tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News December 11, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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soul and being and we should at least have an alternative for people in the culture when you see this my heartbreaks watching this young girl. basically herself in front of the camera. these men aren't paying for the service but the people are paying to view. people shouldn't be preying on her we should pray for her. when you're making $2 million doing this, yeah. >> laura: it's all glorified. this is weigh social media especially for young women it's not empowering its devaluing and objectifying. it's commodified. that is how feminism is an 2024 thank you raymond. that's it for us make sure to follow me on instagram, jesse watters is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse
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watters prime time, tonight... >> all of trump's nominees i think will be confirmed. >> every single one. hop on the trump train or get tied at two the tracks. more and more voters feel they are being abandoned by the democrats they don't believe in reforms they just believe everything is worthless and we need to burn it all down. >> reporter: why democrats aren't listening to you. >> we're too busy to watch what you're doing to hear what you're saying. >> you can only push people so far and then they start to take matters into their own hands. that arranged obsession with the health care hit man. >> does he have a girlfriend. >> you be calle. [ bleeps ] >> ♪ ♪ board the trump train or get
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tied to the tracks that's what republicans and democrats are telling each other the train is departing from florida and everybody is scrambling for a seed. once you get into the cafe car you never know what you're going to see. >> you have a grace period you have to work harder after that. the president has a big job on his hands with a lot of damage being done and they continued to start fires. in the next four years we can hopefully get back some of that precious commodity this country has the commodity of freedom. >> jesse: trump like to the patriot awards he's giving out his own awards looking at that lineup getting their hardware. america's most successful entrepreneurs are out in palm beach. he has his own villa at what others are dropping in for dinner. >> to be been down to florida since the election?
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>> a fair amount to write maybe half my time down there since the election that was mark andrey someone of the greatest pioneers of the internet having dinners on the patio for the nightly pitch meeting. and he's not an ideologue he's met with biden's team they wanted ai to be owned by the government. >> they basically said ai will be a game of two or three companies working with the government closely and we will i'm basically paraphrasing we'll protect them from competition trying to control them and dictate what they do this generation they became very anticapitalist they want to go back to a more centralized coal land economy and they wanted
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industrialization because as they want to seize it all as it was built. they didn't even wanted to get built and something horribly horribly wrong in this administration. >> reporter: that's how they rate the economies. as they have that which did the government's bidding and everything makes sense doesn't tomorrow 40 similar rate the opening bell at the new york stock exchange and was named person of the year can you imagine time made hitler person of the year has to be a business decision because legacy media is on life support. and they'd rather see that prepared in wealth puts her and inside the newsrooms when people trust the president mark your
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way down there with congress and i worry greatly as we are at a point where if the president of the united states is going to say legacy media is dead media is dead and wants media but it is kind of hobbling right now and i don't how it recovers and he was pardon for what was -- what she said was fake and that they are asking how long can the trump honeymoon last. for years and the fbi director gets it.
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>> the right thing for the bureau's for me to serve until the end of the current administration in january stepping down. he wasn't going to get tied down to the tracks but not every democrat has common sense. they're putting together their own deep sedate sleep herself. >> to the agents at the fbi and the doj prosecutors i was a prosecutor once i had an oath to the constitution and you aren't helpless. >> reporter: the fbi led him off the hook for being a chinese parsley asked to be a good way of the dirt they have on him. over at langley rfk is lobbing to put his daughter-in-law at the cia. you think the agency assassinated his uncle including his dad.
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and trump promised you to release the jfk files. the government abused its power for decades we are old enough to know the truth and john federman just tried-and-true social and railing against the deep state from the judiciary saying the cases were not great was her on board. >> i think of trump's nominees will be confirmed. >> every single one? >> i do. >> and they are ready to get to work. >> i will were to get this accomplished. >> what you hope to talk about them today the country is ready for results and gas prices were down and trump is inviting special guests at the party as the president-elect has invited
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xi jinping to witness his inauguration. a power move to intimidate the chinese leader and if he declines it's disrespectful and trump will take it personally and if he accepts he will be forced to observe president trump at his most powerful moment with all the presidential pageantry america can muster. you put him in a subservient position and spy on him the whole time he's in d.c. trump is saying and putting the bidens out to pasture you bribed the wrong guy. the company -- countries on a hot streak and we are pretty much ready to get things done democrat should sit back and enjoy the ride. dr. jill is. >> i do hope that you all feel that sense of peace and the light just with what you're leaving here today and there's a sense of joy because i think we
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all need to feel joy right now during this time of the season and a former secret of the house joins a evident i even felt joy this evening and it does feel a little bit for like those trained you put around the crack there's tractor your little boy it feels unstoppable and he is the first to fact owe president in american history as seized all the honors with 82 heads of
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state there meeting at the president to ukraine and france and italy. it's as though and illegally biden is still president but actually trump is the dominant political leader in the united states and in the world. >> fbi director serve 10-year terms have you ever seen one bailout because he can see what's coming. >> i give the senator credit he rode a blistering 12 page at letter outlining he had done wrong. i think ray said i think i'll just leave now and it's making it a little bit easier for trump's nominee to head up the fbi and said some nasty things and he couldn't comprehend anything and he's totally turned it around he is on true social
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and saying the biden justice department was weapon iced do you see people following his lead on the democratic party side and there is a democratic congressman today who said he thought he could work with elon musk on the defense department waste. so you are seeing a breaking down of the democratic liberals and the great surprise here and a very reasonable in israel and he's actually been he's been a great figure replacing. >> 's joe mansion with a sweatshirt and we like what we see. >> and a hoodie and so this invitation out of nowhere and is
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pretty real. do you see this as an act of dominance just watch me in all my pageantry i believe trump believes in constant often send momentum keeping things going forward and whatever it takes and they looked around and thought my good friend xi jinping bm been together a long time yet his first dinner with him in 2017 so it's a tremendous move and i think it's a 50/50 chance where he's going to show up in terms of sending it to the planet would be unbelievable as the democrats going berserk over it and how
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much do you think the reactions will be to that? >> we understand china's greatest competitor and we understand. and if he does come physical image for the whole planet with the chinese and american leaders side-by-side on inauguration would be a signal of power. centralized in washington with that capitol and it will be an extraordinary moment here and maybe i'll see and enjoy the joy. let's keep it close to our hearts. slick willie thinks trump stole the election. we'll be right back.
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ey have to - one versus the other. new sensodyne clinical white, it provides 2 shades whiter teeth as well as providing 24/7 sensitivity protection. patients are going to love to see sensodyne on the shelf. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ bill clinton is on the loose. hillary usually doesn't let bill go into a room full of women by himself she made an exception could get her a pardon. >> do you think it would be wise of biden to preemptively pardon any potential targets such as your wife for example she is apparently on the list from the justice nominee. >> they've got a problem with her because first she didn't do anything wrong but secondly followed the rules exactly as they were written if biden wanted to talk to me about that i would've talked to them about
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that. they want to give them public advice on the pardon power. it's a very personal thing. >> belo doesn't want hillary pardon ones are in prison so he can be free. voters don't want to pardon peluso as 20% there as democrats don't want to listen to voters they want to talk about their own problem like how the election was stolen eight years ago. >> it's important for everybody to just take a deep breath and say unlike in 2016 there is no outside influence like the fbi director interfering at the last moment with that policy so anybody who says and this time
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this am i think he did win fare and square and democrats to listen to because they think they are smarter and boarders families and police and the english language. they know better and with every political system and with every institution we have and it leads to a bunch about ideas and more and more voters filled a are being of it abandoned by the democratic party. >> do when democrats are down they just aged coom ten there
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doing a favor. >> a given the role as you made that decision to step down and not run again. a how hard was it to watch what you saw in the debate at the end of june and to convey to the people you needed to convey that to. >> i know you're asking me how hard it was to do but it's even harder to answer this question. i did want to make sure his legacy was protected it wouldn't be protected with the election of you know who. >> pelosi whacked her friend because she was trying to protect him. that sums up the democrat playbook they hurt you and claimants for your own good. maybe that's why she keeps getting heckled. >> there were other things i wanted to write about the greatness of my members and the courage and all that.
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that remains for another book and some other issues. okay thank you. all right so don't worry about that i'm from san francisco i'm used to this. we will wait until the end of our conversation to do that. >> all the press will say is that we got interrupted all right. okay and a fox news contributor looks like you on tour. just yelling and throwing things
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down as democrats are snobs think they are better than everybody and think they know everything. when they have a humiliating loss like this being able of recognizing you might do something wrong you would think. >> you look at obamacare it's a failed promise and it's really come down to it being that simple all the solutions they have are not a solution it makes everything worse and then when they get caught having failed to deliver on anything and their solutions making everything worse they turn on you and the voters. i don't think anything will change. the idea there i mean it's interesting because it wasn't long ago she was the left-wing flank of her party. remember they reduce gets of her in it was a running gag what a
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left wing lunatic she was. then she moved to the center of her party now she's the conservative wing at the democrat party and i'm not saying that as a voters at a lot of that crazy left-wing and the problem is they ran off with the circus after the november election. and i'm truly reminded bill clinton was the last great democrat we've had and he was right about that he was telling people take a breath and it's over but this is the difference between him and obama. bill clinton loved people he often loved people too much but he loved people and listened to people. that's the difference between him and obama and him and the
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democrats. >> a snobby intellectualism the desimone connection with people and the masses. they want to point things out and manage things from above. bill clinton got in there and shake hands would talk to you for hours. sometimes went past a shaking hands just grabbed a hold of whatever he could. >> but at least he loved people and it was how he came up with solutions to drive republicans crazy because he would still voters from them and now what happens to democrat voters who flee the democrat party they want nothing to do if democrats today what do they do they go after them and call them fascist and nazi and attack them. where in the political about bible doesn't say you should attack a voters it doesn't work. >> the only bible they have is the political bible.
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should assume that 5 minutes ago. a blow dryer to the head. fox news alert as we have two new revelations from the trump administration task force and they spotted rand roof in the bushes outside the golf course it was only 5 feet away when he opened fire and mist him not once not twice but six times. mist him six times from 5 feet. is a trained agent to pass the firearms test is a guy 5 feet away and the report says secret service found out at 2:30 he would be golfing but they didn't secure the course. that allowed him to camp out for 12 hours before anybody saw. he also appeared in federal court and his legal team signaled they will go with the insanity defense. how convenient and they had multiple meetings in jail and
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hallucinating delusional of course. prosecutors also revealed roof has been doing more writing behind guards and 40 letters to news outlet to attempt to persuade him that he is an honorable guy and also only 17 of the 18 cell phones what is he of 18 cell phones so who owns last phone why women's have the hots for the health care hit mam straight ahead put them in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief with rinvoq. check. when flares tried to slow me down,... ...i got lasting remission with rinvoq.
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matched the fingerprints to ones found at the scene. the gun in his possession matched casings found near the body. and that's not all there is also a notebook with it to-do list that he wrote allegedly before carrying out the killing. he wrote whacking the ceo at the convention would be precise and targeted and wouldn't risk innocent lives. in these pages he tossed around the idea of using a bomb to assassinate thompson but decided against it because it could've killed innocence. he wrote these health care companies have gotten too powerful and have abused our country for immense prophet because the american public is allowed them to get away with it. luigi's lawyer says he should be out on bail however. >> he's behind bars they feel the judge should have said that today but having said that. >> hold on council make the case
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for why you would set bail for a man who screamed out in public this needed to be done and was found with the same weapon used and did nothing to explain away why he had a manifesto explaining why he did. why would you want that man released exactly. >> luigi is a big digital footprint wrote his back condition got worst and believed he was destine for a life of chronic pain claiming nobody would operate on his back until he turned 40 and luigi went on to say because we live in a capitalist society the health care industry response to medical phrases better when you use phrases like unable to work rather than i'm in pain elizabeth warren says after the murder luigi had a point. >> we will say it over and over violence is never the answer
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this guy gets a trial for allegedly killing the ceo of unitedhealth but you can only push people so far and then they take matters into their own hands. >> you can only push people so far. joy reid has blamed conservatives. >> going to the justification for lynching from conservatives wearing those uniforms. conservatism itself is justified violence. >> americans are making copycat threats towards each other in health care ceos plastering wanted signs around lower manhattan. others are swooning over luigi some demanding conjugal visits. ♪ luigi kissed me... and i hope you plead insanity ♪ >> does he have a girlfriend i'm just asking for a friend how was he a committed partnership. i feel he is giving i just
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bought you these flowers because you made that reservation at that place we really stand for him and i'm obsessed. >> you want to see this luigi guy started barking at my screen and tunnel vision everything just made me blackout i can't this is such an interesting case and what he did was so heroic but also i can't. [ bleeps ] focus. >> even jimmy kimmel's producers are hot for luigi and he read their texts listen. >> please tell me you're as obsessed as i am with this handsome ceo killer so many questions like can i fix you. and veronica says i need him so bad like so bad and and perhaps more i haven't thought that far
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ahead and from one of their staffers and did you see the assassin yes. and excuse me there was a jailhousi am dead willing to be. whether is it about him that striving women wild dating and relationship experts taylor burroughs is he a wire women obsessed with this guy. >> is clearly not unattractive right he ticks the boxes for basic attraction he's got good handsome bone structure he's intelligent and he was on a mission women have historically him by largely been attracted too dominant men who are even dangerous. so it's the mix that they are
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very attracted to. he can present like a good guy that so that was very attractive to women and they wouldn't say all obviously and in some of these primal signals of masculinity can be attractive to women. and primal signals can be attractive to women you mean like killing somebody. >> ideally not. you want to men who is capable of dangerous and violent acts if your survival is at its state. we are prone to and ensures the survival because these are
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things involving past the need for having a man and it is subconscious to our arousal responds and they should be able to think beyond that and control who we pick and not pick murderous people and what about the mission he's on it with an attraction your enthusiasm about the fact they are taking on this big health care ceo and it's part of that concept what's that about not sure what they thought about in particular and taking matters into their own hands can be attracting to some people and they talked with the psychology of it and when it comes to a man it is capable of that about the
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character of patrick bateman right he was very attractive to the public and the antihero we are seeing that player with the character. >> thank you for opening my eyes to women i have more to learn very interesting conversation very sad and disturbing as well. and the drones flying over new jersey at a caught the attention of the and they are clueless. >> they're actively investigating the situation and deciding their the attribute that to the group yet and they could cause national security or
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public safety incidents at risk. >> there is nothing that is known so that's concerning part they're there in the dark of the national security. and even the governor of new jersey admits he has no idea what's going on. >> as i understand very sophisticated and they go dark had military assets if the president-elect at their home here just something deadly seriously and jersey officials say the first sighting was in back in november with hundreds of sightings throughout the state 180 in just one day and the new jersey congress person say is the drones are iranian. >> iran launched a mothership
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probably a month ago and i will say that you it's off the east coast see the united states of america and they should be shot down whether it was some crazy hobbyist we can't imagine or if it is actually iran which could possibly be needs to be shot down when not getting the full due in the military is on alert with this. >> reporter: the pentagon disputes this much house. >> at this time they had no evidence that these are coming from a foreign entity or work of the adversary and we will continue to monitor and it's coming off of the united states and the mothership launching drones to the united states. >> if you don't know what they are what can you say? >> it's not the work of a foreign adversary that is our
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initial assent met this assessment is being investigate by local law enforcement they said they had no idea and they are putting their fingers squarely at the federal government. police sources tell prime time the can't believe the federal government is clueless about was manning the drones it's probably defense contractor is there but until there is where all in the dark. so what women want for christmas. >> ♪ ♪ rations, this ally to the north has been by your side. ontario, canada, a partner connected by shared history, shared values, and a shared vision for what we can achieve together. stable and secure, when the world around us isn't. you can rely on ontario for energy to power your growing economy
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and for the critical minerals crucial to new technologies. ontario is your third-largest trading partner and the number one export destination for 17 states. our long-standing economic partnership keeps millions of americans working. in a changing world, it's time to bring jobs back home and build together. more workers, more trade, more prosperity, more security. for generations, this ally to the north has been here. and for generations more, we'll still be here. right by your side. [title: ontario, canada] [title:] [title: paid for by the government of ontario]
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2,000 years ago, god sent an angel to a group of shepherds, and he brought them a message: "fear not, for behold, i bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be for all the people. for unto you is born this day in the city of david a savior, which is christ the lord." you see, god sent his son, jesus christ, from heaven to this earth to take our sins, to save us from our sins by taking our sins to a cross and shedding his blood, being buried, but on the third day, god raising his son to life. if you've never trusted jesus christ as your savior, you can do it right now, this christmas. do it right now, just pray this prayer. just say, "god, i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe that jesus is your son. i believe that he took my sins to the cross, that he died in my place. he was buried, but you raised him to life. and i want to invite him to come into my heart and take control of my life, starting right now,
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on the water cooler let's bring in the ratings ferry. there he is periods a car shopping is stressful do you get the sunroof maybe leather seats or how about the backseat tv, big decisions so when a utah man bought a used subaru and find mechanical issues he wanted a refund and when he got denied he
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took matters into his own hands. wow call the cops! you love this rate. >> i love it so much. first of all there is not a jury in the world that would convict this guy because everyone has had the experience with the car dealer and you lose your mind but the dealer is right he was driving subaru and is violating the warranty because he didn't have a coexist bumper on the back not a pride flag or anything. >> the dog that bit meet the owner or woman subaru outback. >> you're dang right she was there calling just the biggest crash since the harris campaign so it's not nothing. >> that's a shame and it's that time of year it's gift giving season if you have a special woman we've got you covered here's what not to do.
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>> when christmas morning comes we are opening gifts i expect to see a photo printer what is in the box a package of oreo cookies. >> my dear sweet husband has taken things a rarity owned put my name on them and stuck them under the christmas tree. >> he shows up to my house wielding this bag and hands me over so proud here you go. one well-known fact is i'm allergic to anything with perfume in it. >> we try. >> good news for the ladies if your husband or boyfriend sucks at buying gifts good news he is straight. it's just not our superpower in the ones grow complaint he got me a box of oreos imagine how she'd feel if you got your gym membership he likes you the way you are.
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eight here that gutfeld is a great gift giver with the wrapping being pristine and jimmy is also hosting fox nation's first-ever native comedy tomorrow and here's why you should go. >> my liberal showbiz friends are still worked up there like i hope you're happy because there will be a civil war now. if there is a several war liberals bad news for you. you don't want to be on the side that's antigun and started work and can you imagine rolling onto solar-powered tanks of coexist bumper stickers on the back and it's hard-core to rough. >> tomorrow we are playing prison rules and that they say
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no subject is out-of-bounds and nothing is off-limits we will test it and hold them to their advertising you will see another fine jacket from a overweight ski skater stuff. >> and there'll be no advertising after some of those jokes are over. and our movement won an award that's after this. is safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. (♪)
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(♪) voltaren... for long lasting arthritis pain relief. (♪) when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment.
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i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i'm still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that's probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried.
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speed some mikemak and. >> brian parker got the rendezvous ribs all the way from memphis and to celebrate we gave a lot of the ribs to scott sanders, one of our producers. won the spotlight award for community service and he loves to eat. let's do some texts. cathy from daphne alabama, trump is starting a love train.
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sing it jesse. love train. love train. is that how it goes? morgan from pennsylvania, is it just me or is dr. joe thinking about getting on the trump training? not going to be happy. because they kissed. bob from jacksonville, florida,, it reminds me of an old chinese proverb, keep your friends close and you're enemies even closer. was that a chinese proverb? i thought it was italian. vince from ohio, will trump have him eat mcdonald's during his visit? oh, man. i don't think rfk jr. would like that very much. michael from colorado, how dare the view give airtime to an old white male. leave from clinton, south carolina,, i'm sure your
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wife loves you just the way you are. don't become a bad boy now. how do you know i'm not a bad boy. how do you know i'm so the... are not a real jane -- dangerous animal, willing to do anything to protect myself or to protect the woman i love. you know nothing about me. barbara from sarasota, florida,, women are obsessed with him because stephen miller is taken. i think stephen miller's wife needs to come on prime time and do a little one-on-one. terry from rockdale, texas,, i thought crazy liberal women were swearing off men for four years. first they are cutting their hair and going on strike another throwing themselves at luigi. lou from west new york, why new jersey? i can think of at least 49 better states to fly drones over. i they are here to abduct me. i'm waters and this is my worl
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