tv The Five FOX News November 9, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST
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the last seven years. she also had four beautiful children. she's been an absolute delight. i've known her since she was. i think 11 years old, and to see her grow up as a young woman, as a talent, as a professional, as a mother and as an amazing friend, incredibly. oh, that's us in paris. wasn't that fun? it was like five in the morning. we had the show at 10:00, but elisa is going to be sorely missed. we love her so much and i know she'll still come by and maybe give us an idea or two, but we're going to miss her dearly. thank you, elisa, for everything you've done for this show and don't you dare be a stranger because i know where you live. all right, that's it for us tonight. make sure to follow me on social media. yeah, we'll be on instagram throughout the weekend. maybe some surprises there. it's america now and forever a great week. jesse's next. hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro, along with
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harold ford jr. jesse watters, katie pavlich, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is the five. the bigger question should be yes, sunny, why did they vote for him in sweeping? no, no, we need to be introspective. ha! good grief. democrats in the media are now on day three of completely losing their minds over trump's landslide victory. i like to say that landslide victory. and the only way they can cope is by cranking up the resistance. radical democrat governors are already scheming on ways to sabotage trump's second term, and it looks like good old greasy gavin wants to be its leader. california governor newsom is ordering up a special session of his state's legislature to in order
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to trump proof their progressive policies on climate change and immigration. the freedoms we hold dear in california are under attack, and we won't sit idle. california has faced this challenge before, and we know how to respond, and other blue state governors are also trying to talk tough. i would remind you that a happy warrior is still a warrior. you come for my people. you come through me. the key here is that, you know every tool in the toolbox has got to be used to protect our citizens, to protect our residents and protect our states, and certainly to hold the line on democracy if there is any attack on the garden state or on any of its communities from washington, i will fight back with every fiber of my being the moment they try and bring a hateful agenda in this state. i'm going to stand ready to stand up and fight for the way we do things
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here. and now. nancy pelosi is breaking her silence on kamala's loss by throwing both her and joe biden under the bus. she said, quote, we live with what happened. and because the president endorsed kamala harris immediately, that really made it almost impossible to have a primary at that time. if it had been much earlier, it would have been different. so harold, what are they resisting? it's only been like 72 hours. so good to be back with you again. i would encourage everybody to be be gracious in losing and winning and accept accept the victory. two it is a tradition in our country for governors to say on behalf of their state, speak on behalf of their states, i'm reminded when president obama was in when he was in the white house and the health care package passed, that was called
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obamacare, but officially called the affordable care act. there were a number of states that thought that that law violated the rights of their citizens. and many of them came together, rightly so, and filed lawsuits. most were unsuccessful, but they were filed those lawsuits, and they took steps to try to what they say, guard their citizens from the harms of the federal government. the 10th amendment allows and other amendments allow them to do that. i'm reminded also that when the roe v wade was overturned by dobbs, there were states this power was given back to the states, and states have passed laws to try to form laws that try to reflect the will of the people wherever they may live, be it arkansas, mississippi or new york, california, wherever the state may be. i'm even reminded president obama campaigned on the fact that he wanted to close guantanamo bay, and he couldn't. i think one of the challenges that president trump will face, as all presidents do, is reconciling the ease of making campaign promises with the reality of making those
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promises policy. and that's really the rub in politics. how do you do that? president trump will have an advantage for many reasons. probably the foremost reason being if the congress, if the house turns out to be a republican house. president trump will have the house, the senate, and obviously the white house in a majority of people on the court who lean or have been appointed by conservatives or republicans, that is on his side. so again, i'm not surprised by this judge. this is an american tradition states standing up to what they believe their state, people in their state want. and the good thing about it is, if you if you think they're wrong or i think they're right or vice versa, ultimately voters have that will make that final determination by either electing those state legislatures or governors or reelecting them, or for that matter, unseating them. how do we unify the country when the left is already refusing to work with donald trump? you've got governor healey. i'm not going to allow my state police to work with donald, with president trump. here's my favorite, phil murphy, the
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governor of new jersey. he says, i'll fight to the death. i'll fight back with every fiber of my being except donald trump got 1.9 million votes in new jersey, which was 600,000 more than phil murphy did when he ran. jesse. yeah, some of it's posturing and you expect that from democrats. they're not always the best losers, unlike republicans who take it easily. and we're just class them join up. the resistance is coming into focus though. remember the first trump term. it was like schiff, comey, mueller. now it looks like it's the blue state governors and the 2028 presidential race has started. so the best way to raise your profile if you're a democrat is to clash with trump. now, does that help the people you represent? no, but they don't care. it's not about that. it's just about politics. so the big battle is going to be energy at first. and trump might not win every battle there because the states control their own energy, electricity and water and all
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that. but he can definitely jawbone the hell out of him from the white house podium and make him look stupid and make them change their ways. they're also homelessness. remember, they're going to have the olympics in la in four years. trump's going to be president. and there's what, 50,000 homeless people per block in la. so they're going to have to get that together. and i think he'll be effective in that because everybody doesn't want to embarrass the country. and then deportation, they're going to lose the states on this because that is a federal issue. and there will be massive clashes because you're going to have cameras out there making sure that they capture the images of ice coming along and taking these people away, and they deserve to be taken away. sometimes you have to do tough stuff, but aoc is going to be there tying herself to migrants. it's going to be hysterical, but sometimes dad has to do the tough thing. doesn't make it always look great, but it's the right thing to do, and that's what we
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expect. you know, katie, the interesting thing is that in california, i mean, gavin newsom can think he's going to, you know, he's going to be the tip of the spear in the in the resistance. but london breed lost gascon that horrible day in los angeles, lost proposition 36, which allowed for the increasing of penalties from prop 47 that kamala was in support of. that one. and, you know, they're saying that they're geared up for the resistance. yeah. let's talk about the will of the people, especially in california. donald trump flipped nine counties in california, prop 36, as you mentioned, passed in all counties in california, 58 counties passed it because they want more law and order. they want punishment for criminals and they want safer streets. it wasn't even close, right? california is the number one state in the country for people leaving the state. not coming into the state because of the policies of the far left. a lot of the autopsies so far, we've seen this week, which will
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continue on the democratic side, is that they have been beholden to the far left and has doomed them in this landslide election, not just at the federal level, but also in a lot of these local races. and so democrats have an opportunity now to look at this and say, okay, we could actually work with donald trump. clearly, the people of our states want us to be closer to the right side of the political spectrum than the far left side. the entire map shows it with the red arrows. all going to the right. and yet you have people like gavin newsom tripling, doubling down on these failed policies that voters in his state have rejected. yep. that's a great point. and what about greg? those senators who put out those commercials that, you know, i worked with donald trump. what are they going to do? i don't know, it's a good question. i'll think about it this weekend. you know, i don't think this is about democrats versus republicans. i don't think it's about right versus left. i think that fight is
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over and it's too small. there's a larger battle that is way bigger than that. it's us versus the brainwash. you know, if nothing was real before trump was elected, it's not going to change. but some people didn't buy it and they had a superpower. and that superpower was their ability to see what was true. they understood that nothing in the media is real. it just so happens that trump supporters, they reached that conclusion first because they became the target of lies and hoaxes. they were red pilled before the kamala supporters and that will happen later. i talked about the gelman effect, the amnesia effect last week. that's when a person who normally trusts the media finds them untrustworthy on topics they understand. so a doctor might trust everything he reads on the front page, except that piece on medical insurance, because he knows that's bs. because when you know a topic, then suddenly you see the media for what it is.
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and that's what happened to trump supporters after they read articles about trump supporters. wait, if they say that i'm a racist or a militan, what are they? what are they lying about everywhere else? turns out everything. because right now, this week, when you go outside, you got to look really hard for post-election outrage. i mean, we have to look for it. it's on the view, kimmel, msnbc, but go outside. everything's calm, mainly because the american public spoke definitively. there's no gray area here. you can no longer act like you rule. we spent many years with a tiny segment of elite society that tricked the world into thinking they were the majority, while pushing marginal beliefs, trans beliefs, you know, ten voices on twitter pretended to be 10,000 and we bought it. well, no one's buying it anymore. we are actually the majority. we probably were all along. we were just too scared. so the calm that you're seeing right now is evidence that the
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hysteria portrayed by the media is no longer taken seriously. america got red pilled. now the rest of us have to take a lot of these kamala supporters and show them how they were tricked as well. show them the fine people hoax, you know, sit them down, go like this is what they said. this was the truth. that's the tentpole of all hoaxes. so the first step is to gently show people how every major anti-trump story was a narrative created in reverse. that's why this, you know, when you talked about the media looking at immigration and that doesn't matter. no one's buying it. no one is listening to msnbc, cnn, cnn, reading the new york that is done. say it in your face. herald, i remind you all, be gracious. oh, sorry, i love you. herald gracious. i'll be gracious tonight when we get home. yeah. go ahead. that didn't take long. president elect trump is already delivering big results
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now and see how much you can save. i got that feeling. amy. baby, sometimes just days into trump's landslide victory and he's already delivering big results on the border crisis. new york city mayor eric adams pulling the plug on those freebie debit cards for illegals that cost us over 50 mil. and it happened just one day after adams had a phone call with trump, a massive migrant caravan from mexico made up of thousands, just got cut down in half as illegals rethink their shot at coming
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into trump's america. this is music to the ears of latinos who want a tougher border and backed trump. big time, giving him historic numbers for a republican. but instead of dealing with that reality, joy reid's trying to shame latino men, latino men who, despite the utter disrespect shown by trump and his promise to deport some of your mixed class, mixed status families, most of them voted in a 55% majority to make the deportations happen. you all voted with stephen miller and david duke and against your own sisters, and chose kamala, who chose kamala harris with 60% of their votes. so you own everything that happens to your mixed status families and to your wives, sisters and abuelas from here on in, an abuela is a grandmother in spanish for those, not for those of you. everybody doesn't know that judge jeanine, judge jeanine,
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they're playing the race card on themselves. you know what the crazy part of all this is? that it's so crazy that they they will use whatever mental gymnastic they have to come up with to make it negative against anyone who may have supported donald trump. and so what you've got are people like joy reid, who i think pretty much hates everybody coming out and saying, it's all your fault. whatever happened is going to be your fault. you know what? i don't even like talking about them anymore because they represent such a small percentage of americans. look, it turns out that immigration was the second most important issue to voters and to those voters who rated it the number one issue, 88% of them voted for trump, and those were latinos, and they were blacks and they were whites, and they were everybody. you know why? because everybody is against crime. everybody is against the country where we
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let people in unvetted and we don't even look to make sure that they get arrested, that we allow sanctuary cities to exist, that we allow people like eric adams to give them, like these debit or credit cards, because he thinks it's cheaper to give him cash because they don't like the food. we give them. give me a break. sometimes i don't like the food. i cook, but i eat it, you know, and it's the whole thing is so crazy. we need to be a safe country. first obligation of america is to protect its citizens. and these people are just noise in the wind. they don't matter. america has spoken. the majority have spoken. we don't want it. deal with it. it is pretty impressive how we're already seeing results. and he hasn't even started the transition. greg. yeah, the debit card story is proof that the thought of trump gets results. it's like, you know, when your parents go away for the weekend, so you throw a kegger. but when the adults come home you better start cleaning up the mess. because if you don't, there will be hell to pay. and i think that's
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the way trump, the trump effect is. i think after trump won, the eu just said they're buying oil from america over russia. i wonder why the moment the guy wins, all of a sudden, mysteriously, the bad stuff starts going away. you know, the latino district that voted for trump by 75% also voted for clinton by a huge margin. i guess that's misogyny too. i don't know, i think joy reid has completely lost her crap. the latino vote is a great example, again, of a media narrative failing to have any effect on an inoculated population. the narrative stipulated that this joke by tony hinchcliffe was going to turn latinos against trump. you get that trump gets, what, 45% of the latino vote, the majority of men largest in recent history. the democrats somehow assumed that latinos, they can't take a joke, right? they also assumed people had no other concerns. you know, besides the joke. maybe for elite latinos on x, you know, who don't have to worry about
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crime or inflation or the economy or immigration, they could get upset about a joke, but nobody bought that narrative. and i go back to what i said before. it's not about left or right anymore. it's about how the news creates narratives to brainwash you. and it's not happening. katie, i believe the leader of mexico is a woman. yes. i don't think hispanics have a problem with voting a woman in office. exactly. look, the identity politics, the divisive identity politics that democrats have relied on for years and years and years are starting to come to an end. they've made all of these assumptions about people's skin color, trying to win elections by dividing people up and assuming that if you're from a certain group or of a certain gender, which lately they can't even define that you should be voting for democrats because republicans are racist. donald trump is pulling those coalitions away from the democrats, and they don't really have a way to make it up. i mean, having joy reid screaming about how latinos are essentially the new white
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supremacists in this country isn't going to make their communities safer. it's not going to make them have more money in their pocket, and they're smart enough to know that they're going to vote on issues, rather than voting on who they should be told deserves their recognition or their party affiliation as a result of their skin color. and they're panicking because they really don't know how to work on this, given they've relied on it so heavily to win in the past. harold, why don't you guys just make it easier on yourselves and claim it was rigged? well, that would be what you guys would do. we decided not to do that. so what do you mean by you guys? you know what i mean? my colonizer. so i'd say a couple of things. you look at what i don't like about what we're doing with joy reid and some other friends of mine are doing in this space. the voters have spoken. and when barack obama ran for president in 2008 and created these coalitions of voters coalition of support that included republicans, that included traditional supporters of republican candidates for president, we were excited
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about it. and republicans, i might add, the party, the republican party, over the last eight years, ten years has really reorganized and reintroduced and reimagined itself. they're now the party of the working class. we were the party of the working class for a long time. and donald trump, whatever you want to say about him, his his being and his political athleticism has allowed him to do that. 1 in 3 voters of color voted for trum. he won hispanic men by ten points. he won voters 18 to 29 by ten points. the way you address that is not to say to those who are 18 or 29 that you are doing something as an affront to your parents or to say to hispanic men, you are being disingenuous to hispanic women. no. the question is, they made a calculation that donald trump would do better to do better lowering prices, securing the border, lowering crimes in their neighborhoods, making energy in america. so more jobs in ohio and pennsylvania and keeping little boys out of little girls bathrooms and sports. those are
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the issues all this other stuff we're talking about, it may make us feel good. it doesn't make me feel good going to dinner parties this way. i just walk out now because if they don't want to get serious and honest about what happened, we're going to find ourselves in a cycle of losing. and i don't like losing. i don't like losing. not because as a person in politics, because i think our when we do governing good as a, as a democratic party, we do it well, but we're not doing it well right now and we're not going to do it well if we stay focused on the nonsense and the pettiness that some are talking about right now, you go to dinner parties and you don't even tell me about it. and you? me. you know what's funny, though? for just one last thing. you know, it's not racism. it's not sexism, it's brain ism. we are bigoted against people who don't have brains, which is why joy reid takes this so personally. and again, abuela is grandmother in spanish. thank you. gracias, amigo. yesterday we learned paterfamilias and now we learned abuela. you should try to work one new word in a day.
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i'll see you on monday. spanish? yeah. up next, dems still licking their wounds after trump's ballot box blowout. and now some media folks think they need their own joe rogan. don't take no mess. don't take no mess. bob is a man who can understand liberty mutual. customize my car insurance. so i saved hundreds. but the money i saved, i thought i'd get a wax figure of myself. oh, right. in the temporal lobe. beat it. punks only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. it's a good day to start something new. to brush away gray in five easy minutes. to put yourself out there and always put your best face forward. just for men. mustache and beard. it won't be hard to find a skilled pro to fix this leak, but before i started, angie's list, different story. that was 1995 and a lot has changed at angie's since. but
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swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction, serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type two diabetes ask about the power of three with ozempic. i can see clearly now the rain is gone. well, the liberal media is reeling after kamala lost in a landslide and now they're desperate for their own democrat version of joe rogan. they're jealous of how president elect donald trump connected with millions of young men through the popular podcast, when a man is just lost and lonely and not yet radicalized, we don't have the equivalent of joe rogan and jordan peterson to prove that man in a feminist direction. rogan has the biggest audience in the country. it's disaffected, low propensity me, kind of the audience that the
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harris campaign should be trying to reach. all of us have to come to grips with legacy media is just not as important as it thinks it is. joe rogan is more important than any of us. you can't beat him in the social media game. democrats like van jones are calling for the government to regulate them. there are two sets of laws and rulings we have to deal with. the supreme court has allowed this unlimited amount of money dumping in. and then, you know, there are legal protections that allow these companies to do what they want to and do what they will. i think in a normal country, we would say, hold on a second, maybe we need to have a different set of regulations for social media platforms. now they're this big, and maybe we need to have less money in the system, but that that conversation is not happening yet. jesse. it's not like the vice president wasn't invited to do joe rogan and she didn't do it was probably smart. she didn't do it. that would have been a disaster. they think it was a mistake. yeah, there were a lot of mistakes made. they keep talking about they need to find their own joe rogan. they
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had one. his name was joe rogan. he was a bernie bro. yeah. they expelled rogan musk and rfk jr out of the party. and then we're like, where did the bro vote go? that's where it went. so if they did have a show like rogan, what would it be called? the status quo show. all they do is defend the status quo. yeah. do you know how many things are off limits in the media? you can't talk about anything. you have to defend power. you're going to listen to a show for three hours where they try to hide the truth. it's probably the most boring thing you've ever listened to, so they're not going to find their own rogan or whatever they want to call it until they get rid of all their stupid rules. about what you're not allowed to talk about, who you have to defend, then maybe someone will listen. so herald to van jones point. i mean, can the government really regulate the democrats into some kind of success in the podcasting radio world? i mean, they've been trying this since
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the 1990s with rush limbaugh. it didn't work. i mean, why are they calling for regulation rather than just more opinion? so i listened back to what ramos said. maybe i just i'm a little slow, but i didn't. i misunderstood what i thought he was saying about the social media platforms like facebook and all, when they are saying things about young men and young girls. i have a daughter and i don't. i want these algorithms off the thing. so i interpreted that. and if he if he said what you're saying, i agree with you, that's not the answer. but let me step back. i disagree with the premise. i think that i, i agree with the fact that joe rogan is more powerful in many ways in reaching voters than legacy media. i agree with the premise that legacy media has to rethink how and what they do and their importance, their self importance. but where i disagree is that if joe biden had re-instituted some of the executive orders that president trump had put in as he was trying to get a border bill, if they had ended cashless bail and increased penalties on criminals, if they had gone back to say, we're going to
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produce more energy here after ukraine was invaded by russia, i think we wouldn't have been talking as much. i've said this on the show about joe biden's mental acuity. if his policy acuity was good. so if you have good policy, you can go on any platform and talk about what you're doing, and people are going to say, you know what? i like that politician, that man or that woman, what they're saying. so before we get to the platforms, we want to talk to and platforms we want to share our ideas with, we should get some good ideas first. yeah, that's a good idea. so judge, one of the biggest narratives of the election from the mainstream media, the leftist media, was that trump is a threat to democracy. and actually the exit polling shows that he beat kamala harris on that topic because people were watching and saying, actually, i think you guys are the ones who are the threat to democracy. yeah. and i don't know who mentioned it earlier in the show, but the truth is that once they started coming after us and as, as greg talks about this gelman effect and we knew that we weren't what they were accusing us of, we had to then look and say, well, wait a
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minute, maybe he's not guilty of what they're saying about him. and then when they have an open mind, they can look at things a little more objectively. but, you know, when they say they're looking for their own joe rogan, that's the mistake, the equivalent of joe rogan, because joe rogan was in the middle. he, you know, he was a he was a centrist. that's why they lost. they couldn't be centrist. everybody had to be either right or left. we all had to be in a box. and then the box got smaller as they kept compartmentalizing us racists, hispanics and sexist black men. but the truth is, you had a joe rogan who had on bernie sanders and fetterman and, you know, barry weiss, he had everybody on and then when you think about it, maybe this comes down to something as simple as donald trump is a great businessman. donald trump understood business. americans and selling. i mean, what kind of an entrepreneur, 78 year old
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man who literally garnered an understanding of social media that the left could not that, you know, he got onto tiktok and he did these rallies and he was doing podcasts, and he had the nelk brothers on, on his, on his airplane. and, you know, he had the mind of an entrepreneur who took all of this stuff that wasn't of his generation. and he said, i'm going to feed into this. and with that, the democrats didn't have a chance. they weren't as smart as donald trump was. so, greg, they say they're looking for their own joe rogan. but joe rogan is an organic success in podcasting. it's not like they plucked him out and said, this is your job now. this is organic. and i don't know, given their crackdown and creativity and censorship, if they can create that, it's like somebody saying looking over and going like, i really wish i had a real i wish i had a happy marriage. while he's a philandering, it's like, you can't have there are certain things you have to do. and jesse's right. they they can't
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have a rogan under the current structure of their of their i don't know their, their conversation, their remember what they always say. some people here on this table have said it, not you or jessica. they always go, but we need to have a real conversation. we need to have a real conversation. it's like, that's what we're doing right now and you're not answering the question. and it's like, but if you want to have a real conversation, they don't want like, no, you can't say that you use the wrong pronoun. that's they're like ants building an ant hill. you know, unaware that there's a giant, massive overpass being constructed above them. you know, they've become so self-obsessed they turned identity into a sexual fetish. but i want to finish with one theory. the democratic party and their media arm lost their muse when musk bought twitter. because you have to remember. where did they get all their stories before musk bought it?
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twitter. you know, suddenly you saw an end to cancel culture. when, when twitter changed hands, all the stories were being collected from the loudest accounts on twitter. covington kids was twitter generated, as was a lot of the false hate crime hoaxes. reporters would simply get up in the morning. they would look on their feed and they would fashion the latest outrage based on like a purple haired cat lady's hysterical shrieking. and that would become a story. then it would get picked up and you would see all the daily beast and all these terrible little things they pick up, and they'd run with the story and then the muse went away, and they're they're floundering. they don't even know how to do news anymore. it's hilarious. all right. up next, more trump victory meltdowns michael cohen getting trolled with a turkey head filter. sing with me. sing for the year. sing for the laughter. sing for the tears. sing with me i was just saying what if instead of giving a holiday makeover to some stranger's house, you revisit
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the purple banana. it's not just the media that's melting down several u.s. universities are coddling college students who are upset over trump's victory. victory blowout victory by canceling classes, providing safe spaces, and offering treats like milk and cookies. just saying i would like that, as well as lego toys and coloring and mindfulness exercises to get their minds off the off the election results. meanwhile, adult americans are suddenly very interested in moving to another country. former trump lawyer and fixer michael cohen was among them, but he has since backtracked viewers on his live stream weren't having it when he announced trolling him with a turkey head filter. watch this. can we stop with that? i appreciate it. i don't like the stupid turkeys. all right, let's just let's just knock that stupid off, please. all right, i did. i said i was leaving, and then the following day, get that through your dumb
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heads. the following day, i turned around and i said that there's no chance in the world that i'm leaving my country. thank you very much. all right. i'm not leaving anyway. you leave. this is my country. i saw jerry seinfeld on talking about how his kids school were giving kids some space. i mean, i think this is silly. we live in a country where you're going to get things that happen your way and things that don't happen anywhere, and you got to be tough about it. judge, what are your thoughts? think about how they're training young kids, even college kids, right. this is what we're training our kids when things are bad or you don't like something, go in a corner and sulk and have milk and cookies and play with your legos. i'm going to say one more thing. compare someone who is sulking about donald trump winning to the 17 year old in israel who joins the idf and is handed a ak 47 or an ar 15 and goes and fights with their life for their country. compare the two countries in the next 30
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years prime time. what are your thoughts on this? i was thinking about leaving this country and i was trying to figure out where i'd go, and i thought, if i go to an island, you don't want to be the most famous person on an island because they'll just kidnap you. that's what you were thinking. i was thinking, you know, they kidnap emma, not you. yeah. women and children first. and then i was thinking france. and then i'm like, they're probably not going to like me very much over there. and i can't speak french. and then great britain, bad weather, middle east. hell no. africa. you got to be kidding me. asia. same thing. i'm ruling out continents. okay, relax. so then it became between italy and australia. now australia is a little wild, but i like the people and the language. and then i'm just thinking italy for the food and the weather. so we're going to italy. yeah. that's where i'm leaving to. okay. not now. eventually. that's a better question. where would you go? i would, i would go nowhere. you would, i would say you have to know, but if you had to know,
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no, i got you. i'm not saying you i would. i will die as an american in america. so am i. but i mean, so is he. but he's a cynic. go to italy. what would i say? could i talk about the real quick about the kids and the campuses? they're paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for these degrees. they should get their money back if their their classes are getting canceled. also, this is elitist privilege. if you don't have real problems to deal with, you get to be upset and to skip your responsibilities to do this. nobody who has real problems is crying and skipping class, and these adults are setting these kids up for failure, for real life. in the real world, it's not nice or empathetic. yeah i agree, how are you? i hope these students dye their hair back to a normal color. my question is, what about our therapy? the people who have to put up with the people who need therapy? you know, we're the ones that have to be the brunt of their self-obsessed hissy fits and their tantrums. i feel bad for their parents, their relatives, sisters, brothers, you name it. you know they're crying now. wait till we start naming the schools, the parks, the bridges, the tunnels, the
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airports, the public buildings after trump, when vance becomes president for eight years, not to mention the presidential library built by baron. i'm betting on 12 years of winning. and then i will need some therapy. i will need serious bed rest. because i will be. i will be a victim of uncontrollable euphoria, too much winning here. here? yes. i would go to cape town, south africa. have you been to cape town? do they have diamonds there? i'm not going there. cape town, cape town i'm not leaving america. let me be very clear. but cape town is a pretty special place, i think. before you dismiss the entire continent, i'll vacation there. i'm not living there. yeah. fair enough. fan mail friday is up next. cape town i just got a lot of love in you on my mind. because of your overwhelming support, our 1488 mypillow has been one of the biggest sales in mypillow history. i couldn't think of a better way to say thank you than to extend our
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activity and less pain. learn more at stocco. comm. quack quack quack quack quack. i went to a party the other night. fan mail friday. first question. probably the only one because harold wouldn't shut up from algae. that's a good question. name one thing that you have done that you don't think anyone else at the table has done. keep it clean, judge. oh, why are you starting with me? i can name smoked a hookah in the
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middle east. i smoked a hookah, but not in the middle. maybe i have. no you haven't. no. probably not. i have, you have smoked a hookah. well, then you lost. what do you mean? how is the middle east defined? on the beach in israel? yeah. in your face? yeah. what about. how about you? this is such a good question. i'm a shark cage diving or skydiving. you should skydive into a shark cage. i skydive. i'm into it. let's do it. yes, exactly. jesse, you are you. you've done nothing interesting in your life. let's be honest. it's pretty true. i, i wake up, i go to work, i go home. you have to come back to me on this. something that no one else has ever done at the table. i put my finger one time so. oh, gosh, it's so far up where you don't remember. haha. yeah. sucker! wait, you didn't finish the sentence? oh, okay. oh, what is wrong with you?
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must have done that. staying on the theme of south africa, i picketed against apartheid as a as a high school. wait, i did that too. i did that god, everybody did that. you did that virtue signal. i built a shantytown in berkeley and slept in it for six months. no. you know what i did? i bet nobody. i went to a clothing optional swingers resort with an anthropologist. wow. is that real? yes. you get the title. so, did you keep the clothing on or. i kept the clothing on. so you did the overnight at least. i went to a nude spa in germany. really? okay. oh, i went to a show once in. where was i? south america. ooh, a nude spa in germany. oh, no. this guy had a piercing. i'll tell you in the commercial, i'm going to take over the segment if you don't. one more thing. anyway, this guy is coming, and everybody jump in new york to san francisco and inter city
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it's time now for one more thing and jesse goes first. so fox is partnering with u.s. vets to make camo our cause. it's going to prevent and put an end to veteran homelessness here in the united states. you can join us by making a donation and wearing camo. this veteran's day. that's monday, november 11th. so to donate and shop for great camo fox gear, see some of it here on the table. go visit goat fox slash u.s. vets. tonight jesse watters, prime time. marianne williamson, clay travis. kyle forward rachel campos-duffy, 8:00 marianne williamson. what's she been up to? all right. greg, tonight. oh, what a show we got. kat timpf, tyler fisher, brooke goldstein, and tyrus. hey, let's do this. in your face. harold. poor harold. according to the social security administration, the year harold was born, which is 1970, the name harold was
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ranked number 152 in popularity. you know, it's funny, in the same year, the name gregory was ranked 20. i could just say in your face, but you probably feel it enough already. this week. but in your face, harold, you are running out of stuff. yeah, it's hard to find harold. send me harold things. these two ladies came out of a restaurant this afternoon. it was great. and she came over to me, the sweet little lady. and i was just ready for her to say. she goes in your face. yeah. yeah, i love it. see? it's out there. all right. harold ren. thank you. by the way, earlier this week, la dodgers star kiki hernandez traded in his baseball glove. so rubber gloves to work a shift at raising cane's. one of my favorite chicken places. it was an unconventional celebration for the second baseman, who was fresh off a world series win. his shift involved working as a fry cook, as well as serving customers at the drive thru and walk in counter. of course, he made time to sign memorabilia and talk to his adoring fans, who formed a massive crowd outside the fast food restaurant. now, as happy as i am for him, i hope the yankees
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kill him next year. beat them. beat them. no. you can say no. we don't want to kill anybody. beat them next year. i agree. all right, katie. all right. travelers at new york's laguardia airport had to deal with a furry fugitive monday morning. a raccoon dropped out of the ceiling and was dangling from a wire before falling on the floor. after running around near the spirit airlines gate for five minutes. and then wildlife professionals were able to capture and release the rogue raccoon inside, just trying to catch a ride to somewhere else. poor baby. and you know, it reminds me of the raccoon that they put down, you know. oh, i know. yeah. terrible. all right, listen, i'm on hannity tonight. do we have anything? there? i am hannity tonight at 9 p.m. and raising cain as good chicken. harold. great chicken as good as blue ribbon. good french fries, too. all right, that's ♪ muc
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