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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  November 5, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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to north carolina so that's what puts it who knows how it goes today? >> we'll see how others vote that moved to the area. >> gabe moved here a few years ago from massachusetts and told me which way are you voting? >> red all the way. >> simon really quickly. national guard, helped out in western north carolina and today -- that's right he voted. appreciate you, how did you vote today? >> i voted red absolutely. >> there is his sticker right there. that's the sentiment from the sweet spot in concord, north carolina, back to you guys in new york. >> ainsley: keep it here on fox news. we have election day coverage all day with bret and martha's special coverage starting at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. >> steve: we start tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. through 9:00. join us tomorrow morning with the post-game show. >> november 5th will be the most important day in the history of
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our country. >> can you feel it? america is ready for a fresh start. >> let's take this country in a different direction. >> winning for america, georgia, let's go. >> folks, it's time to turn the page. >> and are we ready to fight for it? [cheers and applause] >> we're on the one -yard line. get out and vote. and we will make america great again. thank you. >> bill: this now is the moment we have all been waiting for. americans are in line right now at the polls making the choice for the next leader of our country. is this rollercoaster ride about to end or is it the beginning of a long week or beyond?
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we'll start together. the ride starts now. i'm bill hemmer live in new york city. >> dana: it has been great. and today will be great. it's national bill hemmer day for all who celebrate. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." we have a big show for you. at this moment polls are opening in more states across america. you are looking live at polling stations in pennsylvania, georgia and north carolina. those all-important swing states that could decide the presidency. >> bill: so far more than 82 million americans have made their voice heard. that is how unpredictable and unprecedented this race turns out. it is any one's guess. we'll be here with you the entire time. >> dana: can't stop, won't stop until they call it. we have the closing arguments of both candidates.
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bryan llenas is live in pennsylvania. >> good morning. bucks county, pennsylvania, is one of those philadelphia suburbs that both campaigns have spent a ton of time in. a 50/50 split here politically and the campaigns think the result here could tell us a lot about which way pennsylvania is going to go. the polls opened in pennsylvania at 7:00 a.m. and there were long lines here in bucks county, 200 people in line here before the doors opened, including bill, a 73-year-old retired man who said he was so excited he had to be the first in line to vote for former president trump. the trump campaign is going to need a lot of bills to show up at the polls today if they plan on winning pennsylvania. now, meanwhile there is a lot of attention on when the result will be. it took four days in 2020. they are now currently processing 1.8 million mail ballots in places like philadelphia and pittsburgh.
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they are hopeful it will take less time. there is less mail ballots, better technology and they've done this before. so we're optimistic. >> dana: okay, you are in the key place so we'll be watching you, bryan, thank you. >> bill: we'll be optimistic, too. 1.5 million people will vote in georgia. they have had record turnout in the early vote. danamarie mcnicholl live in snellville, georgia today. how goes it there? >> good morning. polls opened at 7:00 a.m. today. tabulations are already begun. now the peach state diving into election day with early voting records broken. 4 million people have already voted. major reason why the georgia secretary of state are saying that this count will be a quick one with 70% of the votes counted by 8:00 p.m. tonight he suspects and confident that georgia will report results before some voters even go to bed tonight.
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historically georgia does work quickly, 95% of the votes were counted election night in 2020. this is a race to 16 electoral votes in a state where biden won by the slim margin of just.2%. 11,000 votes. now first votes reported today will include mail-in ballots as well as early votes. in the past this has favored the democrats which could indicate and early lead for them which creates something known as the blue mirage. of course, this is a neck-and-neck race. senator jd vance spent election night eve in the metro atlanta hosting a rally. >> bill: thanks, snellville, georgia. >> dana: the economy is consistently polled as the top issue for voters since may of 2021. and now it could all come down to which of the candidates had the most convincing plan to fix it? edward lawrence is live from the
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white house with more. hi, edward. >> many americans took gasoline to get to the polls. ate breakfast at a diner or went to the grocery store to make breakfast. this could be the biggest campaign gauge on how voters will actually vote. former president trump saying vice president kamala harris under her administration prices have gone up at least 20% overall for this. some other price increases. you could see there on your screen as they break down. former president trump believes the election boils down to one question. are you better off than four years ago? since vice president harris took office she delivered soaring prices. kamala harris wants you to forget she has been in office since january of 2021 and argues she will turn the page offering a plan on the economy without many specifics saying she'll bring down prices by going after companies for price gouging. the vice president saying she can fix what's wrong with the economy that she has been a part of for the past four years. back to you guys. >> dana: you got a nice,
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beautiful day there. >> it is. gorgeous, we still have the yard work going on. >> dana: always, especially during our show. what do you have, bill? >> bill: we'll show you how you get to 270 for harris or donald trump. put you in motion to give you some scenarios. nebraska two we'll give it to kamala harris there in omaha. what is her easiest path? it hasn't changed. the blue wall up here in the upper midwest and winning wisconsin, winning michigan, winning pennsylvania. that would put her on the number at 270. take these away a moment here and let's look the other way. what is trump's easiest path to get back to the oval office? hasn't changed, either. it is still georgia, north carolina, pennsylvania and that would do it. even number at 270. let's go ahead and mix it up a little bit. let me take georgia and north carolina away. let's key on pennsylvania. let's say harris wins pennsylvania.
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what happens to trump's fortunes trying to get back to the white house? she would be at 245 there. let's say he is still strong in georgia and north carolina. even if he won those two states he would need to pick up votes elsewhere. arizona, even if he wins there, he is shy. one of the three blue wall states would have to fall in order for trump to win based on the seven battlegrounds we have out here. michigan would do it. wisconsin would do it, he could put a lot of different formulas in there. we're not accounting, however, for the potential for surprises tonight, right? iowa, new hampshire, virginia is one of those states in the mix? won't know until later tonight or into the day tomorrow. let's say harris wins pennsylvania, okay and she wins north carolina, all right? what would trump need to do in order to win a second term? take georgia, take arizona, win
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nevada, still not there. upper midwest michigan has 15 electoral votes, still not there. he would need wisconsin as well under this scenario in order to get above 270. based on this map here of just how critical pennsylvania is, because among the battlegrounds 19 electoral votes is the biggest batch in the pile as we speak. let's move over here. we're so delighted and happy the man got out of bed early today. aren't we? >> have you slept? i have not slept in three months. it is okay. i was with you watching the show every single day and that was a great analysis. if donald trump can hold georgia, north carolina, then she has to sweep the blue wall. i think donald trump has a significant lead in arizona, nevada only gives you six electoral votes. get him to 268. if it's georgia and north carolina and arizona and nevada. that doesn't get him there.
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she in that sense, he seems to have more paths to 270 than she does. her biggest path, biggest opportunity to me is the blue wall. we'll watch that closely. something to look out for today. i don't know how to interpret this. early voting numbers did not -- they were not reaching their targets. it doesn't mean she will lose. this election today will be decided today over 80 million of our fellow americans will vote today. maybe more. so the election will be decided today. we'll be looking in specific counties, as you will. it used to be called the hannity -- >> bill: you want to fight about that? >> you don't want to fight me. >> bill: you don't want to fight me. [laughter] the hemmer big board. i lost it. it's the hemmer board. billboard. >> bill: you were saying about the early vote. trump's team is selling you hard
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on the turnout thus far for their side. democrats and harris have been quiet. maybe there is a strategy there, we don't know. >> i don't think it's strategy. we can see the numbers and break down the demographics. she is not reaching target numbers or didn't reach the target numbers i would argue they needed going into today. so what does that mean? does it mean the race is over? no, it doesn't. it means they need a bigger turnout, something they really haven't been able to pull off in the past. impossible, no. but i would think if people were very enthusiastic voting for kamala harris wouldn't they have gone out early to vote for her? the other thing the trump team did that was smart in early voting targeting mid and low propensity voters. they did get a number of those voters. it gives them an opportunity today to push hard for their high propensity voters. but at the end of this day, it
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is going to all be about turnout. and so i would say to people especially in these states that really matter, the seven states that we all talk about, that would be georgia, north carolina, pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, arizona and nevada, that i would say assume that your vote will be the determining final vote that will decide this election. and this for all of us, i mean, we do this every day. this is the biggest choice election we've ever seen in our lifetime by far. it's open borders, closed borders, law and order versus defund, dismantle no bail laws. economy that would probably be new green deal versus, say, lower taxes, capitalism, free market. free and fair trade. less regulation, you have it down better than me. and it would be the difference between i think an america that
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is strong in terms of being the leader of the free world. put aside the fact that donald trump may put out mean tweets and may say things that people don't like. i definitely believe the world's worst actors fear him. i don't think they fear kamala harris as much. >> dana: our best allies want him back based on signals they are sending. a question for you and maybe for hemmer, too. you spent a lot of time in georgia and atlanta in your life. and some of these states have changed so dramatically. growing up colorado was a red state for me. now it's reliably blue. it has never changed in a couple of cycles. in georgia, with all of this political realignment and people moving to states with lower regulation and more freedom, how could that change elections going forward especially this one? georgia, for example, they figured out their elections and we'll call that. >> bill: they'll count fast.
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>> the republicans learned from 2020 they can't start out election day down hundreds of thousands of votes and expect people to show up and catch up. there was a forecast for rain in minnesota, michigan, wisconsin today. a quick story that you'll appreciate. you worked for the bush administration. it was 20004. do not listen to exit polls. 2004 the exit polls showed john kerry would be the next president. i was doing my radio show live that day. 5:35 dick cheney called to my radio show. talk about changing states. he was begging people in ohio, you still have time to involvement people in the panhandle, people in southwest florida to go out to vote. florida is in the bag, ohio is no longer in play. look at how things have dramatically shifted to your point. and so -- >> bill: hang on one second. cincinnati, ohio jd vance is about to cast his vote and may make a comment or two before he
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goes in. he just voted. let's listen. >> appreciate you coming out to see one of the great traditions in american democracy. i of course voted for donald trump and myself. so did my wife and we also for all the locals out there we voted for bernie moreno for united states senate. if you want the policies of donald trump in the united states senate, then bernie merino is the the only candidate for the senate. i hope people will get president trump over the finish line and bernie moreno over the finish line. i feel good about this race. hopefully it goes as well for president trump and me as it went for me a couple of years ago in the state of ohio. i appreciate you guys being here, happy to take a few questions. you can see my kids bouncing around here. there is my wife. we'll take a few questions. we'll hit the road, head home
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and head to palm beach. [inaudible question] >> sure. i think our message is first of all we expect to win. no matter who wins half the country will be at least partially disappointed. i think my attitude is the best way to heal the rift in the country is govern the country as well as we can and create as much prosperity as we can for the american people and remind our fellow americans we're on the same team however we voted. i hope you vote for donald trump today. i think his policies will promote peace and prosperity for our citizens. if you vote the wrong way in my view i'll still love you and treat you as a fellow citizen. if i'm lucky enough for your vice president i will fight hard for your dreams and family over the next four years. let's get this election over the finish line. let's make donald trump the
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president elect and we'll worry about what happens afterwards. >> he called me 3:00 in the morning from the plane headed for home. michigan to palm beach last night. i was in bed at the time and haven't been able to talk to him this morning. i was going to call him when i got up. he got hoepfl at 5:30 and i thought hopefully he is asleep. i won't call him. i will talk to him on the way to the airport or when we land. [inaudibl [inaudible question] how will you feel in that moments? >> it's an amazing thing. my heart is just overwhelmed with gratitude for the american people and the way i'm standing here we live in the greatest country in the history of the world and have a beautiful wife and three beautiful kids is a testament to the fact we live in the greatest country in the world. what today represents is an
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opportunity to pay down a debt that i owe to this country. if i'm the vice president i will work as hard as i can to pay down that debt. i won't be able to return what this country has given to me. i will try. but we have to win first. [inaudible question] >> my most important message is we ought to argue, disagree, persuade each other about politics. that's part of the natural process. but we can't discard friends or family members. if we all recognize this basic principle we have to love people and friends with people and family members with people regardless of politics. it would do a lot to heal the division. i have had a few friends who have cast their friendship aside because i decided that i wanted donald trump to be the winner in the last election and this election. that's a tragedy. i won't follow that example. i would say to everybody whether you vote for donald trump and
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kamala harris remember friends and family, that stuff is what really matters. we ought to be kind to one another and treat each other with respect and fundamentally what we're trying to do president trump and i is build the kind of country where our fellow americans can achieve their dreams. that's all of our fellow americans regardless who they vote for. one more question. [inaudible question] >> i'm not too wore eft about that. one poll doesn't change what we see on the ground. we feel good. the ball is in the courts of the american people. today is the day. if you don't want an open border vote for donald trump. if you want to get back to low inflation and affordable groceries, vote for donald trump. if you want to return the world to peace and stability, vote for donald trump. that's my pitch to votes. i really do believe we can have a golden age of prosperity in the united states of america. voters will ultimately make that choice. i don't worry about any one poll. i think we're going to win.
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ultimately the voters make that decision and see what they think about this by the end of the day hopefully. god bless you guys, thank you. >> bill: there it is. jd vance we'll see him later today as well. sean hannity is still with us. there was an endorsement last night. i don't know if people saw it coming, joe rogan. how much does it matter? >> you could say what you want about every campaign. i thought last night's 20 minutes of kamala harris and the same, you know, i hate trump, trump is dangerous and trump is a fascist, republicans are nazis. i am a piece of garbage in case you guys -- i am trash. they were chanting then at fox and friends the other morning in the diner, it was really funny. >> bill: this is philadelphia. big crowd, right? lady gaga, kamala harris, ricky martin. >> here is oprah winfrey's
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warning to america if trump were to win. >> we don't get to sit this one out. [cheers and applause] if we don't show up tomorrow, it is entirely possible that we wi have the opportunity to ever cast a ballot again. >> bill: i don't think she was reading off a note card there. that was in the teleprompter. we may not have the opportunity to ever cast a ballot again. how hyperbolic is that language. >> is it any worse than nazi, fascist, racist? it is not a strong closing argument. are you going to improving the lives of the american people. make the border secure. lower the costs, lessen inflation. do we have to pay a buck 50 more a gallon every time we fill up
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our cars. will the world be more safe and secure and your town and city be more safe and secure? it is a weak closing argument, i hate trump. we know you hate trump. that isn't a vision for the future. i think they missed it. and they missed it in a big way. i really -- i don't see it as a strong effort. >> dana: joe rogan for six hours endorsed rfk junior and he pulled it back. he invited both candidates on. donald trump went and did the whole three hours, kamala harris couldn't figure out the scheduling. it didn't happen. joe rogan endorsed him. do you think it will have an impact? >> i think it will have a huge impact. a lot of analysis said it would be battle of the sexes. i'm not sure. i don't like the demagoguery has gone on. when kamala claimed that donald
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trump will limit sec cess to abortion and other things those are outright lies scaring seniors he will take away social security and medicare. those are lies and they are trying to lie their way to the white house. my kids lie they get in more trouble than if they didn't. i watch every day, i feel like a part of the show. >> dana: thank you so much. we'll watch you tonight. >> bill: a big win for republicans in georgia. a critical ruling on absentee ballots in cobb county. >> dana: a wild cycle. some of the most iconic moments. >> bill: the election results are in, six voters in a tiny township on the u.s. canadian border casting ballots on the stroke of midnight. you won't guess how this thing turned out. election day in america. here is our lineup state ahead all morning long. all morning long. ♪ call newday usa to use your valuable va home loan benefit.
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>> dana: the georgia supreme court ruling that cobb county cannot count thousands of late ballots for now. it's seen as a victory for republicans. one of many cases that are out there. what about this one, david? >> good morning. cobb county had so many requests for early ballots, many did not get them in time. originally these voters were told they would get an extension to turn them in in a few days late because they got them late. the georgia supreme court reversed course yesterday. they had to vote in person today or get the ballots in by today at 7:00 p.m. eastern time when polls close. moving to pennsylvania that state acts as a epicenter for election related lawsuits. one of six states here that can't begin counting early ballots until today. officials say a delay in the
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results does not mean anything nefarious is taking place and stressing patience as the process plays out today and in the coming days if need be. speaking of the keystone state a judge ruled late yesterday that elon musk may continue his $1 million giveaway to individuals who signed a pledge supporting the first and second amendments. from the courts to the f.b.i. election command center in washington, d.c. we took a tour inside this nerve center where 80 people all week will be combating any election-related security threats. watch here. >> we are not looking to curtail free speech. we're not looking to monitor social media. however, when information is threatening and it rises to a violation of federal laws, then we look to take action. >> f.b.i. warning about concerns from russia, iran, and china and the threats they pose to our elections from overseas, dana.
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>> bill: thank you, david. congress up for grabs now. both parties see paths to victory. going to do a deep dive into the counties you want to watch tonight. bret baier and shannon bream on a big day chatting over there and they'll chat with us on this election day 2024 as we continue. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission- based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs
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when kamala harris became the nominee. this is what he says about today. >> it's very important that we have multiple pathways to 270. just a couple hours ago reviewing all the early vote data, we're projecting for election day, how we think undecideds are breaking we have a credible path with all seven states but believe they will all be close. >> you think you could win all seven? >> yes. >> dana: simple answer, yes. >> bill: what will he say? >> no, we cannot win any of the seven. listen, she can win all seven. we've done this, the whole one point. she could win six of the seven if it shifted one point. but one point in the polls and there is a sweep. one point the other way there is a sweep of seven. listen, i think that there are a lot of iterations and we'll know a lot early. i think georgia and north carolina are going to tell us a lot. michigan is a fast state. we'll get a piece of the midwest
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picture. if it tracks what we're seeing as far as all of the votes the fox news voter analysis, 100,000 people weighing in over a week, if it matches, we'll be able to get a clear picture early in the night. >> bill: brit hume said back in the day we didn't rely on polls but the mood of the candidate. how they were feeling. a read on crowd sizes and enthusiasm. these are the states that harris and trump have visited the most. trump to michigan 11 times. harris has been to michigan ten, pennsylvania 16. she made five stops in pennsylvania yesterday. you read anything into that? >> everybody wants the 19 electoral votes. a big concert in philly. she must know that's a must-win for her. we talk about the paths and gone through these on the boards. that anchors the rest of your
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other options and what you can do. we know the campaigns always have internal polling and other things we don't have. they'll take a big game about we feel confident what we're seeing internally. clearly the decision to focus everything on pennsylvania that last day says something to me how much they know that may be in play for them. >> i don't think it expresses confidence. five stops in pennsylvania. it feels stressful to me. we have to motivate our people. >> bill: that would fit the brit hume definition of how you read the tea leaves. >> you would think she would want to go other places to broaden the map. if they know they have problems in pennsylvania you do five stops in pennsylvania. i think if you look at the early vote, that's why. now if democrats overperform on election day, that's historically something that hasn't happened. and that's what they have to do in a couple of those places. >> dana: we're poised for a lot of first and record breaking or not. so bret and shannon we'll see you throughout the day especially tonight. thank you so much for coming on
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"america's newsroom." >> bill: we have a handful of counties out there that may decide control of congress. we'll have a look at that and some of the more competitive races on the map when we continue election day 2024. with kayleigh mcenany and kevin mccarthy. they're in next right after this. give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent of your home's value. if you need cash for your family call newdayusa. with automatic authority from the va we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact,
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>> bill: some keys to early returns perhaps tonight. definitely the east coast here. georgia has a new way of doing things. the law they signed in may. a lot of red and blue on the map before the 8:00 eastern hour. they close at 7:00. north carolina closes at 7:30. expect a faster count from north carolina as well. we'll see clues in a lot of
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rural counties in georgia and north carolina and see whether or not trump is holding onto the strength he has shown in previous elections. the other thing to think about is what happens in pennsylvania when they close at 8:00. a huge mail-in vote there. could be a long delay. the processing started earlier today when the polls opened at 7:00 a.m. and you saw the margin of difference four years ago. pennsylvania at 81,000 between biden and trump. let's move back over here. two people who know this all too well, right? kayleigh mcenany and kevin mccarthy are here today. good morning to both of you. mr. speaker, good morning. what are you looking at? what are you watching? >> i'm watching pennsylvania. pennsylvania is the entire country. if trump wins pennsylvania, he will become reelected as president. if we lose pennsylvania we'll have a hard time to win. if you look at the last four years to today, we were behind by a million votes. today we're only behind 400,000 by early voting. that's a good sign for trump.
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philadelphia is where the democrats bring their big turnout. we have to watch where that is. the rural vote where it's coming in. congress there are a number of seats i'll watch early in pennsylvania, seven and eight. virginia the two raises, watch maine if we pick that one up. >> dana: what about new york? >> new york i'm watching. i think lawler holds it on. williams, esposito, those are the tight ones i'm watching closely. then you want to watch north carolina one. republicans will add three already. if we pick up the first district and the turnout there if you look in the polling looks like we're behind, the black vote there is only 36%. if it stays low, we can win that seat. if we win those, it will be a big night for republicans. it is tight right now. the presidential will determine the house i think. >> dana: interesting, kaylee. if harris wins and a republican senate likely to happen or trump wins republican senate and
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democratic house are we looking at gridlock? >> yes, we are. i'm watching the senate closely. for republicans. you don't have the house you have gridlock. if you have the senate, if as we think will happen jim justice prevails in west virginia and pick up montana, you get 51 votes. that means you look at judges and potentially justices. we still have the fill busfer there. in the event of a kamala harris president you have a bull work if you are a republican. i would be watching very closely moreno in ohio, and michigan. a number of close races. if you get to 50/51 that's the magic number. even if you lose the presidency you at least have that buffer. >> bill: two years ago when we were thinking that led to your speakership we were thinking the republican advantage would be greater than it actually was. the red wave was not red wave
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but a ripple. polling, they tell us they've adjusted their ways. that they can compensate for the miss in 2016 of trump voters and the miss of 2020 with trump voters as well. >> i learned the polls are never right. when election come you learn what was wrong in the polling. if we were looking four years ago, the generic ballot was plus six for the democrats. today only.4 for republicans. makes the environment better. you said biden would win wisconsin by six points. they got trump off by four points. he only won wisconsin by 20,000 votes. there is an undercount somewhere. you don't know where it is yet. that's the interesting part. one person writes right republicans are 16% less likely to answer the polls on the phones. the election will determine that. you say this was wrong about the polls and we rely too much on the polls. i look at where the ground is and the environment is.
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you can have a great candidate but timing is everything. i go back to the gallup poll asking do you identify with republican or democrat? for the first time in history won that 48 to 45. the climate is better. there is not an undecided voter in america. that's a myth. >> dana: a final word from you, kayleigh, >> it's watching the vote totals as they've been racking up. i'm monitoring philadelphia and pennsylvania and virginia stays close. if it stays close it is a great sign for president trump. georgia is the first one we'll watch when the polls close at 7:00. if i'm president trump no one knows what will happen today. i would feel very good. the fact that nevada and north carolina republicans are marching in with an early vote lead and adding to that arizona as well. this is a big deal. republicans don't normally lead in the early vote. anything can happen but if i'm
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trump, i am loving nate cohen what he said. there is nothing to believe pollsters fixed what went wrong in 2016 and 2020. >> dana: thank you so much. we'll see you tonight. something we brought you earlier podcast host joe rogan joins the team endorsing former president trump. could his male-dominated audience by a final boost for the former president? ♪ lord, to you we entrust our communities, our leaders, our president, our country. we give it all up to you. jesus, we trust in you. amen.
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over. july 1st the supreme court granted trump immunity for official acts as president. that caused democrats to have a stir. an assassination attempt in butler, pennsylvania, against president trump. he says, fight, fight, fight and goes to the convention. july 21st joe biden withdrew from the race and endorsed kamala harris. she takes over as the nominee and you have this ongoing swirl of litigation that trump is in. there was a harris and trump debate september 10th. and a second assassination attempt on president trump's life while golfing in florida. so we had all of that and joining us now is michael tyler, communications direct for with the harris-walz campaign. when we first met you were the communications director for the biden campaign. that has changed. a lot of things have changed in the last 100 days. listen to what some democrats and some political analysts are saying about how they feel things are going for harris right now. >> what i'm worried about is how
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you are counting on some women who are independent republican women to come out and vote for harris. is that going to materialize? >> republicans do have an advantage in early vote numbers. when the early vote comes in it will look a little bit different than 2020 and that is scary. >> my sense in the early vote is, it is not as disastrous as it was in the first three days for the democrats but it is still really bad. the harris campaign has done a great job of spinning the national media on it. >> dana: i want to hear your voice about early points in pennsylvania. are you confident it is a change in voting behavior or a sign of lack of enthusiasm for the harris campaign because a lot of republican voters have turned out? >> happy election day. thank you so much for having me. we feel good what we're seeing in pennsylvania and across the battleground states. when you look at the early vote data yes there has been a shift because republicans used to disparage early voting and claim
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it was fraud and embraced it and encouraged their voters to do so. we are hitting our benchmarks in states like pennsylvania and across the country where lower prop pens tee democrat target voters are voting throughout the early vote period. we aren't resting. that's why over the weekend we were knocking on over 3 million doors, a million and a half in pennsylvania alone to hit our target voters, the voters we have know will be voting for vice president harris but also an opportunity, a final opportunity for us to reach these late breaking undecided voters who have been moving towards vice president harris by double digit margins because they have seen the split screen down the stretch of this campaign where you have vice president harris pledging to be a president for all americans regardless of your party affiliation so we can bring people together to solve our common problems and they've seen donald trump sort of spiral into the worst version of himself.
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instead of offering people solutions down the stretch of this campaign spent his time lobbing insults and airing personal grievances making it clear when he walks into the oval office it won't be with a to do list like the vice president but an enemy's list in hand consumed with his own grievances he will never offer solutions to the american people and you see increased energy and enthusiasm behind the vice president down the stretch. today is the final opportunity to make sure we get over the hump. >> dana: caroline leavitt of the trump campaign coming up soon. we have 20 seconds left. let me ask you where will you be watching tonight? >> listen, we'll be looking. we have the seven battleground states that are part of our path to victory. as the evening goes on, it is important for viewers to understand we'll see different trends throughout the evening and probably have results earlier from states like georgia and north carolina. i think yo


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