tv The Five FOX News December 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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>> i'm dana perino with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford junior, jesse watters and joey jones. 5:00 ik n new york city ancid ts is of the five. >> ♪ ♪ the damning evidence is mounting against the man accused of murdering ceo brian thompson. and fans showed sacred support of the killer.e cr as it was seen at the crime scene and the judge recoveredma from the shell casings used in the murder and while theyat continued the investigation they had a growing fan club for theny perspective killer who stands accused of executing and bye shooting him in the back. was showing photos of various health care ceos and they've been flooding online's stores like at c and ebay.
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thousands there in the defense and they're trying to stop theah disgusting senators are cominseg pretty cle however to justifying what the shooter did. >> we will say say it over and w violence iers never the answer this guy gets a trial for allegedly killing the ceo of s unitedhealth but you can only push people so far. and then they take matters intor their ow on hands. >> the media and the liberal late-night are also acting heartless in the way they've'v covered the murder. >> the user screen grabs of exchanges between members of our staff and their friends ands, relatives and whatever that i would visit them in prison and they haven't thought that far ahead.fact >> is driven by the fact that he is an attractive and it'sy
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troubling. >> they caught the guy had a mcdonald's in altoona. trace gallagher shannon bream.ho [booing]izab >> let me start as elizabeth warren suggested you can only push people so far. how doesho that sit for democraa >> i don't think it's a democrat comment but good to be back.e jo i separate the first oft all there's no placer space in a civilized society for people who work out a political policy difference or commercial difference which we still don't know everything about the suspect and doing what he did and whatever the case for a policy and i thought the governor josh shapiro and it's
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sickening to listen to people and as human being that a life and has a sun and as a father was killed and there making light of that.bu i can make jokes around theu table budot there some space wha you don't joke that's one of them. yo u separate that and multiple conversations can happen aty, once. being very a tragic one. n and withot the notion of the reality not just in the context of people being shot or being killed with these costs high for here. and they have thosewh conversationats and it's clarifd and drawing some sort of comparison and being sympathetic
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you want to those who engage in violence. and what i don't get the benefit of the doubt on is for those choking about being sympathetic to a guy who got killed four blocks from here because theyce spotted he was going for ato conference. he was going to count the beingi they are we might as we'll get them there there's no sympathy for anybody in that regard wean need td o learn what happened ad he needs to be punished. i hope that if these prosecutort to the fullest extent of the law whatever the fullest pen either you we can give them that's wha, we give them because he deserved it. >> it won't democrats arne: e in charge in new york. >> and you're there you are you republican you could get it done. >>t here's the thing. the republicans got it done okau and the supreme court reversed
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it. >> why don't you continue judget with the t extradition and i dot want to comment on a couple of things number 1 when i was a judge sentencing someone andin knowing and giving the guy 25 years to life and i would marry them right after the sentencing so that they could be together or whatever for conjugal visits i don't know what it is. women lovelove bad boys they als have they want to nurture them and be with them and beingmore enamored with this guy you have a screw loose in your head. as the evidence adds up its ma appears this man is the killer and what's extradited toindi new york he will be indicted. when somebody says violence is- wrong but i do want you to think of the word. whenever the one says the word
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but it means they aren't serious about what they said before it.n you ca on only push people so f. nobody pushed anybod pusy so fan this is nothing you can attribute to an individual whote is a corporate executive anden w when we start blaming peopleames calling them names and making them deserving of death and the imminentim death sentence it shs we are degrading as a society. u and people taught us to watchwe the language saying illegal alien in this federal statutes and like just essays a good kid or whatever you get it but at the same time i want to know where the community notes were the strikes in the red flags and
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he came from a rich akram. brian thompson didn't. he is so when it came from thaty background and by all accountss he was trying to make changes in the industry. i also don't think there is much evidence there conversations to be had its malpractice for theo figures in the media to bring them together even if stupidople people on tiktok are. it's a drainage person went on the public eye because he k couldn't tell themil in the mos cowardice weigh possible granted this is the person who did it and it looks like it did. he shoulde ad be made an exampl. if the death penalty isn't thero being made an example of because with this freedom of movementve and justme about any celebrity r
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public figure is a week targeteo and for that reason alone he e should be made an example of has there's a conversation has come up from where people and i do think harold is right about thio where the larger point is therer is at part of that trump coalition because he was said it was a democrat issue there is a big part of that group of peoplp that trump brought in that or just a skeptical a bigs th businesses they are big government so there are people he watched this channel very angry and frustrated withs. insurance companies and that's indicative on us to point out, okay, that makes sense, you've got someone in office that might could fix it, going and doing this, that ain't it. that's not it in any way, shape, or form, episode for those news organizations and media figures to make light of it in any way is absolutely reprehensible. >> dana: last word for you, jesse. >> jesse: i just don't think that guy is that good-looking. >> dana: i don't, either! eyebrows. >> jesse: took a poll from my staff, the females, they said he
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was average, but what is attractive about him is the vigilantism, and jeanine touched on it, i touched on it, women like the bad boy. now, i don't know anything about women, so i had to call a few women to find out why, but they want to save the bad guy. may be dana has dated guys like this. may be peter is a bad guy, we don't know. but if you see damaged goods, women think that they can reform him and they can make him better, if only they could get their hands on him and he'll be all right. >> dana: i am definitely not like that. [laughter] i do not -- take care of yourself. >> judge jeanine: bravo! >> dana: nothing to do with that. >> jesse: dana doesn't like the bad boys. more for you, judge. [laughter] so there is also another part of this, too, because women like the fact that the guy had a mission. that the guy stood for something. because in this society, all these guys walking around, they don't care about anything.
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this guy stood for something they social justice crusader kind of way, and for many women, that's attractive. and i don't understand it. i think that's pretty clear. >> judge jeanine: come on, jesse. >> dana: if that were true, i would say most women would say daniel penny -- in this case, this scenario, being principled and standing up for someone, then daniel penny is the attractive one. >> jesse: you don't think daniel penny is getting panties thrown at him every time on the subway? >> dana: going on the subway -- >> judge jeanine: jesse, i'm not sure you know what you're talking about, let's start right there. >> jesse: i know more about women and everybody at this table. >> judge jeanine: let me tell you something. there are women who want to make bad boys into good boys. there is no question about it. but there is no group that is out there that is joined together saying let's go after the insurance company, are there? >> jesse: there is a female
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political faction -- >> judge jeanine: is there? am i wrong about that? >> jesse: is on the left. >> harold: joey just talked about this being bipartisan -- people don't want to pay more. we should get to the thing here before some but he gets in trouble. >> dana: fine, but i was actually having fun. coming up, democrats ramping up the hate and division following the danny penny verdict. squad member jamaal bowman said in a scathing letter addressed to white people. ♪ ♪ ♪ (holiday music) ♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) give the gift of adventure. now through december 15th,
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>> joey: we've got another clip from fox nation and judge jeanine's exclusive interview with daniel penny. the marine vet revealing what he said, what he would say to the jury who cleared him in the subway choke hold death of jordan neely. >> a jury of your peers felt unanimously beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed no wrongdoing, what would you say to them? >> i like to give them a hug. i like to thank them, definit definitely. it takes a lot of courage, especially in this climate, in new york city, to stick up for me. >> joey: penny also answering the big question that is on the mind of a lot of people. >> will you take the subway again? >> yeah, i have been. i believe in new york. i love new york. >> knowing what you know now,
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danny, if you faced the same situation again, would you do it again? >> yeah, totally. i would not be able to live with myself if i didn't do anything in that situation and someone got hurt. i would feel guilty for the rest of my life. >> joey: yeah, meanwhile, the crazies on the left are ratcheting up the hate and division over this verdict. outgoing squad member rep jamaal bowman, famous for pulling the fire alarm, posted on x, dear white people, i don't know why i feel the need to keep talking to you. i don't know why part of me still has hope for you and for us. some of you are too far gone, but may be enough of you aren't and will join us in fighting to end white supremacy. and the blm leader who vowed riots if penny was cleared, yeah, well, she is flying into a rage about race. watch this. >> if jordan neely was a white man, we would be saying it was the opiate crisis. he was hungry.
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he was mentally ill. he had a muffin in his pocket. what about a white man during cross-examination who said that he was afraid of daniel penny, the one who poured water onto his head and said he was a framed, he was a white man. but if it were a latino man was holding his arms? >> i'm not someone identify everyone by race. you are. >> joey: judge, need to go to you first. what did you take from daniel penny's reflection about the courage of the jury to do it again? >> it's interesting because danny said he wasn't a political person. he says that in the interview, it's not something that i normally follow. but he was savvy enough to understand, in spite of that, that it not only took courage for this jury to do it they did, because he knew that this was a political, pipe bomb. they were trying to make it about race. and he recognized the courage, and he said he wanted to hug them, not got to tell you, there
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were camera guys in there. there were a lot of people in there. and guys teared up when he said that, that he wanted to hug them. he is as honest, as believable, and as credible as anyone i have ever met. and, you know, he was beaten by the system, and he talked about the system. he said, you know, the system isn't serving us the way it's supposed to be, which i thought was a lot coming from him, as well. but he had the -- and i said this yesterday -- the stoicism of, you know, someone who could be stoic with all of this chaos around him, but he also had the courage of a lion. that he knew that that was deadly physical force. i just want to say one thing to these bozo idiots. number one. it's not about evil white supremacy. the truth is that jordan neely, an african american, a black
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man, was on a list of the most needy, mentally ill, homeless people in new york city. most resistant to help. a list of 50 out of 8000000 people. where are all these do-gooders trying to help him get off of that list? where was his family trying to help him get off that list? and jamaal bowman, part of the reason that you lost is because you didn't do anything or your own constituency. he could have done something. you know, there is a homeless minority that is terrifying people in new york city. and, this guy, jordan neely, was jacked up on k2. it took three men to hold him down, a black man and hispanic man. took a black and hispanic and asian to convict him. there were blacks and hispanics on that car. stop making this about race. if you are too stupid to understand the justification the in new york, keep your mouth
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shut. >> joey: harold come i want to bring it to you because judge ended on it, bowman is not going to be in congress, for all accounts what he is telling people aren't buying so why he is still peddling it i really don't know. do you think democrats as a whole, the country as a whole, are moving away, because i have said the long time, the word racist might be the least effective word left because it is so overused. >> harold: first off, you did a great interview. tell you that public, it was well done, very, very good. two, i don't think of jamaal bowman's comments as being serious. i met him once. i don't know him. ithe fact that we show it is giving him far more attention than he even deserves. to start a letter off saying "dear white people" is just nonsensical. three, and you weren't saying, nonsensical -- three, the jury did what i wanted them to do.
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they made it safe for people to act on behalf, someone, the only person at this table doesn't have two of his limbs, you believe so much in this country, you gave and went out and defended us, and almost gave your life doing it. you want people in our country to believe in their country and believe in their fellow humanity that way, and the jury i think ultimately decided that. i don't think it's a jury as being racially -- i don't think of them as racial units. you don't mean that but every person out here talking about this, and abrams going to follow-up, play the rest of the clip, trying to say to the blm leader, she has every right to believe that. i don't believe we are advancing any cause, antiracism, humanity, when talking like that. i was on the subway three times today. i saw a picture in the subway on the f line not far from here of a friend of mine. who had said wanted, and i looked at it, profiteer, and it listed what he does for a living, and said if you see him, you know what to do. and i'm thinking, what have we
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come to, where to your point all of our points, we all agree, violence is excepted this way. this is the daniel penny segment, i know. i'm so happy for him. i hope he gets his architecture degree, i think he is going for an architecture degree and i hope he gets a great job and i love his spirit. and i love the way he doesn't seem to be at all defensive or angry. the part of what he said about the system. he has been victor hated, and i wish him nothing but the best and nothing but blessings going forward. >> judge jeanine: but he is a civil lawsuit -- >> harold: i wish and blessings and that, too. >> joey: we have said at the stable since i have been here this week, maybe him being found innocent with not stop people from stepping in, but i kind of see at the other way around, he was still put on trial. he was still charged and put on trial. you saw the judge make moves that kind of put against his favor. and other people giving him death threats. so even though he was found innocent, as a result of all of this, that people in new york saying you know what, better not step in because i might get charged, too.
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>> jesse: i've canceled all car services going forward and taking the subway now because i want to be out there, in case. and my mother raised me to have good manners, and so when jamaal bowman writes a letter to white people, i think i have to respond. so i wrote a letter to black people. >> harold: you should write a letter to him. >> dana: oh, dear -- >> jesse: dear black people. this letter is in response to jamaal bowman's letter to whites, but first, some housekeeping. we love harold. [laughter] >> harold: please don't put me in -- >> jesse: thank you for sharing harold with us. he is an absolute delight. bowman, on the other hand, is too racist to serve on a jury into anti-semitic to serve in congress, and i feel bad for him. and i'm sure he would like me if we met but that's probably not going to happen so please talk to him. and after that, let me know any whites you want me to talk to, and i'd be happy to do it. i have some whites in mind. [laughter]
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thank you so much. >> judge jeanine: end it there, jesse. >> jesse: but in all seriousness -- [laughter] the judge is absently right. this man was a ticking time bomb. brasgg should be recalled and anybody who lives in this area, never been on a subway, you are underground, in a prison cell, and you are going 50-60 miles an hour, and if some guy comes on there and starts threatening, there is nothing many people can do. it is a scary statement. >> joey: eric adams came out and was essentially supporting daniel penny, but at what point does the city to take action and actually make things like riding the subway safer, so you don't have to have daniel penny? >> dana: talking about the system not working, the system is not working for the taxpayers and the people who are trained to go to work every day because the subway is not safe. just a couple of hours ago, downstairs, i watched two nypd female officers having to deal with a guy that i had seen two hours before sleeping in the
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middle of the floor, his homeless, and they were being gentle. they were being kind. but if that guy had been -- what are we supposed to do? and for the lady from blm, don't you want everybody who is trying to do the right thing and go to work and school to be safe? that's what eric adams is talking about, that is what daniel penny did. it shouldn't fall to daniel penny to have to do that. >> harold: exactly. >> dana: and by the way, before jamaal bowman was in congress and pulled the fire alarm so he could try to affect a vote and got caught in that, he was a public school teacher. >> judge jeanine: remember. >> joey: all right. well, head, mysterious drones are causing a panic in new jersey. some folks think it is time to shoot 'em out of the sky. i have to agree with them. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: what is going on in our skies? the biden administration is totally clueless. over a group of mysterious drones that have been tormenting the residents of new jersey. flying near sensitive sites like a military research facility and even buzzing near president-elect donald trump's bedminster estate. the fbi revealing to congress that the agency is simply in the dark. but new jersey congressman jeff van drew says enough is enough. it's time to shoot these suckers out of the sky. >> iran launched a mothership, probably about a month ago, that contains these drones. that mothership -- i'm going to tell you the deal. it's off the east coast of the united states of america. whether it was some crazy hobbyist that we can't imagine or whether it is iran, and i think it very possibly could be,
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they should be shot down. >> there is no iranian ship off the coast of the united states, and there is no so-called mothership launching drones toward the united states. >> judge jeanine: okay, jesse. >> jesse: yeah. >> judge jeanine: we can laugh about the mothership launching drones. it's either alien spaceships, u.s. military experience, experiment, russian, chinese, but why, whatever it is, how could the united states government say we don't know and allow it to fly? are they lying to us? >> jesse: are they lying to us? the government would never lie to us. >> judge jeanine: like they did with the chinese spy craft? >> jesse: if its aliens, than they can't say it's aliens. >> judge jeanine: no, they pretty much admitted u.s. owes. >> jesse: you think that you know i pentagon is going to say it's just a bunch of aliens? >> judge jeanine: should you have to suffer -- falling on your house?
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>> jesse: then you could sue, judge jeanine. it is the perfect opportunity to call judge jeanine. probably remain calm. my theory is this is a defense contractor that is testing drones. they have a high security clearance, only a few people know about it because they can't tested in the desert, they have to tested over reservoirs, serb urban areas, military bases, a huge one right where this is happening and maybe trump's club. other than that, i don't know. they say there are thousands of sightings since november. they were up there for 6-7 hours. there is no rf signal so you can detect them in anytime you go near them, they shut the lights off. >> judge jeanine: yeah, they darken. so how much we spend on intelligence, dana, and how much information we have, and yet, you know, they've got to give the public some sense of, you know, safety here.
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as opposed to saying we are either lying to you or we don't know. >> dana: new jersey, in one of the meetings today, it's remarkable how little they know, and scary. >> judge jeanine: he believes that. >> dana: he said, for example, he didn't say this but i was thinking about this, for a long time, dhs, department of homeland security, has been giving out these monies for anti-drone technology stuff to these communities. none of that is working. and then they go dark and then they don't know, and with the spy balloon you mentioned, china, remember everyone for a week was like, what is that? what is going on? what are they doing? basically the government, the biden administration said that they were never going to tell us anything, anyway, so no wonder people are worried about it because it is not just one hot air balloon, this is multiple suv-sized drones, and i will tell you why i knew this was a big deal. our fox news affiliate radio guy in pennsylvania, philly, he said on his radio show yesterday for three hours, he takes calls,
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every single call was about this. >> judge jeanine: yeah, sure. >> dana: that i got a call from my dad, what is going on, is everything okay? the government cannot assure us of anything. no wonder there is wild ideas out there. >> judge jeanine: the fbi says there is nothing that would lead one to say americans are at risk, but we really don't know, so if you don't know, how are we safe? >> joey: drone warfare is the future, i did a cool segment on the we can show about a month ago when we are seeing it in israel, from iran, it also ukraine at the same time. the way most people understand drones is they think someone with a remote control and the drone is going out and doing its thing. when that happens, the remote control is talking to the drone, the drone is talking back to it, there is a signal going through the air. that is old school technology, antiquated at this point. what they are doing with drones now as they are integrating artificial intelligence with land markers that can be spotted with a camera on the
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drone. you are not controlling it at all, it is controlling itself. it's got a designated path that it is taking and it is doing it. so our number one defeat against drones is to jam that signal. a remote control sending a signal, i'm going to send a thousand different signals, can't hear it anymore and he gets confused and it comes to the ground or it goes off path and we can take control of it. that's not even an issue or an option with the latest technology in these drones. the term mothership is actually something being used because they are developing technology where you take a big drone up and it deploys what is called a swarm, a bunch of small drones, and if you can jam, it's got the capability to move and get out of your jamming reach. there is a lot in the space of drones that americans don't quite understand or know yet, and the truth is, the entire west is behind on drone technology. talked to a good friend of mine that works at one of the big aviation defense contracting, and he said you know what, man? i don't have a clue. and unfortunately, that is where we are. >> judge jeanine: you know,
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was interesting, you were a legislator, harold, they are saying that we need legislation to grant law-enforcement the authority to shoot them down, so say you don't want to shoot it down, but you should be able to corner it, to some extent, so that it's got to go down. you don't have to shoot it down or blow it up, but how long are we going to tolerate this? the government told us they were taking pictures of china spy craft in real time, then when he gets over the atlantic, we blow it up, sorry, they were taking pictures in real time over military bases. >> harold: so i don't know an answer to any of the questions that you posed, but i dare to say this. first off, that was great, thank you for sharing that about drones and how that technology is used and the advances there. seems like that is going to be a big part of our future munitions and weapons systems. two, law enforcement has every right, if they believe their community or the space that they are protecting is violated or threatened, they can shoot if
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they choose to, there is nothing stopping them from shooting it down. if i lived in that neighborhood, i would probably want them to take greater action. i heard what dana said, these things are the size of cars or suvs. three, i heard the defense department answer, i think, jesse, i agree with jesse, i think your theory, this is a defense contractor, i think it could be a defense contractor, even perhaps one of our intelligence agencies that is doing this because the defense department said it was not posing a threat to any military installation, that there was not anything, any mothership or ship off the east coast that these things are taking off from, unless they're blatantly lying to us, so i deduce like you do, there is no way you are allowing this to happen in our airspace unless they are testing something. joey would have an interesting and probably better perspective on this, having served in the military, but there is some thing else going on here. if i lived in a neighborhood and looked out my window and my kid looked out the window and saw that, i would be calling the police and certainly calling the governor and others, and i would hope that governor murphy, i would imagine he has had a call
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to the white house saying what the heck is this? >> judge jeanine: yeah, but nobody has been doing anything for a month. >> harold: share with the people -- >> joey: we didn't talk about, may blow a hole in the idea that it's all defense, all our friendly's, they just arrested a chinese guy who was flying a drone next to a military base and this is happening overseas on u.s. military base, that makes it hard -- >> harold: you would have thought they would shut this down. this is happened many, many nights. >> judge jeanine: you think that, harold. >> harold: look at judge. great interview. >> judge jeanine: [laughs] ahead, we will tell you about a super sanctuary city that is refusing to help i.c.e. deport dangerous illegal criminals. ♪ ♪
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sanctuary cities weren't dangerous enough, san diego just became a super sanctuary city. the county board voting to pump up protections for illegals, banning cops from notifying i.c.e. about when or where criminal migrants are being released, but the sheriff says not so fast. she will not cooperate with the policy. judge jeanine, this is the beginning of what you are going to see a lot of collisions between counties and cities. >> judge jeanine: yeah, and tom homan welcomes it, so just keep sticking to your guns. look, every sheriff in this country is elected. every sheriff is obligated to follow the rules of the state constitution that empower him or her. no local city council or county board has any authority to tell the sheriff what to do. the sheriffs are free to tell them to get the hell out, all right? and that is statutory and constitutional. now county board of supervisors
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have no input in any decisions that the sheriffs want to make. now here is something that they can do. they have control over their budgets. and that's where it hurts. >> jesse: that's where it gets interesting. harold, it doesn't look good of san diego officials are preventing sheriff from apprehending dangerous criminal illegal aliens. >> harold: i agree with the judge 100%. the great thing about our country is we have rules. we are a country of law and order, and the laws in the state of california, the that govern those jurisdiction, the sheriff doesn't have to listen to county supervisors, they knew when they passed that, they are just plain politics. thank god the sheriff is not playing politics. as the judge knows very well, the federal government, federal policy over supersedes their policy. nothing is going to stop i.c.e. i root for tom homan. i wish he would stop dressing up like tom cruise, just do for the job. i hope he does it effectively.
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whether the county supervisors agree with him or the sheriff agrees with him, i'm thankful the sheriff agrees with him because that will make it easier, but the judges exec the right. >> judge jeanine: thank you, harold. >> harold: it hurts me to say that. >> jesse: homan and miller and donald trump and all the lawyers look like they are ready to go. >> dana: i imagine the voters are, too. san diego county they voted six to 5% in favor of prop 36, which would make shoplifting illegal again. so imagine what the number would be if they were voting on deporting and murderers. i think the voters are going to have a say here. >> jesse: you ever been around that area, big military base right around there, this is not going to fly with most normal people. >> joey: the problem of all of these blue states are divided with small pockets of crazy people and a bunch of republicans. i don't understand it. i'm good friends or becoming friends with sheriff mark lam on a project working on, just learning how local law enforcement works. it really is amazing, the
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sheriff's around this country, to stand up and do the right thing, and put their political career on the line and get rewarded for it. and i just don't understand the disconnect because it is the same people voting for the sheriffs, ultimately, that vote for county commissioners in the city. and i don't understand how people keep voting these idiot politicians in while they are also voting for these amazing heroes, really, that become sheriff's. i don't get it. >> jesse: judge, legal question, can the sheriff arrest the city council? >> judge jeanine: if they commit a crime, legitimately, sure. >> jesse: harboring criminal aliens a crime? >> judge jeanine: it is a federal crime, and it takes precedence, and anyone can be arrested for that, and i suspect, what is it, division 3 -- >> jesse: oh, wow. >> harold: last week. >> judge jeanine: thank you very much. >> jesse: coming up, buyer's remorse just came crashing into this dealership. ♪ ♪ for more than a decade
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♪we can secure our world.♪ ♪watch out for offers too good to be true.♪ that's phishing! ♪someone's trying to take advantage of you.♪ learn more at ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ ♪ ♪ >> harold: talk about buyer's remorse. a disgruntled utah crashing his newly bought used subaru right through the dealership window. look at that. he says he was denied a refund and that the ride had mechanical issues. but the dealership disputes it.
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he looked mad. dp, what are your thoughts -- >> dana: first of all, he is very fortunate for himself that he didn't hurt somebody because then he would have been arrested for that. i don't know if he was arrested -- >> harold: for murder -- >> dana: in charge for murder and homicide and all the rest. one of the things that he says is he got pushed too far. we started this segment -- this show today -- with elizabeth warren talking about the health ceo who was murdered, and saying, violence is wrong, but you can only push people so far. there is something deeply wrong with this situation. >> harold: joey, what are your thoughts? >> joey: i mean, i get it, i hate car dealerships and car salesman, i really do. the pressure you. i walk in there, don't tell me the monthly payment, tell me what i am paying you. they love to you sleight-of-hand to screw you over, it's just the truth. but here's the deal. in this market, if you buy something with four wheels for $4,000, you better check and
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make sure it has an exit because that's not a lot of money for a car in this market, so you kind of know what you are getting when the price is too good to be true, and i hate it for subaru, create a stereotype, by a suba subaru. >> harold: judge? >> judge jeanine: the craziest part of this thing, $4,000 on a card expected to run, okay. you are so stupid, you let your emotion take control, you drove through a glass window, now you have to pay $10,000 for the glass window and the damages, and you are arrested for criminal mischief, criminal trespass, i don't know what else they charge, this guy is screwed. by the way, they sold him the car as it is. i mean, you know what "as is" means, you are likely got out of the parking lot. >> dana: as is is. >> harold: what is your definition of as is? >> jesse: i just know a subaru driver, her dog bit me in the groin and a hand around things
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giving so i'm with you. two strikes on subaru. >> harold: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ customize and save with liberty mutual. customize and sa— (balloon doug pops & deflates) and then i wake up. is limu with you in all your dreams? oh, yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ my name's keegan and i'm a wish kid. keegan was diagnosed with t-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in november of 2018. he takes chemo on a daily basis and sometimes up to nine pills a day. my wish was a hockey ice rink. i wish for this rink because i get to practice more and just be a better skater. every 20 minutes, a child is diagnosed with a critical illness.
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10:00 pm
christmas. michael herrick goes to some of the most iconic christmas movie locations in america. the town that inspired a wonderful life. alpha new york city. lights camera christmas on fox nation. jesse watters prime time we have halk logan on tonight. >> you just broke the internet of wrapping presents, christmas presents. they custom shop for 177 families, 788 individuals in 30 states. these are military families that have fallen on hard times. someone in the family has cancer. they lost their home, stuff like that. it's a really amazing program. each member of the family's custom shop for and meg did a hell of a job running. >> what's the best way to help them go to boot >> they'll do it again in the spring for kids. >> love it. all right, that's it for us. everyone have a great night. tonight. >> i think a
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