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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  November 11, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> there is also going to be republicans holding out to make sure that we're back to a balanced budget. not adding to the deficit. if that's the case they could handcuff what republicans are really able to do. dana. >> dana: hillary vaughn, thank you so much. a fight to watch indeed. president biden and vice president harris are about to mark veterans day at arlington national cemetery. the wreath laying ceremony is set to start in about five minutes. fox is partnering with u.s. vets for a program called make camo your cause. donate at vets. a portion of that will go to u.s. vets. >> bill: good stuff there. nice to see everybody on a monday. veterans, we salute you. >> dana: harris faulkner will take you through the next hour. here she is. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert.
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at any moment we'll see the annual wreath laying and veterans day observance at arlington national cemetery. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." president joe biden and vice president kamala harris will celebrate the ceremony and we honor the men and women who have served this country. biden will give the traditional remarks at the ceremony and we have republican congressman cory mills of florida who now serves on the house armed service and foreign affairs committees and he is a veteran. we're grateful for his u.s. army combat service as well. great to have you today. first of all, i want to get your top line thoughts. we have some men and women thousands of them in the middle east where there is a widening war between israel on several fronts along its borders with lebanon and the hamas terrorists who invaded them last october. a lot going on in the world. ukraine, russia.
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your thoughts on this veterans day. >> the benefits of having trump back in the white house. we saw what he did with the abraham accords and other nations are starting to come together to minimize what iran's capabilities are with regards to it being a state sponsor of terror but also president trump who listed the houthis as a terrorist organization when they were delisted as you saw, harris when 12% of global trade started to be disrupted in the red sea. the other thing is that you've heard president trump talk about the elimination of the normal trade relations with china and increasing to a 60% tariff to bring china to the table no longer can you import iranian oil and not having that money that iran is now taking in will stop them from being able to fund hezbollah, hamas, houthi
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rebels. all the other areas. what we're looking at is a peace through strength mechanism with an america first agenda will help stabilize the world war. >> harris: that's a lot to take in. as you point out, this has been something that we've been seeing for the last three or four years under this current administration. as we get ready to recognize men and women like yourself who have served and gone far away at times in our name to serve this country. >> and your father who is a true hero. >> harris: i grew up knowing our history and future as a military family. these men and women like yourself, i appreciate your kind words about my father. they play a role almost like taking a piece of america with them every time they fight. every time you would fight to go so far in our name. so as we look abroad and the way you laid it out, goal is and
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we've heard president-elect trump say this is to keep us at peace so we don't have to send our men and women to war if we don't need it. >> that's exactly right. we recognize that china, russia, iran and north korea only stand bold because of the weakness that invites aggression when it came to this administration. the things that we saw when the 1994 budapest memorandum was violated in 2014. obama and biden. further invasions it's weaknesses. >> harris: we have to bring everybody this. i know you'll stand by. let's go to arlington national cemetery. >> forward march. >> the armed forces honor guard and army band are waiting as the president of the united states moves to the tomb of the unknown soldier to place the wreath.
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>> present arms. [band playing] ♪
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[orders to soldiers] >> present arms.
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[drum roll]
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[taps being played]
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>> and what people are doing right now, they are moving into position because the president of the united states, as tradition, will give remarks and while that happens and until those remarks start, and it may be quickly here, we want to
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bring back in republican congressman cory mills of florida, doug collins, former republican congressman of georgia, both of them are u.s. military veterans. you know, doug, earlier we were watching the whole ramp up to this and representative mills was talking about where we are in the world right now with regard to the challenges. i want to get your top line thoughts on the road ahead and the hope that you have. >> the hope that i have is everything we just saw. a hope and pride of our country that people serve and they do it willingly and corey and i have been a part of that in our lives. it is back to a strength through peace. one with our military is respectened and leadership is feared in a sense of respect. it's what donald trump will bring back to this country. right now the world. we have oh he seen it already in many things happening in the middle east with hamas and qatar and others, knowing that when we have a strong american leader the world is safer.
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that's what people have to get through in their mind. when we're strong, the world is safe. >> harris: to both of you what my father used to do as leadership for the men and women he led back in his days post vietnam and during it was try to get with young people and tell them exactly how the military was going to change in the future and we will see that now, won't we, congressman mills? cyber is part of it. just kind of preparing that next generation. what would you say? >> that's exactly right, harris. we have to acknowledge that we have evolved in warfare beyond bomb to bomb and gun to gun and bullet to bullet. an economic resource supply chain and cyber-warfare against china and others. we have to advance that but the significance of today. one it is honoring the brave men and women willing to wear the uniform for service to keep our republic free. the wreath laying ceremony didn't occur until 1992. what it stood for was the beauty
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and brevity of life. i think anyone who served in uniform understand the blink of an eye we can lose our lives but willing to do that because this nation is worth fighting for. >> harris: doug, you are nodding and have something to share. >> i agree. we celebrate all who serve. when you hear those taps. corey and i both have heard it across the world and far away lands we know the sacrifice given. we also respect the service that is everyone given no matter if they went to war or not. putting on the uniform means more than you can ever imagine. >> harris: i can only imagine it. it was revered in my household. a new opinion piece. i want to bring a little news into this argues veterans deserve better, more bang for their buck. more effective help for the ones who need it wherever they are even if they are far from a veterans treatment center. a quote. it suggests, this article, that massive congressional changes to
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veterans programs are needed now. congressman mills, what is afoot with regard to this and what can you get done? >> at the end of the day what's wrong and doug knows this all too well. congress's metric of success is not the actual outcome but how much they spend and why they boast 17% spending. what is the metric of outcome. if i increase spending by 17% i will take our daily suicide rate from 22 to 15 i would say how do we take it to 0. congress needs to change the metric of success not by what we spend but what we save and the outcome and limit federal government to get back to the 10th amendment. state and individual rights. if we want things to be done correctly we prioritize our veterans above criminal migrants and how do we strengthen the military and this nation economically.
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>> harris: one of the things that was a blight on our role in history as the society right now with an open border under the current administration, doug, is that it really showed just how much in need our military veterans are. when those resources began in cities and sanctuary areas around the country to be pulled away for people who had in many instances entered our country illegally. >> it's very important to look at. resources i agree what the congressman said. it is not about money but doing things right. the biden administration hired back thousands who were fired for ineptness and malfeasance and they were hired back into the system. it is broken, harris, you recognized that for many years. we have to get back to a system that puts the veterans first. if they want to go to their own doctors so be it so they don't have to drive 80 miles. this is what donald trump will
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bring back and what we have to look for in a new administration, let's quit thinking in the same box. i've been there before and it is not about a metrics of money but a metrics of effectiveness and that's what we have to get back to. >> harris: if you could, doug, i will double down a little bit with you. you are in georgia. it was a swing state. as you can tell all seven went for trump. so when it comes to the military and i want to pause right here to see what is -- we saw this moments ago. you know, my curiosity is around this one thing and that is how do we go forth and get people to understand and to get excited about the military in our lives? that was something as a child my mom wanted to do. she made friends off base and had civilian connections and people knew she would bring them on base as guests. people knew and had connective tissue with military people in their lives. we don't have that as much anymore. >> no. i want to say something sound
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strange. we need more military doing more military jobs and less civilians doing military jobs. that's an interesting issue that takes away from a lot of our -- a lot of the jobs and congressman knows this as well we've contracted out. not the military cohesion. some are former veterans and some are not. we have major bases in georgia recognize that. we have to get back to what is really to me. members of the military are telling their sons and daughters not to go in and that's because they feel like they aren't being treated they should be as the best fighting force in the world and experimented with and feel bad about that. i want to get back to say i want my son and daughter to follow in my tradition. this is worth fighting for. >> harris: legacy, congressman mills. >> yeah, look. at the end of the day what we need to do is get rid of the crisis in leadership and get rid of dei. get back to increase of
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readiness. we need a good quality of life and childcare five days a week so spouses can go to college and get other careers. we need to insure they make more than the average person in a fast food restaurant. our military matters. we need to give them a good quality of life to continue to serve and retention levels are high so whenever if it comes we face a major adversary we stand ready to take up the challenge to defend the republic. >> harris: how worried are you, doug, that our military might comes into play at all with regard to the two wars going on? we're getting reports already. we've been reporting this since over the weekend, that one of the first calls that donald trump took, president elect took was with the president of russia, putin and under no uncertain terms is anybody going to walk away from that call hearing the words don't forget that we have a strong military. don't escalate again and again with ukraine. doug. >> it wouldn't surprise me right
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now from intelligence reports and other things you will start seeing the ground work laid before donald trump as he said before he takes office. they are having to make a recalculation. they all have to make a recalculation of what they want to do. netanyahu knows we will have his back come january. >> harris: we're getting ready to hear from the president of the united states as we do on veterans day with traditional remarks that we expect. with the back drop of both what congressman mills and doug collins formerly congressman in georgia have been talking about. the reality of two wars going on. both of them seeming to widen. with a new president coming in and saying i will end the wars and then what that road down maybe a year, two, three years looks like with less of that going on through the deterrents that you heard congressman mills talking about. let's watch.
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[band playing] ♪
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♪ >> harris: we thought we would let you enjoy some of that to let it sink in. sometimes we talk over so much that people don't get taken into that moment. i grew up with those sounds so they have meaning. right now after a presidential election it is worth remembering the republic in many ways
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particularly those willing to die for it. cory mills and doug collins joining me back. as we await remarks by president biden, i do want to look into a little bit of where we are with our next young generation. representative mills. >> well again i think young generation has been indoctrinated with this idea of critical race theory, dei and all these types of priorities. what we've seen as well in our military is we watch where 8600 of our armed forces members were purged out of our military with the refusal of medical and religious exceptions. returning them back to service and giving them back pay benefits is a great step forward. we have to lead by example. it starts with this crisis in leadership that president trump help helm will solve. >> harris: doug, when you hear young people talk about today rotc or getting into the
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military i wonder if they have the familial and friend and community support. i pray that they do. that even my dad had at a time when fighting for this country was being questioned because we were going through civil rights and my dad said i would rather fight for america, the country with the most potential around the globe than any other than anyone else because we are that great. >> he was a great man. i agree with him completely. we have to reinvigorate our country to realize service is not a bad word. giving of yourself is not something you run from. a retirement ceremony back in the navy over 30 years ago before i came back in the air force that retirement ceremony, the pomp and circumstance that said i want to do this. i want to be there one day. about belonging and ownership. we have let society take that away from the military. i don't care what color of skin or background or god you pray to
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it's where we come together. in that military you find a bond that is so important for i think young people to find and they're trying to find it in other places like social media and internet. more veterans need to say with a positive this will be a great experience and why the congressman said earlier we have to provide the benefits but also the challenge to make sure it happens as well. >> harris: all right. congressman mills and collins. thank you so much. we'll take a commercial break and thank you for being with me in focus and your work for our nation. president biden will give traditional remarks, we're told, when we come back.
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>> harris: we're watching and waiting for president biden to step up and make his remarks on this traditional observance of veterans day in our nation's capital. you are watching arlington national cemetery.
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a number of speakers coming up and giving their regards as well. as soon as the president speaks we'll take you there live. i want to share something with you on the front page of fox nation vietnam footsteps of my father and you heard congressman mills talk about my dad a little bit and in the last few months i traveled to vietnam and i told the story of following my dad's footsteps on the battlefield there and what vietnam looked like then and what it looks like today. it is as you know, on the web when you watch something on fox nation, you can watch it 20 minutes at a time so it is a tight series of three parts and takes you back and it takes you forward. i will share a little bit. this is my dad's voice. >> so he moved up certain level and back down. and down until he was able to pull up. >> [inaudible] and the trees and started climbing up. >> when he landed in longtown his plane was shot up.
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>> oh, i was very fortunate. that was a scariest thing that happened to me. >> harris: that was the first tour. he served twice. the scary moments were plural and where he was flying was the first place i started along the river of saigon where they were shooting at his plane. we took a boat, the historian that you heard with me also served in the military and taught as west point. the two of us went down on a traditional vietnamese boat which looked much like what you might have seen on the water back in the day down the saigon river and incredibly life changing for me and i'm so grateful that so many of you viewers are finding it. fox nation front page today, vietnam footsteps of my father and again, we will bring you the remarks at arlington national cemetery when they begin. let's get some news. democrats are in a full blown
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identity crisis right now after that bruising that they took last tuesday to donald trump. among those tearing into their own democratic party congressman dean phillips who launched a primary challenge to biden. >> my voice was ignored but tens of millions of americans voices were ignored and suppressed. >> the democrat party should have one simple mission, that is to address the economic hardships and struggles of many americans, not just working class americans. >> harris: well, that sounds like great idea, right? talk to the voters. look intro respectively. here is progressive congre congresswoman jayapal says we have again a party of elites. chris murphy said we're out of touch. our tent is too small. we don't listen enough. the atlantic reads the democrats need an honest conversation on
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gender identity. a member of the finance committee said this. the truth is this is just an epic disaster, a $1 billion disaster. actually it was $1 billion 18 million, 20 million or $18 million in debt. it is incredible. i feel a lot of us were misled. >> harris: former democratic operative said i raised $50 million for the democrats. this week i voted for trump. here she is on fox earlier. >> after working in democratic politics as a fundraiser, living out here, i noticed that there is a cultural attitude and culture all resentment that many people on the left have towards people in the middle of the country. they just don't get it. they don't get the pain that people are feeling. >> harris: i want to bring back doug collins as part of our power panel today and leslie
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marshall, fox news contributor. great to have you both. leslie, i will start with you. you heard that young woman talking about raising money over the years and then voting for donald trump. i can't get over these numbers. $10 million for beyonce to step up and back kamala harris publicly. $5 million for meghan the stallion and 3 million for liz owe. 1.8 million for eminem. you spend $20 million and get yourself in debt to try to get a bunch of rich celebrities on stage? maybe i'm ignorant for the facts, but wow. >> you know how i feel about endorsements and i don't think any democrat or republican should pay for them. they don't help. but to the other clips that you paid, look, in 2008 when obama won and democrats took over the house and senate in numbers people were shocked about, republicans had a come to jesus moment.
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now democrats are having that. i've said it to you before. you need to look at not just why you lost but why they won. you need to come up with a plan to do better next time and to change your course and i've always said i'm a centrist moderate democrat and you have seen other people i will use bill clinton as a prime example who went left of center and was very successful in doing that and democrats we've seen in red districts in the past in the last mid-term election have been successful doing that and i've always said it would hurt our party moving too far to the left and some of these numbers are showing that. we can't ignore that. we have 75 million people that liked what was being put out there but 75 million wasn't in you have to win and we have 18 million that stayed home because they didn't like our candidate. >> harris: it was millions fewer than what biden had. you lost millions of people and you have to look at that. leslie mentioned bill clinton as the example of being a moderate.
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he was the one who helped -- really in the last few days for kamala harris bring something far into the front of conversation for democrats who were watching him. he acknowledged the open border crisis and the fact that people weren't being vetted. in a backyard and talked about why lakin riley and others are dead because the current administration biden-harris wasn't vetting people. wow. >> it was pretty amazing. leslie hit some points and the real interesting part for me was watching this as i watched both republicans and democrats go at this for a long time is that the polling was consistent about what mattered to americans. the economy, inflation, border, and then you had the other things. it was never failing in this race and to simply ignore that as i think what democrats are having to wake up to. leslie is right. there are ways democrats would
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have messaged this a lot better but it is amazing to me a little bit it took an election of this caliber for them to realize the resentment in the country what was going on with the economy and others and for jayapal to say they have become a party of the elites, they've been skewed so far and lessee mentioned this before. skewed so far left. she was part of the reason they went to the left. elite group was such a small minority of the left that drove them so far away from the middle america voter. >> harris: i don't know if better messaging could have taken over the facts of how people were feeling the high prices and the things that had been denied for 3 1/2 years. you aren't really feeling that. these are not the joys we're looking for. it sounds like you guys will find different droids. >> it is just like a football team, right? when you lose you say what will we do next time? >> harris: that's what champions
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do. that's what champions do and come back the next time. >> we've won and lost before. we'll win again. >> harris: thank you both. appreciate it. one cnn host spent a full seven minutes breaking it down. looking at democrats and actually why it was such a beatdown on tuesday. >> they blew it. there were other issues that democrats flubbed which inflamed the opposition and depressed their base. they missed a massive shift in american public opinion in just a few years. >> harris: wow, fareed zach area, seven minutes. a tiny portion of this take down that included israel -- liberal's laser focus on woke cultural issues. outkick founder clay travis in "focus" next. home and need money for your family? newday usa can help. veterans have earned a lot of va benefits
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with their service, but the va home loan benefit is a big one. by using your benefit at newday you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out an average of $70,000. use that money to pay off high rate debt and get back on your feet financially. guess what? pair eyewear is available exclusively at america's best! pair eyewear allows you to customize your look according to your vibe. pick a base frame, a top frame, and click! use your vision insurance for exams, glasses and contacts all at america's best. (vo) red lobsters across the nation got a new menu celebration. look! ♪ we got lobster. pasta. ♪ ♪ crab. bacon. ♪ ♪ shrimp for the takin' ♪ ♪ 500 locations! ♪ ♪ seven new creations ♪ ♪ come taste it! ♪
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dad: hey boss. you okay? son: i said i'm fine. ♪ dad: you can talk to me. son: it's been really, really hard for me. >> harris: democrats lost the white house, u.s. senate. waiting to see if republicans will keep the majority in the house. if they do it would put the gop in the majority across all three powerful segment of the u.s. government. cnn host fareed zakaria is all over democrats for losing. >> they blew it.
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there were other issues democrats flubbed that inflamed the opposition and depressed their base. the first bigger orr was the biden administration's blindness to the collapse of the immigration system and chaos at the border. the second error was a misuse of law to punish trumps. i dent fee politics on the left that pushed for all kinds of dei policies that came out of the urban academic bubble but alienated many mainstream voters. >> harris: that all follows the backlash that democrats are seeing. democratic congressman seth moulton doubled down on his remarks protecting women's sports. he says his party is not capable of having open discussion. >> you told "the new york times" i have two little girls. i don't want them getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete. >> i stand by my position. maybe i didn't get the words exactly right but the point is that the backlash i perceived
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proves my point that we can't even have these discussions as a party. we've got to be able to have these debates. but instead we have a wing of our party that shames us, that tries to cancel people who even bring up these difficult topics and frankly shames voters. >> harris: i feel like we're a fly on the wall inside the democrats' big house. so much tea. a "new york post" op-ed reads democrats love to demand diversity, equity inclusion and rush to exclude everyone they don't like. play the race card to critical effect and seen in women's sports actively destroy fairness and equality. outkick founder clay travis. i was shocked to hear seth moulton talk about they wouldn't listen to him. didn't he run for president at one point? the answer is yes. >> look, i think what you are now seeing, thanks for having me on and congratulations to your chiefs on an unbelievable field
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goal block to stay undefeated. >> harris: thank you. >> they're never going to lose. but look, the reality is democrats are now willing to say in public what i bet you have heard many democrats and i certainly have heard many democrats say in private for a long time, which is the the far left wing of their party has destroyed the overall democrat brand for many traditional democrat voters. whether it's elon musk, tulsi gabbard. i was a democrat voter until they started telling me things i knew to be false and i couldn't stand for it anymore. i think there are a lot of rational, reasonable, persuadeable people saying hey, if you will tell me that a man pretending to be a woman should be able to win a women's championship and that if congressman moulton, who has two daughters can't say what almost every dad in america believes, which is this is crazy, then what in the world are they standing for that those ads that
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trump ran i thought sealed the deal for a lot of latino, for a lot of black, asian, and white dads out there. this is crazy. that's why i think you saw trump just winning to such a degree with so many people who traditionally might not have supported him. >> harris: i never thought we would see the day people would start within the democratic party to say something you can see from the underside. they only want their view in the room and couldn't hear americans saying bidenomics don't work. there was no way they could hear that if they won't listen to people in their own party. blue state governors and leaders are wasting no time promising resisting to president-elect trump and his policies. let's watch. >> to anyone who intends to come take away the freedom and opportunity and dignity of illinoisians, you come for my people, you come through me. >> if you try to harm new yorkers or roll back their
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rights, i will fight you every step of the way. >> the key here is that every tool in the tool box is going to be used to protect our citizens. >> we're pragmatic and we will stand firm. we know their playbook and know what they are going to do. >> harris: all right. president biden at arlington national cemetery. let's watch. >> president biden: a great honor to be standing here again. over 160 years ago, the world had become its final days in office president abraham lincoln addressed this nation and he said let us strive to finish the work we're in to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who show up born the battle. my fellow americans, first lady, vice president harris and second
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gentlemen, secretary blinken, austin, mcdonagh, mayorkas, chairman proud and most importantly our veterans, service members and their families, i've said it many times before, i got in trouble for saying it when i was a young senator. we have many obligations, only one truly sacred obligation, sacred. prepare those we send into harm's way and to care for them and their families when they return home and when they don't. it's an obligation not based on party or politics, but on a promise that unites us all. and today as we strive on to finish the work of our moment, to bind the nation's wounds once again, we commit and recommit to the sacred vow.
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this is the last time i will stand here at arlington as commander-in-chief. it's been the greatest honor of my life to lead you, to serve you, to care for you, to defend you just as you defended us generation after generation after generation. you are the greatest fighting force, the finest fighting force in the history of the world. i will never forget standing at valley forge, our nation's first soldiers laid down their lives to deliver a nation where everyone is entitled to rights, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. i will never forget walking the hills of gettysburg where thousands more shed their blood to make those words real. i'll never forget the bello
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woods visiting there to pay tribute to the heroes who stepped on that beach or standing in the eclipse of normandy to honor the service members who saved the world with heroism. just standing there you wonder how in god's name did they have the courage to do what they did? i will never forget visiting bases in korea where america's sons and daughters answered the call to defend the people they had never met. or paying my respects in hanoi for so many of our troops who defended democracy, including my friend who once worked for me senator john mccain. i'll never forget my trips to afghanistan and iraq where tour
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after tour young men and women served and sacrificed to keep our nation safe. four presidents faced the decision after we had gotten bin laden whether to end the war. i was determined not to leave it to the fifth. every day i still carry a card with me. i schedule every single day for the last ten years. on the back of my schedule it says u.s. daily troops in afghanistan, u.s. troops died in afghanistan as of today, 2,465. afghanistan, 20,769. u.s. troops iraq died in iraq, 4,620. wounded in iraq, 32,766.
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ladies and gentlemen, this is my duty as president but also as a parent. like many of you, our son beau biden deployed to iraq. i remember the day he asked me to pin his bars on him standing ramrod straight and how proud our entire family felt. like so many of you we remember how it was when he was deployed, empty seats at the dinner table, missed holidays and birthdays, prayers of hope and worry repeated every morning and every night. we ask everything of our veterans, we ask everything of their families. john milton wrote, and i quote, they also serve who only stand
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and wait as so many of you have. so for all the military families, to all those with a loved one missing or unaccounted for and to all americans grieving the loss of a loved one who wore the uniform, jill and i want you to know we see you, we thank you, and we will never stop working to meet our sacred jill and i and the entire administration are proud of our work over the past four years. together we passed more than 30 bipartisan laws to support our veterans and their families, caregivers, and survivors. we brought veterans on the down to a record low and delivered more benefits to veterans than ever before in va history and we have record resources and reduced the scourge of ephedrine death by suicide and took action
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to prevent scams because no veteran should be prodded by those defended. all of these actions are vital but i'm particularly proud of finally passing the pack tax. [applause] this is the most significant law in our history, our nation's history. millions of veterans exposed to agent orange during the military service. besides the football fields in incinerated the waste of four, chemicals, batteries, jet fuel and so much more, too many veterans with headaches and asthma and cancer. a packed act has helped 1 million veterans and their families get the benefits they deserve,


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