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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 4, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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nuch didn't say anything. we will see what comes out of this, panel as always thank you. >> bret: finally, today's throw back. >> 5, 4, 3, main engine start. 1, zero and liftoff this kay back in 1996 the first inplan tore rover lancastered to the planet mars. took off from cape canaveral, florida landed on mars in july 1997. provided then unprecedented amount of information. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. we will see you tomorrow night. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone i'm laura ingraham.
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"the ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. trans fanatics, bad day. that's the focus of tonight's angle. as adults, we're supposed to protect children. protect their physical safety and their innocence there are dangerous paths to be avoided and because preteens and teens are not fully matured it's up to adults to guide them. so what happened here? >> what con concerns have you hd about speaking out. >> that i'm going to be like murdered. like one day i am going to be walking down the street and somebody is going to come up and like shoot me or something. >> that's a scary thing to be worrying about at 10 years old. >> yeah. that should not be a worry. >> that is cnn's panel of transgender children. if that doesn't make you want to cry, i don't know what will. this kid is just a pawn in a larger game not just the left.
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democrats don't care even. they do permanent damage to their minds and bodies only to regret their decision, the kids, and to tragic results. >> these surgeries are irreversible. they are dangerous. and a child i mean, if i can de-transition as an adult there is no way a child should be making this decision and absolutely the very last thing we should be doing is lowering the age at which these body mutilating procedures can be performed. >> of course, you can always count on certain press outlets, hollywood, academia, big pharma to try to normalize the fringe if it will give them status and make them a lot of money. so the left's new line is that children have the inherent civil right to transition with chemical castration, hormones and other treatments and that parents helping with such transitions also have the inalienable right to access this
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care for their children well the supreme court seemed pretty skeptic today. >> you say there are benefits interest in allowing these treatments will are also harms in allowing these treatment. state says so, including lost fertility, psychological effects on those who later change their mind. and want to de-transition. which i don't think we can ignore. >> laura: you bet we can't ignore it. the biden administration on behalf of families of trans youth challenged the constitutionality of tennessee's ban on the medicines and procedures deceptively branded as gender affirming care. but the chief justice said this is precisely the type of issue that's best left to the states to decide my understanding least that question to the people's representatives rather than denying people none of whom is a
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doctor. >> laura: of course you don't need to be a doctor to know that boys are boys and girls are girls. listening to biden solicitor general argue this case made me once again remember how blessed we are that donald trump won this election. her points reminded me of how they all justified all the covid craziness by blatant fear-mongering. >> what this law is doing is saying we are going to make all adolescents in this state develop the second dear sex characteristics with consistent with their gender or sex assigned at birth even though that might significantly worsen gender dysphoria and increase the risk of suicide and make it harder to live and gender identity as an adult. >> laura: what the biden administration has done here is truly disturbing. who knows how many vulnerable young minds have been affected by radical gender etiology which she is representing gender bending fanatics whose salaries
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we pay. >> gender affirming care is life-saving, medically necessary. age-appropriate, and a critical tool for healthcare providers. as a pediatrician, when it comes to making sure kids are healthy and happy, i know how important care confirm someone's true identity can be. >> laura: because we want our kids to be just like you, rach. the ugly truth has been covered up by the medical establishment on their for years. gender disfor extra is something most kids grow out of. the ones who prematurely transition are the ones most at risk. >> when i was 13 i had my first testosterone injection. caused permanent changes to my body. my voice will forever be deeper, my jaw line sharper, my nose longer, my bone structure permanently my fertility unknown. i had a double t mastectomy at .
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after my breasts were taken away from me my tissue was insinuated. >> laura: the media do not do profiles not employing profiles about those people trying to rebuild their natural lives after their innocence was ripped from them. they ever not called brave, they are not called courageous. they are largely ignored but not by us. >> it's been the most difficult thing i have ever gone through in my life. my singing and speaking voice will never be the same after my time on testosterone. >> laura: what do you say tonight to young people who may feel upset and confused in this same situation and feel pressured to undergo this type of procedure. >> ask question you are not compromising your integrity by thinking critically about what has happened to you. lawyer the cover-up of this multi billion dollars lie is so nefarious that a major medical
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study exploding the myth of pursuant blockers went unpublished. you won't be surprised to know it was an nih funded study. the group of young people who got the pursuant blockers were originally described as depressed and suicidal apparently this study showed that pursuant blockers didn't lead to better mental health outcomes. how inconvenient. a total of 26 states now have a similar bans as tennessee or restrictions and the so-called pursuant blockers and hormone therapy for transgender minors doctors face penalty it's an assault. adult in any way encourage these insane practices are considered by many to be co-conspirators properly so in child exploitation. >> she asked me three questions after she heard who won the election. are we going to have to move?
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are they going to take me away from you? and am i not going to be able to get my medicine? it's just frightening. >> they, too, are victims. they are victims of a medical establishment that has helped mainstream this fraud. you can find pro-trans propaganda at most schools. public libraries, and as we heard from rachel lavigne, even at your pediatrician's office. as for traditional americans see this for what it is a total scam. the trans movement says you're the problem. >> do you feel like it's affecting your childhood that you have to fight for your right to exist? >> yeah. because there is so many like racist, anti- -- anti-trans people that it just -- i should be a kid at school right now worrying about my own stuff not
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having to do this yet my childhood is only kind of ruined. >> there are countless studies that indicate this is all a hideous twisting of reality. today as usual, justice alito got to the heart of the matter that is not overwhelming evidence supporting this obscene fake gender affirming care for minors. >> after the filing of your petition, of course, we saw the release of the cass report in the united kingdom which found a complete lack of high quality evidence showing that the benefits of the treatments in question here outweigh the risks. i wonder if you would like to stand by this statement that you made in to your petition. >> i, of course, acknowledge justice alito that there is a lot of debate happening here and abroad about the proper model of delivery of this care and exactly when adolescence should
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receive it and how to identify the adolescence who it would be helpful. i stand by there is a consensus that these treatments can be medically necessary for some adolescence. this is false there is no consensus. going back to what justice alito is saying there is scant evidence to back up the conclusion that pursuant blockers. the review of gender services by dr. hillary cass in england is telling. her report found weak evidence for pursuant blockers and noted some risks including lags in bone growth and fertility loss in some patients. it prompted the national health service in england to stop prescribing the drugs outside of new clinical trial following similar pullbacks in several other european countries. look, during covid, the medical intelligentsia, the so-called experts and our own government they did enormous harm to our children. many still haven't recovered
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from lost learning, isolation and unnecessary shots. we stood up for them on the angle. we stood up for them now and we will not stand down until this new form of abuse ends. what the biden administration is pushing here is not standard care. it's barbarity. and that's the angle. joining me now is the person this entire lawsuit is named after, of course, tennessee attorney general jonathan scream mete along with ross do no harm medical advocacy group. mr. attorney general the supreme court seems lukely to uphold tennessee's ban on gender affirming care. how do you feel about the case today? >> thanks for having me. we felt great about putting on a strong case for tennessee's law. it is an evidence-based law. it is a bipartisan super majority of the tennessee legislature that adopted this. you know, you never want to count your eggs before they have hatched but we left it all there. i feel really good about the
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arguments that my outstanding. >> this does remind me of cody. we are always told there is a consensus. used this same nonsense during covid. what do you make of what you heard from the solicitor general today and her argument on behalf of the trans petitioners and the biden administration. >> yeah, laura, thanks for having me on. there is clearly not a consensus here. there is not a consensus domestically as we see groups like the american society of plastic surgeons speaking out against these practices not a consensus internationally we have seen the u.k. walk back on this and ban it, finland, sweden, belgium as well. >> laura: jonathan, sotomayor wants to take over. >> when you are 1% of the population or less, very hard to see how the democratic process is going to protect you. >> well, your honor.
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>> blacks were a much larger part of population and it didn't protect them. it didn't protect women for whole centuries. >> laura: jonathan, that didn't surprise me coming from justice sotomayor. but explain to our viewers why that is ludicrous. >> well, the political establishment, the entertainment establishment, the medical establishment have all been weighing in very heavily against tennessee in this matter if you look at the number of members of congress, regulations under the biden administration that got other way to say transgender americans don't have political power. they have been extremely aggressive in asserting that power, which is why you are seeing all this pushback now. >> dr. ross, americans across the country, i think they scratch their heads when they see this. they see these poor children being put forth on panels on
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other networks. obviously obviously hearing the lines they are getting at school or from their parents about what this really is and they are just pawns in all of this. it is an absolute heart break to see it approach began a is ada is real. >> some case it's the parents that are motivating this. parents are being misled by the medical establishment. they have children that have underlying mental health, co-morbidities, anxiety, depression, tower, and they are, told that if they simply transition their child, that everything will be fine. and we know from the data that that is clearly not the case. that these kids continue to struggle and their struggles get worse. >> laura: ketanji brown jackson's questions today indicated that there could be a racial component to all of this? making a racial analogy, i
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believe jonathan your reaction to that. >> this doesn't fit well into equal protection analysis because boys and girls are fundamentally, physically different. justice ginsburg recognized that. and so it's hard to say that you are discriminating by not letting boys and girls use each other's hormones because you're focused on the thunderstorm that is caused by the cross sex hormones and not a matter of, you know, depriving someone of anything. it's a fundamental reflection that boys and girls have different physiology and that's what we are fighting against. >> laura: i want everyone tonight to understand this is a multi billion dollars industry. that's part of what is going on here. it's globally an industry in the united states. it became an industry until smart governors began to step up and smart state legislatures, jonathan, dr. roth, thank you
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both. fed up chicago residents, they decide maybe their liberal mayor isn't doing such a good job. what does it say about the future of these urban areas,th next. has been by your side. ontario, canada, a partner connected by shared history, shared values, and a shared vision for what we can achieve together. stable and secure, when the world around us isn't. you can rely on ontario for energy to power your growing economy and for the critical minerals crucial to new technologies. ontario is your third-largest trading partner and the number one export destination for 17 states. our long-standing economic partnership keeps millions of americans working. in a changing world, it's time to bring jobs back home and build together. more workers, more trade, more prosperity, more security.
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♪ >> laura: for all of you think all hope is lost in our democrat run cities, the angle seen signs of hope and of all places chicago, where residents are revolting against proposed tax hikes. >> tax hike try to push the have nots house illegal immigrants. you told trump you ain't going to blink well we ain't either. >> let's stop with cutting off illegals getting free everything. free housing. free schooling, free food. yeah, let's start with that that will save us a lot of money. >> one thing that chicago people know very well is how to spot a scam and the scam has been exposed. you cannot bully chicago people because this is a city of bullies and bully layer is, you are going down in history as the worst mayor in america. >> laura: that's the chicago mayor, he doesn't give a damn. >> we won't be intimidated. we won't cower under pressure.
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the abominable killing norense coming from the president-elect and former president is quite damning. we will not allow tiny gods who have flexibility and the morality who use it as a way to divide us. >> laura: trying to be like an obama impersonation. two spokes p-rae easley chicago red and daniel walters. p-rae, let's start with you. it seems like mayor johnson is pretty proud of how he has managed the influx of migrants. so why do you say otherwise? >> because he is not proud. he is very uncomfortable. he has a 14% approval rating. and no politician wants to have that type of approval rating. wherever he goes, there are people jeering him and telling him that he has to adjust the budget and that we need the illegals gone. he has already made deals and i believe cashed checks in order
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to push this plan forward, regardless of what we want because the chicago teacher's union has been traveling to venezuela for years and making deals with their government. >> laura: danielle, it turns out that chicago is throwing resources at illegals. they do get free housing. they do get three meals a day. daily snacks. they get free medical care. and, yet, danielle, when i was in chicago, for the dnc. i saw a lot of people who were struggling. a lot of people struggling who are residents of chicago who love chicago, what about those people? >> well, he doesn't care anything about those people. those people are me and jessica and the other one that you see that come down there who are homeowners who are -- who he is proposing and has proposed that we get a $300 million property tax hike. so those people who are
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struggling with this bad economy, that the biden-harris administration has put we are the people that struggling tax paying people, the american citizens that he refused to listen to. p-rae what i still don't understand because we know what happened to chicago. we know what happens happened to oakland and places like st. louis and baltimore. we know what's happened to them. yet, they still keep voting in democrats. now there has been some republican gains courtesy of president trump and we will get to that in a moment. what's the deal with continuing to return failure back into power? rewarding failure? >> you have to remember that we are fighting against the chicago machine. the chicago machine was so pervasively violent and intimidating that we actually had a federal decree which makes it illegal to politically bully people in the city of chicago.
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before then if did you not align yourself with the democratic party city services, you could not get a government job and someone may slap you in the face. however, we are past that. we are done with that machine and now the progressives here r. here and they want to live off of the brand of the democratic party. and we can't could that anymore. our goal is to raise the self-esteem of the people so they can understand that the democratic party does not have that power anymore. they are not a boogie man. >> laura: they don't care about them, clearly. and that's been demonstrated, danielle, you made that point so well at the big meeting. and to that point, don't you think donald trump should take this moment, i think even pre-inauguration, has all this momentum, go cities like chicago, maybe make it part of a blue city no more tour he loaves american cities, he wants to
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rejuvenate them. you don't have to live this way. work with me. that's my idea and i'm sticking with it. what's your reaction to. >> that we would welcome here in chicago. we voted for trump -- we really -- we came out and voted for trump. so the numbers -- don't let the numbers fool you. we came out. and i believe if trump and i'm calling for him to make an example out of our mayor, brandon johnson, because they saying that they will -- they don't mind going to jail. so i believe if trump makes an example out of brandon johnson and lock him up. [laughter] >> oh, yes, chicago, he would have -- chicago in his pocket. >> laura: that's the new chant, p p-rae. johnson wouldn't go to jail to protect his own citizens, but he will go jail to protect the migrants. how do you think p-rae, how do
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you think that is going to sit with the people. >> i think the people are going to rejoice if that happened. because we have been begging the president for over a year to please come help us, tom homan, please come help us, ms. poland pam bondi,we need intervention o we have our own swamp and you guys give us the resources to save us. >> laura: p-rae, danielle, you are fantastic. thank you both very much. shocking new details after the major healthcare ceo united healthcare was gunned down in the middle of knox. the latest on the man punt, next. ♪ for god so loved the world that he gave his only son. so that everyone who believes in him might not perish, but might have eternal life.
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oh, we got a weathertech gift card! weathertech is the perfect gift for everyone. may i? (laughs) laser measured floorliners protect carpet in the front and second row. cargo liner protects the rear. the side window deflector offers more protection. my turn! the sinkmat contains spills in cabinets. something for you too, buddy! pets eat safely with the non-toxic pet feeding system. find these american made gifts or get a gift card instantly at >> laura: frantic manhunt underway for the mass gunman ceo wof united healthcare.
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alexis mcadams is standing by. alexis? >> hey, laura, yeah. this has been a busy day in new york city. they had the tree lighting a few blocks away. now there is a all manhunt in the big apple. trying to track down the gunman who shot and killed a united healthcare ceo business meeting. investigators here in new york telling me tonight that this gunman knew exactly what he was doing and exactly who he was looking for. this was not random. take a look at new surveillance video. we got this in our newsroom a short time ago earlier tonight. shows how this all happened. we paused it because it's hard to watch. that gunman comes up right behind the new york city when he walks near the hotel and opens fire investigators telling me brian thompson shot two times first in the leg looked back at that gunman and then fired him again near the chest. he is on the ground and shot again. he knew what he was doing with that gun to clear it out and jam
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within seconds and open fire again, watch. >> the motive for this murder is currently unknown. based on the evidence we have so far. it does appear that the victim was specifically targeted. >> the 50-year-old led one of the biggest health insurer in the countries and he lived out in minneapolis in minnesota. he was in town for business. this morning thompson was supposed to speak at an investors day conference at the hehilton hotel in midtown. gunned down shooter targeted attack. look here and see a closer look at this guy's face. he was able to hop on a bike though and get off into the area near central park. he hasn't been caught yet. we have a live photo, too what is going on in central park tonight as they try to track this guy down. a witness did hear these gunshots and dialed 911. >> the guy crossed. he is a white male. in all black with a backpack. he crossed this way: and i
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called 911. >> so right now police don't have a motive but though know this guy was looking specifically for this father and husband and ceo. he was in town for a business meeting. they are trying so hard to find him. put up information with pictures all around new york city offering a $10,000 reward. going to see if anyone comes forward. laura? >> laura: alexis, thank you so much. joining me now retired nypd officer bill stanton and retired nypd lt. commander william that gortaty. with all this violence in the city, it's everyone. is it only matter of time ring cameras, videos throughout the city. new york city detectives don't have the saying they are the greatest in the world for no reason because they are. it's only going to be a matter of time before they hunt him down. in my opinion i think it will be real soon. >> laura: you see his eyes in that second shot much more
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clearly than that first shot where they are obscured with the hood. what does that tell you that he approached -- was calmly and methodically chilling to watch the entire video. not going to show the whole video. he was very calm. almost casual the way he, you know, released a clip. pulled the clip back. >> well, he definitionly -- when you look at this video you can definitely say this thing has been preplanned. he must have followed him. he has known how long he has been in town from minneapolis. he commits the shooting. the gun jams. he is able to free the round and walk up and calmly shoot him again and walk away. which tells me he knew what he was doing. in my purge opinion, there was a lot of the things he did right but there is a lot of things he did wrong as far as the cell phone. if it is true that that cell phone they found a block away is his cell phone that's pretty stupid number one to have a cell phone on him number two to drop
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it on the scene. other thing be careful about the cell phone could be a false flag. >> laura: the nypd chief of detectives asked earlier if he thinks the killer is professional. watch. >> whether or not is he professional, that, you know, we have no way of knowing that from watching the video, it does seem he is proficient in the use of firearms as he was able to clear the malfunctions pretty quickly. >> laura: that seems pretty obvious to me. bill, he was unable to clear the gun silencer on it. what more did you learn from watching that video. >> when i see that video. >> yes, well. >> sorry, bill. >> while he does have a comfort level with violence and gun play, the way he took a combat stance, cleared that weapon, casually walked up, i do not see him as a master assassin. you know, it should have been two shots to the heart, one to the head and then walked away. he did a lot of things right like william said he did a lot of things wrong. my guess is he is out of state.
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this thing reads like a netflix who done it. my guess is he is going to get caught not by the cameras, but by the interviews and canvassing and research done on his social media email, cell phone, et cetera. this man, i'm guessing, i'm feeling was hired to do this. and is he what i would call a semipro. maybe a military background, something like that. >> laura: william, the ceo is from minneapolis suburbs. he was revered, extremely well-respected. and he comes into town for this conference. and this is what 6:30, 6:45 in the morning just a few blocks from here and he is gunned down. we now learn and i believe this has been confirmed that he has had some threats against him or his family, apparently his family told -- his wife said that. they're going to find out what types of threats those are. whether they are former patients, former who knows what they are.
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but that's key here do you think? >> yes. look at disgruntled employees, bad business deals. if these threats came over a phone call, email, text messages, detectives are running that down right now. >> laura: you think by the end of tomorrow there is a chance. >> a few days they will definitely know who it is. like bill said, he -- the shooter was a the silencer, he didn't practice with it because the gun jammed. >> laura: all right, panel, thank you. biden gives hunter a free pass and now democrats are getting greedy. who could biden pardon next. ♪ ontario, canada, a partner connected by shared history, shared values, and a shared vision for what we can achieve together. stable and secure, when the world around us isn't.
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you can rely on ontario for energy to power your growing economy and for the critical minerals crucial to new technologies. ontario is your third-largest trading partner and the number one export destination for 17 states. our long-standing economic partnership keeps millions of americans working. in a changing world, it's time to bring jobs back home and build together. more workers, more trade, more prosperity, more security. for generations, this ally to the north has been here. and for generations more, we'll still be here. right by your side. [title: ontario, canada] [title:] [title: paid for by the government of ontario]
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♪ >> laura: looks like trump has got democrats so scared that the white house is considering now something called preemptive pardon. politico is reporting that biden senior aides are having vigorous internal debate over whether to issue them and who would get one. some of the names floated adam schiff and anthony fauci what could they have done wrong? oh, wait, there is more. >> names on my list.
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liz cheney's name is on my list. i think that they all should be preemptively pardoned because i think there are people who trump may bring into this government who will go after these people in a serious way. >> laura: like santa claus preemptive pardons for everyone. sol wisenberg independent council and ari fleischer both fox news contributors. sol, okay. play this out for us. in a partridge and a pear tree here. everybody's to get a preemptive pardon, apparently. what's going on? >> well, for one thing, don't forget to get a pardon you have to formally accept the pardon. i really don't see jack smith saying yes, thanks, give me a pardon. i don't think he thinks he deserves one or needs one let's put it that way and traditionally if you accept a pardon, you accept some kind of
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responsibility here is the basic rule. you can do preemptive pardon. what ford gave to nixon. it is what joe just gave to hunter. even though you haven't been charged, i'm pardoning for you for past conduct for which you may be charged. what he cannot do, of course, is say i pardon you for any crime you may commit in the future. that he can't do. so, that's basically it in a nutshell. >> laura: ari, some democrats are floating a pardon that you might not expect. watch. >> well, i have said to people that i'm in that category as well. >> really. you would support pardoning trump for the federal crimes. >> yes, i could. absolutely. >> laura: ari, do you think this will actually happen? >> i sure hope not. this is the height of nonsense. law, it never even occurred to
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me that liz cheney did anything unlawful or some of these other people mentioned anything unlawful. until i heard now that they need pardons. makes me wonder what did they do that was unlawful put the idea in my head. no, this is a terrible road to go down. this is not what the pardon process should be about. it should not be about political blanket protection for people. they think donald trump's fbi would do this? i mean you talk about trump derangement syndrome cubed. this is the worst nonsense i have ever heard. fabrication and democratic meltdown about all the things that are going to happen next. i don't see this being one of the things happening next. >> laura: sol, biden apparently has lost the obama bros on pardg hunter. >> now everyone looks stupid. everyone looks like they are full of [bleep]. that's the piece of this is i am most frustrated with is joe biden looking like a typical lying politician.
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>> i believed him. i don't know. i feel like a [bleep] fool. that's what makes me mad about it. >> laura: i don't care any of this. anyone -- any sentient human being believe that they didn't think when push came to shove that hunter would get a pardon? i mean, honestly, do you believe that, sol, that these guys -- they are smart guys that they thought oh, hmmm, hunter is going to go jail? his family is his most important thing to him other than his bank account. >> not for a minute. not for a minute didn't think going to get a pardon i'm not telling anything you don't know that joe biden has been two faced politician for the entire career and known for his whoppers, his triple major and things like that. this should be no surprise to anybody. what is kind of ironic here is that biden is one of the
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stingiest pardon givers in the history of the presidency. i think a lot of people on the left and just prisoners rights, people are upset that he has given so few pardons. he is about as bad as woodrow wilson was a really stingy guy but not when it comes to his family. >> laura: really quick obama bros did they think biden wouldn't pardon his son. >> democrats did. joe biden is this man of principle. joe biden puts the law first. that is what the democrats thought of joe biden. >> laura: ari, you are so smart. ari fleischer you are so smart. do you think these guys believed that joe biden cares more about his son and family wasn't going to pardon him? oh my -- okay. i'm not shocked by a lot but i'm shocked that you take that. >> they take biden at his word. they took biden at his word. they wanted to believe the guy. >> laura: willful blindness. sol and ari, both of you, thank you.
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>> laura: it's time for "seen and unseen" where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. fox news contributor raymond arroyo. where pray tell is joe biden? >> you know, during christmas time when you want to get rid of grandpa, you send him to take care of the kids and play with the snowmen. for the white house staff, angola is there's no man. biden had been sent to angola to allegedly conduct foreign policy which brings me sadly to one of our last marquee malarkey's. >> a bunch of malarkey. ♪ ♪ >> for your warm hospitality. please sit down if you have a seat. i'm sorry.
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i want to ensure you all have seats. we are gathered in a solemn location. a reminder that no nation need to be permanently at the adversary of another. a testament, together we can and will. [indistinct] great nations. [laughs] >> how is this foreign policy? this is the first time the angola government had to get a translator for the translator. they don't know what he's saying. >> laura: like i mean that sincerely. >> i did not you'd -- know you did not have seats. >> laura: clap please. >> then today biden attended an important meeting allegedly about a rail line that we are investing in at the tune of $4 billion. >> on the senate floor, the united state senate, a point of personal privilege.
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i've written a lot on trains. i commute every day, 212 miles a day on amtrak so i like trains a lot. >> does he know that he was the president? he left the senate and is no longer commuting? the worst part is this rail investment, it is important, but we watched a sitting president become a sleeping president. he just started napping. >> laura: deep in thought. he's thinking about that train set at christmas that he has that goes around the tree with the little draft sticking out the middle. >> this is really important. they call this the -- corridor that runs between zaire, congo and the port at the edge of angola. particularly important because of china. china needs it and they are trying to move cobalt and copper out of the country. the united states has to be
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competitive but trump should have been involved. there's a new controversy around the biggest movie of the year, and it's a wicked one. >> the wicked witch of the west is dead. >> don't let her get away. >> there are legions of moms and their lawyers joining those mobs against the toy maker. a class action lawsuit has been filed against mattel over there wicked dolls. on the rear of the packaging it encourages little girls to visit a wicked website. the problem is it's a pornography site. attorneys for the plaintiff say it's about holding corporations accountable for the responsibility they have to safeguard children and when a company markets a product to young children, it has an obligation to ensure that the design and the packaging are free of risk and to the safety and well-being of the children. forget the wizard, these people need a copy editor.
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>> laura: editors are important. we all know that. but it's pretty bad. but people are going to be paranoid here and say it wasn't a mistake. >> they had a 350 million-dollar marketing budget for wicked. somebody could have read the copy on the back of the toys. >> laura: what do we say, nobody reads anymore. nobody reads. all right, i saw something today that made me think of you. anna wintour was asked why she wore glasses indoors. this is what she said. >> they help me see and they help me not see and they help me be seen and not be seen. >> no, they help you remain seen and unseen. that's what you should have said. i should have remembered to bring my glasses so i could be a little -- >> laura: it's her thing.
5:00 pm
>> aren't we tired of anna wintour? >> laura: but she's an icon. >> when you see her you don't mistake her for anyone else. >> laura: remember tom wolfe, a dear friend of mine. >> you always come in black. >> laura: i do not always come in black. >> you are so festive tonight. >> laura: you can talk to debbie and hailey about that but the lighting up the rockefeller christmas tree, the fox christmas tree looks phenomenal. absolutely beautiful. i guess they are telling us it's time to go. >> we are going to go see it, rockefeller. merry christmas. >> laura: merry christmas. do we have security? >> let me get my sunglasses. >> laura: jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters "primetime".


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