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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 2, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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panel, thank you very much. >> thank you. ♪ finally tonight, a special day. >> so as we celebrate our final holiday season here in the white house, we are guided by the values that we hold sacred. >> bret: first lady jill biden officially revealing the christmas decorations. this year's theme a season of peace and light. festive display includes music style carousel, gingerbread white house. 83 trees with almost 10 feet of ribbon and about 165,000 lights. how about that? tomorrow on "special report," republicans get their game plan together for managing the house, senate, and presidency. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight, fair, balanced and unafraid. here's laura. >> laura: good evening.
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i'm laura ingraham "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. i hope everyone had an amazing thanksgiving. we'll all know that hunter biden did. the gone father. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, francis ford cope la the godfather one and two are generally considered amongst the best films ever made they politicians and police. >> grateful for done core lone for this meeting. we all know him as man of his word. a modest man. he will always listen to reason. >> he is too modest. he had all the judges and politicians in his pocket. >> the struggles of a wayward son. >> sen send fredo off to do this
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and this. mickey mouse nightclub. that's not the way i wanted it. i can handle things i'm smart like everybody said. i'm smart and i want respect. >> laura: does that sound familiar? given what we have learned over the years about the long-term corruption and deception of the biden family. the core leones have nothing on them. >> surprised by joe biden's thanksgiving pardon for his son hunter anything i did in this decade. december 2014 to december 2024 is interesting when hunter biden got involved with ukrainian energy and. >> laura: very interesting. the naive among us say that's not what joe, the protect are of norms and democracy told us?
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will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is? >> yes. >> and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes, i'm extremely proud of my son hunter he had every digit behind his back. everyone knew that biden was lying. yet, because they knew it would hurt biden politically and help trump, the entire political media establishment pretended otherwise. >> he is not pardoning his son. because he is living what it means to have a rule of law in this country. >> the president promised to put the law before family. letting the world know that he will not quip away the decision of 12 of his then peers. >> the current president of the united states has so much
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respect for the law that he has said he would not pardon his son. >> they were all enablers and everyone here is exposed. biden, the media, democrat staffers. >> this decision by the president to over the course of many months insists publicly that he was not going to do this. everyone that i have spoken to so far, and that includes senior most former white house and administration official never believed the president when he said he wasn't going to pardon his son. they said this that anyone who was even close to the top knew that he was probably going to do this. why did we pretend otherwise why know why they pretended otherwise. come on. they never believed biden had clean hands here. he has some paragon of constitutional or any other type of virtue. and they never thought trump was a threat to democracy. but they railed against trump's claims that the doj was
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politicized. they called it all that highly damaging to the doj's independence. an unfair attack on the institution that keeps us safe and now? >> does the president believe now and agree with president-elect trump that the justice system has been weaponized for political purposes and that it needs root and branch reform? >> no. read the president's statement. seriously, read the president's statement. he says he believes in the department of justice. he does. he says it in his statement. he believes -- he also believes that war politics infected the process and it led to a miscarriage of justice. he believes his son was unfairly targeted. >> laura: she should have submitted her resignation letter today. and she would have, i think if she had believed what they told her to say months ago that biden would not barred hunter. but, look, if you were in on
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this from the beginning you just keep the lie going and then you try to have it both ways. >> the president does believe in the justice system. and the department of justice. and he also believes that his son was singled out politically. so this is why this president took this action. >> laura: years? and then why earlier this year did he say he would not pardon hunter. >> one of the reasons the president did the pardon is because they didn't seem like his political opponents would let go of it. it didn't seem like they would move on. and so this is why this president took this action. >> laura: okay. as usual it's trump's fault. his political opponents wouldn't move on. again, why is anyone surprised by this? now, she and the rest of the white house senior staff covered up biden's cognitive decline for years after all. they lied that joe was at the top of his game. he had boundless energy.
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and these people talk about trump's big lie? the biden family crime syndicate in all of their unindicted co-conspirator, it was all built on a lie. this family got rich by selling access or at least the appearance of access. any suggestion to the contrary, well that, was a right wing conspiracy. >> i don't know what he was doing. >> i never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with ukraine. >> i have never spoken with my son about his overseas business dealings. >> i have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses, period. >> laura: all lies. the only international business experience that hunter was an expert in involved harlots and cocaine. now, with this pardon declared, in early december 2024, we all
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know what the bidens and their collaborators did. they sold the ongoing family lies. and they looked the other way on all of the corruption to thosm t was worth risking the credibility. frankly the credibility of the institutions they supposedly revere so much. it was worth it to them in order to protect biden and keep donald trump out of the white house thank god they failed. we must never forget what they did and never let these sorts of people close to the white house again former thrown imimpeachment lawyer and hunter biden whistleblower despite everything that came out, and that hunter admitted to, you think the doj still didn't fully investigate him. what makes you say that?
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that's correct, hunter biden was singled out. that was for preferential treatment. during the entire investigation, the department of justice didn't allow us to follow normal investigative processes that would have potentially led to joe biden. some of it did lead to joe biden as the house and the chairman who up gauged in the impeachment inquiry found out. so, when we didn't have those powers and authorities to go after and find, you know, all that the biden family did. it really just hid that from the american people and ultimately they move into -- they were going to charge in 2022 and then at the end of 2022 think are not going to charge because two biden appointed u.s. attorneys became involved and wouldn't allow david weiss to charge. he requested a special charging.
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justice is trying to cover it up with the sweetheart plea deal which, of course, fell apart: hunter biden is going to face consequences for the crimes that he committed president biden comes in and pardons him. he was singled out and it was for preferential treatment. >> laura: that's a great turn of phrase. now, we are going to get to david weiss' statement in just a moment. david schoen, some experts are saying that this pardon could actually backfire on joe biden? is that true? >> oh, absolutely. actually, there are a couple of interesting things about it. i have to say your intro was awesome, and especially when you consider joe biden's statement in giving the pardon when he said in my entire career i have always adhered to one simple principle tell the american people the truth. so, anyway, i think there are two -- at least two elements to this that have very interesting it. could backfire because a broad pardon like this removes the fifth amendment right for hunter biden. at least with respect to any federal crime. so i would expect you would see
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a subpoena potentially from the house or the senate. to inquiry about ukraine activities and all of that sort of thing. remember, this covers an 11-year period. 10 years and 11 months. but the other part of it is there is a real question whether a broad, rather than specific, preemptive pardon is valid. interestingly, brookings institution wrote a piece when they suspected president trump was going to give broad pardons and they suggested it's not valid. pardon never tested in court. someone could challenge. this a lot of implications, the breadth of this pardon is so great. that hunter biden literally sold 10 kilos of heroin given license for any federal crime to avoid any prosecution for that it's any federal crime. he committed or may have committed up until
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december 1st. >> laura: that's a fascinating point about the fifth amendment meaning he has to tell us what really happened or legally is bound to because he doesn't have that constitutional protection. that is very, very important for everybody to remember tonight. and back to david weiss as special counsel in this case. he has come out today against hunter's case being dismissed with prejudice saying, quote the government does not challenge that does not mean the grand jury's decision to charge wind away. as if it never occurred. gary, you seemed to be making your point here. how significant is it that he comes out and makes that bold statement? >> i believe this is department of justice maneuvering to make it seem like they are still nut game and still pursuing, you know, every avenue against hunter biden. hopefully when the new administration comes in and the
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new attorney general bondi comes in they will be looking at this and maybe appointing a special counsel to investigate this special counsel. that's what's needed the level of malfeasance that occurred at every level from the attorney general merrick garland to david weiss, the fbi irs leadership is just quite appalling. and that's why i'm very optimistic moving in with this new administration with the department of government efficiency. like i said earlier, could literally be born out of -- >> laura: we got to get to the bon of this. and ukraine later in the show. david, to that point, this could be a weiss -- david weiss cya move, too. do not be. >> really saying nothing. the fact is article 2 e section 2 gives the president the right to pardon. not the right to expunge. expungement is a judicial remedy. what he is say something accurate. i think agent happen is supply correct cya sort of that niewferg, maybe the offensive thing of all of this wasn't just
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at any time tried to take down. trump and he has a fine flower abbe lowell and maybe he was smart in putting off the stent because thee let particularly not a convicted felon in the case. the interesting academic surrounding it doesn't look guide. gary, you were brave in stepping forward, you and your colleague all that time ago and we prevent both of you don't. thank you very much. >> as a father. i don't know if a father would have done the same thing what i would have done differently. go ahead and pardon donald trump for all his charges? >> laura: that's nice where was joe manchin when we needed him to be a principled voice to call out the biden enrichment scam? joining me now is florida governor ron desantis. governor, dying to talk to you
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about this. do you expect that given the reaction to this pardon, that biden would also arab pardon to president trump or any of trump's associates proactively and preemptively. >> i think the american people spoke on that. here you have joe biden one, he lied to the american people, again, and his whole presidency has been a blizzard of lies. he didn't just pardon his son potential sentences there. he pardon him for everything going back 2014 to the present, why? because they wanted to be able to protect against any inquiries into the biden exeam business and we know that has been subject to scrutiny for many, many years. >> this is a guy that came into office saying his predecessor was a threat to democracy. a threat to our institution. and what does he do? he corruptly pardon power to give his son blanket immunity
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and by extension protect himself from having inquiry. i think the opposite of president trump they manipulated the law to gover donald trump for political reasons and think about it, laura, have you watched politics for a row long time if the electorate actually believed donald trump was guilty of serious federal crimes, he would not have been elected in the manner that he did. the american people spoke, not only rejecting biden-harris' policies but also rejecting the abuse of the legal process against donald trump. those cases are dead, donald trump doesn't need a pardon. i think if biden tried to do it may be by half. >> laura: governor, poland is the president's nominee to be attorney general. she was attorney general of the great state of florida, how do you expect reform of the doj and
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obviously the fbi kash patel. let's start with poland. >> the mission institution run amok. and you got to go in there and i think pam will. try to be liked by the bureaucrats. expected to be attacked relentlessly by the corporate press. and know when that happens that's a badge of honor. that means you are doing the right thing. the bureaucrats are not going to like you. they will try to stifle. you got to go in with that mindset, understanding we need major reform. then i think you also have to go, in understanding the levers of power that are available to you. because they will try to frustrate main justice has become a cesspool. you have little outposts who think they are immune from accountability. southern district of new york. brings accountability and restore the rule of law. there is a lot that needs to be done. i was back in the day special
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assistant u.s. attorney 20-some years ago. it was a special institution back then. we thought of a lot differently than now. this isn't your father's doj. this is an institution run amok. you are going to ruffle feathers. people are going to be upset when you do the right thing. but take that as positive feedback. >> laura: look at what they did to you during covid. look at what they to you from the beginning. you kept going on hurricane relief and all the rest. governor, the fbi itself has also been a cesspool of corruption. not to say there are not good people in the fbi there obviously are. what do you say to the senators on capitol hill that are already quietly vowing to put up road blocks to the president's choice to be fbi director kash patel, what do you say to them given the outcome of this election? >> so, one i think you owe the president a great deal of deference on his picks. kash patel understands the problems with the fbi. and is he a reformer that will not be captured by the
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bureaucrats. contrast that to our current fbi director. christopher wray. we remember when he got appointed back in 2017. he immediately became a company man and was captured by that institution. he has not reformed it in any way, shape, or form. so i actually think kash has a lot of very significant experience that is important here. but put that aside, you can be the smartest guy in the world. you can have all this experience. if you don't understand that the institution needs to be reformed, if you get captured, then you're done. you're not going to be effective. so i think donald trump in this pick and others, he is making sure he is getting people who have the proper posture to these institutions. these are not the revered institutions that they may have been 30 years ago. these are very problematic institutions. kash understands that i think a lot of republican senators understand that but apparent live not enough do. >> laura: do you expect him to get confirmed, governor?
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>> i do. >> laura: all right. governor desantis, thank you so much. great to see you as always. coming up, how president biden is using ukraine to sabotage the incoming president trump, next. ♪
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♪ lawyer the biden's family close relationship with ukraine goes back a long way. so back in 2014, joe's son hunter joined the board of the ukrainian company burisma. the first year pardon covers. of course. big investment in energy companies interest. especially gas interest. hunter with zero experience raked in big, big money. in fact, according to the the house oversight committee. the entire bind family and associate 6 poing $5 million from ukraine. now as a parting gift from ukraine, knowing that donald trump will force an end to the war. biden is sending an additional $725 million in military aid to zelenskyy. that means drones, artillery rocket systems, antipersonnel landmines and a
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partridge in a pear tree. >> if and however this war ends it's got to end in a way that is commensurate with the aspirations of the ukrainian president quite frankly with president zelenskyy and the policies and pursuits that he is after. he gets to decide what if anything he is willing to negotiate. >> he said the aspiration ever the american people has to be smens rat with their aspirations? we wish the best for the people of ukraine. these people didn't even know the aspirations of the american people that's why they lost the election. nice try, john. if this is $175 million holiday gift to defense contractors, isn't it also 7725-million-dollar theft to the american taxpayers? senator, the aspirations of the ukrainian people. that really does say it all. this is why they lost the election in part.
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>> why shouldn't the interest of the american people be the absolute number one goal? i know it is for donald trump which is why joe biden is trying to tie his hands. laura, he is also asking biden is for congress to appropriate even more money to ukraine, beyond what he is sending him now. he wants billions more that's in his end of the year funding request it's totally ridiculous. complete sham blesz, and i tell you donald trump cannot get to office fast enough. we need him now to bring peace to the region and to make sure america's interests are put first. >> the deal that biden and company scooched at the beginning of this war. it looks like worse than if they had done nothing at all it. could have changed. now senator zelenskyy has a magic solution to end the war.
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watch if we want to stop war we should take under nato umbrella the territory of ukraine that we have under our control. >> your reaction, senator. >> no, absolutely not. they should not put any part of ukraine in nato and listen, this administration is already risking world war iii by green lighting the use of american weapons into russian territory. what will happen if moscow responds by sending a weapon, a missile, you name it into the territory of a nato country. we will all be at war. the idea that we would expand nato to include ukraine is extremely dangerous. it's a recipe for constant conflict. including american soldiers, boots on the ground in europe from now until forever. it is a disastrous idea. it's exactly the wrong thing to do. and, listen, here's another point about the need to settle this conflict. what the biden administration has been telling senators behind closed doors for literally two years now, laura, there will have to be a negotiated peace.
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the secretary of state was saying that two years ago, so out in public they are saying war forever. behind closed doors well we will have to negotiate. they don't want to have to make the hard choices to do it. >> laura: do you know what i love, as long as it takes. how many times did we hear that we will be sending billions to ukraine, quote: for as long as it takes what i said as long as joe biden is president. senator, you have been great on this. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> laura: the claim stlump a hitler threat to democracy. more information coming out jason miller from the trump campaign in transition coming up. ♪
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(dr. david jeremiah) our world is not getting better. in our hearts we know that. and the bible says, "we groan for the coming of this new world." i'm not talking about heaven. i'm talking about a better world on planet earth. this is a world tainted with the sin of mankind, but there's a coming world when there'll be no more crime, when there'll be no more poverty, when there'll be no sickness, when death will happen only very seldom. one of these days, when jesus comes back, and the tribulation is over, christ will set up his kingdom on this earth. "the wolf will lie down with the lamb, "and the leopard will lie down with the young goat, "and they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain." the millennium is where we will begin to experience our true destiny.
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you can rely on ontario for clean energy to power your growing economy, and for the critical minerals crucial to new technologies. ontario is your third largest trading partner and the number one export destination for 17 states. our long standing economic partnership keeps millions of americans working. in a changing world, now is the to build together. more jobs. more trade. more prosperity. more security. for generations, this ally to the north has been here, and for generations, more will still be here. right by your side. o. >> laura: how humiliating the same figures who banned trump from social media, who warned
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the world about him are now pleading with donald trump saying how can we work on our relationship, sir? >> trump is spending thanksgiving down at mar-a-lago. he hosted mark zuckerberg, the head of meta last night there. >> prime minister justin trudeau headed to mar-a-lago for a face-to-face continuer. >> this comes after a phone call between mexican president claudia sheinbaum and trump. >> laura: no, no. this was funny. we see that none of them ever believed that trump's winning would be the end of the world he was hitler or dictator in situating. even socialists are hearing reality. the pentagon with a budget of 886 billion seventh audit in row. lost track of billions. only 13 senators voted against the military industrial complex and defense budget full of waste and fraud. that much change. oh, wait. hell is freezing over because bernie and the angle are also on the same page joining me now
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jason miller, senior adviser for the trump-vance transition. jason, take us inside the dining room that photo of trudeau and trump, i'm sorry, it was very funny. it looked like his child next to him. this is after trudeau has basically destroyed parts of canada with this hideous immigration policy that's flooded canada with foreigners much to the chagrin of canadians. >> laura, this is a big part of this. keep in mind what president trump is talking about for two very simple principles that everybody can relate, to whether you are a democrat or republican or independent. if you are american or even if you are not an american. peace and prosperity. those are the two big things that president trump has been pushing and what is he going to bring in the second term. now, i want to go back for a moment when he talked about the democrats ands president trump would always say the misinformation and disinformation that they have been pushing for really the last 8 years. every since he came down the
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golden escalator. when they would attack president trump and whole threat to democracy nonsense, they were trying to cover up what they were doing to president trump. one of the genius things that he has done so far. take a look at his nominees. take a look at poland, kash patel, the focus to get politics outs of government is really posh. you will see that all across all these nominees in his administration. >> i like the fact that president-elect trump repeatedly uses the word pragmatism, common sense because people conservative not conservative. common sense. i get it put our needs first and maybe we can be better at helping other countries and be stronger and have more efficient military noah takes away the left right dynamic. young people i talked to especially down in florida over the holiday, they are feeling that more fun to have common sense in the end. >> it is. this is how president trump was able to bring such results in that first term.
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it's common sense that's going to secure the border. it's common sense that is going to bring peace to the middle east. it's common sense to bring us this great economy that cuts through all the traditional blocks that are in washington and in congress. and but we know exactly how president trump is going to govern in this second term. and i tell you, laura, there is a massive advantage to where we are in 2024 versus 2016. by thanksgiving, president trump had his entire cabinet built out. so many of these top nominees in place. he had his chief of staff, susie wiles already named. ready to go. it was way down the road for president trump to be in this position 2016. what this means is the policy team. >> laura: ready to go. >> stephen miller and vince haley step in on day one and get this done. i'm excited. >> laura: vince haley a proud graduate of my law school class. he is awesome. i love that is he one of my favorites. jason, would donald trump accept a pardon from joe biden? >> at this point, i don't know
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what joe biden is going to pull. i think it's nonsense if some aspect of some pr play he might try to do it. president trump did absolutely nothing wrong. that's why everything is disappearing. that's why he is focused on actually serving for this second term here. it's the reason why he won with such -- american public saw this as nonsense. manipulation. quite frankly the american public does not want to hear what morning joe and mika have to say. they want to hear what is going to happen to secure the border and make their bank accounts bigger. that's why he won with such big numbers. >> laura: bring those energy costs down. it's getting cold even in washington, d.c. jason, thank you so much. kamala crushing election defeat just the start of the problem for the democrats. and they are starting to process it all and it's fun to watch. and that's next. ♪
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remember lawyer the old saying about a person being drunk on power? but what about the person who is drunk on losing power? >> don't you ever let anybody take your power from you. you have the same power that you
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did before november 5th? >> laura: you got it definitely. and then there are, of course, more than a few democrats who wish they could drink away their troubles right about now. some are in the process of coping with reality. >> our brand is toxic in so many places you are a democrat? like that's the stuff we get like in ohio. we need a complete reboot with the dnc. we need a complete rebranding. we got to get back established into our values what does it mean to be a democrat? >> laura: joining me now alex marlow, editor and chief at breitbart and victor davis hanson senior fellow at the hoover institution. victor, start with you. it's nice for tim ryan to come out and say that where has he been in the past, you know, decade which the party has been moving further and further to the left he was one of the democrats covering up the decline yeah it's going to take a midterm loss. this is a revolutionary party,
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dei, woke, open borders, transtranstranschosen nism. good old joe biden moderate veneer. they drained the strategic petroleum reserve. forgave student loans. 2022 they stopped the red wave. gave amnesty on loans. drained the reserve. they always think they can find some little trick or gadget right before the election to allow an agenda to be voted on approvingly that the people don't want. they are not going to change until they lose two or three elections. it turns out that the bag of tricks that victor's point, alex, is kind of coming up empty now. and more americans are seeing the problems that we have for what they are. they are solvable but they are going to be tough to solve like
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deporting them millions and millions including california where victor is that they have to be gone, period. that's going to be a herculean effort. but that's what people seem to want. >> yeah. and the democrats have no idea where to start. i watched that whole kamala speech and, laura, we got cut her some slack. she just come from a taco tuesday half off margaritas who could resist. >> laura: skinny. >> of course it makes sense to me. i watched the whole tim ryan interview, also, there was one thing he didn't do there in that interview. he didn't offer a single solution he said we need a reset. he didn't offer one new idea. they are completely lost in the wilderness. i watched that whole deep dive podcast of the kamala. >> laura: painful. >> so my whole audience didn't have to. the main thing they came up with, there weren't enough cultural but cool murals of kamala harris. that was their big idea. they just don't know where to begin other than we didn't
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introduce her to enough to people. we are in such good shape right now. >> laura: the thing that i love here, victor, is that congressman raskin is actually recommending jerry nadler to run the party. okay? so that's going to be the answer to the democrat democrat party. party problem. and other people who are coming forward, obviously hakeem jeffries as the house minority leader. do any of these people have the mojo or the credibility to lead the party and noah reality here? >> no, no, no, no. >> laura: is he trying to oust nadler. excuse me. i misspoke. >> it took them a decade to get bill clinton and that new democratic leadership, centrist stuff, school uniforms. you remember that?
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and 100,000 policemen to got him elected. he didn't even win 50% of the vote in both of his winning elections so. they are going to have to -- i don't think they are in denial right now. they keep talking about a reboot. a reset. a recalibration. but they never -- as you said, they never give detail and they are not requesting to do it unless they are forced to do it. only way forced to do it so to learn the next midterm and next presidential election. then they have a come to deity moment. their french revolutionaries. this base would rather lose left wing than win moderately. >> laura: they showed us in the last go around. republicans can't afford their own identity crisis, alex, very quickly because they want to hold onto the old establishment ways and knock out a lot of these trump nominees you sense there are the old dinosaurs are still hanging on in the senate, do you expect they will be successful in any of these
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tifertion battles. >> real problems for the maga crowd here. hold them all accountable and know they should get primaried and voted out. stand in the way of the donald trump agenda american people voted for. >> laura: that's going to be fun. alex and victor, thank you very much. biden celebrates health bureaucrat as he forgets his name. raymond arroyo has it all "seen and unseen" is next. ♪
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take control of your blood pressure. head to walmart and get total beets blood pressure support soft chews. today. he saluted one of your favorite people then promptly forgot that guy's name. >> a special thanks to one of the great public health officials, a true hero who we have led this fight against
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dr. anthony fauci. [cheers] where is he at? [applause] is a good man. >> laura: lawyer why is he saluting him an officer in the navy? >> completely lost, laura. does he even know that he pardoned hunter? i'm not sure if he quite remembered that? i mean, you mentioned a moment ago. trump, it's not just been announced breaking news. donald trump is going to be going to the reopening of notre dame cathedral in paris on december 7th, this saturday. where is -- where is jont? is he in africa taking no questions about the pardon, he should be going to notre dame. is >> wasn't he just in south america? outgoing president's to like to
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go on safari's. i might be mistaken, but did the obamas go on a safari and maybe push one on at some point? it seems like that's kind of a favorite trip. but i think it's fantastic that trump is going to the unveiling of the refurbished come after that horrific fire, of the historic cathedral. fantastic. >> speaking of refurbishment, laura, there is something you need of refurbishment. biden have pardoned hunter but he should consider prosecuting jill for the way she defiled the white house with these christmas decorations. did you see this mess? it's like the carnival came to town. i'm going to show you. this is an image of the white house dining room. she didn't go to williams-sonoma for those drapes. she went to barnum & bailey. at first i thought this was from her dress collection. i thought it was a display of the first lady's dresses. but they did say they were the big tent party. we just didn't know that included the circus tent. here it is. >> laura: of course the
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republicans are now the big tent party, but it does look a little barnum & bailey barnum & baileyish. but it's kind of a three-ring circus over there. my question is, did commanders show up to bite their troubles away, perhaps? maybe he's turned into a cocaine sniffing dog. >> it looks like commander ripped those drapes before he left. they are all ripped to pieces. >> laura: did they have those weird mimes and strange people showing up that showed up last time that looked like they were in the jaguar commercial? >> no, they left the cross-dressing ballet dancers at home this year. just ugly carnivalesque decorations. go punish yourself, america, and look at the white house. like scrooge on christmas morning, it seems even people on the left are waking up to understand why the democrats lost in such a big way. this is bill maher with that moderate jane fonda.
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>> the far left has gone so nutty on some issues. >> that's what they're being told by people like you. what do you mean when you say far left? >> i could give you a million examples. >> it must be some part of what you call the far left that is so minuscule that i, who am -- >> no, jane, it's not minuscule, and i'm sorry, you can't throw this back on us. i assume it is because you are locked into media that just never want anyone in their audience to know anything sketchy about the blue team. >> laura: hanoi jane to the very end. she still clinging to that north vietnamese rocket. >> living in a bubble, laura. she claimed california is not a far left place. what planet is this woman living on? she admitted she reads only two papers and she's never watched fox news. maybe she should give it a try
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and see how the country actually operates, thinks, reacts to the breaking news of the moment. she could learn a lot. >> laura: raymond, i'm really going back into film lore. she should stay on golden pond. [laughter] >> you were on golden pond this weekend, or maybe you should think about going there after that loss at texas a&m. that was pretty ugly. >> laura: that was brutal. >> i heard you went up to college station. >> laura: that was brutal. i'm telling you, they have such amazing spirit. everyone knows i am a bama fan but now i'm an adopted aggie fan. he had a lot of fun, the kids and i. >> notre dame won. i'm happy. >> laura: bama has a shot for the playoffs, unless they're already winning and i miss that deadline. raymond, thank you. "on golden pond." at the next, jesse watters and the gang. >> jesse: welcome


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