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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  November 18, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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incredible wing against the current title holder out of new york and new jersey. the match was finished and the penalty kick shootout. the golly for the spirit aubrey kingsbury making the dive to save for her team. the spirit will take on the orlando pride saturday in the championship match. we wanted to bring you that. good luck. tomorrow on "special report" a fox news exclusive trey yingst interviews volodymyr zelenskyy about all that's happening. remember, if you can't catch us live set your dvr 3:00 p.m. in the east and 6 p.m. on the east "the washington posttest" coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight, fair balanced and unafraid. here's laura. >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. thank you so much for joining us. president trump filling out cabinet.
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sean duffy has been named transportation secretary he started his career as a d.a. in wisconsin, then he served in congress for 8 years, coming in during the tea party wave, more on all of that, later. plus, it's legends night on the angle. hulk hogan and brett favre will both be here in moments. i cannot wait. but, first, red hats rule that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ sips trump thes with less than two weeks ago the political shift in america is finally beginning to sink. in now of course we all know the victory was seismic. >> voters who put donald trump back in office looks nothing like a traditional republican voter and these shifts that the obama electorate went toward donald trump. the trump electorate looks more like the obama electorate now. that's a surprising take away. >> laura: you think? very surprising. well, not really to us even some of his old enemies are crawling
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crawling back to make peace to salvage what is left of their credibility. >> i would sit down with donald trump and interview donald trump. i will go a step further. i hope good people work for him. we need to stop demonize people because they supported a manning who became president of the united states. >> laura: can't demonize people? ha! is anyone laughing as hard as i am? they all should just start wearing maga hats when they go on air. what this confirms, of course, what we have told you for years. they never believed he was a fascist or even an insurrectionist. it was all either a delusion or just a lie. more on that later. but, there is also a cultural shift happening. now, think about this. what was it six months ago or so? this is what donald trump was facing every day. yeah, outside a cold manhattan courtroom with liberal judge juan merchant presiding, before that, liberals were gleeful when
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trump was hit with another huge judgment in a civil defamation case filed by this woman. it wasn't just a legal wins that were buffeting trump, but the cultural wins as well. all the left wing loans were ecstatic. they thought surely trump would never recover do you think trump ever threw a punch himself or took one? this guy went and hid in the white house bunkers when there were protesters outside. no way. >> laura: but when trump returned to new york on saturday night for the big ufc fight between john jones and steep, it was like none of that other stuff had ever happened. [chanting u.s.a. let go. [chanting u.s.a.] >> laura: it was his second appearance at madison square garden in just four weeks. this time it was not as a candidate but almost as a
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conquering hero. >> president-elect donald trump. >> [inaudible] to hear the sound in this room. >> it is so loud in here it? >> is so loud. >> it is wild. so trump with musk, dana white and trump's new buddy podcasting giant joe rogan they were all there. then the moment that sealed the deal. now, while john jones had beaten his opponent in the ring, jones acknowledged that trump had beaten something a lot more powerful. the d.c. machine. yeah! [cheers]
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♪ now where before people were silent and keeping their to themselves never put a maga sign outside of your house never worried about that. suddenly okay to be a trump supporter. even okay to have some fun with it meanwhile over at the nfl even though taylor swift didn't make it to the chiefs buffalo game yesterday, we wonder what she thought about some of the end zone celebrations. it's infectious. ♪ ymca ♪ fun to stay at the ymca >> laura: again, there is a new sense of optimism in the air. you feel it. and just the sense that people are breathing a sigh of relief. and axios, this headline, no more hidden trump voters. trump voters in deep blue cities are no longer keeping it to themselves. so pay attention, liberal
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weanies, as more americans start coming out of the political closet because they saw trump as the guy who punched through, the reason america now has a fighting chance, it's donald trump. >> voting for harris? >> i actually voted for obama. >> you did? >> yeah. >> that was the last time i ever voted for somebodies that not trump. >> to that changed? >> my level of thinking. me not thinking that the police are above me and white men are above me. and i'm good about like, we can learn about history and all that stuff. don't tell me or don't try to put it in a way that it's like our country is racist well, of course, some people are still not quite getting it. >> really looks like ancient rome here. this is sort of a conquering republican caesar who is going into the coliseum and everyone is cheering and he has got his political gladiators with him. that appearance isn't just about him enjoying the applause, he is sending a message to the senate.
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>> for sure. >> not only are you entertained but these are my people and are you willing to fight because here is who i have. >> laura: i don't know if any of them had any trouble when kamala walked in to her celebrity fest. but news flash, after what they put him through, what do you expect trump to do? shrink from the scene? my gosh, is he a new yorker. should he say pretty please, work with me? no way. they tried to kill him and he won things can and with will change. right now trump has leverage and political capital and he intends to use it. strength and perseverance against all odds, independent fighting spirit authenticity? trump embodies all of it. that's why so many young people like him. and the cultural figures who want to remain relevant beyond their little bubbles should pay attention. try opening your ears, your eyes, learning more about why former democrats joined the trump movement.
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why young people are suddenly following politics again. why young african-american men see the republican party in an entirely new light and what about the hispanic vote? what about it? and why pro-athlete are no longer afraid of having a little trump fun. now, the cultural left applauded remember colin powell taking a knee. surely they can find a way to love the trump dance and that's the angle. joining us now is hulk hogan wwe legend. hockey, so great to see you. i was at madison square garden when you came out in october during the campaign why are so many athletes thrilled it seems by trump's win? laura ingraham mania i still got my trump gut on. let me stake my claim and mark my territory. i was the first one, if you were there, to do the trump dance, baby. >> laura: did i see it.
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>> now it's catching on. everybody is dancing like trump because we got america back. we got a second chance. we have repented to our lord and safer, he is healing the land and we are back, jack. >> laura: impulse before was to kind of keep it hidden and i'm not a big fan of like sports and politics and entertainment but i like kind of keeping them separate. but, if you are going to embrace kaepernick and end racism in the end zone. i think a lot of these football players if anyone can end racism or make progress to it it's probably trump. >> well, it's kind of funny, everything they speak where they are speaking from is who they really are. if you listen to everything they say misogynist, racist. all that stuff is who they really are at the end of the day, i was one of the biggest cowards around. i voted for trump before. i was afraid to wear the hat. i was afraid of the bumper sticker. when they tried to kill him i said that's it, enough is enough
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guess what in the whole united states of america feels that way now. we're proud to be trumpites we're proud of trump-a-mania and proud of the president. everybody is singing it from the heavens. it's about time we finally get our country back. >> laura: you lost me when you said hulk hogan was afraid of anything? i mean, i have seen you clothesline people. i have seen you do it all. how could you possibly be afraid been afraid of anything? >> well, as a businessman, you know, the hulk amaniacs been following me, the millions and millions of hulk amaniacs democrats and republicans love hulk hogan and buy my merchandise and stuff. i didn't want to split my audience as a businessman. plus, i didn't want people throwing rocks through my business. coming in my home and doing what they did to kavanaugh, you know, so, at the end of the day, i was afraid. i was sitting on the couch being a coward and finally i decided
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to step up and be a man. that's what i meant. i was hiding like everybody else. even though i voted for donald trump back in the day. i wouldn't tell anybody. it's completely different now. because we took america back. we're on the right path. god in our homes, god in our country, god in our schools. one nation under god. >> laura: i think that madison square garden rally the butler rally, those were all inflection points, don't you think? you felt it that night in the garden for sure. >> i have worked that building for 40 years, at the end of the day, i sold that place out to the rafters that might for the madison square garden for the trump rally, the energy is so electric like we jumped on a lightning bolt and going on ride to the moon. if that butler situation is what got me off the couch. when they tried to kill him, that was it. enough is enough. when i went to the rnc, it was kind of quiet in there. at first, and i couldn't take it
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anymore. i just ramped myself up. said exactly what was on my heart. i never read the teleprompter and i said it like it was. this place came alive. >> laura: that was awesome. >> i felt the momentum getting bigger and bigger every day. amazing, i will never forget it. >> laura: rnc super, super fun. such an icon for so many of us for many years. moment at the ufc talks about what you were talking about earlier about god. watch. this everybody is cheering and so happy, i want to acknowledge jesus christ. i cannot take credit for a gift like this. i really owe it all to him i know millions of people watching right now. jesus loves you so much. that's all i will say about that. >> laura: there is something about the gentle giant like is he a gentle soul who is also a fighter and who is trying to, you know, proselytize, and if you are a christian, that's what
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you are supposed to do. we are all supposed to do that. >> well, at the end of the day, trump is my hero. he is our leader. he is man of god. and all these superstar athletes coming out, that is how they got to where they are. they believed. they followed. ask and you shall receive. i'm telling you, when you walk in the light, not when you are getting close to god when you are one with god, miracles happen. and donald trump, i have known him for over 40 years. he hasn't changed a bit. he is a man of god. that's why our country has a second chance. >> laura: do you think, hockey, as he moves forward, in this administration, he wants his own cabinet. he has his ideas about who he wants in the cabinet. he is just not going to be denied. i mean, i don't know if the senate is going to -- what they are going to do. they have their own role obviously in the process. constitutional role. trump wants his people in place. and by golly he did win a mandate here. >> well, at the end of the day, everybody that is moaning and complaining and whining and
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crying look who trump picked. look who is put head of the defense or interior, everybody whining and crying, those are the people that got us in this place anyway. my god, are you kidding me? you are going to listen to them when they are have been lying and wrong about everything russia. beach is him, bankrupt him, put him out of business? trying to kill him? give me a break. don't even listen to that stuff. >> can you do the trump dance for us, please? i want to see you do it. >> laura: you got it. you got the guns still, hulk, i love it. pull the camera back. >> hey, let me tell you something. you might not be a fan of sports, but we are a fan of yours. >> laura: oh, back at you. hockey, it's so good to have you on. i love watching you at the garden and the rnc. you brought the house down, unbelievable stuff. come back soon. >> love you. thank you. >> laura: all right. the trump dance sweeping the nfl
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those celebration are they short-lived? new concerns that the league could be cracking down on them. a "u.s.a. today" reporter says that right after he talked to raiders tight end brock bowers about his trump's touchdown dance the team abruptly ended his post game availability. joining us now brett favre, nfl hall of fame quarterback. bret, fantastic to see you. i don't know how you follow hulk hogan, man, you are going to have to figure it out, bret. why do you believe the nfl players are doing the little dance? what's going on be there? >> i think people have had enough. and they are coming out of the woodwork right and left. when i woke up election day and saw the landslide victory put
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everybody's perspective on this country right to the. we are in desperate need of president trump to take back over and get this country back where it needs to be. we were definitely going in the wrong direction. i think our youth and i say youth, nfl players, college players, high school players. when i was 22, 25, 30 years old i never thought about politics. this was never an issue. there was never a focus on politics like it was this year. and i think people just saw it for what it was. that we were in desperate need of help and that help is president trump. >> laura: bret, don't you also think that some of this is almost an athlete's competitive spirit? like when you're counted out, you are injured no one thinks
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can you come back again throw the perfect pass or throw the perfect pattern and catch the perfect ball. no one thought you could do it but you do it as one who played some college sports that's what i see the connection between athlete and him. maybe that's overblown? >> well, laura, you are right i don't think a lot of people gave president trump a chance at winning. i know i did. i was very hopeful that he would win like most of us. but you just don't really know. based on what has happened in the past. you really didn't know. and so again when i woke up that morning and i'm sure a lot of the people felt the same way you have got to be kidding. not only did he win he just dominated.
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i trust o. just think that as i said we were in desperate lead of leadership -- >> laura: sorry to interrupt. do you think the nfl should be cracking down on players doing a little trump dance in the end zone because some believe they are cracking down. >> well, i think back just over the years, i mean, the ickey shuffle, i don't know if you remember that if you would, with the cincinnati bengals had the icky shovel. and i could go on and on yo i don't remember some of the others i don't remember that being a. oh look it's the ickey shuffle, that's pretty cool. i find it hard to believe that the nfl would crack down on this trump dance. i really do.
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>> laura: well. >> i hope that they wouldn't. >> laura: looks like people are just having some fun. i think why not have a little fun. >> yeah. >> you know, you can take a knee, colin kaepernick took the knee and everyone had to support that or a lot of people did and that was all celebrated but, you know, doing a little dance, somehow you cancel his post game availability. >> how threatening to that little dance some may say. but i think like with john jones, that was a very just powerful moment with he and president trump. the baddest man arguably on the planet. who came over and showed respect to president trump. i think is says a lot about where we are in this country right now. >> a fighter to a fighter. brett favre. >> correct. >> laura: come back soon. great to have you on as always, my friend. >> thank you. >> laura: coming up, democrats are trying to steal a senate seat. yes, steal a senate seat. we have the details.
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lawyer laura bush big news tonight trump tapping sean duffy. sean providing analysis in co-hosting the fox business network program the bottom line as duffy departs fox news media
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effective today, we wish him the best of luck in his return to washington. and election day was almost two weeks ago, november 5th? americans were voting for a long time before that. we all know that and today, just, november 18th, and according to the "new york times," there is still one senate race and five house races that still have yet to be called. now, pennsylvania democrats have been trying very hard to steal the senate seat that dave mccormick won. once again, the state supreme court ruled today procure yum order that democrats had to stop counting illegal ballots. the court explicitly singled out boards of elections in bucks county, montgomery county, and philadelphia county. joining me now is salena, pennsylvania journalist. they are so desfruit juice bob casey's vote count they were
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openly and embracingly calling to count vote illegitimate under state law and now the rnc warns them it's going to hold them accountable. watch. this does the lawyers think this could be legally perilous for the individuals involved and could they be criminally libel? >> we certainly are exploring that right now and we will pursue this to the fullest extent that we can. >> laura: celina, those are words, what kind of punishment, if any could these election officials be looking at here? >> well, i mean, that's the big question. laura, what i thought was really funny, if you red the ruling, they literally -- the supreme court -- the state supreme court, which is 5-2 democrat majority. literally wrote it in all caps like saying you guys, we told you this already.
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and you're doing it so we will tell you again like they were 7-year-old children. i thought that was pretty funny. this is a liberal court they really took a shot accuse the bough at them for their behavior. and i thought that was fascinating to me. now, just breaking, just as i was about to come on the air, the casey campaign has filed a lawsuit because this is the election that will never end and to sold song we used to sing when we were in grammar school. they found a lawsuit to cover the provisional ballot. even if they won, this even if they were able to count all the illegal votes. it doesn't matter. mccormick still would win by about 10,000-plus votes. >> ainsley: don't you get the sense, saleenna, they want to shave the popular vote advantage of trump? they can find votes anywhere they want.
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it seems like they can pull votes out of thin air sometimes. i mean i'm not saying they are doing that. but it certainly seems that way to a lot of people watching. the narrower the margin i would imagine they believe the smaller the mandate for trump. but, i think the real question is governor josh shapiro, he is looked at as a bright light for the future of the democrat party. where has he been, mr. election integrity? where has he been, mr. i'm going to protect democracy? here's what he says in a statement tonight as counties continued counting ballots. u.s. lack of legal clarity surrounding undated mail-in ballots that caused significant confusion and put counties in a challenging legal position both my predecessor and i have repeatedly called on linebackers clarity on legislative actors act. this issue is given to the
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court. do you think given what the supreme court has said thus far, that that is an accurate reading of what is going on here? >> that was a lot of words. and, you know, look, this is what i think is happening, laura. i think they know they are going to lose. however, i think they are trying to set legal precedence so that this will become the law, a law that they would be unable to get through the legislature. but they would, a, be able to set precedent in four future. >> laura: they are going to lose the cases. the precedent is going to help republicans. this makes no sense unless the motives are impure. impure motives resulted in this, and josh shapiro should have shut this down. and this should effectively end his future in politics. i'm sorry. mr. election integrity allowed this to go forward. he was silent. salena we have got to roll but thank you. how biden is bringing us to the brink, yes, and it's not an
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exaggeration it's only world war iii. the details, next. ♪
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>> splerns nostalgic view of our military. we love our troops, flag, patriotism. but the pentagon? okay. totally different matter. as of tonight, for the seventh time in a row, the defense department cannot tell us how it spends large parts of $824 billion budget. but they are waiving off any concerns with this brilliant logic. writing in a statement: if someone had a report card that is half good and half not good, i don't know what you would call the student or the report card. a failure? well, yeah, you would, actually. i'm not great at math, but 50 out of 100 is a failing grade. joining me now alabama senator tommy tubervilleville. senator, first of all, that
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statement is so dumb i can't even -- that's terrifying if that's the pentagon's logic. but what's the root cause of the pentagon continuing to blow this audit? >> well, experienced bureaucrats, laura, they about run the pentagon into the ground because they know how to finagle the numbers. they don't want us to know where the number is going. dei, woke, green, climate change, all this money goes to these different areas. look a what joe biden did yesterday. he approved $1 billion worth of atacms to go to ukraine to start world war iii in russia while he is looking for the spotted owl in the amazon. and nobody knows where that money is coming from. you know, they just pull from here, pull from there. audit is a bad word up here. entire time i have been here it's always a bad word. lawyers lawyer what's the first thing, assuming pete hegseth gets through, confirmed. what is the first thing in your view on this issue he needs to do? >> he has got to throw a stink bomb in that pentagon and get
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bureaucrats out of there. we have 44 four star generals that have $250 million budget. what do they do they have 2,000 employees each. we are way over top heavy, laura, we have got to get these people out. save money for the war fighter. i talk to war fighters all the time. they bear live make welfare wages. pete will do a good job. he knows numbers. he understands the military. he has got to come out swinging. that's the reason that democrats don't want him in there because he will go in there and change the entire landscape and it needs to be done that way. we need to knock two sides off that pentagon and go to a triangle. >> laura: lots of republican holes infer want to touch the pentagon. all it is upping the budget. upping the budget, more money, more money. with zero accountability i have never seen anything like it. we make a lot of weapons in alabama. defense contractors. we need the best military in the world. >> but the best military is not spending money on other
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countries giving money away. it's about recruiting the best young men and women here and training them the right way and giving them the best things that they can have to defend this country. >> laura: senator, as always, great to see you, my friend. >> thank you. >> laura: joe biden apparently wants to it mark the end of inyou a suspicious. bangs. not the kind we are used to seeing over head. green lighting the long range weapons that senator was just referencing could hit inside russia. the commander-in-chief staggering stupidity is brings us into extremely dangerous territory. we already know that putin has said previously about this type of aggressive move now a kremlin spokesperson says the move is adding fuel to the fire and provoking furthest can a labor relation. he warned that these strikes are not going to be carried out by ukraine but by the countries giving permission for them. that means us. joining us now, missouri senator josh hawley. senator, putin went on the record earlier today, basically
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said that same thing are you concerned this is going to increase chances he is going to put 100,000 of them to deploy and ratchet this thing up even further. >> i'm very concerned. here is my take away. january 20th can't get here fast enough. what biden is doing is totally reckless, laura, it is absolutely reckless. let's not forget. this is a guy hot democrats decided couldn't be trusted, didn't have the capability to run a presidential campaign. and now here he is potentially leading us down the future world war iii, with just weeks to go in his presidency. it is unbelievablably reckless and irresponsible. and i just can't wait until trump gets back into office. we got make it from now until then and this policy is a disaster. >> laura: a friend of mine described it as almost like biden who whoever is making this call you wonder who is mining the political and military landscape to cause trouble for
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trump; however, he just met with trump. is there any possibility that he and trump talked about this. >> not that trump would be in favor of this, but it's kind of a chess move to get putin to the table or do you think that's just probably not likely? >> well, it looks like escalation to me, laura it, looks like a green light tore escalation on the part of ukraine and then russia as you pointed out. what would happen if russia would launch and launch missiles into territory of nato member. then treaty triggered. then talking about a foul scale war. i can't imagine that president trump wants that he has been totally against it. what i'm sure what he wants is for biden to stop screwing this up and get into office and begin to work towards america's security interest. let's remember what our interest in the region are. it's our national security. that's what we ought to be putting first. and giving a green flight shooting missiles into russia. that's not putting our interest first. it's putting it last. >> laura: it's insane. do you think biden made this call? is he the one that came up with this idea. >> i don't think it's biden
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making any calls. people in the deep state who wants this conflict to go on forever. this is escalation and that is what is going on here. >> laura: trying to prevent trump from being able to pull out of this situation. that's what they did in afghanistan to him. senator, as always, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> laura: up next, d.c. bureaucrats are freaking out tonight over what elon musk has planned. what is it? i will tell you. ♪
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.>> get back to work! j city work for the federal government better cancel midday yoga classes soon there will be a new boss in town. a whole new world with president trump at the helm and doge heads elon musk and vivek ramaswamy, they are looking to slash wasteful spending and nonessential personnel. vivek ramaswamy heard unions are scrambling to update collective bargaining agreements to avoid being fired. the prospect of being asked to return to the office five days a week can you imagine that, like most working americans, apparently has them in tears.
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joining us now hover institution senior fellow, victor davis hanson. we may have found something harder than cutting air with a knife. that's getting federal bureaucrats back in the office. this is wild. >> yeah. i don't understand why they think they have any leverage because one thing we do know there is not going to be a vast increase in federal job opportunities. in fact, there is going to be fewer federal jobs and you know in october i know there were some circumstances but we had one of the worst october job reports 12,000 new jobs were all that was created. so, jobs are not a guarantee anymore. they should be so happy to show the new trump administration that they are going to come in five days a week. they are going to work hard and not useless or is you purr plus employees. everyone says trump descrawnt mandate because he didn't get 55% of the vote or reaganesque electoral college. you look at the issues, laura
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every one of those issues was a mandate. 65% close the border. 65% shrink government. change the foreign policy, reduce crime. hyper inflation. he is riding a crest of issues that are even polling more popular than the votes that he got. so he does have a mandate. >> laura: msnbc guest, victor, is trashing doge's plans. watch. >> this isn't about adherence to the constitution. this isn't about rule of law. this isn't about reforming, you know, bureaucracy that need, you know, a couple nuances here and there to make them more efficient. this is about destroying our current government in its form. >> victor, we are destroying government in its form. >> i guess she thinks that the department of education and the department of energy are somewhere in the constitution. they are not. they are pretty late additions. a lot of these programs, entities, agencies weren't even in existence until the modern
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period. and everybody understands that except the people who cling to them. they know what's coming and they don't know what to do about it, so they are in a panic mode. >> laura: i think of covid, victor, gave people license to kind of sit around in their sweatpants and t-shirts and zoom in to work. usually turning the video part off. and then they are going off to hawaii and they are going different places i'm just as efficient. if you are essential personnel and don't show up during a snow storm, you lose your essential worker status pretty quick. maybe that's a good way to cut staffing. if you don't show up, then you are not essential. >> i think they think they are in the academic world where there are such rules that they follow. but they are not. i think the best thing they could do, laura, was go look at twitter and ask if twitter collapsed after elon hundreds of
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is you purr plus employees i don't think it did, it survived. >> laura: made it much, much more efficient. victor, thank you. joe and mika's diplomatic mission goes sideways as biden gets totally lost. raymond arroyo has it all. seen and unseen is next. ♪ how easy is it to play the lottery with jackpocket? step one grab your phone. step two download jackpocket and start ordering tickets for your favorite state lottery game. step three let the good times roll. jackpocket is so easy to use from home or on the go, and there have been over $500m in total prizes won. so now the easiest way to enjoy the lottery is right in your pocket. jackpocket. download america's number one
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>> laura: it's time for seen and unseen where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. scarborough and wolinski rushed from a diplomatic -- returned from a diplomatic mission. >> joe and i went to mar-a-lago. it's the first time we have seen him in seven years. >> we didn't see eye to eye on a lot of he is use and we told him so. >> what we did agree on was to restart communications. my father often spoke with world leaders with whom he and the united states profoundly disagreed. [ laughter ] >> her father -- her father was
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a national security advisor to jimmy carter. did i miss something here in. when did joe and mika become the ambassadors to mar-a-lago. i didn't realize the democratic party appointed diplomats in defeat. by the way, this is not an overture to unity. this is an attempt to book a weekend show at news nation as their msnbs morning show dies in the ratings. but did they think people would forget what they said about trump just days ago? >> it's clear the president is stunningly ignorant, probably the most ignorant president we will ever have. >> you can talk about nazi germany and i do it without any concerns whatsoever. if people can't start drawing the bare else well, you're just stupid. >> -- parallels -- >> if you believe in american capitalism you should be worried about donald trump being elected. >> laura: some of those clips went back to 2018. right before the election he was an insurrectionist, an election denier, i was fascistic,
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mentally deranged. but i guess winning has benefits, raymond. >> you can't=a guy a nazi one day and then --=a guy -- and then for a season pass the next day to his club. >> laura: that tells you they never believed their own words. they never believed it. otherwise are we going to have a new segment coffee with hitler. what is it? >> high balls with hitler, laura. >> laura: no. needians in cabs -- medians -- no. coffee with hitler. raymond, scarborough's colleagues at msnbc and the gallons at the "view" didn't take this diplomatic vision too kindly. >> i don't think you need to sit down for 90 minutes at mar-a-lago and kiss his ring to be able to speak truth. so maybe they're not journalists in the true sense. [ laughter ] >> oh, but she. is i'm sticking up for joe and
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mika now. >> yeah. forgive us, edward r. hosten. but that kind of thinking, to try to continue this narrative in defeat, laura, this is why the democratic party lost. to have no self-reflection at this point seems very defeating. the country rejected this narrative just for the record. >> laura: it's pretty smart. that's pretty smart, hold on, it's pretty smart of them. if you're there them, joe and mika, it's certainly their only card to play. what are they going to keep doing, spreading in the wing about hitler. that didn't work. they kind of admitted that, what we are doing didn't work. we haven't changed our views, but we'll try a different approach. >> somebody should tell whoopee and the girls. >> it was an act of survival. i think it was survival of the fittest. go ahead. >> other parts of the democratic party are in full meltdown. "the new york times" featured a piece this weekend with the
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headline men, maybe not. did you see that? >> laura: i missed that gem. i love this headline, though. disappointed by the defeat of another female nominee, particularly young women are channeling their disappointment towards men in a whole. >> what a wonderful way to get a female elected in the future. i hate, you won't have sex with you, i don't want to date. i call it a recipe for extinction. this is the dumbest thing ever. the good news is they're not having indiscriminate sex so that clears up the abortion rights questions everyone was worried about. no sex, no abortions. they took care of that. pretty good. i'm always looking for a cultural thread. there is a type of response underway. apparently runway models are now taking to the catwalk. not those people that you see there. but actual runway models in new york and paris are proudly pregnant and there's nothing better or more beautiful than a
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mama or a mama-to-be. that's kind of a new trend. >> laura: i think that's good. so -- >> there they are. >> laura: yeah. so they're celebrating having children, which i think -- didn't they go after that butker guy for basically celebrating having children. >> yeah. and, you know, while that catwalk is going on, biden was at the g20 today, laura. he missed the group photo, which gives you a sign of americans' dominance in the world these days. he was off in the wings somewhere. missed the photo. >> laura: he was reaching. he was looking for his own new diplomatic mission, raymond. all right. that's for us tonight. jesse is next. see you tomorrow night. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." tonight... president-elect donald trump. >> the sound in this room is so loud in here. it is so loud. >> jesse: the culture. the donald.
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