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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  November 9, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ will: it's the 8 a.m. hour of
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"fox & friends" weekend starting with this gop controlled senate. and possibly house we go off the wall to preview what the first 100 dies could look like under trump. rachel: plus getting political during hurricane season. one fema director now being called out for telling workers to avoid homes with trump signs during cleanup and rescue efforts. shameful. pete: great and blame game intensifies jen psaki have reasons for your democrats failed. the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ will: austin, texas. pete: says will kiln on the skyline game. rachel: i knew from the confidence in your voice that there was no point of guessing.
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pete: that skyline that says -- will: that one right there on the right of the screen. with the top. pete: tippy tops. will cain gets home state points. will: everybody -- pete: many times i missed san antonio. will: i wouldn't get it right right now. rachel: it is 8:00 right now and a good morning and everyone has been in such a nice mood. most everybody. pete: absolutely. come on a little on tuesday. rachel: america is back. pete: it has been a heck of a week and we have some more news based on tuesday to bring you right now. we'll start with a fox news aletter. president-elect donald trump now announced winning nevada the state has been called by fox news putting him at over 300 electoral votes. you flip the state he lost in 2020 and 2016. will: trump is now edging closer to an absolute clean sweep
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battle ground states currently a 6 point lead in arizona got to be coming soon and jackie rosen has been reelected fending off close challenge from combat veteran sam brown. rachel: republicans are now in striking distance of a house majority with nearly two dozen races still too close to call. the gop has 212 seats, and needs to win six more to keep the majority if that happens, republicans will pull off a political trifecta controlling the house, the senate, and the white house. amazing. >> yeah. i mean it's -- it's a mandate to govern along with the house's, i mean, senate with 53 senators you have a lisa and susan collins proof majority there have been a lot of too manies with a 51, majority but moderate senator who is control the whole agenda with 53
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possible 54 you can do real things you can approve of cabinet officials and judicial nominations. and retain the house as well that means donald trump with the mandate will be given an opportunity to govern when we talk about the first 100 days he's going to get a chance to set an agenda. you know, in a way that looks much more different -- even more powerful than 2016 when he was a new newcomer. he's back. will: after every election winning party does have a sense of confidence that it is set up to march into history unimpeded. that it will always be this way after barack obama a sense that republicans would never win a election. the pendulum swing it is always does, and what you should do is not try to gird yourself about how to avoid the pendulum swinging. it will swing to me that means go for it. rachel: do everything you can. will: it will swing so do what
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you want to do in the first 100 days of your presidency. rachel: why the house majority matter use guys by the way a majority by, you know, eight, ten, seats -- that's not as much as you think. there are people and really tough districts going to take tough votes you have to keep as many people as you can inside of the house. like there's some people that want to go into cabinet positions different things you have to keep them there. because you got to be able to govern. you've got about 100 maybe 200 days to push your thing through your ideas through. you have to have all hands on deck. pete: you're right go for it and pendulum does swing quickly and sometime mrs. slowly look at ronald reagan with a generational change in donald trump comes in and secures border. gets inflation under control brings american manufacturing back. rachel: ends wars. pete: rebuilds military and people say my life is really better than it was -- under biden and it was good under trump the first time.
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then you gift that opportunity to the next generation of the republican party as well. go for it. >> shifts generationally especially when it comes to young men to last well into the future. democrats are looking at all of this and coalition they built to win an election, and failed miserably and saying, well where did we fail jen psaki says we brought on liz cheney and never trumpers and that's not a winning coalition. >> there were many headwinds here there's sexism, racism all of that is true but i also think there's a real question, i hope people start looking at. about who people are listening to. and my view, there was an overlistening to and overlifting up of people who left trump not people who left the democratic party. the people who left the democratic party are the people who are going to -- you know win in the future. the people who left trump the never trumpers who have important voice and have that is not thes winning coalition and i think that is a take away.
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rachel: you know what i'm going to say jen psaki has a point i think a lot of democrats including her wanted to believe there was a huge contingency of never trumpers. and it wasn't true. most republicans 80 -- 95% of them with with trump but they saw liz cheney and adam and they wrap their arms around them this was a huge mistake because war was on -- war versus peace was on the ballot whether the polls were talking about it or not. it was an undercurrent on the right. people were sick of the stupid wars and the nigh neocons and a lot of young men that didn't want -- what that lady right there liz cheney was telling and they embraced liz cheney, and dick cheney i think that was a boom for donald trump. he was like great. you can have her. we've got rfk that's the art of
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the deal that trade rfk in tulsi for dick and lase cheney. >> i value independent thoughts i'm not talking about independent thought what i say this but this idea of never trumpism has been one of the most failed movements. that competes with blm. >> it is right there like the lincoln project and blm biggest failures in american political history. and now as you can hear from jen psaki they're basically being ostracized by team they attempted to adopt that's democrats so that entire weighing of whatever one point was republicans then was democrats is a land without a home. i mean -- where does liz cheney go from here? where is liz cheney's home? pete: it is like -- but it is also to your point the neocon side of things like where is nikki haley's home? she needs to endorse and like i don't need nikki haley i'll win without her so that whole interventionist is without a
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home sot chaos that is brought on both sides. rachel: like you need nikki haley to win women donald trump won white women without nikki haley and part of it was maha women only vote on abortion and they want reproductive freedom and women on the daily lives they deal with food and feeding their families and they love the message from make america healthy again, and the chronic disease that they see overtaking, you know, this country. donald trump was hitting different points and by the way, delicious to see dick cheney and liz cheney being blamed for the loss. although i think it is an unfair total blame on them. kind of nice there's a lot to go around. pete: nice to say jen psaki that it was misogyny -- >> also in discussions that latino men are racist black men are ma sole that is according to
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steven a. smith of espn who was this week on the will cain show talking about all of the culture war and identity pleks is how you ended up where you are democrats. >> i acknowledged we've got a new president. he romped her and american people have spoken. you can say what you want but this country has said we went too far left. enough is enough. we've got to stop this nonsense. it is about our pocketbooks. and it's about safety. period. and if you don't leak it, get over it. majority of american people said look it is the economy stupid it is immigration, it is crime in the streets. and it's such a strong tilt to the progressive left where we're talking about transgender issues and culture wars and identity politics and all of this stuff we're sick of all of that even though i didn't vote for him. i'm not as taken aback and feeling like nothing but gloom
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and doom and the world is coming to an end because the pern that i voted for didn't win. glam it is not misogyny to care about putting food on the table ass an american, what they said about latino men and black men it is like are you kidding me? like these are men going i care about putting food -- it is really hard to be a provider and being a provider is what gives men their self-esteem that gives them their dignity it was hard under this economy because everything was so expensive do you know 80% of hispanics felt like they were it was -- they said they worried about putting food on the table. 80% of them. you're a misogynist because you care about that. so insult the way they responded to this has been absolutely terrible. >> even ua smith is talking about culture aspect how democrats are pushing all of this politically correct social justice garbage. watch when trump says we're
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ending transgenderrism in the military watch what trump says no more transgender in women's sports. what does the left do? do they give in and say you're right we went too far or do they double down and say no. those are our brothers and sisters in the transcommunity who have to defend and take to the streets over trance? it is a trap for them the right thing to do for trump but which way do they go? that's still remains to be seen. they may double down. will: i asked steven a. did not a lot of this, you know, crazy wokism start back when you and i were together on espn and had these debates and asked them for self-reelection from the debates from 2018 also asked them by the way if you have a late night show would you cry like jimmy kimmel no i'm not crying like jimmy. >> what was the response to the first question? >> he did acknowledge that it started then and how about this you can go watch it on the will cain show it is monday through thursday 12:00 we have a big week. fox news youtube fox news
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facebook up to a million people on wednesday, thursday, we hope you'll join us on any of those platforms. pete: nice job on election week. rachel: men were -- men were the story. i don't care what your race was men were the store of this election. gen-z was also a big story this election. i think a lot of people my age looking back on what -- will: gen-z -- rachel: people like me who have kids who are gen-z would talk about we've talked to our kids what life was like when we were kids. that's what we want to give our kids. and i think gen-z is responding an they were voting in parallel in sync with their parents which is a fascinating you talked about it a little bit with charlie kirk -- >> very much so. it gives you hope that the trajectory of this say everybody starts out left wing is not the case. right and you have that you have an opportunity to get the outcome you saw on tuesday night not just tuesday night but generationally going forward.
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rachel: 80s were nice. early 90s it was a good time. will: this story absolutely stunning coming to us from the daily wire. where they're reporting that a fema supervisor told workers in a message to avoid homes that advertise trump. this is during hurricane reliefs in florida as canvassing lake in florida to identify residents who could qualify for federal or for federal aid. internal messages reviewed by daily wire said that supervisor marni relaid this message in group chats used by relief team multiple governments told daily wire avoid homes with trump signs out front in trying to figure out if they need aid from fema. pete: on stories like this if marni washington was willing to say this in a group chat he felt comfortable saying this. you know what i mean she wasn't going out on a limb saying avoid the trump houses she felt
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like -- saying that was not going to get her in trouble not going to get her fired that speaks to culture of the government agencies. you already have concerns hey is the response is robust as it should be in north carolina and florida because these are areas full of trump supporters now you have the microexample go house by house and if you see a trump sign don't help them. it is -- rachel: actually it is unconscionable by the way on the heels of fema having funds they raided funds and gave them to illegal immigrants and so, you know that was an issue as well nobody wants to see emergency response politicized. and i think i thought that, you know, donald trump with his election was going to have to, you know, root out all of bad stuff and agencies maybe by should right here because if any agency should be depoliticized it is emergency response agency. by the way, fema gave a statement to us they said -- fema helps all survivors regardless of their political
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preference affiliation deeply disturbed by employee's actions while we believe this is an isolated distinct we've taken measures to remove employees from their roles and are investigating the matter to prevent this from happening from every again. the employee who had no authority and was given no direction to tell teams who avoid these homes and we are reaching out to the people who may have been -- may have been not been reached as a result of this distinct and individual hasn't been fired. i guarantee you -- >> doesn't mean fired. i'll tell you this, if people who are in trouble were passed over because of race -- this would be -- this thing would be all over the left i bet they're not even covering this story. pete: probably right. but we are. and we will continue we're turning now to few additional headlines starting with fox news alert israel conducting air strikes in lebanon hammering hezbollah command centers in beirut qatar agreed to kick hamas officials out of the country following a request from
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the biden administration and now we're getting all of those moves. interesting. what changed? hamas has repeatedly projected proposals to release israeli hostages. this all happening as president-elect trump on friday told the palestinian president he wants to put an end to the war in gaza. the truth is out there in congress wants to get to the bottom of it. the house oversight committee will hold a hearing on unidentified aerial phenomenon on wednesday. witnesses will include retired pentagon official admiral and former nasa employee. lawmakers will press them on transparency concerns about reports of identified aerial vehicles and the risk to u.s. national security. look at that always grainy i need a high res one time. now to college football ucla taking on iowa in a big ten matchup still doesn't sound right to say big ten matchup between ucla and iowa in los angeles.
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hawkeyes on the board early and offense too much to handle. >> iowa best cover man -- protected back -- survives the hit. plunges ahead. he scores. pete: to the fourth quarter tied up at 17 and into field goal range with this solid run play around end bruins win 20-17 tune in ahead of today big matchup 20th ranked colorado and texas tech pregame coverage begins at 10 a.m. eastern on fox. and those are some of your headlines. will: veteran's day is this monday and fox is partnering with u.s. vets to make camo our cause to help prevent and put an end to veteran homelessness in the united states. glam you can join us by making a donation and wearing camo this veteran's day. this isn't tim waltz biden-harris camo is out fox is
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in and those are -- you can post your camo by the way on social media with hashtag honor u.s. vets. donate and learn more information -- pete: good looking hat. rachel: help veteran homelessness scan this qr code or visit vets. check it out a great cause. great hats. great quality. pete: nice looking stuff. t-shirts you can make -- you can donate to go vets. scoring with latino and black and native american leaders a navajo leader tells us why.
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with so much great entertainment out there... wouldn't it be easier if you could find what you want, all in one place? my favorites. get xfinity streamsaver with netflix, apple tv+, and peacock included, for only $15 a month. rachel: president-elect trump's victory came in large part from a growing supports of minorities and that included native americans. in fact, 17 native american majority counties went red this election. and get this this number blew me away 65% of native americans voted for trump. joining me now with this thoughts is myron former vice president of the navajo nation.
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myron so great to have you on today. i have native american family and i can just attest anecdotally voted democrat and voted really from their reservation so it's fascinating to me. why don't you lay out what you think was different in this election why did native americans vote red? >> i think it was a long time coming, good morning rachel thank you for having me. and happy veteran's day to all of our veterans out there we appreciate -- i think it was a long time coming ever since 2016 there's been a movement to, you know, get more native american voters out there. to study the issues be educated and to vote accordingly. so this was a culmination about certainly we're not done. so long ways to go we're not going to just let it all weigh one and done and let it go we have to work like the democrats do until the next election cycle i think it is reflective of the
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outreach that was done. we have a lot of people pitching in not only navajo and native americans but also nonnative people. it was just a time a culmination of the issues, problems in ending country and outreach. so that's really how you see this play out. rachel: so the top issues for native americans i imagine, obviously, the economy. the rural so a lot of them so gasoline prices are big deal. what else? >> oh, gosh -- the economy is one. i think the foreign conflicts i think our native american young ones the people it's been shown in the past since navajo talks in world war ii are people enlist early with a foreign conflict, a war our people would readily defend motherland here readily more than any other people group that ethnicity out there i think the foreign conflict and threats of the wars
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looming really activated our people. we don't want our children to go to a far away land and fight. economy definitely, really is something that i think is really needing to be addressed high prices on food, gasoline elders can't afford those. so long to travel to a grocery store from our homes. rachel: yeah. can i ask you we cannily how much of this had to do, obviously, issues are so important but how much did the personality of donald trump his persona play with native american populations and their willingness to trust him with this election? >> i think he's so different he's not a politician per se. you know, we've had a lot of people do entertain candidates at any one time any one election cycle to entertain native american vote but at that spot duty. i think only recently as of the last, you know, five decades democrats have pinpointed the
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native american vote, and i kind of challenge that because i look around my reservation that i live on navajo nation and some of the other nations -- that i went to visit while i was in office as the vice president. it is like we really need a lot of help out -- well he's in a federal term for our communities this advantage community something has to change. that i think really showed up this election as well and president trump again, the -- he's not a politician he's a businessman and well established in his own right. i think he brought a new fresh vibe, fresh vision so to speak. i think it could stand to learn about all of his methods, his tactics and carve out a opportunity for help to end -- and i think we have to overcome rhetoric and divisive points and look at substance and finds out if president trump is the man for the hour.
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rachel: myron lizer talking us about the fascinating aspects this have election indian country as you call it voting for donald trump by 64%. remarkable, we'll see if there's some appointments from nate i-americans in the administration to follow. myron we'll be back in touch with you love talking to you. >> all right thank you. glam you got it god bless. left absolutely losing it after trump's hirks win with one university staffer telling trump voters to just jump off a bridge. brian kilmeade reacts next. n you some amazing gifts. celebrate the ones you inherited with ancestrydna. explore the detailed family roots, cultures, and traits that shaped who you are today for only $39. ♪
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pete: university of oregon greek
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life staffer on administrative leave because no one gets fired after going viral at this rant for trump supporters saying on instagram i say this in the most disrespectful way possible. i don't care if you're my family i don't care if you are my friend. i don't care if you've been we've been friends our entire lives. you can literally go bleep yourself if you voted for donald trump. it goes on. but we'll spare you. here to react is "fox & friends" co-host and host of one nation brian kilmeade. this doesn't surprise you does it brian there's a lot of animosity pent up amongst these folks. >> it is amazing but they don't wait for the coffee shop or private meeting or phone call. they do it publicly post it don't think there's going to be any ramifications and he's not drunk. it is not like wow he caught me at a bad time at a sports bar. this guy is staring at a camera
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he wanted the world to see this and it is a huge deal. he's ahead of greek like what make it is worse is he says you have trouble paying for your bills and paying your groceries, get a better job. go do better in life. go back and get an education, and then he tells us to do something that's physically impossible and jump off a bridge. so don jr. weighed in and he says, this -- it is disgusting but not surprising that an employee of a state university would speak this way about more than half of the country. that's how they feel. but i think this is taste don't overreact. this is for the president too -- these type of people are going to be everywhere just get stuff done as you get stuff done and they realize rhetoric about hitler and fascism and dictatorship was nothing but rhetoric in a 30 sengd ad they'll realize the country will get better that is the best sale and this guy took it down and
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backlash like he said how could he not be fired? pete: here's a statement from the university of oregon to new york post they said as a republican university we take our university to provide has diversity of alignment with our education mission while we investigate we're providing support for concerns students and employees including resources for mental and emotional help. i'm not sure what it is to investigate on that. i think he sort of said it. [laughter] we've got it on tape. >> background on him he spent i think 90 days in jail when someone died when they were hazing the a fraternity he was involved with so maybe he's just has pent up anger from his 90 days in prison wish him the best of the luck they work out for the positive it is great to have that nose ring for potential lows. i think it really shows -- a resiliency and daring that's -- a lot of positions.
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pete: daring lacking in a lot of positions good assessments. >> i don't know how that works. pete: a cool series on fox nation go to field of valor that honors american athlete who is served the nation military too. tell us about it. >> so pete this is unbelievable and if there's anybody i thought of when this series rolled out the idea was presented it is pete hegseth because like so many when war started, almost all of they will signed up and we know, you know, we know about -- you know, you know about -- pat tillman you probably know about david robinson who was in the academy and served. but bob feller at 17 is peaching in the major leagues about the to sign richest contracts ever and war about pearl harbor and instead of signing that contract he goes to sign up for the war. and when the -- easy job he said no. i want to go fight in the war what don't you get about it and you have joe lewis. you know, you have joe lewis you
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have ted william jack deem dempsey here's a clip from ted williams keep in mind, he was a fighter pilot in world war ii korea starts and he leaves as best player in baseball and decides to be best fire bomber in the war. watch. >> so here's a guy that's married has a daughter, 33 years old and is called back to military service. leaving baseball again williams was determined to make a bigger impact than he did in the second world war made it clear to officers how he wanted to serve his country. >> if you want me back, don't send me out on pr trips don't send me out as ambassador for the marine corps.. i want to serve. >> not pr trips but the real deal. >> like you. you were in princeton, you're in the career and you said 9/11 happens you sign up and if you could have gone to the series it would have been perfect but you did play basketball in college
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was awesome but spirit is the same. coming up tonight, as we have this veteran's day weekend on one nation, at 9:00 by the way right now on fox nation you can get the whole series ten episodes ten minutes each you'll love it. so please go do that on this veteran's day weekend. amongst my guests, joe manchin talks about what's left of his party senator tom cotton why he decided not to go in and what trump should do from here. towing last murray back from ukraine just back from israel now wants to -- with mar-a-lago with the president when he won. he brings that perspective and robert davi now are weeping at home and wondering what have they done and tommy puts it in perspective tonight at 9:00 pete. pete: great stuff watch "one nation with brian kilmeade" field of valor we won't tell anybody but i'll see in a few hours and we'll tell everybody why. not giving out any details. will cain will be so jealous.
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>> he's looking at me right now on camera wondering why we're hanging out this afternoon if he's not invited yeah exactly let's not tell him. i'll see you brother. [laughter] he's officially headed back to the oval office. so what's up first on trump's to do list? will and i go off the wall next. i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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we always thought there was something regal about scraps here. so we got a dna test from embark. 91% golden retriever. 9% cavalier king charles spaniel. a king. [ british accent ] oh, yes, lord scrapington. he's taking a walk to explore the shire.
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends" i was in your shot. >> yes. thank you for moving. >> she was like get out of my way i want to be on tv. you see yourself on that tv? welcome everyone. take a we can look at the weather map show you what's begin on fire threat across parts of the northeast it has been so incredibly dry be very careful out there today, and you don't want to be starting fires because no significant rain in almost two parts of the northeast that allowed drought to really expand we don't have any break coming. we'll get a little bit of rain tomorrow but it is going to be light. take a look at this way too much rain across parts of the south, in fact, we have flood threats. that is extreme across parts of the louisiana level four out of four threat for the day today if you're across from i-10 over to interstate 49 be care l out on the roads. all right. send it back to you guys inside.
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will: former president trump now officially president elect trump. and he has a lot on his to do list when he returns to the white house in january. pete: let's go off the wall to see the biggest issues he'll likely cover in the first 100 days. that's been a long been marker for the beginning the presidency what happens in those first 100 days especially because he has it looks -- he definitely has the senate likely has the house. the big issue that's defined for the candidacy is border wall here's how jason miller one of the senior campaign advisor explained this week how they're going to approach it. watch. >> all of the secure border policies that we have in place with president trump he can simply flip the switch and put those back into place just like they were before. they didn't need an act of congress to break the border in the first place. will: that's talking about the implementation that joe biden resended if some of those executive orders as you pointed out remain in mexico can be brought back we can go a long
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way toward closing the border. pete: resuming border wall construction as well we talked about plenty of materials scrapped by biden administration they'll we cannily move bought thaiz fought battles about land use and others since those are completed. you can get to getting on building the wall. will: this is what everybody is watching for a deportation launch for undocumented illegal immigrants and you and i have talked president trump has talked he's talked with us begins with criminals. >> begins with criminals and then move down the list likely using local police as well which will come from some communities, there's welcome the opportunity to help make their communities safe. will: whenever you talk about the economy one of the first things that comes up is energy. this was what the biden administration attacked virtual virtually on day one this is how you get the economy humming by helping -- with production of oil and gas. energy, so a begin immediately. >> she was asked in the debates
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he said drill baby drill. all of the above -- unleash it and that includes expediting approval of drilling permits and pending pipeline projects that were killed by the -- current administration. and will be revived by trump. will: potentially trump talkinged about leaving paris agreement climate change accords remember that. pete: biden rejoined it and there's so many mandates on the international level that drive things that -- pulling out of that -- the left hair will go on fire. but it will be the right thing for america first, america's interests. will: from ev mandates to everything else hurting american autoworkers trying to bring that back. pete: promised michigan miracle bringing sanity to ev will make sense on that. will: foreign policy, now he's said one of the first things he would do ever be he gets there in i can is end the war between ukraine and russia by bringing vladimir putin and zelenskyy together.
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>> had a phone call with kennedy: zelenskyy that creates kind of pressure you need to get a resolution to the conflict. will: install tough sanctions on iran and story this morning about attempts on his life paid hit by the iranian revolutionary guard on donald trump. by the way they called it off i think at the last minute because they thought he was goapg to win the election and be easier to assassination if he lost in the interim period afterwards still after him but now he's president. pete: more to come on that for the iranian regime and end of the israel-hamas war again almost like the hostage situation with jimmy carter in 1979 and ronald reagan trump wins immediately hamas comes out cries uncle and says we want to end to this war. you can feel the whole globe shifting -- one thing we haven't talked here is nato nato countries trying to determine what the commitment is
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to the alliance and forces them step up even more for their defense interest and he's made a point of. will: here's the economy he's talked about tariffs especially on china. 60% tariff i believe on goods coming from china 10.tariff on other countries. but he's talked about tariffs whether or not they're implemented across the border or not as a tool of negotiation when it comes to trade. pete: tariffs is his favorite word. [laughter] his favorite word he plans to wield it substantially bringing back american jobs is a big part of it. bringing manufacturing back. you've already seen some companies what's the one -- steve madden is a three billion dollar shoe company announce to rapidly halt its chinese production to avoid trump tariffs. that's bringing things back home because they're worried what about he'll do to their business. will: no tax on tips and overtime diners on tuesday as a election polling votes began to take place. something i heard from the waiters and waitresses i'm excited about no tax on tips. pete: i've heard it since then a
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lot of excitement about that opportunity. all right. well, moving on how jorntle w. bush supporting our vets all of these years later doc siegel exclusive interview coming up next.
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will: george w. bush honoring veterans in 10*9 warrior 100 krk bike ride and former president told dr. mike siegel how important the event is to our veterans. >> all of these vets, you know, lost a limb. a lot of them lived in darkness when they came out of combat because of post-traumatic stress all of them -- are using the resources available to inbetter themselves and in turn they help someone else. >> where that ride took place in crawford, texas great to see you, doctor. >> hi, will i'll be returning to president bush's prairie chapel ranch for day two of the ride day one was really tough almost three hours riding. and i spoke the former president about how the america rose up after 9/11 and people came forward to serve including pete hegseth by the way. take a look. >> a lot of people don't have any idea what it was like back
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in 2001. after we were attacked -- and yet me and stood up and said i wanted to serve and these are type of folks that cede that and remarkable country that extent they need hep we immediate to help them and we are at the bush center as are a lot of other people. >> i also spoke to the former president about america. about the mood in america, about how divisive everything is and what his prescription for america is. take a look. >> what is your message to america to get america to be kinder to each other you're a kind, civil, humble man that's why you inspire me and the vets what can you tell america very divisive time? >> turn to religion. religion is love. and you know, i'm not sure how else you do it. but yeah america is going to be fine. it is beginning to be fine. it is a kind nation. look here. this is people volunteering to help strangers that's kindness i
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think there's more kind than not kind but it is a matter of talking and finding and nurturing it. dock. you haven't lost a step. >> thank you. here's how you be kind -- >> thank you. >> well, i'll tell you it's really amazing being out on the ride because team 43 forms an alliance that then spreads around the country to other vets. and they -- bush institute is created a check-in program where they reach out and where vets can come especially if they're having mental health issues to check in from periodic times like they do with a doctor you check in if you're not feeling well, will. will: hadn't lost a step as he said and it is beautiful i might be biased but beautiful from crawford, texas you can go to bush if you want to see what doc seeing l has been working on. you're back on the bike today?
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>> i'm sore. but i'm riding i'm inspired. listen, the warriors are inspiring me but i'm ready to go you overcome soreness one advil you're back on the trail it is beautiful on the ranch you know texas well, will. will: some mountain biking you're sore. what is that from being in the saddle a little long i've never done bike riding for long periods of time there's medical risks you take being in the saddle that long. [laughter] >> well, it is to your muscles and legs but you get used to it. it is -- it's the most inspiring thing to be -- to be out on trails and vets ride in formation they help when they're done if amputee looking to help all of the time. will: we appreciate you bringing the story to us today. have fun today. ♪ ♪ all right senator tim scott is live next. hi, i'm damian clark. i'm
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