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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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noon. >> bret: great. good to see you. he is so good. tomorrow on "special report," fox news polls how voters feel about the trump transition. >> the president-elect cabinet nominations, key issues and their exceptions. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. in the west coast. follow me on instagram at bret baier also on x the same at bret baier. happy to be on capitol hill tonight. our thanks to the speakers office thanks to joe manchin and chad pergram. thanks for inviting us into your home be in coming days another place in washington. that's it for "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. ingraham angle is coming up now.
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♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. >> i'm laura ingraham this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. as always, thank you very much for spending time with us. my angle in moments. first, the ivy league grad accused of murdering united healthcare ceo brian thompson shouted and actually wrestled with police today as he was led into court.
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[shouting? >> [the intelligence of the american people. >> inside the courtroom, 2 #-year-old luigi mangione in ju3 he may have suffered some sort of back injury. he was posting an x-ray on his social media showing numerous screws being inserted into his spine. some of the writings that he had. he was discussing the difficulty
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of sustaining that injury. so we are looking into whether or not insurance industry he denied a claim from him. didn't help him out to the fullest extent. >> laura: actually saw the x-ray of his spine with these screws in it. according to the "wall street journal" mangione's family and friends became worried about him after that back surgery he went radio silent. one friend tried to reach him on x hey, man, i need to you call me. i don't know if you are okay or in just a super isolated place but i haven't heard from you in months. another posted in october hey, are you okay?
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nobody has heard from you in months apparently your family is looking for you. his uncle jerry o'keefe spoke to the "new york post" saying it's a shock for all of us. i can't say anything more. we don't know anything more than what's been reported in the media. joining me now is jason a retired supervisory agent and richard staropoli a u.s. marshal. richard, breaking just moments ago, fox news has obtained the police report that details the manifesto, mangione wrote that he went after the ceo because, quote: it's targeted, precise
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and doesn't risk innocence and that he chose with an event that literally extracts human life for money. the hit is a real blow to the company financials. richard, those are the words of a suspected killer. and it would lead people to believe in just at first glance, that perhaps he was someone who had united healthcare as his insurer at one point? >> i think that's correct concludes. disday for corporate america. interesting if you think about it. if it wasn't for corporate
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america and the fact his gain could gain affluence through business dealings. this kid would have never been able to go to back to the 1960sd structural problems that the 60's, i guess, radicalism, kind of laid bear. your reaction to that from his former roommate? >> i think it's interesting when you know someone you know them in your context. when someone goes down the pathway of violence they have different realities than you knew when they were there before. as you heard the chief of d say earlier they got to go and piece cases together.
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search warrants for social media. not the public facing messages but the private facing messages that will tell the story even more as they begin to still investigate this case. the case is not over yet. just getting started as far as that part of it goes. >> laura: richard, a lot of people asking tonight, why the seeming reluctance on the part of people who knew him well, his family and other close friends, at least close friends growing up. as far as we know, weren't the ones who alerted authorities to, you know, to him or his possible presence somewhere. now, maybe they contacted police. but right now we don't know that. but, those questions do remain. they obviously recognize their
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own son in those photos. there's no way they didn't. would you not recognize the eyes of your child? >> i think that's exactly right. it's not uncommon. any fugitive manhunt i have ever been, in right, more often than not, when do you have a photograph, it is in fact the family that can recognize this person first. but they are also the ones that most reluctant to make that phone call to the police. because no one wants to turn in a family member except in the most heinous of situations. right, i very rarely have encountered that. of course they recognize them. and they probably had some inkling that something was amiss here.
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they may not have been aware that he was going to go to new york and actually shoot somebody on the streets. i'm sure they were pretty much tuned in to what his ideologies were. what his thought process was. and possibly some sort of mental status that led them to believe, hey, this kid may be headed down a dark path here. and that's how things unfolded. >> jason we are learning tonight from reporting in the "new york post" something that perhaps makes this case even nor tragic and ironic. apparently the suspect's grandfather donated more than a million dollars to the greater
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baltimore medical center. the mangione family foundation ago rolling stone -- rock star treatment featuring him on its july cover it. read how a popular promising student was failed by his family, fell into radical islam and became a monster this after he and his brother killed three and injured 200 in boston. the blowback to that was instant. there were boiskts the magazine and the general media reaction was discussed. even cnn at the time wasn't amused. this was one headline. rolling stone cover of bombing suspect called slap to boston. but fast-forward to present day and once again reacting to another violent crime the murder of the united healthcare ceo liberal wackos are treating suspected killer luigi mangione as a folk hero. first by salivating over his italian good looks.
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>> beachy. all i can say is momma mia. does he need a mario. momma, i'm in love with a criminal. ♪ suddenly you call my name ♪ fall after the moon. >> they have the wrong guy and yeah, we are doing everything we can to get him out of this. so, please keep praying for my boyfriend. >> laura: some are even selling merch and doing lookalike contests. snl got into the act joking how is he not just an alleged killer but is he also a flirt. >> police say they were able to get the smiling picture of the suspect after the man apparently was caught on camera at a local hostel. >> cnn also made sure to focus on the suspected killer's looks. acknowledging that they probably
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shouldn't. >> we were watching the top of the segment driven by the fact this is an attractive. >> drop the banner to show why. >> it is deeply troubling that we are celebrating this person who has committed cold blooded murder because he clearly went to the gym. >> laura: at least she is saying it i guess it's very awkward. worse than obsessing over his physical attributes is the actual praise for the murder itself. >> i do believe in the sea of life. that's why i felt with so many other americans, joy, unfortunately. >> joy? >> because it felt. >> serious? joy the man's execution, would that make you even more joyful. >> no. that would not. >> why not? why. >> because joy, unfortunately. >> joy? >> because it felt.
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>> serious? joy the the reaction of one studio audience to the news that mangione had been caught. >> today they did appear to catch that guy today at a mcdonald's in altoona, pennsylvania. [applause] [boos] >> look, i'm sorry, guys. apparently a by stander at the mcdonald's ratted him being tooh
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in criticizing these vile characters of the left making too much of it. shouldn't we feel some empathy? after all, who doesn't hate health insurance companies? >> there is nuances, right? a journalist, politicians, you . seen and heard that's right stelter? you know who isn't seen or heard anymore? brian thompson the united healthcare ceo who left behind a
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family. apparently we are all supposed to be searching for a deeper meaning in those standing in solidarity with the cold blooded killer. >> is it a desperation when it comes to the behemoth of the health insurance agency nihilism in the culture. >> it is sort of a frustration and desperation of not really knowing how to there, there you also have a victim who determined did not deserve to
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continue living, right? >> no, no,. >> yeah, tell me. >> no, that's not. >> tell me which vigilante action is okay? >> one is being proactive, right? so this kid who executed someonn reddit saying honestly, i'm not wishing anyone harm but when you have spent so much time and made so much money by increasing the suffering of the humanity around you, it's hard for me to summon
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empathy that you died. people feel disaffected. they feel very angry. they feel cheated. they feel that there is no way that they can participate in the snl in a fair way. >> laura: that goes to the heart of the matter, doesn't it? a perceived injustice that this killer was fighting against. now, we have heard the same rhetoric and it was used in justifying the blm riots, the harassment against conservative supreme court justices. the threats against pro-life institutions. those were noble causes.
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and, of course, the extreme villainization against donald trump and his supporters. and now 14 years after we were told that obamacare was going to fix health insurance, the industry is the villain. so the guy who killed a prominent industry ceo becomes an anti-capitalist safer today u are seeing in print and on
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television about mangione. and if you feel less safe, more on edge, the rabid radicals on the left have already the left have already accomplished an important goal of theirs.dr mangioney isn't a hero. is he a zero.on taand as a new york jury found,s daniel penny isn'ts a killer, he's a good samaritan and that's the angle. danny penny speaks for the first
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time since his acquittal and yes, we have the exclusive clips. ♪
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♪ >> laura: for the first time hence his acquittal daniel penny is speaking out in fox nation exclusive. >> what caused to you want to get involved? >> i mean, i'm not a confrontational person. i don't really extend myself. this type of thing is very uncomfortable, all this attention and limelight. very uncomfortable. i would prefer without it. i didn't want any type of attention or praise or and i still don't. the guilty would have felt if someone did get hurt, if he did do what he was threatening to do, would never be able to live with myself and i'll take a million court appearances and people call me names and people
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hating me just to keep one of those people from getting hurt or killed. >> laura: wow. how many of us could say the same thing? that's what i was thinking earlier today? if we were physically able? would we have tried to help protect fellow passengers in a similar situation as daniel penny found himself in? it's an uncomfortable question that we might all ask ourselves tonight. now, thank the good lord that justice ended up prevailing here. but that did not is stop the hard left from trying to inject some racial poison into this situation. >> it was foolish of us to think that a black man would get justice in a system designed to keep him oppressed. there is no one coming to save black people. >> we need some black vigilantes. >> that's right. >> people want to jump up and choke us? and kill us for being loud? how about we do the same when
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they attempt to oppress us? >> joining us now brandon tatum, former police officer, brandon, great to see you. you heard that gentleman just said. no one is coming to rescue black people. people are just basically grabbing black people. was this about race? >> first off say thank you for bringing me on. i want everybody that's watching this to know not all of us who are male think like that guy and we are crazy. we are not crazy. we have common sense. this was only racialized when it comes to daniel penny because if he was a black man, choking another black man, or whatever the case would be, we wouldn't hear about it. i wouldn't be on the news talking about it. nobody would hear anything about a trial tore anything of that nature. they only make this about race because it was a black man and presumably a white go who committed the offense. clearly the jury prevailed in this case and they did not find him guilty. they found him to be innocent of
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these charges. so, these activists who are extremely disingenuous in their approach are just making something up so they can continue to grift. black people can be on the train and yell and raise their voice if you want to. what you can't do is threaten to kill people and have overt actions in that direction that you think that a person who is upstanding citizen is not going to protect other people. you must be crazy. and i will say this. most americans aren't crazy. >> well, and i think when you listen to daniel penny, and this next exclusive clip, that we have from fox nation. you'll hear more about what was really happening inside that train. watch. >> you were just threatening to kill people. he was threatening to go to jail forever. go to jail for the rest of his life. and now where i'm on the ground with him. i'm on my back in a very vulnerable position. i just would have let go, now he turns. >> judge jeanine: why is that a vulnerable position? >> well, if i just let him go,
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i'm on my back now he can just turn around and start doing what he said to me. so. >> judge jeanine: killing? >> killing. hurting. >> laura: i think it's a good point, brandon, not people have really grappled with it. he didn't know whether he had a knife or armed in any way. so he was putting his own life in jeopardy. no record. he has no record, daniel penny. he served as an honorable and marine and seems like a wonderful, very humble person. but he put his own life in jeopardy, which as christians we are supposed to lay down our lives if necessary and love our neighbor. i think he was actually trying to love his neighbors and unfortunately it ended up resulting in another individual's death. but, that's an amazing young man, in my view. >> well, i think that daniel penny's actions were heroic. and the heroic doesn't have anything to do with the fact that jordan neely died. heroic has to do with the fact
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that he stood up when no one else would to protect other people who were vulnerable. this guy was schizophrenic. he was high on synthetic marijuana and as a former police officer i have dealt with people who are on k 2 spice synthetic marijuana. and they are outrageously strong and do a lot of damage to you if you don't restrain them. so daniel penny was doing what other real men should be doing and that's restraining this guy until law enforcement get there i honestly believe if they supported law enforcement and law enforcement had the funding to be on the train, citizens wouldn't have to step up and restrain individuals. this guy was arrested 41 times. he had assaulted two other women on that train. breaking a woman's eye orbital. this guy is a dangerous criminal high on drugs. daniel penny my opinion is a hero. i wish i could wear a shirt there goes my hero for daniel penny. the only reason i feel that way because they demonized this man so much. he has honorably served in the military in this country and did what any person should do and that is protect a man who is
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vowing to kill people and saying he don't care if he go to jail or not. what do you expect the man to do? and i think he did what was right. >> laura: brandon, we have missed you. great to see you tonight. thank you so much. coming up, trump's nominees take over capitol hill. we will tell you where things stand. alina habba is next. ♪
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national intelligence tulsi gabbard and president donald trump bashar al-assad could split his exile time between here and moscow. >> laura: that's so funny, joining me now alina habba, incoming counselor to the president alina congratulations for upcoming appointment. they are accusing pull is i being apology polling just for the now man who has fled syria, of course, bashar al-assad. it looks like both. >> of course. >> laura: with tulsi and with pete hegseth this stuff doesn't seem to be sticking. am i reading this right? >> are you saying that perhaps they could create a dossier or say that there is a russia, russia hoax and continue it for years on end? i don't believe it, laura. yeah, no kidding. this is what they do when they are desperate. we know. this these are really strong candidates with really amazing background. it's amazing to me, especially,
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that they are picking on the people that have served our country in an amazing way. it look at their history, tulsi andof course you pick somebody h fox or somebody who had a picture with putin once. what exactly do you think their jobs were? their jobs were exactly that to have relationships, to form them and to fight them and fight for the american people. that doesn't make you a sympathizer with our enemies. but this is the narrative. we're used to it, laura. just buckle up. we're just getting started yeah. they are fighters every single one of them we fully back and support president trump's picks. >> laura: lindsey graham people are wondering which way he was going to go on some of these nominations he said today that he thinks these nominees have, quote: turned the corner alina and he also said that the longer they basically stay in, they hang in and president trump said to pete, fight, fight, fight. the longer they hang, in the
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likelier it is these confirconfirmation are going too through even though some of the hearings as cornyn said might get ugly. >> president trump has been clear he stands behind his nominations he has said that they are out there on the hill talking to people, sitting down, going through the confirmation process. answering tough questions in person. allowing people to get to know them. that's what we do. unlike kamala for instance, who was just appointed, you know, by night in the most undemocratic way we have ever seen. that is not the way we operate. they are using the american system, our constitution, the process, the separation of powers correctly. and president trump has urged them to let people get to know why he is selected them. because when they sit down, they will understand and we are seeing a turn. every single one of them. i know kash is on his way out there next week to do the same. that's only so that they can expose themselves because they have nothing to hide. his nominations are amazing. i have no doubt that they will all go through. >> laura: people who are
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actually going to shake up a system that is rotten to the core in many ways and that's a threats to. they alina chris landau is deputy secretary of state. harmeet dhillon as assistant a.g. for civil rights. harmeet, they are going after her because what else are they going to say a sikh american who is an amazing brilliant woman. also a dear friend i have to say. these are great picks. great, great people. and alina, we are so happy for you. congratulations, come back soon. don't be too big of a big shot now that you don't come back. all right, alina, thank you. >> no way. it's my job to be here. thanks. >> laura: all right. thanks, girls. mystery drones flying near a military facility and trump's bedminster golf course what we know, next. ♪ chris! keke! ready tycoons? it's go time! cash grab! keke, i won again? ow! daddy will be back soon.
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♪we can secure our world.♪ ♪when it's time to update an app,♪ ♪don't you hesitate, do it asap.♪ learn more at ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ >> these are all drones in the sky is. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. >> passing each other. i mean how do they [bleep] not know what is going on. >> stop cursing. >> laura: dozens of drones have been spotted flying over new jersey. you probably heard about this. including near trump's bedminster golf club and the
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pick knit ninny hospital research and manufacturing facility. whose drones are they why are they being deployed bureau is actively investigating woe could not adistribute that to a group. i don't have an answer for that. >> laura: what do they have an answer for over at the fbi. whoever purchased these drones and direct them above sensitive sites, they are doing so for a reason? but, don't worry, democrat governor phil murphy says relax. >> we don't see any concern for public safety. we had last night 49 sightings. these are apparently very -- as i understand it very sophisticated. the minute you get eyes on them. they go dark. >> >> laura: he doesn't believe what anyone is saying. is that supposed to be a joke. joining me now steve rogers,
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former police lt. and naval officer and heritage foundation senior fellow. navy captain. what do you think of governor murphy's flippant response there. >> it's flippant and totally unacceptable. we are about six to eight years into this dilemma. with these drones gone wild. across the country and certainly monitoring our military activities. if you go back to 2018's legislation which was a topic of the hearing today. but, better answers, better counter measures are long past due. >> and, steve, given all your experience on the force police officers have a limited ability to respond to this. but i mean i know just regular people watching this tonight are wondering can there -- why are we dismissing that these could actually endanger people on the ground or sensitive sites. >> we shouldn't dismiss
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anything. all my years of military intelligence, i could tell you, laura, we have the most sophisticated intelligence gathering instruments on the face of this earth. i don't buy this explanation we don't know who they are we can't answer this or that. with regard to governor murphy's statement how does he know there is no threat? has he been told something that the public has not been told? i'm beginning to believe that maybe somehow it's our government that may be involved in some testing of these drones. now, i don't have that as a fact. but short of them giving us information, what conclusion do you really come to? >> bret: brent, could these drones be in some way weap weaponized? absolutely even the small drones buy over the internet or online. what is killing russian soldiers in ukraine right now. absolutely can you weaponize these with things off the shelf and get at your store like the k-mart down the street. the other thing that's important. there is several different size of these drones that are being reported. the small ones, there is a history there that ties back to
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china that i think is worth bringing up. just this week you had a chinese national arrested for operating one of these small drones in and around vandenberg air force base during a space launch. >> laura: this reminds me a little bit different facts, obviously. but steve of the surveillance balloon. remember we were told initially the chinese -- that was nothing and then we saw it flying over the united states and it turns out it was a foe sis at this indicated surveillance operation that had already if i had back information to china. a lot of information before we actually destroyed it. so, again, the dismissive response from governor murphy, i find that appalling, really quickly. >> well, i do, too. because not only could they arm these drones with bombs, they could certainly use cheption on these drones. dismiss nothing. but send the helicopters up, send our drones up. the satellites could track them. how about getting straight with the american people. let us know what is going on. >> laura: yeah. how about some actual facts.
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they did the same thing with ufos denied those for years. now maybe there is something to that steve and bret, thank you both. jay-z named in a new yid lawsuit. trolls him while biden christmassy role. "seen and unseen" with raymond arroyo, next. narrator: for generations, this ally to the north has been by your side. ontario, canada, a partner connected by shared history, shared values, and a shared vision for what we can achieve together.
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we reveal the stories behind the headlines. we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. there is a new ditty lawsuit which includes jay z. >> defendant sean combs, along with shaun carter jay z, drugged and raped a 13 cleared following the 2000 video awards. another celebrity they claim stood by and watched as combs and carter took turns assaulting the minor. now jay z is vehemently denying these charges, laura. he claims this entire suit is
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extortion. the lawyers firing back with jay z's attempting to intimidate he and his client, but the most interesting thing is the wider reaction to this. teena knowles, beyoncé's mother and jay z's mother-in-law liked a post reporting the lawsuit. >> laura: then she came out and said she was hacked and it wasn't she. who did this. >> that's correct. yeah. she even appeared with the carters later at an event. but 50 cent posted this. okay, i don't know what's going on, but are we going to still have are a super bowl? i'm just asking for a friend. now, remember, jay z's rock nation produces the super bowl half-time show. and fifty seems to be calling for a rethink here. look, fifty cent's been a long-time credit of of ditty, even producing a netflix docuseries. >> did he do it, right? you've been heavy on social media. >> he did it. i'm the only one who's been vocal about this long before it actually happened. also didn't participate.
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i also didn't go to those parties. a lot of the celebrity culture, they're not saying anything because they participated. >> very -- you know, this is -- let me tell you, there's a federal lawsuit against combs -- ditty combs and you've got dozen of other lawsuits. they keep stacking up and the names attached to, it i think, are going to continue to get bigger and bigger as we go along. >> laura: he's demanding her name be revealed. jay z. biden seems to be catching the christmas spirit, raymond, or maybe is it a cold? >> he looks like he joined a travelling company of "a christmas carol." you're no ghost, you're an undigested piece of rocky road. when he started speaking at the tree lighting ceremony the other night, he seemed to be auditioning for another christmas carol role. >> merry christmas, everyone. there you go.
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[ cheering ] my wish for you and for the nation, now and always, merry christmas to you will an of you. may god bless you all. >> god bless us, everyone. he's suddenly tiny joey. politically he's closer to marley. he's the lowest polling president in the most recent poll. why do they keep seng sending him out? it's embarrassing. >> laura: what are they going to do? he is the president. there's word tonight that -- just to make everybody feel good, taiwan is reporting a large chinese military force has moved closer to taiwan. that just came across the transom. they're saying this. china's saying this, maybe we'll get under the wire in taiwan. that's just happening. >> we want to calm the viewers. they can rest assured, watch this performance. this is from today earlier. biden seemed to need a christmas ghost to guide him through the speech or perhaps hand him a ros lozenge. >> this is only a 400-page
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speech. we helped vaccinate the nation. i want to thank you, glen... they just turned off my -- i lost the electricity here. anyway. >> he lost his prompter. poor soul. it was not good. >> laura: can you see the prompter right now? can you see me? where you are? >> yes. >> laura: from new orleans? >> i can see you. >> laura: how are you liking this plaid blazer? do you like it? does it actually look -- >> i thought pete hegs had left you a few summer blazers. didn't want to say anything. >> laura: i'm going to get you. >> i got to finish up the biden thing. biden gave 20 billion dollars in loans today to ukraine while he complains in that speech about the economic hardship of
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americans. then why don't you help bail them out and stop shovelling money to ukraine on your way out the door as you cough and babble through your speeches? >> laura: wait. remember, raymond, all roads, as he said last week, lead through angola. so he gave angola -- what was -- angola does have a really important port that china wants to dominate. it's a billion -- let's give them a billion there. hunter, any money? take it from the taxpayer. 738 million for ukraine and another billion. i mean, this is -- the poor people of north carolina are still suffering. wait a second. don't tell me about pete hegseth. >> looks like a summer blazer. save that for me when july comes. >> this is a very -- it's kind of unusual. but it's keep -- okay. i need the american flag pocket square, sam says. it's a keyton. i think it's kind of cool. raymond, i knew you were going to comment.
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thank you, raymond. all right. >> thank you. >> laura: if you follow me on instagram or "x," you guys saw photos over the weekend, a lot of you wanted more, of the barks, boots and bling gala at mar-a-lago on friday night. it was co-chaired by laura trump and lee and denise rizzuto who are amazing benefactors. we raised $4.8 million for laura simmons' dog rescue in florida to fund the operations of the largest no-kill cage-free shelter in the u.s. some of the adoptable dogs were there as well. i wanted all of them. laurie and her staff did an amazing job. they do it out of love. consider helping dogs who need help, especially at the holidays. judge piro was there. we had a great crowd. pam bondi was there. all our friends at big ranch, thanks for what you do. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." tonight... >> jeff bezos told me we're


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