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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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>> laura: if you follow me on instagram or "x," you guys saw photos over the weekend, a lot of you wanted more, of the barks, boots and bling gala at mar-a-lago on friday night. it was co-chaired by laura trump and lee and denise rizzuto who are amazing benefactors. we raised $4.8 million for laura simmons' dog rescue in florida to fund the operations of the largest no-kill cage-free shelter in the u.s. some of the adoptable dogs were there as well. i wanted all of them. laurie and her staff did an amazing job. they do it out of love. consider helping dogs who need help, especially at the holidays. judge piro was there. we had a great crowd. pam bondi was there. all our friends at big ranch, thanks for what you do. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." tonight... >> jeff bezos told me we're
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having dinner. mark zuckerberg berg asked to have dinner. i'm having dinner with everybody. people like me now. >> jesse: well, well, well. look who's coming to dinner. >> would you have come to dinner with me if i lost? i think the answer is no. >> they lost and put themselves in a bubble. such an echo chamber they don't even know what people outside of that bubble and echo chamber are talking about. >> jesse: how democrats get out of their bubble. >> i felt along with so many other americans joy unfortunately. >> jesse: joy? serious? >> i mean -->> jesse: joy a man's execution? the media celebrating the healthcare hitman. >> why the [ bleep ] are you laughing all the time? >> shine bright like a cold sore. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: there's something lingering around washington and watch out. it might be contagious.
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>> i have trump derangement syndrome. i'm very proud. i don't want to get rid of it. i can't stand him. >> jesse: there might be something else going around. >> yep, everybody, it's a cold sore. there you have it. stress can do horrible things. >> why are you stressed? >> a lot of reasons. i completely believe there are other sentient beings in the world that we are not it in this universe. we are not the only people. and they're showing up and they're showing up now in numbers that have never been recorded before. i would love to say i got it from making out with some really sexy people, but it's not the case. i'm going to put on my ab reeva on my cold sore. there it is. shine bright like a cold sore. shine bright like a cold sore. >> jesse: democrats are going to have to go back into quarantine.
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some of them are already social distancing. tim walz daughter is giving taking the advice. she says stay six feet away if a guy does this. >> a litmus test for me and my friends for years now has been if the guy we're talking to follows joe rogan on instagram, they're a red flag and we should probably stop talking to them. >> jesse: they haven't learned a thing. they're still living in a bubble that popped five weeks ago. >> they put themselves in a bubble. when they put themselves in such a bubble and he can o echo chamber, they don't know what people outside of that are talking about. i was having this conversation with them. i was saying that, you know, man -- i was saying it publicly too. i said, i feel like a lot of the energy and the enthusiasm that exists for the vice-president is largely within the party. it's largely within that bubble. >> jesse: democrats, when they talk to their butcher, their doorman, their driver, their dry cleaner, they never noticed none
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of these people made a point about their pronouns. i'll have two rib eyes. excuse me! it's she/her. they never notice that had never happened? the raging cajun says, what are you stupid? >> we're not here to be a debating society. we're not here to score debate points. we're not here to advocate unpopular things, although we think they're the right thing to do. we're really here to win god [ bleep ] elections. that's why we exist. so wait a minute. if you have an idea, and no one talks about it, you still insist that it was a good idea, it doesn't make any sense. if it was a good idea, popular, people would talk about it. don't come tell me this identity language, this silly dictionary crap that people engaged in wasn't a political liability. it clearly was.
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this was a political stupidity on a level that's self-inflicted. >> jesse: after raiding trump's house, staging a coup and pardoning hunter, they lost whatever moral high ground they claimed to have had. now even como trust them. >> you are creating an impression of a standard you never had any intention of holding up yourself. the democrats have proven the problem with their actions. those new york cases, charlie, were crap. and they only brought them to try to slow down trump. we both know it. and what they did with kamala harris is proof that they don't give a [ bleep ] about any higher standard. they didn't even allow for democratic process in their own stupid little club. where they can do whatever they want. >> jesse: it's more than just an issue of not trusting democrats. americans can't even hear them. because their delivery vehicle's broken.
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kamala's campaign says the party structure is basically a tear-down. >> from the left our amplification ecosystem is the mainstream media in hollywood and the mainstream media in hollywood don't really mess with us -- they're not like actually allies. and they're not where these voters who don't want to pay attention to politics are. we're sitting here at harvard at a big event with the mainstream media and this is voters out there that we actually needed to reach are not seeing this at all. they're not seeing mainstream media at all. and, you know, i think fundamentally, we have a mismatch between the amplification engine of the left and the media of this moment which is increasingly alternative anti-establishment. >> jesse: democrats are alone. now they're broke. kamala blew through $2 billion and left her party in debt. so the donors turned to the tight wads. joe might never break ground on this presidential library. and now we're hearing he's
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canceled from the speaking circuit. >> biden may never live to see the building library in part because of his age but also because he's going to have trouble raising money and i don't know, is he going to get a big book deal? is he going to get paid speeches? like, he's about to go from a guy who was a senior senator for decades then vice-president and then briefly but then back as president. it isn't going to be a shock to the testimony system. you think he's feeling irrelevant now is? he's going to be in for a rude awakening and i'm not sure he's going to be equipped if he wants attention. >> jesse: who's going to pay 300 grand to hear biden talk for an hour? who? besides the chinese. biden already has one foot out the door and at this point, he's more worried about his own legacy than he is about mending fences. sources inside the biden world says biden stunt doesn't think he owes anything to a party that launched a mutiny against his presidential bid. today the guy took a victory lap
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for biden omics. >> four years later we have proof the playbook is working. within the first two months of office i signed the american recovery package in history. i also learned something about triple donald trump. he signed checks for $7400 for people and i didn't. it was stupid. >> jesse: if biden had put his name on the checks he would have won? that's what he's saying? if bidennomics was so great, why did the democrats get wiped out? biden's leaving and the top three words voters use to describe him: old, falling and inflation. that's according to a survey by the daily mail. the party elders are toast. biden's going to live in disgrace in delaware. pelosi, i'm not going to say she's passed her prime. i would never say that about a woman. but let's just say she should spend more quality time. bill clinton, me too-ed.
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hillary, couldn't even sell her play over here on broadway. so the democrats are faced with a choice, trump derangement syndrome or come for the king. journalist john cass says to move forward, democrats must oust obama. this is his mess. he orchestrated the coup. he installed kamala and his whole team. now the party's in shambles. even his hometown's over it. a lifelong chicago democrat says i think barack was already finished, already old news. democrats don't have to find somebody to take him out. he's already taken himself out. cass says trump had the guts to pull the bush dynasty and their endless wars out of the gop by the roots. and in november, the republicans pulled off a sweep. will a democrat with trumpian guts emerge to challenge obama's influence? over the democrats? former speaker. house, kevin mccarthy, is here. so how about that strategy? is someone going to come for
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barack hussein obama? >> it's the only way the democrats can save themselves. i will tell you this. this is my prediction. that a year from now, it will come forward that a few bidens actually vote the for trump. you know that they did. and the democrats are so far in debt, the first place they should go is back to all the movie stars that they paid, especially sharpton and the others, to get et endorsement that obama told them to have. give that money back to the party. >> jesse: i mean, oprah. they got to knock on her door. al. >> a million dollars. >> jesse: beyoncé. was she involved? i mean, i think she did -- >> springsteen was involved and he's a billionaire. now jay z may need it for an attorney. i don't know. >> jesse: alleged. so tell me about this other concept they have. they're in a bubble. they're trying to realize how they got into the bubble. and how to get out of the
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bubble. does it look like they're making progress? >> no, they won't make progress for a while. they'll be out in the wilderness. but someone's going to have to emerge and they're going to have to fight through it. but it's not that it's just going to happen because remember, these progressives, these socialists, these ivy leagues, they control this party. remember what they did. not only did they control the party, they changed the system. they don't go to iowa to start out no ier. it's south carolina. they don't let you challenge somebody. they literally pushed rfk and tulsi to become republicans. they made their own problem even greater. they helped us elect donald trump by doing those frivolous lawsuits against him. it elevated him. brought people and united their opposition against him. > jesse: i forgot about how they rigged the primaries against bernie. they did it to him. they tried to tee up joe by getting iowa out of there. and they screwed over new hampshire too. don't forget about new hampshire. so they have a nasty record of
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just wrecking the rules to push their people to the top, screw the voters. screw the people. >> the voters don't get to pick who it is. it's pelosi and obama. and why is pelosi still around? it's unbelievable. it's helpful to us but it's done so much damage and she sits back and wanted to gloat how strong she was. but she destroyed the party. >> jesse: so you're feeling pretty good, mccarthy, aren't you? >> well, i got to be on jesse's show. >> jesse: it's the pinnacle. have a great night. >> see you soon. >> jesse: trump seems pretty serious about conquering canada. plus we have the healthcare hitman's roommate and his manifesto straight ahead.
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>> jesse: just a month the >> jesse: just a month the biden-harris night (ominous music) (bubbles rising) (diver exhaling) (music intensifies)
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(diver yells) (shark roars) - whoa. (driver gasps) (car tires screech) (pedestrian gasps) (both panting) (gentle breeze) - [announcer] eyes forward. don't drive distracted. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: the biggest names in the world are flying down to mar lago to break bread with trump.
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>> jeff bezos called me. we're having dinner. as you know, mark zuckerberg came in, we had a really nice dinner. he asked to have dinner. i had dinner with him. i'm having dinner with him. people like me now. something going on. i said, would you have come to dinner with me if i lost? i think the answer is no. i said it kiddingly, because i don't want to sound foolish. but i say, jokingly, wow have been here at dinner if i lost and the answer was probably not. i'm getting called by everybody. it's very interesting. it's different than the first. when i won the first time, i wasn't nearly as popular as this. >> jesse: billionaires are fighting to be trump's best friend. elon musk, first place already. the rumor is that musk is looking to buy a hundred million dollar penthouse west palm beach. right now we're hearing he's crashing at a villa at the club. the business community wants influence because trump's about
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to turbo charge the economy. quote, "any person or company investing $1 billion or more in the united states of america will receive fully expedited approvals and permits. get ready to rock." it's going to be a good four years for america buchlt first trump needs to get some of our allies in check. canada has to fix their border and trade barriers. trump told trudeau that if he doesn't get it together on the 25% tariff. and turn canada into a state. trudeau can be governor. today, the president put out this statement, "it was a pleasure to have dinner the other night with governor justin trudeau of the great state of canada. i look forward to seeing the governor again soon so that we may continue our in-depth talks on tariff and trade and the results of which will be truly spectacular for all." canadians aren't loving the idea of being conquered. >> to the extent that this 51st state thing was a joke, it's not
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funny and i find that pursuing it on social media makes me increasingly nervous. mr. trump has -- we have to be very, very careful with the president-elect. >> jesse: trudeau doesn't want to be governor. okay. he wants to be mr. tough guy. >> we will of course, as we did eight years ago, respond to unfair tariffs in a number of ways and we're still looking at the right ways to respond. we put tariffs on bourbon and harley davidsons and playing cards and heinz ketchup and cherries and a number of other things that were very carefully targeted. >> jesse: a bunch of truckers nearly brought canada's economy to its knees. the governor's not as powerful as he thinks he is. but this is all just bluster and posturing before they sit down to negotiate. and besides, building a stronger economy, trump wants to build more statues. quote, "america is going to start building monuments to our
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great heroes and heroins again." i would like to put my name in for the running for a statue. i prefer marble. but trump didn't have to do any of this. he could just be golfing in florida for the rest of his life. instead he got indicted four times, impeached twice, and shot in the ear. and he won't even let you pay him for it. >> are you planning to accept a salary as president? >> i'm not going to accept a salary, no. and i'm giving up a lot of money, you know. the president gets about $450,000 a year. and i didn't take it. >> i'm going to ask you again -- >> i got no credit for that. that's okay. not one president has done that. i would have assumed roosevelt would not have accepted salary or kennedy, kennedy family is rich. i would have assumed that -- i'm the only president that they say they think the george washington, but those records aren't too good. >> jesse: michael dunne can and john ashbrook are co-hosts of "the ruthless" podcast. how are you guys doing?
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>> doing great. so good. >> jesse: are you kind of liking that canada's nervous? >> i'll tell you, jesse, we take canadian relations very seriously at the ruthless podcast and one event we watch closely every summer is an opportunity for canada to prove that they're something other than america's hat. it's called the nhl playoffs. they haven't won a stanley cup in thirty years in ice hockey. if they can't beat us in ice hockey, no way they'll beat us in trade. >> jesse: it's not even funny because if we did take them over, we would never lose another winter olympics. we would get skaters and skiers. >> that's absolutely true. connor mcdavid is a heck of a hockey player. so there's something in this for us. but i mean, big words from the poutine prince ling, trudeau, up there in canada talking about putting a tariff on heinz ketchup. i mean, what's next? we can retaliate with poutine and maple syrup, right. >> he's going to weigh in on the bacon market.
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>> jesse: heinz ketchup. john kerry doesn't even work for this administration. donald trump took a couple of shots at the media. listen. >> the press has to straighten itself out because honestly it's lost all credibility. when that can happen, based on the press, i should have got no votes. none. and yet i got the highest number of. and the reason is because i'm able to go on a show own like yours, even though you're very hostile -- you are. >> hopefully you thought it was a fair interview. we covered a lot of policy ground. >> it's fair only in that you allowed me to say what i say. the answers to questions are pretty nasty. >> jesse: i leak how he's, like, you're a hostile sob, but i dominated you. we had a good time. >> i think donald trump revealed the theater of legacy mainstream media in this election. they like to think they have all the power and they set the agenda in washington and across the country. but look at all of the podcasts
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that donald trump went on in the run-up to this election. he has proved that their model of business is broken. >> jesse: john, your model, that's the wave of the future. >> well, that's what we try to do with the ruthless variety program which is what with we call it. we try to give people the truths. we tell people, we report, you decide. we coined that. what we do is try to provide information and that's not what the mainstream media has con for the last thirty years. they preach at people. they give sermons when any reader wants is information. >> jesse: all right. we'll add two stars to the flag and it's going to be fun. boys, we'll see you soon and down in d.c., behave yourselves. >> thanks. >> jesse: the healthcare hitman's roommate next. and we got our hands on the manifesto.
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>> jesse: fox news alert, the alleged healthcare hitman, luigi mangione, pled not guilty this afternoon and screamed at the media on his way to the
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courthouse. [ shouting ] >> that's an insult to the intelligence of the american people! >> jesse: lived experience? okay. his attorney says the cops got the wrong guy. >> you are under the impression or trying to defend the client on the fact that he is not the shooter? >> listen, i haven't seen any evidence that says that he's the shooter. >> jesse: when police picked him up, luigi had fake ids, a ghost gun with a silencer, ten grand in cash and a manifesto. what luigi says the cash was planted. >> prosecutors noted they found him with $8,000 in u.s. cash, $2,000 in foreign currency, his passport and also a faraday bag? at the end of his speech the prosecutor's speech, luigi mangione said i want to address two of the things that you said. he said, i don't know where that money came from. i'm not sure if it was planted.
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>> jesse: hmm. fox says it obtained exclusive passages from that manifesto which paint a picture of an injured guy with an axe to grind. luigi injured his back and lost feeling in a lots of his lower body. the manifesto reads as a skreed against the healthcare industry which is the most expensive in the world. he chose to kill ceo brian thompson outside the conference which he says, quote, literally extracts human life for money." frankly these parasites simply had it coming." luigi wrote that he went after thompson not the company itself, because, quote, "it's targeted, precise and doesn't risk innocence and will get him a news headline. he also wrote the hit is a real blow to the company financials. he also expressed reverence for the unabomber, ted kaczynski, saying he made some good points put was a serial killer which makes him a monster. luigi mangione wasn't your average guy. before getting two degrees from penn, he was valedictorian for
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maryland's most prestigious private school. >> as we embrace new, we won't forget the old. our friendships, values and memories will always stay with us. so to the class of 2016... a kind of class that only comes around once every fifty years, it's been an incredible journey and i simply can't imagine the last few years with any other group of guys. thank you. >> jesse: luigi comes from a wealthy italian family in maryland. his grandfather was a self-made multi-millionaire real estate developer. he was also known to rub elbows with powerful people in maryland nike nancy pelosi's father, the former mayor. how did a wealthy straight a valedictorian get arrested for murder? let's ask his friend, r.j. martin, who lived with luigi for a few months in honolulu. r r.j., did this guy do drugs?
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>> absolutely none that i was aware of. we were roommates for about six months at surfbreak living and the entire time that he lived at surfbreak, he was a great community member. he kind of followed by our values and our ethics to leave things better than you found them. he was always contributing, taking care of other people and even after he moved out, he came and hung out and contributed to the community, spearheaded a book club. he and i became closer friends, working out, going to yoga classes, playing volleyball. he's the kind of guy who was doing his best to take care of himself despite having some severe back pain and a severe issue. >> jesse: he had the back pain but was doing yoga and volleyball and messing around like that. was this affects his sex life? >> so he was athletic as long as he could be. i know there were days and perhaps even a week at a time
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where he was bedridden. so he was doing what he could when he could. i couldn't comment about his sex life or any of our roommates' sex life just out of respect for their privacy. >> jesse: i totally understand. so did he ever mention anything about the unabomber or any other radical ideas? >> so i mentioned one of the great ways he contributed to the surfbreak community was by spearheading a book club. and he presented a bunch of interesting books to read. i think we started with out liars by malcolm gladwell and a few texts in. i actually proposed we read -- half joked -- but read the unabomber manifesto. i always wanted to read it but never got around to it. so that was my suggestion. we had a normal discussion, debate around it. nothing that stood out at the time, no anger or no special affinity towards it. just, you know, thought provoking discussion.
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>> jesse: you suggested reading ted kaczynski's book? why were you interested in that? >> i have an academia background and i enjoy reading anything, right, left, middle, progressive, things about ancients, the future, and wanted to understand a little bit more about what he wrote, why he wrote it and maybe some historical talk on text around that. >> jesse: okay. there's a lot of academic books. that's just interesting that that tickled your fancy. did you turn him onto the you know unabomber? it sounds like it? >> i wouldn't say i turned him onto it. it was my selection for our book club. >> jesse: because the manifesto that we got our hands on cites that quite often. do you feel strange now that this guy you lived six months with is now been picked up on murder charges? >> i feel strange because he was a great friend and i consider him a close friend and that
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somebody who would assassinate somebody is completely incompatible with the person that i lived with, the person that i cooked meals with, the person that was part of book club and other activities. it's two completely different human beings. >> jesse: that's why i asked you if he took drugs because it looked like he snapped at some point and went haywire. but we'll see how it shakes out. r.j., thanks so much for coming on and sharing your insights about this disturbing story. really appreciate it. >> you're welcome. have a good night. >> jesse: so while luigi's facing murder charges, the left's treating him like a healthcare robin hood. sticking up for the little guy. >> i mean this, guy basically became the modern dammartin luther king. i wouldn't be surprised if there's statues of him in the near future or something. >> even though the guy got caught which is very unfortunate. at least he left a very powerful message and highlighted how terrible the healthcare system is in america. i think he'll go down as a hero in history. >> president biden, you know how you, like, pardoned hunter
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recently? is there any way anywhere you can pardon luigi mangione? for your final act in office? >> y'all say a murderer. i'm saying freedom fighter because y'all always want to act like you don't see what's going on until somebody does something radical. >> jesse: a little bit radical is like burning your bra. murder is a little different. luigi's an ivy leaguer with a social justice fetish. but a former columnist for "the washington post," tailor lorentz saying killing ceos in cold blood brings a smile to her face. >> i do believe in the sanctity of life and i think that's why i felt, along with so many other americans, joy, unfortunately. you know, because -- >> i could? serious? should they all be killed then, these healthcare executives? would that make you more joyful? >> no. that would not. >> why not? why are you laughing?
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>> because -- pierce -- >> you seem to find the whole thing hilarious. >> i find your question funny. >> a man's been murdered in the street. i don't find it funny at all. >> the loving and tolerant left is at it again, pierce. >> taylor, why the [ bleep ] are you laughing all the time? >> jesse: the murderer's making everyone talk about how america's healthcare system is broken. wasn't obama care supposed to fix that? why aren't the liberals talking about gun control? every time there's a high profile shooting that's their go-to move. i wonder why? luigi allegedly used a ghost gun but biden signed a bill cracking down on ghost guns. what happened with that? some people are clapping for this killer because of who he targeted. others just think luigi's a hunger. hunk. >> they're definitely framing luigi mangione for the murder of the unitedhealthcare. i live a couple of blocks. if a guy that hot was near my building, i would have sensed
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it. >> i regret i didn't go to u penn and visit the house. i could have been his bonnie. >> i never understood writing attractive letters to men who are in jail until i saw luigi. smart. he reads books. i like him. >> jesse: he's getting the ted bundy treatment. he's no stephen miller, but women can't seem to get enough of him. and guys. these guys think luigi's the good guy. but daniel penny is the bad one. so while they celebrated cold-blooded killer the so-called compassionate left is threatening daniel penny's life after his acquittal. listen. >> daniel penny, wherever you are today, you're put on notice. you're not welcome in new york! you're not allowed to walk these streets! we patrol them. not the nypd! not your security! this is our town!
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you're not safe here, homey. pack your [ bleep ] and get out of town. >> jesse: daniel penny spoke to judge jeanine. >> the guilty i would have felt if someone did get hurt, if he did do what he was threatening to do would never be able to live with myself. and i'll take a million court appearances and people calling me names and people hating me just to keep one of those people from getting hurt or killed. he was just threatening to kill people. he was threatening to go to jail for the rest of his life, and now where i'm on the ground with him, i'm on my back, in a very vulnerable position, if i would have let go, now he turns -- >> why is that a vulnerable position? >> well, if i let him go, i'm on
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my back. he can turn around and start doing what he said to me. so -- >> killing? >> killing. hurting. >> jesse: visiting professor and global ambassador at north wood university, evolutionary behavioral scientist and best selling author of "the parasitic mind" doctor is here. let's start with the people who are attracted to this alleged murderer. what motivates that? >> so i think it's a misfiring of the attraction to the bad boy archetype. as you mentioned earlier, there are some women who will wait in line to get a shot at meeting ted bundy or richard ramírez, the night stalker, or charles manson. so it is evolutionarily appropriate for some women to be attracted to the bad boy type. but in this case, it's an exaggeration of that attraction and so i think that's exactly what's happening here.
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he's the damaged guy which through my guiding love i could reform him which is the narrative of every romance novel that's ever been written. >> jesse: save the bad boy. right. and turn him into a good guy. only you can do it. tell me about the people that feel like this was some righteous act of vengeance against american capitalism. >> i mean, it's unbelievable that the left can lionize this guy, while as you said, prosecute daniel penny, right. so you are prosecuting heroism, you're pathologistizing masculinity but lionizing vigilante justice. a society that gets all of these factors confused is in a death spiral so thank god that donald trump won because hopefully he can fix some of these problems. >> jesse: what sets that in motion where you're trying to tear down masculinity and her would heism and trying to he will vigilante justice?
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>> if this case, the calculus of being attracted to luigi and prosecuting daniel penny is exactly the idea behind my next book which is "suicidal empathy." empathy is a beautiful thing and it makes evolutionary sense that we've evolved that emotion as a social species, but when it misfires, when it is misguided, when you care more about guatemalan illegal immigrants than american veterans, when you care more about a vigilante killer than a marine hero then maybe you need to take some classes with professor sadd to set you straight. >> jesse: i'm titillated about this next book already. we'll have to have you back. dr. sadd, thanks as always. >> cheers, thank you. >> jesse: breaking news on one of trump's assassins. that's straight ahead.
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biden-harris long national nightmare will come to an end.
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trump assassination task force just released their final report on the attempts made against the president-elect's life. the nearly 200-page report lists dozens of missteps taken by the secret service in keeping trump safe at butler. one recurring theme throughout
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the report was a clear lack of leadership. quote, "secret service personnel with little to no experience in advanced planning roles were given significant responsibility despite the july 13th event being held at a higher risk outdoor venue with line of sight issues. in addition to specific intelligence about long range threats." but it wasn't just butler. the report also reveals the secret service was well aware of the spot at trump international golf club that went on to become routh's sniper's nest. it was subject to vulnerabilities particularly related to the outer perimeter which the secret service had previously identified as a favourable position for potential snipers. both of these attempts have been shrouded in mystery and the last hope to know more about either of these gunmen comes from routh's trial. the american people were told that routh was a homeless drifter who didn't have a penny to his name but court filings
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reveal the overwhelming amount of technical electrical devices he had at his disposal. are you ready? at least 18 cell phones, three computers, three tablets, five external storage drives and an unknown number of on-line accounts. routh had a 4,000 terabyte capacity of data in his possession. that's the equivalent of 16,000 iphones. just one terabyte could hold enough text files to fill twelve floors of an academic library with books. and now both the doj and routh's team keep asking for trial dates to be delayed. they'll be in court tomorrow morning to work out a tomorrow lion. the public defenders repping routh are overwhelmed with evidence is and say they're bogged down with wait times when they visit their client in jail. how cot american people expect answers when justice is being dragged out and buried under
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mountains of sealed information? criminal defense attorney bradford cullen is here. this guy has 18 cell phones, tablets, computers, drives with enough data to fill twelve libraries. i thought this guy was just some weird loner with no money. >> yeah, it doesn't seem that way when you have that much kind of data and that much access to cell phones and things of that nature. usually that speaks to other individuals being involved, maybe foreign powers being involved. it's very unusual to have someone that's a drifter or someone that is homeless especially to have that kind of technology and that kind of access to technology especially the 18 cell phones and three computers. so i can imagine there's a mountain full of discovery on those items. >> jesse: so it would suggest possibly he wasn't working alone, he was a part of the conspiracy. and it also suggests that he had
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a level of technical sophistication that we weren't aware of. >> certainly it would suggest both of those things. i think that when you look at a case -- especially when in this case, where they're saying oh, there's so much evidence that we need more time to go over the evidence. really when you boil it down, the evidence is what the palm beach sheriff's officer saw when he looked at the bush and saw this guy pointing a rifle through the bush. like, you could really melt this down to the down to the simple simplicity of the case. the defense is looking for more items of that nature to come up with some sort of defense for this where it's pretty obvious that it's lacking in the defense. now, the assassination attempt itself, that might be where they're going and saying that, well, trump was nowhere near that area. he was farther away. so it's not really an attempt. but i think that's going to be a weak argument. it's a very difficult case to take to trial. >> jesse: they're looking for
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something and obviously he was talking to a lot of people, foreign and domestic. we got to dig into that. bradford, thanks as always. the unveiling of my new statue. right back. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> we told you earlier in the show trump was going to start building hero statues for great american's. tonight we are going to unveil a mock-up. you are allowed to steal the design if you like and tomorrow we will unveil our next great american statue in texas if you think anyone else is deserving. last chance to get holiday merge from the fox news shop. johnny got his sweater and i've got mine right here. what you think? plays your order now. it's time for some texts.
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bob from wheatfield new york, a statue, really? may be a bobblehead. i think i'm deserving, name wants -- name someone else that's more deserving, i will wait. allison from california, you are aware the most marble statues are naked right? now i am. and i'm comfortable with it as long as it's to scale. catherine from toronto, canada,, great show tonight but my country is not for sale. that's what you think. everything is for sale just ask the million dollar man. name your price. tony from jack's florida, if canada becomes our 51st state will celebrities still move there? sorry we will have to get them to another castle in england. that's where what's her name went. lisa, biden is the only president who should be giving
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up his salary. he spent most of his term on vacation. 40% of biden's presidency he was on vacation. cara from divide colorado. i have the title from biden's book, well anyway. he's not getting a book deal so it doesn't even matter. mike from louisiana, they would definitely build a library for joe biden in china. kelly from atlanta, georgia,, if biden doesn't get a library how will our grandkids ever learn about corn pop. corn pop will live on. especially on the show. wait a second, could there be a statue of corn pop in the making? we will see. entity is next and always member i'm waters and this is my world. ♪ ♪


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