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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 6, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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american politics in the last 50 years, barack obama. if you want to know why trump was elected, that's why he was elected because of barack obama. >> laura: elitest attitude, snobby attitude. he was wrong. he should come out and say, i misread the room and the country. and i wish president trump the best. if he is mr. pluralism, that's what he should say. raymond, always great to see you. that's it for us tonight. follow me on social media, that means twitter and instagram. you know the drill. and remember, it is america now and forever. jesse watters takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime.
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>> joe biden will be the most tragic figure in modern american politics. actually, he knows that he [ bleep ] up. >> jesse: democrats are down so badly they are flirting with trump. >> it is a shame. >> there are going to be times potentially when one side tries to stack the deck and lock in a permanent grip on power. >> jesse: america stops listening to barack obama. >> health care is so inaccessible and unaffordable that people are justified in their frustration. >> jesse: so the media is okay with murder? >> health care costs are too dam high. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: the trump dance has a new wrinkle. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: adding a ymca wiggle and a johnny carlson golf swing to the booingie. there he is celebrating on long island after winning patriot of the year. but how does melania feel about the dance? >> it is very special and unique dance. >> jesse: it is, right? >> i think a lot of people are copying it, and everybody has fun with it. >> jesse: is this how you dance? >> no. [ laughter ]. >> jesse: biden left all his dance moves in africa. he was back in dc to light the christmas tree after his little safari. let's say he was not having a great hair day.
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while trump was getting awards, biden was named the worst president in american history. biden went from being on mount rushmore to worse than jimmy carter. there is a lot that ails the big guy, but now he is a wicked case of senioritis. trump is going to do the coin toss at the army navy game next week and meeting with prime ministers. if biden is unhappy about being upstaged he has not offered any hints. the consensus is that trump is basically running things. trump wished biden a happy thanksgiving. and the democrats can't even get it together for a class photo. watch. thumbs up only for winners chuck. the party still cranky over the pardon. a harder time than usual today.
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>> he wrestled with these circumstances. he laid out how he wrestled with this decision. this weekend, why the president wrestled with this over the weekend. he wrestled with it. and made this decision. >> jesse: hunter was getting a pardon the whole time. the only thing that biden wrestled with was how it would go down. biden wouldn't have had to go back on his word if harris did it. but trump won't pardon his son. >> the most tragic figure in american politics in my lifetime is president biden. if he would have, in september of 2023, or august said that he was not going to run, god, we would have won this election.
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he would be sitting here right now getting ready to leave on a high note. it would be naming commissions to figure out what we would name after him. and he knows that he [ bleep ] up. >> jesse: democrats are moaning all over washington that biden set us back tremendously, craville told us last night that biden will get a book mobile instead of a library. remember how harris built a back drop for the call her daddy podcast that cost $100,000. the call her daddy girl said it was a wrip off and harris paid six figures for cardboard. >> apparently, you can tell me, they spent -- the harris campaign spent like a hundred thousand dollars.
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>> it is hilarious. >> to build the studio. >> it is not true. >> to make it look like it was the studio that you use in la. >> my studio that is gorgeous in los angeles doesn't even cost six figures. i don't know how cardboard walls could cost six figures. but. >> do you think they did that? >> absolutely not. with love to them, oh, my god it was gorgeous, but it was not that nice. no, that was not six figures. >> jesse: venders are complaining that kamala's campaign stiffed them. she owes millions. half a million dollars went to the national action network. black churches are calling for the reverend to be suspended from msnbc. they say sharpton put a moral stain on the integrity of the black church. and john stewart says that the media punked themselves.
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listen. >> we seem to be in a transitional period where we are not sure about whether the ground we are standing on is solid. although, the news media seems convinced that we are the road runner and the coyote. we looked down and there is nothing under our feet and we are plunging to our deaths. because the news media is always very circumkrs -- circumspect. we have to be prepared for all outcomes. i don't know how helpful it is to get us [ bleep ] our pants this much, this early. >> jesse: democrats are kicking dirt at biden, kamala, the media, the rev. tim walz is hiding in his garage. >> hey, everybody. winter in minnesota, so i am working in a garage that is
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somewhat heated. i was doing a couple projects. have to show them to you. i have a 22-year-old e series bmw. replacing the switches here if you look on this middle console, this is the window switches that you are looking at right there. didn't work any more. they were kind of plug and play. you can buy the part for 30 bucks. >> jesse: some things you can't fix. so democrats are looking outside their party. eric adams might be maga curious. >> would you consider joining the dop? >> the party that is the most important for me is the american party. i am apart of the american party. i love this country. this is the home of the free, the land of the brave. >> jesse: and doj is intriguing federman. >> i admire mr. musk. he has been involved in important parts of american society, ai, spacex and other kinds of things. yes, he is on a different team.
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but that doesn't make me an enemy. i don't -- i am not automatically a critic. it is like, hey, he has made -- he has made our economy and our nation better and our politics are different. and i don't agree with some of the things that he might say. but that doesn't make him an enemy. >> jesse: you are seeing certain democrat politicians clear the way for trump's team to revolutionize dc. his team of creators are going to build a new golden age. the billionaires and entrepreneurs are going to take crypto and ai and energy into the future. the team of destroyers are going to clean house across the administrative state. extinguishing the rot. this crew is all about helping you. jd vance is not tinkering under the hood like tampon tim, he is checking in on hurricane victims in north carolina. >> a simple message to the
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people is that we have not forgotten you. we love you. we want you to have the best christmas that you possibly can have, despite the circumstances. a lot of people feel left behind and forgotten. i want to make them feel that their government leaders care about them, because we do. and when the administration changes hands, we are going to do everything that we can to help people rebuild and get them back on their feet, to bring commerce back to this area. and allow people to live in their homes and do what they need to do. >> jesse: biden has been handing out money to africa. and kamala has been drinking in hawaii. jd is remembering that people are still going through something with hurricane helene. and trump says this is only the beginning. >> you have seen more happen in the last two weeks than you have seen in the last four years. and we are not even there yet. >> jesse: senior adviser for trump joins me now. how are you doing, alina? >> i am great, jesse, thank you for having me.
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>> jesse: of course. trump already president? biden has admitted, kind of, admission by omission that he is president. he doesn't seem to care that donald trump is running the country. what do you make of that? >> he was asleep in his last meeting. he has been asleep at the wheel for the last three and a half years. the switcharoo with kamala didn't work out. so he is as happy as he can be. and he is saying, my hands are off everybody. i am still sitting here handing out pardons like they are tick tacks and then i will be done. but at least i will have protected my own. that's the lame duck kind of situation that we have going on. >> jesse: pardons, tick tacks and cash.
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and the rest of the democrats are having orgys. was joe biden wrestling with this pardon? do you think there was a lot of wrestling with the idea of pardoning your son? >> you can quote me on this, he is going to pardon himself and his family. shifty shift, nancy pelosi, and anyone else who had their hands in the cookie jar. i do not doubt it. all we are hearing is leaks of something we already knew. they lied during the election. the american people saw through it. and now we are. pardon after pardon will be handed out. and i assure you of that. kjp is admitted it. more are to come. but it is going to be rocking the nation when we see who it is that he pardons. >> jesse: people are intrigued by the cabinet, the way that they are rolling it out and the personalities. you have one group that is well to do. and very successful. and they are looking to take
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this country into the next millenium. and then you have the crusaders. do you see the way that he has positioned his team? >> it is absolutely what it is if you look at the fact that we have billionaires who have created companies now helping to clean up a bad economy, clean up a government where we don't have efficient spending and run the country like they run their businesses much like donald trump. that's why he is a billionaire. and then you have the people that they are hitting hard because they know they are going to come in, fire you, clean up and make you be accountable. and that's where the pardons come in. but i can tell you that donald trump and his entire cabinet and team are going to clean up america so fast our heads will be spinning and it will be the best thing that has ever happened to our country.
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he has a lot of work to do but he is already working and that's the truth. and joe is asleep at the wheel already. >> jesse: you have been down there in mara-lago. we have been hearing that elon musk is staying at a villa. he got sent to dc yesterday to make sure that doj is underway. what is the vibe down there right now? >> it is amazing. it really is like a mini whitehouse when you walk in. the transition team and now the cabinet. and his loyal supporters, they are all there working on how we are going to fix america. they are starting to, you know, have their team figure out what they need to do when they go in. there are meetings all day. and elon musk is there, and with his son, little x. he is the cutest. but it is a good energy. he is not waiting until january 20th. he said, i will do more between november 5th to january 20th
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than what joe biden has done in three and a half years. the tariff threatening, what happened with that? zukerberg, trudeau, these people are coming because they realize the man is in charge. he is not asleep and he will shake things up. >> jesse: what did zuckerberg want? >> he went down there. who knows what he wants. >> jesse: i am going to have to get a house. great to see you. have a good weekend. >> good to see you. >> you too. >> jesse: barack obama, right back.
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(male announcer) "the coming golden age" by david jeremiah, available now at and everywhere fine books are sold.
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>> jesse: obama is back in chicago.
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he made a big speech last night. one that he has been looking forward to making since november 5th. this is the first time we have seen him in about a month. and it is clear that the man has lost his touch. >> there are going to be teams potentially when one side tries to stack the deck and lock in a -- a permanent grip on power. either by actively suppressing votes or politicizing the armed forces or using the judiciary, the criminal justice system to go after opponents. >> jesse: obama is trying to tear the country apart. did he forget that trump was arrested four times by democrats. obama started the weaponization crusade. now he is trying to wash his hands and rise above at all? >> i am convinced that if we
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want democracy as we understand it to survive, then we are all going to have to work towards a renewed commitment to pluralist principles because the alternative is what we have seen here in the united states. an increasing willingness on the part of the politicians and their followers to violate democratic norms. to do anything they can to get their way. to use the power of the state to target critics and journalists and political rivals. >> jesse: this guy is unbelievable. he is worried about trump targeting journalists. his justice department spied on a fox reporter. his cia hacked the senate. he staged a coup on his own vp.
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remember hands up don't shoot treyvon. and any time you criticized obama, it was racist. and now the 1%, the bitter clingers, even clooney is mad at him for making him the fall guy for whacking joe. and joe tanked the coup when he endorsed kamala. and everyone is mad at the obama staff for fleecing donors and lying about harris in the lead the whole time. it is not just the american people, we are hearing even michelle has been rolling her eyes when her husband opens his mouth. the cohost of fox and friends weekend. can you believe this guy, barack
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obama? >> i was thinking about the perfect metaphor. always struggling to keep up with you watters. and i was just thinking, listening to barack obama is like listening to baby got back. you hear it now, and you are like, i can't believe that at one point we thought that was good music. i can't believe that we are entranced by barack obama. it is a past time hit. and i think, watters, that the country has woken up from a dream state that was introduce birthday i a lullby by obama. his charm and rhetoric let him get past all the things you just rattled off, using the irs on conservatives. >> jesse: he got away with anything. >> because he was a beautiful orator. and people like joe rogan went on in the dream state.
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i think it jarred people -- and you sit here today, and you hear the oratory which is a broken down version of what we heard 10 years ago. it is not pretty and it has no substance. this guy is responsible for many of the ways we ended up under joe biden. >> jesse: the reason that trump is in office even the first time is because of barack obama. and then as vp, he messed things up so badly, he got in again. and he is putting together a team. pete hegseth is fighting hard right now. trump spoke to nbc news. here is a clip. >> reporter: do you have confidence in pete? >> i really do. he is a really smart guy. i have known him through fox, but through a long time. and he is basically a military guy. every time i talk to him, he just wants to talk about the military. he is a military guy. >> reporter: have you gotten assurances from senators that he is going to be confirmed? >> no. >> reporter: do you think he
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can make it? >> i think he will, yeah. a lot of senators say he is fantastic. >> jesse: looks like he has momentum now. >> it has been a tide shift. let's acknowledge that the tide shift was on the surface working against hegseth because of defamation lies by the mainstream media that may have had small sway over republican senators. but i think pete is an incredible human being. as an individual man. i have sat next to him for five years. i know his family. he is a man dedicated to the principles that make the american military serve its purpose, which is to be lethal and destroy its enemies. i can tell you that i believe my senator from the state of texas will be there proudly, i say for pete hegseth. it is a matter of time before the senator from iowa feels the same way.
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and any senator that doesn't, i would ask you to ask a question, how do you pass lloyd austin? and joe biden's cabinet and have questions about pete hegseth. if you do, i have questions for you. and the rank and file of the military might have questions for you. >> jesse: there is going to be a march in support of pete hegseth. >> i know that elite operators from several communities, the seal community, and others are coming together to support pete hegseth, because i know this, jesse, he has the support of the rank and file warriors of this military. >> jesse: you said pete was your best friend. do you know how i feel about other men at our age calling people best friends. is he still your best friend. how old are you? >> pete, bear through on this. first of all, he is one of my very good friends. he makes the top five. he is going to carry my casket. >> jesse: he is going to carry your casket?
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>> i have hometown friends that are watching that might be like, woah, i have known you my whole life. but jesse thinks best friends is beneath a best friend. but pete is gone, so i am shopping for one. >> jesse: you are going to do more than that. i am not that easy, despite what you have heard. >> i disagree. >> jesse: we have to go, thank you very much. police zero in on the health care hit man. a major update, next.
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>> jesse: fox news alert. day three of the search for the health care executioner. and there is tremendous new evidence to accelerate the man hunt. christina coleman with more. >> the ceo's possible killer search expands beyond new york where the murder took place.
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the person of interest in this case, they believe road a greyhound bus from atlanta the day before thanksgiving. they believe he shot and killed brian thompson in midtown manhattan during a targeted attack and escaped by catching another bus with a terminal that offers commuter service out of state. >> we believe he was here for 10 days. but we have the bus leaving the same morning, him going to the terminal the same morning of the incident. approximately an hour afterwards. >> police have tremendous amounts of evidence in this case including the suspects' fingerprints from a burner cellphone. authorities found his backpack in central park during their large search involving drones. they have dna from a water bottle that he threw away before he gunned down thompson. >> the fact that we don't know who he is right now tells me that he has never been in the system because they have his
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fingerprints, they have his dna. so the plan b right now is to do forensic geneology. >> jesse: words used to describe ways that he tried to avoid pain claimed. despite this cryptic message, police have not confirmed why someone would kill the health care executive. >> we are not going to commit to a motive right now. but when we look at the writing and the victim's employment. it could be a disgruntled employee or client. >> reaction over this continues to pour in. sadly some people online appear to celebrate the brutal murder of this ceo and the wake of thompson's tragic death, cbs news ran a segment on the outrage over the health care system. >> we have gotten to a point where health care is so inaccessible and unaffordable that people are justified in
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their frustrations. >> you shouldn't go broke trying to live. >> some health care companies including blue cross, blue shield are taking caution. they removed their executive leadership wages from their websites as authorities continue their nation wide search for whoever killed the united health care's ceo. jesse. >> jesse: all right. christina. thank you. looks like they are getting closer. something is killing us and the government is in on it. we are the richest country in the world and spend the most money on health care. but we are the sickest developed country of all time. we are 49th in life expectancy. how is that possible? this is america. why are these poor people in poor countries living longer than us. it has to do with something we are putting into our bodies. big food needs a gut check. >> i think what he is saying about the food industry is exactly correct. i think you have a food industry
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concerned about their profits. couldn't care less about the health of the american people. they have to be taken on. >> jesse: bernie lead a hearing yesterday and went after the fda officials for sitting on the sidelines during the obesity epidemic. >> the food and beverage industry spends hundreds and hundreds and millions of dollars on lobbying and on campaign contributions. you tell me the role that they are playing in destroying the health of america's children. >> a lot of the changes that those of us are interested in better health would like to make are blocked at the level of legislation. >> but i am still not hearing you? what is the reason that our kids are unhealthy. what role does this industry play? even now, you are getting out of office, are you prepared to tell us that this committee needs to take on the food and beverage industry whose greed is destroying the health of millions of people? >> well, i am not going to cascade the people that work in
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the food and beverage people. >> you are not? that is your job! >> jesse: well, we are not telling people what to eat. we are just telling people to knock off putting poison in what we eat. the new york times best selling author and health activist known as the food babe. all right, food babe, what are they putting in our food? >> they are putting all kinds of chemicals that are banned and heavily rated in other countries. they are using ingredients that are safer and better in other countries and serving us the more toxic poisonous version. we have the biggest cereal companies in the united states feeding our kids artificial food dies that they don't use in australia, canada, india. it is a travesty that we allow american food companies to do this. you can see what happened at the senator bernie sanders hearing, how the fda is asleep at the
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wheel. it is activists like me that have to do this work. it is really sad. our politicians and our elected officials should be doing this work. >> jesse: you have a regular product and maybe that product, 10, 20, 30 years ago, there was just a couple of ingredients. you look at the ingredients, there were two or three things. now there is like 50. and i can't pronounce any of them. what are the things that they are putting in there? is it sugars, it is toxins? chemicals, what is it. >> countries in europe have 400 approved for use. a bowl of cereal that has artificial food dyes in it, this one has one called caramel coloured level four. it turns into a carcinogen.
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this same cereal company does not use it in the same cereal in other countries. this has f40. the fda says they have not approved this in over a decade when it was intended at a very low microdose like 20 milligrams. they are saying we get 200 milligrams that are paid from petrolleum. there is a chemical, red 3 that is banned in lip stick since 1990 over 30 years. but it is still allowed in strawberry milk drinks that we give to kids and cancer patients. this is the problem with our fda. >> jesse: food babe, it is not just what they are putting in, they are trying to push people
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into eating this type of food, right? so they say cereal for breakfast, no, we should be eating eggs for breakfast, things like that, berries. right? >> we need to shift the american diet to whole, real foods. i will tell you, when i did that personally, my life changed. i went off 9 prescription drugs, and lived a life i didn't know was possible. that's what i wish for americans out there. our ultraprocessed foods are created to be ultra-addictive and now we see that in the chronic disease rates that are sky rocketing through the nation. >> jesse: this is not bankrupting big food. that's not going to be the result. they are going to make plenty of money, right? >> absolutely. we are not talking about banning all of these different foods. we are talking about making the foods the same way they make for other countries. >> jesse: right. >> it is a rigged food system in
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the united states. >> jesse: instead of america last, where we get all the bad stuff and other countries get all the good stuff. we should have the freshest ingredients and the healthiest food. >> exactly. >> jesse: on a baseline level. >> absolutely. and american companies have to do something ethical here. it is a moral obligation to serve us the safer version of the products. >> jesse: now you are getting a little crazy. ethical, let's strike for balance at first. oh, boy. food babe. >> i am an idealist, what can i say. >> jesse: we need a lot of idealists right now. thank you so much have a great weekend. brand new drone video, and i think we have the answer to that. plus, sink or swim. straight ahead.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: the mysterious drone sightings they just keep coming. lots of people sent me new exclusive footage of the military drones flying above their neighbourhoods. watch. >> one, two, three.
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i guess there is only three now. there is another one. four. there was a couple more. >> jesse: but these drones are all over the place. they are above reservoirs, military installations, even at trump's course in bedminster. they are causing major problems. one blocked a medical helicopter from landing. one said it changed the time on their clock, and it changed back to normal when they drove off. the governor of new jersey, phil murphy met with the feds. but there is a possibility that these drones are very advanced military craft, and that the pentagon is testing these drones over friendly american territory. drone warfare has become critical to the u.s. drones need
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to test in residential and urban areas. but the dod is acting like the drones are a real concern. listen. >> this week, the secretary signed a classified strategy for countering unmanned systems more commonly known as drones have the potential for an urgent and enduring threat increasingly in the u.s. homeland. the dod is orienting around a common understanding of the challenge and a comprehensive approach to addressing it. >> jesse: the faa is issuing a warning, if they catch whoever is flying the drones, they will give them fines and revoke their licences. that sounds like hot air. because how can you fine someone that you can't even find? [ ♪♪ ] sink or swim. first, we have cat timps tour.
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this is your last chance before she has her baby. >> there is one show that is not sold out, it is in spoken washington. >> jesse: he says he doesn't care how pregnant you are, he is going to win. >> i am going to sink no matter what. you can't beat a pregnant woman. >> jesse: have class. you have to throw this. a celebrity joined primetime this week to set the record straight after snubbing johnny on the red carpet. was it kelsey grammar or mario lopez? >> i don't know. okay. >> i didn't know that was your guy right there. >> jesse: he is hitting you with hard questions on the carpet. that is mario lopez. >> i did not get that one right. >> that's this guy by the way. who looks 19. >> i was not watching the show. >> jesse: i deduced that when
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you got it wrong. it is okay. take it easy on her. you are up one. the category is, it is not me. it is you. this cranky tv host, not cat made a sad admission this week. she has never been broken up with by a single ex. all her boyfriends break up with her. who always gets broken up with? going with sunny. >> i don't break up with people. they break up with me. and he said, i would like to start the new year off right. and that's going to be without you. >> jesse: chaffetz. >> it sounds like someone who watches the view would say. >> jesse: balls and ballots is the category. mark cuben says if this man was his vp, they would win the whitehouse. who is it, charles barkley or shaq? >> i am right about this one and you are wrong.
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>> we would win running away. >> jesse: cat is right! >> always stick with the shaq. i am a huge fan. i would go down. >> shaq won't want you to lose. >> jesse: this is the last one. >> this is making my sweat. >> jesse: friends in high places. that's just morning sickness. who said at the new york times deal summit that he is excited about the new trump administration. was it besos or zuckerberg. we are going to a tie breaker. trump has the whole country do you understand -- dancing the ymca by the village people. when was it released? >> i am going 1984. >> that's not fair. i am so young, how would i know! i am so young that i am pregnant.
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1983. >> jesse: show won! it was 78. she won by a year. >> look at me making my family proud. look at this! i did it, and anything men can do, women can do pregnant. >> jesse: stop jumping around so much, you are making me nervous. cat, congratulations. >> i am so glad i am here. >> i threw the last one. >> i am going to carry the hat around so i can put it on whoever i run into. >> jesse: more primetime, straight ahead.
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>> jesse: we had a great time at the fox nation patriot awards last night. they even had a red carpet. there is hannity. you can watch the whole show right now streaming on fox nation. check it out. you can see trump get the patriot of the year award. time for texts.
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jonathan from austin texas, biden's hair looks like he wrestled with the bear. what's up momma bicks. that presidential book mobile better be 100 percent electric. just going to be kamala at the library. grant, how do we know that tim walz was in his garage if not an elaborate set. if that was anything like the call her daddy podcast that was six figures. have to hand it to sharpton got his money from kamala up front. man, sharpton is smarter than he looks. bill from arizona, can we get carville a new hat? >> can't headache the lsu tiger thing off his head. jean, what is the favourite
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christmas movie at the watters house? >> we don't watch movies around christmas time. i have never seen the famous christmas movie. what is the one that everyone watches? i have never seen it. never seen the wonderful life. never, ever seen it. jim from venice florida, jesse, you didn't give cat the hat. i forgot to hand it to her. she got it when she left. terry from kentucky, what is the deal. first you are against orgies now bubble bath and best friends, who hurt you jesse? i have issues. will kane definitely takes bubble baths. oh, yeah, and he takes two ounces lathered up. a sick man. >> welcome to the special edition of hannity, i am tammy


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