tv Hannity FOX News December 2, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> hot debate at the household, can you decorate for christmas before thanksgiving? texts. let me know what you think. came from hartford, kentucky,, how was your thanksgiving, no grievances this year? no grievances. although my mother did come over on saturday and she cried. she just burst into tears about trump's victory. i just let her cry. let her cry it out. i'm waters and this is my world.
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>> sean: welcome to hannity. tonight we asked mike we begin with the bridge from the democratic party. >> this nation is founded on the principle that there are no kings in america. each of us is equal before the law. no one is above the law. >> the fact is no one is above the law. >> and his country, and no one is above the law. >> the american principle that no one is above the law. >> make no mistake, no one, not even the president of the united states, is above the law. >> no one is above the law. >> sean: never mind, kidding as usual. the democrats you saw there are flat out lying. there are people who are very clearly above the law, the ones that are lecturing all of you about the rule of law.
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by the way, they are called the biden family or as we affectionately refer to them on this program has simply the syndicate. in a move that surprised no one who watches this channel, president biden did issue a full unconditional pardon to his beloved son hunter, only months after vowing over and over again that he would never pardon hunter because of his unwavering commitment to justice and the rule of law. you might recall. >> will you accept the jury's outcome and their verdict no matter what it is? >> yes. >> how be ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. >> you have. >> does the president have any intention of pardoning him? >> we've been asked that question multiple times, our answer stands which is no. >> is there any possibility that the president one end of pardoning his son? >> no. >> i am satisfied that i'm not going to do anything. i said i would abide by the jury
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decision. i will do that and i will not pardon him. >> he said he would not pardon his son and i'm going to leave it there. >> sean: you didn't take that seriously did you? that was before the election. like always the entire white house were lying to the american people. according to nbc news they knew that biden was planning a possible pardon but decided to tell the american people the exact opposite of what he was thinking. it's the biden doctrine, they blatantly lie about everything. remember the border is closed, the border is secure. he's running circles around his staff, he's got so much energy. he's cognitively as sharp as ever. inflation is transitory. trump a threat to democracy. and he sponsored project wing 25 and one to ban abortion nationwide and what sign that as president and limit access to contraception and stop ivf treatments for women.
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they said crime was down, inflation was down. that withdrawal from afghanistan went really well if you believe them. never mind what lies kamala told would she have ever really close the border? i doubt it. what you give taxpayer-funded sex change operations to illegals as she wants said she would? probably. gender-affirming care without parental consent, likely. ban fracking and drilling, i'd bet yes. back the u.s. supreme court, limited the filibuster as she promised, make these... we've all been subjected to one insane lie after another that only a handful of remaining msdn see fake news cnn viewers could or would believe. it's not a shocker that joe biden lied about a pardon for hunter and keep in mind this wasn't just a pardon for the felonies that hunter was already convicted of. this was a sweeping pardon that
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covers any and all federal crimes hunter committed or may have committed. the dates are important. january first 2014 and yesterday december first, 24. biden, hunter biden will face no consequences for any actions over the past 11 years. that oddly specific timeline, how conveniently happens to coincide with the very same year that hunter started raking in millions of dollars from ukraine. remember he was on the border, no experience in energy, oil, gas. ukraine was getting paid millions. according to joe he never wants spoke to my son, my brother or anybody for that matter about their foreign business deals. in spite of what looks like evidence to the contrary. pictures. i guess he pulled out 2014 out of a hot. that was a random you're just like he randomly pressured ukraine.
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remember he bragged about it, about withholding billions in aid until they agree to fire the prosecutor investigating his zero experience on being paid millions or the more likely scenario, that was the real quid pro quo with ukraine. joe biden was lying through his teeth is always. think about this. 2014, that is also happening to cover the sweetheart deal with the bank of china. another deal with the state-run chinese energy company. remember the whatsapp message i'm sending here next to my dad. and more sketchy deals with oligarchs from has extend, i gender his 3.5 million-dollar wire transfer from the former first lady of moscow. remember her, as documented by the joint report from the senate finance and homeland security committees. it also covers allegations of tax evasion, money-laundering,
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and even federal bribery, corruption charges. that's around 10% for the big guy or half my money goes to pops. can the big guy sleep easy tonight? that's a legal question. is the biden family syndicate officially in the clear? what about all the money hunter says he gave. half my income goes to pops who is on the laptop. did other monies that he took in go to his brother? maybe wives involved, ex-wives involved, what about the children. did any money go to them? will joe pardon all of them, will joe biden pardon himself as political put it, this 11 year pardon is quite possibly the most generous extensive pardon and decades. now some democratic voters appear shocked and angry that he is in fact not a man of his word nate silver... who destroyed the democratic party.
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why didn't you say all of that ahead of time. that may be true, here's another hard truth for my friends on the left. the legacy media so-called journalists that they respect and adore are brainless, spineless and nothing but shills for the democratic party. and the polling that people like nate silver use from them, kind of sucked also. they don't investigate big stories, they don't look for the truth. instead just look at the latest democratic talking point, repeat that, that's their formula. and that's why americans rejected them as well in november. now here's a sample of how they covered biden's promise that he would never ever pardon hunter. take a look. >> a major commitment from the president. accepting the outcome of the trial and also pledging not to pardon his son. >> the president has ruled out pardoning his son.
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>> this week of course hunter biden was found guilty and joe biden has very clearly said he would not pardon his son, he would not commute his sentence. >> the current president of the united states has so much respect for the law that he has said he would not pardon his son >> he's not pardoning his son which he could do. these are federal charges. he's not doing that. he's not doing it because he's living what it means to have a rule of law in this country. >> sean: do you think you will trust the legacy media again? they just took biden and his word and regurgitated it. why would anyone in their right mind take biden at his word? on this show we tell you the truth, we've been right about richard jewell going back to the beginning. right about uva, right about freddie gray in baltimore, right about ferguson, missouri.
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right about obama's radicalism. we were right about vetting kamala harris which they wouldn't do. we were right about russia collusion, we were right about ... i can keep going on. they peddle lies and conspiracy theories for a living. joe, a habitual liar, cereal plagiarize or the 1970s. and for the legacy media it was all a means to the end. support the democratic party, do it at all costs. thankfully they no longer have influence over through -- over freethinking americans. they sought out talk radio, they sought out fox news. they still trust talk radio, fox news and social media. as elon musk said we are all in the media business. you can post things on your own and pass on information to your friends. the democratic party will soon lose control of the senate, the house, the white house. house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan, house oversight committee chairman...
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is this over? >> we are going to look at david weiss. congress as a history of looking at special councils and getting a report from them and bringing them in for a hearing or deposition or maybe both. we're good, good to look at all that. i love what you said in your monologue. the biden presidency started with a lie and it ended with a lie and as you put it out there were all kinds of false things in between. october 2020 joe biden said and not debate the hunter biden laptop story according to 51 former intel officials is a russian information operation. i was a lie and he knew it at the time. then of course yesterday after saying he wouldn't pardon his son he turns around and does the very thing. lie at the start, lie the ending and a terrible four years in between. thank goodness president trump is going back to the white house >> sean: let me ask you, is this over? is this over for joe biden?
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is it over for his brother? is it over for other family members that were paid monies here or does this continue? does job i need to think about pardoning these family members and maybe himself? >> remember the house oversight committee referred jim biden as well as hunter biden to the department of justice for perjury. we deposed hundred biden and he lied under oath. we brought jim biden in for transcribed interview and he lied under oath. that's a fact. that's in a report that jim jordan and i signed and published to the american people. so i would fully expect joe biden to pardon jim biden and remember in our investigation we found that ten family members including joe biden profited from the influence peddling schemes where they were shaking down our adversaries around the world for tens of millions of dollars and then they created all these shell companies and launder the
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money through the shell companies. this is according to six banks. they said this in the suspicious activity report that they were laundering money and they sent the money and incremental payments to ten different biden family members. i think that the new trumpet justice department is going to have a lot on it's platter. i look forward to consulting with them to see if we can be of any further assistance. right now i think the ball is in their court. >> sean: do you believe other biden family members committed crimes? and do you believe that a new attorney general, if they are upholding the law, would be -- it would be within their jurisdiction to go forward with indictments, and what about joe biden himself? >> i believe two other biden family members definitely and knowingly committed crimes. you have jim biden and joe biden. joe biden obstructed mine and
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chairman jordan's. he lied multiple times. he lied about his knowledge and involvement. we had sworn testimony from... that said that joe biden knew all along what was going on. he was selling the brand. he was selling access to our enemies around the world and he lie just like jim jordan said in the debate about the laptop and he lied when he said he wasn't going to pardon his son. yes joe biden in my opinion, he has committed crimes. jim biden took in all these loans, he didn't pay any interest or principal, had no loan documentation. i will point to those loans become income, they never paid taxes on them. why did you get those loans? what was he doing? all the people that wired money to the bidens were shady characters, either adversaries or people that were in trouble and needing assistance, they were needing something from
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joe biden. >> sean: do you believe that joe biden should think about pardoning the people that were just mentioned and maybe himself? >> i assume he's already looking to do that for his brother as jamie pointed out. he said things that just didn't square with what the evidence that we we had and the fact that we had gathered. i do think it's interesting you pointed this out, the... ten years and 11 months. three of that 11 year time frame, three of those years was win job item was vice president. he's making sure even though the statute of limitations has run for any involvement 200 biden and taxes healed for that amount of income that he got from that company in ukraine. that is something i think is just huge. remember that hunter biden got
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put on the board. it wasn't qualified to be on the board, he told them self -- told us that himself. and then force -- he uses our tax money, american tax dollars to say if you want the loan guarantee money, stop going after it, my sun is on the board and getting paid tons of money. that happened. they said there's nothing there but somehow joe biden has to pardon for all of that time frame? i think that is suspicious in and of itself. >> sean: we appreciate it. with more reaction, fox news legal analyst greg jarrett. eeo editor and chief john solomon, start with you on the news inside of this. all three of you were very active and helpful in terms of going in deep and hard and helping to unpeeled the layers
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of the onion involving... other countries. what do you see in terms of the new administration, to me this goes way beyond hunter and what about all the people that benefited financially? and what about joe? >> i think there's something that a lot of people aren't thinking about. it has great roots in the o.j. simpson case. you can't... there's nothing that prevents the justice department from filing a fraud case and seeking civil remedy and taking money from him and other member's of the family on allegations that they reported false information. they committed fraud. those are things that are still on the table. it also doesn't protect you from -- he no longer will be able to deny or say i don't want to testify in any proceedings because i invoke my fifth amendment right against incrimination. he's going to have to testify if he's compelled there's a strong possibility i case could still be brought and the proof is much
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lower than a criminal case. >> sean: it seems to me based on a lot of investigative reporting by you and john and others that there are -- what we heard from both congressman comber and... there's a lot of other family members impacted here. what should a new incoming attorney general be doing with that? >> they should be digging through the files, assuming they haven't yet been shredded by the big truck parked in front of the doj. this pardon is not only beneficial to hunter but is it self-serving for joe biden himself because there is compelling evidence of a father actively aiding and abetting his sons financial schemes. that's what china, ukraine, russia and other countries were buying in exchange for tens of millions of dollars final into
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biden-controlled shell companies by his pardon, the president didn't just wipe out hunters two convictions, he granted clemency for a decade, 11 years to be precise, of other uncharged crimes in which the documents show that father was implicated as an accessory. so by foreclosing any future charges against the sun, joe biden effectively impedes further inquiry into his own crooked role and by protecting his son, he is protecting himself. ukrainian quid pro quo, the pay to play deal. so this clemency so broad as it is is far more cunning and devious than meets the eye. >> sean: i've said many times professor that i want the weaponization of justice to end in this country. i want to the fbi, i want our
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intelligence community restored to their former greatness. but there is a lot of evidence that we know of in this case that does implicate not president joe biden but vice president joe biden. the laptop from. i give half of my income to pops exchanges with... that said which account should i pay for popsicle repairs for example. in other words he was a beneficiary and evidence that he met with some of these business partners. what should happen? >> this is a gift to pam bondi and the gift to the house judiciary and senate committees because they have taken away his for commitment privilege. he is now the star witness going forward for years and years. this may end up not being a great benefit to hunter biden. if biden was smart, what he
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would've done is announced that he has pardoning all that nonviolent protesters on december sixth. he's pardoning donald trump. he's pardoning all the people that were prosecuted because... january sixth. he is also pardoning hunter biden. he would've been able to do it on principle ground but instead it's a one-off and it looks like it's designed to protect the biden family but it could backfire because pam bondi could convene a grand jury, could start investigations, the judiciary committee calling hunter biden who no longer has a 50 member privilege unless they try to concoct an argument that maybe he violated some state law. i don't think that's possible. in light of the combination of the statute of limitations and the pardon, i think he can be called to testify against his father, against his uncle, so i
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don't think we're going to see. >> sean: exit question for all of you, should joe biden pardon himself and other family members involved? john solomon yes or no? >> i think he will before we are done. >> sean: i agree with you. greg. >> i absolutely think you will. you shouldn't if he cares one with about the rule of law and justice in america. >> sean: professor last word yes or no. >> i'm a dissenting view here. he's not going to pardon anybody else. he has exhausted what he wants to do in terms of his son. he shouldn't pardon anybody else , i don't think he will. we will come back and you can complain about me or i can complain about you, we will see what happens. >> sean: the media melting down after donald trump nominated cash patel to leave the fbi. trumped arrangement syndrome has had a new low.
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causing a total and complete meltdown on the left. republicans on board including people like trey gowdy, ted cruz , house speaker mike johnson, they say he's well-qualified and prepared to bring integrity back to the bureau. donald trump issued a very stern warning to hamas this morning, laying out in no uncertain terms that the remaining october seventh hostages better be released before he takes office or there will be quote hell to pay. back at home donald trump is planning the largest deportation ever in history of the country. that focus will be on removing criminals, known terrorists, cartel members, drug dealers, gang members. they are in this country right now committing murder,, violent crimes and killing our kids with fentanyl and opioids. it turns out that effort has a
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very high profile backer. you might not believe your very eyes, hillary clinton supports donald trump. take a look. >> i think we've got to have tough conditions, tell people to come out of the shadows if they've committed a crime, deport them. no questions asked, they are gone. if they've been working and are law-abiding we should say here are the conditions for you staying, you have to pay a stiff fine because you came here legally, you have to pay back taxes and you have to try to learn english and you have to wait in line. >> sean: be deported no questions asked, ted cruz, what is your reaction to that? >> hillary, it reminds me of a back handed complement given to bill clinton, she's an exceptionally good liar. she doesn't believe that, the democrat party doesn't believe that and it really is striking
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that in that crowd she's being cheered for saying conservative common sense principles. spew to that was back in >> she was lying then, she'd be lying now. the democrat party has decided illegal aliens are their future and they want as many of them as possible. presumably that's a democrat audience and you look at what their cheers are. even then they are not cheering on amnesty, they are cheering on deport the criminals and anyone here should learn english. people want america -- american borders respected, they want their families kept safe and i think there was no issue more consequential to the election in november then joe biden and kamala harris' open borders.
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>> sean: the comments will be held to pay if the prisoners not released. look at the change of position ... look at the comments of putin. the eerie silence of china for example. hamas, hezbollah. all of a sudden the world has changed dramatically and they are looking for deals according to reports. is that the donald trump effect? >> it is. when trump was president the last time we had peace and prosperity. they came in and we saw chaos and war across the globe. in the next year, both of the wars that are raging on will end. the war in ukraine will end and the war in israel will end. in ukraine there will be some sort of negotiated settlement, it will be a loss i believe for russia and putin but it will be over. and in israel, israel will defeat hamas and the war in israel will come to an end.
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both of those are because we will have a u.s. commander in chief that our enemies are terrified of. we saw it closer to home with both mexico and canada when trump announced that he would impose tariffs on mexico and canada unless they helped in securing the border and stopping the invasion in this country. both the leaders of mexico and canada said okay we will help, we are all in. that's the difference when you have a strong president that is actually fighting for america compared to the disaster that's in the white house right now. >> sean: then you have joe and mika going tomorrow lago to kiss the ring and suck up to donald trump, you make -- you can't make that story up. >> are not even sure they were kissing the ring. i thank they were kissing a little bit lower than that. they are desperate. the three viewers that watch morning joe and two of them are blood relatives to joe and mika. they are desperate for relevance and it is -- there is an
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excitement in texas. people are excited about a republican administration, republican senate, a republican house. excited about inflation coming down, energy prices coming down, america becoming energy dominance again. we are going to secure the border, stand up to criminals and people are excited about ending the wars and standing with our friends and allies. i think this is really remarkable time right now. >> sean: if the president keeps his agenda it could be the most transformational presidency in 100 plus years. just by doing the things that he promised. i appreciate you being with us, good to have you. glad you got reelected. tonight we can report that the hysteria on the left is only getting worse including liberal women now embracing what is known as the 4b movement. women shaving their heads, swearing off sexual relationships with men and even divorcing their
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husbands. now things have reached a new level. some woman reportedly getting sterilized in order to prevent themselves from ever getting pregnant, saying they fear access to abortion will be denied in a second trump term. never mind a fact that trump explicitly promised to veto a national abortion ban, and somehow that managed to reach his desk. the medium are happy to stoke the fears, driving people to extreme measures. the latest theory is that some sort of online ecosystem that they are calling the mannose fear is causing men to publicly disparage and threaten women. here to sort this out is comedian going to be part of fox nation tonight of comedy, adam carolla. can you explain this? i'm having a hard time understanding it. >> man is fear is a great name for a gay bar. >> sean: why do you say that?
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>> you know why i said it because it's a killer name for a gay bar. a couple of things. as far as the sterilization thing, i wish these women's moms had thought about sterilizing themselves before they hatched out these little demon seeds number 1. it's all narcissism, all roads lead to narcissism. and what happened to the ap and what happened to "newsweek"? a shame on them. >> sean: that such a good point. if you are refusing to have and you are getting sterilized, can you explain the need for stockpiling abortion pills? can you explain that part? >> can you explain the need to have someone like a neighbour or someone in the military get
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vaccinated when you've been vaccinated and if you've been vaccinated you can't get covid? it's all upside down world for these people. is still only coming on later tonight? if he is you have to cut the segment short and get to him. that man made a movie called cobra and that's the best film of the last 75 years. >> sean: the worst part about the covid thing was remember they kept saying over and over that if you get the job you will never get covid. now any scientist that knew anything about a virus understands that viruses mutate and they change and take on other characteristics so they knew that that was probably going to change. then they said to get the shot you will never infect anybody else. than they try to shame you into it. then joe rogan who i don't know personally, he disclosed he got covid. he said he threw everything out it. instead of saying glad you are, okay,, they brutalize the guy or
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rand paul said we need to focus on natural immunity. then social media companies were pressured to take down information that people desperately wanted as alternative information them what they were being fed. what's your reaction to all of that? >> they are bullies and liars. they come across as peace doves but they are really bullies and liars. i think we've seen it all through biden and the biden administration. he comes across as uncle joe and joe sixpack from scranton and he's a corrupt politician who bullies people and the doj bullies people. that will come across as these little piece, but they are really aggressive in their police and they showed their hand over and over again. i think america has finally got the message. >> sean: take a look at this video posted by donald trump's then human services secretary
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nominee robert f. kennedy jr. he says this is his way of preparing for his confirmation hearings. looks like the effort to make america healthy is well underway. at least he's going to give us the choice and give us information and if i want to eat mcdonald's can we please leave me alone,? >> first of all i love any guy who works out in levi's number 1. number 2, that guy reminds me a lot of stallone in the movie cobra. >> sean: you really want to see this segment and i don't blame you. there's a reason stallone and his wife are on. now does the movie rocky, does that hit you in the gut? >> it hit me in the gut, liver, nose, i love it all.
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>> sean: do you prefer rambo or rocky? >> i'm going to go expendables and throw everyone through a loop. >> that doesn't count, that's not real. rocky represents the life struggle of a lot of americans, that's for sure. we appreciate your time, thank you. when we come back, why do we have sylvester stallone on? i have a brand-new show debuting tomorrow. we will tell you about it. my first guest, sylvester and jennifer stallone. we talked about the childhood, career, their marriage. also we have a big interview with stephen a. smith, and jillian michaels and a lot of other names that we will start telling you about soon, straight ahead. stallone is next.
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celebrities, extended interviews like you've never seen before. i spoke with sylvester stallone and his wife. here's a sneak peek. >> joining us, sallai. >> i think that sly is a lot easier. sly works great. >> sean: jennifer nice to see you. >> great to see you. >> sean: all my friends are like can i come? everyone loves you and everyone relates to you, everyone identifies with rocky, rambo. i never knew you'd be such a good mobster. >> it's interesting because rocky, in his idealism, his morality is something i aspire to be like. i'm not that and he's very chatty but it's simplistic.
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people automatically assume that there is no difference. rambo is the opposite. he's monosyllabic, he's given up trying to speak, feels as though he's been abandoned by civilization so he's in his own thing. finally there comes an opportunity to play against her but in a different way. to use my real personality. >> sean: why does rocky hit me in the gut? the whole series hits me in the god. i can relate to it. my friends can relate to it. >> you just set it. there's a relatability. what i felt i was going through in trying to be, what is my
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destiny, what is my capability. the inability of getting that opportunity, it's a struggle and people, so many people have aspirations to do more and they don't get that opportunity so they live in this quiet frustration their whole life. please give me the opportunity, to even fail. just put me in one time, let me run the race. if i'm last at least i know i didn't have it. to never be able to try to do your best to get a shot in other words, it's a very simple story that people, even intellectuals, people that are perhaps in white-collar jobs, they can look at that and somehow glean something out of it. also the need of hope. in my profession or my life i should say, the way i've been
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structured is my history with relationships is an abomination. >> sean: can we say was an abomination? >> i couldn't live without her. she's my everything. my son, my moon, everything. i was raised in an incredibly dysfunctional family. no love, no handshake. >> sean: you got the [bleep] beat out of you. >> today people would've been arrested. in one part, i had the ability to channel that and that's why i think i'm successful because i understand rejection, i understand hardship, i understand fear. if my father couldn't break me, nobody can break me. you see what i mean? i know what it's like to live on
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the dark side. >> sean: let's go back to you meet. i want to know the moment you met and what you think. ire know what you were thinking. >> a friend of ours asked me if i wanted to go to a restaurant in hollywood. my girlfriend kirsten and i, i don't think i've ever went to hollywood or even went out to dinner in hollywood. >> 3 miles away she had never. >> i lived in calabasas, woodland hills. it was a good 45 minute drive. there was no reason for me to be in hollywood. >> sean: is this all the time? [simultaneous talking] >> i took my dodge duster and drove over the hill to meet him. >> sean: thousand good car back in the day. >> not mind, nothing worked. i didn't have even a ascap.
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it was awful. it was a mess of a car. we meet him at the restaurant and he setting out a table with all these beautiful women. we are like just join the crowd and we did and all these girls were all over him and we are just sitting there. he started talking to me and my friend and i'm like -- they asked me what i did i said i go to college and i work at valley ten. the whole table started laughing at me and my girlfriend said what you say? >> sean: where were you in your career? >> he just finished rambo. >> sean: you knew who he was. >> i did. i have older brothers and they watched a lot of his films but it wasn't like i was watching rambo every night. my brothers would watch on tv. >> sean: if you ask a couple about their relationship and to tell their story, how they tell it will tell you weather or not
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they are going to be successful or not. that is so true. i have found that to be true. the way you guys tell it, this is like forever love, never going to die. you finish each other's sentences, you joke around all the time. you've been together 36 years by my math? >> we met in 88. >> sean: started dating in 90 full-time. if you are in the public eye, and actor, actress, as famous as you are and frankly as famous as you are, those couples don't last 36 years, you are an anomaly. you are the exception not the rule. i love your reality show. you have incredible kids that it is so obvious you both love in different ways. you are the most nurturing mother and it's so obvious how much your girls love you. you remind me of me. i have a daughter who is 23, i
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don't want any guy near her. >> anyone comes around my girl. >> you like a few of their boyfriends, they are nice guys. >> i hate everyone. >> sean: don't forget you can watch my full interview with sly and his wife jennifer tomorrow on fox it's not as political, it's different, we hope you like it. more hannity's straight ahead.
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8:00 p.m. eastern. it drops tomorrow morning, sylvester and his wife jennifer. this is different the reason we call it shawn, and not "hannity"'s because it is not all about politics. politics comes up. slide, tough, hard, difficult background made him who he is. stephen a. smith. similar story jillian michaels. amazing stuff that you will not hear or see anywhere else. anyway the drops on fox nation tomorrow morning. that is all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvr so you never ever ever miss an episode of "hannity". do not forget news any time, all the time every time on and how many more options do you want to? in the meantime i have good news. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is standing by he will put a smile on your face next. have a great night. ♪ ♪
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