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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  November 16, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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me recently on the plane i think it's scary on a plane you go 45 like that. it was not good. next i will say this reason number 785,000 to not go on a cruise. the viruses they get, turning to 45-degredegrees angles terrifyig are in trouble. [laughter] somebody a punch in the face by mike tyson. do not forget must sees series presents the saint saint is avae tomorrow stream exclusively on fox that doesn't for us we will see a back here tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. eastern for another big we can show. always dvr if you cannot catch us live. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. no problem ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday. welcome to our program to create aggressive turning point usa, looking forward to exploring his role in the last election. and one of the most brilliant constitutional lawyers i've ever known and i have known for like 45 years. was also a clerk on the supreme court and so forth, you will get to meet him a little later. but, before we get to that the senate has a role called advice and consent role in confirming nominees that president trump put forth for his cabinet positions. president trump is putting together a team that key once, he believes in to help him advance his promises, his principles his policies he campaigned on for half a year or
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longer. promoting a landslide from sea to shining sea. get his team, he should be able to populate the executive branch with people he wants the democrat party some republicans are trying to sabotage his presidency in 2016 to prevent him from getting the team he wants that has got to stop. i want to remind you america two thirds of the senate will be involved in this progress did not stand for election they did not sanot see in front of the vs they sure are glad they didn't, i promise you that they too are responsible for our open borders. they too are responsible for inflation and the price of food and gasoline. they too are responsible for underfunding our military. from preventing real judges from being confirmed instead of the radical activists. they have a role these two
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thirds of the senator that weree not up for election. one day will be held to account. in advice and consent process. they should not be free without criticism from we the people. our eyes wide open, voices heard with this should not be free to sabotage the incoming president and the team he is trying to put together. picking up one cabinet potential after another or the attorney general. no, this is a team president trump is trying to put together to advance his agenda. i would expect the entrenched forces i and walking towards tht media, capitol hill, a bureaucracy or academia to oppose them but i would expect them to attack them. i would expect the republican party to steamroll these opponents. that has to be done. if anything's going to get done in this country i will note
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donald trump is picked so far from vibravibrant prep put it de myself vibrant young accomplished team of cabinet secretaries and advisors. biden, and pelosi, and schumer and on and on. here's donald trump here's what he says i would a young vibrant team of go-getters who can get the job done who will do what needs to be done. he should be applauded for that flocked tampons him on the nation the biggest freak in american politics. a thousand different ways he was qualified to be vice president. he is not qualified to be the janitor at the department of agriculture i like the janitor at the department of agriculture and then they flop out there paris is not qualified to be vice president let alone a president. the american people know it.
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then they gave us joe biden, dementia joe for the stage of seven stages of dementia. who's early at record early career in the first 10 years in the senate was as a racial segregation in us and they're going to pass judgment on us? bernie sanders who was a stalinist marxist he is going to pass judgment? chuck schumer who never worked a private job his entire life to e gets out of law school is elected to the assembly in albany, new york were elected to congress, elected to the senate. that is no renaissance man that's a political hack we can go down the list nancy pelosi, she has become filthy rich as a result of having been speaker and so forth and so on. so these failures, these has-beens, these people of the pastiepast these along in the te washington hangers on they are going to tell us who is qualified or not? there needs to be pushed back folks. i need to remind you of something.
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jon kennedy one of the youngest president theodore roosevelt being another who does he appoint us his attorney general? his brother. robert f kennedy. robert f kennedy jr.'s father. how old was robert f kennedy? thirty-five years old was his legal experience? barely any part one of them he had on his resume committee staff lawyer you may have heard of him to consider joseph mccarthy of wisconsin. remember the mccarthy hearings? the liberals us used to hate it. joe kennedy senior, the patriarch of the family joe mccarthy were buddies. robert kennedy in the senate. as a legal assistant a staff assisted. his brothers were jon kennedy.
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a very complaining about that as a chief of staff of gerald ford for a long period time he's a staffer in congress a long time party but a member of congress. he served in the navy allstate site and so forth which is fine. he became the youngest defense secretary since we had a defense department he was 43 years old. forty-three years old. they did not attack him. they did not attack robert kennedy. no. james mattis was 36 years old see this constitution would not of been possible without the delegates. but especially james mattis 36 when did he know? apparently knew a lot. thomas jefferson was 33 when he drafted the declaration of independence i would say he did a pretty good job wouldn't you? think youngethe ganga's justicee supreme court nominating
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confirmed in american history a scholar who has written books that are still read today 32 years old in 18121 of the greatest. barack obama was elected president, pretty young man in his 40s what was his experience? none really. the economy of guy helped raise him and so forth but was his accomplishments? zero. talked about job item is elected to the senate when he was 2090 sworn in when he was 30. what were his accomplishments? nothing. constitution says the requirement is pretty low to be a united states citizen or 30 years old to be a sender you need to be a united states citizen or 25 years old to be a house member. we forget these them because of all these old people been running this government into the ground show up on tv. they got to spend five hours putting makeup on them and so forth and so on they won them up
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and push them out. people are not saying what i want to underscore his donald trump is bringing vibrant, young accomplished people to every one of these departments. national security green beret look at what he has accomplished at a young age. it's absolutely incredi absolute are many others. pete hegseth. it was a commentator for fox. that is a good thing but he was a lot more than that. a lot more than their vice presidential nominee ever was. that is for sure. the man as a combat veteran he's a retired lieutenant colonel he served in iraq and afghanistan. he received a metals up or he's written books about the subject he's talked about the subject. do not give him the back of your hand. that is baloney especially that meet at the democrat party pushed forward reprobates like the presen president united staa lot to tackle disastrous immigration issues.
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disastrous economy the deep growth marxist movement trying to destroy our automobiles, our economic system, your way of life and your life says got to deal with that. he's got to build a judiciary load with a radical leftist judges thanks to obama, clinton and biden. he has got to deal the ubiquitous administrative state this love bias and that think it's in charge of we the people. and are going to do everything they can to sabotage him. he has got to deal government education and the public schools that's failing the american people because the alliance between two big unions the department of education of the democrat party. these are daunting challenges. entitlements, i'm not saying eliminate social security and medicare but how d you strengthn those programs? daunting the democrats and the media anytime you try to reform these programs to the benefit of the people who are on that when the people coming on these programs. you're trying to destroy them because that is who they are
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like two thirds of those senators i talked about. our foreign policy is in a shamble for national security is in shambles. he's got this stitch t the stitl back together. defending and preserving the constitution of the united states that he himself donald trump experienced what happens in the bill of rights are thrown out the window. now i want to remind you of something. this constitution of yours wasn't drafted and voted on in philadelphia at the constitutional convention that lasted about five months one of the hottest ever in philadelphia. we stayed there in secret until they finished it. they voted on it and they passed that they had to send it to the states for ratification. the state legislatures in their own conventions they debated it. it was quite an undertaking.
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but, i want to tell you about some of the men were at this constitutional convention in philadelphia. are you with me? none of whom would probably get approved for anything by the current senate of the united states. because they are so brilliant so accomplished in the united states aren't they? no they are not. jonathan dayton was 26 years old. jon f mercer was 28 years old. richard dobbs spade of north carolina was 29 years old charles pickney of south carolina was 29 years old. william devi of north carolina was 30 years old. alexander hamilton again you love him, hamilton the movie, hamilton the play. hamilton new york was 30 years old. nicholas gilman of new hampshire was 32. william howson of virginia it
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was 32. most have never heard of these before. which is the glue that keeps this country together. not all but a tremendous number of them are very young men. william blunt of north carolina 39. now we get into the 40s oh my gosh. forty, charles pickney 41. william houston of new jersey 41 james mcclurg of virginia 41. william patterson 4142. oliver ellsworth of connecticut 42. this is an age the 42 of the 50, it's the age of many of the people donald trump is picking for his cabinet. it is a good thing not a bad thing. here are the old ones ready? fifty or older.
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hugh williamson north carolina 52. robert morris pennsylvania 53. fifty-three. jon blair virginia 55 jon dickinson delaware. george washington 55. daniel of st. thomas jennifer maryland 57. william samuel johnson connecticut 59 now are getting into the real old ones, georgia wyageorgewyatt virginia 61, geon great man virginia 62 william livingston new jersey 63. david of maryland 64 roger sherman connecticut six the oldest benjamin franklin 81. other than franklin the oldest delegate to the constitutional convention was 66. most of them were in their 30s. and they did a good job. donald trump deserves his team
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as i said they are young. they are experience they are substantive and vibrant. they are good communicators to the american people and they have a massive job ahead of them. isn't it time that the generation of the greatest generation in the biden generation isn't it time passed to a new generation that donald trump recognizes that to bring people in the last 100 years that these are people that bring new experiences. they bring motivation. they bring energy. these are people of a generation who were going to have to hand the ball to now. so, why keep holding it back? isn't it time that people who were in their '80s look back on their careers and go home and
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retire and hand it off to not even the next generation they would have been around a long time. pete hegseth, these are great young men and women who could do great things for america and do with the voters want them to do and that landslide election that took place. they keep giving us the same people with the same basis on tv with the same complaints and the same arguments. it is time to move them out of the way. send them out to pasture. give them a watch, get them a metal. get them whatever they want for they'll have massive pensions to take care of themselves and turn it over to a generation that has new ideas tied to american principles that is what donald trump is trying to do. all of his nominees should be taken as a package.
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they go through their committees but taken as a package. both them up for vote them down let the chips fall where they may. let's take the names down to the individuals who do not want a resurgence, a rebirth of america and that government that supposed to represent us.
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mark: walk about america. we have our buddy charlie kirk with us. you had a very significant role in the selection. the election integrity, get out and vote and so forth and so on. a memory texting me, it may be calling me telling about nebraska would need to fix nebraska. we certainly try to fix nebraska but we had republican -- make a democrat turned republican that screwed us over there. very, very busy in this cycle but tell me what was motivating you and what you and your organization did? looks great to see you. what was motivating me was i believe if we would've lost this election i don't of civilization would have continued as we grew up i know that sounds like a major statement. but, you look at what kamala harris the democrats have been doing to this country, this is an existential i dedicated my
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entire life over the last year end a half to getting donald trump back in the white house. we did it by building unprecedented ground game in arizona and wisconsin. in pennsylvania, and michigan especially with younger voters. now mark, you and i have talked about this for the past seven years, get younger voters to look at politics differently? can we get the worldview more conservative i'm happy to report thanks to the relentless work we did on the ground of registering voters of viral videos of on-campus events, we when that youth vote in washington. we nearly one in wisconsin but we won in pennsylvania. we almost won center county the home of penn state university and our whole mission and turning point action was how to turn trump supporters into voters? just because you say you like donald trump that is not enough for us. we chase their ballot all the way through the process. embracing early voting or it was legal. ballot harvesting or it was legal and we said where are we
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going to give democrats 12 hours of voting when we have 30 days to be able to compete? changing that approach deserves a ton of credit for embracing that approach is one of the reasons we were successful. but understand it was not just a young men that move t moved to e right. young women were also seven points more and donald trump's direction than they were in 2020. the red wave that we saw on election day in the story at this election genz and younger voters voted the most conservative they have nearly 35 years behind a president that gave them hope, that gave them optimism and we are thrilled to help deliver that victory. >> it was fantastic. let me ask you this. the infrastructure you have put together this doesn't exist election to election strengthened them and so forth and so on that party admission to questioner.
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>> and once an century realignment opportunity the first time in my lifetime the democrats seem a little on defense. they would fall into try to stop donald trump from the law fair from calling the worst things you can take to smearing him and slandering him they lost in the people spoke at turning point usa turning point action were going to embrace now keeping this infrastructure on college campuses. we are doing to reach younger voters to register new voters. in fact if we beat the democrats continually in voter registration and these key states we could see this turn into not just a red wave but a red decade and a red decorate. young people get conservative as they get older. imagine how conservative this generation will be now that they are starting conservative that they have rejected the lies of liberalism ages 18 , and 20. at turning point for gumby 24/7 through 65 standing army of the conservative movement during the difficult but necessary community organizing work to be
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able to keep these majorities, to expand them also make sure a pro- american pro- liberty world view is dominant in monks all generations especially the next generation. >> 's is very, very exciting. now charlie kirk let me ask you this. i see two groups of young people may be many more but the two groups i am looking at are those instinctively conservative and group conservative households who jujust did not vote. and then another group indoctrinated relentlessly or even in public school system in the unions and so forth and so on. it seems to me that in some respects those are two different groups with two different approaches how do you approach of both of those groups? >> is go to the first one initially. the first group is people who need confidence to be a conservative they wane and their conservative beliefs if they
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don't have community, camaraderie and conviction. we give them that at turning point usa you are not alone there's far more conservatives out there than you would believe them to university of georgia at one of the 25 college campuses i visited this last semester 5000 students show up they said it's the largest outdoor event they have ever seen at university of georgia. mark, i knew something profound was happening with 5000 people that own maga hats and the kamala harris try to counter that they had s that six peopleo exaggeration. that is the first part the second part deprogramming the ideas. one sentence of truth at a crisply asked question two debunked a decade of indoctrination we are very effective in opening the eyes of younger people to seek the truth and break out of the lies. >> it's remarkable we come back i want to pursue the last points because so many occasions perhaps in your own situation
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prominent conservatives can be chased off the college campuses. we see the islamists and the marxists marxist on these collee campuses attacking jews in organizations and so forth. how do you deal with that your organization how you deal that going forward but since these forces seem to be getting stronger and stronger and supported by administrators and faculty?
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new trump administration. i am jon scott and now back to
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"life, liberty & levin." ♪. mark: will come back america. we are here with charlie kirk overall mucky muck good man. we see foreign money coming in, financing a lot of these protests we see tenured professors who clearly so many of them really hate america. jewish students being chased down the streets and so forth. how do you cope with that? how do you deal with that? >> two answers. at turning point usa we teach students to be tough you do not have to play a victim but you have to stand up against a jew hatred. against the american hatred and you have to stand your ground and not run away. we must recognize all of those threats we create top students that no the world is not a fair place you see evil, you see hatred you look in the eye you call the bigotry for what it is. the second part is one of the things i'm trying to get done to this wonderfully run trump
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transition the team deserves such credit. tuesday soon a great job we need real changes to the department of education and the department of justice to find out where the foreign money is coming from that instigating jew hatred anti- american activity president trump ran on this promise is one of his 20 core promises i will personally try to make sure this gets to completion he has had this time and time again if you are here on a student visa and you burn the american flag, if you are here as a newcomer or a visitor you are participating in pro- hamas activity, you should be deported immediately. we should not have tolerance for foreigners or people who are here as guests of our nation to be able to ferment the ugliest and nastiest activities imaginable president trump ran on that promise and i am certain he's going to deliver because that alone would be able to simmer down some of the hotbed of anti-semitism, anti- americanism and this garbage we've seen on college campuses. mark: you are right on. president trump is probably one of the few people about the only
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person who can get this done trait that is why it is important he is choosing the kind of cabinet officials that he is. i was talking earlier, these are young men and women. they are motivated men and women. they come with fresh ideas. they are bound by our founding principles it is time the 80 -year-olds in the congress move aside. it is time the people 40 years in the bureaucracy get out of the way. it's time that we have a young team, a vibrant patriots on behalf of the american people that's a part of the landslide victory that donald trump won and they will be these washington elements are going to try to block him every step of the way. >> and beautifully said let's connect the dots we talk about younger voters helped deliver the white house for donald trump right now were going t to one of the youngest cabot and change teams ever that is so beautifully put. you look across the board for marco rubio to matt gaetz jd dances with the youngest vice
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president and american history little on the last 100 years. these are people of this energy and vitality what a contrast verse of the president we have right now and who we just fired up. someone who did not d miss who d the spark or the spirit to be able to deliver for the american people. i think you are right i will sit as nicely as i can. if you are in the u.s. senate you want business as usual the american people demand differently. there is a mandate for people like matt gates and tran 8-amp people from choosing to choose thing to take out the foreign influence to secure the southern border, to be able to make sure we have free speech on her college campuses that men cannot be a female sports. to revitalize the economy. to drill baby drill. there were not going to keep on doing the standard operating procedure of washington these last couple of decades. president trump ran on that message that is what so comforting there has never been a more transparent presidential campaign in american history. none of the ship shouldn't
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surprise you. it was up on stage with all these people three weeks ago. these people were next to him it's not as if there is a secret agenda he rented one thing and did another these were pals with him he brought them up and spoke of his major rally sprayed the american people saw it too. they weigh their options and now we are going to see the avengers squad the greatest team of changemakers and actors that we have ever seen. elon musk, i could go to the entire roster i am thrilled how president trump is delivering on these promises and a next generation is going to infuse this energy and that town of washington d.c. and praise god we are here to witness it. mark: amen. by the way a message for iran, i hope you know how to duck. god bless you my friend appreciate you this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are
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something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world.
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i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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let the good times roll. jackpocket is so easy to use from home or on the go, and there have been over $500m in total prizes won. so now the easiest way to enjoy the lottery is right in your pocket. jackpocket. download america's number one lottery app today. mark: welcome back america i'm
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here with my dear friend of 45 years actually, arthur fergenson a former federal prosecutor a former clerk to the late chief justice warren burger. a great guy a constitutional expert. he and i talk a lot together, work a lot together and i want to talk about something that's very important that i don't think is getting enough air time on this network or any network for that matter. arthur fergenson let's talk about this case in manhattan. next week in front of this judge is the sentencing part of the trial. god knows what he will do. but the fact remains he is a state judge the case was brought by manhattan prosecutor. they revived they said a state law, statute of limitations, they turn it from a misdemeanor on top of that to a felony based on federal election law. even those not explicitly stated
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it has to be the implied reality. to get a conviction 34 counts despite the violations of the immunity decision of the supreme court and trying to keep it simple, due process and equal protection under the 14th amendment that applies the fifth amendment. here's the point for the american people. we have a state judge that's not going to sit there and make a decision that potentially affects an incoming federal constitutional president of the united states. it's a something wrong with that arthur fergenson? quiclook there's absolute sometg wrong. this is not apollo jones case were as a federal court in civil. this is a criminal case in which donald trump as a criminal defendant has an absolute right to participate in his own defense. but, if he participates in his own defense he will be unable to
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prepare comment to assume the highest office in the land the most important position in the world. that puts him in the operations of the federal government in jeopardy. this has to stop. it has to be frozen now. if the judge will not stop this dead, freeze it in the supreme court should be brought in immediately. >> in fact we have two memos from the department of justice of the last half-century that is said several things your point which is the president of the united states or an incoming president has to spend full time on his office he cannot do that and defend himself at the same time for that is number one. number two they talk about the effect it will have on the presidency's reputation in dealing with foreign leaders. they talk about that. in the case of a state, we have other issues don't we? the supremacy clause federal law trumps state law the federal
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constitution trumps state law and the state constitution and the state judge and a prosecution and a conviction and anything else went on in the state with an incoming president, correct? and on top of that the underlying crime they claim is a federal crime which is the federal election law. so my question to you if merchan does not educate himself about the constitution and president trump's lawyers appeal to the appellate courts which i feel they probably should have already done on an emergency appeal. they do not get the satisfaction quickly that is needed, what happens next? do they go into federal district court or do something much more immediate, much more substantial that would put an end to this? >> should go to the supreme court right away unless merchan stops this farce from continuing. you are absolutely right, mark.
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the supremacy clause means a state is utterly incapacitated under the constitution from interfering in the transition and the actions of president trump to get his administration up and to protect the united states and the presidency. the state has a business there. the supreme court should act it could act in two ways. it could take immediate if the intermediary state court does not put a freeze on it. throughout president trump's term in office. or, i would say in addition to it you use the common law writs and make application to the supreme court. both for the way the supreme court usually handles this under a rule that says if you have an immediate harm it's called collateral order rule you can have even without a final
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judgment because there could be harmed. but combine that with common-law ritz. as you said the other night the supreme court has inherent power to achieve justice through common-law ritz, and appeal. mark: and we come back i went to work through this in plain english so nonlawyers can understand. the point is this. the president and isis i i ceast to sit around and wait for new york to make a decision. the clause apart from everything else, the constitution of the united states trumps everything and anything that's going on right now in the state of new york. and rather than go to a federal district court over here than a federal appellate court than go to the supreme court, the point is there is at least one and my view an avenue to take it to the supreme court if they want to take it up they can. if they don't they
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mark: welcome back america. let me lay this out. this case should be gone now. donald trump is putting his government together. donald trump is preparing for a
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transition. his hands are full. he is making an enormous number of decisions. he is even involved an activity involving foreign leaders were calling him and so forth and so on. he is the president and waiting. this case in new york is without authority now. it has no authority now. because the supremacy clause kicks in. they supremacy clause of the constitution, mr. merchan has no business rolling on anything at this point other than to say i'm shutting the case down. it's over. that is how the constitution works. we will see if he does that on tuesday. the president's lawyers have said if he doesn't they're going to appeal in new york. what arthur and i are saying is that is fine, it may be get it expedited. if you can't get it expedited at the same thing hanging over the incoming president of the united states. either way you got to get it out of new york. you've got to get into federal court. if you just going to go parallel
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into federal district court a trial court was on the appellate process there it is still hanging over the future president of the united states. there is an avenue to take it to the supreme court. the way the bush attorneys took bush v gore to the supreme court they did not call it a common-law ritz. they called an emergency appeal effectively it is the same thing. you could call it a kumquat it does not matter. to take up the case in ferguson what i am saying what i think you are saying is chances are they going to take it for their going to put an end to this to uphold the department of justice position, to uphold their immunity ruling. and to put an end to this rogue judge in this rogue operation in new york. have i explained it clearly? >> yes you have. the common will ritz is a way the supreme court supreme justice and the other appellate avenues may not be available. this has been an inherent power
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of the supreme court. it is rarely exercised. we have never had a situation like this before. we have never had a man wh whose president are about to assume the office of president under criminal sanctions being forced to participate, to use his time and his energies. and those of people around him who should be focusing on helping him run the country to defend any criminal action. this has never occurred before. it wasn't an apology owned it wasn't u.s. to be the nixon this is unique. the court has us and parent inherent power to step in and stop this dead. when other avenues are pursued this should be considered and i would go to the court and say cut this off, stop this. there have been commentaries. there been footnotes in the
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supreme court by saying we have dealt with civil cases. we've never had to deal they criminal case before. this is that situation. this is an i and fronted by an inferior partner and our federal system to interfere with the most basic operation at the highest level of the executive branch of the federal government, of a different sovereign. they cannot do it. you are right the supremacy clause as you are out. the state, you are out. they should be shut down. it would seem to me that merchan and bragg should have the most basic, most basic decency to admit that they failed. and they failed badly in their purpose and shut it down. mark: the call is not to just shut it down but shut it down now. he may do that next week. if he is watching this program
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he sure showed. i have no doubt in my mind the supreme court will be into this bush v gore that less than a reason to put an end an in there the counting of votes. this is a slamdunk in my view. and i bet the court is sitting there wondering why haven't they brought this matter to us already so we can end this? arthur fergenson going to thank you my friend. always good to have you on. god bless you. >> thank you mark and thank you for all you've done for our country. ma
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♪ each day i go through ♪ ♪ this dance of a lifetime ♪ ♪ with you ♪ [inspirational music] ♪ ♪ ♪
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[music intesifies] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
10:59 pm
welcome back. we have a great show tomorrow night sunday night. please don't miss it. eric trump and douglas, record the program. i know we are up against sunday night football, the whole network knows that even though we still kick but. go ahead and record it just in case. it's interesting watching commentary after the election particularly from republicans
11:00 pm
were very troubled donald trump not win. he will stay on message and have democrats trashing donald trump building up harris. we turn back to them, bernie sanders if james cargill. republicans who i will mention, some of whom, and that is networking told us why trump one. can we get new names out there? people who actually know what's going on? a bit of energy and motivation and people who do have a grasp of the events taking place. i'm just saying this. i think the american people will be better served and cnn and msnbc don't change worse, they won't exist five or ten years from now not that it upsets me but you have to wonder what they are thinking so i'll see you tomorrow night monday night 8:00 p.m. eastern on life, liberty and levin. ♪ ♪


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