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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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presentation we would never hear from them again. >> absolutely. the reality is if this wasn't google and any other business did that this would be an even bigger story because there would be boycotts in that business would be in trouble. they are making a statement, it is a political statement. they are using christmas time to do it. it's just inappropriate and i a lot of folks said that all of this is inappropriate so i'm hoping we start to see the quicker death of all of this nonsense. >> three words,.doc go. maybe people are using that search engine. thank you very much. make sure to follow me on instagram. jesse watters takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters prime time. tonight. >> if you are asking whether the
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violence at the capitol on january sixth was part of some operation orchestrated by fbi sources and/or agents the answer is no. >> jesse: look what we have here. 26 fbi guys inside jan six. >> these people are not going to take it any longer. >> jesse: donald trump and the art of the comeback. >> men are hurting. the feminist culture tells you don't cry because you are the problem anyway so at least donald trump let's you have an emotion besides shame. >> jesse: democrats have to man up. what that going to look like? >> this is the suspect luigi's. >> he is cute. is it you?
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>> jesse: the justice department just released the bombshell report that we've been waiting for. what actually happened on january sixth? the fbi had 26 confidential human sources there that day. 26. a confidential human source is a guy the fbi pays to spy for them. of the 26 confidential sources who were in d.c., four enter the capital during the riot. an additional 13 enter the restricted area around the capital primark more than a dozen fbi spies participated in the so-called insurrection. a bunch of them broke into the capital. their own inspector general says this is what happened but that's not what they told you when they testified under oath. >> those who were there in an under -- undercover capacity, how many were there. >> are not sure i can give you
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that number. on not sure there were undercover agents unseen. >> i thought i heard you say you didn't know whether there were fbi agents or informants or human sources in the capital or in the vicinity on january sixth. did i misunderstand you. >> i referred to undercover agents. >> are you acknowledging that there were undercover agents? >> i junot believe there were undercover agents. >> jesse: so congress asked the question a different way. listen. >> did you have confidential human sources dressed as trump supporters inside the capital on january the 6th? prior to the doors being opened? >> i had to be very careful. >> can you not tell the american people know we did not have confidential human sources dressed as trump supporters positioned inside the capital. >> you should not read anything into my decisions not to share
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information. >> jesse: the fbi didn't have undercover agents. they had confidential human sources. so what's the difference? a confidential human source doesn't get health insurance or pension. they are just freelancing for the feds, they are basically paid informants at -- that the fbi runs out of headquarters. a lot of these rats get picked up on some other charge. the fbi says you are going to work for me now. if you don't you are looking at 20 years to life. so these guys say yes, sir, and they cozy up to people like the proud boys and anyone they want to watch and control from the inside. and these confidential human sources are under pressure to deliver. what does deliver mean? it means intelligence and big busts back at the fbi good headlines. according to the inspector general report, the
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spies were feeding the fbi intel that said january sixth was going to get a little hairy. but fbi headquarters did nothing about it and then lied to congress and said they did. so why did headquarters let january sixth get so out of hand? and what were all these fbi spies doing that day and the days before? were they riling everyone up like they did in the kidnapping plot? in that case the fbi informants instigated the plot. they even used in fbi credit card to buy the m.o. supplies and hotel rooms. did they pay for january 6 hotel rooms" we don't know. they said this whole thing was a conspiracy. >> wear you think this idea comes from that this was somehow done by the feds. >> i heard that one of the debaters said it was an inside job. it's an inside job on the part of donald trump and his henchmen
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the. >> republicans are blamed the fbi and said it was an inside job. >> it was not an inside job by fbi agents. they go around blaming it on nt five and fbi agents. >> jesse: how to the media know it wasn't an inside job when they had 26 of the people on the inside. january sixth certainly benefited the... 1500 arrests, humiliated trump, got him impeached and criminalized the movement. trump got indicted over january sixth. they try to throw him in prison over this. the committee is all democrats did for two years. why didn't the committee find any of these snitches? they did a one-sided investigation and teat up... so the media is going to apologize right? no. the media today is cherry-picking the report to say there were no undercover agents there on january sixth.
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the whole thing is a conspiracy. these aren't articles, they are fbi press releases. and they wonder why the ratings are trash and no one trusts them. it's because of this. they don't want the truth, they want to hide it if it hurts the left. they can't have it they were wrong because it's too embarrassing and they were a part of the cover-up. but the fbi is worse than the media. the fbi knew what was in this report. the covered it up before the election and then the director says he's resigning the day before it comes out. give me a break. this kind of sliming this is why trump nominated kash patel. i wonder what else he's going to find in the bureau when he looks under the hood. >> as a public defender who defended a lot of these types of cases, what you need to show is whether or not the fbi and government agents reusing undercover operatives and informants on the day of januar. once you prove that then you defeat the insurrection narrative with it at -- with the
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fbi's own documentation. >> jesse: what is it due to the defendants? none of the confidential informants were arrested or charged. these guys were right alongside everyone walking into the capital. but you are in prison for years? if you are a defence attorney and this drops after the case was decided, that could change everything. constitutional law professor jonathan turley says this. there's a question of why the confidential human sources who enter the capital were not charged as part of an operation that the justice department described as an effort to shock and all targeting everyone involved that day. this report does not find specific wrongdoing or direction from confidential human sources. congress is likely to seek more information on these sources and their conduct on the day. are you allowed to commit crimes as a spy for the fbi and not get charged? because they said this was the
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greatest attack on democracy ever. said it was up there with 9/11. traders they said, they are off scot-free. you can try to overthrow the government if you're an fbi right and just walk away? congress has to find out. and what does this mean for pardons? the hunter biden pardon already grease the one way for trump this reports, all the most trump needs needs. he told "time" magazine it's going to start in the first hour. may be the first 9 minutes. if i were president i don't think i would pardon january 6 there's but if you are wandering around peacefully come on. it's not just kash patel that's went to clean house. told c is on deck. >> she's going to be a great director the...
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>> jesse: the deep state has never been this backed into a corner ever. we have trump assassination files that we want to release. jfk assassination files, covid files. what about the pipe bomb? is the fbi still working on that one? who planted that? it's just another conspiracy theory that you were right about. the lab leak, the laptop and now january sixth. no wonder biden is under pressure to dish out more pardons. he knows how high this thing goes. former cia analyst and cohost of the... bucket joins us now. when they run these confidential human sources into these groups that they are monitoring, how does this all -- whole operation were? >> one of the first questions you want to know is why would you have so many that were in
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this group. it's not like they were infiltrating al qaeda. you get the sense that there may have been an effort by the fbi directed from within to try to figure out more about patriot groups, trump groups, right wing groups and whatever it maybe. it reminds me of back in the day in the obama admin's ration years when the irs was mysteriously giving extra scrutiny to people with patriot or pro-american for the ngos. this is seeming to be something similar. why was the collection priority such that you would've had dozens of people who were working on behest -- at the behest of the fbi in what was supposed to be and was going to be an entirely peaceful protest and an exercise of first memory rights. the way this works, i remember from the intelligence when i was there, you have guys that it went to meet with them and establish collection priorities and say what you think you can get me. of course they are going to want that information meaning the confidential human source.
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maybe they are getting a lighter sentence because event and maybe they're getting money because of it. it depends on the situation. you can also know that they are not going to tell the fbi and they are certainly not going to tell it up to headquarters if they were inciting people or engaged in conduct that they themselves as the confidential human source, may have been causing problems with. just because the fbi tries to get ahead of what's coming which is i think a reckoning. a reckoning that is needed. by putting this report out we should take nothing that they say at face value at this stage. they rated marlo go. they went into the soon-to-be presidents home to grab a bunch of dusty boxes of files. i think the fbi at the upper echelons knows that the institution is in for something that has not been in perhaps in it's history and that's what kash patel will be bringing in others. >> jesse: he seems to have zeroed in on what needs to be done. this whole jan sixth day and the
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investigation that followed put a real scarlet letter on the movement. let's be honest, it was criminalized. if you had the hat on you were looked up by the federal government as a domestic terrorist. it's just the way it was. so going back now when you realize that they had over two dozen paid rats who had invested these groups, it sounds like there was an agenda here. >> there absolutely was an agenda at work and i think everyone has to remember it seems like now it's obvious but if you were to go back in time, a lot of people that were involved in this kind of activity, they would've assumed that donald trump would never be president again. they would assume that certainly he wouldn't be in a position were he can appoint the kind of people that we are seeing coming into his administration to get the transparency and to get to the bottom of weaponization of the doj and weaponization of the
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fbi. the law for they've already engaged in if this were to continue and perpetuate itself from the left against republicans, this could bring down the republic. this is very serious stuff and january sixth as we know was supposed to be the incident that would keep trump and the movement out of power forever. i think they believe that would be the case clearly based on this last election. it isn't. now it is absolutely incumbent upon the people that are taking over and we mentioned... to look into everything that was done that was clearly done for political reasons. the people who were saying donald trump is coming in this is so terrifying. why should anybody be worried about looking for the files and understanding what happened. if everything that it was legitimate the niche -- it should be fine. we see what was done to individuals and we've seen a lot of it to this point. the treatment they receive was so much more harsh and extreme
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then what any reasonable application of the law could've ever been. you mentioned even the worst stuff which was assaulting police officers. you can talk to people who were covering the blm riots around the same period. cops are being hit with bricks, bottles and. this was regular. did any of them get put in solitary confinement? of course not. it was a political manoeuvring to treat them in this way. it was unfair and unjust. donald trump pardoning them is the right move and the reckoning that will come with others is i think necessary to set the country on the right path because if the justice department can be used effectively as a weapon of politics to destroy not just a political candidate but some of his most ardent supporters then we don't actually have a republic. we don't have a democratic system of elections. this is absolutely critical. cleaning up the deep state and
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dealing with the border. top missions for the trump administration. >> it's would be funny to watch the press howell when trump issues pardons for january sixth. after this report just broke and after hunter biden and after their cherry-picking this report after they got caught covering this thing up. no one is even going to listen to them. >> the people who have been screaming the loudest for all of the trump years about the threat to our sacred institutions are the ones who when you take a step back and look at it weather its the justice department, congress, any of it. they are the ones who have done the most damage to these institutions. they are the reason why a lot of people want to see what's in the files not just at the fbi but use -- at the cdc under faucher she. the application of these different agencies is something that is so beyond the pale and now that we might actually get to a place were we can get not
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just answers but accountability, it's not just a good thing it's a necessary thing. we shouldn't just tell ourselves or delude ourselves into believing that what's in the past should be left there, they tried to lock up this soon to be president. they did lock up some of his supporters. bannon had to serve a prison sentence. this is insane. >> jesse: leg shackles. like he was a bad pirate ownership in the caribbean. leg shackles. >> this is why it is so necessary to get these answers and get the truth. it's just the beginning and the fbi knows what's coming so i'm excited to see it. >> jesse: they could flee to canada but now it's would to be the 51st state, they might have to go somewhere else. good to see you. the animal spirits are loose. [applause]
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. >> jesse: trump woke up this morning as the person of the year. "time" magazine made it official. and had him under the lights for 30 minute photo shoot. they flew down to marlo go to meet the men. they say you could sense trump before you could see him. he walked in with an air of unhurried... they notice a little bruising on his right hand. trump told them it's from shaking hands with thousands of people. same thing with diet coke, he said a lot of people change dr. butler. he said from then on it was 72 days of fury. time asked him what would your father think of your political comeback. trump said he maybe would not call it a come back, would've
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said it's just donald and mike they admitted trump's political rebirth is unparalleled in american history. to them it was a no-brainer. >> we are living in the age of trump. i think many people thought after his defeat in 2020 that his first presidency was in operation. but what the selection shows is it was not. he's continue path through american politics and in some ways because we've been living in that age for nearly a decade now the sheer extraordinary nature of this year is hard to take notice of. you walked us through those events. each one of those is going to be a moment in time that historians will be writing about for years. >> jesse: the person of the year celebrated from the new york stock exchange today and he brought his whole team with him. vance, rfk jr., even melania and ivanka were there. >> brought some of our compatriots along with us that we'll do a beautiful job for you for the next four years.
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it's really been something very special and i have to say "time" magazine getting this honour for the second time, i think i like it better this time actually. we did a good job and we had a great first term despite a lot of turmoil caused unnecessarily. the media has tamed down a little bit. they're liking it much better now i think. if they don't we will have to take them on again and we don't want to do that. >> jesse: they had trump ring the opening bell. [applause] >> jesse: the last president to ring the bell was ronald reagan.
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that was when he told everybody it was time to turn the bowls loose. trump's coming in with the same vision. >> what you have to say to the american investors of this country. >> the organ season very good days ahead. a lot of incentives are good to be given. we have to conclude a couple of bad wars that are going on. a lot of bad things are going on but we will get them done. >> do you think we are in a situation where business will be far more embraced under you than currently? >> i don't want to knock current but i will tell you more than any time anywhere in the history of our country. >> jesse: for the crypto burros he wants to be the most pro-crypto president in history. >> you are embracing crypto, very different. >> we are going to do something great with crypto because we don't want china or anybody else and we are want -- we're good to be way ahead of ai and we have to produce tremendous amounts of electricity.
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>> jesse: he stepped foot on the floor of the stock exchange and the whole place went wild. almost like they weren't at work. leaders from all types of business showed up to watch him ring the bell. ceos from goldman sachs citigroup, verizon, target all there. they say there was a bullish feeling in the air. >> we are stepping into the most pro-growth, pro-business, pro-american administration i've perhaps seen in my adult lifetime certainly. we had a nice little ceremony and it ceos of a broad array of big american companies and everyone is incredibly enthusiastic really about a new administration that's about efficiency, removing the impediments to growth, deregulation. >> jesse: they weren't on the trading floor today. they will be at the winter white house. jeff phase o's and a ceo of
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google are set to meet the presence like that marlo go. he just handed $1 million to trump's inaugural fund. mark zuckerberg also added another million. everybody wants to jump on the trump train. because they are witnessing more change across more parts of life at more speed than ever before. trump wants to usher in a great upheaval for wall street, silicon valley and washington. yuan musk has been telling trump its going to be the most traumatic -- dramatic transformation since the nation's founding. 47 wants to win the ai arms race and the space war. they say the future of warfare will be robots, drones and satellites. no boots on the ground. the information wars as well. they want to change how people get their news. people inside marlo go say he's going to try to do big... so get ready america. the trump train is leaving the station. charles pain is the host of making money on fbn.
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is this country going to be making money pretty soon again? >> the train left the station. as soon as they counted those boats up the train was -- you could feel it already heating up even before the election. we're going to look back on this in the market always knows. they started to have the rally a couple weeks into the election. then it shifted into a whole new gear right after they counted the votes and said it's official. every single day we see these different surveys of different groups. it was the farmers last week. this week it was small businesses. two weeks ago it was the chief financial officers of the country. it's an electricity and i think that the sound bite you have really underscores it. it's unlike anything any adult has ever felt in his country ever. >> jesse: besides the tax regulation and rate cuts, tell me about the confidence, just the instincts.
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it looks like they have been unleashed. what is more instrumental in driving this huge rally? >> i think it's a two-parter. i first and foremost, an environment wear people, americans are told you can do it. we have pulled ourselves up by the bootstraps. this young upstart nation that went against the greatest power in the world and that eventually became itself the greatest power in the world. through this raw energy, to eat those of yes, you can do it. we were told for the last four years you can't do it. you need help. it's just a reawakening of who we are, the echoes of the average american. the other part of this is the team led by donald trump. he's put together a team of doers and achievers. i hate to say this but most politicians the best thing they are good at is getting reelected. that's their greatest skill set. these folks have put things
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together. they've created industries and created jobs. they've created success. they know what to do and they know how to cut... here is the most important thing, and none of them are running for reelection. they don't have to win popularity contest or worry about big donors. they are doing all of this for the american public. >> jesse: is anybody want to get in the way of this? they've got the house, the senate, the white house. democrats look like they are trying to jump on board this train. >> a lot of democrats are jumping on board. you've got a few old-school republicans who are like when obama came into office he thought he had a mandate and he found out his own party turn on them because all the people have individual things they want to get through. this is not about going back to your constituents on a bridge to nowhere and getting reelected. it's not about your career. i most republicans are on board even though some are going to
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have to fight their own establishment instincts to stay on board. >> jesse: what about people who say there's too many billionaires in the cabinet. just a bunch of rich guys, i don't like all these rich guys cozying up to the president. it seems a key to them. to they have a point? >> no. [laughter] if they were all born with silver spoons in their mouths and they didn't know what was going on, but these are people that became billionaires in part because they understand mainstream. a lot of came from mainstream and start it with nothing. we want successful people to show us and create a path for the rest of us to be successful. >> jesse: he's been very successful, look at the way he's dressed. think you so much. feminism, masculinity and the democrats.
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(dr. david jeremiah) our world is not getting better. in our hearts we know that. and the bible says, "we groan for the coming of this new world." i'm not talking about heaven. i'm talking about a better world on planet earth. this is a world tainted with the sin of mankind, but there's a coming world when there'll be no more crime, when there'll be no more poverty, when there'll be no sickness, when death will happen only very seldom. one of these days, when jesus comes back, and the tribulation is over, christ will set up his kingdom on this earth. "the wolf will lie down with the lamb, "and the leopard will lie down with the young goat, "and they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain." the millennium is where we will begin to experience our true destiny. (male announcer) "the coming golden age" by david jeremiah, available now at
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and everywhere fine books are sold. here's something you don't see very often... elves not working and why not? i gave them the day off. thanks to weathertech. with so many gifts for everyone they won't have to work as hard. there's laser measured floorliners and cargo liner. plus the child car seat protector. and cupfone to secure any phone while driving. or get a gift card instantly at ♪ i call winner!
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oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh! >> jesse: christmas is around the corner and tampon tim is in
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the holiday spirit to be one we got the final one, you are going to love this. toilet paper roll angel. >> do see her little hands on the back here. >> here we go on the tree. >> on this family tree. dad got it on there. joy to the world. >> i know you are missing your family. >> kamala is already thinking about christmas dinner. >> if you are going to someone's house who doesn't know how to cook, bring your own dish. [inaudible] >> really? no regrets? not even one? the democrat party should be overwhelmed with regret. for one they kicked all their freethinkers out of their party.
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>> i hope the party takes a chance to look at the fact that we pushed all our rebels out of this party. we had a rebellion in our party in 2016 it was called bernie sanders. you had a rebellion that was called donald trump. you're rebel one, our rebel lost. and since then the rebels in our party have been pushed out. rfk was a rebel inside of a party. he wanted to run against joe biden fair and square and the dnc wouldn't let him. >> it's not just rfk and bernie. democrats kicked out moderates, blacks, agents... and most of all men. sure they threw tim walz into the woods but... the only candidate men saw themselves in was trump. >> men are hurting. and the feminist culture tells you don't cry because you are the problem anyway. the masculine culture tells you don't cry because boys don't cry. so you just aren't able to talk about how scared you are, you
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can't provide for anybody. you can't talk about how scared you are that you don't understand your kids and what's good to happen to them. you can't talk about anything. at least donald trump let's you have an emotion besides shame. >> jesse: most of the left realize their latest playbook was a failure. have to stop placing themselves on a moral pedestal. >> we are pushing people out of this party. i hate all these people but you have to look in the hashmak in the mirror at a certain point. we've had five movements in a row in our party that rely on dehumanizing binaries were you're putting down some people to live somebody else up. i love all of our movements but there is a moral flaw when every movement has got to put somebody down. black lives matter, all white people are racist. that is not going to work. >> jesse: it's time the left red strategize. if they want to reopen their tent they have to play ball with trump and the rest of the right.
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they are saying trump cares about michigan and she's embracing his message. she's ready to work with him. john federman saying i'm meeting trump's cabinet at the table whether my party likes it or not. >> all i'm saying is that democrats or other people can freak out over anyone that was nominated. i'm not that guy. i'm open to have a conversation for whatever. i don't know why it's controversial to have a dialogue with the people that are part of the next administration. those individuals can vent or rent on twitter but i'm here to have conversations and i think i'm just doing my job. >> jesse: he went with pegs at today and that's how that went. >> we agree that the steelers are going to win and he doesn't have a real opinion. we had a meeting and a conversation then -- that's what happened. >> there is no new news after that conversation.
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>> jesse: sounds like the meeting went splendidly. this kind of bipartisanship is propelling trump and it's the unity americans have been craving for years. public strategist aaron per renee joins us now. this whole masculinity thing with the democrats, are they going to man up and turn this thing around? >> not sure what the democrat strategy is going to be but it's been clear so far it's been to beat everybody down and push them out of the democratic party that has been a losing strategy for them. they beat men down every time. they said if you believe in the greatness of this nation and believe in america, you are the problem and if you don't support whatever woke ideology we have you are racist, irredeemable. on american. it's no wonder they've completely blown up what was the core of the democratic party and push them away because if you keep telling people they are bad that you don't want them in their party, eventually they are going to walk away and they did. >> jesse: should have a
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democrats lap a hoodie on an act like him? >> we would probably have better conversations and there would be more bipartisanship in d.c. if democrats were at least willing to come to the table and have conversations with these cabinet nominees. if they want to complain about who would be in doldrums cabinet maybe they should have a conversation with them and ask them what their priorities would be and how they would do the work that donald trump and the american people have sent them to do. john federman has been a surprising fresh breath of air in the senate because he doesn't care about the democrat rules, he has about cutting the work done for the american people. that's what he's willing top the conversation. every democrat should pay a little more attention to that. >> jesse: why isn't kamala harris embarrassed? she just got... she's laughing. >> they should be embarrassed. they pursued an ideology of dark divisiveness and yet right now they are saying they are smiling and talking about putting toilet
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paper on top of christmas trees and what dish you should bring to dinner. they made men feel so bad in this country about wanting to provide for their family, providing safety and security and they saw in themselves donald trump and that's why they went that -- that direction. democrats beat them down they made them think they need to be buffalo bill in "silence of the lambs". >> jesse: nothing messes with my ego. it's very healthy. have a great night. johnny investigates the health care hit men. >> they are saying he's hot. >> i can't confirm or deny. i will say he's pretty good-looking, i will throw that out there. patients who have sensitive teeth but also want whiter teeth, they have to make a choice- one versus the other.
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new sensodyne clinical white, it provides 2 shades whiter teeth as well as providing 24/7 sensitivity protection. patients are going to love to see sensodyne on the shelf.
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>> jesse: why is america obsessed with this alleged health care hit men luigi? we sent johnny to find out. >> what have you heard about the murder of the health care ceo innmak. >> i'm not from here so i don't know. >> guy named luigi.
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allegedly luigi. >> he shot somebody in the back. >> they found him in a mcdonald's. the worker is not even going to get the finders fee. >> everyone is buying his jacket >> why did this happen? >> something about avenging his grandparents. >> he was mad about the health care system. >> this is some sort of revolt against... >> how do we stop this? >> deal with mental health. >> love each other. >> do you love me? >> i love every man. >> stop trying to make me love you. >> always got to look over your shoulder little bit. that's why about this guy. got to watch out for my twin brother. >> democrats are saying the big ceos posted to the lament, stuff like this happens, what's
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wrong with democrats? >> they have no soul pay maximum of five -- of my very good friend's or democrats but they are not informed. actually have a blood relative that did. you can lead a horse to water you can't make it make a margarita. >> i don't believe in murder as justice. >> it's never something i would stand behind. >> you don't -- you are not saying she's pocahontas. >> i would never say that. >> this is the suspect luigi. >> he looks good. >> he's cute. >> he's attractive but he's a murderer. >> kind of looks like rambo. he might be in jail for a while. >> he's cute. is it you? >> i maybe italian but i'm not luigi. >> he kind of looks like you.
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>> i'm not proud of it but this is a locker room talking. >> lots of women are saying this guy is hot. >> yes. >> he's looking good. >> i can't confirm or deny. all say he's good-looking, i'll throw that out there. >> they are young and uninformed >> why do women like bad boys? >> keeps things exciting. >> a lot of boys are bad. >> they like a good time. >> they have daddy issues growing up at. >> you have daddy issues? >> would you fall in love with the murderer? >> i'd rather a churchgoer. >> she would have to go like beyonce or something. that's tough. >> all do whatever it takes. >> what is it say about americans that they fantasized about a cold-blooded killer. >> people like a good story. >> people have to realize if this was your father you would feel differently. >> we are so unserious.
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>> you're going to be on jesse watters prime time, what you want to tell him? >> i like the fact that people don't like you because you come out and you tell the truth. >> he things everybody likes him >> are you jesse watters? >> no, sorry to disappoint. >> jesse: merry christmas twins. more prime time ahead. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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how are folks 60 and older having fun these days? family cookouts! ♪ playing games! ♪ dancing in the par... (high pitched sound) (high pitched sound) (high pitched sound) narrator: for generations, this ally to the north has been by your side. ontario, canada, a partner connected by shared history, shared values, and a shared vision for what we can achieve together. stable and secure, when the world around us isn't. you can rely on ontario for energy to power your growing economy and for the critical minerals crucial to new technologies. ontario is your third-largest trading partner and the number one export destination for 17 states.
5:55 pm
our long-standing economic partnership keeps millions of americans working. in a changing world, it's time to bring jobs back home and build together. more workers, more trade, more prosperity, more security. for generations, this ally to the north has been here. and for generations more, we'll still be here. right by your side. [title: ontario, canada] [title:] [title: paid for by the government of ontario]
5:56 pm
2,000 years ago, god sent an angel to a group of shepherds, and he brought them a message: "fear not, for behold, i bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be for all the people. for unto you is born this day in the city of david a savior, which is christ the lord." you see, god sent his son, jesus christ, from heaven to this earth to take our sins, to save us from our sins by taking our sins to a cross and shedding his blood, being buried, but on the third day, god raising his son to life. if you've never trusted jesus christ as your
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savior, you can do it right now, this christmas. do it right now, just pray this prayer. just say, "god, i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe that jesus is your son. i believe that he took my sins to the cross, that he died in my place. he was buried, but you raised him to life. and i want to invite him to come into my heart and take control of my life, starting right now, in jesus' name, amen." if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. merry christmas.
5:58 pm
>> jesse: get yourself a financial advisor. even financial advisors have financial advisors. no one is equipped to handle their own money cat give it to a professional and they will do it for you and talk to them once or twice here about your strategy under long-term investments investments. trust me, "pays off. let's do texts. brian from texas, asked biden
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for a pardon now. i think blanket pardon for everyone in d.c., that's what it looks like. stephanie from tennessee, i sure wish those fbi informants would give me their hats, such a waste of swag. may be they can sign it. fbi racked. robert from liverpool new jersey, maybe the jersey drones are being operated by confidential nonhuman informants. at first i thought they were aliens so i've been sitting outside on my porch with a shotgun waiting to get abducted and probed. haven't seen one since. chris from jefferson kentucky, in the words of ll cool j, don't call it a comeback, i've been here four years. cindy from bloomfield, new jersey,, trump is ushering the new rowing 20s r it's going to be good. but do not take financial advice
6:00 pm
from him. dave from fairfax station virginia, jesse, really finalist four times person of the year? runner-up again. greg from alberta, canada,, all i want for christmas is to be named the 51st state. you got it. i think that congress would vote for that. what would it take for you to wear a suit like charles? i have to lose a bet. he could pull it off, i can't do it. only clay travis and charles penn. jim, jesse, wire you dissing subaru owners when you drive a volvo? i told you, remembered subaru owner, or dog bit me. liberal dog, in the groin. still have a scar on the growing, "never see it though. i'm waters and this is my world. ♪ ♪


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