tv Cavuto Live FOX News November 9, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST
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be your advice to pete? >> i don't know. will: would it be always heads up? pete: he was saying catch existence your body today -- >> yes, it's. pete: is it? there you go. we've been enjoying our morning here, family morning, for sure. by the way, i also want to promo the fox nation patriot awards are coming on december 5th. they're good for families, they're good for kids. awards. december 5th in new york. it's going to be a heck of a show. guys, you mow this. at this point it's going to be a party. december 5th. do not miss it. patriot awards on pox. rachel: it's g-rated, you can bring the the kids. not a lot you can do with kids -- pete: we will see you tomorrow morning. oh, it's a drop. rachel: bye, everybody. ♪
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neil: fox on top of it, over the top week for stocks. man, oh, man, investors buying and buying and markets climbing and climbing. why some say this party's just getting started. but cuddle a potential fight with fed can care jerome powell be brewing? the president-elect sure could make life miserable for him. why little-covered story could be the big story next year. all that and a tale of two parties, one whooping it up i, the other, well, not so much. republican senator-elect tim sheehy, and outgoing michigan congressman dan kildee on where his party went wrong. they're here. and the election impact not just here. british ambassador to the u.s., karen pearce, on what donald trump's return to office means for the world. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto the what a week we just had, right? history changing in a big with way. let's go to west palm beach where we'll find lucas tomlinson as the administration to come is
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preparing for the administration to be. lucas. >> reporter: well, good morning, neil. the vetting has already started across the intercoastal waterway behind me in palm beach, and with a republican majority coming to the senate, president-elect trump should have no problem getting his picks for the cabinet confirmed. here's one of those candidates under considering, north dakota governor doug burgum. >> the talent that is showing up, what's very different the than 2016 when president trump won, you know, unexpectedly, i mean, now, you know, every position he has there's 20 the qualified people banging on the door wanting to to get a job. and i know that president trump and his team, fantastic choice with susie wiles, they're going to have the pick of the litter. >> reporter: so, neil, let the handicapping given. let's start with secretary of state. florida senator marco rubio and tennessee senator bill hagerty who was donald trump's ambassador to the japan and ric grenell are the leading candidates. of course, grenell former acting director of national
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intelligence. for defeints if secretary, mike pompeo, mike waltz and now, according to our colleagues at fox digital, the chairman of the house armed services committee, mike rogers. fdhs secretary, chad wolf and tom homan, and for attorney general, senator mike lee, ken paxton. lastly, doug burgum as energy secretary and some think he would make a good secretary of state as well, neil. neil noel thank you, my friend, very much. lucas tomlinson following that as he always does, always on top of everything. by the way, chad wolf will be joining me mow momentarily, get his take on where this whole process of the cabinet selection and beyond is going. mike waltz,es his name comes up too. house intelligence committee, house foreign affairs committee, former green beret. you do not mess with mike. congressman, great to sea you again. see you again. are you interested? your name keeps coming up for a variety of positions. you're quite a popular congressman in your own
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district, nationally very popular with republicans and beyond. are you interested in asked to take a position with the trump administration? if. >> well, neil, you know, look, i'm a soldier. the president of the united states calls you to serve, then you have to take that very, very serious toly. i think regardless of who he puts in, we need real reform in the pentagon. everything they buy seemingly costs twice as much -- [laughter] delivers half as much and takes twice as long are as it should. and the soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, they deserve better. and we need to get a culture of accountability into that place. no one ever seems to get fired with these massive cost overruns, massive waste. people are just circulating a video of a hearing i had where i held up a bag of bolts that cost $90,000 for the air force to buy. it's a couple hundred bucks in a a hardware store. so things gotta change. we don't need managers there, we
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need reformers. but the president's going to make a great pick, and governor burgum made a great point, there's a lot of folks who are incredibly talented and qualified that are ready to serve an america first agenda. neil: you know, i remember that pack of bolts thing. i thought all the bolts in that bag were made of gold but, no, they were just regular bolts. your right, that's part of the problem -- you're right. as you know, there's a rush on the part of the biden administration preparing for the incoming trump administration to get about $9 billion worth of aid to ukraine before he comes in, fearing that that that all stops once he does. what do you think? >> well, look, i think the president, president-elect, president trump, has been very clear that we need to drive this war to some type of conclusion. biden never identified for the country or for the world or even for us internally on the intelligence committee what does success look like. are we going if to drive every russian off of every inch of
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ukraine including crimea in person youty? blank check is a slogan, that's not a strategy. and i think president trump has the leverage and knows how to drive a deal, and especially on the economic side that actually enforce the sanctions and unleash american oil and gas. you put russia on its back foot very quickly, and we know we have leverage with president zelenskyy who i understand trumps has already spoken with. so let's drive that to an end. we can hit maximum pressure back on iran and cry up their war machine -- dry up their war machine. and we need to deal with the issue that a china is. they're doubling the size of their nuclear are arsenal, their navy is larger e than ours and -- [laughter] they plan to attack us in our grid, in our pipelines, in our water supply if there's any type of conflict. president trump knows how to deter that, and he knows how to use economic leverage that the united states has to dether the
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any war. neil: are you saying, congressup congressman, it's unrealistic to try to push russia how of to every acre it might control in ukraine? you eluded to -- alluded to crimea, that that ends at some sort of a keel to end this war that would involve russia keeping a lot of the land that it's already grabbed? >> look, i think every expert out there knows this is going to come to some type of diplomatic resolution. it's just how to do you get both sides to the table, how do we use the leverage that we have to do so. and in terms of defending ukraine for the long run, europe needs to truly step up. some countries have like poland, the baltics, united kingdom. but others like germany, italy, france, spain still haven't even met their minimums and, neil, if they're not going to do it now with world war iii on their doorstep, when are they?
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they need to not just meet their minimum, they need to exceed it, and europe has got to carry the load here and share the burden over the long run. neil: you know, congressman, there's an interesting piece in the financial times alluding to european leaders' worries about donald trump coming in, that he'll give away ukraine, what they call a cozy relationship with vladimir putin worries them. that, you know, going to lead him to cede a lot of gains that ukraine has already had, that this will extend globally. what do you make of that? >> you know, but, neil, that's the narrative the mainstream media loves to the push. but let's look at the facts with president trump and russia. putin invaded a neighbor under bush, under obama and under biden. not under him. number one. number two, he pulled out of treaties that russia was cheating on like the imf treaty and like the open sky freety. number three -- treaty. it was trump that gave ukraine
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arms after first time they invaded, and all obama would give them or, literally, was blankets and mres. so what they were defending themselves with on day one was what president trump gave them, not obama. and then finally, go back to the energy equation here. we are blessed as president trump says with liquid gold under our feet not only to power our economy, not only to drive down the cost of to everything with inflation, but right now we have europeans and others buying from russia sill. the head of the european commission just literally just said a few days ago trump's only been the president-elect for 48 hours, and she said we need to start buying from america, not russia. [laughter] and, oh, by the way, the rest of the world buying from the likes of iran and venezuela. so we have enormous leverage. president trump knows how to use it. this isn't just about throwing billions down into another endless war. there are all kinds of levers that we have and should use. neil: got it. congressman, great seeing you
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again. i always say it, thank you for your incredible service to this country as well. right or left, i think that's bipartisanly praised. so thank you again. be well. all right, in the meantime here, we it would you a little bit about a potential riff that could be developing between jerome powell and donald trump, not that donald trump has responded to any of this. the fact is jerome powell did cut interest rates as expected this past week. he was asked a question about what if donald trump wanted to get rid of you, and he said, well, he can't. and then that started us thinking here, it happens. what if he, he can? or even if he can't, what does that say about the relationship? after this. there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. across all your benefits and savings options.
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these predictions they're not worth the paper they're printed on because the very next week, figures have changed. having said that, do you think the aggressive tax plan he's looking at should be paid for? >> that tax plan is designed to help our economy grow and to bring manufacturing back home, research, back home and to help our businesses and families here do better. it will absolutely bring more dollars into the united states of america and help address our debt. neil: south dakota governor kristi noem who's very enthusiast inabout the president's plans. those who crunch the numbers and looked at deficits, not so much. but this was their view whether it would be donald trump winning the election or kamala harris, that trillions would be added ott debt with their respective plans. and then the federal reserve in the middle of that looks at the inflationary impact of all of that. as you know, the fed did cut rates this past week. that combined with donald trump's election buoyed all the markets across the board. they're all at records right now, and the fact of the matter is this was the something that
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had a global pull to it. neel kashkari is the minneapolis federal reserve president. always good to have you here, neel. >> great to see you, neil. thanks for having me. neil: thank you. let me ask you, first ors about this inflation concern. you know, obviously, if you with ig mite an economy and you get things going request, the flipside that interest rates back up, and we've seen that happen in market rates this week. no matter what the fed did, even with that cut. will we see more of the same, and do you think that's a good or to bad thing? >> well, you know, it's interesting because as we've been cutting rates over the past couple of months, a lot of people have focused on the fact that long-term treasury yields have gone up, and what's causing those yields to go up. some people have speculated it's expectations about what a new administration might do and we'll see what the new administration does and what congress does. another possible explanation is we're just in a higher productivity, higher growth environment. and in a higher productivity, higher growth environment, all
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else equal, i would expect higher interest rates to go along with that. we at the fed are focused on our dual mandate of getting inflation back down the 22%, keep -- 2%, we've made a lot of progress, and we want to get the job done. neil: are you saying that in this environment that goal to keep inflation down to 2% is gone? >> it's -- the goal is absolutely there. we are absolutely committed to achieving that goal. right now by our measures inflations is -- inflation is run about 2.5% of what we call pce. so we've made progress, but we're not done yet, and we need to stay at it until we get there. housing inflation is still drive doing up inflation higher than we want. that's probably going to take some time to come all the way back down. meanwhile, the unemployment rate is 4.1%. we want to keep in that and achieve these outcomes for the american people. neil: the pce, personal consumption expenditures. it's apparently favored by to
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you brainiacs at the fed. you like to looked at that. let me ask you about president-elect donald trump's plans. he wants to go big on tax cuts. do you believe or just as someone who crunches the numbers and looks at the inflationary impact that all of that should be paid for up front? if. >> well, that's going if to be up to the administration and congress to decide, you know? just setting a aside any specific plans and any specific administration, generally speaking if tax cuts are paid for, it's less likely to affect inflation. if tax cuts are not paid for, they're more likely to increase inflation. but it also depends on where the tax cuts go, to who bears the burden and what not. so there are a lot of details that congress and the administration will have to work out. we're not passing judgment. we'll wait until we see what they decide to do and weave that into our analysis of the country's growth potential. neil: does that mean the trait cut trajectory -- rate cut trajectory that you're on, three-quarters of a point, that might be it for a while?
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>> well, i think it's really going to depend not so much on near-term plans between congress and the new administration, it really is about a productivity and economic growth. and is one of the pleasant surprises that we've had is that productivity seems to be higher in the u.s. economy over the last few years. if that is sustained and we are in a structurally more productive economy going forward, then that tells me we probably wouldn't end up cutting quite as far. but we're going to see. productivity is notoriously difficult to to forecast, so we'll have to see how the economy involves. i've been surprised over the last year or so how resilient the economy has been. i hope that continues. and then that'll factor into ow rate cut decisions. neil: let me ask you this, you're aware of what jerome powell, he was asked the question -- he didn't bring it up himself -- about if donald trump could pyre him, and he famously said, no, he can't do that. technically, he's right. a president can't do that. but he can make life very difficult for him.
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what do you envision? >> you know, i'm not concerned about these dynamics in washington. all of us, including chairman powell, are laser focused on our dual mandate goals, getting inflation back down, keeping the labor market strong the. we've made a lot of progress, and we're just going to keep focusing on doing our jobs. and i actually think, you know, i talk to elected leaders from my region across party lines, both sides of the isle want -- aisle want us to keep the economy strong and bring inflation if down. hopefully, we're going to finish the job. we're not there yet. neil: but to do you look over your shoulder? you're quite right to say you have to focus on that. that's your number one goal. but if the president doesn't flip other you are, he can certainly make life miserable for you, as i said. can't fire you, but he can sort of, you know, push you a aside in a way that you seem powerless and he can, you know, pack the board with other more administration-friendly governors, district -- to be
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fair, donald trump has not commented on this. for all i know, he is fine with what powell said. but does it give you any pause? >> you know, congress in its wisdom in 1913 when they designed the federal reserve system, they designed structures in place to provide continuity. so the board of governors in washington, they serve up to 14-year terms. that was designed by congress to provide continuity. the reserve bank presidents are independent, selected by our districts. that's also designed to preserve continuity and independence. i have a lot of confidence in the structures in place that force us and focus us on doing our economic jobs. and i actually think most of the leaders on both sides of the aisle, that's what they want us to do. that's what we're committed to doing. we've done it throughout presidents, and we're going to continue to do that, so i'm not concerned about the current dynamic i think everybody wants inflation if back down and a strong labor market. neil: got it. real good seeing you. the only trouble i have with you is that you misspell neil.
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i know it's neel. you're in your own camp finish. >> i know. but -- is my trouble, neil, is that i've got hair envy with you, so we've got differences in names and differences in hair. [laughter] neil: you should a hear, i think it's lego hair. you've got a fine brain urn all that. thank you very much. always good seeing you. thanks for coming in on a saturday. neil cash carry, the min yap disif federal reserve -- minneapolis federal reserve president. we just throw it out there, but donald trump does have a comment coming out via truth social, saying i'm very surprised that the democrats who fought a valiant night in the 2024 presidential election didn't have lots of money left over. now they're being squeezed by vendors and others. whatever we can do to help them during this difficult period, we as a party and for the sake of
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desperately-needed unity do. we have a lot of money left over, and the biggest asset in the campaign was earned media that doesn't cost very much. make america great again. we'll have more after this. ♪ have you always had trouble with your weight? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i'm keeping the weight off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only weight-management medicine proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events such as death, heart attack, or stroke in adults with known heart disease and obesity. don't use wegovy® with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines, or in children under 12. don't take if you or your family had mtc, men 2, or if allergic to it. tell your prescriber if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or plan to be. stop taking and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or any of these allergic reactions. serious side effects may include pancreas inflammation
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investigating whether-a pre-planned anti-jewish ambush. and we want to show you more of the video or warn you it is graphic and disturbing. the video shows israeli soccer fans being kicked on the ground, stomped, ending up in amsterdam's iconic canals even to escape during the early morning hours yesterday. it happened after a soccer match between an israeli team and amsterdam. the dutch government has labeled this an anti semitic crime. today 63 people remain in custody. israel added multiple emergency flights to the netherlands yesterday to rush home israelis. i spoke to one man who was at the game. he says he ran through alleyways with his sisters for safety. >> -- can became very violent. they looking for israeli and jewish people to attack, the assault them. and they did with knives, with -- they drive by, over the people. they threw them into the water,
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the freezing water. >> reporter: i also spoke with the ceo of the israeli soccer team as he returned here to israel. he says this attack felt different, more than just fans getting out of hand. >> a jewish football team wearing the yellow and wearing the star of david. cheerily ors this was nothing to do -- clearly, this was nothing to do with ix fans. we have a great collaboration between two clubs, so clearly this was something because of their viewishness, our pans were clearly -- jewishness, our fans were clearly targeted. >> reporter: there is video of ripping down israeli flags during the daylight and nighttime. the palestinian ministry of foreign affairs claims israelis instigated writing it strongly condemns the anti-arab slogans and hostile actions carried out by supporters of an israeli football club in amsterdam.
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we'll keep you updated on that story, neil. also happening here in the middle east, qatar has asked the terrorist organization hamas to leave. the united states was trying the come to an agreement with hamas to release some of the hostages that remain in gaza on the. hamas did not agree, so the united states asked qatar to remove hamas, and qatar is moving forward with that. we'll keep you updated, neil. neil: thank you for that. matt finn. to karen pearce we go, british ambassador to the united states. ambassador, so much to get into and this first off, if you will, ambassador, what do you make of this and what appears to be, at least by dutch authorities, to be a coordinated, preplanned attack? >> well, thank you, neil. i must admit i've only seen the media reports of the attack. but i'd just like to take this opportunity to condemn anti-semitism in all its forms. there's no excuse for that sort of violence at a sporting match where people, young people have
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gone to enjoy themselves and together on sport. no compute if for it. but also no excuse for islamophobia either. i know tensions run high in the middle east out of very strong feelings, but taking it out on ordinary people is not the way to go. pleasure. neil: in the meantime, as you know, ambassador, the war rages on over there. donald trump has promised it's got to get done and soon. easier said than done, of course. he has said the same about ukraine. there are a lot of your fellow leaders across the globe who don't know how to interpret that and what he might do or what a he might if recommend. your thoughts. >> well, we have this big challenge of ukraine, as you say, neil, and you and i have talked about that before, and we now have the israel-gaza-lebanon challenge. and i think president trump will want to do all he can to make progress on those conflicts.
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while supporting those whose country, like the ukrainians, has been illegally invaded by russia. it's something of great interest to the british government, the british people. we want to to work with the new administration as well as with the outgoing biden team on how we can calm things down in the middle east and bring peace peace and how we can help ukraine get back her country from russia. and that's obviously going to be a very important focus of foreign policy collaboration for the rest of president biden's term and, certainly, for the first part of president trump's, if not beyond. neil: and, ambassador, you did mention president biden there. indications that he is trying to front-load or get passed $9 billion to the ukrainians out of fear that donald trump is going to pull out support and financial support as well for ukraine. if what do you think of that? >> i think we all want the same things, neil. we all want to help the
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ukrainians in their fight against the russian illegal invasion. now, there are various ways of doing that. the biden administration working with close allies on what might be done and those are conversations we'll really wan to have in detail with president trump and his team when they come in. the key thing is to support ukraine and help them push back the russians, otherwise stability in europe, in the trans-atlantic area, no small country in eastern europe will be safe if president putin has a victory in ukraine. and the other fear is more further abroad the chinese would get the wrong sort of lesson if president putin is seen to succeed. neil: now, there's a different view on how vladimir putin is seen, and i don't want to put it crassly, ambassador, but i get the sense from the president-elect that he doesn't hate vladimir putin nearly as much as you or your colleagues and that we've got to get over
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that that, and we've got to find a quick way to resolve this. and that might involve, particularly in ukraine, letting the russians keep some of the land that they've attained in ukraine. what do you think of that? >> well, first of all, neil, just to be clear, we don't hate president putin. we deplore what he has has done to ukraine. we deplore what he does to his own people. you know, he set out recreate the russian empire and all a he's got is the soviet era economy. but hating russians is not what we do. ordinary citizens would much prefer to be friends with. whether or not -- neil: but you would much prefer, you would much prefer someone else leading russia, right? i mean, you know, various prime ministers of your great country have indicated at least that. >> we would much prefer the russian people to have free and open elections like the american people have just done. neil: okay. >> so that they can pick their own leader. but we would definitely prefer a
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leader of russia who wanted to work with the international community rather than break every international law and invade. neil: ambassador, it's always good seeing you. thanks for coming in on a saturday. karen pierce, the british ambassador to the u.s. so -- to see her in action back in her u.n. days is to see someone who shows no fear. karen pierce. all right. in the meantime, you probably heard a lot of democrats have been doing a lot of soul searching, but a lot of finger pointing. one who's leaving when's more into soul -- who's more into soul searching, after this.
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>> i have a concern that the far left is pressuring the party to take policy positions that are deeply unpopular. we should be taking positions that are align with the majority of americans. >> i think where we need to go, candidly, so the focus less about every one of his legal issues and all of the things about donald trump and focus more on the american people. go to these communities that we lost, listen to them. try to understand why they're angry. >> i'm going to be very blunt. as democrats, we've got to do some soul searching. we're getting message from a lot of people that we're not hearing them, and i hope we take the time to do the soul searching we have to do. neil: all right, the trouble is though, you see less soul searching and more finger pointing. in that's natural.
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there was a lot of that four years ago from some republicans, but that's neither here nor there. dan kildee is leaving congress, said he wasn't interested in serving any longer. keep in mind, this is a buy who was the nation's youngest elected -- guy who was the nation's youngest elected official back at age 18. i could go into that, but he has opted to have money of that, and he joins us right now. [laughter] -- none of that. you got out of dodge before dodge blew up on you, i guess. what do you make of what many in your party are saying, blaming joe biden, kamala harris, others, barack obama, others, nancy pelosi, but very little soul searching going on? what do you make of it? >> yeah. there's plenty of blame to go around, but it has no utility. i mean, in my view, as we did in my district for all the time i represented it, just pretend you're sitting at a kitchen table of a constituent that you represent. and if the conversation we're having in the campaign doesn't
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fit at that kitchen table, it's the wrong conversation. folks who don't want to talk about the political intrigue, they don't want the finger pointing, you know, i think there was a lot of attention on president trump's sort of distractions. i mean, democrats were talking about the cats and dogs in springfield, ohio. nobody at their kitchen table cared about that. if we're not talking about the things that people are focusing on in their own family lives, we're probably not going to win elections. no. policy positions, we can often that as well. there are differences between democrats and republicans. but we never get to the policy differences if the subject is something other than what people actually care about and not the political intrigue of the moment. and i think that, that is, i think, something that we have to correct. neil: do you think kamala harris was just a bad candidate? >> no, or i don't think she was a bad candidate. i think she had, you know, some
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hills to overcome. the fact that her campaign started, you know, in the middle of the summer. obviously, it would have been better had that not been the case. now, we can't go back and change history. we can't go back and change president biden's mind as to whether he should have launched a re-election effort. but i think we have to be honest with ourselves, it put us in a better position to win, but it was still a net negative that we had to basically make that change during the middle of what was already a long campaign. so i don't think she was a bad candidate, i think she just had some things to overcome that were almost impossible to overcome as we look at it now in retrospect. neil: you know, you're closer to this than i'll ever be, congressman, but i just got the impression that the democrats sort of flipped the script, and they became the ones that appeared as elitists. certainly not you, you supported the inflation reduction act, never seemed to hurt you prior to you stepping down, but the
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fact of the matter was it hurt a lot of other folk folks, particularly kamala harris, that association. and describing that this, that relationship, that it just appeared to be tone deaf. how does the party move if forward? especially when there's talk that it's lurched far ooh too left? -- foo left? >> yeah. i mean, i think a lot of it has to do with how we characterize our policies. for example, you mentioned the inflation reduction act or the chips and science act. none of that actually the ever hurt us. it impact pacted -- impacted my district, the person who was succeeding me, the democrat, she ran 9 points ahead of the top of the ticket. she won by 6 points in a republican-leaning district. i won by 10 in the last election mainly because when we're talking about the inflation reduction act or the chips and science act or the bipartisan infrastructure law, we're talking about it in terms of hoyt affects the people -- how it affects the people right here
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at home, the jobs that we are creating in the tech sector, for example, in the energy sector in mid michigan. people understand that. they don't understand -- they don't want to hear about the policy debates, the economic theory behind these policy debates or, you know, the match missions as between the -- machinations wean the house, the senate and the white house. that i want to know -- they want to know, what does this mean to me. and that's how i focused my effort. not that i want to be condescending to my colleagues, but i think if more of my colleagues in our party were just focusing on kitchen table conversations, have a debate, have a discussion that uses the same language that people use in their everyday lives, we'd be better off. neil: but they have to moderate, right, and to seen -- to say this was the key to donald trump's success. you bravely battled cant -- cancer. you've overcome that, it would seem, but i thought even before
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you had to deal with that, congressman, you just had a more realistic view and a more human view of the world and each other. and i don't know whether that played a role in you saying i've got to get the hell out of here -- >> yeah, it did, neil. i don't hate anybody. i love the diversitity of thought that we have -- diversity the of thought that we have in our society. i think we should celebrate that. i've had times when i've been extremely frustrated with my colleagues and especially some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, you know, january 6th comes to mind. but i've dealt with that. and basically the conclusion i've come to is we've got to celebrate in this country the fact that we are blessed to be able to have big differences but not hate one another. and what i worry about a is that there are people across the political spectrum that have personalized politics to the point where they just don't listen when somebody else is talking.
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and that's a really dangerous place to be. neil: yeah. you're absolutely right. which brings me to my last question, is the drum set behind you yours? a family member'sesome. >> that is mine, neil. i, i have played drums for over 50 years, and it's part of my own personal therapy. but before i go, you know, you and i have shared the airaways, i want to just say thanks for your fair if treatment of me during this time in congress. if you ever want me back on, i'll come back. neil: oh, you can count on it. your bravery has -- you don't talk about that, but as someone who deals with some stuff, i mean, you're an inspiration. as jfk could say famously, we all breathe the same air, we all drink the same water. we're all the same at our core. you illustrated that. very good seeing you, congressman. be well. now you can go back to your drum set there. [laughter] >> thanks, neil. neil: all right. dan kildee. very class act. they make them there.
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it's almost like professional wrestling sometimes, not that there's anything wrong with professional wrestling, but everyone gets hyped up, screaming. that can be overdone. we'll have more after this. ya know, that's backed by j.p. morgan's leading strategists like us. when you want to invest with more confidence... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management follow my finger without turning your head. no, just follow with your eyes. i don't think you understand what i'm asking. i don't think you know how owls work. get two pairs of progressives and an eye exam for $149.95 at america's best.
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and top it off with the alloy cover. find these american made gifts or get a gift card instantly at (♪) (high five) when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was talking to some vet■s last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried.
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please visit neil: all right, we already know now that republicans are taking over the senate, who will take over the republicans taking over the senate? griff jenkins has more on that from washington. hey, griff. >> reporter: hey, neil, good morning if being. mitch mcconnell steps aside as the longest serving party leader in history. big shoes to fill, to say the least. but now on wednesday by secret ballot republican senators, including the new hi-elected ones, will choose their next leader. take a look, senate minority whip john thune, former senate minority leader john cornyn and florida senator rick scott who's no stranger to throwing his hat in the ring.
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>> two years ago i challenged mitch mcconnell because i know there has to be a change. >> reporter: scott only got 10 votes, however, this time around he aligns the most with president-elect trump. last year cornyn drew trump's ire calling for an alternative saying time has passed him by, but since then this week on your show threw his fierce support behind the incoming president. >> if we don't hit this 32-year window really with president trump in office and a republican majority in the house and the senate, i think we will have squandered the best opportunity. >> reporter: now, houston has his own skeletons, accuse trump in 2021 of trying to undermine the election on on january 6th, but he's now back on the trump train and not too shy about helping -- hoping for a nod in his direction. >> the president, obviously, has tremendous influence. and if he chooses to use it, if he chooses to, it's his prerogative to weigh in on that.
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>> reporter: but it's unclear if trump will endorse anyone. he hasn't given so much as a hint on which candidate he prefers, but certainly an endorsement might go a long way. neil? neil: griff, thank you for that. see you a little later on fine sayings, griff jenkins -- station. in the meantime, republicans have taken over the senate. one of the big winners of the night, tim shely, now the senator -- tim sheehy, now the senator-elect from montana. of
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who played a role in the last administration. chad wolf, former acting homeland security secretary. chad, secretary, very good to have you. are you interestedsome would you want to to play a role? maybe homeland security again? what are your thoughts? >> well, neil, thanks for having me on. look, it's always a pleasure and and an honor to be asked to serve, particularly by president trump. i served him for four years. he is a reformer, a disruptor, so if asked, i would certainly be willing to serve again. i think it would be the the honor of a high time. neil: all right. if you were back at homeland security and more than an acting role, you would be looking at this deportation, i guess, the president-elect wants to see. i don't know how many it would involve. i know the initial targets would be gang members, dangerous types and all the rest. how do you think that'll all go down? >> well, look, i think it's really important for folks to remember that there's an element and and an office within dhs that removes people every single day. what we've seen over these last
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four years are record low number of removals. first and foremost, let the agents do their job. it's not just a snap shot. it's not one day or one month that you're going to see millions of folks being removed, but it's going to be a sustainedded effort over a period of time. and at the the end of that period, you will likely see more individuals removed, dangerous individuals as president trump has a said, out of this country, back to hair home countries. those folks that don't have a legal right to remain here in the rights need to be removed back to their home countries. you got to be serious about it, you've not to devote resources and policy to it. and i think that's what president trump is talking about. neil: do you have any idea how many illegals are in this country? some put it at 15 million, at least 202 million. what do you think? >> i think it's certainly mort of 15. you know, a number that was always cited to us during the trump the administration
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was11-12,000, but that number was almost 10 years old at that point. so you have to think about the number of folks that have come in over the last four years, the number of gotaways and others. so when you talk about the illegal alien population in the united states, my guess -- and it is a guess, but it's an educated guess -- it's probably north of 20 to million folks. neil no neil -- neil: all right. so that would be one of the biggest and most, you know, initial acts on the part of the president-elect upon assuming office, that and the tax cuts, i guess. do you think that this is the number one issue for the president when he gets in? if. >> well, i think securing the border is. and, or certainly, the deportation plan is part of that, but there's a whole element -- or a whole host, i should say, of policies and procedures and actions that probably should be taken that his team is most likely looking at on how do you secure that border from physical infrastructure to remain in mexico, a variety of other things. parole, you've got to look at all the parole given out over
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these last four years. but the deportation plan is certainly a big part of that because that's about holding individuals accountable. when they break the law and they commit additional criminal acts in the united states, it's time to remove these folks. and if we just, unfortunately, have not seen that over the last four years. neil: got it. we'll watch closely. chad wolf, always good seeing you. thank you very much. all right. well, we certainly know that donald trump was a very big winner or past week. but do you know who was a big winner financially this week? elon musk. since the election on tuesday, going into wednesday, thursday and friday, his tesla stock soared, and that increased his value by $50 billion. in other words, he is not only the world's richest man, but richest human being by a long shot. he's now worth to more than $313 billion. and it's that closeness with donald trump that helped. medicare plan recently? with ehealth,
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