tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News December 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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and tbhoax thought as a first time offender not a serious amount of the jail time if any. >> shannon we've got a statement from president biden -- saying today i signed a pardon for my son hunter alleging that the prosecution is politically motivated a miscarriage of justice and charges came about only after several of my political opponents in congress investigated them to attack me and oppose my election. no reasonable person who looks at the facts of hunters case can reach any own conclusion that he was singled out only because he's my son. i hope americans will understand why a father and a president would come to this decision. biden added claiming he made the decision this weekend he and family are spending thanksgiving holiday in nantucket massachusetts with the entire family as you pointed out julia they were clearly a family discussion or maybe you said that shannon that this was a -- a family discussion over
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thanksgiving. >> i think he's known all along that he was going to pardon i think he knew all along is to pardon his son. he obviously they would've talked about over the weekend because of time is coming to a close. from the get-go he knew was hisn apartness i don't have too many who would not part of their child. got the same from hunter but i've admitted taking responsibility for my mistakes of the darkest days of my addictidiction bird cyst mistake been exploited to publicly humiliate and shame me and my family for political support. set hunter biden. >> to associate on the phone? >> yes. >> this is lisa boothe again i want to have you walk us down memory lane. the sweetheart deal hunter biden originally got to tell us why that fell apart how abnormal it was up from deals you have seen previously? >> a federal judge has a series of serious issues when it became before her. he and his team hunters team
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felt they had worked out all of the details, all of the barriers and challenges that this was going to get done. and they would move on. president biden and his statement as a carefully negotiated plea deal it unraveled and a courtroom lease out the number my political opponents taking credit for bringing pressure at the federal judge herself and started to ask questions about this deal again questions about language that seemed to be sweeping about not only covering him from the charges he was facing budding's other potential future or other charges it was a real dispute about that even after it fell apart hunter's legal team for a long time argued it was still in effect. they had not broken away from the deal and the d.o.j. was still bound by that clearly the special counsel did not agree it was that judge that first started to ask questions and
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raise some real concerns it did not feel like a normal solid plea deal to her as somebody, what she does is federal judge she would have to sign off on the deal she had enough concern she did not. >> we now have the entire statement it's a little long but worth reading. today i sign a pardon for my son hunter from the day i took off as i said i would not interfere with the justice department's decision making. i kept my word even as i watch my son being selectively unfairly prosecuted without aggravating factors like used in a crime, multiple churches purpose purchases or buying a weapon people are almost never brought to trial on felony in fy charges solely for how they filled out a gun form. those who were late paying their taxes because serious addictions but pigg pay them back subseques interest and penalties are typically given noncriminal resolutions. it is clear hunter was treated differently. the charges in this case came about only after several of my
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political opponents investigated them and attacked me and oppose my election. then carefully negotiated plea deal agreed to by the department of justice unraveled in the courtroom with a number my political opponents in congress taking credit for bringing political pressure on the process. had the pleat deal held it would would've been a fair or reasonable resolution of hunter's cases. no reasonable person who looks at the facts can reach any other conclusion hunter was singled out only because he is my son and that is wrong. there'there is been an effort tk hunter who spent five and half years sober even in the face of unrelenting attack and selective prosecution and trying to break hunter they are trying to break me there's no reason to believe it will stop here enough is enough for my entire career tell the american people the truth they will beat fair minded. here is the truth i believe in the justice system.
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as i have wrestled with this i believe a wrought politics has infected this process lead to miscarriage of justice. once i'd made the decision this week and there's no sense in delaying it further i hope americans will understand why a father and the president would come to this decision. so lisa, he has always told the truth. [laughter] right. look joe biden is light about everything we've seen what starting to see some statements from lawmakers as well. as light from the start start to finish about us corrupt influence peddling activity. not only has he falsely claimed he never met with his son's foreign business associates and hson did nothing wrong he lied e would not pardon hunter biden. just the tip of the iceberg the president biden abiding crime family guide to about the
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american people rather than come clean about their decades of wrongdoing, president biden and his family continue to do everything they can to avoid accountability. that's kind of the sad thing about this as well. look, all the evidence point -- we know joe biden was fully aware of his son's business dealings. 10% to the big guy. making money off the backs of taxpayers. what did these ford entities these individuals get as a result of that? the sad part of joe biden leading there's no accountability for him. what they've done to the united states in my opinion selling out america and americans a foreign interest. >> i think this pardon came as no surprise to me or anyone here. this statement is absolute shocking to me. as i'm reading through the statement this is the kind of thing trumped us he goes through this is very trampy in.
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watch as my son being selectively unfairly prosecuted present but had been hunter it would've been different. he says his political opponents have been getting involved in the process. he has been saying all along that i believe in the justice department. everyone who criticizes the trump to the slaughter we have to believe in the rule of law have to trust the department of justice. you cannot go out here criticizing these lawyers. these are good civil servants were doing their work. and then joe biden comes out and says it's a very trampy in this statement. litigate this in the public of the next month donald trump is going to make hay with this thing. he's going to say was good for the goose is good for the gander. i agree joe biden i am being selectively prosecuted just like hunter was, what he think of that? i'm sick of the day after president trump nominates and blows everybody's minds by nominating kash patel to head
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the fbi the same reason he nominated matt gaetz of her d.o.j. originally to be attorney general was because he wanted to have a huge discussion about unfairness in the department of justice. >> he actually just did trump a favor and a lot of his appointees including kash patel ever basically be talked about talk aboutthis and not so much h patel. all the more reason why kash patel was who turned up the fbi on its back and start from scratch. sample report anchor chief political correspondent bret baier joins us now on the phone. what is your reaction? probably no surprise or shock. nonetheless what you think? >> this is not a surprise but may be the timing of it coming today on thanksgiving weekend sunday. and how it is written up in this release by the white house.
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the white house has more than a year said he was not going to do this, ever do this. you saw the interview with abc he said he is never going to pardon his son hunter no matter what. we have seen different iterations from the white house press briefing room, the same way. i think internally a lot of people thought by the end of this term he was probably going to do it anyway. and so in that sense it is not a surprise. to your point to the timing of it he's going to be a lot of reaction on capitol hill. you are already seen congressman culver and others say that it was a lie. president biden said he would not pardon him and expect to focus on republicans to be on this as they get ready for their own battles with nominations of president-elect trump is put forward. >> 's was we are getting ready o
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start watching this confirmation hearing in the senate, is this amp up the partisanship or does it tamper it down? has no impact whatsoever what's already going to be pretty contentious hearings coming up. >> no, i think republicans will use this as ammo against democrats who are going after various nominees. i think there will be a lot of pointing back to all the president biden has said that he's not going to do this and here he is. there will be a lot of talk about l'affaire and the use of that against president-elect trump all throughout this time. you know, they were some people in certain circles that said if it biden didn't pardon hunter tn maybe when president trump was inaugurated maybe he would. that was being tossed around as
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a possibility. but obviously that is all to the wayside now as president biden has made this decision. he has made it early, well before he leaves office and generally 20th. >> i was trying to remember and i couldn't come to mind right away the last time a family member and i bet that something you might have on the top of your head. the last time a family member had to be pardoned by a president. >> i don't. i don't have that. don't feel bad it's not off the top of my head. we will have to look back and see it where exactly it. >> it had some pretty good family members but maybe not quite this level of family members. >> we have had on the hunter biden saga and all elements of it. not just the gun charge which he goes into president biden this release pretty specifically
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about all of that. he doesn't talk a lot about the taxes which are also covered in this 10 year going back how far this goes back as far as a pardon goes. perhaps those are more serious of the charges we have not gotten too. >> federal tax evasion charges he pled guilty to the question is whether he would have served time? that something the president's issaying would not be likely. but nonetheless the federal tax evasion charges is a serious thing so he could soil with all of it there's going to be no recourse. my question is will there ever be answers to the many questions as to the presidents and knowledge of hunter biden's dealing both internationally the federal tax all of it we have we've gonedown this road obviouy confronted peter doocy did it many times whether he knew about
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the businesses. there's always this denial. that came out from the laptop that was confirmed much more knowledge i don't think they're going to spend time in committees after the inauguration going backwards to biden. i think there's a lot of big things to do on the trump agenda. >> this in slate insulate joe bm potentially their previously thwarted from following those roads that could potentially go to joe biden protect joe biden? >> i think we will have to look
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at that. i agree it's pretty sweeping if you look at the entire pardon itself and how it is written. this is a unique thing that it is the son of a president. it is something that republicans have been looking for at now he's being called out as a liar. he did say he would respect the jury's outcome no matter what it is. they would not pardon hunter that's back in june. let's listen to that. >> as we sit here in normandy your son hunter is on trial you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution will you accept the jury's outcome no matter what it is? >> yes there. >> they're going to be ruled out a pardon for your son?
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>> yes. >> did he have any choice to answer any differently there, honestly? >> in the middle of an election at that point he still running. that's how it's going to answer but a little bit later down the road to white house briefing the press corps numerous ways, numerous times including her own correspondence in the room whether that was going to change six months down the road. it was pretty definitive. it was cut and dry. it was not going to happen. was never going to happen, is never going to happen. people look at this politically thought it's going to happen. the end. for this om is omnipresent bidee final days, this is earlier than people expected. >> he believed reelection would
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happen. that's why he had had a stick to that answer he did not think there is any chance you'd be booted out of office before president trump or kamala harris would take his seat. the month of july invited without harris was in who never would seem us to come. >> of your divided what you have to lose at this point? a party kicks you out he drops out the axes not running for reelection. his reputation is tarnished what you have to lose? >> no there's not a lot of political downside for this move for democrats. again on capitol hill people expect this is baked in the cake as far as the politics. we'll hear about the fury for a couple of days i think i'll take oxygen on some of the
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president-elect that process starts it will be full court press when it comes to politics. >> a new there's a bell ring in the back of my mind it was bill clinton in fact to pardon his half-brother roger on cocaine charges. i knew sometime in our lifetime quick to her friend who brought cocaine to the white house? i wonder if this frees up hunter to now go into the pardoned business roger clint was in running around lobbying for collecting cash in the process. i think what bret just said were moving on that's what shannon said. the news cycle it keeps moving on. this happen on a sunday. my take is that if i were a democrat i would not be happy about this.
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they want to be talking about the presidents appointments they do not want to be talking about this kind of thing. is this another example of j joe biden not playing ball at the democrats? during the campaign he seemed to be going off on his own and people said it maybe is because they took him out pretty was not happy with nancy pelosi was not happy with kamala harris and the other democrats was this joe biden going rogue? do you think he talked to democrats about this or is this a surprise to people like nancy pelosi? >> it was pretty sound that is going to happen i think. not that he had the advance briefing of the democrats before this comes out. but i think there was a sense president biden was going to do this will be interesting to see the tiktok of who he told this was going to happen. listen, this is a sunday night at the end of a holiday weekend. this comes out ahead of a busy
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newsweek as we get ready to full-court press till january. >> we think the next white house press secretary briefing will look like? i assume she has some explaining to do. >> there will be some tough questions. there will be a lot of quoting back to what they've answered before and she will have to say this was the president's decision. i bet we will go back to the briefing book many times how to read that right away. >> i assume as much. it's interesting what you are saying what is joe biden do but steps in not only am i going to change the subject about how outrageous these nominees are high-growth donald trump the d.o.j. has been a weaponize.
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>> yes. >> mother have been bombarded since our conversation all these experts about president clinton issuing this party for his half-brother roger clinton after serving a year in prison for pleading guilty to cocaine distribution charges. so thank god you went back. >> i have two pair crispy without blowing up the quincy don't give them the satisfaction of realizing they actually did remind me. >> do not what joe biden leaving office with another massive whopper. right? it's so fitting for joe biden has told every lie under the sun throughout his entire political career going out with this massive lie having previously setsaid i'm not going to pardon hunter biden and now this exactly what he's going to do. >> clinton was 140 that clinton issued on his last day in office. the only pardon up until this point today for hunter biden.
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so if it's 140 we could have a lot of pardoned yet to come. >> it's a missed opportunity you could issue 140 if you were joe biden and we would not be talk about 139 of them for now will be scrutinized all departments going forward. my first take a we do it on the way out the door. hunter biden is going to be the only news and than anybody else is going to go under the radar emma right? >> it's absolutely true. what you mentioned earlier is this incoming administration has a lot of what work they want to get done are not going to bother with biden and his dealings getting answers from president biden which is an interesting point considering when the biden ministration took over the basically spent the last four years hammering trump trying to bring them up on criminal charges invading his home, they did not give up they did not let up you are saying the republicans are going to take the higher road they're going to focus on getting things done?
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>> yes i think there's a lot of the trump agenda they want to push forward there's a lot of moving parts to try to do that. first and foremost is getting all the people he once into their positions. i am not saying there's not going to be any retrospective look back. especially when it comes to the fbi and the d.o.j. in particular may be looking into who knew what when about how all of that went down. as far as re- litigating hunter biden and the ties to president biden i am not sure they're going to spend that much time going down that road. >> you think this influences the senate hearings when it comes to kash patel? >> that's a good question. in recent days has been more supporters of kash patel who have come out too. our own trey gowdy has spoken highly of kash patel others have come out and said they think he can be a change agent.
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i would expect the thing to turn on some of that media stories we have seen of the people that are supporting him. did this affect of that? i don't know it does take some of the oxygen for a couple of days or this this will be the f. >> i don't know if i want to take the high road on this. [laughter] this all speaks to the weaponization of government what gets to why kash patel was nominated in the first place for the fbi with the department of justice with accusations that merrick garland insert himself in the process to protect hunter biden. which we have seen consistently got the biden ministration in the weaponization, directed at donald trump will hunter biden continues to get a pardon, to get a sweetheart deal to not have the burisma money held against him and being part of the stacked charges as well. i don't know if you want to take
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the higher road, charlie. >> yes i would not be surprised i also think donald trump, his view of this election is that it is a starting point. he has big things that he wants to get done. in as much as he can use all of this as a cudgel to crack open d.o.j. and the fbi and get things done there i think a lot of his supporters in congress will go after that. i think they have a really big other fish to fry that are more policy oriented. they are going to be off to the races. >> you can do both at one of those big policy initiatives is reforming, taking a look at the department of justice. reforming the fbi. i do think this goes hand-in-hand with those goals you just laid out the big ambitions of donald trump for this next administration as well. >> so we let bret get back to his cold turkey sandwiches? >> lexi would keep paying out this. [laughter] >> i'm going to run but i will
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leave you with this. it is sweeping. not only for the guns and that convictions it also really amounts to any crime that he might have committed in the last decade. so if you do have a congress that looks back over his going down a different road this is pretty broad and sweeping. were going to hear a lot about it from capitol hill starting tomorrow for. >> bret baier thank you for doing so to send you back your life i know with the lead will be on your show tomorrow i am actually report for. >> event, event will see it. for those just joining us breaking news here tonight. not really breaking news i mean breaking news is usually a surprise but hunter biden will be parted by his father this is news we have confirmed the president has affected issued a statement essentially saying calling out that media calling out everyone in america essentially for mistreating his son it was brought up on federal gun charges on federal tax
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division charges, was supposed to be sentenced for the tax of december 16 on december 12 he was going to be sentenced for his conviction on federal gun charges. he will no longer be going to any of those sentencings despite the fact the president was on record as late as june saying he would honor, he would respect the decision of the jury. there will be no jury there will be no jail sentencing and hunter biden is now scot-free at brooklyn mink provost of the five, judge she's like a sister to me and has plenty to say always in fact she never has enough time to get it all in. note that plenty of time on this show. what he think westrick is not suppressed are not shocked you spent years talking about this what is your take? >> well, you know, i think it is ironic if got joe biden saying that media for mistreating his son. i think everyone needs to step back for m for a minute and as e
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attacks everyone for his son's wrongdoing. we have to recognize it with his own department of justice that indicted his son. they indicted his son after leaving the highest earning years of money that he made when he was working with some of these foreign countries so he would not the payback so much. but more importantly it would not tie in joe biden as it was clearly evidenced by a lot of the e-mails that information we found out. that is the number one thing. we have to recognize it joe biden is complaining it is his own department of justice did have a solid with the initial fee could feel they could not pass muster with the federal judge. and then getting a real sweet deal in any event. for those prosecutors who say they would never prosecute these kind of cases, i wholeheartedly
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disagree they do they do not look at a federal statute and say he wrote the law but this guy's a good guy he is not a good guy he had a gun when he showing himself off unclothed which is a moral issue not a legal one but with the drugs and the hookers which kind of adds to it. more importantly that people don't go to prison for tax evasion is kind of crazy. they do all the time. and finally, i think with this whole thing about the pardon, this pardon remember is before the sentence. before he served his term as mayor to understand a lot of people get parted after they have served their time, failure to very different from here the guy does not get sentence really have it's like okay. i believe by the way there's no way he was not going to pardon
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is that i cannot wait to hear from create theater to start by saying that p president has alws stated she was his son and always been clear that his son had a problem and h as a family they're coming together. it's fascinating to hear a letter pointing up is an adult the media on the left try to treat him as if he's some child this is a grown man who knew his pmeds for decision he's a grown man he is an adult with and talking throughout the show and effective it will have an effect on the confirmation hearings for some of these nominees. what do you think? how do you think this plays out does it impact his confirmation hearings? >> i think to a certain extent it will impact the hearings. because now it's kind of fired up again. after the election it's amazing to me is everybody i know is very happy everywhere i go
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people are happy. but things are relatively calm the left is still licking their wounds they cannot believe they lost it. they think it's a messaging problem. it was a candidate problems on democratic problem that they had on the other side. i think this all going to make it a little more difficult than it might have been. but, there is also the piece that would got these nominations being made by the president. we are so blind as you said on his way out. which i think is classic and perfect. but the good news is these candidates the president is announcing our phenomenal for the department of justice, pam avanti i think she is a phenomenal pick. she knows exactly what she is going to do and i don't think there is any way she does not
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get to the nomination process because the coin type with already kash patel was just name the nominee for running the fbi and at the same time you got hunter vitamin pardon by his father. the irony is rich. and then if you think about the fbi involvement in the mar-a-lago raid in the classified documents which by the way their classified documents taken from joe biden's home in delaware is worth it's crazy. i don't know, what you think you think donald trump is going to let this go and takes the white house or zeros for the next four years trying to prosecute joe biden the way the biden administration try to prosecute and did prosecute donald trump? >> if history is any indication if you recall when donald trump went and in 2017's and i'm not going to indict hilary when they had on the classified even as the header on the clinton foundation and jim, it was a
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lesson to look at it. and i think now the irony is very rich. the whole idea you were coming and loaded for bear for president of the united sea former president on the other presidents on is really amazing. >> judge i love you. thank you so much for coming on, on a sunday night you are trooper. i guess we'll be talking about this on the five tomorrow we will all be watching. >> it will, thank you. >> love you, see you later. were going to back with the reaction from the white house on this breaking news and trey gowdy is also standing by. much, much more str straightahe. stay wit.h us. people you can knock down. it's about how many people you can lift up. at ram, our calling is to build game-changing trucks. so when you find your calling... nothing can stop you from answering it.
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>> will come back to the big weekend show. if you are just joining us, breaking news coming out of washington but we have just learned that president biden will be indeed pardoning his s son, which basically means he will not be serving any jail time for the convictions, the federal tax evasion charges, that he was supposed to be sentenced on, on december 16. december 12 the face of federal gun charges. none of that will be happening for there will be no jury. the jury in fact the president said he would respect in their decision by their not get a chance to make the decision judge was just on the show at moma's a ghost in the timing of all this is very interesting but usually people get pardoned you don't sit very often you see a president pardon a family
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member. but, usually when someone gets pardonpardon is once they startd serving their sentence they actually get to a sentencing date interestingly enough the present is not waiting for that he does not want his son to be sentence and so therefore is going ahead and pardoning him on the week at the holiday weekend, thanks giving we can. obviously this will be huge news how does it play into the confirmation hearings that president trump elect will be facing this week specifically the fbi elect nominee for director of the fbi kash patel. that is been rumored as been beingvery controversial among te left. but now he will be a of course take that the backstage to whatl be the announcement that we will continue to watch i'm not sure of the mainstream media will be paid much attention to this you can bet fox news will be uttering former south going to congressman "sunday night in america" hosted trey gowdy. trey, thanks so much for talking to us. i want to talk about this pardon covers a 10 year period for those offenses against the united states hunter biden has
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committed may have committed or taken part in from january 12014 to december 1, 2024. that's 10 years hunter biden's life that is a lot of crime. and he has been pardon for all of it. >> it is. part of me is jealous of what and where i can go to get one of those for myself. although the good news is i don't really need one. it's the least surprising news i've heard all day. i've been saying for months and months and months that he is not going to allow what i think is his last living child to go to prison. parents just don't do that. most parents don't have the power to stop it but there's a reason we do not put parents on the jury and there's a reason parents don't prosecute their kids they' there just not objec. i am not at all surprise the breath of it surprises me a little bit. the president knows better than i do how much criminality his son was engaged in.
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question biden has tweeted publicly said repeatedly no one is above the law. i guess except for his son hunter and him with mishandling classified information dated back to the 1970s and 80s when his editor. >> yes. again i hate for my cynicism to show up on a holiday weekend. i never believed him when he said it. he was always going to pardon his sunday one of the jury to find him not guilty. he hired a really good lawyer although he pursued a pretty serious defense strategy. there's never any danger. i would not say this it would not surprise me if president trump had pardon him. look what he did with hilary clinton when he came in 2016. can you name a single political enemy donald trump prosecuted? all the talk about retribution and revenge he actually never did it. i think he was going to pardoned no matter what ordinarily
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prosecutors are not big fans of pardons. there is a time and a place for them it is just really hard for a parent particularly one in his 80s to see a child go to prison. >> to what degree does this pardon and a a weird way going on theater cynicism which i of course wholeheartedly share in all things when it comes to politics. but, to what degree does this possibly prevent further prevents furtherquestions that e eventually led to i don't know, president biden himself? >> charlie you put your finger on it. the reason you do it now is what they are doing now is presentence investigation. some states do it but all federal cases do it. it is an exhaustive background into the facts that undergirded the conviction or the plea. it is exhausted.
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it's not them by the prosecution. this forecloses that. it cuts it off. there is no dollar figure amount attached to the fraud. i'm not surprised he did it now. i heard the question why not wait until he serving his sentence or been sentence you want to cut off the pre-investigation which he already did. >> trey gowdy, i i have a questn for you have been a prosecutor and i want to ask have you ever had your good work foiled by a pardon have you ever been preparing a case or prosecuting a case only to have it pardon and the other question is this is obviously a constitutional power of the president and states it's the power of the governors. do prosecutors like this power? if you think the president should have the power to pardon people? do you think governors do or do you think it's too much power in
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the executive branch? >> it is a great question. i view the president as the ultimate prosecutor he is the head of the executive branch which is where prosecutors are a think a lot of people think they are part of the judicial branch but they are not. i have never had someone parted i may have possibly lost a case on appeal although i can't think of it right now and i'm sure the court was wrong if they did reverse me at. [laughter] prosecutors we are not huge fans of pardons although i will be honest i think jeff should be pardon. what was done to jeff is an outrage. so yes, i do believe in limited instances particularly since we live in the time of the justice system has been so politicized. back when i was a federal prosecutor whenever talks about politics there was no need for this. now, we have a very political d.o.j. >> was one of sinking in response to charlie this pardon
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for hunter or pardon for joe biden? talk about this politically a weaponize what do you make of kash patel being nominated as fbi director? >> i worked able to elbow with kash patel for two years. he would not of the foundation n of the steele dossier you would not know about pf bise abuse you would not know about gps of it not been for the hard work of a guy name kash patel he is quite candidly the most unfairly maligned a person that i worked with the entire eight years i was in washington i know and the left is because of what he found not because of who he is but because of what he found you would not know about the bise abuse if it were not for kash patel. correct trey, thanks so much for coming on we appreciate your time we have learnt so much from you. the big weekend show will be right back with more breaking
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news and more legal analysis. stay with us. be a very different luke. look up. where you going? luke's mom: there's an incredible urgency to get your child into services, because the longer you wait, these motor pathways are set in stone. i knew he needed help. he needed these services. i'm almost there. yes, you are. you're so close. you're so strong. i'm gonna say hi. okay! let's say hi. hi! nolan's mom: none of my friends or people in our network have a child with these needs. and then you go to easterseals and it's such a good feeling to feel like you're in good hands. they really understand what you're going through. jaxon: at one point, i wasn't able to walk or ride my bike. the little things that other people take for granted that i need help with. sometimes those are hard because you don't want help. but you need it. but children with disabilities can't get the help they need without support from people like you.
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welcome back to the big weekend show for it we are covering breaking news joe biden's pardon of his son hunter biden. what's interesting about this pardon it's outside of the scope of just the gun charges against him, the tax charges against him it is a blanket party from january 1, 2014 until december 1, 2024. jonathan turley points out on axis is exact kind of blanket federal judge struck down with that sweetheart deal originally hunter biden got multiple guest on this show judge we've also had trey gowdy as well as a judge you need is what is looking for. we have learned a lot throughout the past hour. we learned about the sweeping deal and also trey gowdy pointed out might protect joe biden as well what we have been talking
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at how irs agents whistleblowers have come forward saying they were thwarted in any road that would potentially lead to joe but is this pardon for hunter biden or is it for joe biden? quickbooks get to madeleine rivera who is alive at the white house with more. >> good evening lisa. at 180 for the present remember the white house constant drumbeat is the president will t use his clemency powers to commute hunter's sentence or pardon him the president making it clear all so consistent he will respect the independence of the justice department the president and his statement in t clearly feels this process has been political in partisan pills hunter has been singled out because he's this presidents on we will head to the state from the president. from the day i took office i said i would not interfere with the justice department
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decision-making. i kept my word even as i watch my son being selectively unfairly prosecuted. aggregated factors multiple churches are buying a weapon is a strong purchaser. almost not brought to trial so we probably go that it filled out a gun for those paying their taxes because of serious objections but paid them back subsequent interest and penalties are typically given noncriminal rove resolutions it is clear hunter was treated differently by the president goes on to say the plea deal for has a federal gun and tax charges for hunter which fell apart in dramatic fashion in june of last year, the president feels that would've been a fair and reasonable solution to hunter's cases. as for what led to the president's change of heart nbc has reported they were the first to report this news as well. they report the president had been discussing with close aides about the possibility of pardoning hunter as early as back in june. again when that plea deal fell apart in a dramatic fashion with
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us despite his public insistence that again he would not commute his son sentence or pardon hunter after all. the calculations for the president has changed she's no longer going to have a second term. he's not going to have a second term. the election day is over so imagine the political blowback vice president kamala harris would face if the president had announced this before election day. already we are seeing some reaction from capitol hill house committee on oversight and accountability chairman james comer saying this tonight, joe biden has lied from start to finish about his family's influence peddling activities aparbut now has a falsely claime never mowed this son's foreign business associates and his son did nothing wrong but he also lied when he said he would not pardon hunter biden. the charges hunter face for a tip of the iceberg and the corruption biden in the fighting crime family have lied about to the american people. as for the president tonight he is leaving for what could be the last international trip of his presidency. the president is leaving to
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joint base andrews by motorcade so we will not have a chance to see him but we will see effie has any comments to the press a court that we will be covering him tonight at the tarmac at joint base andrews. >> thank you. want to bring it jonathan turley fox news contributor constitutional law attorney. jonathan, great to have you on the show tonight. let's talk about the this could be set in abuse by later presidents and sadly tarnished. your role as president is to put the nation first. here we have a president is putting his family first after promising america he would not do so. >> that is right. this brings to mind the same type of familiar action taken by bill clinton who pardoned his brothers in his final days of office.
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it also shows a degree of contempt for the american people. not ever speaking to his sons of business associates. never being in meetings with them. but he lied repeatedly to the american people when he was a candidate for reelection. he was asked repeatedly as he was about meeting his son's client. and denied and he has now violated that pledge. >> great, jonathan you are right you pointed out earlier about the sweeping sweetheart deal. the big weekend show will be right back with more breaking news. stay with us. t indigestion iberogast bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve
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welcome back to "the big weekend show" we're reporting on the news that president biden has issued a pardon out for his son hunter biden ahead of his conviction on federal gun charges on december 1617 for federal tax evasion charges to which he pleaded guilty the pardon is a ten year blanket immunity for all crimes president trump just released a statement saying the failed witch-hunt against president trump have proved that the democrat control d.o.j. and other radical prosecutors are guilty of weaponizing the justice system the system of justice must be fixed and due process must be restored for all americans which is exactly what president trump will do as he returns to the white house with an overwhelming mandate from the american people. president trump is bypassing
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that and talking about the rig justice system. >> i keep asking myself after what trey gowdy said is a pardon for hundred biden or joe biden. joe biden has used his son as upon 10% with the forest under important business dealings to make money and insulate himself from future legal trouble that he might've found himself in with the actions was taken. also he said no one is above the law that he does this and yet classify documents dating back to the 1970s and 80s i hope we can dispel the emotion that he's a good man he is not. >> i think this is brilliant the statement by trump he doesn't mention hunter or president biden but everyone will be talking about corruption in the context of the bidens in this pardon it all came from political corruption. now trump is going to attack corruption it is great. >> is doing that with the confirmation coming up and all the nominations you just made
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and i guarantee you trump will see this as a win. when people start to question his pick for kash patel to direct the fbi he's going to said told you so into the corruption we have to start with a clean slate. >> as you pointed out earlier joe biden has gone off script from the democrat playbook and has handed donald trump a win in the political sense. >> should we do another hour? >> that would be nice. >> i will kick you under the table. >> i don't know why he had to lie all that time when everybody says would you accept the vice presidency you say. >> that means 15 seconds, that does it for us we will see you next weekend read always dvr if you cannot catch his life saturday night in america with trey gowdy you just heard on the show is up next. stay here on fox news channel ♪ ♪ ♪
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