tv Hannity FOX News December 10, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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biden's presidency. he was on vacation, 40%. cara from divide, colorado. i have the title for biden's book. well, anyway, he's not getting a book deal, so it doesn't even matter. mike from raceland, louisiana. they'll definitely build a library for joe biden in china. kelly from atlanta, georgia. if biden doesn't get a library, how will our grandkids ever learn about cornpop? oh, cornpop will live on, especially on this show. wait a second. could there be a statue of cornpop in the making? we'll see. hannity is next. and always remember, i'm watters and this is my world.
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and welcome to hannity. and tonight, mysterious unidentified drones hovering over the state of new jersey. they're causing major concern across the garden state. nobody knows what they are. how is that possible? >> and meanwhile, a few miles to the north, new york's attorney general, letitia james, is still vowing to get donald trump. what a shocker. but we begin tonight with two other stories out of new york city that provide a very disturbing glimpse into the radical elements that represent the new, modern, extreme, radical democratic party as we speak. some on the left, they are now literally cheering for the cold blooded killer accused of murdering unitedhealthcare ceo brian thompson. this guy was a husband and a father. at the very same time, they are vilifying daniel pennie, who was just found not guilty of negligent homicide by a new york city jury. woke prosecutors. they attempted to throw pennie in prison after he
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restrained what was a deranged career criminal who was high on drugs, making death threats, lunging at passengers on a new york city subway. in a minute, we're going to bring you exclusive new clips from judge pirro's interview with pennie, which will air in full on fox nation tomorrow. but first, let us focus on the left's new folk hero, luigi mangione. okay, that's the 26 year old from townsend, maryland. seemingly, this guy had it all. born into a wealthy maryland maryland family, he was a prep school valedictorian. he went on to earn not one, but two degrees from the university of pennsylvania. he's now accused of murdering unitedhealthcare ceo brian thompson, allegedly shooting the father of two in the back just before a 7 a.m. you know, morning in midtown manhattan. how did that happen? now, some who feel wronged by the health insurance industry and others on the left that
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want to quote, eat the rich, they are actually out there celebrating this assassination, this murder, glorifying the purported killer. people are actually buying t shirts and merchandise promoting the murder and the mcdonald's where mangione was arrested after a tip from somebody working there is receiving death threats and scores of one star reviews on google. the rhetoric on the left. it is totally unhinged. unglued. you decide. >> why would you be in such a celebratory mood about the execution of another human being? aren't you supposed to be on the caring, sharing left where you know you believe in the sanctity of life? >> i do believe in the sanctity of life, and i think that's why i felt, along with so many other americans, joy. unfortunately, you know, because it feels like. >> seriously. i mean, joy, the man's execution. >> maybe not joy, but certainly
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not. no, certainly not empathy. >> something a bit unexpected has happened following the murder, a reaction not of universal horror that a 50 year old father of two and husband was shot dead in public, but rather of. and i don't want to call it glee, but let's just say not unhappiness. >> i was looking at some of the social media comments, and i try to stay away from social media, but it said some of the comments were thoughts and deductibles to the family. one of the comments was, unfortunately, my condolences are out of network and so i think it really isn't that something. i really think it's reflective about how people are feeling about their health care. >> okay, no doubt there are americans that have very legitimate and serious concerns about the health care industry in our country, which, frankly, has become even more expensive and complex with fewer options after obamacare. but that's separate and apart. cheering for the murder of an unarmed man is beyond sick. and unlike
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mangione, all united health care ceo, he did not grow up in a world of privilege. brian thompson he's from a small town. he's from iowa. his father worked a grain elevator. he attended public school, the university of iowa. after college, he worked his way up the corporate ladder. brian thompson was a father of two and avid supporter of the special olympics. now, maybe you have an issue with health, your health insurance, or your car insurance or your home insurance. fine. you can hate a company. you can hate the entire insurance industry, but murder, assassination, vigilantism, it's wrong. it's evil, it's despicable. and luigi mangione is no hero. and according to reports, his behavior apparently became very erratic over the last six months. and today, his theatrics again on full display. take a look. this is completely out of touch and insult the intelligence of the american people and experience.
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so this is the left wing in america. the new hero, a seemingly deranged, deranged ivy league grad accused of shooting an unarmed father of two in the back. and meanwhile, daniel pennie, he is treated like a monster by many on the left. in fact, new york's woke prosecutors, they tried to ruin his life. he was a hero in real life after the former marine, who was only trying to protect his fellow passengers riding on the new york city subway underground from a violent individual. his name, jordan neely, who had an open warrant for his arrest. a history of gruesome subway assaults, including two elderly people, one a woman at the time of the incident. neely was high on drugs and lunging at passengers while threatening to kill those around him and himself. take a look. >> just very aggressively. kind of like ran on and stumbled on. and that's, you know, as new yorkers, you're kind of come to
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accept that is unfortunately a normal occurrence. >> and what was he saying? what was he doing? what drew your attention to him? >> well, you know, i noticed him at first when he came on, you know, and the doors closed. and as soon as the doors closed, he was carrying a jacket and he whipped the jacket down and it landed on the feet. i was standing and it landed on the feet of the passenger sitting down next to me. and the zipper made a very audible noise. it was very loud and very aggressive. and he and it. at that point the train car went completely silent. it was it was it almost felt as like it felt like a vacuum. and there was like this hollow feeling. and that's when i first kind of gave him my full attention. >> okay. so the train becomes silent. what, if anything, does he say?
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>> you know, he he first comes on and he and he starts. demanding things. he's demanding three different things. you know, he's certain types of foods, certain types of drinks and, you know, things that like some type of fast food. and that he was willing to go to jail forever if he didn't get these things. and then it kind of escalated. he was saying, you repeated i was going to go to jail for life. i'm willing to hurt people. i'm willing to kill people. i'm going to kill people. and this is this. keep in mind, this is all within 15 seconds of him getting on the train. and it was this escalation of violence and threatening behavior that it was just it was pretty serious when he said he was willing to kill people. >> did you believe him? yeah, totally. >> it was unlike, you know, because there's outbursts on the train all the time. unfortunately, in new york
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city, there's always people coming on and saying, kind of talking crazy. and this was unlike anything that i've ever experienced. and it was. it it was very serious. it was i completely believed what he was saying. >> it was just what was the reaction by the fellow subway riders? >> well, when, like i said, when there was that silence, when there was that vacuum, i mean, everybody was had, like, he got everybody's attention. >> how close was he to the people as he was telling them or saying, i'm going to kill someone? >> he started off in the middle of the of the train by the pole. and then he would in that in that escalation, he would he started to get in people's faces with within a foot of people was there. >> there was a woman with a baby in a carriage. >> what did she do? children.
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kids going to school, coming back from school. it was just it was. it was what you'd expect on a normal new york city subway train or subway car. it was. yeah. the mother was was holding her child and the school kids were protecting themselves. they were holding each other and just people were stuck to their chairs and they they felt pinned, and i felt pinned. i felt nervous, i felt scared. >> now, thankfully, this week, penny was acquitted of criminally negligent homicide, and rightfully so. but the ladies at that hard hitting news show, the view they're not happy about the verdict, even though we had witness after witness after witness, and those that tried to make this issue about race, including an african-american woman that was on the train that actually said thank you to daniel penny, saying that they felt their life was in jeopardy. maybe they didn't hear or read about that testimony. take a look. >> penny's defense was that he
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was de-escalating the situation after he threatened other commuters, and he celebrated the verdict with his lawyer. >> while neely's family was mourning the loss. i mean, you killed a guy. the man is dead. and maybe you just. you take the celebration home. you don't do it outside. but that's just me. don't listen to anything i say. >> you know, i do wonder, does abc send limousines and suvs for the ladies of the view? or do they take the subway? have they? do they ever take the subway? daniel penny stepped up to prevent his fellow subway riders from being harmed by a guy making death threats, acting erratically. he shielded every single person on that subway car from harm. black white men, women, everyone but the group. black lives matter doesn't care about any of that. they are now calling for vigilantism and vengeance
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against white people. take a look. >> just like everybody else has vigilantes. we need some black vigilantes. that's right. people want to jump up and choke us and kill us for being loud. how about we do the same when they attempt to oppress us? >> less than an hour and 20 minutes later, they said not guilty. these wonderful white people. i hope they celebrate their christmas while the neely family is praying and asking god for comfort. god them and god america. >> wow, so many on the left. this is not about truth. it is not about justice or even life. for them, it is one political game. take a look. >> these public officials would do something. so self-serving, but how does it serve them to hurt you? just political gain.
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i mean, these are their policies that are. and i don't mean to get political. i don't really want to make any enemies, really, although i guess i have already. but i mean, these these are their policies that have clearly not worked that the that the people, the general population are not in support of yet their egos are too big just to admit, admit that they're wrong. >> again, the full interview will air tomorrow on here with a preview. she is the co-host of the hit show the five. our friend, judge jeanine pirro. judge, first, let me compliment you your coverage on a daily basis of this trial in the middle of an election season, was nothing short of some of the greatest work you've done. i know this is your wheelhouse. you've been a d.a, you've been a prosecutor. you've been a victims rights advocate. this was a clear case of
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self-defense. you had witness after witness testified that they felt that their life was in jeopardy. based on the actions and the words of mr. neely and daniel. penny was a good samaritan who put his own life at risk. and they put him through all of this. it's pretty unbelievable. what was your take on him? >> well, first of all, let me just say one thing about those people who are out there yelling for black vigilantism. i want to know, where is alvin bragg? where is letitia james? where are these prosecutors? when you've got a situation where they're literally threatening to kill someone, they're nowhere to be found. it's all about ideology. it's not about reality. and then when you have the women on the view who come out and say, you know, this is wrong and that's wrong and you know, this is murder, are you kidding me? the laws in new york are very clear. justification is allowed
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if you are confronted with deadly physical force, you can then use deadly physical force. although he did not, he did not use deadly physical force. what he did was he was in a position to see that everyone was frozen on that subway car. there was a threat to kill a man capable of imminent, deadly physical force. he made the decision when he took out those earbuds, and he told the guy next to him to hold his phone that he was going to help other people. he didn't say, let me go to another car, or let me just get off the subway. as soon as it stops. he held him down until the police came. and what this man died of was sickle cell psychosis, the stress, the k2 and all of the other things that were going on in his body. but this guy that you're looking at right now, danny penny, is one of the most decent human beings that i have met in my life. he wants no praise. he wants no one to
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consider him a hero. he was willing to go through a thousand days of these trials and these attacks, because he couldn't live with himself if he didn't stand up for the women and the children on that subway car. and by the way, he was right. he said to the police, when he voluntarily went to see them, he said he seemed like he was on k2, which we know is something that makes an aggressor even more aggressive. and what he didn't know was that this guy, jordan neely, had 42 arrests in seven years, that he was on a list of the 50 most mentally ill and homeless, dangerous people in new york city, in a city of 8 million people. so let's get to the bottom line here. and that is we've got a hero and people who needed to be protected. and he was that guy. >> and the jury did not get to hear all of that information that you put out. let me go
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back to your interview and where he said that neely was threatening to kill people. you just identified the law. and then saying that he would have felt guilty if someone in the subway got hurt. let's listen. >> what in you caused you to want to get involved? >> i mean, i'm not a confrontational person. i don't really extend myself. i like this type of thing is very uncomfortable. all this attention and limelight is very uncomfortable and i would prefer without it. i didn't want any type of attention or praise or and i still don't. the guilt i would have felt if someone did get hurt if he did do what he was threatening to do, it would never be able to live with myself. and i'll. i'll take a million court appearances and people calling
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me names and people hating me just to keep one of those people from getting hurt or killed. he was just threatening to kill people. he was threatening to go to jail forever, go to jail for the rest of his life. and now where i'm on the ground with him, i'm on my back in a very vulnerable position. if i just would have let go now, he said, why are you why is that a vulnerable position? well, if i just let him go, i'm on my back now. he can just turn around and start doing what he said to me. >> so killing, killing, hurting pretty amazing. >> judge, when you get to the law, if everybody testifies, every witness says pretty much the same thing, that they felt their life was in jeopardy. that then therefore triggers justifiable use of force. then we had a da, you know, who
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never should have brought this case in the first place. then we had a hung jury on the manslaughter charge. then, according to new york law, if you don't get a verdict, the entire case should then be thrown out. but no, they went for a compromise verdict, which brings more corruption into alvin bragg's office. what do you make of all of that? >> look, alvin bragg's office did everything they could to put danny penny in jail. the police did not arrest him. it was ten days later that they decided to indict him. and that's after al sharpton came in and everybody said, this case is about race, and alvin bragg's office should be criticized for the fact that they try to make it about race. i want you to remember a couple of things. number one, there were minorities on that. jury number two, there was a hispanic and a black who assisted danny in holding down jordan neely and number three
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on the subway car. the people who were were black, hispanic and white. so nothing about this was racial. but they wanted to make this about race. this case was not about race. this was a case where the da's office did everything they could, including when this case should have been dismissed, a mistrial. they decided to dismiss the top count, hoping the jury would come back on monday and compromise on a criminal homicide. they didn't do that. the alvin bragg's office tried to weaponize danny penny's military service against him, as though the fact that he was a marine, the fact that he did what he was taught, that he used his knowledge of how to how to defend people from other people, to protect people. they tried to make that a negative. and so people in the military should stand and salute this guy. law enforcement should stand and salute this guy. and alvin bragg should be investigated by
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the civil rights division of the department of justice for his trying to politicize, as well as violate the civil rights of danny penny based on a make believe racial pretext. >> yeah. let me ask you. i'd be negligent if i didn't talk about the united health care ceo thompson, and the people on the left that are joyful and happy and celebratory and, you know. all right, i understand sometimes people have frustration with with an insurance company, but this was an assassination. are you as shocked as i am at the left's reaction to this assassination? >> it is mind boggling. but, you know, sean, we are just coming out of a long period of this leftist progressive nonsense. i was going to say bs and there are still people who
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believe in it. and, you know, you even have people who supposedly know the law, like, you know, aoc and some of the people on the view, they don't know the law, they don't care about it. but let's talk about the health care system in this country. you want to complain about it. you're justified if you feel you've been wronged. but you know you ought to try the health care system in some of these other countries. try going to canada and, you know, try going to other countries where you can't even get to go to britain. and let's talk about the fact that this government is spending so much money on the health care for illegals, when we should be using that money to help americans. so, i mean, it's like these people are they're ignorant, they're ignorant of the reality. and this kid, he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth and he's so angry. i mean, if you've got an issue, you can sue, but this is beyond the pale. and i'm telling you right now, sean, the american people on november 5th, they
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decided they're going to take this country on a different track with donald trump. it's going to be about law and order. it's going to be about loving america and not hating america. it's going to be about respecting our borders. all of this will change. and that, to me, at the pinnacle of this is danny penny, who paid a terrible price for this progressive, left, politicized prosecution and was is man enough to say, i'll do it again. i don't want people hurt and the guy wants no attention. sean. he it was this was very hard for him. and i have to compliment his mother and his father for raising a phenomenal human being. >> i would be negligent if i didn't ask. will he go after alvin bragg for malicious prosecution? i got to run. >> i doubt it. that's not who danny penny is. >> judge, you did a phenomenal job. not just in the interview. it was great. very compelling.
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we'll watch the entire interview on fox nation. but more importantly, your entire coverage of the case. anyway, tomorrow on fox you don't want to miss it. anyway. coming up, numerous unidentified drones over new jersey. nobody knows what they are, really. we have a live report straight ahead. >> you wish you were a turkey. we wish you a whole ham. we wish you all the size and fixings and it's all to go. >> i guess you won't get to burn the turkey this year. >> funny. and it's all to go. >> a life can change in just minutes. choking kills over a dozen people a day. that's why you need the lifevac, the only clinically proven airway clearance device that can work in seconds. >> oh my god, oh my god, please hurry. >> please hurry. the lifevac is quick and simple to use an emergency when time matters most. just place, push and pull to remove the object. next time
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(bubbles rising) (diver exhaling) (music intensifies) (diver yells) (shark roars) - whoa. (driver gasps) (car tires screech) (pedestrian gasps) (both panting) (gentle breeze) - [announcer] eyes forward. don't drive distracted. for yourself. >> all right. today on capitol hill, the house homeland security committee, they held a hearing on the threat america is facing from unmanned aerial systems, better known as drones. one example is a story you may have heard about out of new jersey, where mysterious drones keep appearing in the skies at night close to military bases and other sensitive sites. here's what's
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happened when an fbi official was asked about these drones at a hearing earlier today. take a listen. >> we do not attribute that to an individual or a group yet. we're investigating. but i don't have an answer of who's responsible for that of one or more people that are responsible for those drone flights. but we're actively investigating what the bureau has done to aid our state and local partners is what we generally do enlist the help of the interagency. enlist the help of the public. there's a tip line there. that one 800 call fbi tips, dot fbi for information from the public that could help us resolve this. it is concerning. >> this is chilling. we'll give you more details. but now with the latest is our own nate foy. nate, what do you have?
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>> hey, sean. so the fbi said today during that hearing, they've received more than 3000 tips so far. >> and they are continuing to analyze all the images that are coming in. but after more than three weeks of pretty much nightly drone appearances in new jersey, there are still no answers now. today, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre told reporters to ask the fbi and dhs about who's behind these drones. but you just saw during that hearing on capitol hill, the fbi said they cannot connect the drones to any group or individual. our colleague chad pergram also had a very interesting interaction with house speaker mike johnson. listen to this. >> we are concerned about drones and all these new technologies and what it might mean for national security and the safety of the american citizens. >> any thought these might be dark programs? >> i don't, i hope not, i don't believe so. but there's a lot of investigation going on, so we'll find out. >> sean, congressman jeff van drew of new jersey tells fox
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news that it could be a foreign adversary like china conducting surveillance. new jersey governor phil murphy says the state is taking the drones, quote, deadly seriously. >> these are apparently very, as i understand it, very sophisticated. the minute you get eyes on them, they they go dark. >> so, yeah, they're sophisticated. and they're also big sean. witnesses described them as the size of small suvs or a dining room table. so tonight, still tons of questions. virtually no answers. speaking of governor murphy, he's going to host two separate briefings tomorrow morning, starting at 10:00 with new jersey mayors and other state leaders. we'll send it back to you. >> all right, nate foy, thank you. how we don't have a greater sense of urgency here is unreal. this could be a dry run. this could be a potential attack. they don't know a thing about it. here with more fox news contributor, drone expert brett velicovich is with us. and the mayor of one of the new jersey towns where the drones
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have been spotted. matthew morello is with us. mr. mayor, let's start with you. this is what your governor. i'm not too fond of him. he doesn't seem too bright. said. he said that these are very sophisticated. you just heard nate say we're talking about the size of a dining room, not a not a little drone. and when the minute you get your eyes on them, they go dark. but then they tried to reassure the public, and they have no, absolutely no reason to reassure the public because they don't know a thing, that they found no evidence of a threat to public safety. they don't see any concern for public safety. yet. there were 49 sightings on sunday alone. now, obviously you've got sensitive targets. infrastructure. a president elect has a home there. are you? why is this not an all hands on deck moment? mr. mayor, i'm sorry. this is scary to me. >> yeah, i agree with you, sean. >> you know our residents,
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we're out here in the western tip of morris county in washington township. we understand that. you know, the area between morristown municipal airport and the bedminster golf course are going to get an awful lot more traffic with the president coming in in january. >> and we understand that there might be some additional surveillance or something like that. but the amount of drones that we're getting, my police chief is telling me we could get two dozen phone calls a night of people in washington township that are just seeing six, eight, ten drones flying above their house. and like you said, what are they doing? i mean, we all see what drones are capable of doing in a war scenario. is that what they're setting up for, or are they doing surveillance? and if they are, what are they looking at? it's certainly capable for them to do radar, lidar. they could be doing night vision. they could be getting video of us. we're really not sure. and it really is difficult to be mutually exclusive that we are told over and over by the
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governor. there is no safety issue, but we don't know who's driving them. we don't know where they're going, and we can't find out where they're taking off and landing from. it's a very difficult situation for us to try to understand. >> brett velicovich, let me ask you now, let's go back and listen again. the words of the governor, he's telling people, oh, no evidence of a threat to public safety. now, i have a close friend of mine. he works here at fox. he is a camera drone operator. they're not that big. they're describing drones here the size of a dining room table. and the minute that you get your eyes on them, they go dark. this sounds like a clear and present danger to our country. am i wrong in assuming that? and why aren't they assuming that? where's joe biden? where's kamala? the last person in the room. harris. where's mayorkas? why aren't why isn't this an all hands on deck moment until they identify where they're coming from, who's manning them and what their intentions are? >> well, sean, you're exactly
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right. and honestly, we've been talking about this so much, i almost don't even care at this point if it's some big us government conspiracy or this is, in fact, adversarial, i'm more concerned about the lack of transparency on behalf of our federal government and their inability to even want to alleviate the public's concerns at all. and the question is why? now you got the white house that has come out and basically said, there's nothing that they can tell us about what's going on, simply that the matter is being investigated. it's unacceptable. and it's clear to me that our current leadership knows nothing about what drones can actually do in the real world, threats that we face these days. and if this is adversarial in nature, we're just showing that we don't know what's going on at all to the enemy, and it's only going to embolden them more. you know, i can't tell you how many meetings i've been in with government officials who are supposed to be in charge of our uas airspace. they think they've got it all figured out. and it's this constant ineptitude and unwillingness to make any rapid changes to our national security infrastructure, which is actually needed to protect the american people from these 21st century airspace threats we face. and there is major risk to us. there's a lot of risk
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that they are collecting on us. these drones, by the way, they're not undetectable. i deal a lot with this in the industry. this is very easy to figure out what's going on. if the proper experts were actually brought in, which upsets me the most. we have the technology. >> then let me ask you this, track this and defeat this. >> right now, there's a ton of different countermeasures that you can put in place. every single drone has a unique fingerprint, a unique signature. every drone transmits some sort of signal, and that signal tells a story. but the problem is the faa, you know, has these archaic laws that, you know, are not allowing a lot of people to do what they need to do to detect and stop this. >> do you believe this is likely or potentially a weapon against our country? >> i think it could be adversarial in nature, that's for sure. i mean, the problem right now is our current infrastructure, our national security system, is not even set up in a nontraditional manner to cope with the reality of commercial drone technology threats we face these days. we're ten years behind china. our public is at risk. and what are we going to wait for? just
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a drone strike to kill a bunch of americans on our soil before we wake up and do something about it? >> yeah. mr. mayor, thank you. brett. thank you. when we come back. all right. letitia james, alvin bragg, they don't want lawfare against donald trump to end. what a shock. the house task force, they released their final report about donald trump's assassination attempts. guess what? the secret service, homeland security, they're giving no information out. we'll check in with senator josh hawley straight ahead. saturday. >> the biggest game is on fox prime time hoops. >> saturday night. >> we under the lights going down. number seven. gonzaga looks to take down the reigning champs on their way up the nation's ranks. bring the hammer big fella. but alex caravan and uconn aim to reignite their season in a huge statement. game at home. let's it go and bounce again. it all tips off saturday at eight eastern on fox. on this
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her civil fraud case against donald trump. remember, get trump. and this is the same case in which they claim that mar-a-lago is only worth $18 million. no, that would be worth more than a billion, maybe a billion and a half dollars. radical manhattan da alvin bragg, now looking into alternatives to dismissal for the conviction in the falsified business documents case, which was the novel legal theory, legal nda identified as as an nda filed as an nda. it's insane. and meanwhile, in a bombshell report. listen to this. the house task force investigating the trump assassination attempts is now saying the dhs, the secret service, have produced no documents related to the assassination attempt at his golf course in september. that's the one at trump international. here with reaction, missouri senator josh hawley. senator, great to have you back. so let me get this straight. how is it possible that we have in butler, pa, an
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assassin get within 130 yards of the president, come within a millimeter of assassinating him. how is it possible that we have a guy, a trump international, get within 300 yards with a scope and an ak 47? and how is it possible that there's no urgency when you have drones the size of a dining room table, flying all over the state of new jersey, and nobody seems to care? help me out here. >> well, i think the real answer to that, sean, is that at least as it relates to the secret service, they don't want to cooperate. they don't want us to know the facts. they've stonewalled. >> they've refused to testify. >> they've refused to turn over documents. and, sean, here's my conclusion. the head of the secret service needs to go. the director, ron roe. he needs to go. i mean, he is not doing his job. he endangered the life of the president with his poor response. and for them to stonewall the american people this many months after not one, but two assassination attempts, just like the fbi and the rest
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are stonewalling us now on these drones over new jersey. and who knows where else, sean, that they're not telling us about. it's time for some accountability at these agencies. it's time to clean house. >> okay. and this is the interim secret service director after trump international said the plan worked. if allowing an assassin to get within 300 yards of donald trump with an ak 47 and a scope, and you think that plan worked? i don't know. what do you what do you claim that it's a failure and they didn't sweep a known area treed area where paparazzi would often hang out. and then the previous secret service director claimed it was a slanted roof, a sloped roof. you were there. they tried to kick you out. and when you went there, what did we learn? it was not a sloped roof at all. >> yeah, we had secret service whistleblower after whistleblower come forward and tell me that they had failed to secure those buildings, which is confirmed in the report tonight, that they didn't do
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what they should have done. secret service that isn't secured, the buildings where the killer was there or the attempted killer there in butler. same thing at the at the golf course. they knew secret service knew that there were known vulnerabilities on the golf course. protocol called for them to sweep the golf course ahead of time. they didn't do it. and rho goes out and says it's a big success. i mean, it's a miracle trump is alive. the guy needs to be replaced. sean. this is just more evidence, whether we're talking about secret service or the fbi. we need to clean house here. it's time to clean out the agencies. >> we may need to bring in special forces to reinforce the good agents that do work for the secret service. lastly, really quickly, what do you make of drones the size of dining room tables and nobody has a clue what they are? >> yeah, you can't tell me that. we don't know what that is. i just think they're not being honest with us. i think that if we don't know if our government really has no idea, then they're even more incompetent than i thought. we've got to get to the bottom of this, and they need to level
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with the american people about what's going on. it's crazy. >> yeah, it sounds like a spy balloon incident again to me. senator, good to see you. thank you. when we come back, fda will reportedly now decide whether to ban red food dye three within the next few weeks. pretty interesting. jillian michaels, who's going to eat a quarter pounder with cheese, will react next. straight ahead. >> don't miss the fox nation last chance sale. okay, here we go. all of fox nation's premium content is yours for only 199 a month. >> the kingdom of god is here. >> but that's just the beginning. join now and you'll get all of fox nation's new exclusive series. >> he's not a prophet, just an ordinary man who bleeds like everyone else. we need you. >> they need me. i want to do my part for what these men risked so long ago. >> these are the true stories behind their legends. >> when you're at a dinner party, do you ever feel like
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>> oh, what a coincidence. only weeks after rfk jr was tapped to lead the department of health and human services under president elect donald trump, the fda, they're now looking to ban artificial red food dye three. we've talked about it a lot over the years. it is commonly used in processed foods. it is derived from petroleum. now, this comes after a petition was filed
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stating the fda quote, cannot classify a color additive as safe if it has been found to induce cancer in humans or animals for years. donald trump's pick for hhs secretary, rfk jr. he's been slamming processed food in america with the goal of making america healthy again, and his role as hhs secretary. red dye three is banned in other countries. last year, california was the first state to ban multiple food additives, including red dye three, as the dye has been shown to cause cancer in animals linked to an increase in childhood behavioral issues. anyway, here with reaction. she is the host of the hit podcast keeping it real. jillian michaels is with us, by the way. i did bring you mcdonald's and kentucky fried chicken one day. one day you're going to you're going to break down and just try it. i just want you to try it. a quarter pounder. >> start with that, john. >> like how did you lead off
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with that? agitate the hell out of me at the beginning of our interview. okay. okay, buddy. >> good thing, good, good thing, good thing, good thing you're not here. here's the thing about red dye three, right? it's banned in the european union. it's banned in the uk, it's banned in asia. it's banned in australia. what do they know that we don't know? >> okay, so first off, if in fact, the biden administration gets the fda to do this, all contributions cheerfully accepted. >> however, this is coming out of the whole froot loop conversation of why do other countries not have these food dyes in them, and why do they color their food with fruit juice. so the reason this is happening here is because it's more profitable, because kids are attracted to it more, and they make more money off of it. the way that they do it is through something called the grass rule, which is the generally recognized as safe rule. and that means that the
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food manufacturers who utilize these food dyes vouch for their safety. and that's good enough for the fda. it is a loophole in the fda. and it isn't just red number three. it's 9400 other chemicals that we allow in our food here and not in other countries. >> okay, so remember the big gulp controversy? mayor bloomberg, i happen to believe in freedom. and if you don't know that soda probably isn't the best thing for you. i kid around, i do want you to try one quarter pounder with cheese fries and a coke. and just to say that you did it and you got an original recipe, you're gonna add that. no, i'm just saying, i think you would like it if you tried it. i think it would be good to try it once. it's not going to kill you one time. i have it occasionally, like 1 or 2 times a year. all right. but but here's my point.
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with all of these foods. are you insane? >> so you feel safe doing this because, you know, i'm currently on the other side of the country, so you're just needling me because, you know, i can't get to you to slap you around a little bit. >> oh, i wouldn't do it in person. well, maybe in person, i'd bring it with me, and i'd put it before you and see what you do with it. but. but i don't want my big gulp taken away. i don't drink big gulps. but i believe in freedom. and at the end of the day, i think on the diet issue, if it causes cancer, we should probably ban it. if europe bans it, you know, asia bans it. all these other, you know, continents and countries, you know, it's probably pretty smart that we follow suit. but how far do we take it? why don't we just give people a choice and knowledge? >> okay, well, well, we take it as far as removing things that we know are toxic or at least other countries have done the work to substantiate that they are not safe. so that should be
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a no brainer. when you have a coke, at least it should have sugar instead of high fructose corn sirup. which brings me to the second point, is that we are subsidizing all of this garbage with hundreds of millions of our tax dollars and those tax dollars, if anything, should be going to subsidize healthy food to make it more accessible and more affordable for people to take better care of themselves. those two things are a no brainer. >> okay, so the bottom line is americans don't eat healthy, but the food in europe is healthier. we can't import our food to europe. that to me is insane. and i think that does speak volumes. last word. >> last word. i would simply say that if you bring that quarter pounder with cheese, i hope you've been training to run a marathon, because i'm going to chase you down and tackle you on the ground. well,
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not just a quarter pounder with cheese. >> it's going to be a fry and a coke and kfc. no kfc original recipe. it's so good. >> and pizza to ice cream. we're gonna go for ice cream after. what are we gonna do? get some cake later. what are you, nuts? i'm. >> i'm okay with that. no, i don't, i eat meat and eggs. i'm pretty basic. jillian michaels. we appreciate it more. hannity. straight ahead. stay with us. >> want to discover cindy crawford's secret to ageless skin? its meaningful beauty. created by world renowned cosmetic specialist doctor jean-louis zaba, these formulas come from a rare french melon that contains a youth preserving enzyme known as the youth molecule. >> it's kept cindy's skin remarkably youthful, and now there's really big news. >> doctor saba has discovered how to deliver meaningful beauty's age defying ingredients deeper into the skin, where wrinkles begin. >> whatever this magic potion does for your skin, i wake up
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