tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News December 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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the back. shirts, hats, we have much more. golf stuff. it's christmastime. check it out on the website. i always hear about the "the five" stuff. if you can't catch us live. set your it dvr 6:00 p.m. on the east. 3:00 p.m. on the west coast, follow me on x and instagram at bret baier. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair balance and unafraid. still waiting for all of that news conference out of pennsylvania. we will be following it here on fox as the breaking news. there you go. it's just starting. that's the governor adam shapiro, josh shapiro i should say from pennsylvania leading off this news conference. we will follow it here on fox. "the ingraham angle" is coming up. now. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington.
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tonight as always, thank you very much for joining us. we have major developments in store as we have been following the new york city daniel penny has been found not guilty. more on that in moments. but, first, we're going to go live to a presser and, of course the murder of the united healthcare ceo brian thompson. the press conference is ongoing now and we are going to go to it. >> to our local police. our local police here in altoona acted swiftly. i want to say a special thanks to officer tyler fry of the altoona police department. officer fry is about six months into his time serving his fellow people here in pennsylvania. he acted swiftly. he acted with smarts, and he acted with calm. you know, safety. [in pennsylvania. he acted swiftly.
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he acted with smarts, and he acted with calm. you know, safety often turns on the strength of the relationship between the community and law enforcement. we have that strong relationship here in altoona and it was proven here today. i want to ask all of our fellow pennsylvanians to demonstrate the same type of thoughtfulness and courage and smarts as the individual at mcdonald's did this morning and help law enforcement in pennsylvania as we continue with our investigation. you will see photos of the suspect and you should know that this suspect traveled between philadelphia and pittsburgh making stops in between, obviously here and altoona. i want to ask all of our fellow pennsylvanians to help us with any tips that they might have. by contacting us at 800-4 pa
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tips. again that number is 804 pa-tips. the suspect was just arraigned here in the courthouse and presumably new york will file charges very, very soon. process will continue to play out. and justice will be delivered in this case. this case has moved on attention. in fact, the attention in this case and the killing of brian thompson was helpful no doubt in allowing us to capture his killer. mcdonald's this morning. and having that individual contact police. but some attention in this case, especially online has been deeply disturbing. as some have looked to celebrate instead of condemning his
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killer. brian thompson was a father to two. he was a husband and he was a friend to many. and, yes, he was the ceo of a health insurance company. america, we do not kill people in cold blood to resolve policy differences or express a viewpoint. i understand people have real frustration with our healthcare system. and i have worked to address that throughout my career. but i have no tolerance, nor should anyone, for one man using an illegal ghost gun to murder someone because he thinks his opinion matters m in a civil society we are less safe when
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idealogues engage in vigilante justice. in some dark corners this killer is being hailed as a hero. hear me on this. he is no hero. the real hero in this story is the person who called 911 at mock donalds this morning. the real heroes every day in our society are the women and men who put on uniforms like these and go out in our communities to keep us safe; this killer was not a hero. he should not be hailed. mr. thompson, i understand, was laid to rest earlier today in minnesota in a private setting. the conversation continues about this case. let's be mindful not to dehumanize him. and make him just an attar of a system that is disliked by many
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he was a far, husband and did not deserve to die like this on a sidewalk in new york city. law enforcement is present here this evening law enforcement works best when it works together. in this case you have the new york police department working together with the altoona police department working together with the pennsylvania state police and partners at the federal level as well. everyone came together to solve this case. i want to ask my fellow pennsylvanians if you have any information regarding this suspect or his travels throughout pennsylvania, please share those tips with us meeflted. and with that thank district meeks for his work today and invite him to the microphone to say a few words.
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>> good evening, everyone. i would echo the government's sentiments, law enforcement does work its best when they work together. i would also like to thank district attorney seidel, he and his staff came down from manhattan's districts attorney's office today in record time, assist us with the altoona police department and as the governor stated, the state police, the altoona police department. the fbi new york city police department. linton township police department. the blare county sheriff's department, another agencies all work together today to do what needed to be done to seek justice. i would -- i often brag about how the community blair county isn't afraid to report a crime, to contact local law enforcement. and i have often touted how they have made their community whether it be altoona or
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somewhere elms a safer place to live. sewed i submit a resident from altoona police department helped make new york city a safer place to live and helped kick start the process to seek justice for a senseless killing. so, again, i would like to thank everybody and it's my honor to introduce deputy commissioner daughterry at this time. >> thank you. >> thank you, mr. d.a. on behalf of the new york city mayor eric adams, my boss police commissioner jessica tish. i want to extend, once again their appreciation again to the altoona police department, to your leadership team federal, state, local authorities and especially to the customer at the mcdonald's that seen something, say something to the mcdonald's employee that called 911. and reported this individual
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inside of their restaurant. the behind me the detectives, some of these detectives behind me haven't been home since tuesday when this incident happened. they have been working this case tirelessly around the clock looking for. that's dedication. that's -- their commitment to bringing this individual to justice. and on behalf of the mayor and the police commissioner they send their thanks and appreciation to you as well. there is a message to the criminal element that think that they want to commit a crime in new york city and cross state lines, county lines. the message is very clear. police commissioner tish's police department will find you and bring you to justice. just look behind me. thank you.
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>> i think with that we'll be happy to try and take a few questions. [[inaudible] question] >> we will defer to altoona police. >> i guess i'm curious if you could share more about the dynamics. a little bit more about the dynamic inside that mcdonald's. detail in the affidavit about what happened [inaudible] new york. could you speak to us his demeanor and how that played out? >> sure, it was a peaceful arrest first and foremost. the officer quickly recognized the male as the suspect from the shooting. and within several minutes, seconds of the first contact, he asked the suspect if he had been in new york city recently.
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and that really invoked a physical reaction from the suspect. he became visibly nervous, kind of shaking at that question. and he didn't really answer it directly. so, that statement alone really said a lot. the suspect didn't have to say a lot after that question to show that, you know, he was very nervous at that point. >> [inaudible] >> yeah, so officer fry is here to my left. officer frye, step this way a little bit and his partner he was with officer detweiler. >> could you identify yourself and describe -- >> yeah. patrolman frye. so whenever we got on scene there, we were able to pretty much find where he was at in the restaurant.
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as soon as he pulled -- he was wearing a blue medical mask. as soon as we pulled that counsel. we asked him to pull it down. me and my partner and i recognized him immediately just from what we saw in the media with the photos, videos. we just didn't even think twice about it. we knew that was our guy. he was very cooperative with us. didn't really give us too much issues. once we found out his identity we took it from there. >> how did it feel after six months on the job as a law enforcement officer? >> i can't say i was expecting it by any means. but it feels good to get a guy like that off the street especially this way. it feels great. >> [inaudible] has he asked for a laureate? >> to my knowledge he hasn't made any statements. >> how long had he been staying in altoona. was the gun on himself?
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>> we are still investigating how long he has been in altoona. the men and women behind me are assisting with that. so, we're still looking into it. >> i'm going to ask lt. colonel bevins of the pennsylvania state police to address the question you just raised. >> so, there are a lot of things that need to be followed up yet in this investigation. certainly there were a number of items that were found on his person, in his backpack that have been inventoried. and we have begun to do an analysis of some of those. those there were written documents there are electronic devices that are are in the process of being downloaded. search warrants are obtained. and so, over the next hours and days, those efforts will continue and we're going to take a closer look at all of the information that we can glean from that, regarding his activities up until and during the time of the homicide, his
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flight from new york. and we know that he has been in pennsylvania for several days. and so part of that investigation will also focus on trying to retrace his steps. we have already identified businesses, for example, that he frequented in this area. and activities they engaged in. that led us to more evidence. so all of that is becoming kind of a mountain of evidence that has to be analyzed and looked at. i'm confident we will have a much better idea of his activities over the past, you know, number of days in new york and in pennsylvania. additionally, we are also trying to that we don't have another actor or an accomplice out there. this information won't be used to help us prove or disprove whether that exists and will whether there were any other intended targets. a lot of questions out there that are unanswered yet. but we have a lot of information that we can examine that hopefully will give us some of
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those pleases of date that that we need. you asked -- or someone asked about the interview. he was initially cooperative. he is not now and so he has been arraigned and transported and will be securely housed pending the filing of additional charges in new york. [several reporters asking questions] [inaudible] >> we are not going to get into any more details at this time. we would like to hear from any pennsylvanian or any pittsburgher who had any sightings or dealings with the individual: ask for anyone with tips to share. [inaudible questions] >> so that answer depends, a,
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once the charging documents are filed in the state of new york, we will file a punitive justice complaint against the defendant. he will be brought before a common pleas judge. shortly thereafter the defendant will be presented with the option to wave his extradition or to contest his extradition. if he waives his extradition, we, of course, will make him available the nypd and manhattan district attorney's office as soon as we are able to arrange his transportation there that process typically takes 35 to 40 days to do the requisite paperwork. we do that all the time in our office and that's kinds of a normal procedure. [several asking questions at the same time] >> backpack itself, in new york. is that the same one he had at the time of the shooting there or backpack that he had here the one he may have acquired [inaudible] silencer [inaudible]
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>> i will defer to someone else. i'm not going to specht on any of the interpretation of the evidence. i am going to rely on the officers doing the investigation to repeat that conclusions. [inaid dible question] >> yes, as we confirmed at the preliminary arraignment with the permission of district attorney seidel we expect charges to be filed forth with and obviously i'm not going to speculate on timing or tomorrow or some time in the very near future for homicide. [several asking questions at the same time] [inaudible] >> at this point, i'm not going to comment on that. i mentioned there is a lot of information to go through.
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certainly everything has been shared with nypd. there is other information that really doesn't even pertain to that investigation. again, focuses more on his activities here in pennsylvania and other travels. so, all of that, hopefully, will shine more light on it. there is some information that gives us some insight into his thinking. but, again, all part of the ongoing investigation. way too early to discuss that. >> what about the [inaudible] >> as far as the nypd, we're not going to be commenting on the investigation steps here availability at one police plaza. commissioner tish will update. commissioner tish will update at one police plaza. i will be happy to talk about commissioner tish new york city mayor and thank them for their service. so he got a pretty cool phone call from the mayor and our police commissioner. >> do you know how he got to pennsylvania? was it through aircraft?
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train, bus? >> . all part ongoing investigation. >> governor, you had suggested i think [inaudible] he took a bus from the terminal to philly and then he went -- >> more specific how you think. >> again, i will jump. in it's all part of the ongoing investigation yes we do have a good idea how he got to philadelphia from pittsburgh. there are gaps in time. before we start laying out a timeline of his travel, we really need to work through all of that and so we know that at some point it is likely he was in a variety of locations across the state to include philadelphia, pittsburgh and points in between.
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[unaudible question] >> he was caught here in altoona. logically he was in those locations first. the timeline of all of that will be part of the investigation. [several reporters asking questions at the same time] [inaudible] >> i think, again, as part of the ongoing investigation, when we determine where he has been. where he stayed, those kinds of things, we may be able to answer some of those questions. but, right now, i will tell you that based on everything that we have seen, he was very careful with trying to stay low profile, avoid cameras, not all that successfully in some cases. but, that was certainly the effort he was making, he took steps to try and, you know, avoid detection with some of the electronic devices and things as well. again, all part of the investigation.
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but, the clearly you know, somebody that was very security conscious and trying to avoid somebody. >> criminal record. [inaudible] to law enforcement? >> i am not aware of a criminal history on this individual. >> [inaudible] and then the saio [inaudible] can you speak more what was in the bag? >> not at this point. i have spoken generally about what's there. but, at this point, everything remains under investigation and we will have much more information and new york will certainly have information for you in the future. >> how confident are you that [inaudible] search for any other suspects other than the accomplice? or potential accomplice? >> we are still going to canvas. we are still going to investigate. like i said before, we are going
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to provide update in a couple of days by the police commissioner and chief of detectives. i will say this though, if anybody out there that has any information that they think would help this case, to please contact our tip line which is 1-800-577-tips. remember all calls are kept confidential. >> the customer told an employee, then the employee called 911? >> that is my understanding, yes, sir. >> was it a customer that recognized the suspect first [inaudible] >> yes. my understanding, i was confirming. my understanding is the employee became suspicious. thought they recognized and wanted someone to check it out further. > [inaudible] >> i'm sorry did i say employee in the customer recognized, notified the employee and wanted someone to check it out further. >> can you confirm which restaurant it was?
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was it the one on [inaudible] road? >> i'm not familiar with the address of that it's a mcdonald's. [inaudible] >> again, we're not going to talk about what was found in the bag. we have accurately cataloged everything that was was in there. >> would you repeat what you said in court about that money? >> >> certainly stand by all the comments i made preliminary arraignment i won't comment any more. my comments preliminary arraignment were in support of my argument for bail. thank you. [inaudible] county or state facility? >> >> he will likely be taken to a state correctional institution later this evening [inaudible]
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>> violence can never be used to try to prove some ideological point. that is not what we do in a civilized society. that was true in butler. it was true in new york city. and it's true anywhere. that is not how you make progress in this country. the person,' suspect who shot that ceo and killed that ceo is a coward, not a hero. and we need to make sure that in this country we get back to having a civil discourse about our differences and that is an
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important lesson coming out of pennsylvania and it is one that i think the rest of the nation needs to hears a well. on a law enforcement side, i will tell you that i am incredibly proud of the pennsylvania state police and local police who responded in way that kept others safe and saved other lives. that was true of the fairgrounds in butler and true here today in altoona. had that local pennsylvanian not spoken up had that wonderful police officer who has been on this job for six months, not acted calmly and swiftly, who knows what could have happened lessons come out of pennsylvania violence is not a way to answer questions and address problems. and that we have the gift of law enforcement here in this commonwealth who care deeply about the safety and well-being of our fellow pennsylvanians and
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our fellow americans and i commend them. >> thank you all. >> laura: that was the news conference from pennsylvania on the prime suspect in the murder of united healthcare ceo brian thompson. here to unpack all this andrew saltman, criminal defense attorney and james r. fitzgerald retired fbi supervisory special agent and the co-host of the color red podcast. mr. saltman, let me start with you your reaction to what you heard tonight? >> well, i think there is going to be a tsunami of evidence against him. take a look at some of the stuff they already had. they just had their investigation. d.n.a. evidence and manifesto from backpack. most importantly they now have what they believe is the murder weapon. the ghost gun and the silencer. i guarantee you right now fbi is testing that gun to see this
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devito is in a lot of trouble. secure a search warrant for his phone, computer, apartment. everything else. i think he is in a lot of trouble mr. fitzgerald this is what we have about mr. mangione. he graduated top of his class. stellar student from elite public high school in baltimore. went on to study engineering. got master degree in computer science. the angle spoke to a number of mangione's college classmates all shocked to hear about his arrest. they told us he was smart and, quote: chill. one said i knew him as a very polite driven engineering student who usually carried a smile. he had a really nice genuine group of friends who were pretty studious and a little removed from the bar and party scene. externally he seemed like someone who was more likely to start a nonprofit than read manifestos. and another one told us i wanted to set him up with one of my friends because he would be a
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great boyfriend james, this is wild. he also worked at stanford university in 2019 for about six months summer program for incoming college students. high school seniors. apparently he was very well liked there as well. your take tonight? >> yeah, there is some semblance of this guy to ted kaczynski the unabomber with the manifesto. brilliant moving ahead, top of his class. this particular person is much more outgoing and socially oriented then kaczynski ever was. indicators there is some type of a back surgery he may have had and what tilted him toward anger at the medical insurance companies. interestingly, back in the 1960s, kaczynski was turned down for sex change operation that's when he decided to kill people. advocate or acolyte of ted kaczynski having read his
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manifesto. having quoted from. it ie getting long after or a couple years after he was dead long after his offenses we are getting some of these people who see kaczynski as a hero when he wasn't and neither is the shooter of the ceo in new york. >> laura: andrew, on this point, again, extremely bright. extremely studious, well-liked. he also, according to one report, i think the "new york post" has this, had harvard -- recent age anti-capitalist views. anti-medical industry views. what of that? >> i think it's motive. i think they are really going to dig into that. i think there was a review that fox news reported on earlier today about you he gave a review on the ted kaczynski book and basically adhering to some of those principles a good prosecutor is going to take that he is going to mold it. and that's going to be the motive for doing this crime. every jury wants do see a motive. that's the sort of thing that, you know, a juror can look at
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and say wait a minute, this is why the smart, bright, by all accounts genius guy would do a first degree murder like this. and he will be charged with first degree murder and, you know, i think he is in a lot of trouble. >> laura: and, james, being able to evade police for the days that he did. what do you think about that given the fact that he comm committed. then he got away on the bike. he went to the park. got new york got in a cab. he wasn't able to get into the o get into the park and disappear for a while. was that surprising to you given the surveillance that we have in new york? >> it is surprising. but, he could have easily changed his identity, different colored mask. different sweatshirt, hoody, whatever. this is goes back to what we as profilers and d.n.a. analysts look like preoffense behavior, post offense behavior. i think he was well-planned for the days, maybe even a week or
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more before this homicide. and, of course, we saw the homicide on video. we know how that went down. i think his plan broke apart in his post offense d in some safe house. airbnb, hotel room, he could have been, you know, out of sight, out of mind for a much longer than he was. here he is traipsing across pennsylvania on i-80 on the pennsylvania turnpike. who knows answered winds up coincidentally not too far from where the idaho university quadruple killer lived as the crow flies less than 50 miles, i believe. coincidence, of course, just ironic that part of eastern pennsylvania both of these areas come into play here. >> laura: andrew, his last known address was in honolulu he was born in maryland. went to school in baltimore. i penn institution. end up at stanford for a while. at some point there seems to
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have been a turn in him. given at least what we have uncovered so far. do you believe when all is said and done -- who knows when we will find out -- that we will find there is a personal event, medical event that may have, like, set this otherwise looks like fairly brilliant mind off? >> laura, that's a great question. i can guarantee you right now the investigators are talking to the family. they're talking to his friends. they are trying to see what triggered him to do what he did to veer off of this path. everybody says he is such a bright guy and clearly he is. but as a killer, maybe he isn't quite as bright as what he thinks he is. taking off that mask at the starbucks counter to flirt with a girl was not a good idea not throwing away that gun number one piece of nevada this case at least behind d.n.a. not a bright decision. yes, this kid is really smart but he really made some mistakes and prosecutors are looking to see what is that triggers event that took him from a good life
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to first degree murder? >> laura: james, yet the authorities are saying the investigation is continuing not just into his personal background, anyone else in a network that he may be engaging with on a regular basis. we haven't talked much. these kind of anti-capitalist groups if he was in one online. how important about that be in flushing this out? >> oh, very important. i mean, his social media footprints and as far back as they can track it will produce a lot of evidence. hopefully it can be used in court to further strengthen the case there. there s. no doubt that there are some people who had to be aware of who this pinner was. that one picture was so clear, nice white straight teeth, the bushy eyebrows. i said i can't believe some high school kid or some fellow college student didn't recognize him. and i'm wondering if there is some people who felt this was some sort of a righteous shooting because he is, you
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know, taken out this bad ceo of an insurance company and they somehow they didn't call for that reason. i hope his family is interviewed and close friends to him and they can tell us what they saw and knew about this. >> >> laura: we're not going to get into this tonight. we will dig into this later. the instagram post from nut bag people, which i was sent in the commercial break earlier, crazy. he is cute. and people celebrating. this this is a sickness, honestly, it's so disappointing, but i guess we shouldn't be surprised, gentlemen, thank you so much. up next, the other big news out of new york, daniel penny, a lot of people think he is a hero. and tonight he is not guilty. my take, next. ♪ it can be so easy to get busy and distracted during the holidays. easy to lose focus. easy to lose sight of what this season is really about.
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you've got the scriptures calling each one of us, not only to pray for the peace in jerusalem, but every city throughout israel that's under siege. this massive grocery store should be crowded. people are lacking food. exactly. the international fellowship of christians and jews is preparing meals for precious elderly citizens who can't get out. so many bombs yesterday. because of the war, much of her roof is gone, the ceiling is gone. she's frightened from hezbollah. hezbollah. how does she get food? the international fellowship of christians and jews will come in. you provide groceries, vegetables, hot meals. it's you. your emergency gift will help provide food to klara and thousands like her, trying to survive in the evacuated areas of israel.
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your urgently needed gift of $45 will help rush the delivery of an emergency food box and nutritious meals for a week. it's you that gives her hope and lets her feel the presence of god. it must be that god is here with me now. thank you. and i'll say a special prayer of thanks to god. when there's war and violence and brokenness, you and i as christians are chosen to minister to love. you help bring the peace of god that passes all understanding and to know i have something to eat today.
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♪ >> laura: some very good news tonight. i can report that all hope is not lost in new york. daniel penny, acquitted today in a criminal case that never should have been brought by a d.a.'s office that has repeatedly failed to put the safety of no, earthquakes ahead of politics. now, after penny used a chokehold to restrain menacing lunatic jordan neely on a subway car in may of 2023, which led to his death. alvin bragg's office charged him with second degree manslaughter. now, the defendant with no criminal record, a proud marine vet, who stood up when no one else would gets charged, yeah. but on friday the jury announced it was deadlocked. so at the behest of bragg's office, judge maxwell t. wiley directed them to come back after the weekend to consider the lesser charge of criminally negligent homicide. outrageous. but the jury rejected that as well. if anyone is guilty of criminal
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negligence here, it's the folks like al village bragg and his assistant d.a. daf nay your ran whose virtual signaling and soft on crime approach caused enormous pain and suffering to the everyday new yorkers whose lives matter too. bragg has been humiliated after wasting millions of taxpayer dollars in crazed criminal prosecution against donald trump before, of course, the election night victory. he released a statement today saying he respects the jury's decision but noted unfortunately, over the duration of this trial, talented career prosecutors and their family members were bee sieged with hate and threats on social media by phone, over email. simply put this is unacceptable. yes, i agree with him. it is completely unacceptable. no one should be threatened. and, yet, that's exactly what jordan neely did to those subway passengers. all but two of the 11 witnesses who secretary of defense at trial said mr. neely's presence amounted to the scariest
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experience that ever had on a subway. now, in many ways, this case's outcome does hearken back to bernie getz's acquittal in 1985. that came during another time when people in new york were feeling increasingly fed up with liberal do gooders helping violent criminals get off. most regular people then and now just want to return to safety and normalcy. but of course the racial arsonist reacted to the verdict today. someone who never rides the subway by the way. the reverend al sharpton, he put out a statement saying this verdict represents the blatant legalization of civilian vigilantism, sending a dangerous message that citizens can now take matters into their own hands even if it leads to someone's death. but what all he doesn't get, what al doesn't get that the people of new york have just had it. maybe the rev should brush off
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the crowds that trump drew in new york and the bronx just ignoring that madison square garden he is brushing that off but he should have paid more attention. those people know that the danger to america isn't from trump, it's not from people like daniel penny or over zealous cops the danger to new yorkers and the rest of the people in country come from prosecutors who want to punish law abiding americans by making excuses for hardened criminals and also migrants. more of us see that the black lives matter crowd, well, they are kind of what we said they were back in 2020, frauds. >> we need some black village vigilantes. >> that's right. >> people want to jump up and choke us? and kill us for being loud? how about we do the same when they attempt to oppress us? >> and who is he? well, he sounds like a racist.
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and he is essentially threatening violence if he doesn't get his way. nothing has changed from four years ago. these blm radicals don't care about working people in these cities. they burn minneapolis down. didn't care about that. and they are just trying to cash in on their anti-american hatred. >> america has no moral code. america has no soul. >> we saw those nine white jurors, we knew that this case was over. >> laura: then a special christmas greeting. >> these wonderful white people, i hope they celebrate their christmas while the neely family is praying and asking god for comfort. god [bleep] and god [bleep] america. >> yeah, you know what she said. she must have been a jeremiah wright acolyte. it got ugly at times outside the courthouse but not inside the pub where penny's team celebrated. >> it feels great. it really does. >> so tell me what is going on right now?
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>> yeah. we are just, you know, it's 18 months of weight on everybody's shoulders. most importantly danny walking around with the weight of this indictment on him knowing that he has been falsely accused for doing the right thing. >> laura: coming up, trump in france, what it tells us and we are going to see hot real uniter in chief really is. s ♪ ide. ontario, canada, a partner connected by shared history, shared values, and a shared vision for what we can achieve together. stable and secure, when the world around us isn't. you can rely on ontario for energy to power your growing economy and for the critical minerals crucial to new technologies. ontario is your third-largest trading partner and the number one export destination for 17 states. our long-standing economic partnership keeps millions of americans working. in a changing world,
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♪ >> laura: the scene at notre dame's reopening in paris was incredible. now, trump makes his appearance dominating the scene. sorry beings for a u.s. president that's normal. the presidents of france and the president of the united states, together, they are supposed to be friends. and the president of the united states is supposed to visit with the prince of wales and not make a fool of himself. this is normal. this is what americans want to see. a president who is respected, and in command. but for the past four years we have had scenes like this. it was all embarrassing to us as a country and it was sad. and contrary to what we were told about trump before the election, that the world would
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be repelled by another trump presidency. that was all a lie. in fact, trump is actually the great unifier. his command of the issues his desire to make america safe and secure and the entire country, all of us secure. well, that shone through in kirsten welker interview. the idea that trump wants to -- >> just -- just non-biased. you hurt yourself so badly. i don't understand why. you know, you would think the press would like to see strong borders, great education. a powerful military so we have a country left and all these different things. and somehow they don't want to see that. >> laura: the idea that trump wants to let europe go down down the tubes was never true. the media, folks at nbc. they all wanted to put that impression out. it was false. trump just doesn't want america to get ripped off. he wants peace and he wants americans of all background. doesn't matter if you voted for
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(dr. david jeremiah) our world is not getting better. in our hearts we know that. and the bible says, "we groan for the coming of this new world." i'm not talking about heaven. i'm talking about a better world on planet earth. this is a world tainted with the sin of mankind, but there's a coming world when there'll be no more crime, when there'll be no more poverty, when there'll be no sickness, when death will happen only very seldom. one of these days, when jesus comes back, and the tribulation is over, christ will set up his kingdom on this earth. "the wolf will lie down with the lamb, "and the leopard will lie down with the young goat,
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there's a sinister side of ai and destroying the lives of young women across the globe. a run of the mill photo of anyone including your minor children, your daughter, can easily be manipulated with ai into looking like a pornographic video. this is happening all across the country and it's so hideous that it motivated senators from both sides of the aisle to try to do something about it. senator cruze joins me now along with one of the victims you just
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heard about. elston, someone took a photo off what, your social media and added a naked body to it? how did this make you feel and how many people do you think actually saw this photo in your friend group? >> well, i mean, the student that did it took an innocent picture on my social media. he used something to strip my clothing off. my classes is around 600 students, so my entire school of 2400 students had seen these images, and they were on social media for nine months. >> jesse: senator cruze, first of all, thank you for stepping in with amy and trying to do something about this. what does your legislation do? are there criminal penalties involved? >> there are. first of all, i think she has
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enormous bravery. she testified at a hearing for the commerce committee. another 15-year-old girl from new jersey testified along side her. this is happening all over the country. elston is a texan from north texas. we are seeing up to 95% of the deepfakes on-line are non-consensual intimate imagery, taking real people and making them appear to be in neighborhood pictures or video. my legislation makes it a crime, makes it a felony to do this to a real person, to target and on thefy and abuse -- objectify people. the legislation also puts a legal obligation on the tech platforms to take this garbage down within 48 hours of being notified by the victim. elston, snapchat had her pictures up for nine months. they didn't take them down until my office called them directly and said take this garbage down now. this legislation would give
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every victim the legal right to get it taken down immediately. >> laura: okay. this is like the stuff that pornhub likes to be in favor of. i imagine the aclu will be fighting this legislation in court. elston, very, very quickly, i'm talking, like, 15 seconds, sorry it's so short tonight, we'll have you back, what do you say to young girls out there who have been victimized? >> i mean, i just want to say that you're not alone. i mean, this is what the government is supposed to do, listen, and protect the people. and this bill is giving not only me, but every victim a voice and it's just so validating to know that this is what is supposed to happen. >> laura: this is not -- this is not acceptable under any -- in any way, shape, or form, senator, elston, you are brave. thank you very much for speaking out. we'll continue on this topic. up next, jesse watters. welcome to "jesse watters primetime." tonight... >> you say the
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