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tv   Fox News Democracy 2024  FOX News  November 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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defense minister and that will pass without notice tonight. remarkable. >> martha: it is stunning. biden dropped out. it knocked the assassination attempts off of the news lists the. >> brit: we >> bret: we are going to speak with our panel we are getting raw vote total. seconds away fromnine states, i, virginia, kentucky, indiana, plus, critical battle grounds. >> we are going to do a great job for north carolina. >> georgia, this election right here is a fight for the future. >> with 97 electoral votes on the line, we have the results as they come in. the moment is here. america is watching. ♪ >> martha: and it is 7:00 on the east coast. and polls have just closed in
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half a dozen states. the fox news decision desk is making its first calls. the most closely watched state at this hour is georgia. one of seven battleground states that could decide the presidency. that one obviously is too early to call. >> bret: we will dig into those numbers soon. it's also too early to call virginia though vice president harris has a lead in our fox news voter analysis, waiting for the raw vote total to dump there. fox news can project that former president trump will win the state of indiana. >> martha: trump will also carry nearby kentucky for a third time and it is too early to call the state of south carolina. but former president trump has the lead there according to our fox news voter analysis. >> bret: meanwhile vice president harris will sail to victory in liberal vermont and as we look at the race for 270, electoral votes that's what it takes to win. throughout the night we will be adding up. each state is calls. 19 electoral votes for the former president. three for the vice president.
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and we are going to be following all of this throughout the night. also on the bottom of the screen you can see the races a we get the raw vote total. in. >> martha: that's going to be happening very soon. turn to the senate for a moment. another big story. control of the united states senate. democrats have almost no room for error the fox news decision desk can project indiana republican congressman jim banks will win his first senate race. >> bret: in virginia, it is too early to call the race between incumbent democratic senator tim kaine and his republican challenger hung coa. we are going to be looking into virginia. >> martha: bernie sanders will win a fourth term in the senate in vermont and he caucuses, of course, with the democrats. >> bret: as we look at the balance of power in the u.s. senate, you can see we'll be ticking up. you need 51 for the majority. the republicans need to pick up two to take the majority. and they are looking at states like west virginia and montana. but there could be others on this board. right now as you see 29 39
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republicans to 29 democrats. >> martha: senate races across the country. go to bill hemmer and get an updated from the board. >> bill: hi, guys. we just saw a little of this vote come in from florida. start there and punch around and see a little of what we are getting there we know the turnout was big. we know republicans based on some of the early voting and the voting today was pretty decent here. but 8% of the statewide vote, this is duval county, jacksonville, i haven't seen this yet. so you got about two thirds of the vote coming in florida right now. florida counts fast by the way. early votes. they rack it up. and so right here in duval county kamala harris leading by -- i will tell you what we do. this is very interesting. because one of the first times in a long time in anybody's memory i guess going back to fdr, a candidate on the ballot where can you compare the number from four years ago and compare the numbers from 8 years ago. we will do this throughout the night. get a measure of how trump is
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performing vs. hillary clinton and joe biden. let's go back 8 years now. just watch his number here with two thirds of the vote reporting in florida. one county in jacksonville, so, here we go. trump is just shy of 50 against hillary clinton in that county. and then four years ago he was a little less than that. about two and a half high of the midway mark overall duval. doing about the same number he did with joe biden four years ago. look at volusia county. okay. a little more of the vote in here. trump easily at nearly 60% of the vote. 77% reporting. flagler 86% reporting as well. so we expect him to do quite well in florida. let me move away from. this because what i wanted to show you in a moment here, we are getting a flavor perhaps what the suburban vote is doing for trump vs. harris and what the rural vote is doing. i want to pick out two places here because there is a county
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just north of indianapolis. this is hamilton county. population about 350, 360,000. about two thirds of the vote coming in right now. what i want to show you here is trump at 48.8 now. there is more vote out there, indiana counts the mail-in ballots first. let's do the same exercise, okay? this time watch the slide come out here and now gives us a direct comparison for 8 years ago against hillary clinton. this is the weakness of the trump campaign, right? 8 years ago he was just shy of 57% in the same county and then four years ago got slightly weaker, down about 2 points and then current day today, okay, so, there is more vote out there. so we will see how it goes. but right now a little weaker there in that suburb just north of indianapolis. conversely, trump has been working the rurals. votes throughout even though we called the race. this is terrell county.
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it is rural, it is small, there is about 10 to 12,000 raw votes there trump's percentage of the vote is big at 77%. so let's do the same exercise again. go back to 2016, the percentage of the vote, okay? it was lower. four years ago in 2020, same county now, right around 75%. and as of tonight, okay. by the way, raw vote, 93-76. hold on to that number. it's important. is he doing better on percentage basis but the raw vote doesn't help him a ton. that may suggest as we pop around the map throughout the night that the turnout for this vote could be lower than 2020. that's a covid year, a pandemic year. a lot of people vote by mail. et cetera. we will see whether we are able to top that number. it's questionable and debatable at the moment. if i have got time i will just show you florida. one more time here. 30% in. miami is missing, you know, we are waiting for the hispanic vote down there in miami.
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the cuban vote as well. broward county, 70% in. heavily democratic there. but about 60% of the vote right now going for kamala harris. they're getting on the radio right now. they are cautiously optimistic. they are doing the radio in pennsylvania. wisconsin, and michigan, all the way at the top. that means the former president telling people there is still time and finish strong. that's the message from mar-a-lago, right around down here in palm beach. back to you bret and martha. >> bret: you have time, bill. we are going to have a lot of time. >> bill: roger that. >> martha: we have a lot of waiting to do still. >> bret: georgia is really crucial as we look at raw vote total. we are getting a lot that we expect to come in very fast. madison alworth is actually in nor cross, georgia with a view from the ground. hey, madison. >> madeleine: hey, bret and martha. polls have closed in a variety of locations in georgia including location i'm at. i can see from my vantage pointed that at least one person has tried to come in past 7:00 p.m. and they are turning them away
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because this poll location, like most, closed at 7:00. but, there are a few, because of issues, that will be open past 7:00 p.m. so find a location in fulton county. one here in gwyneth county. those six had issues with unsubstantiated threats. so they were closed for a certain amount of time for the day. they have been allowed to be open for that amount of time past 7:00. we also have seven precincts in dekalb. that's another area in the atlanta metro area that had bomb threats. we are still waiting to see if those locations are going to be allowed to be extended past that 7:00 p.m. window. so majority results are come in. we have talked to the georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger a number of times. he has reiterated is he really confident that majority results will be reported by 8:00 p.m. and now when it comes to the how close it is here, recounts are not necessary. but, if it's within 0.5% a candidate can request it. we will start to get those results any minute now. guys, i will send it back to
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you. >> bret: okay, madison, thank you. >> martha: go to sandra smith who is looking at fox news voter analysis surveys. and picking up some information about different voter groups out there. what are you learning, sandra? >> sandra: which could be telling a big story now. this is the first time you will see this. and the first time since the polls have now began to close there that we can break this down by candidate. first up, timing of your vote. we know so many went out for early voting. let's see how those votes are breaking down in georgia. those who cast their vote early. look at this. they did not prefer a candidate if they early voted. it is split 49 for harris, 49 for trump. all right. let's look at some of these other key data points. we know race was huge. the black vote was huge for biden when he won by just a bit in georgia there in 2020. so let's look at how they are turning out in this election. all right? this is the first time we can break this down among black voters, and their support for
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kamala harris, while strong, she is below where biden was in 2020, four years ago, this number for biden was more like 91. so she is running about 8 points behind where biden was with the black vote in georgia. in 2020. all right. have another data point where i'm going to combine this with gender, okay? so now you look at the black male voter in georgia. we know both candidates have spent a lot of time courting them there. democrats have been trying to convince them that they could be better for the economy. trump has been trying to woo those voters. remember, inflation is more than 20% in that state. with black men, harris is at 73%. trump at 25%. let me give you perspective and context on that. joe biden in 2020 had this number at about 87%. okay? so, right now, she is running about 13 points with black men
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behind where joe biden was in 2020. all right. another data point there, bret, because i know you asked. black women as well in georgia. we have been watching this. here it is. strong showing, 89%, but let me give you the perspective on that. joe biden, with black women in georgia, four years ago, was at 95% of their support. she is also running behind with them by about 6 points. i will leave you off with one other data point here. again, this is the first time we are able to show you. this education and race. whites with no college degree in georgia. donald trump a strong showing there. he is at 77. getting 77% of their support. so we have a lot more data coming in and we will continue to bring that to you bret and martha. >> bret: those are interesting numbers. they start to tell the story. >> martha: let's bring in our panel and see what they think about these numbers. harold ford, dana perino, laura ingraham and robert wolf.
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great to have you here. she is under performing but is the headline there. >> laura: it looks like right now harris isn't getting enough from women, at least in georgia. that she would need to overcome what trump is getting from men, both increase in support from black men and men overall. this is going to be the question throughout the night because the trump people and all their surrogate groups have tried to mobilize men. we have talked about in this afternoon, martha. from joe rogan to elon musk and all the other people down the line, they are trying to turn out that male vote. i would keep an eye on virginia. and karl knows this better than everyone else. in 2020, in virginia, trump lost by 9.2%. and in 2016 he lost by 5. 4.9%. watch what happens in virginia. youngkin has been phenomenal on the ground for trump. and even if that lead is cut by half, let's say it's 4 points that, could be a bellwether of something to come.
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also in new hampshire where i spent four long winters. see what happens in new hampshire. it was very tight in 2016. >> bret: robert, welcome to you as well. the state of georgia. biden flipped georgia for the first time since 1992, largely because of the black electorate. looking at those numbers right now, it doesn't seem like she is delivering that same kind of power. >> robert: yeah, those numbers seem soft. although i would tell you i was predicting north carolina over georgia for the vice president because i think stein will be like plus 15 vs. robinson. >> bret: the governors? >> robert: i think that may help the vice president. these are soft numbers. i thought with warnock and ossoff, two senators that are popular, we would have maybe seen a better turnout. so, i'm hoping this is just the early voting. >> martha: yeah. not all the data, obviously, is in yet, karl. what's your read on it? >> karl: first of all, we are looking at half of the problem. the problem that we are looking at what is the division of the black vote by men and women, trump vs. harris.
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the other thing we need to look at is turnout. a 1 percent decline in black turnout in georgia over the last election would wipe out the 10,000 vote margin that joe biden had. so, we're seeing part of the picture. let's see if it's compensated or offset a little bit by how much the black turnout is. is it bigger than last time or smaller than last time? i would make one other point. the other part of the georgia equation that we are going to have to watch. we have a little bit of evidence -- and i mean a little bit of evidence from indiana that we ought to be worried about if the trump campaign ought to be worried about, and that is the suburban support. hamilton county went republican four years ago. trump won it 52% to 45%. tonight with about two thirds of the vote, in he is losing it to kamala harris, 50 to 44 -- excuse me 50 to 48. so he is running behind his performance. if that happens in.
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>> brit: indiana. >> karl: excuse me georgia with suburban counties like forsythe and cherokee. gwyneth was won by biden but biggest number of republican voters are in gwinnett. you remember, hamilton county 34% of the republican primary voters in may voted for nikki haley when she had no chance of winning. we're seeing that effect tonight with the county being blue, at least at this point. >> bret: harold, it's just worth pointing out the fox news voter analysis rolling poll, 120,000 voters asked a series of questions. when we look at that data, that sandra talked about, with the raw vote total coming in, we have a sense of how accurate or not accurate it is. so far it's lining up. your thoughts where you are? >> harold: i think karl's point is right. i think one of the things i would love to see in georgia is not just racial breakdown but just breakdown of women vs. men. because, if, indeed, he is underperforming the suburban areas in indiana can you extrapolate perhaps that happens in georgia. i would agee if these numbers
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hold up. if he is polling -- he being president trump, 25% amongst black men that's a challenge. if you see that in the other big cities and the blue states, detroit and philadelphia that could be an issue as you think about the tightness of this race. the harris campaign has always said it's women that are going to be the key here. i agree with robert. the north carolina piece here the stein, robinson race, that gubernatorial race will have an advantage for harris. this is early. she is still ahead in georgia. once we get some more of these numbers, in once we get to 10%, 15%, 20% we will have a better sense of whether or not there is 25% african-american male thing is as serious as it seemed. >> bret: we have on the screen. you have the numbers. and then you look at the percent of precincts in. right now it's at 3%. so, as you look at the screen, that's what you will be seeing throughout the night. >> martha: one of the things that the harris campaign which harold just touched on, dana, they are hoping that they are going to make it up with
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moderate -- some moderate g.o.p. voters that will be persuaded over to the harris camp. what's the feel for that at this stage of the game? >> dana: i would be skeptic that there is a lot of that kind of vote out there. so, governor kemp had some problems with president trump for a while but they patched those things up and i believe that as youngkin has been very good for president trump in virginia that kemp has an amazing operation in georgia and he has been tireless out there. i think we should thank georgia for doing what it needed to do to help get us these results in as quickly as possible to have integrity in the vote. for people to have confidence that the system worked for them that they could get through those lines quickly and that the rules are the rules. and that, i think, will help people feel confident about the results. >> bret: brit, the economy is number one issue in georgia by far. >> brit: it's everywhere.
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>> bret: it's everywhere but pretty much leads the way in our fox news voter analysis, they give -- they break trump's way significantly on the issue of the economy. >> brit: right, that's important. and the other thing we have to keep an eye on throughout the night it seems to me to use a piece of newly minted jargon we have low propensity voter. >> bret: you hate that word. >> brit: i think of ugly jargon but i can't think a quicker way to say it. the trump campaign set store by the fact that they believe they have reached these people and turn them out in significant numbers. >> bret: explain who they're. didn't vote in 2020 or maybe didn't vote in 2020. >> bret: never voted. and, you know, they are the kind of people they think are largely for trump, if you asked them. right? and if they can turn them out they think they could be the decisive factor in this election. we don't know enough to assess how that's going. that's something to keep an eye on. >> karl: look at some of these georgia rural counties. i have been watching bill work
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on wall. small counties. 150 or 180 -- 159 counties in georgia. you will see that trump is getting a bigger number of votes in these smaller counties and a bigger percentage. this is, again, goes back to the episodic or low propensity voter. >> bret: we are going to dig into these numbers and head back to bill momentarily. election night just getting started. >> martha: some of the polls are about to close in hotly contested state of north carolina. so we're going to have some data there to show you coming up right after this break as our special coverage continues. ♪ ♪ the next president of the united states is... lord, we trust in you. we give to you everything. our leaders, our president, our country.
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we give it all to you. jesus, we trust in you. amen.
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♪ trace the journeys and history that shaped who you are today, and see the traits they passed down. your connections to the past are all waiting. see just how gifted you are for only $39. ♪ ♪ >> martha: watching all the branches tonight. so control of the senate could be decided as well in the state potentially of ohio. democrat incumbent sherrod brown fighting to hold on to his long held seat against g.o.p. newcomer bernie moreno in one of the year's closely watched races very expensive race, check in with nate foy in strongsville, ohio where the polls are about to close. hey, nate. >> nate: more than $400 million in ad spending in senate race. a few people still coming in here to vote just minutes before the polls close at 7:30.
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voter turnout has been strong. more than 2.5 million ohioans voted early. 5:00 a.m. a line stretching around this entire building with people ready to vote. what is at stake 17 electoral votes. former president donald trump is expected to carry this state for a third advertisement as you mention the race serve watch something between incumbent democratic senator sherrod brown and republican challenger bernie moreno. seeking a fourth term trying to make this about reproductive rights which are enshrined in ohio's constitution. for that reason moreno told us last night it should be a nonissue in this race and he says that senator brown is turning abortion into a political weapon. >> there is no ability, federally, to be able to handle abortion at the federal level one way or the other so what i'm going to focus on as united
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states senator is to bring people together on this issue. >> nate: and we will see the impact that former president trump has down the ballot. keep in mind no democratic senator has won an election in a state that trump carried while trump was on the ballot. we'll see if that changes tonight. send it back to you. >> bret: nate foy with the golf voice inside the polling area. that was nice. >> martha: he said there weren't that many people. he felt like he had to be quiet. >> bret: battleground north carolina also new england the batch of poll closing in a state trump won twice. many voters there still recovering, obviously from hurricane helene. jonathan serrie is live in raleigh. hi, jonathan. >> jonathan: yeah, good evening bret and martha. most of the polls throughout the state are going to close just minutes from now with the exception of two precincts that had technical problems that delayed voting this morning. the issue in wilson county involved a printer cable and in
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burke county it was a laptop that wouldn't boot up and both instances it involved equipment used for checking in voters. not the actual voting machines. other than that, elections officials say things have been moving pretty smoothly including in the western part of the state, which was heavily damaged in hurricane helene. seven tents with electric generators and voting machines are in place to accommodate election day voting in areas where normal voting sites were destroyed or inaccessible. election officials say the state's voter turnout would already early voting records on track to meet or exceed the record set in 2020 for total ballots cast. back to you guys. >> bret: all right, jonathan, thank you. >> martha: take it around our panel. you know, we just heard a little bit about the abortion issue, laura. and it is interesting, just looking at our fox news voter analysis because we saw in 2022 in the midterms, this was obviously -- it was more of an impact than people thought it
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was going to have going in. but, in this situation, it appears that only a quarter in -- of the voters who are democrats say that it is the single most important factor in their decision. so that is going to be a big question tonight. does abortion turn out to be as big an issue as, perhaps democrats would like it to be. >> laura: i thought the fox voter analysis on gas prices and food prices was staggering. it was 85%. 91%. very concerned about both. but certain voter analysis in some of the other networks edison reuters has abortion at 14. democracy at 35. the economy at 31. immigration down at 11. i'm not sure i buy that but, look, it's a stark choice presented to america tonight. do you want the status quo, which is pretty much high prices, high cost of living fairly liberal to border situation or do you want a change? we know what that change was like in 2019 i don't think we
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have had a stark as choice since 1980 as we do tonight for the country. they have done a brilliant job of making this not about her old record, not about biden, who has a 38% approval rating tonight, but about abortion. and young women, and donald trump fascist, nazi, that's their close. so, if it's abortion, fascism, hitler, that's your close, i think that's a pretty dark view of the country. i think the economy is still the number one issue nationwide. not buying some of these exit polls. >> bret: harold, of economic issues. this election overall, every race, it's estimated to have 15.9 billion with a b dollars spent on this election. almost $16 billion. that's surpasses the record of 15.1 billion in 2020. if you were to take a checkbook and write a check to every american everywhere, it's almost 50 bucks a person and we are
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tied tonight in the presidential race. >> harold: some americans would love the $50 check as opposed to what we have gone through here. >> bret: the vice president's campaign has spent more than former president trump. do you think right now looking at the numbers that they are getting their money's worth? >> harold: it's early. we will find out. one of the reasons we spend so much in campaigns today is that the campaign process is a business. they start four years out. they begin raising money and hiring pollsters and all those kinds of things. hopefully we get some reform to that going forward. i have to tell you looking at the early numbers, you got to be concerned if you are democrats on this. the numbers way, way early. we are going to get a lot more things here. to say see those numbers that bill put up in florida, in miami-dade, with the breakdown between the two candidates. the concern that you raised karl about suburban voters in indiana. democrats have to be a little concerned about this as we head in here. i'm curious also about that florida abortion thing that was on the ballot there in florida and how that's fairing and if
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that's had really an impact. the kemp relationship with trump. it seems like it might have been repaired a bit as you look at some of these numbers early on. we will have to see what suburban voters. i quarrel with some of this about the black voters in georgia. it was not necessarily black voters in georgia. it was suburban and rural voters and gave the seats to democratic senators there. as we get more and more numbers over the next few minutes it will be very, very telling. if georgia and north carolina stay with trump. trump needs that in his math. he can't do it without those states in reality. she was hoping -- kamala harris was hoping for a flip there get a surprise there, and then the night takes on a little bit of a different pace and different tone. so those are the numbers i'm looking most closely at, bret, here in the next few minutes. >> bret: we got about 30 seconds before we start o tikt our ticko
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the next call. >> dana: great governor and campaigner. there are changes in latino voters and generational changes. but i would also say this. when 75% of the country says you are on the wrong direction, you are going in the wrong direction, and number one issue is the economy, you should listen to them, because that's what it is. >> martha: miami-dade flipped by desantis. he lost first governor's race and won miami-dade in the second. maybe we are seeing a little bit of that play out in miami-dade right now. we'll see. >> bret: brit, do you want to do the ticktock sound for us? >> bret: i'm not sure i remember how. >> bret: coming up on the next poll closing and it's a big one because north carolina, we should start getting raw vote totals right away. north carolina is one of the fastest states, even despite hurricane helene. they are doing a really great job. the secretary of state's office there as we wait for the poll closing right now. ♪ >> bret: it is now 7:30 on the east coast. polls have just closed in three
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more states. north carolina is the next state to watch, just like georgia. it came down to the wire in the last presidential election. it has 16 electoral college votes. and it will be a decisive one. potentially. the fox news decision desk says it's too c too early to call. >> martha: also too early to call ohio. former president trump has a lead in our fox news voter analysis. as we mentioned we are watching the senate race there bernie moreno is the g.o.p. candidate running against sherrod brown and we can say that fox news does project that trump will win west virginia. not a very big surprise there. obviously the former governor or the current governor is running for senate as well. >> bret: we expect that to be a quick call as well. if you look at the race for 270, the electoral college votes needed to win the presidency now ticking up with that last call the former president at 23. vice president harris at 3 throughout the night. that will go up as we make
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calls. biggest story in virginia as we said is the senate race where long time senator joe manchin is retiring. democrat now independent fox news can project that jim justice will flip this seat to the republicans. that win puts the g.o.p. one seat away from an outright majority in the u.s. senate. assuming they don't lose any seats along the way that they already hold. >> martha: exactly. so the fox news decision desk says it is too early to call. another republican target, ohio, where the incumbent senate democratic senator sherrod brown as i mentioned fighting for his fourth term against republican businessman bernie moreno and we're watching that one very closely as well that could potentially be another flip. it's a toss-up race at the moment. the balance of power looks like this. in terms of what we have fed insofar into the data at this point. have you got 40 republicans, one seat flipped, that's the west virginia seat, jim justice will be the new senator, he was the former governor from the state
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of virginia. you can see a lot of spaces still to be filled in over on the senate side. >> bret: we are following a number of gubernatorial races around the country. turning to those races, fox news can project that north carolina's democratic attorney general josh stein will defeat republican lt. governor mark robinson. a lot of controversy in that race. it's not close now. we are making that call. >> martha: and in west virginia, republican attorney general patrick morrisey will succeed jim justice as the state's 37th governor. he has wanted that spot for a long time. now patrick morsey will be the governor in west virginia. get a sense of how all of this stacks up. >> the florida story is really interesting. >> it is start there this time and good evening again 1998, george bush 41. right now 71% of the statewide vote. in 80% of the county vote in
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here and trump has got an easy 10 point advantage right now over kamala harris. so we will see how that hold up here. now the thing we are going to look at right now is georgia. georgia is one of these states that's gone through a bit of a realignment. kind of like north carolina, kind of like arizona and some others we have looked at and the blue wall a little bit right now. trump did the trick 8 years ago. we will see whether or not he can do it again this time. but i want to take a ambulance glance at this. because, you got a lot of vote out there, guys. we expect a lot of batches to come in quickly here in georgia. because they say they are going to count quickly. right now 8% of the statewide vote. one thing we were talking about the rurals. this down here is brantley county. now, this was trump's best performing rural county in 2020. is he doing a number right now again. i will go back to 2020 four years ago. watch this the percentage there. so he is doing a tick better. raw vote 6400, four years ago.
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raw vote same county 4900. maybe that comes back to that conversation about turnout and things like that throughout the rest of the country. when you look at georgia. i mean, let's -- let's look at the. you look at this, right? all this over here, this is a dominant state for the republican party. and had been for a long time. you think about george bush's second term, right? he won that state by 16.5 points. it wasn't even on the map in terms of consideration. slowly georgia changed. a lot of it changed for the metro area, the 26 counties that make up atlanta. here was trump in 2016. give it to him, right? 5 points 8 years ago. things seemed to change in 2020 and change in a significant way when joe biden went in there and took the state by 0.2 percentage points raw vote of 11,779, all
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right? this is where we are now. just with a lot of that vote out there. trump has got a lead of 22 points and that's going to change throughout the night. but we just want to let you know what is happening there look at the vote difference for north carolina: similar story. maybe less of an advantage for the republicans. this is all red. you look at what bush and kerry did in 2004. that was easy. that wasn't a battleground at all. this is where barack obama performed so well, took the tarheel state just by so much there okay in north carolina. but able to pull it off. let's come back to 2020 right now and can i show you what i'm seeing there. let's go ahead and figure. this all right yeah. so as you can see, like these states, they change. and it's a real part of this national conversation about where people move, where people
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choose to live. where people choose to work. go to school, et cetera. so we will -- might tag on tag t throughout the night. >> bret: north carolina, we look at the counties you are following wake county, raleigh. >> bill: yes. >> bret: such a population shift. more than a million people have shifted down there and it's a different crowd. that's why, maybe, you have a different electorate in north carolina that democrats are looking to. >> bill: look at wake county. look at gilford, too, greensboro, a lot of folks campaigning there, kamala harris was there, donald trump was there. young folks go there to go to school and find a job as well. we will see about mecklenburg which is charlotte. mecklenburg, karl, that's a county that democrats have tried to really capture and they are able to win the county but not by big enough of a margin to capture the entire state. so that's -- >> bret: karl perked up when you said bush, kerri. >> kerri: y.
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>> karl: good moment. biblical lenberg, black turnout in mecklenburg is below any other place i have seen in the south chesterfield and virginia. it's amazing. i don't understand why but black turnout in mecklenburg has kept the democrats from winning the state. >> martha: you had spoken earlier about north carolina and hurricane helene and the impact on 25 counties were affected by hurricane helene. and one of the early discussions was, you know, a lot of these counties are red. are they going to be able to vote and then everyone felt like. >> bill: come on over here i will show that to you, martha here 2% statewide. what you are talking about martha let me draw that up. all those counties are west of what we are talking about.
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west of charlotte. this is the blue dot bun comb county, asheville. that happened joe biden erase about a 43,000 net gain on on behalf of donald trump. all the other counties trump was up 275,000. he came out of these 25 counties so wrecked by this hurricane with a net of 43 -- sorry, he lost 43. a net of 220,000 votes. let's go and clear this off and just refresh our memories here four years ago. here were the results. trump won the state several days later but a little less than 75,000 votes. all this out here is going to matter. what the democratic governor roy cooper said he was going to put these mobile voting vans in western north carolina to make sure that nobody gets ripped off from casting a vote on behalf helene. >> bret: you know, laura, the harris campaign is pointing to schools, like appalachian state,
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the polling place in boone county. they are saying schools in pennsylvania and nevada are huge lines, they are mobilizing young people. that's what they're sending out at least now. what do you think? >> 15 polling places in georgia have had to have extended hours because of that bomb threat that you guys are reporting on earlier. various bomb threats. and in georgia dekalb county, gwyneth, other, you know, key population centers. will that effect the ultimate results in a place like georgia? we'll find out. but donald trump this morning in west palm beach looked into the camera and he said stay in line. like it took him a while to sort of ask for people's vote over this campaign season. >> brit: still up on x saying stay in line. >> laura: stay in line. don't get out of the line. harris supporters were reporting in pennsylvania lehigh university students that they waited in line for six hours to vote. six hours. and that was confirmed by a bunch of other reporting. so, people have to -- a lot of
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people can't wait in line for that long. that could end up being something that both parties complain about in the end. but, you know, we will see. >> bret: robert? >> robert: as you know, when we were all at the convention together, i said that kamala harris was the underdog and this trump would win. i didn't shift until maybe with martha like two weeks ago. the reason was the following: one, on the economy, yes, it's number one. but, it went from trump plus 15 to trump plus 8 that was a big difference. >> bret: some polls had it tighter. >> robert: some polls had it at 6. the second thing was the money. harris campaign raised 1 billion to 2 billion. all of a sudden it wasn't just the blue wall, arizona, nevada, georgia, north carolina come into play. martha and i have spoken about it. not to make this a gender issue. but, arizona and nevada do have reproductive rights on the line. so that makes a big difference on the gender vote. so, listen, i'm not going to say i went from optimistic to
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nauseously optimistic. i'm going to say it optimistic. but we're going to have to see what happens in atlanta and charlotte and some of the big, big cities that, you know, we are depending huge votes for harris. but it doesn't feel as good yet. >> martha: but we have a lot of vote still outstanding. right, karl? >> karl: absolutely. we -- some of these smaller counties, in georgia and north carolina will come in quickly. the bigger counties where this will be settled will take a little while to get compiled. >> bret: you will be looking at not only how she is doing vs. biden but how he is doing against himself in 2020 and 2016. >> karl: my suspicion is we will see a pattern is he doing better in rural areas and doing slightly worse in suburban areas. and the key will end up being the decider if he continues to get 25% of the black male vote, this will be the best republican. 1960. and it will be powerful.
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>> bret: that's one to watch. thank you, panel. the countdown is on to a slew of poll closings across the country, including the big kahuna. pennsylvania. one of the biggest battle ground prizes of the night. our special coverage continues here on fox, next. ♪ today. most people don't know where their meat is sourced. for generations, people had access to quality local meats from american farms and ranches. at good ranchers, we're reviving that tradition by partnering with ranchers and farmers. no imports. just 100% american born, raised and harvested meat. delivered directly to you. we select only the finest cuts that we would feed our family. visit good ranchers dot com and discover american meat delivered.
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>> bret: what the raw vote totals come in. on your screen you will see everything that we have coming in, every race that you may be following on the bottom of your screen and sometimes on the side. >> martha: also, it depends on whether they are starting to count with votes that came in early and then what sequence they start to. then it will shift as they start to do the day of vote in these
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states as well. so you are going to see a lot of very big shifts, no doubt. >> bret: they do it differently. some states do it differently. >> martha: every state has their own unique way to do it. which makes it really interesting. meanwhile democrat leaning district in deep red nebraska around omaha area could hold the key to the presidential race. garrett tenney is live in omaha, nebraska with their very unique story, hi there, garrett. gator gator hey, martha and bret. polls close here in just over an hour and pretty quickly we should get a sense of where things are heading here in the second congressional district. remember, nebraska is not a winner take all state and here in omaha it's known as the blue dot in this deep red state because democrats won this district single electoral vote in both 2008 and 2020. this time around, they have spent millions of dollars to try and make that happen again given how close this race is going to be. that single electoral vote could be a difference maker for kamala harris' campaign.
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here in douglas county is where to watch. election officials will release the first results at 8:00 p.m. these will be early ballots already counted. election officials say those votes will make up about half of the entire vote here in douglas county. what democrats are going to be looking for is these results start coming in is areas north and south of omaha where there are a lot of black and latino voters who haven't turned out in recent elections. democrats have spent a lot of time and effort this time around to change that. we'll have to see here in the next hour if it pays off. bret and martha? >> bret: all right. >> martha: thank you, garrett. >> bret: throughout the night harris faulkner getting real time reaction from real voters as results unfold with voters' voices. they will be talking about the issues that drove them to the polls. harris, great to see you, good evening. >> harris: great to see you too, bret. it is so exciting to finally be here this night. welcome to voters' voices. we have a live audience of americans making their voices heard throughout the night. i'm your host, harris faulkner.
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we are witnessing a race for the white house like no other. we know that former president donald trump and vice president kamala harris put 7 particular states in focus. and in those battleground states, if you live there, you know it has been intense. voters are telling me all about the tidal wave of campaign ads and polling experts trying to dig in and learn how they voted and why. that's because in recent years those states have been key in determining the next president. but voters all across america know their power. and with me for the evening, the linchpin of our great republic, the voters' voices. you guys, it's good to see you. [applause] >> harris: welcome. all along the full political spectrum and over the next several hours we will hear their take on the race for president what the issues were that swayed them. the person that is with us a friend i invited lee carter, president of maslansky and partners. warm welcome to you, lee. big night. >> big night.
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so excited to be here. >> harris: we have been talking to voters and so on and so forth. start off with a show of hands quickly. the numbers for early vote, 84 million. just now. and still counting all those mail-in ballots. so it's huge incredibly large. setting records this year. how many of you voted early? wow. that's a lot, right? >> it's a lot. >> harris: how many of you voted today? yeah. well, we would expect not as many, right? how does that compare to what you find in your analysis? >> what we are looking at right now they are saying half people have early voted. i think that's -- so we could be looking at record turnout. there are some people say more than half already voted early. i think we are going to be looking -- the numbers are showing we are looking for a big night. >> harris: that would be huge. 2020 was the bust on that. a quick rundown what we will show tonight. as we hear from the audience. our team compiled key moments from the trump and harris campaigns. lee is showing some of those
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comments to american voters along the way. they used their computers to respond to those in real time. the lines on the screen that we'll show you their reaction. red representing republicans, blue for democrats. and gray for independents. our first topic we heard a lot of this, fiery rhetoric. this from vice president harris. so, listen, so much is on the line in this election. and this is not 2016 or 2020. we can all see that donald trump is even more unstable. and more unhinged. and now he wants unchecked power. >[boos] >> and this time there will be no one there to stop him. >> that's right. >> not even the supreme court, which months ago told the former president that he is essentially immune, no matter what he would do in the white house. >> harris: i'm mostly watching
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the gray line because we have been shown so much about independents and how important they are. what did you learn with this. >> democrats favorably. independents gave this a d while republicans gave it an f. one of the things we heard from independent voters is that kamala was supposed to be this joyful candidate. positioned herself off the bat somebody different, bring us together. we have more in common than divide us. the more negative she got the more negative independent voters got towards her. we saw that happen in the polls. she had a surge in the beginning and things sort of flat lined once she turned very negative. >> harris: here is one from former president trump. >> she is running on auto campaign of immoralization. it's a campaign of hate. her lies and slanders are very shameful and really inexcusable. today we are going to talk about the real character of kamala. and a person who has no remorse toward the anguish she has
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inflicted upon families all across america. kamala intends to conflict and keep this misery going, and she is going to keep it going as long as she can because that's the only way she can get elected. >> you can see very different reaction here than we had with the other voters. democrats not surprisingly gave it an f. independents flat lined it and gave it a c. republicans an a. this kind of rhetoric is priced into donald trump. they want him to see tough and a fighter. a lot of the things he talked about were things that people agreed with. so, i think people give him more of a pass on the tough rhetoric than they do on kamala. >> harris: let's talk to voters. i can't wait for this part. steve you are a democrat and i understand you voted for trump and you live in the all-important battleground of pennsylvania. so tell me about your journey and what it's been like and why you made that decision as a democrat? >> well, harris, for me, it was very simple. the issues for me are fighting anti-semitism, being strong on our greatest ally, israel.
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economic strength, fighting the border. and peace through strength. and donald trump -- we have a four year history of donald trump as president. and he demonstrated all of that. and it was a no-brainer. it was -- been a very interesting reaction for people to see me demonstrably promote myra poor for donald trump. but i also have supported dave mccormick. that was sort of a double edged whammy for me but it it was a no-brainer. supporting donald trump was an easy decision. >> harris: as a democrat you said people were reacting to that i appreciate your answer. i appreciate everybody offense time. we will hear more from our voters' voices throughout the night. let's go back to bret and martha. >> bret: all right, harris, thank you. >> martha: the clock is ticking down to one of the biggest poll closings of the night, pennsylvania is about to finish the voting process. our special coverage continues with jesse watters and sean hannity coming up.
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>> bret: welcome back, we have a call to make. the fox news decision desk can predict that former president trump will win the state of south carolina. we are counting down the minutes to the next poll closing. there you see the race to 270 ticking up on the former president's side at 32, 3 for
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vice president and terrace as the states are called to are called. we will continue to see that, obviously 270 is the magic number. >> martha: a long way to go, a lot of filling in of the board and states, some places are getting interesting as we get closer to our next round of pole closes that are coming up. that will include florida, where the trump campaign is watching tonight, let's go to hair again, he is in florida, it has tightened up a little bit, that raises cotton. steve? >> martha, they are starting to cheer here, pretty relaxed, confident move. he said this was the first time he has ran for state office where he has been predicted to win. they say that is because of a strong performance in early voting, about 50% of registered voters voted early. we were out there today, one ballot station where there were hundreds of people lined up who stood two i was in the rain to
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cast their ballots. some people could expect counties could go as high as 90% voter turnout. a couple of items could complicate things throughout the night. one is an abortion initiative on the ballot that would expand the strict abortion law, the other would be two legalize recreational marijuana, both of those items will need 60% to win. martha, back to your. >> martha: thanks, steve. >> bret: and the delay on the tv, just saw it. we add kellyanne conway, jesse watters, jessica tarlov. >> hamilton, indiana, 70% of the vote is put back to president from. we know this county has been trending to the left. a swing to the right by 8 points compared to 2020. you look at something like that, you understand what karl rove today said it could be tight in virginia. hyatt, georgia, a place i had said early on, harris will have to do well they are to compete in georgia.
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also, as pennsylvania closes its poles, i think it is worth noting, martha, this is a political malpractice that she didn't pick josh shapiro between the fracking and school choice, jewish americans, i think that we will be talking about that tonight. >> bret: we will look a lot at pennsylvania. election night in america just getting started. >> eight is now 8:00 i


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