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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 28, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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at camp casey near the demilitarized zone in south korea are not only enjoying türkiye and prime rib but also some korean foods like kimchi. troops in iraq bracing the holiday spirit as well. they continued the u.s. mission to defeat isis and is alive and well and giving thanks on this holiday. tomorrow we take a closer look at artificial intelligence developments over the past year. we are going to examine what parts of ai are now receiving more investment, where it is being regulated. if you can't catch us live, set your dvr. thanks for watching us tonight. i'm gillian turner in washington, happy things giving. >> ♪ ♪
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i'm jesse watters with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, dana perino and tyrus.cithis 5:00 in new york city and this♪ is a special edition of the five. >> ♪ ♪ happy thanksgiving i hope you g enjoy getting stuffed on this turkey day with family and friends. put aside the mashed potato ande agravy. we arefa answering your questios for the entire hour so let's roll. a facebook question from brenda and we go to judge jeanine pirro cow many people will be at your gathering? >> it's the first year o thef nt having a gathering so there will be none. i do suspect i will have somell friends over and b my kids anddn grandson will be over some so a decent number. >> jessica can you be zero?
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>> my sister and husband and nephew and back to new york sohf that's really exciting. that would exc be great. and they'll be there sooner. so it will just be us. it would just be family. and they were invited to our w friend's house and now there arr 13 of them.ig and theyht might get kicked oute >> is this a fritz party inan flanders the familiedes are growing. what about you? >> none. negative to. thanksgiving i negs my holiday i
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don't want to deal with anybody else it's my day i've given uphy christmas and birthdays and stuff you can have it all but thanksgiving is my day and it's all about football and pretürkiye meal, türkiye meal ma and post türkiye meal with somer naps there. i don't want to hear how your days going. everybody has to pay homage to me. >> like father's day. >> it's what father's day is supposed to be. father's day is a >> and jesse arese people coming to your house? >> no it'sse: a sore subject. i won'tht bean having thanksgivg with my family nothing to do with politics though i think. >> and from lucy would you rather cook thanksgiving dinners or clean w up after? >> my day soyrus it's neither.he catholic clean have full cook. my one day. >> i feel there's a theme with
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your answers. dana cooking or cleaning i think we know the answer? >> i would rather cook but ihelp cannot so i help clean. >> and you are a good cleaner. >> a tell great stories of people get distracted. >> strategic stories rate when the cleaning up happens. >> inspired to be somebody whot could cook but i was recently gifted a pair of really nice dishwasher gloves which have made cleaning so much harder. >> you gave you those? >> my friend kyle. >> so not your husband. >> they had this thing but theac inside isn't for lined but it'sa preclose. >> you can't ruin thosuse nails right. >> they are epic. blue and purple and all that. >> janine? >> i do loveesse to cook i love cooking türkiye and making gravy
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and cranberries. mincemeat pie as well. dis >> do you make 11 easement dishk to gothasg meal? because peter and i were going to. >> she's being humble i've see n judge jeanine meal amongst friends it was a thing she hadr separate feasts for different people. i had my own mandible feast of meat potatoes and carrots everything in one bowl. it was a magnificent gauntlet. >> everybody else got lebanese>> food. >> it's like eating out of tyr:i leicester on. was your order? >> maybe that will be on the agenda next year. >> in my nexl t life and ya facebook question from carla when cooking thanksgiving dinner have you ever bought any
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store baked pies and wide thatd, they were homemade. >> not on a thanksgiving a very early on in my relationship with my english boyfriend when i lived in london i told him ibake could bake really well and i wanted to do that so i went to a pastry shop and i picked a rhubarb tart which is hard to bake from the front side bought it and went home -- pokedi fortunate middle acumen and gave it to him and he is like this is amazing in a year later he said i know you got that. i didn'tnine want to embarrass u though. it was early e ware were fallino love and he asked where did something like that and his friends were over and they all knew. we went for another year and a half rate. >> could have been.
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i wa bees given something for tt and it said here you go here some chocolate and i gave it tof my friendsri parents as a housewarming gift and they turned it over. nobody is named bill and theirel family so they asked to it really was four and then they kicked me out of the house. dana have you ever not been honest about it? away withlyever get it. but i definitely regift one and i think that's totally acceptable. >> first of all lifetime ban fo stolen valor of a pie. the plywood had been accepted regardless it's applied nobody says no to it. usually ones from the store aren't bad that's what everybody buys them so somebody tells aes fib hatsd nervous guests and ben sarcastic and they are trying t
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find common ground with me i cac be nonsocial and i don't want to be they will say things like the cranberry sauce is that homemade and i'm like, yeah, from the can. >> when you have my grip strength you don't need my teeth to do it. >> would sometimes rather eat a store baked by anyways. >> by you can get by with getting at the store the come a nice box with a string it's a beautiful thing. no reason for fake pie valor. >> instagram question. >> eating get my answer. >> we know your answer you bring your food because you're a greae cook and instagram question from sly on 331. what is the thing your family does the isn't a common thanksgiving tradition? >> they love to eat and drink id the left and fight and theyin
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left. it's pretty ordinary to be honest with you they don't clean ever though. >> nobody cleans.o? >> i want them to relax they'll do work hard. >> great host. what is something yoa gru do differently that's not traditional jessica. do you celebrate indigenous peoples' day? >> we do thank youwe d for askig but now we don't we do fried chicken homemade fried chicken. >> does your mom make it. >> she does now. >> we do chestnuts piping hot fill them with your hands it's kind of like a competition who can withstand the burning sensation. >> do steen them first. i steen them first and then you bake them that way they crack open. >> yeah, and thedn you peel them off the gets underneath thes.
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fingernail sometimes. >> you need to know ho>> jw to l them. >> he goes back to grip strength jessica. >> i can't get the cranberries.i >> i don't think we do anythingr nontraditional except because wd have a dog instead of a türkiye trot we do a walk for the dog in the morning. >> any exercising thanksgiving. >> i exercise my rights to dominate everything. >> no 5k or türkiye truck. >> morning lift maybe just like the pilgrims and the indians th. >> tyrus: the only thing i don't do is change everyone's religious values, conquer, spread smallpox, but other than that, a pretty straight thanksgiving. >> jesse: those blankets were fine when they delivered them. >> tyrus: we have added deter te turducken. a turkey, duck, and chicken, i order every year, i've added
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that to the arsenal. >> jesse: that is a great tradition. there is a lot more to come on this special edition of "the five." what is one place we were excited to go but didn't enjoy, and one place that we didn't want to go but enjoyed it? the answer when our thanksgiving fan mail special returns. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ >> judge jeanine: welcome back and happy thanksgiving. we are answering your questions today, and we are going around the table. the first question is kind of a tough one. it is from jack g. i will start with you, tyrus, what is the one place you were
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excited to go but didn't enjoy, and the one place you didn't want to go and surprisingly enjoyed? >> tyrus: when i was a kid i was excited to go to disneyland and i was a foot taller all the rights, didn't fit anything, and i got lost and never ever wanted to go back there. second thing was madison square garden. i wrestled there. i didn't want to wrestle there because the traffic sucked and i heard horror stories about you have to go to all of these elevators and it is all piled up or whatever, and it ended up being one of the coolest experiences my career. >> judge jeanine: dana? >> dana: i was thinking, okay, i really wanted to go to mallorca in spain, it's okay, then i went christmas, maybe not the best time for the weather, a place i don't care if i go or not, milwaukee. we went for the rnc convention. that is a charming city. love the seagulls flying all around. it was great. >> judge jeanine: jesse? >> jesse: i wanted to take the train to d.c. and i thought it would be faster than the plane and it ended up taking seven hours. [laughter]
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and i didn't want to go to l.a. one time, and then when i got to l.a., i loved it, now have been to l.a. every year for the last six years. >> judge jeanine: okay, jessica? >> jessica: i was really excited to go to turks and caicos, and i didn't love it. >> jesse: what an elitist! >> jessica: just mallorca. >> jessica: it was also my baby moon, i was enormous, why am i in a bathing suit? i didn't want to go but had a great time. i don't actually -- >> tyrus: the rnc. >> jesse: the south of france. >> jessica: i totally agree. i wasn't dreading it but milwaukee was phenomenal and better than i expected, and i love chicago, should i should have expected it was going to be. >> judge jeanine: chicago is great. facebook question from karen m.
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what is the best souvenir -- i'll start with you, jessica -- that you brought back from your travels? >> jessica: i got really great but tricia dolls in russia, like a beautiful -- >> judge jeanine: where were you in russia? >> jessica: st. petersburg and moscow. it was incredible and the dolls were gorgeous. >> judge jeanine: jesse? >> jesse: i'm a big bust guys i went to the nixon library, a bust of richard nixon and i have it in my library, i love busts, i have lots of busts. i have lincoln, nixon, washington, i have some busts of some early stoics. >> judge jeanine: aristotle. >> jesse: i have aristotle, i believe it is cleopatra. >> judge jeanine: nefertiti. >> jesse: i wouldn't know, but the bus looks beautiful. >> judge jeanine: and like to hear that. dana? >> dana: so years and years ago we went to benin for a quick
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stop with present bush. >> judge jeanine: . >> judge jeanine: ? >> dana: in africa. there was a carving they gave to me and i took it home and i had this thing called -- basically all the souvenirs, you had to bring back the tacky is to souvenir could get. it wasn't tacky but it was a lot kind of a thing. i turned it into the prize for whoever got the best quote of the week. so every friday it got past to a different person, we had to stop at 12 or 14. i don't know where that statue is right now. it is probably in a box somewhere but it is a good one. >> judge jeanine: tyrus? >> tyrus: i've been all over the world and i try to bring back as little as possible, but one of my stand-up shows, this family came up to me, their great-grandmother started knitting a quilt for me like five years ago, gutfeld, kept adding to it. she passed away before -- so her family finished the quilt and gave it to me, and it's
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literally my blank he. >> jessica: cuddle with it? >> tyrus: absolutely. murder movies and stuff. >> judge jeanine: just hang onto that, it is like your blanky. i will tell you mine. i was in the old city of jerusalem and there was a sword, and it was a curved sword. and it had all of these indentations on it, and the handle had, like, turquoise and... what is the orange stone? >> jessica: jasper? >> tyrus: rubys? >> judge jeanine: ruby is red. like amber, and then -- >> dana: amethyst? >> judge jeanine: no, that's purple. anyway, the handle was jeweled, an absolute gorgeous. i put it in this glass box that i had, and every once in a while i think about taking it out and then i take the shield off -- it is very sharp. i can't believe they let me bring it back. >> tyrus: only you could bring it back. everyone else, they always take it in customs, but judge gets it.
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>> judge jeanine: okay. third question. what do you do first when you get home from work, dana? >> dana: take my makeup off. >> judge jeanine: jesse? >> jesse: go to bed peered. >> judge jeanine: tyrus? >> tyrus: 's scramble for my keys. get in the house. listen, everything is quiet, i go straight to put my dinner in the microwave and turn on the tv and watch sports. >> judge jeanine: how about you, jessica? >> jessica: i get into sweatpants. immediately. >> judge jeanine: first thing i do come off with the makeup. actually, in the car, i'm ripping off all this stuff. all right, your oldest piece of clothing in your closet? >> jessica: oh, i have a lot of -- i am very into preservation of old things. i have actually great closet space in this apartment. i have the first fancy handbag that i got, you know, my mom told me because she remember's the first one that she got with her first paycheck and she is like, you'll always remember this thing you got for yourself. >> judge jeanine: jesse, your
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oldest piece of clothing? >> jesse: i have some blazers when i started at fox and i don't wear them anymore because they are too flamboyant. they are powder blue, hot pink -- >> judge jeanine: who are you saving them for? >> jesse: i will probably never wear them again but i can't give them to anybody because no one would ever wear them. >> judge jeanine: dana? >> dana: i am very much a person, and no sentimentality and get rid of everything. i did, the other day, when we were talking about 1996 and comparing election cycles, i remembered, i have a t-shirt that i have had -- and i have a bag that i got with peter in 1998. bree, german, small leather backpack, almost like this color letter at the time, and fantastic, perfectly broken in. >> tyrus: high school football jersey, still have it. >> judge jeanine: i have a sweater. it is blue and red and has gold trim, like a signature sweater,
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i wore it all through law school, which was a long time ago -- >> jesse: in the '20s. >> judge jeanine: shut up. i wore it to the bar and passed the bar the first time, and i still have it. all right! so, coming up, where do we sit at our thanksgiving tables? we'll answer that and more on our fan mail special next. ♪ ♪ for more than a decade farxiga has been trusted again and again, and again. ♪far-xi-ga♪ ♪far-xi-ga♪ ask your doctor about farxiga. ♪
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he says he hopes president-elect rethink the plan to impose their on mexico and canada this comes after trump announced earlier this week he would impose tariffs on the two countries until they clampdown on drugs and migrants when crossing the border. experts say imposing the tariff might also violate the free trade deal. now back to the five. back to "t" ♪ ♪ >> tyrus: voices carry like my stomach echoes when it comes to my favorite holiday. welcome back. we hav welcome thanksgiving. okay, jesse, going to go to you. this is a rhetorical question because i already know. where you sit at your
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thanksgiving table? >> jesse: and my parents house, i sit across from my father because my father is at the head of the table. at my house, i sit at the head of the table. >> tyrus: i knew it. jessica? >> jessica: we are not assigned seating people. we usually have enough that we are all at one table. we never had a kid table thing, people in the living room or stools at the counter, so -- >> jesse: free swim. >> jessica: it is a free swim in our house. >> tyrus: sounds like no law and order at all. dana? >> dana: wherever they tell me. >> tyrus: judge? >> judge jeanine: at the head closest to the kitchen. >> tyrus: yes, i've seen that, actually, i've bared witness peered she is moving. i said at the head of the table. nobody bothers. i am king for a day. anyone who sits next to me, can i try that? nothing worse than to explain to a loved one that the hand is not going to grow back? they really would be, they really -- well, except -- okay.
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thank you. >> dana: fair enough. [laughs] >> tyrus: next question. all right, jesse, i'm going to keep going to you because you give me the answers i want to hear. >> jesse: sure. >> tyrus: do you break the wishbone on thanksgiving and what do you wish for? >> jesse: sometimes my mom will come around with the wishbone. i'm not into the whole wishbone thing. i'm not a superstitious guy. i will break it. i don't care. and i don't wish for things. i wish for a nice dinner. >> tyrus: dana? >> dana: i remember doing this with my mom and my dad. i like to make a wish. usually it is something that is not for me. i learned that early on. president bush, one time he said, you shouldn't ask god for things for you, necessarily, but for other people, and that makes things come around better for you, something like that. either well. >> tyrus: judge? >> judge jeanine: i give it to my kids, it doesn't mean anything, but dana, you are
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right. my mom and dad, break it, wish -- >> dana: a kind of didn't want to touch it. >> tyrus: huge. jessica? >> jessica: we didn't really do the wishbone. i do like the what are you think for for? i know this might be another question in there, but that is nice, especially for kids to get them thinking at a young age, you have a special existence, that we are doing all of this. >> tyrus: used to growing up, my mom was busy, so usually it was just me and my brother breaking it, so i looked at it as a kid thing. i to stop doing it with my kids because the one who broke it would wish bad things on the other child, and i could tell because when they break it, they would stare. >> judge jeanine: yeah, nanananana. >> tyrus: brother has a stomach ache. i keep it to the kids but you have to wash them because those wishes are powerful. jesse, do you celebrate thanksgiving the way your family did? or have you streamlined it? >> jesse: we used to have a big thanksgiving turkey football game, and now we don't do that
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anymore, so i am trying to bring it back. >> tyrus: you are trying to go back -- >> jesse: i'm trying to go back, trying to make thanksgiving great again. >> tyrus: jessica? >> jessica: i haven't separated, i guess, so we do it the same way, it's been like a consistent flow through. >> tyrus: judge? >> judge jeanine: my mom and dad had even more people than i did. they were very social. no, mine is streamlined. but my normal thanksgiving would be about 15-18 people, 20. >> tyrus: wow. >> dana: we used to go to the ranch a lot when i was a kid. obviously i am not doing that anymore. we have folded ourselves into so many other families -- [laughter] >> tyrus: just make rounds. >> dana: so happy to be there. whatever you are doing, we are going to do it. >> tyrus: like i said, ours was always small, so i kind of keep it small because i don't want the competition. i don't want to talk -- i spent a whole career talking, i want to talk about nothing. you make me think, i'm going to
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kick you out. number four, all right, judge, would you rather host thanksgiving gathering or be the guest? >> judge jeanine: you already know. >> tyrus: you are the boss. jessica? >> jessica: guessed. >> jesse: host because driving on thanksgiving is terrible. >> judge jeanine: it is? >> jesse: you wouldn't know because -- >> dana: thanksgiving day is not that bad. >> jesse: she would know. >> tyrus: making rounds. i can't take the chance of somebody messing up my holiday because i will not be polite when i see they decide to put things like olives and carrots -- >> jesse: olives? >> tyrus: people do all kinds, the at family remedies, go outside the thing, you have the woke person trying to tell you that greens are better during thanksgiving. i take no chances. >> jesse: like the national anthem, a traditional national anthem -- >> tyrus: no extra ah-ah-ahs,
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just sing. >> judge jeanine: got it. >> tyrus: signature side dish? >> judge jeanine: side dish. >> tyrus: patented judge jeanine go-to. >> judge jeanine: on thanksgiving? i make sweet potatoes with the marshmallows, but i love making the cranberries. if that can be considered -- >> tyrus: yes, it does -- >> judge jeanine: i make it with cinnamon and spices and it is really hot. >> dana: like temperature? >> judge jeanine: spicy. >> dana: what is the spice? >> judge jeanine: ginger. you put a little cinnamon, the ginger, and a little jalapeno in it. fire it up. >> dana: that sounds good. >> jessica: that sums really good. signature, i don't know. i just love stuffing. >> judge jeanine: what do you like in the stuffing? >> jessica: i like sausage and mushrooms -- >> judge jeanine: oh, you do -- >> jessica: to be in the stuffing. >> judge jeanine: hot sausage? sweet sausage? >> jessica: what is the name of that herb --
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>> dana: sage. >> jessica: yes, sage. i will remember this. and orange stones. >> jesse: just went down a stuffing rabbit hole with jessica. my mom makes this really nice hot crab spread for the hors d'oeuvres. >> judge jeanine: yes, yes, yes. >> jesse: during cocktails. >> tyrus: we know you are famous for dip. is very famous of the many houses you invade? >> dana: have to be honest, no one asked me to bring anything -- >> tyrus: just personality. >> dana: pick up the bread rolls, i can do that. >> tyrus: four years i made green beans with cheese and stuff on them until i realized how horrible it is for you, caloriewise. >> dana: peter cannot understand green bean casserole. he loves thanksgiving, american by choice, green bean casserole -- >> jessica: soup on it -- >> dana: >> tyrus: cream of --
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>> dana: onions. speeder green beans and cheese, i brought a dish, want some of yours? >> judge jeanine: the castrol did not make it. >> tyrus: but we made it through this together as a team. coming up, what day should be a holiday that isn't. our answers are next. ♪ ♪ there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together.
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were you worried the wedding would be too much? nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? we just got back from her sister's in napa. who gets married in napa? my daughter. who gets married someplace more expensive? my other daughter. cancun! jamaica!! why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. can we get out of here? i thought you'd never ask. join 18 million americans
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and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real life conversations. empower. what's next. ♪ ♪ >> jessica: welcome back and happy thanksgiving. we are answering more of your fan mail questions. going to do it right now. first question, facebook question from mary p, what day should be a holiday that isn't? tyrus? >> tyrus: election day. >> jessica: that such a good answer. >> judge jeanine: great answer. >> jessica: people --
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>> judge jeanine: take election day off? >> tyrus: have a comedy show, so yeah, it's always off because elections are not laughing matters. >> judge jeanine: now they are. >> tyrus: are they? >> dana: i was going to say election day, as well, but only if it comes with reduced early voting. >> jessica: okay, we're getting some election reform here at the table. jesse? >> jesse: monday after the super bowl. and i think most men agree that i'm right. >> jessica: all right. >> judge jeanine: january 2nd. >> jesse: i thought you were going to say january 6th. >> tyrus: dana, we got to make that house. the gravy is not going to pour itself. >> judge jeanine: because january 1 i is a holiday. >> jessica: i agree with that, actually. >> judge jeanine: starting the new year, friends come over, have a hangover, they have a hangover, and just have a delightful little meal. >> jessica: and be able to not travel on the first. if you have gone away. okay, i like it. >> judge jeanine: thank you. >> jessica: facebook question
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from carolee. what is the furthest north and south you've ever been? you got a good one? >> dana: jasper canada i think is the farthest north i've ever been, one of the reasons we named our dog jasper. and then farther south, uruguay -- no, cape town, what am i talking about? >> judge jeanine: south afri south africa. canada, for me. but i don't know how far north it was. and then south would be come i think the furthest south is brazil. but wait a minute. saudi arabia? >> jessica: brazil. >> judge jeanine: middle east, south. >> jessica: tyrus? >> tyrus: the arctic -- >> dana: antarctic? [laughter] >> tyrus: is that your water, can i put my finger in? and in africa, i was in
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cape town all the way through there. i wrestled pretty much every country in africa. >> judge jeanine: do you really? that's crazy. >> tyrus: antarctica to see some killer whales, they didn't show up. >> jessica: you got nothing? >> tyrus: i got something. frostbite. it's pretty cold there. you don't know ice until you breathe in, when they tell you -- oh, okay, i'm good. i don't know how they do it in igloos and stuff. >> jessica: jesse? >> jesse: both poles, jessica. >> jessica: that's a lie. >> judge jeanine: you did not. >> tyrus: santa does not get his list until jesse approves it. >> jesse: calgary and hawaii. >> judge jeanine: hawaii is south? >> jessica: of here. >> jesse: the caymans or hawaii. what do you think is further south? >> judge jeanine: i don't know. >> jesse: mimi there. so i'm going with hawaii. >> dana: i think hawaii. >> jessica: are good for this one russia for furthest north, new zealand furthest south.
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>> judge jeanine: >> dana: oh, wait, i've been to st. petersburg. jasper might be higher. >> tyrus: i was the first of the wt match in russia. first ever -- >> jessica: brittney griner -- >> jessica: i didn't have weed in my bag, respected the laws. >> jessica: instagram question from nolan. what is one invention you want to see in the next five years? >> judge jeanine: if i could think of one, i do it -- >> jessica: you can go last. >> judge jeanine: i have an idea, i take it back. i want to be able to, like coming to a hydrofoil, and if people are walking slowly, it drives me crazy, i walk very quickly, so i want to be able to self lift and fly over them and then keep walking. >> jessica: like a jensen. >> judge jeanine: yeah. >> jessica: jesse? >> jesse: flying taxis peered. >> dana: what about air traffic control? >> jesse: they will figure it out, dana.
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>> jessica: what about you? >> dana: for a long time they said there is going to be a little robot that can fold your laundry for you. i've been waiting for that. if we are talking about the next five years, i'm expecting that and i would like one for christmas, thanks, tyrus. >> tyrus: originally i wanted prescription phone cover so you wouldn't have to wear glasses when you read your phone. >> judge jeanine: oh... >> tyrus: apparently somebody patented it but hadn't come up with it. like a human mute button. if someone is just going on -- mute it, just like that. >> judge jeanine: anyone in particular? >> jessica: no one he can say -- [laughter] >> dana: i know someone comes to mind. >> tyrus: can you just imagine? and furthermore -- and then you just let them go and they don't know they are muted. >> dana: that's great. >> tyrus: human mute button. >> jessica: i don't know anyone, it is even possible, they say this is the best hair dryer ever, i want something that can float above you and actually style your hair --
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>> judge jeanine: without using your hands? >> jessica: yeah, it -- >> judge jeanine: so you can work -- >> jessica: you look like you are here but you weren't. >> judge jeanine: makeup, too. >> jessica: that's coming in ten years. up next, if tyrus was our tag team partner in a wrestling match, what other two fox news host would you choose as our opponents? our answers next for our thanksgiving fan mail special. ♪ ♪ i've been worn by celebrities, athletes, and world leaders. but i've always felt most comfortable up here,
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with the folks that made me who i am. i'm right at home, out here on the land. and i'm in my lane on the shoulder of the interstate. because this is where i come from. i've been showing up here for nearly 200 years. and i can't wait to see what's next. hats off to the future. nothing runs like a deere™
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♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back. let's get to more of your fan mail questions this thanksgiving. facebook question. this is the one that jessica teased. you are in a tag team wrestling match, and tyrus is your tag team partner. so what other two fox news hosts do you want to go up against as you are opponents? judge? >> judge jeanine: as your opponents? i don't want them to be as good. >> dana: or who do you want to humiliate? >> tyrus: are not going to do much, judge. >> judge jeanine: no, that. i was thinking strong. i'm not going to say somebody is a weakling.
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>> dana: houthi want to -- >> judge jeanine: jesse and -- [laughter] greg. jesse and greg. >> jesse: now it is personal. >> dana: who would you choose? >> jesse: i was going to choose greg and emily compagno, but now i am choosing judge and greg. >> dana: jessica? >> jessica: i mean, i don't want to be mean and she is pregnant but kat definitely as an opponent. >> judge jeanine: that's a good one. >> jessica: i'm already on the winning team, i guess, because i'm with tyrus but i would want to fight me if you guys were trying to win, i would be fine if you put me on. >> dana: oh, jessica. >> tyrus: i will tag with me, myself, and i. and just like to hang out with greg for a little while. >> judge jeanine: [laughs] >> tyrus: greg and jimmy fallon. i would love to spend time with those guys. >> dana: could take hannity and lawrence jones. >> jesse: "we."
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>> tyrus: dana's trash talking skills would be legendary. >> dana: before that, tyrus would have to work on like day. facebook question from michael s. what is the worst grade you ever got in school? tyrus? >> tyrus: the epic fail i'm about to give you. just because i won't have to or less and long femurs and bones that make me tall, i get it, i was failing a bunch of classe, failing english, history, you put the little line to adjust it, and i got away with it for about four days. my mom saw my report card, bs, you did so great, problem was i couldn't change the gpa at the bottom, 1.5 -- >> dana: 1 is hard. >> tyrus: 10:00 at night, she happened to look through, and you know, jesse, you ever had the light clicks on and you don't know what is about to happen? that is what happened. >> dana: that's what happened. what about you, jesse?
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>> jesse: in shakespeare i got a big, fat, f. the first f in the last f i've ever gotten. and i'm proud of it because i think shakespeare is overrated. >> dana: and didn't even exist. >> jesse: you know shakespeare is overrated. >> dana: and did he even exis exist? >> tyrus: he was a group of writers because back then they would be the kings and queens and the bishops and the churches -- >> jesse: that's how bad they come i didn't even know the shakespearean conspiracy theories. >> tyrus: several shakespeare awards in college. >> judge jeanine: the first thing we do is we kill all the lawyers. i thought you'd like that. >> dana: judge, greatwise? >> judge jeanine: accounting, had to get a tutor in accounting, i got a c, it was horrible. i hate numbers. hate them. >> tyrus: ever got an f? >> judge jeanine: no. >> dana: jessica? >> jessica: i got bs in math -- >> judge jeanine: well, good, you are smarter than me. >> jessica: i had to get tutored for standardized tests
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for the math help. >> dana: i think i was getting a c. you know how you do the midterm? i was getting a c in algebra and i pulled it up to a b. >> judge jeanine: that's why you get a tutor. >> dana: a freshman college, i e more math class and i ended up with the best math teacher, and everything made sense, and i did so well and i got a a. >> tyrus: you got a good grade, b? c, tell -- we are the only person that got through failure. >> dana: the record for most sit-ups that ellis elementary school, fact-check true, i'm sure it is. okay, stay right there. one more question is up next. ♪ ♪
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thanksgiving day. facebook question from l'oreal. dana, what is your favorite thanksgiving dessert? >> if there is a good barry crumble i like that. >> i love that answer. >> it has to be warm, a little bit of vanilla ice cream. >> the crumble is a nice twist. you? dessert? >> pumpkin pie. i like canned pumpkin. i don't like hi and pumpkin pie.scrimmages from the story. >> that i can make myself. >> lower-class pumpkin pie. >> it just tastes better. >> are you going lower-class? >> i'm going with all of them. because it's my day. i have five plates.a plethora of pecan, mincemeat, lemon meringue, apple. whatever i want. >> you don't you need to taste
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them all. >> i agree. >> dredged you have a favorite? >> yes, pecan pie heated up. and you have to have the right vanilla bean ice cream. not vanilla, vanilla bean. on the heated pecan pie. fabulous crest. >> you need to write a cookbook. >> i do. >> i would buy at least 10. >> you would? >> i've been there.i'm telling you. a gauntlet of fabulousness. >> i think we learned everything we needed to about tyrus is thanksgiving. don't go to his house. we will see you back here next time. happy thanksgiving everyone. >> here i am deeply concerned


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