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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  November 8, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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katie? >> of travellers at new york's airport that with a furry fugitive as a raccoon dropped out of the ceiling dangling from a wire after running around near the spirit airlines gate for 5 minutes and wildlife professionals were able to capture and release the raccoon inside just trying to catch a rat reminds me of the terrible. listen i'm on hannity there a.m. and eddie at 9:00 p.m. racing can is good chicken a harold? >> is good. >> in different five. >> that's it for us time tonight. i don't like the fact that a small portion of
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our party is pretty much dictating where we are. we are being held hostage to the far left. the democrat hostage crisis. nobody move and nobody gets hurt. us. me. we were making fun of donald trump for having thrown away his ground game and doing some weird stuff online. we thought that they were idiots. it turned out we were the idiots. the liberal media has just been pronounced dead. legacy media is just not as important as it thinks it is. black people voted for somebody they know is a racist. latinos voted for somebody they know is going to deport their abuela. puerto ricans voted for somebody they know treats them like trash. the left playing the race card on themselves. you own everything that happens to your mixed status families. plus. it's right. come on.
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trump's been president elect for three days, and the country already looks different. new york city saying no mosque to free food for illegals. the caravans in mexico are breaking up. toyota is saying they're going to invest more in gas powered cars. europe wants to buy energy from the united states instead of russia. qatar is kicking hamas out. the dow hitting an all time high. jack smith dropping his case and soros funded das are packing their bags. america is healing. so how's kathy griffin dealing with it? i don't think that our beloved country, america, knows what it's in for with a fascistic society and dictator. i'm not being hyperbolic. i'm not being dramatic to be lgbt in america is not going to be a
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safe thing anymore. so to be a woman in america will be even less safe than it already is. it kind of feels like 2016 all over again. i cannot live in a country that voted for trump. i cannot spend another four years under that man. and so we have made the decision that we are leaving. you can literally go if you voted for donald trump, and i hope you go jump off of a bridge, i would go as far to say that i would purchase a glock. and if you and i are walking on the same street and it's dark out and you're a white male, you have to be white for this to count. okay? if you're a white male, even if you don't approach me, i will shoot you. quick question. so does anybody know how to find or hire a hit man or woman? some of the ivy leagues are even canceling class and
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handing out crayons, legos, and cookies with milk to cope with the landslide. or you can be like tim walz and snuggle with a pussycat. should men even own cats? that's a question for another day. but inside the harris campaign, everyone is just as depressed as timmy the cat lady. axios reports that kamala's campaign manager started crying during a conference call last night, and harris told them, quote, yeah, this sucks. her staffers were sad but confused. one said, we're told the fate of democracy is at stake. and then the message was, we'll get them next time. kamala is saying, we'll get hitler next time. her interns are just finding out the whole dictator thing was just a talking point. don't y'all find it strange that now that he's won, they're not calling him a threat to democracy? they're not calling him a fascist. i mean, on monday, they're not calling him anything. they can. on monday. they was just calling him that. i would think that, you know, if you really believed that,
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then somebody's speech would be about how america effed up and how how things are about to be really bad. that man is the most powerful man in the world now. it just makes you wonder how much of it did they really believe, or how much of it was just politics. the harris team is getting a little antsy with kamala, and they're starting to leak staff is saying the campaign was constantly confused and no one knew how to make a decision. getting approval to tweet something was like figuring out how to solve a rubik's cube. and now the harris campaign is pleading with staffers to stop leaking. please. so most of them are just going back to blaming biden. one member of the harris campaign says the 107 day harris campaign was nearly flawless. the biden campaign that preceded it was the opposite. and the obama guys are just piling on joe biden's decision to run for president again was a catastrophic mistake. it just was. and he and his inner circle, they refused to believe the polls. they refused to believe he was
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unpopular. they refused to acknowledge until very late that anyone could be upset about inflation. and they were privately telling reporters at the time that kamala harris couldn't win. so they were shoving kamala harris to reporters while they told everyone else not a time for an open process. and his vice president can't win, so he's the strongest candidate. then we find out when kamala harris, when the harris when the biden campaign becomes the harris campaign, that the biden campaign's own internal polling at the time, when they were telling us he was the strongest candidate, showed that donald trump was going to win 400 electoral votes. nancy pelosi hasn't spoken to biden since after the coup, and that will continue after she told the new york times. had the president gotten out sooner, there may have been other candidates in the race. now, she's not speaking to kamala, and she's still fuming that biden's quick kamala endorsement boxed her in. nancy says it made it impossible for democrats to have a primary. things would have been different. translation shapiro would have
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won and we would have had the first jewish president, says nance biden. world is saying, you got to be kidding me. how did you spend a billion and not win? what the f? biden's folks say kamala was destined to lose? there is a real question i hope people start looking at about who people are listening to. in my view, there was an over listening to and an over lifting up of people who left trump, not people who left the democratic party. the people who left the democratic party are the people who are going t, you know, win in the future. the people who left trump, the never trumpers who have important voices and have that is not the winning coalition. turns out closing with liz cheney was pretty stupid. even jon stewart says the harris campaign was stuck in the past. turns out that people knocking on other people's doors doesn't get them to do what you want them to do. as i believe vacuum and bible salesmen probably have known for many, many
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centuries. us. me, i was wrong. will continue to be wrong. they didn't just lose to trump. they lost the senate, the house, hispanic men, the blue wall, the sunbelt, and millions of votes in the bluest cities. so there's no way kamala recovers from this. we're hearing she might run for governor of california and take newsom's job when he runs for president. so who's going to lead the party out of the wilderness? the obamas. democrats say no thanks. party insiders say it's time for fresh blood. but david axelrod says before we have a power struggle, we've got to recognize we're out of touch. you can't approach working people like missionaries and say, we're here to help you become more like us. there's an unwritten kind of unspoken disdain, unintended disdain in that i think biden has done you know, programmatically some good things for working people.
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but the party itself has increasingly become a smarty pants suburban, college educated party, and it lends itself to the kind of backlash that we've seen. the clinton syndicate thinks democrats are just too extreme. i'm not concerned right now what the right thinks about the democratic party. i'm concerned about what i think about the democratic party. i don't like to echo the congressman, all three of them. i don't like the fact that a small portion of our party is pretty much dictating where we are, that they are pretty much we are being branded as the most extreme of us. we need to take stock of why we are being held hostage to the far left. no one should be and wants to be kowtowing to the extremes of their own parties. america is sick of the democrats and the country is moving right on immigration and energy. and if democrats don't find a new
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approach and fast, they'll be out of power for years. that's what newt gingrich predicted here last night. so what are democrats going to do? they're plotting another coup. the machine wants to force justice sotomayor into early retirement. she's 70 and has diabetes and install kamala harris in the lame duck session. i, for one, think that's a great idea. and i would like nothing more than to cover this until christmas. but before they try the woman of color coup court thing, the washington post says the second resistance starts right now. newsom is calling an emergency session in california to trump proof the state, whatever that means. the new york attorney general, tish james, just declared the lawfare campaign not over. she's prepared to fight back. and the governors of massachusetts, new jersey and illinois are preparing for trench warfare. every tool in the toolbox has got to be used
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to protect our citizens, to protect our residents and protect our states, and certainly to hold the line on democracy and the rule of law as we respect the peaceful transition of power that if there is any attack on the garden state or on any of its communities, from washington, i will fight back with every fiber of my being to anyone who intends to come. take away the freedom and opportunity and dignity of illinoisans. i would remind you that a happy warrior is still a warrior. you come for my people. you come through me. the second trump resistance is coming into focus. it will be blue state governors clashing with trump to raise their profiles ahead of the 2028 election. this is a competition to be trump's biggest nemesis. who will be this year's adam schiff or james comey? we're about to find out. so watch these figures. jockey for position to get on a collision course with 47. does this help the american
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people at all? no. but democrats don't care because so far they've learned nothing from tuesday. former democrat presidential candidate marianne williamson is here. all right, marianne, pretend i'm a therapist. i'm not going to bill you. just sit down on the couch at prime time. tell us what you're upset with. who you're upset with, and why. who i'm upset with is a small group of media elite, political elite and donor elite who have felt that they had the right to strategize for the democratic party, as opposed to giving the power to the people, the democratic electorate. if the democratic electorate had been exposed to their options in this campaign, if for the last year and a half, we had had a robust conversation about what was possible, what we should be doing for the american people, what we should articulate as a true alternative to what donald trump was offering, what we should do for the american
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people over the next four years, universal health care, tuition free college and tech school. so many things that we could have done to actually make life better for the 70% of americans who are economically struggling, for the over 60% of americans who are living paycheck to paycheck, then we would have won. i believe, or at least we would have given a fight that would have been something to behold as a. instead, we had a few of the people who you've heard, you know, that you've had on your show tonight, the same old, same old. it's the culture of the democratic party. you said that the american people have rejected the democratic party. i don't think the american people have rejected the policies of the democratic party has stood for. they rejected this elite, smug, arrogant culture which acts like a suppressant on the voices of the party. they were more concerned with getting the approval of liz cheney than of our traditional democratic base. some of the people who need the help the most, and who have traditionally looked to the democratic party to help them. millions of those people stood home, stayed home this
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time because experience has taught them that there's not much help coming from there. and that's why we lost this election. and that's why these people need to step aside. yeah, they did reject the snobbiness and the out-of-touchness. that's true. but they also rejected the governance. the last four years were bad. the spending. do you think so? i don't think they were bad. everybody agrees they were bad. but marianne, you know, we got barack obama. not everybody agrees they were bad. but that's okay, jesse, i get that you think they were bad. okay, well, if they were good, then kamala would have won and joe would have run for reelection. but they weren't good. i do think it was. yeah. go on. but we don't have obama and michelle. they're going to be in hawaii over thanksgiving. they're back in the mansion. they're going to be eating the turkey. pass the gravy. they're not even affected by any of this. they came in. they pick winners and losers, and then they go back to honolulu. is there any accountability for any of these kingmakers, nancy. chuck. all these people that orchestrate all this stuff so
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the people can't decide. is there any accountability there? well, unfortunately, i agree with what you just said about barack obama. the democratic elite needs to face the facts. they have two choices here. they can either take the lid off the voices of the traditional base of the democratic party. remember, we have a populist revolution going on in this country. it is populism versus the establishment, the republican party has made room for right wing populists, but the democratic party hasn't wanted to make room for left wing populists. so they have a choice here. you can either stay where you are and continue to lose, and you will continue to decline in relevancy and political power, or you can step aside, let the left wing populists who want to be having a vital conversation let us in. stop suppressing our campaigns, stop knocking us off ballots. and if you don't, those people let me tell you what's going to happen. they're all going to go
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third party. they're all going to just figure what you know, what's the point of even trying in the democratic party anymore? what i'd love to see, jesse would be some contrition. what i would love to see is some acknowledgment that it's that they have to look in the mirror, rather than blaming everyone else. and to be honest, i'd like to see some humility if those things happen. you know, we're on a we're on a therapist couch right now, right? yes. if that kind of humility and contrition and acknowledgment, how much these people messed up, if that's forthcoming, then the democratic party will have a chance. and that's what i hope will happen, because we're going to be back and we're going to get you in 2026, and we're going to get the house back in 2026. and we need to get started and we're going to do that. jesse, we're going to beat you in 2020. all right. well we will see about that. but i do agree that about 75% of the country agrees on most everything, but they just divide us and that's the problem. you can look at poll after poll and actually the republican as well as the democratic majority wants universal health care. the
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majority of republicans as well as democrats want tuition free college and tech school. and they want all this corporate control. i don't know if we can afford all of that, but we're going to make america wealthy again. one way or the other that i hope will. thank you very much, marianne williamson. thank you. we learned two things about kamala this election. she's good at raising money and she's good at blowing it. but money can't buy you elections, especially when you spend it like she did. she raked in more than $1 billion and is somehow now in debt. the washington examiner dug through her financial statements and gave us a good clue why kamala's campaign was getting whacked like a pinata, while d.c. leeches hoovered up all the cash. she spent over $50 million on payroll. trump's campaign spent less than ten. another 12 million went to consultants and 20 million went to their little concerts with lady gaga, katy perry, christina aguilera, jon bon jovi. remember him? they even had to cancel a performance by alanis morissette because they
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were running low on cash. isn't that ironic? campaign insiders are mad at the bosses for wasting donor money on concerts instead of ads about, you know, the economy. quote they said they were spending to zero. i guess they overshot zero. ads would have gone a lot further than the pricey celebrity endorsements. one campaign source said people were concerned about their own financial issues, not oprah telling them america won't exist. but it worked out nicely for oprah. she got her friend kamala to pay her a million dollars to interview her in september. $1 million? now, if she thought she was saving democracy, she should have done it for free. kamala scared donors by calling trump a dictator. got a billion bucks, then just gave it to her friends and blew the rest. on being a diva. kamala went on a podcast, remember, call her daddy, but she didn't want to go to their studio in la. so she made the host fly to d.c. and used campaign cash to build
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a fake set in a hotel room. she spent more than a hundred grand to build it. that said, see it? two chairs, a coffee table and a bookshelf. that's six figures. now, we looked at the set. we probably could have done it for around six grand. that's without labor. but where did the rest of the money go? we don't know. so she's still trying to soak folks for cash 24 hours after the election. on wednesday, democrats got a text from the campaign. urgent. we need help. donate now. help with what? you lost. this is how she's going to spend her donors dollars. imagine what she would have done with our taxes. clay travis is the founder of outkick. com. $1 billion there in debt. and they blew a lot of it on katy perry. what the hell happened, jesse? not only did they spend $1 billion and run out of money,
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they lost in 49 states, based on what joe biden did. i mean, it's the most incompetent campaign, probably in the history of american presidential campaigns. and michael dukakis is finally relieved. i don't even know where he is. somewhere in a tank with a helmet still riding around. i guess that kamala harris came in and was worse than him. i looked at this story and i was just completely flabbergasted over the incompetence, and i had to put on my lion taming jacket and just let her know that i could have shown up at one of those rallies. she got oprah for a million. jesse, i would have shown up for 100 k and done just as good of a job interviewing her. she could have pocketed the other 900 k, giving it to doug emhoff so that he could, you know, buy some more nannies to help him out during the off season. i don't know what he needed, but this is glorious. this is one of the best weeks ever. hey, oprah is worth, what, $3 billion? a billion dollars. and she's. and she asked kamala,
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and she asked kamala for a million bucks for the interview. and kamala said yes, 100%. right. look, if you really thought the world was going to end in american democracy, would you go, hey, you know, the difference between me being safe or not is not a billion. i need the billion in 1 million on top of it. these people are such shameful lunatics. and let me just point this out. joe biden and kamala harris and all the left wing loons, they tried to say that trump was hitler. as soon as he won, joe biden invited him to the white house for lunch. do you have brunch with hitler? was was was was churchill like, hey, hitler, why don't you come over here, let's smoke a couple of cigars and hang out and have some bourbon? this is so they deserve to get their kicked. hitler. how do you take your coffee? it's so stupid. exactly. all right, well, we all know clay's appearance fees. 100 grand. so if you want to get a lion, have him open its mouth. clay will stick his head in it for 100 g's. clay, good to see you. be safe this weekend. alligators to have a
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great weekend. you too. well, cnn just admitted they're idiots, right back. at my doctor's office with a filing system from the 80s. has my social. think of all the places that can expose your info. lifelock monitors millions of data points for identity theft. if there's a problem, we fix it. guaranteed. if you know luxury, it's not just award winning, it's rewarding. saatva mattresses supports all types of sleepers. luxury is handcrafted and assembled in american factories and brought directly to you with our complimentary in-home delivery and setup service. which is why, over 90% of customers would recommend saatva to friends and family. saatva luxury mattresses made affordable. when you're a small business owner, your to do list can be a lot. super helpful.
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the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days. one carrot. this for both of you. please pray for me. the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gifts impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. but i believe in god. but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a
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matching soul that would understand that i face hunger again. please don't delay. cal, scan or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gifts impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. entering a new trump era, tom cotton outlines the second term agenda. plus, dems in see
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for yourself. it's been three days since democrats took the shellacking of a lifetime, and they have a new excuse. the media is biased. maybe it's not so much democrats policies or messaging or the words that they use specifically, but there is an entire right wing media ecosystem that doesn't exist on the left, does not exist, does not exist in the center or mainstream, and people are getting their information in very different ways now, owning every newspaper and tv channel except fox isn't good enough for him, because no one is watching them anymore. all of us have to come to grips with legacy. media is just not as important as it thinks it is. it is to you. it
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is to me. it's a relatively small group of people who rely on us for their information. the way people get information has shattered into 20 or 30 different pieces. and so if you just look empirically at the numbers, joe rogan's more important than any of us. he just has a much bigger, hyper connected audience that listens to his every word. people listen to rogan because he listens to people and he's straight with them, and he can say whatever he wants. unlike the legacy media, where everything is off limits, the media should talk about the issues, not ignore them. to help democrats. well, we were looking at all of the crazy things donald trump was saying on the campaign trail. all of the frightening things donald trump was saying on the campaign trail. they were looking at their wallet. they were looking what groceries cost, what gas costs, what rent costs. and none of that really penetrated their conscience when they went to vote. nobody bought the hoaxes. the ratings
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dropped. kamala skipped rogan then lost, and now they feel like idiots. we got beat because the republicans and conservatives built a different media system. that had to do with online, had to do with podcasts, had to do with with streaming platforms. and they were spending their money there. we were laughing at them. we were making fun of donald trump for having thrown away his ground game and doing some weird stuff online. we thought that they were idiots. it turned out we were the idiots. we woke up in a body bag because while we were knocking on doors, they were making these phones into 24 hour a day. political weapons for themselves. this wasn't just a loss for kamala. this was one more nail in the coffin for the liberal media shocker. no one wants to watch a show that backs the status quo. turn on cnn and they say you got to trust the government. corporations never lie. and oh yeah, trump's assassin. he's a republican. the landslide proves no one trusts them. now they're saying they're going to play fair. bob woodward talked
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with the bosses at the washington post. they say they're done fighting dirty. they are committed to being very aggressive, to look at what trump might be doing. but i think the motto is no cheap shots that we have to be really steadfast in the reporting. but get out some of the politicalization of the commentary and stick to the facts. yeah, we'll see if they're sticking to that promise by monday, but not everybody wants to change. they're still in deep denial. some of them one watches cable news. nobody watches news news. okay. why'd you take the booking, then, rachel? well, you know what i mean. like, in terms of the overall population, ari, i mean, we're talking about 10% of the population. no, i just have to fact check you, you know, millions of people watch all types of news and then even more on youtube. so when you
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say no one, i think you mean undecided, low information swing voters. many people don't. many people do never insult the size of a man's ratings, especially to his face. but others realize that they do have some performance issues and it might be time to try something new. what they have done in their online media ecosystem is build a radicalization engine. it's an elaborate, multi-billion dollar infrastructure and there is nothing like it on the pro-democracy side. we don't have an when a man is just lost and lonely and not yet radicalized. we don't have the equivalent of joe rogan and jordan peterson to move that man in a feminist direction. by the way, we should educate men that it's actually really great to live with a strong woman who makes money. it's actually easier. life is easier. democrats used to have a guy like joe rogan on their side. his name was joe rogan. joe rogan voted for bernie, but
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then democrats and cnn said he was killing people because he wasn't vaxxed. trump said, sure, i'll talk to him. they hit it off and rogan endorsed him. that's what happens when you reject everyone from your party who doesn't agree with you. 100%. elon musk, tulsi, rfk, joe rogan, all former democrats now riding with trump. so go ahead, liberals, do a podcast talk for three hours and make it interesting. how are you going to do that if you're not allowed to defend anybody or get close to the truth? kyle fajar is the co-founder of nelk boys and host of the full send podcast. kyle, how are you feeling after tuesday? good man. good to see you again, jesse. i mean, just like you, like everyone i mean, we knew trump was going to win. we didn't know how big it was going to be. and honestly, it just couldn't feel better. so now they're saying you radicalized everybody with your podcast. i mean, how did you do it? i mean, what the hell do you do on your podcast anyway? i mean, no, i've seen it. i've
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been watching the news and stuff. and i think, you know, a lot of people are taking credit and credit's being given out to different people. but i think, you know, i've been there since kind of the beginning of this whole podcast journey. and i think one person that doesn't get enough credit in, like the real credit needs to go to is dana white. i mean, he set this entire path up for trump to kind of really connect with the youth. and it started with us. and i know firsthand because in march 2020, 22, march 2022, trump had never been on a podcast, and dana was actually the one that called trump and said donald trump, you need to go on this podcast. the nelk boys podcast. and trump had never heard of the nelk boys. he said, who the hell are the nelk boys? he'd never even heard of a podcast. but after he did ours, it got 12 million views in 24 hours. and i think that really opened up his eyes to like the whole world of podcasting. but yeah, i think dana white does not get enough credit. all right. so he's getting credit and rogan is getting talked about too much. you're saying you're saying
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rogan is getting all the hype and no. well, dana, i think dana made the rogan thing happen too, which was rogan was the cherry on top. that was the one i wanted to see most as a fan, too. so are the democrats going to get a podcast cooking? and that's how they're going to win next time? i think they need to. and that's the thing too. i think podcasts like ours, podcasts like joe's, even like theo, we're down to have that side of the podcast. you know, that side on our podcast, but they're just not down to do it like you saw kamala, she only did, like, i think like 1 or 2 podcasts. and then when she goes on, you could tell that she's not just trying to have a fair conversation. it's all scripted. so that's the thing. us podcasters, we're down to have the other side down, but it's the liberal side that's not down to, you know, play the game properly. you guys are fair and balanced and just wondering what trump is going to reward you with for winning. is it going to be secretary of defense? i don't know, i don't i mean, man, i'm
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just so happy. and i think it's great that, you know, i'm walking around the streets and people are like thanking me. so for me, i was just kind of, you know, doing what i believed in and using our audience to kind of help people to vote. but it's just great to see, man, people are really happy and i'm glad we could do our part. well, now you know how i feel. you're an american hero. good to see you, kyle. have a great weekend. good to see you, bro. don't celebrate too hard. msnbc not taking tuesday very well. my mental health was better, but uncontrollable movements called td tardive dyskinesia started disrupting my day. titi felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza is clinically proven to treat td quickly, reducing td by greater than five times at two weeks. number one prescribed ingrezza has dosing. that's always one pill once daily, and you can keep taking most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression,
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on purdue? watch out! it's big noon saturday on fox. critics are calling murder in a small town an all inclusive crowd pleaser. fox tuesday it's all new. he's a sociopath. how exactly do you know this? i diagnosed him. murder in a small town. all new. this tuesday on fox. the left's been calling trump a racist ever since he rode down that golden escalator. but the name calling isn't working. and trump's got his own rainbow coalition. get this. 1 in 3 voters of color voted for trump. trump increased his support with hispanics by double digits. it's the biggest shift to the right in our country since reagan. cnn's wondering where it all went wrong. i guess my
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question is, how did you personally get it so wrong? there's a latino producer on my staff from los angeles who's been seeing this phenomenon of the latino community moving right for years. i don't think she was surprised. i know she wasn't surprised by what happened. you were. so how did you get it so wrong? i was. i mean, look, i, we were looking at a lot of the same data, a lot of data across the country. and there's a lot of work to do to ensure that we communicate to folks that the democratic party is the party of working people, is the party that supports immigrants, is the party that supports the social safety net. you can communicate whatever you want, but actions speak louder than words. and the democrats abandoned the working man and the dictator. hoax doesn't work when latin families escaped from actual dictatorships, so they know a fascist when they see one. and it's not trump. another thing that's important to point out and this is really fascinating, erin, is that many latino immigrants come from countries where they have truly evil, dangerous political leaders.
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and so, because of coming from that and experiencing that, they view the american political system and donald trump as far less harmful. democrats want to blame kamala's loss on everybody but themselves. latinos look like a pretty good scapegoat. hispanics are like, don't blame us. you guys had it coming. and by the way, democrats don't own anyone's vote. so they have no right to blame voters for switching sides. the view didn't get the memo, though. black people voted for somebody they know is a racist. latinos voted for somebody they know is going to deport their abuela. puerto ricans voted for somebody they know treats them like trash, and has people around them who actually calls them trash. white women voted for somebody they know took away their reproductive rights. the democrats are playing the race card on themselves. joy reid says, if you're a latino and you voted trump, you deserve to be deported. also, latino men who, despite the
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utter disrespect shown by trump and his promise to deport some of your mixed class mixed status families, most of them voted in a 55% majority to make the deportations happen. y'all voted with stephen miller and david duke and against your own sisters, and chose kamala, who chose kamala harris with 60% of their votes. so you own everything that happens to your mixed status families and to your wives, sisters and abuelas from here on in. so with this attitude, the democrats are doomed to lose again and again and again. and we're totally fine with that. fox noticias anchor and co-host of fox and friends weekend, rachel campos-duffy, joins us now. so first it was black men. now latino men are in the crosshairs. the asians are like, hey, hey, don't look at me. yeah. you know, there's nothing more racist than
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democrats towards minorities that don't agree with them or refuse to obey what they think they should do. and the knives come out. they're just so mad, jesse, because the browning of america was supposed to benefit them. and all of a sudden they run, you know, a campaign geared towards abortion and, and highly educated people. you know, i think they won the post-grad vote as well as the rich vote. and so they wonder why, when hispanics are 78% of them are part of the working class. and donald trump once runs a campaign aimed at the working class, they they go, hey, that that might work for me. and so what you're seeing is a lot of anger, a lot of denial, and a lot of misunderstanding of who hispanics are. yeah, they're working class, but they're americans. they care about all the same things that everybody else cares about. and it seems like democrats, when they think of hispanics, they only think they're illegals. i mean, listen to what she's saying. she's saying if you vote for
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donald trump, your family is going to get deported. donald trump never said he was going to deport american citizens. hispanics are americans. i'm a hispanic american, and we are all kinds of things. you know, we're laborers. we're teachers. we're doctors, we're lawyers, we're tv hosts. and i just think they just fundamentally, they think of everything in terms of intersectionality and race and they just don't know how to deal. yeah, they think trump's going to just deport everybody who looks tan and like oops, oops that's an american. my bad. sorry about that. juan, even though you've been here for 400 years, that's my bad. tell us a little bit about fox noticias. well, everyone should watch it. first of all, you can go to noticias you can basically get everything you get on on the digital, you know, fox news digital platform. you can get it in spanish and then you can tune in to my show, which you can click onto right there on fox news noticias, and you basically see it's kind
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of like your show. jesse, we've talked about this before. it's your show, but we talk, we talk about everything in politics and culture and even a little bit of sports and it's all in spanish and we encourage everyone to watch. it's an excellent it's an excellent way to get get the news. it's in fuego. rachel campos-duffy, have a great weekend. check her out in the morning and on fox noticias. good to see you, ric. sink or swim is next. want to discover cindy crawford's secret to ageless skin? its meaningful beauty, created by world renowned cosmetic specialist doctor jean-louis saba. these formulas come from a rare french melon that contains a youth preserving enzyme known as the youth molecule. it's kept cindy's skin remarkably youthful, and now there's really big news. doctor saba has discovered how to deliver meaningful beauty's age defying ingredients. deeper into the skin, where wrinkles
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have to be so hard. rush to walmart for amazing asha from force factor. time for sink or swim. tonight we have kennedy versus ricky. charlotte and you look great by the way. thank you. jesse, where's your sequin gown? i forgot mine, i was told it was sequin friday, so here we are. all right, suck it up, buttercup. that's the category. i'm not talking to you. this election proved the media is out of touch. which liberal anchor proved he's not a man of the people by not knowing the price of butter. who didn't know the price of butter, anderson cooper or joe scarborough, the vanderbilt. n.
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butter is over $3. the $7 butter is $7. yeah. what is it framed in gold. it's framed in butter is $7. and you're up one. nothing. butter is $7. i know. wow, i know it's, well, the organic stuff. while votes were being counted on election night and things were starting to look bleak for kamala harri, jon stewart complained he had an interview lined up with this democrat senator who backed out 30s before going live. who would do that? was it john fetterman or liz warren? they're both looking at each other. wow. this is real gamesmanship. oh, we were going to join senator fetterman 30s before we were supposed to have him as a guest. yeah, i'm not doing that. wow. ricky. out. kennedy and kennedy, she likes to peek at the paddles. which
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president was known as renegade by the secret service? was it barack obama or bill clinton? secret service nickname. kennedy is waiting. he is waiting. she's ahead. one. now that we're done with that, you want to see my renegade? oh, wow. oh, what was that? i don't know, i'm glad that was a waist up shot, though. all right. which liberal host threatened hispanic trump voters this week saying that trump won the election? it'll be their fault when their wives and abuelitas were deported. was it joy reid or joy behar? you need this one. you need this one. how long do we have? strategy. she's up one, so she just has to do the same thing as you. we could be here all night. we do have to go. so you own everything that happens to your
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mixed status families and to your wives, sisters and abuelas. from here on in. okay, so, ricky, you're a you're a fast learner. most people. kennedy is beaten, have had no clue what she's up to. but once you get the lead, that's the strategy. all right. go wear that to open a sink or swim hat. gift shop. now officially got too many. all right, ricky, we'll see you next time. kennedy. congrats. thanks, jesse. more prime time ahead. was there ever a time where you were like, oh my god, car insurance shopping is fun. yeah, me either, but experian has a whole new way to do it. it's called the experian insurance marketplace. they have this new ongoing rate monitoring feature. it keeps me informed whenever there's a better rate. all i had to do was enter my information once and they shopped it to over 40 top insurance providers, saving me so much time. it's one and done. can you believe experian does all that for free and i just saved over 800 bucks. go to and you'll
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niners. what a play take on baker mayfield and the bucks. oh my goodness it's titans. chargers touchdown. it all begins at 11 a.m. eastern with a veterans day pregame show on fox. home of super bowl 59. hey america are you ready? the 2024 fox nation patriot awards be part of this year's celebration live in new york. your tickets are available now. go to slash patriot awards. we have a bombshell report on monday. we're holding it because it's too juicy. it is devastating. make sure to watch monday night. text message time. we've got greg from salem, alabama. kathy griffin. looks like she spent the week with hunter biden. john from hammond, indiana. watch it. a lot of childless cat men like me watch your sho.
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sorry about the cat thing, guys. george from washington, dc. i thought we were voting to save the cats. tom from las vegas for $1 billion. kamala could have built one whole charging station. you guys are good. adam from mchenry, kentucky. who did i hear laughing when you said, isn't it ironic? oh, we have a stage manager here. i don't even want to say his name. he's got a big ego already. we used to work together on the o'reilly factor. he's been around here for a while. steve from forsan, texas. hulk hogan for secretary of defense. brother, i love it. and remember johnny at transportation. we just want to get rid of him. that's all for tonight. sean's next. always remember, i'm watters, and this is my world. and welcome to hannity.


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