidenomics, and we are very proud about it. and as today's jobs numbers make clear, bidenomics is working. >> sean: you probably forget but under donald trump inflation was nonexistent. under biden and harris, prices have gone up more than 20 plus% on average, but kamala doesn't recognize the inflation until recently when she became the presumptive nominee. this is coming from the same kamala harris who told us the border is secure. you might not remember this. >> would you call the border secure? >> i think that there is no question that we have to do what the president and i asked congress to do. the first request we made, pass a bill to create a pathway to citizenship. the border is secure. >> you're confident this border
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is secure? >> we have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation including ours and our administration. >> sean: now, before kamala under donald trump the border was secure. record low crossings. but then came the border czar kamala harris and unvetted harris-biden immigrants, more than 12 and a half million of them. she knew the border wasn't secure. she knew millions of these were unvetted pouring into our country each and every year. that included murderers, rapists, known terrorists. we don't know where they are but they're in the country coming in record numbers from over 180 countries including iran, including syria, including afghanistan, including egypt and venezuela and tens and tens of thousands from china and russia,s murderers, rapists, gang members, other convicted criminals were entering our country and here now.
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she knew billions of dollars of taxpayer money was spent on food, housing, healthcare, education, childcare for illegal immigrants. but this is what kamala supports. in fact she chose a running mate tim walz who advocated for taxpayer-funded college tuition for harris-biden illegals, illegal driver's licences as well. kamala herself supporting taxpayer-funded sex-change operations for convicts and for her illegal immigrants. it's crazy i know. it almost sounds like impossible to believe but it's true. that is who you might be voting for tomorrow. now america's border crisis is par for the course. for years, kamala advocated for open borders where illegal immigration is decriminalizedtious sore it's mission accomplished for biden's border czar. take a look. >> you support giving universal healthcare and medicare to all who are in this country illegally? >> let me just be very clear about this. i am opposedded to any policy
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that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health period. >> someone crosses over the border illegally, it is illegal and you would decriminalize it. >> i would not make it a crime punishable by jail. it should be a civil enforcement issue but not a criminal enforcement issue. the subject of transnational gangs, let's be perfectly clear. the president's medieval vanity project is not going to stop them. listen, there's no question we have to critically reexamine ice and it's role and the way that it is b.c. administered and the work it doing, and we have to probably think about starting from scratch. >> sean: that is the real kamala harris. that is the kamala harris that has been protected her entire campaign by the state-run media mob. not only does she want to decriminalize illegal immigration, but there seems to be a very soft spot in her heart
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for criminallers and rioters. you may recall the media didn't remind you during this election year but the summer of 2020 days of riots after after police precinct was burned to the ground in minneapolis, she promoted a fund raising money to get violent offenders back on the streets. and four days after a police precinct burned to the ground. then she went on cbs saying those rioters won't stop and shouldn't stop, and i won't stop supporting them in case you forgot. >> this is a movement. i'm telling you they're not gonna stop. and everyone beware because they're not gonna stop before election day in november, and they're not gonna stop after election day. and everyone should take note of that on both levels that they're not going to let up, and they should not. >> sean: is liz cheney watching? be aware, take note. they're not going to stop and won't stop. she want to decriminalize
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violent riots and immigration. but if you are a law-abiding american, don't you dare utter the words illegal alien or islamic terrorism. you need to be courageous according to kamala. take a look. >> have the courage to object when they use that term radical islamic terrorism. [ applause ] >> the greatest victims of terror. and we must also have the courage to reject that term illegal alien. i have seen the worst of criminal behaviour. i have seen the worst of crime. an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal. >> sean: in contrast, no one values freedom of speech more than donald trump. meanwhile kamala harris doesn't just want to censor your speech. she wants to ban a lot of things
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like private health insurance. she said it in her own words. take a look. >> you support the medicare for all bill initially coresponserred by senator bernie sanders. you are also a cosponsor. >> yes. >> i believe it will totally eliminate private insurance. the so for people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it? >> well, listen. the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care, and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insures company, getting their approval, going through the paperwork. who of us haven't got the situation where you gotta wait for approval and the doctor says i don't know if your company will cover this. let's eliminate all of that. let's move on. >> sean: government-run healthcare even for illegal immigrants and no private health insurance. she also wants to get rid of the second amendment and disarm american citizens with her mandatory gun buy back program.
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i call that confiscation. >> assault weapons already in circulation. what do you do about those? >> there are approximately 5 million. we have to have a buy back program, and i support a mandatory buy back program. >> how mandatory is your program? >> it's mandatory. >> second amendment? >> second amendment, listen. we have to, we're going to have to do it the right way. there's no question about that. but we have to get these guns off the street. just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean we're not going to walk into that home and check to make sure you're being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs. >> sean: donald trump will frequent your first amendment rights, your second amendment rights. he will limit government's power. that is your choice tomorrow while kamala will be coming for your guns based on her own words. she wants to turn america into venezuela. but with less oil and gas production. that is the worst-case scenario. it will lead to increased costs
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even more beyond the inflation we are experiencing. that would be economic room, a loss of freedom, and frankly y america will become unrecognizable in my view. not the best scenario. the best-case scenario is she is a continuation of the biden white house which was the single worst administration in modern american history. the inflation will continue. prices will not come down. government spending will only go up. taxes will go up. regulations will go up. crime will rise. al chaos will continue around the globe. and remember according to kamala's own words, she played a vital role in all of the major decisions at the white house. she was the last person in the room from afghanistan to the border to economy. take a look. >> president biden always said he wanted you to be the last person in the room for big decisions just like he was for president obama. he just made a really big decision in afghanistan. were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> and you feel comfortable. >> i do.
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and i am going to add to that. this is a president who has an extraordinary amount of courage. >> sean: for the 80 puts plus million of you tomorrow that are going to vote. when someone is telling you who they are, believe them tomorrow when you head to the polls, ask yourself one simple question. are you better off than you were four years ago? we are truly blessed. we live in the best country that i believe god ever created man. tomorrow the american dream is on the ballot. america as we know it is on the ballot. and in his closing argument to the american people, donald trump is vowing to unleash america's true potential. this is your choice tomorrow. take a look. >> over the past four years, americans have suffered one catastrophic failure, humiliation after another. kamala harris that is delivered
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soaring prices and economic anguish at home, war and chaos abroad, a nation destroying invasion on our southern border like nobody's ever seen before. with your vote tomorrow, we can fix every problem our country faces and lead america. [cheering and applause] >> indeed and the whole world to now heights of glory. vote for me and i will deliver rising wages and a colossal surge of jobs, wealth, and opportunity for americans of every race, religion, colour, and creed, every one of them. as your president i will fight for you every single day with every breath in my body. i will fight. >> sean: this is the greatest choice election of our lifetime, and the choice couldn't be more distinct. it couldn't be any more clear. under donald trump child poverty was at a multidecade low.
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income levels were all americans reached record highs including for african-americans, hispanic americans, asian americans, i am with in the work place, african-american youth um employment. interest rates were at a record low. the border was secure. gas prices were low. the world was a more peaceful place. this is what donald trump did in his first term, and this is what he plans to do to make america great again. so the you can turn off the noise and the smears, being called a nazi, a racest, being called a fascist, being called garbage, and there's only one option. i am only one host. i have this he remember court of appeal which you give me every night. i am very grateful for it. but this choice is your choice. it's up to the american people. the choice could not be any more clear. 80 million or more of you will vote tomorrow. i hope for the sake of our children and grandchildren that you will go to the polls and make a choice for america's future. we stand on the shoulders of the
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greatest generation, and our lives are built upon their sacrifice. every generation likes to leave this country in better shape than they found it. i think he that's on the ballot tomorrow. when we come back, florida governor ron desantis will join us. also we'll show you how the harris campaign is using celebrities in a desperate negative attempt top woo voters. al do you really care what hollywood thinks or celebrity singers think? i don't. stay with us.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: and breaking tonight. joe rogan announced his endorsement of donald j. trump making the announcement on x while sharing his interview with elon musk saying he makes the most compelling case for donald trump. what does this mean for tomorrow's election? former speaker of the house newt gingrich joins us with more. not our first rodeo. what's your take? where are we tonight? i would say going into tomorrow, early voting shows kamala has a little bit of a math problem. turnout, enthusiasm not what democrats hoped for or expected which means they would need a higher than usual turnout on elections day for them to catch up which is a rare position for
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republicans to be in, but does that stand? and if you're enthusiastic about kamala, why didn't you vote for her early? >> well, look. i think a couple things are going on. first of all, this is not the traditional republican party. i don't remember a hulk hogan ever being at a traditional republican event. you have people like robert. in kennedy jr. this is a really brought coalition who have come together with donald j. trump as our leader. we are coming with a similar legislation. i would say to everybody who is watching make sure you vote and make sure everyone you know votes. if we get our vote out tomorrow, trump will be the next president, and we'll know it pretty early. if everybody goes out to vote tomorrow, we'll probably know by wednesday morning that he is the next president. things like joe rogan's endorsement. what is rogan going to do? kamala didn't have the courage to go on his show.
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she couldn't have stood up for three hours of questions. that in itself is an indication of what our choice is here. and by the way i thought that your introduction and your monologue was excellent. she has two problems. she is way too radical in a way that is totally out of touch with reality. and she's incompetent. if you are both out of touch with reality and you're incompetent, that's a pretty big burden ton put on the country and a pretty big risk for the whole planet. we live in a dangerous world. i can't imagine kamala harris wrestling with nuclear war,tious wrestling with problems in ukraine or gaza orline or venezuela or cuba. she really would be a disaster for the country. my sense is that trump by just sheer constant energy is getting there. i watched him in pittsburgh tonight. i thought he was terrific, and i thought that just his energy level of going to four different
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events on the last day tells you something. this is a guy who wants to save the country, and he increasingly i think understands that it's a we project. we are all going to collectively save the country. he is our leader. but it's going to take all of us to get it done. >> sean: it really does when you think about it, early voting numbers anecdotally there is certainly a cause for republicans but you can't take it to the bank when half of the american people have voted and will vote tomorrow. one of the things that has frustrated me in this whole process is a lot of what i played in my opening monologue maybe a lot of americans haven't seen because the media has pretty much buried that on her behalf which is their campaign contribution to her. however, i think it has begun to penetrate into the consciousness of american voters. do you think most people understand how radical she is
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and that is the reason why she can't answer questions? >> look. i think that trump's formulation years ago of fake news really set the stage for a dramatic shrinking of the importance of the propaganda media which have so thoroughly defined the country and told the rest of us what we are allowed to think. they have now gotten hysterical. they are way beyond fake news. they are now hysterically fake news. they write things that are crazy. it is clear they are trying to prop her up and my guess would be if she didn't have the full weight of the propaganda media, she would be 10 points weaker than she is right now and trump would be on the verge of a 62 or 63% victory. they have done everything they could to prop her up. they have done everything they could since 2015 for nine years to destroy trump. he is still standing. he is still saying fight. and he is the most iconic
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political leader in america i think in my lifetime. it's been remarkable to watch what he's doing. >> sean: it really is. the all right, mr. speaker. we'll be watching. we'll be of course part of fox's coverage tomorrow night. always good to see you. joining us to weigh in on the state of the race ahead of election day tomorrow, florida governor ron desantis. governor, you know what this feeling is like, and it's kind of interesting to me. candidates like yourself, like president trump, you put it all out there. you put it all on the line. and you sit and wait. not the best feeling in the world when at some point it is just out of your hands and that's the point we are at as they finish their final remarks. as president trump wraps up in michigan tonight. as a fellow floridian, i think you will appreciate this. this is the first election this
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century and probably many years before that where the state of florida is not one of those swing states. and you covered these elections for a long time. i have been involved. florida was always ground zero especially for republicans because if a republican doesn't win florida, the math gets impossible to get to 270. as we go into the election day tomorrow, registered republican haves come out 10 pits more than registered democrats. we have a 1.1 million vote lead. sort of the sense of anxiety down here in the sunshine state is definitely less than four years ago, eight years ago or longer than that. this will be a really good performance here in the state of florida. >> sean: it's very interesting. there was a piece the washington post that suggested younger people may have to lower their expectations for what the american dream would be and maybe settle for a townhouse.
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i'm older getting into downsizing a little bit. i don't want a big house. but for a lot of american, the idea that we have to lower ourings ands and give up on the aspirations and dreams that built this country, wow. that is deep. that is profound. it is almost like jimmy carter lecturing us that we need a sweater. how much of the failure of the harris-biden administration will factor into people's thinking? or will it resonate? will they be successful calling donald trump a nazi, fascist, racist, and every other name in the book. will that resonate? >> no, i don't think so. but the analogy to the jimmy carter years are a good one. they were saying similar things back then. it was an era of limits. everybody has to learn to get by with less. you're not going to be able to have energy or increase your standard of living and just kind of had to deal with it.
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ronald regan had different ideas and he proved them wrong. if you look at the rut we have been in under biden-harris, it's a similar situation. and they are basically trying to say this is as good as it can get. they brag about the economy even though prices have gone up dramatically for the american people over the last three and a half years even though we have high interest rates much higher than they have been anytime this century. so they're telling you that this is as good as it gets. and if you believe that, you don't know american history. i don't think people are going to pie that and the fact they do the name calling and everything else i think it shows. they don't have something to offer to the american people. and especially kamala who is right nowing on being a change agent and turning the page, and yet when she is askedded what would you have done different from joe biden who is not a popular president, she says she can't think of anything. really?
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maybe having secured the border. that would have been something different that people would have liked. what about not having 13 americans killed in afghanistan, the service members because of that fiasco. there is so many things this administration came up the should, and she was in lock steppe every step of the way. so if you elect harris, you are kind of re-electing biden but a version of biden that is more vapid, much more liberal and even less accomplished so, why would you want to do that given so many people see the country going in the wrong track right now. >> sean: yeah. governor, great to see. al i will say this. it was nice. i did have to show my voter id which i was glad to show. your free state, our free state of florida and honoured to have you as my governor, and the lines weren't too bad. it was quick, easy, efficient. the i voted early and the first time i ever did that. you're right. i have confidence in florida's election integrity. >> and you're not going to have to wait until friday for your
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results. you will get the results tomorrow night. [ mixed voices ] >> sean: really? all right, governor, thank you. appreciate the it. the american dream is on the line. no pressure at all. earlier tonight donald trump, wow. he made his final pitch to voters in pennsylvania before he heads to grandnd ra, michigan. take a listen. >> vote for me and i will deliver soaring wages and a colossal surge of jobs, wealth, and opportunity of americans of every race, religion, colour, and creed. every one of them. this will be the golden age of america. [cheering and applause] >> just a few months ago in a beautiful field in pennsylvania not far from where we are tonight an assassin tried to
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stop our movement. [ booing ] >> and this is the greatest political movement by far in the history of our country. the tried to stop it. the but that brush with death did not stop us. it only made us more determined to finish the job that we have only just started. as your president, i will fight for you every single day with every breath in my body. the i will fight. [cheering and applause] together we will save this country. we will defeat the corrupt system in washington, and america's future will be an absolutely incredible one. >> sean: all right. joining us now trump's senior adviser elena is with us. the just one thing i can't stand. the i can't stand being lied to. in the closing argument nazi
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fascist garbage, racist, i'm sick of that. the but kamala lying directly to the american people. donald trump will sign a national abortion ban. that is false. he has said so repeatedly. he supported project 2025. that is false. that is a complete lie. he will limit access to contraception. false. a complete lie. that donald trump is against ivf. false. a complete lie. that he's gonna take away grandma and grandpa's social security and medicare. a complete lie. and she is trying to lie her way to the white house. why doesn't she just tell the truth about what she's going to do? >> because she doesn't know what she's gonna do. it's very simple when. you're a flip flopper and a liarish it's hard to tell the truth when. you tell the truth, you're consistent. president trump has been consistent. no tax on tips. he's gonna help people with social stewart. he is going to do everything to save this country. he has been very clear on apportion. he has been very clear on the fact that he is letting the states meaning the people decide
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what they want to do. sean, there is no question that this man has been persecuted, prosecuted, tried to be assassinated. now we are at the final win, and we are going to win and they are desperate so, they start lying and panicking because they don't have their own policy. the all they do anytime kamala harris speaks is talk about donald trump. that's all she can do. donald trump is this or that. she has no thoughts of her own. she is there,s is still there. i want to see what she can do frankly, but she doesn't have anything. we have to get out and vote and get this woman and her cohort joe biden who is sleeping at the beach out of the white house. >> sean: what about the so-called gender gab that exists? i never thought i would see an ad in my lifetime that has narrated by julia roberts that has wives coming out of a voting booth. he will never know. and you have to hide your vote if you want to vote for kamala
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harris and you're not going to tell your significant other or men, you know, you don't have to tell your buddies that you voted for kamala harris. that to me is the strangest closing argument i ever heard. i know you don't want to admit you're voting for. >> desperation, sean. that's what we call that. that's, oh, don't be ashamed to vote for me. it's okay f you want to go in the voting booth and tell your child that they should know their sexuality at 5 or decide that, you know, we're going to persecute religion. it's the craziest thing i ever heard. but nobody should be ashamed of voting for trump. this is the reality. but they should be ashamed of voting for the reality of the situation that we have had for three and a half years. we had more wars. we had no wars under trump. we are stopping corruption in the polls. and we're going to continue. at the end of the day it's this. if you love this countryf you love the constitution as i know
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you do, as i know i do, you will vote for trump. you have to get out and vote. you cannot rely on what the polls are saying or the polymarkets. we need you to vote for us, and we have one day left, and we are going to win. i really do believe that. >> sean: when i said earlier i believe the american dream is on the line, i really believe that. and if your desire is to make this country great again and go back to sensible policies, limited government, more freedom, secured borders,s law and order, it's open borders or closed borders. it's law and order versus dismantle, no bail laws. the energy dominance versus the new green deal insanity. and let's ban fracking and let's limit drilling in this country. it comes down to inflationary policies, redistribution, green new deal, no private health insurance. the an america that knows its place in the world that is respected and is the beacon of
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life and liberty and the cause of liberty and freedom, i think i think that dream is what people are voting on. and to think that it's all going to think tomorrow. 80 million people. tomorrow's vote will decide the winner of this election. i hope america chooses wisely. >> but we control it, sean. >> sean: by the way, if you gotta lie to the people you know to hide, you know, it says a lot because you're embarrassed. that's pretty funny. anyway, thank you. and when we come back we'll get his final thoughts ahead of tomorrow's high stakes election. we will show you the introduction president trump got in pittsburgh earlier tonight. straight ahead. [ ♪♪ ]
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the drip. drip. drip. in california, 38-percent of students go to schools that fail to meet minimum health standards. prop 2 will fund repairs at local schools. get rid of toxic mold. make sure bathrooms work. and fix leaky ceilings. and all the money goes to local schools. for real. yes on prop 2. repair local schools.
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>> sean: it is election eve in america and tomorrow 80 million americans will vote. kamala is using celebrities to lure people to her rallies but donald j. trump has no problem attracting a crowd all on his own. take a look at a rally from pittsburgh, pennsylvania. that is a massive crowd. and of course he comes in to god bless the u.s.a., and it goes all the way around. we will continue to run it.
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we have more good news for trump tonight after an endorsement from the number 1 podcast host in the country joe rogan. here's how trump reacted earlier. we'll watch a little more of the video. here's how he reacted. what a nice crowd. that's in pittsburgh. i see a lot of hard working men and women that make the country great. here is how president trump react to rogan earlier tonight. >> he was amazing, and was it a three-hour interview. in fact i was two hours late for a rally. the we had to explain that a little bit. and it was cold out that night. we flew, but we had to make it. we were two hours late. they understood. said i was interviewed by a very interesting guy. it could have gone a lot longer, but he was great. the he's not a guy that does endorsements but he did an endorsement. i just want to thank joe rogan.
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that's fantastic. >> sean: joining us now former 2024 presidential candidate vivek is with us. as we look at the crowds, it is amazing what this has come down to. the good news for donald trump and the bad news for kamala harris. the numbers she needed to hit on paper she did not come near. however, that doesn't mean they won't come out. i said if you were enthusiastic about kamala, why wouldn't you could you mean comout early? why would they be down in early voting? >> i try to stay as objective as possible with myself. i think there are two possibilities here. one is we all have our heads stuck in our own echo chambers where donald trump will win this decisively, and i thinkering it will be the latter. i have been on the ground in pennsylvania and across the country. i see an energy especially from
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demographic groups including young people and gen z. there are two possibilities. one is we're doing great. the other is because of emphasis on republicans voting early, people voting on election day are now voting early instead which which case that doesn't bode well for us. we have to be objective. but my sixth sense and gut from the last few days is there is something real going on here. this could be a decisive unifying victory where tonight if not into wednesday morning or wednesday evening we know exactly who will be the next president. that's donald trump and uniting this country will be the next step. >> one of the things that was interesting if you look at low propensity, mid propensity voters, they were showing up in
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early voting. the republican party seems more organized. there have been a number of challenges on various issues that have come up. they won most of them in the courts which is good. however, it comes down to the ground game. you have been working very closely and been around the trump campaign the entire time. how do you feel? how organized are they? >> i feel good,s sean. i think there were a lot of lessons that led up to the leadership shuffles in the republican party which i think have been for the better in improving that level of organization. but driving that groundswell wasn't organization. it's this idea that we are rejecting an ideology of censorship and an ideology of shrinking the economy to apologize for our way of life and opening our southern borders and apologize for who we are as americans there. are people who are former
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democrats, libertarians young and old, a multiethnic working class coalition of voters that have really come together under a broad tent that i give donald trump immense credit for doing. that's what a leader has to do. he has to unite coalitions. he has done that beautifully. one of the things i am looking forward to is that new coalition becoming the republican party. reagan changed the republican party in a big way, and i think donald trump has shuffled them even more this time around. the way i'm alonging at this is tomorrow november 5th. we have been looking forward to it for a long time. that is not a destination. that is a start line for reviving the country. i know donald trump sees it the same way as well. he is sprinting through thish if running through the tape, and heading into tomorrow i feel optimistic and our best days are ahead of us. >> sean: god willing. well-said. coming up, my thoughts on the
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[ ♪♪ ] as i said at the top of the show, we live in the greatest country god gave man. one of the greatest rights we have is to vote. this election is now in your hands. godspeed. god bless america. that's all the time we have left this evening. want to remind you, urge everyone to watch the fox news channel coverage and go out and vote tomorrow. exercise that right. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, but a smile on your face, greg gutfeld is standing by to do just that straight ahead. have a great night. god bless america. [ cheering ]
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