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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  November 11, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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shortly at the end of world war 1. everyone on sport would like to sport would like tothank all th. >> make camo our cause to help prevent and put an end to veterans homelessness in the united states. join us this veterans helped solve some of the huge problem. can you shop for camo at g your screen. according mugs, selfy, and video also using #honor u.s. vets. tomorrow on "special report," we're going to look how trump administration's proposed. "special report," i'm gillian turn turner. >> laura: good evening, everyone
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ingraham angle from washington tonight. "wall street journal" is just reporting that florida congressman mike walz will be donald trump's national security adviser, walz is a green beret vet who served in afghanistan and is a total china hawk. more on that. angle in moments. first, joe stumbled through the sand over the weekend, it was very disturbing. did jill help him? did she even give her snarm and as kamala harris enjoyed some down time. it was very cute with the fam. the full breadth of trump's victory is still being unpacked. big blue states with very diverse population coalition assembled. he made some giant strides, california, biggest of them all, 29-point biden win four years ago currently. only 18 for harris. home state, look at new york, basically trump cutting that democratic margin in half. go down this list and look
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inside those states and you will see it. blue collar areas. cities, large hispanic populations that's where trump made his big gains there not surprising democrats are licking their wounds. they are blaming biden, racism and staffing and their favorite catchall: misinformation, elon musk, you know the whole drill. the answer is obvious. trump's record on the economy, border, foreign policy was phenomenal. and all harris had were cliches she had cardi b. that's pretty good and they had he is a fascist for years the angle urged the g.o.p. nominees to adopt a 50 state strategy, i did several angles devoted to this. trump did thin credibly smart. even his political foes are acknowledging it paid off big time. >> improved not just his numbers
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in the battleground, which we were talking about on election night, 3 to 4 points, he also improved in inner cities, he improved in outer suburbs. it looks like trump ran the 50 state strategy that the democrats used to talk about already seeing the positive impact. post election. bitcoin it, reached all time high today optimism everywhere. can you see it in the stores. optimistic everywhere. maybe except msnbc. and the europeans are actually mauling the idea of buying more american gas in an attempt to avoid trump's tariffs. that's good. to say really capitalize on the momentum, i think donald trump pretty obvious will need an ambitious and talented staff and so far he is off to a great
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start elise certify than nic u.n. ambassador. angle faced miller for chief of staff policy. border security tom homan will be in charge of implementing trump's border policy. you know, i was thinking about is he too much of a softy. >> we have seen one estimate that says it would cost $88 billion to deport a million people a year. >> i don't know if that's accurate or not. >> is that what american taxpayers should expect? >> what price do you put on national security? is it worth it? >> is there a way to carry out mass deportation without separating families? >> of course there is. families can be deported together. >> laura: keep them together in their home country.
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in is throwing usual suspects into deep despair. send fruit baskets and soothing spa packages to them. what did they expect in of course trump was going to put in positions of power. joining me now national border patrol council art del cueto. homan responded to some of the backlash he has been receiving for telling "60 minutes" they will deport families together. watch this. >> this administration has deported families together. these people demand due process. they demand the right to claim asylum and see the judge. we gave it to them at exorbitant taxpayer cost. at the end of that due process. if the federal judge says you must go home. they have to go home. if they don't, then what the hell are we doing? shut down immigration court. they don't mean anything anymore. >> laura: there is a national ground swell of support to
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implement deportation across the board. strong majority of americans who want this done. your reaction? >> no, slulg. look, you are going to have the left that is going to attack tom homan and the right say you guys are separating families. realize what is the truth? these individuals that are here illegally they brought children with them or they had children in the united states. they're the ones getting sent back. they are the ones deported if they don't have an actual case to be here. in order to keep the family together. they would take their child with them. that's what it comes down. to say it isn't deporting them. it's hey, you keep the family together or remember, these same individuals are the ones that handed over their children to smuggling organizations without even knowing who was taking them and where they were going to end up. so, when you start looking at a lot of these unaccompanied children are we going to go back and prosecute these parents that released these kids or that turned them over at the hands of
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the cartels? because that's what it comes down to. there was irresponsibility by the parents and now they want to turn it around and point the fixer at the united states and u.s. officials. and i will think tom homan is going to do a fantastic job. is he an individual that came from boots on the ground. he started from the bottom, worked his way up. it's a fantastic pick. >> laura: now, liberal mayors not going to surprise you, art telling homan he is ready for a fight on this but homan ain't backing down. >> if i have to send more to sanctuary city that's exactly what i will do. we have a mission -- we have mandate from the american people. they want this fixed and we are going to fix it with and without mayors and chiefs of police. >> laura: art, your reaction to that? >> that's baffle ling leadership in the united states supposed to be yub holding the law. ready for a fight people going to uphold the law back up individuals that have been
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breaking the law for years. that is just baffling. all those individuals that have that irresponsible toward america and frankly voted out next election cycle as well. >> best back and forth, art, i have seen and some great moments that tom homan has had when he has been confronted by the left. but it's so refreshing when aoc pushed him at one of those hearings and made the point about separating families. because they're always going to go to that to try to stop any enforcement of the law he said how about when we rears arrest people for other crimes? do they not get separated from their children? americans get separated from their children when they run afoul of the law. that happens every day of the week. thousands of times a day in the united states. and she is like well, it's not really breaking the law when you come into the country illegally and homan then continued to take her down with that absurd logic. >> laura, they are always going to go back to that i have heard it all many times before. they will go back to that or go
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back to the racial term great talking about the racist term. we proved we weren't able to yins the latinos aened minorities educate them and show them the right way. that's what it comes down to. >> laura: latinos across the country. hispanic voters they have spoken on their as well. art, thank you so much. >> laura: while trump and republicans are gearing up to remake washington. >> democrats blame game is reaching a fevered pitch. >> i don't respect him saying that the democratic party has abandoned the works class families. >> here is reality i have to say to nancy in the senate in the last two years we have not brought forth legislation to raise the minimum wage. if you are average person out there do you think the democratic party is going to the mats taking on powerful special interest and fighting for you?
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natural but not amount to any change they will all agree on one thing resisting donald trump. >> progressive power despite everything that we are dealing with is still growing. we have our first trans member of congress. these new members have given people across the country hope for the progressive movement as an effective check on a trump presidency instead of working with trump they are going to go right back to what they did before which led them to this moment of loss after loss after loss. they are basically going to repackage what is ultimately a far left agenda because, again, they always think this is a communications problem. it's a pr problem it's not a policy problem. joining me now mollie hemingway editor and chief of the federalist as well as byron
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york. mollie, i'm going to get to the senate leadership fight coming up in the next segment. but i want to get your reaction to the "wall street journal" reporting that mike walz will be trump's national security adviser, is there some concern that there is so many members of congress that are moving into the cabinet is there any risk of losing any of these special election seats like stefanik's or his? both of them are pretty safe districts though. >> it's not about whether those seats would be won by republicans in a special election. it's about the fact that republicans are going to have a very small majority. so if that report is true, i think it would be surprising given that very small majority. but the overarching issue is that for donald trump, his first term in office was a foreign policy success. have you had not just the biden administration but really much of the permanent d.c. class not understanding what made that a success and so that -- those national security positions, department of defense, department of state are going to be very key for accomplishing his mission, which isn't just important for the country but really for the whole world as we
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are on the verge of world war iii and other conflicts. >> laura: byron, the idea that the democrats can go back to george soros funded resistance and get different results this time i don't think it's matter. popular election victory. you feel the change might be lintel inperceptible to some but i feel it when i'm out and about. shock after donald trump's victory some democrats who thought maybe we ought to give it a rest for a little while we can be the opposition party, of course, maybe take a different course. that thinks lasted about 10 minutes, in the sports they call it muscle memory. their muscle memory is just to attack, attack, attack, one thing we have not seen yet, if you remember back in 2016 i
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wouldn't be surprised hail merry thing 14th amendment. they are clearly going to get very desperate as the week goes by and january 20th gets closer. >> earlier today at the climate summit. biden's envoy john podesta was asked about how to, mollie, trump proof biden's climate agenda, watch? >> we are fully committed to trying to award and obligate the funds that a vaivel through the inflation reduction act my team back in washington is hard at work insuring that we solidify the investments spend it all.
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that's their answer. it's something. better than just saying you are a fascist. >> that's what makes this transition so different than the 2016 transition, too. that was a surprise to everybody. including the republicans who won. i think they didn't realize the trump administration the first time didn't realize how unelected bureaucrats but also the democrats who were trying as byron noted to keep trump from being no, ma'am inaugurated. establishment g.o.p. types. 2024 different ballgame. incoming trump team understands where those threats are working to combat them in different ways there are probably many ways that permanent unelected unaccountable bureaucracy is trying to subvert the will of the people in unconstitutional fashion. buff the team is so much smarter now. they have learned so much from that obstruction and resistance of those previous years. so when the problems come. and they will come, they will at least be not so surprised by
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them. >> yeah. i mean, it's one thing to talk about the swamp. it's another thing to try to weighed weighed through it whenw where the alligators like to show up. today on cnn, interesting breakdown of the polling on some of the future potential frontrunners for the dems, wa watch. >> there's no early clear favorite. and this is really unusual you have to go all the way back -- all the way back to the 1992 campaign with this giant question mark over here where there was no clear heir apparent. this is going to be the first cycle since going back to all the way to the late 80s to 190s no clear early frontrunner for the next democratic nomination populism are dead. how many national review headlines we have about that. probably a lot.
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now this progressives are kind of like hmmm not her. whitmer is kind of lame and pritzker no. and newsom is newsom. do you see anyone? is anyone obvious? >> not only is 2028 just a querm. therquestion mark. there is no leader for the democratic party. they are going to be completely aced out in the house and the senate. and of course they won't control the white house there will be zero democratic leaders in washington. >> laura: wow, not even a week since the election, mollie and byron, thank you both. all right, when we come back, that senate leadership fight this is a family. families fight, right? my angle dives in, next. ♪ covid-19, and rsv. vaccines lower your risk, so you can keep doing more.
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>> laura: now for the hard part that's the focus of tonight's angle. all right, all weekend long i was so kind of processing like many of you trump's historic comeback. the bogus lawlts. the frivolous indictments. the relentless defamation. kamala's $1.2 billion war chest not each two assassination attempts could break him.
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even most strident critics are recognizing the opportunity he has to reshape washington. >> he swept every battleground state. he increased his margins in new york and california. trump is riding into washington whether anyone -- i mean, just the political reality he is politically as strong and dominant he has ever been. >> trump gained ground in 49 states and the district of columbia. >> laura: of course, the question is how much support can president trump get on capitol hill? because, look, he out performed pretty much every republican who ran this go around. trump's agenda which he specifically campaigned on should be the republican agenda. and his focus was not just the border and not just the economy. but our trade policy, our defense policy, too. so given that the g.o.p. likely controls both houses of congress, it will be a narrow
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majority in the house. it's realistic that trump voters expect his policies to be swiftly moved through congress. but at a minimum, and i mean a bear minimum, president trump should be able to rely on republicans that he helped to regain the majority in the senate. >> they wouldn't have beaten sherrod brown without trump they wouldn't have beaten casey without trump or maybe not jon tester without trump. under these circumstances especially with the small house majority, the position of the senate majority leader is even more critical. now, just so you all understand this and there is no reason you would have to know the the intricacies of hill interworkings here as a practical matter no bill can get to the floor of the senate and no amendments can be put on that bill and voted on in the senate
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without of the support of the majority member. these why mitch mcconnell is so popular. two of them john thune from south dakota and john cornyn from texas are both seen as disciples of mitch mcconnell and both have a history of being fairly critical of president trump. who they would prefer not weighed, wade. senate ballot are best left to senators and work with all of us when it's all said and done. >> laura: i understand why the senate wants to preserve its independence, i get it but at the same time, let's be real. they all owe their majority status to him donald trump, think about it, when mitch mcconnell worked with the maga like on court nominations, the
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usmca, the tax bill, they got stuff done. it was great. but, when they are at cross purposes, as you saw with that lankford-schumer immigration bill that fiasco or the absurd infrastructure bill, the results are just horrible the people have spoken. trump has won. texas where cornyn is from. south dakota where thune is from, three times in a row. so, it is logical for voters in those states to believe their lawmakers will work with him, not against him to advance the evander and certainly not throw monkey wrenches at it. now, we have an incredible -- and this really have a once in a generation chance. charlie kirk was right when he said that last week to make a difference in america and to enact policies that the voters have been wanting for years we have no time to waste. which is why over the weekend trump urged whoever gets the
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leadership role to agree to recess appointments because sometimes the votes can take two years or more on key cabinet secretaries and other positions, which is what the senate did last go around trump added we cannot let that happen again. john cornyn is trying to get around recess appointments by promising to keep senators in session over the holidays to get all trump's people through. those are nice words. and maybe that will happen. but trump does not have the luxury of time. and even if his agenda is stymied by the usual swampish uniparty maneuvers, the republicans are going to get wiped out in 2026 and maybe in 2028 if they try to slow the agenda down after he and everything the country has been through what a travesty. trump's victory undermine not so much by democrats and resistance
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but by his own party. how do you think voters would react to that. next time they hear in a call or email from the rnc? and while we are at it. what are the senate leadership votes veto anyway? look, if you disagree with president trump. that's your right. disagree with him on whatever it is. depoor accommodations or tariffs on china. why not the stand and be heard? others have done that in the past. let's not play hide the ball anymore. that's whatnot what we are into. we never have been. no more killing essential legislation in committee. president trump deserves a fair hearing and a vote on the policies that he campaigned on relentlessly. and if senators and congressman, they take issue with what he is saying, then vote against those measures. and then let the voters decide the fate of legislators or senators when they are up for election.
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might be worth remembering pat toomey or jeff flake or liz cheney or adam kinzinger. see how it worked for them. we don't elect senators to be part of a club. they are supposed to be representing the interest of their states. and the voters in their states have been very clear. they support trump. the other candidate for the senate majority leader is florida's rick scott who has been a stalwart supporter of president trump since his first term. scott has also said this: >> how do we get trump's agenda done? how do we get his nominees done? how do we codify his executive orders? that's what is up for this leadership race right now number one is who going to represent all the republican voters. >> laura: bingo. of course he is right on that. punch bowl news is reporting that some senators who don't support scott are annoyed and they feel bullied by the growing
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online chatter. now, talking to my kids about this we were driving around in the car imagine boys being a u.s. senator feel put upon by voters feeling mobilized online isn't that politics modern era that is the town square? this all gets more interesting because elon musk, who is helping president-elect trump is supporting rick scott. at this hour, scott's online army is mobilizing and flooding capitol hill with calls and emails which, according to axios, has left some senators livid and frustrated with aides warning that it could even cost scott votes. again, the source, speaking to axios, is anonymous, typical swamp move. but if they are so livid and frustrated. they need come on the angle and tell us why that the american people shouldn't have anything to say about this online or anywhere else.
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again, no one is disputing the separation of powers concerns. but the senate is not supposed to be run like the behavior country club where a membership committee can black ball someone in secret. and, think about this also. notice how the democrats always seem to stay united and jam through, ram through their priorities? so i say let's beat them at their own game. let's unite behind the america first agenda that the voters have made abundantly clear they want implemented as soon as humanly possible. and that's the angle. joining me now is alabama senator tommy tuberville. senator tuberville. why are these senate leadership votes held in secret? what's the reason for that? >> first of all, laura, well said. they're secret because the leader chooses that. the leader that's in office as we speak. and that's mitch mcconnell. i would rather push the vote closer to january the 1st anyway. but i'm not the leader.
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but, laura, we had a mandate last week for a change. not just president of the united states. but we have no time as you just said, we have no time to spare. we have to get somebody that is different than what we have had. you know, we have like a 20% approval rating in the senate, and we're not a rolling ball of butcher knives. so, we got to have somebody with different strategies, different ideas, different communication skills, give us a chance to do something different like president trump is going to do. he needs somebody to work with. rick scott knows him. is he a business guy. he has been out there. he signed checks before. he understands the business world like president trump they can communicate. that's the reason i'm voting for rick scott there was a documented listed union line who is voting for whom. preliminary take on the leadership race. and in that document rick scott was like coming in third.
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but do you think some of this outside influence is actually changing that dynamic? >> you know, i think it will help, laura, here's the deal you have three people running, nobody is going to get 27 votes and so there will be a runoff. so somebody will be eliminated so rick and cornyn are number 2 and 3. who makes number 2 against thune at the end of the day will have a chance to beat thune. i don't know what is going to happen but i'm not voting for typically tuberville. i'm voting for the state of alabama. i got hammered all over the state coach we voted for change. we do not want the same type of senate we have had in the past. let's do something different. we won't have another chance if we don't do something now. they are exactly right. >> laura: one of the issues come up again more money for ukraine. we spent them $200 billion. it looks like things are not
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going well for ukraine now. which is very sad and so many people have died in this conflict on both sides. it's been horrific. but that's a sticking point for the more establishment members of the senate, is it not? >> exactly. they don't want to be proven wrong. we have had so many people on the democrat and republican side that's voted for all the money to go there i have not voted for a dime. they can't win, laura. i didn't want to get these people killed. they can't win president trump is going to get them out of this. i don't know what is he going to do to get them out of it. we can't continue to spend money over there people here are starving. prices are sky high. we need to build our military up. our military right now is a disaster. absolute disaster. we couldn't beat anybody right now. we have good people in the military. the structure of it, the things that we have done, the democrats have destroyed it. >> laura: i'm looking forward to see who trump's defense pick is going to be. >> exactly.
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>> laura: they have to dewoke-a-fy that pentagon real fast. senator, thank you very much. california here we come. how trump is turning the tide even out there, next. ♪ i was so grateful to discover visiting angels. mom's visiting angel helps her shower and dress, and she keeps an eye on mom's alzheimer's. and our care manager gives me regular updates. best of all, mom has a trusted companion who cares about her. ♪ visiting angels america's choice in home care ♪
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>> laura: even in liberal la la land voters have had enough. trump made some imans and common sense is making a comeback. california's prop 36 passed overwhelmingly it. increased penalties for theft and drug-related crimes. but why were democrats surp surprised? >> bo all, this measure is designed to protect small businesses like ours from criticizing tied retail theft crime. >> it's past time to address the rise in crime. >> prop 36 is not only protecting our store fronts but protecting the communities
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communities we serve. >> californians may have just voted down what would ultimately be a job killing minimum wage hike. joining us now victor davis hanson senior fellow at hoover. victor, you know i love california, so much. and it's a heart break every election season where republicans just kind of write it off. oh, we can't do anything and outspent and out nourished there. no doubt about it. what does the g.o.p. need to do over the next four years to really turn this state closer to red? >> though have to convince people not to leave because the people who voted for 32 years of republican governs are -- 10 million of them in the last 40 years have left. you have to stay and fight, laura, that's the first thing. it's hard to convince people when we have the highest taxes in the nation and the least services and the worst infrastructure in schools.
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that's a hard sell. that has to change. the second thing is, we have the largest latino population, hispanic population about 45%. and it's divided just like the other populations. it's very, very conservative, in the interior, that's the majority. on the coastal strip, from berkeley all the way to san diego, where all the money is and the universities and the media is, the hispanic governance, the people who are run for office are very left wing as all people are in that area. and they don't represent the majority of hispanics just like the people on the coast seem to have their own la la culture. so, it's not the -- it's not the beginning of the end for the left but maybe it's the end of the beginning of the effort. you know what i mean? we're just. >> laura: sounds like donald rumsfeld. >> yeah. >> laura: but i liked him -- it took me a while but i do get. governor gavin newsom, victor.
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totally ignoring what is happening across the country. and especially the voters in california who are rebelling against the progressive policies when it comes to crime. instead, newsom continues to focus on trump. check this out. >> my job is got to wake up every single day and get a crowbar and try to put it in the spokes of the wheel of the trump administration. that said, i'm not naive, either. we were involved in over -- in fact, we were involved in specifically 122 lawsuits with the trump administration we know their playbook. >> laura: well, victor, lawfare went down in flames this election cycle. but, apparently, this is what california voters want their governor to be focused on? >> no, it isn't. california is where all bad ideas in the united states originate it.
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really is kind of like the last we dow. pigeons with pitch forks are starting to get near the walls and starting to panic. gavin newsom usually whatever he says or he professes just assume the opposite. he says he is not going to try to obstruct the trump administration that's exactly what he does. he still thinks he has the majority. 60-40 for trump in california. his way of thinking, they haven't gotten me yet. and i still have a lifespan. >> laura: well, we will see what happens in 2028 with old gav. we will be seeing a lot of him over the next four years. victor, thank you. a bombshell revelation proving trump was right about fema, the details, next. ♪
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through these storms? i do, and that's jesus christ. 50 years ago, i gave my life to jesus christ. if you've never done that, you can do that right now. just pray this prayer with me. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." "i'm sorry for my sins." "forgive me." "i believe that jesus christ is your son, that he died for my sins on the cross, and that he was buried, that on the third day you raised him to life." "and i would like to invite him to come into my heart and live from this day forward forever." "amen." if you prayed that prayer, call the number that's on the screen. someone would like to pray with you and talk to you right now, just call that number that's on the screen. god bless you.
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♪ >> laura: it was back on september 30th, in the aftermath of hurricane helene, that trump warned that i don't like the reports i'm getting about the federal government going out of their way to not help people in republican areas. turns out trump was right again. fema confirmed over the weekend that one of its supervisors told disaster relief workers to, quote: avoid homes advertising trump. the supervisor in question,
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marni washington, has since been fired. shocking, no one ever gets fired in this administration. joining me now florida congresswoman anna paulina luna. congresswoman, this was unfeweriating which i first saw it daily signal broke this story. fema administrator dean daily wire, excuse me. deanne criticize well released a statement saturday saying i want to be clear to a to all my empls this type action will be not be tolerated standards of conduct. is that good enough for you, congresswoman? >> not at all. in fact, i actually personally wrote criswell a letter demanding answers as well as chairman comer is asking her to come in and testify. i expect a full investigation. i want to see e-mails because i don't think this is just an isolated incident. to say put it in perspective, laura, when my district was one
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of the hardest hit districts. 13 people died. had claims denied with fema. so i do this is weaponized the they know of mover instances probably covering up for it our job to get to the bottom of it politicizing disaster relief when he was president. this is classic. this is literally playing with people's lives and their property and daily need daily necessities. they will give anything that migrants want coming across the border. some poor person with a trump sign doesn't get help? shocking. >> infuriating. getting report out of north carolina that people were being denied. that's when i started picking my head up and kind of listen talking some of those claims because, again, after the hurricane hit biden called down and assured we would have all the assistance that we needed.
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now you are finding this was not just an isolated thing. this woman went as far as directing in person some of these people that were doing the claims to just ignore them. that's simply unacceptable. i don't think it was a conspiracy theory. we know that president trump was right. but i do think like the "new york times" should retract their accusations saying that that was misinformation because clearly we were correct and clearly this is just more evidence that this administration, instead of focusing on people and americans they are further dividing us. >> laura: congresswoman, i know you are in the house but the senate leadership fight going on it's a race family fight. thoughts about that given what's at stake in a very short window that president trump has to enact his agenda? >> make no mistake mitch mcconnell is trying to knife rick scott and blocked. mitch mcconnell has done more harm to this country i would argue than schumer has. thune and cornyn if they loved
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this country wanted to back this president they would stand aside and let rick scott be the majority leader. >> laura: wow, congresswoman, thank you very much. we appreciate it. just ahead, kamala spending disaster and the left's embarrassing advice for her coping with her loss, next. ♪
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>> laura: remember when democrats were always challenging trump to promise he would accept the outcome of the election? well, well, well, we have some interesting developments on that score. let's start with the soon to be former senator bob casey. earlier this year of course attacking dave mccormick. >> why would anyone want to hang around with those kind of people, the fake electors. why would you want them near your campaign? >> jesse: it's a shock the voters turned him out, so exciting. well of course bob casey is the real election denier. well, he's refusing to concede
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the race against mccormick, mccormick won, it's been called but they're sending out democrat lawyer mark elias, he makes a lot of money, claiming of course he can still win. joining us now, aj rice, ceo of publiuspr. he's not the first democrat to deny an election loss. any chance he'll be the last? >> no, no, great to be here, we did it. we covered the bob casey election, okay. you and i, i sat next to you during that, and he ran and rick santorum lost because he was against the iraq war. and yet weeks ago, he's signing bombs with zelenskyy and shapiro. he's moved away from that, hid in the senate, and shout out to bucks county, pennsylvania which hasn't been won by a republican since george h.w. bush.
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we delivered that, big up to bucks county. >> laura: if anyone couldn't hear the pennsylvania accent from aj, the pennsylvania native. newsweek's reporting that donations to the harris campaign are partially going to a vote recount effo effort. they're fundraising off a recount push. >> that's right. look, the grift continues. what we witnessed with the harris campaign was the temu version of the barack obama campaign from 2008. they had a million dollars a month ago, and now they're 20 million in the hole according to, you know, according to what is being reported. >> laura: a billion, one billion, not a million. >> i'm sorry, they had a bill and now they're 20-mil in the hole giving away to gaga and
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oprah. they were spend spending 450 k y on the sp sphere in las vegas. can you imagine landing a play with that looking up at you? >> laura: i think they're going through their stages of grief and now back to their traditional anti-democratic position. they're the ones that don't like the democratic process. aj, if you had to pick one democrat to be the threat in 2028, who to it be, real quick? >> the easy one is shapiro, he's got a bit of juice and she's going to rue the day she didn't pick him as her vp, for sure. >> laura: i think he's really happy he didn't get picked, that's my thought aj. as always, thank you so much, great to see you. that's it for us tonight, thank you for watching. remember, it's america now and forever. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse


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