tv The Five FOX News November 12, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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surprised to see this, raul, i think you all but predicted when last we chatted that donald trump did very well with the latino vote, but in these borderline communities the overwhelming majority of that vote. what did you make of that? >> yeah, i live in texas, and here in texas, it was a resounding -- for donald trump and the republican party, to see the latino vote come out in strong numbers, and i think people underestimated how much influence donald trump has with latino voters out there, and i will tell you, i think not a lot of people are going to wake up and realize that you can't ignore that latino population out there. i think their voice -- and they care about border security. it's important to them. >> neil: fair enough. roel ortiz, very good seeing you again. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> dana: hello, everyone. dana perino a lot of judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ well, 75 million people have spoken loud and clear against the lawfare on trump, but some democrats still aren't ready to drop their dream of seeing their chief opponent in jail. new york judge juan merchan has decided to delay his ruling on whether or not to toss president-elect trump's felony fraud conviction, postponing a decision on the matter until next tuesday. andy mccarthy is blasting the judge for taking the easy way out. >> so he is not a guy who easily admits that he was wrong. seems to me that this ruling allows him to continue that record. basically, he doesn't have to deal with trump, the immunity issue come he gets to basically not admit and everyone gets to
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carry on. >> dana: and while merchan weighs what he is going to do, new york attorney general letitia james, who built her entire political campaign on taking down donald trump, is doubling her efforts to be a thorn in the side of president-elect. >> we have been working both in my office and with other democratic ags across this country, to make sure we would be ready to respond to any attempt to roll back our rights. we've created contingency plans. so no matter what the next administration throws at us, we're ready. we ready to respond to their attacks. >> dana: judge, we pulled you out of court today from the daniel penny case because this was all breaking during the show and didn't even have a chance to read it and now you are covering three different legal stories today. let me give you the chance to tell us what you think of this now. >> judge jeanine: you know, judge merchan has has delayed sentencing twice.
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he's in a tough situation because the case that he tried is one that is loaded with reversible error. i mean, if they take the supreme court's decision that came down a month later into consideration, so much of this trial hedged on what happened in the oval office with madeleine westerhout, hope hicks, while he was president. even the prosecution said in their closing statement that that particular evidence was utterly devastating and crucially necessary to the conviction. this is what the prosecution said, that that kind of testimony that occurred from the oval office. so that's almost an admission that there is reversible error in this thing. so now what you have is both the prosecution and defense looking to adjourn. so the prosecution has to balance the competing interest of the state, and then you've got the presidency, and the defense wants to throw out the case and avoid, you know, all of
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the conviction attributable to a president, but andy mccarthy said something interesting today that i have not heard anyone say, and that is that the president, donald trump, president-elect, is not yet convicted. i said this a few months ago and somebody laughed at me and said nobody cares about that. you are not technically convicted until you are thrown out on the 330 motion to vacate by judge merchan, then that's the end of it, he's free. or you let it go on appeal, but when is the appeal? he's going to be in the oval office. so this thing is like just hanging for the next four years, and i think that what the president would prefer is an out and out ruling by the supreme court be at. >> dana: yeah, like why, jesse, hold it over his head? it does, to me, feel like a little of an easy way out, that you have to make in his decision peered. >> jesse: they're looking for an off-ramp if they are good people, i don't know if they are good people.
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can't go after a sitting president. it's right there for him to just not this thing down and do the right thing. will he do it? i have no idea if he will do it or not. i know bragg is probably trying to save face but he could just be as malicious. i don't know. i no tish james doesn't seem to be as conducting an offensive campaign against trump. she might be worried about the department of justice or house republicans investigating her, maybe bringing her into testify, may be hitting her with prosecutorial misconduct, malicious prosecution, wondering what she was doing if she was colluding with the biden justice department. that something that the white house, house republicans, deferment of justice will have to decide if they want to go there, and they could if they want. that is not revenge, jessica, that is accountability. >> jessica: oh, is that what they call it? >> jesse: don't you dare. she is also probably going to be suing the trump administration
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over illegals and the environment. they all are going to do that. but trump is in a different position now because he is going to control all of this money and he had a he had a phone call with houchl the other day and wants to make new york city as beautiful -- it is the crown jewel, trillions of dollars we need, look around, and you have this stupid woman suing the pants off of him over nothing, then you can say wait a second, why are we giving you all of this money if you guys e suing me over b.s.? and the power brokers in new york who control tish james' political career going forward, they can say lady, knock it off, we have bigger fish to fry. >> dana: jessica, better for democrats to have a clean slate and move on or keep this going? >> jessica: there is definitely a large faction of democrats that want this to end, especially this particular case, the new york case, which was always seen as weaker than other ones and io go away, trump could pardon himself anyway if he ever got a
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conviction for that . in georgia he couldn't self pardon but that's also going to be delayed and what are you going to do? you are going to start trying him at 82, 83 years old when he finishes serving his term? that's not going to happen. what i think is important to consider in all of this is that just because he won the election didn't mean that he didn't do the crimes that he is accused of, and that grand juries voted a certain way, and people who are trying to make this out like 75 million people showed up and said i'm here because donald trump is an innocent man, that's not what it was. they wanted his economic policies. they thought he would be better for the country, and fortune kamala harris couldn't get as many votes in states that she needed it to win this, but it doesn't make him not guilty just because he won the election. >> dana: democrats wanted the lawfare issues to be the thing that sunk trump so they didn't have to run against the policies peered. >> greg: yeah, so keep going with it, it really worked out for you.
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you wonder if he lost were they still be -- this whole thing was to get rid of him. i feel it we are arguing about the recent world series. we already know who won. this is a story, i believe, for the dying media. no one outside legacy media is covering this story. this is like a rage pillow to keep the people that are so distraught in various newsrooms occupied while everyone else, their lives move on. you know what this is? it's like when the super bowl is over and this case is the xfl, you know? [laughter] people who still need to watch some football. viewers are leaving msnbc like it's a diddy party at 5:00 a.m., their profits are cratering. this is methadone, they are hoping it is methadone for viewers who have run out of the trump-hitting heroine. look at the networks right now, look at the viewers. women are shaving their heads. we've got to do something, you know, before hillary buys a set
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of clippers because i don't want to see a bald hillary. the problem with legacy media is this. there is no dnr. there is no do not resuscitate notice. so they keep resuscitating the media with these stories. they go you know what? cnn is -- msnbc -- maybe this story will get some people back. >> jessica: need to james, she's like and asked that turns into a stocker. doesn't she have any other work to do? in new york? her job is to serve the public interest of all new yorkers. that means enforcing laws that protect consumers and tenants and workers and patience. she is like a firefighter. instead of going out and answering calls to raises, just goes to the home of her letter ex back and sprays and extinction in his car every single night. it is not healthy. these are not healthy people.
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>> dana: we will go to the next block after a quick commercial break, kind of reminds me of the same thing, doesn't she realize how new york moved far to the right in this election? >> greg: this is her identity, though. this is the problem when the politics is personal, you can't break them apart. >> dana: wise words. >> greg: have been telling you that for so long, dana. >> dana: i know, i wish i would learn it. ahead, the dems soul-searching continues, aoc is stunned that voters picked her and president-elect trump. ♪ ♪
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so many people have been hurt. we all go through storms in life. it may be a marriage. it may be our children. it may be our health, cancer. do you have an anchor to hang on to as you go through these storms? i do, and that's jesus christ. 50 years ago, i gave my life to jesus christ. if you've never done that, you can do that right now. just pray this prayer with me. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." "i'm sorry for my sins." "forgive me." "i believe that jesus christ is your son, that he died for my sins on the cross, and that he was buried, that on the third day you raised him to life." "and i would like to invite him to come into my heart and live from this day forward forever." "amen." if you prayed that prayer, call the number that's on the screen. someone would like to pray with you and talk to you right now, just call that number that's on the screen. god bless you.
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>> jesse: like o.j. looking for the real killer, democrats are still searching for answers how kamala got steamrolled by trump. aoc holding a postmortem on what went wrong, quizzing voters who split their ticket for her and trump. here's what they said. it's real simple, trump and you care for the working class. and another person saying both of you push boundaries and force growth. aoc also giving her insight on how voters can sniff out a phony politician. >> a lot of voters really don't like fake people. and they are sick and tired of fake politicians. if during the entire time and campaign season you are saying that you are down with trans people or, like, the lgbt community, and then you lose an election, and then the next day, you say all that stuff was wrong, i actually think what people are more upset about if
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someone was doing something they didn't believe and just saying something. >> jesse: and james carville sharing his pearls of wisdom on why democrats might need a break from identity politics. >> all of the washington-based democrats fighting around going to wine and cheese parties and talking about how misogynistic -- get your [bleep] out of washington. we told you this identity [bleep] was disaster. we told you to get out in front of public safety. you didn't. you didn't. >> jesse: jessica, do you want to discuss aoc james carville? i'll give you the option. >> jessica: i'd like to do both, if i can do it really f fast. >> jesse: it depends on what you say peered. >> jessica: she's not really surprised by this because there were burning-trump crossovers and it's completely correct, the people just want straight shooters. they would rather you be definitive and sure of yourself then right, necessarily because of these two took a position and we saw that in the election, trump took a lot of positions that i think are completely
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insane, that he was definitive about it, and people felt like they could trust that, that he had the strength to it. carville has been saying all along this is going to be a problem, that's going to be a problem, change this, and the latest one does is the latest w to handle the anti-trans messaging. it leaks out that bill clinton who is greatest retail politician, certainly in decades, maybe ever to some people, told the campaign you need to say something about this, you just need to come out, you don't need to be anti-trans to say i don't think that there should be biological men, post-transition, in women's sports, and they wouldn't do that, and congressman seth moulton, who made a comment about it just saying i wouldn't want boys playing in my daughters' sports leagues, is in all sorts of hot water about that and that kind of infighting is not useful. >> jesse: so you should have listened to straight white men, is what you are saying. i would agree. >> jessica: i love straight
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white men, but they don't have all the answers peered. >> jesse: well, in this case, they did. judge jeanine. >> judge jeanine: first of all, i said they should have listened to the ragin' cajun. one day last week. here is the bottom line. james carville is right. he's always been right about the mistakes they are making, that they made in the democrat party, and now he's coming out, the chickens have come home to ro roost, and he is the one who had the answers all along, and as it relates to aoc and trump, voters know if you are genuine. voters know if you believe in what you are saying. it's just like a jury. it's just like anything else. and even if you are wrong, they say, you know what, they are true to their heart, they are genuine, they are not rehearsed, they are off-the-cuff, i believe them because they believe it in their heart. so whether it is aoc or whether it is trump, it is the electorate sensing that neither is a phony in terms of what they
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believe in, all right? that is where the crossover is. and i think, finally, it's not an anti-trans campaign. most people don't give a damn, they just don't want boys and girls bathrooms and boys and girls sports and all of that, and they call us the people who created the culture problem, they created the culture problem. we are happy to leave them alone, leave us alone. >> jesse: we just fixed the culture problem. greg gutfeld? >> greg: yeah, are there to james carvilles? i seem to remember this guy james carville last week who said that harris was going to just completely destroy trump. i don't remember. >> jesse: i think that was a body double. >> greg: i take him at his word. he did say that. he was adamant about it. i think i like the fact that aoc is being useful, and that's a change. she's not demeaning people that voted for trump -- i mean, she's also being very cunning. she's tying her wagon to a winning horse. and now she's part of this kind
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of crossover populist movement, but maybe she's learning from this. may be because she is experiencing major transformational changes in her life, that she has to think outside of herself, that identity -- your own identity does not connect people, in fact it is designed to separate, and this is a story about stepping back from left and right and seeing the cave behind you, the cave you are in. it is not about parties or left or right, it is the trick that keeps us in this prison so real change can't happen. it's the machine. the media industrial complex that pits people against each other. racial division taking a huge hit. class division taking a huge hit. the only thing left is the gender divide, but that's mostly single women terrified of change, terrified of risk. and what they've done is because of that they have exchanged love and perhaps a spouse for the soft confines of government. that's why they are so upset
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when they heard about no one is taking their abortion away but it was the government. this is my spouse. how dare you attack government. >> jesse: i said that years ago in a less artful way and got huge amounts of trouble for it. >> jessica: women are dating the government? >> greg: women are dating the government peered. >> jessica: we are not. >> jesse: greg is surprisingly insightful when it comes to women. >> jessica: i was raised by women. >> dana: don't have to hold his hand when he does it. one thing i think is pretty interesting is how the left is so willing to destroy institutions if it works in their favor. so one of the things aoc should do is cut the cord from the millage a appalled. one of the members of the squad. the house doesn't have the filibuster, the senate does, basically a stopgap, what our founders wanted, checks and balances situation. they have been warning democrats don't screw with the stuff, it
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will come back. conservative court, when harry reid decided to do that. what they were saying and harris was saying she would be for it, as well, they wanted to get rid of the filibuster as soon as harris won, and they thought senate democrats were going to keep the senate. well, now jayapal said no, i don't think we should do that anymore. so they are willing to destroy institutions if it helps their power but then they cry about the american people not trusting the institutions. >> jesse: so aoc should break up with the squad and go solo? >> dana: i think so. >> jesse: a solo career. it has worked out for a few musicians peered. >> greg: that's true. >> jesse: it has worked out for a few of them. i can't name any. >> jessica: beyonce. >> jesse: she got paid by harris. so did oprah. up next, president-elect trump ringing the heat to washington, building his cabinet at lightning speed. ♪ ♪
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veteran, to be his white house national security advisor. here is a taste of their foreign policy chops. >> iran is constantly looking to hurt israel. they seek to drive america out of the region and then destroy israel. >> i don't think anybody is advocating for any military on the front line but helping with that logistics planning, there's operations, integrating the intelligence is incredibly important. >> this is a group that wants to destroy israel. hamas exist to destroy the jewish state of israel. what are you supposed to do with an existential threat? you have to degrade it or eliminate it. >> china on the march. rush on the march. terrorism on the march because they smell weakness in washington. those differences are infinitesimal. >> greg: jesse, i know you have the memory of a goldfish, but does it strike me this is going pretty fast. i don't remember stuff happening this quickly, but maybe i just wasn't paying attention. i'm already not paying attention now. >> jesse: i haven't started
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saying anything yet and i've already lost you. dana said this is the fastest she has ever seen, the judge says it is the fastest, i don't remember what jessica said -- i'm kidding, of course i don't. so rubio, i don't even know if he is the guy. this might be a trial balloon. you don't really know until he puts out a release. he has come a long way. he ran against trump and he is very tough on china, very tough on iran, very tough on the cartels, and wants to make peace with ukraine, and the sets him up nicely for '28. secretary of state is a pretty high-profile job. >> jessica: any three alike because he does my show. and he has been like a heat-seeking missile on what happened at butler, i intelligently guy, green beret, you have a lot of influence. no one surprised me. i did not see kristi noem coming. homeland security, wow, that's a big job. she oversees fema, the secret service, and border patrol, that is a lot of responsibility. we will have to wait and see if
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she can execute at that high a level. >> jessica: the dog? >> jesse: not the dog, or duties. >> jessica: parallel experience. >> jesse: slotkin i don't know much about -- >> jessica: elise stefanik. >> jesse: i get those confused. >> greg: because they're women? >> jesse: zelda and i don't know if they have been out-of-doors. i like lee zeldin. a lot of red tape to be cut. this is what i than issue with. keep saying these people are trump loyalists. what does that mean? it is like pejorative. they didn't say that about eric holder, he was an obama loyalist, didn't save blinken was a biden loyalist. they aren't going to hatch a special counsel on him within the first month of the administration. >> greg: excellent point. i'm lying.
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dana. >> dana: yeah. >> greg: it seems like the pirate ship analogy is turning into something like a dream team analogy, see what i'm saying? they are not crazy. they are kind of oh, people go, marco rubio, i get it. >> dana: it makes me laugh about all of the people who worked on 25 who are a guest in consideration but how much time, money, effort, saying project 2025 is going to be this disaster, a lot of these people, like waltz, stefanik, rubio, they will talk to media. i don't understand what complains are. because the election was over so quickly, no recalls and noise, president trump being quiet right now, let's just get this done because he intends obviously to hit the ground running. >> greg: judge, what do you make of these so far? >> judge jeanine: well, i think it is the opposite of joe biden. i think what you see here is america first.
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you see all of these candidates as individuals who are comfortable talking to the press, comfortable going on shows. they are very articulate. they can make an argument. they are transparent. you know, how do you compare a blinken and a mayorkas to a rubio and a waltz? you know, they are very savvy, seasons, articulate, loyal individuals. they are definitely loyal to trump. i mean, whether that's good or bad, look, eric holder said he was obama's wing man, you know, and he was proud of it, but whatever. here is the thing. i think they are all great. i think homeland security, that's a huge position, as jesse and i were just talking about, a lot of agencies, oversees custom, border patrol, u.s. immigration, fema, secret service, tsa, my gosh, that's a big job. that's all.
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>> greg: you know, jessica, i'm looking at these choices and i realized so far no trans, no indigenous, bipoc, two-spirit animals. >> jessica: the night is young. >> greg: this has to drive you crazy. where is the representation, that they/them? >> jessica: so, i think everyone is being -- well, jesse just vaguely provides, the judge actually polite about the homeland security pick because y kristi noem got that job is really beyond me. you want to make fun of mayorkas, i think anyone would put mayorkas up against kristi noem -- >> dana: i wouldn't. because she is a governor. and it makes a difference. and he sat there until the american people the border was closed -- >> judge jeanine: she will come out -- >> jessica: a tv cabinet. >> judge jeanine: it's about transparency. >> jessica: you can go on tv and fly, by the way. >> judge jeanine: we know that through mayorkas.
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>> jessica: i was deeply relieved by the choices, if the secretary of state goes through and it's rubio, i love congressman waltz, i know him personally and his wife, he's a fantastic person. for the antiwar trump supporters out there, though, this is insane. he said basically i'm going to make sure we are not interventionists, no boots on the ground anywhere. we are bringing everyone home. no hot wars, et cetera. and you have marco rubio and mike waltz out there, who are completely pro-ukraine, which i think is fantastic, completely pro-israel -- >> jesse: when you say pro-ukraine, what do you mean by that? >> jessica: i mean they think ukraine should be supported and that putin -- >> jesse: rubio voted against the funding last time. >> jessica: if you think that it is a good thing for that kind of position taking within the republican party, you are just wrong. >> jesse: trump is the
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commander in chief. >> jessica: you know if -- he didn't make these selections, you wouldn't necessarily think that someone was the counterterrorism advisor to dick cheney was going to be trump's choice in the way that he was campaigning, and that is what mike did. again, i really like him p or i'm just saying that kind of flies in the face of all of this, and differ treasury got best engine, however you pronounce it, gets it, the guy is a george soros -- and yos that the guy was the enemy of t. >> jesse: treasury secretary soros-funded? >> jesse: yes, it is so funny after you have been yelling at me about it years. >> greg: he is not changing laws that let out criminals. the guy is a billionaire, i'm okay with it. i'm looking at hud because i read a thing in "the new york post" about a philanthropist who wants to be the hud secretary. he builds houses. >> jessica: he does all sorts of things.
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>> greg: he builds them affordable. that is somebody that is up there. >> judge jeanine: we didn't talk about stephen miller, who i think is great. i love this guy. >> jessica: oh, my god, that guy. >> greg: we don't have time but you are right, stephen miller. he has a face that doesn't give an f. >> jesse: he's a hunk. >> jessica: the biggest lover of immigrants, stephen miller. >> greg: you say that some negatively, what's wrong with immigrants? boy, your xenophobia is just coming out of your pores. >> jessica: botox. >> greg: coming up, tds dems are self deporting after trump's election victory. ♪ ♪
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the door hit you on the way out. liberal lunatics are looking to flee america after donald trump's massive victory. unable to cope with all the winning that's about to take place in "the washington post" is offering up a guide on how to do it. "dreaming of a move abroad? what it takes to immigrate to five countries. the report warns readers that going full ex-pat can be complicated and expensive, but if you can't afford to leave, there's another way to let out all of your tds aggression: rage rooms are seeking an uptick in washington, d.c. customers can pay a modest fee to take out their frustrations on helpless plates, cups, and glass bottles. this is really crazy. i got to tell you. they apparently -- this became a thing, greg, during the pandemic, and, you know, you can get the sledgehammers. they call them weapons of small
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distraction. to go out and eliminate your frustrations. have you ever done that? >> greg: yeah, i do that at my apartment, though. moving abroad? i would love to move abroad. get out of my way, dana. see, i moved a broad. this is what happens when you get high off your own stash. the machine fed you garbage for years, hitler, trump was hitler, existential risk, and now that threat has arrived. this is exactly like the climate stress that children experience after being told that the planet was going to end in their short lifetime. except this is worse. these are adults and they work for us. jesse and i agreed in the break that we will buy tickets for people who want to leave, but they can't come back. it's a win-win. europe gets these people. we get them out of here. you know what, for every one of these that leaves, will take five illegal aliens who want to work hard.
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>> judge jeanine: is that -- >> jesse: what is a one-way ticket to europe, greg? >> greg: can get something for $500. >> judge jeanine: $500? where are you flying? >> dana: you've never -- [laughter] >> judge jeanine: all right, dana, 21% of americans questioned toy with the idea, according to this survey. 2.6% are likely to pack up and leave. do you think they will be happy in canada? >> dana: please, go, it would be a great way to do that. i want to mention one thing about the rage thing. if you are wearing protective gear, that's not rage. that's ridiculous. that's like a stupid workout. i also heard today there are people in d.c., who live in d.c., who are trying to rent out their apartments for inauguration, right? but they are bending over backwards because they don't want anyone that supports trump to rent out their apartment so they are trying to narrow it down and figure out a way to discriminate against people -- >> greg: than they should rent to these people.
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look what they will do to your apartment. >> dana: the other thing is, a friend of mine was talking to someone who literally said he and his wife wanted to move to italy. do you know who the leader of italy is? her conservative positions are probably to the right of president trump's, but knock yourself out, i don't care if you go. the last thing i would say is for the people who think they are going to go to canada, the u.k., they are going to have great socialized medicine and everything is to be great for them, do you know how long it takes to get a specialist in the u.k.? an average of 15 weeks to see a specialist. some specialist takes 58 weeks in order to see anybody. you could be dead by then. >> judge jeanine: jesse, the way i see it, if you want to leave the country, all you have to do is go down to the border and go the other direction. >> jesse: you can go to mexico. i've been to mexico. did my honeymoon in mexico. it was actually better than i expected. except i accidentally brought a tucker tote bag and i got to the airport and tucker's face was
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all over the place, everyone was like, tucker! oh, god, and i had to turn it this way. great vacation, we called it sexico. >> greg: that's what you remember from your honeymoon? >> jesse: shut up, judge! [laughter] >> judge jeanine: you want to keep going? all, i'm going to get it later. jessica. if you were going to u.k., where would you go? >> jessica: i'm not leaving. sure to disappoint you all at home. i would go back to living in london, but i would do that no matter who was president. it is so great there, and you just get adjusted to the weather and you have your happy bulbs or whatever to keep your feelings up. i always feel these stories are fake. >> greg: they are. >> judge jeanine: this is a fox news alert. president-elect donald trump announcing that former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe will serve as his
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cia director. trump saying about ratcliffe, "from exposing fake russian collusion to me a clinton campaign operation, catching fbi abuse of civil liberties at the fisa court, john ratcliffe has always been a warrior for truth and honesty with the american public." so they are. and up next, who gets the ring back when the wedding is called off? the stunning answer is next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: you can put a ring on it but you better give it back. massachusetts top court ruling that a jilted bride must give back the $70,000 engagement ring she got from her former fiance, ending a 6-decade state rule that requires judges to try to identify who was to blame for the end of the relationship. so do we think this is fair? that doesn't look like a 70k ring to me, judge. >> judge jeanine: yeah, me neither. here's the thing. it's always been the law, i don't know what what is with massachusetts, that if the engagement is broken off, the guy who bought the ring or the
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person who bought the ring getso keep the ring. the girl bought the ring, she gets to keep the ring. fault is never an issue as it is in divorce. in some courts, although no-fault is the majority. so i mean if the engagement is broken and they don't go to a wedding, it's a conditional gift faced upon the fact they are going to get married. if they don't get matt married, he gets the ring back. >> jessica: data, it was more complicated -- >> dana: i didn't know the line when i read this, seems like a jerk, again, i don't know these people. he asked her to marry him. gave the ring. she said yes. then he had a change of heart. then he accused her of having an affair and that wasn't true. so one, he is trying to smear her reputation, she says, but it also sounds like he had a better lawyer. >> jessica: unfair. men at a better lawyer. >> greg: difference between an engagement ring at a wedding ring? >> dana: one usually has a diamond and then there is a band. >> jessica: just the band you
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wear. >> greg: just put a band over it. >> jessica: you stack 'em. >> judge jeanine: another one for every -- >> jessica: for ten seconds can you do me a favor? pretend to care. >> greg: i'm trying to care about this. i think they should have their fingers removed. make it equal. isn't that what king saul did? something like that. >> jessica: jesse, you've bought a lot of engagement rings. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: we love you, jesse. >> jesse: the classy thing to do, according to, what was it, ann landers, miss manners, one of these women knows all about that stuff. the woman should give the ring back of her own volition. >> judge jeanine: what if she likes it? >> jessica: yeah -- >> greg: an engagement ring? >> jesse: the guy you are not even married to -- >> jessica: so what? >> jesse: she's greedy. >> judge jeanine: that's why she wanted a big ring. >> greg: get an engagement tattoo. >> jessica: dana coveney has
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that and i always found it so attractive. and he is divorced, they broke up, but still branded. i read everything of quality. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance so i saved hundreds. with the money i saved i thought i'd get a wax figure of myself. oh! right in the temporal lobe! beat it, punks! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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when there'll be no more poverty, when there'll be no sickness, when death will happen only very seldom. one of these days, when jesus comes back, and the tribulation is over, christ will set up his kingdom on this earth. "the wolf will lie down with the lamb, "and the leopard will lie down with the young goat, "and they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain." the millennium is where we will begin to experience our true destiny. (male announcer) "the coming golden age" by david jeremiah, available now at and everywhere fine books are sold.
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♪ ♪ time now for "one more thing." judge? >> okay. we have got a new fox nation special. susan smith. the killer mom 30 years later. we look into her life behind bars. you may recall she drowned two sons, 13-month-old and 3 years old in a car. and she said someone had carjacked the car and kidnapped her kids. but, during the time she has been in prison, she has pretty much slept with a lot of the
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guards. they have lost their guards because of it. >> dana: this is some show. >> judge jeanine: violated prison policy. she is still eligible for the possibility of parole in 8 days. but the babies' father is fighting against her getting parole. stream the special now, the killer mom, susan smith, on fox nation. >> dana: excellent. all right. jessica? >> jessica: yikes. so building on the story from a couple blocks though that i said wasn't real but now i'm going to do something an extension of that a cruise company is offering a four year global voyage for americans who can't stomach another trump presidency. the residents calls at that time skip forward package announced the day after trump won. costs 160 k. but if that's out of your budget which it is out of a lot of people's budget. everywhere but home two. year midterm selection package. escape from relate. the producer said fox would sponsor me for this if i need to
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get out of here. >> dana: that's actually clever marketing. i like it. greg? >> greg: i hope they offer drown with offers. and the ship sinks from all the people. >> dana: that's not how it works. >> greg: tonight what a great show. kat timpf, jamie lissow. erin perrine, cat and tyrus. let's do this. i got crabs, that's right. america, i have crabs. [laughter] >> greg: it's embarrassing but it's true. take a look at these. annual migration of crabs on australia's christmas island. you know i went tote doctor look at all these crabs do. i need an ointment from these crabs? no, no, no, they are inescapable said the doctor. okay i will live with it. creep and crawly, very itchy. >> judge jeanine: thanks for sharing. >> dana: to cleanse your viewing pallet. percy and i are going to be on the cover of canine magazine.
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prime fact about me and percy. peter mcmahon photo credit there you are canine jesse? >> jesse: canine magazine. day that. >> greg: i hope there is a centerfold. [laughter] >> jesse: bat mobile is for sale anybody with $3 million get wheels. warner brothers is selling 10 fully functional bat mobiles from the dark night. only 9 feet wide, weighs over 5,000 pounds. not street legal. but, greg can add it to his car collection. upstate. just kidding it's west chester. "jesse watters primetime" what is gavin newsom doing at the white house? >> dana: have a great night, see you tomorrow.
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