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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  November 23, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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lowe's knows when it comes to the holidays everything has to be seamless. save on lg's first ever zero-clearance refrigerator that has near flush installation for the ultimate built-in look. save at lowe's now during our black friday buildup event
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in store and online. ♪ ♪ if. brian: it is the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend. if starting with this, president-elect trump's team taking shape with a blurrily of new cabinet -- flurry of cabinet picks. how teamsters are responding to the choice. rachel: ooh, that's interesting. plus, a tale of two car a makers. volvo is being celebrated on social media following jaguar's rebrand backlash. when will brands learn their lesson? charlie: maybe never x. are you loving it? we are vealing the top fast -- revealing the top the fast food plaits perfect for a first date. the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. brian: would be the last date. [laughter] ♪ joy to the world, the lord is
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come earth receive -- brian: all right, good morning, indeed. i just love that we're in the christmas music season. can i say that? i know it's before thanksgiving. charlie, you're looking at me like i've got the wrong idea here, but i, i like this. it make me happy. charlie: really? like, three radio stations are going all christmas music? brian: look, i can't get enough. charlie: really in i am so impressed. brian: just this month and a half. charlie: i'm so glad to learn that. rachel: i love christmas too. we were all talking with jacques torres, the chocolatier, and he was saying how this tree out front at fox is really becoming a destination. every year the tree lighting gets bigger but also the crowds that come around to see our gorgeous tree out on fox square gets bigger and bigger. by the way, there's music -- brian: yes, thank you. rachel: -- playing right outside. brian: i like that. rachel: don't be the bah humbug
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here. charlie: i just don't know why we have to have three radio stations before thanksgiving that are all nothing but christmas music. brian to brian you don't like the song on one, you've got another choice. you want options. don't you want options, charlie? charlie: i would like some led zeppelin is what i'm looking for. rachel: let's ask our viewers, led zeppelin or christmas songs? charlie: i like it the week of christmas. rachel: e-mail us. i always get the e-mail wrong, so one of you guys has to get -- that are shar i'm not giving my email mail -- rachel: what is it? friends can is charlie right in that we should have led zeppelin before thanksgiving, or is brian right, a month if and a half -- brian: does led sepp. lin have a christmas album? [laughter] charlie: i hope -- that would break me. brian: all right. president-elect trump makes a series of key appointments during a flurry of friday night announcements and names
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union-friendly outgoing congresswoman lori chavez secretary of labor who the teamsters' union is supporting. so i want to just -- this is very interesting, okay? union-friendly labor secretary from president trump. this is what he said about the appointment last night. he saws lori has worked tirelessly with both business and labor to build america's work force, support the hard working men and women of america. i look forward to working with her to create tremendous opportunity for american workers. and this is the part that caught my attention, the expand training and apprenticeships, to grow wages and improve working conditions, to bring back manufacturing jobs. together we will achieve historic cooperation for business and labor that will restore the american dream for working families. i like, i was going the say i like the apprenticeship piece of this. we've got a huge problem in america especially with young men who are on the sidelines. rachel: yeah, i agree. brian: it's not college for
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them, you know? they want to get on the job and learn and earn a paycheck, and that piece of it works for them. and so i love that in naming the labor secretary, that's the piece that president trump is -- charlie: well, of course an integral part of nafta, the whole deal with nafta, what got nafta through which is the north american free trade agreement that has led to the collapse of our manufacturing in america, part of that was exactly what you're talking about, this promise that they were going to have these apprenticeships and teach people to do brian: right. charlie: which, of course, the federal government didn't do any of those things. rachel: no. charlie: they took all the manufacturing, put it overseas, didn't do any of that and also didn't enforce any of the trade rules, you know, governing foreign theft of our earlies. and so -- of our materials. and so if trump is going to follow through with it, that could be a very good thing. but she's going to run into, i think, a bit of a buzz saw among
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republican -- rachel: what is that? charlie: -- who are going to be very wary. the unions are thrilled with pick. sean to o'brien said thank you -- shaun o'brien said, thank you, donald trump for nominating lori chavez, you pledged to us the workers the find common ground to protect and respect labor in network. you put words into action, now let's grow wages, improve working conditions nationwide. obviously, the big picture here is that it shows how far donald trump has moved the republican party -- rachel: exactly. that's what i was going to say. char hard but the problem is, you know, labor is inherently corrupt which is, of course, the real problem. they often don't end up representing workers, and so, you know, this is going to be the a really interesting pick right here. rachel: but you saw the workers really buck the leadership of the unions in supporting donald
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trump. brian: right. rachel: and we talk about this remaking of the republican party by donald trump. it's the really breathtaking. and this pick and this sort of piece of that puzzle is something we should focus on. there should be more cooperation between labor and corporations. the republican party should not be, should never have been the party of big business to the exclusion of the workers. and so donald trump was propelled into the presidency on the backs of the working class who said we need a champion. and so, you know what? i'm open to this. i'm open to seeing where this leads. i hope that business leaders across america are also open to it, and maybe we could see concern it was always supposed to be a relationship between, you know, the bosses and the workers, one caring for the other, one working for the other. i don't know, i'm kind of
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digging. this brian let me just play out, that's why i think what he say as about concern says ab her in the announcement is so important. his focus is on apprenticeship, on jobs. management's looking for workers, labor want to be employed, it's a win-win. rachel: the other piece of the puzzle is the border of. part of the reason why wages have been dropping is that we have brought in all unskilled labor, and it has been to the detriment of the working class. they have been the ones hurt by this. brian: right. rachel: so the entire agenda needs to be focused on workers. charlie: and no democrat in the country has been more open borders thanker work, gavin newsom -- thanker of course, gavin new. >> of california -- gavin newsom presidential campaign finishing what is it, 2028. listen to this. >> i care about people. i don't care who you voted for. i care about people. i care about trump supporters, i care about rfk jr. supporters, i care about tucker carlson supporters, i care about charlie
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kirk supporters, i care about ben shapiro supporters. i care about all people. i care about protecting them, their public safety and their public health. charlie: so after a couple years of conservatives being fascists and, you know, following hitler, he's now going around to these red counties in red districts in california and trying to make nice with conservatives. rachel: right. because the democrat party saw a lot of losses in that central valley of california. bye brian yes. rachel: so, listen,up i don't know how sincere gavin new is -- charlie: i do. rachel: he doesn't strike me as the most sincere guy, but he's doing better in the post-ever trump election environment thanker say, a kathy hochul who's digging her heels in. that is somebody who at least -- charlie: he's trying. rachel: he's trying to concern or saying the right stuff. whether he actually means it or does it -- charlie: he doesn't. rachel: but he recognizes what
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happened. brian: i just think he's shocked that his state moved so red in this last election. i don't think he saw that coming, and that's why he's out touring saying i've got to do some damage control here. and i agree, it's in response to trump winning -- rachel: and in response to the fact that he wants to be the next president. brian: he sees an open lane there. but he's also saying we're going to trump-proof california, you know, when it comes to the environment, when it comes to the border. so which of those two messages is going to win? i don't think it's the i care about people message that's probably going to win out. i think it's what he actually does which, by the way, is why people in california said we don't like what's happened, we don't like what you do, we want to see anything else -- something else. charlie: both new york and california moved a full 12 the points towards trump between concern bain broip it was amazing. charlie: so you are seeing two opposite reactions, and i guess
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you should give him credit. but i can assure you he means none of it. rachel: well, talk about two different reactions or two different ways of selling a product if -- [laughter] in this case a car. so jaguar came out with an ad not too long ago that was bizarre. first of all, you never saw the car -- charlie: it's jaguar. rachel: i'm not a car person. it's a jaguar or whatever. in the ad there were all these sort of an correct me if i am wrong now, weird figures. itt is that about? rachel: it was very sterile, anti-human. they were living in this other era. mean while, volvo has revived an ad that they did with, i think it was a swedish filmmaker. and it was, it just touched everybody's heart because it really touched what we are all about. watch this, a piece of this involve slow ad.
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involve slow ad. >> kate's pregnant. [laughter] >> you're gonna be a grandma. ♪ rachel: let me set this ad up a little bit. it starts with that scene right there where the wife goes and tells her husband ors or she has her pregnancy test and say, guess what, i'm having a baby is. and the man in this, the man in this ad starts to think about, he talks to his mom and then you hear his thoughts and sort of the transformation he's making as he a takes in the reality that he's going to become a father. and then the wife goes for a walk, of course, we now know that she's carrying a child, she's with child, and she almost gets hit by a car happens to be
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a volvo, and the volvo stops just before. and we have this appreciation for life, right in because two people could have died had that volvo not stopped. the reaction to this ad, you guys, has been tremendous. it has gone viral. and maybe all the more because it's such a juxtaposition to this soulless ad by jaguar. brian: i want to hand charlie a kleenex. i could see you were getting emotional -- charlie: very, very emotional. rachel: did we get the jaguar ad? charlie: you remember the bar scene in a chloricwork orange? rachel: yes. [laughter] charlie: that's what -- nowhere in it is a freaking car. brian: that's a rock. kind of looks like a car. charlie: it's like they woke up, they fell asleep for the last two years and missed the whole bud light thing, missed all of
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the sort of reaction against, revulsion against this nonsense, and they woke up and they're, like, oh, we're going to break molds. rachel: the theme of this jaguar ad is copy nothing. in other words, there's nothing in the past, right? everything starts now. and the other ad, the volvo ad is about what we all have in common which is family and life and fatherhood and motherhood. brian: and just as a car enthusiast, why if you're jaguar would you want to detach yourself from the past? you've made some of the greatest cars in the history of classic cars, and you want to break that away. the difference between bud light and jaguar i would say, bud light was doing great, and they made an ad, and that really hurt them. jaguar's not doing great. they're really struggling. they don't have an audience. they're trying to find one. not showing the thing you make i don't think is the way you win back concern i'm not an expert. rachel: i think it's so much deeper than that.
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first of all, let's hear jaguar's response to the criticism. they said our brand relaunch is bold and imagine imaginative. reinvention, as expected it has attracted attention and debate. we have preserved iconic symbols while taking a dramatic leap forward. the brand reveal is only the first step in these exciting new eras, and we look forward to sharing more offing jaguar's transformation in the coming days and weeks. what i think is that i think there's a reason why that volvo ad has gone viral. i think it touches the part of us that's human. i think there's a return to -- by the way, i'm wondering, we've been talking about the economy. are we going to see a trump baby boom as people's optimism is lifting? as maybe the deficit goes down, the economy gets better, the oil prices get -- brian: you will need a bigger car. rachel: you'll need a bigger car.
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this moment, to me, if you haven't seen it, it's a 3-minute ad, and you should watch it because it just is some of the best marketing i've seen in a long, long time. this transformation of this man, i saw it in my own husband. when i got pregnant with our first child, sean was a lumberjack on the road, and in between lumberjack shows that he would co, he would make these little chairs with a chain saw, and he would sell them. he'd maybe sell, like, five or six a show. as soon as i got pregnant, between shows he was, making -- he was make, like, 30 of them. this is the transition that men make when they realize that they are now responsible for a child, for a wife, for a family. and i think it's beautiful. and i think america's celebrating -- brian: you're like a creative director for the ad. that's amazing -- rachel: i didn't make this ad. brian: volvo should have just hired you. i don't know who the swedish -- rachel: i'm loving what he's
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selling, and it made me want to buy a volvo. brian: and compared to jaguar, they're doing pretty well. rachel: buy american. brian: let's turn to your headlines. we start with a fox news alert. the united kingdom says it could arrest israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on a warrant for alleged war crimes in gaza if he visits. finish a spokesman for the u.k.'s prime minister saying, quote, the the u.k. will always comply with its legal obligations as set out by domestic law and, indeed, international law. this as hungary is supporting net a january hue -- netanyahu, inviting him to visit. president biden calling it outrageous. thank you. a new study revealing the average american believes the minimum salary to be considered financially successful, $2700,000 -- 270,000 per year. whoa. baby boomers believe making $9,000 per year.
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millennials say you meet that mark when you make more than $180,000 annually. gen-x says the threshold's just over $212,000. you need to double that and more considering earners who make merely $599090,000 to be -- 5900,000 to be financially successful. there is a lot of range there. rachel: what does that tell you, brian? brian: it tells me some of those folks have live9 a -- lived a good deal of life and some of them haven't -- of. [laughter] and they don't quite yet know what they need. tomorrow, a new episode of martin scorsese presents the statements -- saints comes out on fox nation. here's a first look at john the lap thetist. >> are concern where areng from? >> jerusalem. i'm preparing to wait -- >> how much longer are you going to let this filth stay alive?
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relationship brian and if you missed the first episode, you can watch it on fox nation and catch new episodes every sunday through december 8th it's more compelling. the more of these i see, it's -- rachel: it's so interesting. of john the lap test is the first person -- baptist is the first person to have recognized jesus. not at that moment there, but if you recall, when mary visited elizabeth -- brian: yes, good. martha: the baby leapt in the womb, and that was the first sign that somebody new. brian: that is such a good point. rachel: it's such such an interesting point, that an unborn child was -- brian: and to recognize jesus and say he must become great or -- the act of humility as welch. rachel: yeah. this series is fascinating to me and, obviously, really well produced. so looking bard to seeing more of it. all right, well kamala
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harris' last stand? democrats are looking to confirm as many judges as possible before losing control. tammy bruce is going to talk about that next. lowe's knows the most wonderful time of year ends up being the busiest time of year. that's why we're offering savings on select whirlpool appliances that help you sleigh the holiday season. save at lowe's now during our black friday buildup event in store and online.
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charlie: vice president harris may be on her way out, but that's not stopping her from getting one last chance to defy trump. president biden and senate democrats are attempting to push through judicial nominees before losing control, and we may see harris head to the hill one last time to cast the tie-breakg vote. hear to -- here to react, fox news contributor, tammy bruce. great to see you, tammy. >> hey, charlie. chr shar it's kind of amazing when you look at the results of a pretty major election in which democrats were routed, they're going to spend the last two months doing all they can to raid the pantry and fit in a whole bunch of things that voters just told them they didn't want. [laughter] >> yeah. well, that makes seasons because
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the voters have never mattered -- sense because the voters have never mattered, right? americans are like speed bumps, they're just irritants on the side. what matters is the ideology. these are individuals swamped in group think where they belief they have sole position of the truth, that it's for our own good. we're toddlers who have no idea what's right. and the thing is having come from the left, every setback is just looked at as a slowdown. they will change things. they'll do whatever they can to make the difference no matter what the situation is. and you've got to the hand it to them. i wish republicans would think this way. but there are things the republicans can do. so, look, she's been enjoying herself in hawaii. you can't blame her. coming back in, we know, charlie, that they understand the role of the court system. they want judge merchan in every appeals court. they want to stack the supreme court. the constitution is not their
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friend. so the people that they will want to usher through are also idealogues. they don't like the fact that, like joe bide joe biden's student loan scheme kept getting pushed down. the presidential imp moonty decision which is constitutionally based, it was a hindrance to them. way tonight that -- they want to stack the supreme court because they don't want people who are committed to the constitution to be making these decisions, and yet americans trust, at least that seems to be waning a bit, the legal system. is they know that this is the only way they're going to be the able to survive, and the republicans, you know, there's a few things they can do. they're not planning on ending the filibuster, but they can tell their democrat friends if you do this, if we don't freeze the senate at this point, we're going to end the filibuster, and we're going to make up for the difference next year and the
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year after. so choose carefully. could be an issue about cur rum -- wear rum. quorum. there has to be hardball to stop this. charlie: right. >> and then the republicans have to be willing to do it because literally the entire future's at stake. if you think this is just going to be, you know, next in line, the next election will six if it, we're in charge because woke is dead, no, it's not. kamala harris got the second most votes of any democrat ever. if she got more votes than obama did in 2008, more votes than hillary, more votes than trump in 2016. this is about the mass mailing of ballots, ballot harvesting. all of that. she came within, you know, tens of thousands of votes of becoming president. so you don't let this happen
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because you think you're just the winners. the fight continues. and this is what -- we just have it for two years, charlie. charlie: right. >> the full government. and this is where they have to play hardball. of. charlie: i think it's so interesting. you make so many good points there and, of course, it is so ideological with them. and you not kidding concern you're not kidding when you say they want to to fill the bench with judge merchans. we saw that with merrick garre aland. what a did they do? the only qualifying merrick garland had to be the attorney general was the fact that he kid not take fit on the supreme court, and they were so angry and bitter about it that they kind of wanted to stick the it to republicans. >> and mitch mcconnell, of all the things that make us angry about mitch mcconnell, he was under such pressure to allow it but he didn't, and that's the power that the the republicans can can wield even in the minority by one, by warning them about next year. charlie: he should always get credit for that. tammy bruce, always great to see
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you. you will be cohosting "the big weekend show" tonight at 7 p.m. >> yes. charlie: thank you, tammy. >> my pleasure. thank you, dear. charlie: okay. a win for trump? a new york judge delays trump's sentencing indefinitely. we break down the legal fight next.
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hillsdale was founded in 1844. we're passing on a cultural heritage, the culture of the west. when the federal government started giving money to colleges, we didn't take it. that independence has allowed us to stay with our mission that we established 175 years ago. because we don't accept federal money. we are free to concentrate on the mission of the college. we care about freedom, and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america. (♪)
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in store and online. brian: daniel penny's lawyers resting their case yesterday in the marine veteran's manslaughter trial as jurors won't return to the courtroom until questions. chanley painter has the detail thes. >> reporter: good morning. all the evidence is in for the trial against 26-year-old daniel penny if accused of going way too far and recklessly placing 30-year-old jordan neely in a chokehold on a new york scrubway
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train -- subway train for nearly since minutes. his defense claims the fellow marine was protecting his fellow passengers and put on a roy bust defense -- robust defense case before resting yesterday. the final witness revealing neely had an open bench warrant at the time of his desk. -- death. the chokehold alone was not the cause of neely's death, and through hours of grueling cross-examination by prosecutors, maintain neely died from the combined effect of sickle cell, schizophrenia, synthetic marijuana, plus the struggle and the restraint on a conclusion that directly contradicted thed medical professionalling from the prosecution. penny himself chose not to testify, but the jury did see his police interview during the prosecution's case. >> but i think one thing that makes this case unusual in a lot of ways, the jury did get to hear from our client, right in they got to hear from him not only in the immediate aftermath of this incident, but a couple
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hours later before there were lawyers involved on either side. and he had an opportunity to ec explain himself and explain what he did, why he acted, how he acted, what he perceived. >> reporter: and closing arguments are next in the case. they're scheduled for december 2nd meaning the jury will have the entire thanksgiving holiday off to mull over what they've heard from the both sides. penny faces up to 15 years if convicted. brian? brian: chanley, thank you foru r that. a major decision in the case of new york v. trump, judge juan merchan granting the request to the file a motion to delay the sentencing indefinitely. the trump team calling the move a deice i win, adding all of the sham lawfare attack against president trump now destrod and we are focused on making america great again. our next guest goes a step further saying the court should dismiss the conviction entirely. rebecca rose woodland joins us now. now, they haven't, rebecca -- welcome, by the way.
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they haven't dismissed. they've said we'll let you make a petition to dismiss president trump. why should they dismiss, in your view? >> okay, so that's a great question. the next step is the motion to dismiss made by the president's team saying this case is no longer valid, the supreme court came down with a ruling that renders all your evidence that alvin bragg brought up during this trial, evidence, facts and all this nonsense law, renders it useless. alvin bragg could not used this -- use this during trial, so there is no case now. the the understood lying basis of the case -- underlying basises of the case doesn't exist. brian: the judge has a said we'll let you make that case, but he doesn't have to rule. he's got no timeline on that. and, in fact, interestingly, what he's done is said we're going to postpone all of the sentencing indefinitely. now the trump team calls this a decisive win, but i've got to
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ask you, to to me, that sounds like the judge can put this on the shelf and then come back to to it anytime he wants, maybe after trump leaves office. is that, is that what might happen here? >> that's a great question. it sounds that way, but that's not practically what will happen. so what todd blanche9 and the defense team said, judge, we need to make a motion now by december 20th. that motion to dismiss has to be heard within a short time period constitutionally because donald trump will now become the 47th president. so you do not have jurisdiction over a president. he does not. the constitution does not allow a small state court judge to have jurisdiction and to hold a case and sentencing over him for the four years he is president. brian: you know, that's what it seems like they're trying to do. you mentioned todd blanche. he is one of president trump's nominees for the justice department. of course, trump now just nominated pam bondi to be attorney general. you seem to like that.
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>> i love pam. brian: tell me, the whole question is lawfare. are we going to keep seeing this kind of haw a pare? do you think that her concern if she eventually becomes attorney general, will she be able to do something to put an end to what we've seen? >> well, when she passes senate confirmation, which i am confident she will, i've worked with pam for many years. she's an amazing lawyer and great for our country. what i believe pam will do immediately will be to rule out all of the people at the justice department that are acting not in the best interests of this country. and warfare is not in the best interests of this country. it is not american and is not constitutional. the attorney general's office is there to really help the people and prevent crime. not to attack political opponents as we've seen over the last pour years. brian: really quickly, as president trump gets ready to take office, do all these cases he's facing, do they become an
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afterthought for him at this point, or will they continue to loom over him as he governs? >> well, i think many of the cases with whether, as we're seeing, just drop off. they're dropping off. he has time to rule the free world, not time to manage warfare that was ridiculous. brian: well, that's what they elected him to do, to govern and to serve and not to spend time dealing with lawsuit after lawsuit. rebecca, great stuff. always good to see you. >> thank you. brian: all right. next, how history is repeating itself after one congressman-elect lands in the same capitol hill office his great grandfather used. wow. if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis symptoms can sometimes hold you back. but now there's skyrizi, so you can be all in with clearer skin. ♪things are getting clearer♪ ♪yeah, i feel free to bare my skin♪ ♪yeah, that's all me.♪ ♪nothing is everything♪
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so, we'll help you get more for ... less than i thought. and if you find a lower price on the same item, we'll match it. so it's easy to get more holidays, for the holidays. lowe's knows how to help you holiday. rachel: michigan congressman-elect tom barrett will be literally following in his great grandfather's footsteps come january after successfully securing the house office space once occupied by his great grandpa and former congressman over 90 years ago. congressman-elect tom barrett joins us now. congressman, so great to have you on. this is an amazing story. how is it that -- i've been through the process of the9 lottery, which -- who gets which
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office in the house of representatives. how is it that you landed the same office that your great grandfather had? >> well, thank you so much forking having me on, and this is the an or -- for having me on, and this is an exciting opportunity and exciting moment, of course, for my if family. like all freshmen, i entered the lottery and didn't know what number i was going to draw. to the -- at the beginning of our orientation the i set out trying to notify my colleagues that this was an office my great grandfather had occupied decades earlier, and if it became available, i'd like the land that office for my first pick. first, i had to go to zack nun who's the current out of that office. a member from iowa. i asked if he'd be willing to relocate which, thankfully, he was very gracious about and willing to do. that kind of set out the domino effect from there of trying to notify my colleagues. i wrote a letter to each of them, and then i drew number 14 in the office lottery -- che. rachel: good number, not bad.
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[laughter] >> yeah. not a terrible pick, but i still had 13 other people to make sure i spoke to and, thank through -- thankfully, every one of them were aecom dating of my request and i was able to confirm the pick as my number came up and stopped by and, you know, did a little transfer with zack nonen there. he gave me a challenge coin from his district which i was really appreciative of, and we're looking forward to moving in in just a few more weeks. rachel: yeah, it's incredible. a lot of people, it's hard the appreciate what it feels like to go into the halls of congress for the first time, get your office and then to know your with own great grandfather had occupied that space, what a remarkable story. tell us about your grandfather. >> yeah. rachel: or great grandfather. >> he represented michigan, was elected in 1934, 900 years ago -- 900 years, and he's best remembered for adding under god to our pledge of agee lance. -- allegiance.
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on your screen you have a photo of him holding the pen that was used to sign that bill, and my dad is on the left. he's probably about 6 years old in that photo. and so it was something that, certainly, my family's very proud of. in fact, my youngest son, who's 3 years old, is named after my great grandfather. some january when we move in, i'm going to have my youngest son, my family, my dad will be there, hopefully a number of family members will be able to come to washington and come into that office together and just sort of have an appreciation for the moment as something -- rachel: okay, jog my memory, congress congressman-elect, who was the president at that time? >> president eisenhower signed that bill. rachel: eisenhower, yeah. >> my great grandfather sponsored the bill in 1953, it was signed boo law -- into law in 19544, and it was done to desperate if ourselves from the soviets who didn't share our belief in god. that was something he wants to -- wanted to illustrate and
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highlight and draw attention to. certainly, my family's thankful for that legacy. rachel: yeah. well, you should be. we are not like the communists. we are not an atheist country, and god bless your great grandfather for helping point that out through that important piece of legislation. we're so happy for you and your family. what a legacy. we just want to wish you all the best. this seems to be, this is going to turn out to be an incredible four years. a lot of changes, and it's nice to see some new blood but some blood that that has deep roots this history to it too. congressman-elect, thank you for joining us. >> happy thanksgiving and go, lions. rachel: you got it, take care. let's turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. rick: do you see all this behind us? it's christmas suddenly. rachel: i know. rick: i didn't really feel like it was fall, and now suddenly we're into christmas. the weather has changed dramatically are. we have not had any rain, and
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that all changed the last couple of days. you can see this disturbance right here still slowly moving bringing rain, snow across parts of new england. maybe a little lake are effect snow as well. i want to show you what happens this week because this system that we saw is going to usher in kind of a change in our weather pattern. we've got shots of precipitation that are going to come and, by the way, it's all moving really quickly. monday we start to see some rain as cross parts of the societies, heavy rain across parts of kentucky and tennessee. that moves across the northeast monday, into tuesday. wednesday, the big travel day, we've got snow beginning to brew across the central plains. a stronger storm gets going. this is thursday, thanksgiving day. we clear it out and, by the way, as we -- by the time we get home saturday and sunday, a new storm brewing across the central plains. this coming at a bad time with all the travel this week. it is what it is. rachel, back to you with. rachel: thank you, rick. rick: you bet. rehr ray we're kicking off the
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brian: all right, it's the most
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wonderful time of the year, and we are kicking off the season and helping you start your holiday shopping with system of the best black friday deals out there. rachel: diy expert hip wade joins us right now concern chip wade. what do you have for us? enter i've got a lot of great deals. black friday is right around the corner. i've got something for the guys. this is from dude robe. we have got reversible sweatshirts. soft fabric on the outside. rachel: nice. >> what's great about these is they sew the belts on. thank goodness -- rachel: oh, man? every robe should have a sewn-on belt. >> and they have stuff for our little dudes and even a coa lab with ufc. 20% attitude rachel: love it. -- at if dowd robe -- next up, if you sit at a desk often like a lot of us do, me
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and rick were talking about this, this is the called x chair. i've had this chair for the last year, i love it. rachel: what's so special? >> i'm about 2202 points -- pounds -- 220 the pounds, it has dynamic lumbar support that moves with you, but it also -- rachel: rolling off the set. [laughter] >> all of this you have stuff. high quality fabrics. up to $475 off this week at x charlie: is there a weight limit? >> well, i think there is at some point. it's super safe. all right. next up, furnishings for the home. this is the ohana two-piece motion sofa. what's great about this, it's got the zero gravity. i'm laying down. all power, really, really great, but they're also wall hugger which means it only goes 32 the inches back. brian: give the guy a try. >> basically, you can modularize these together.
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there's a console, cup holder, phone charging, all kinds of different furnishings from cheetah living, up to 11,000 off right now -- 1,000 off right now. all right, let's talk about a gift or something for the hole family. a pergola for the backyard that's actually easy to -- this is diy. it just happens to be a great deal. what's cool about this, all completely rust-proof materials, aluminum framing. you can put this together but they have all the awesome options. these louvers close in. led lighting, heaters. look at this, to options for frameless glass walls, wooden slats and right here, rick, you're going to love this. retractable screens that come down and are adjustable. rachel: this is beautiful. >> that's right. right now we've got 30% off, but we have additional savings today for fox, i've got a code on the
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blog at chip go to, they're incredible. rachel: it's like adding another room to your house. >> different sizes, shades, lengths, awesome tough. last up, check this out, this is called forever sponge. we have all seen the old sponges when we're doing dishes. what do we know about these? they stink, they hold bacteria and you're doing cutlery, they disintegrate really quickly. here, i try it. you do it. [laughter] what's great about this though, the difference, these are virtually inthe deinstruct,. try to cut that. they are to odor-proof, antimicrobial. again, virtually -- really try. rick: i'm trying. >> and they sold suddens really -- hold suddens -- su, the s really well. 600% off. rachel: i love this. brian: we love it. more "fox & friends" next.
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