tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News December 15, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST
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very famous navy seal, that the marine corps isn't a branch. and i think he was confused about the service academies. but in that video and the way it was put out there, dave, you need to stick to writing pizzas because you're not rating the service. the service's very well at all. >> yeah, my father, a marine, would be very sad. >> semper fi. all right. we got to get this in here. the new york post reporting that some men who are married to swifties are having such a hard time dealing with their wives hardcore fandom that it's leading to divorce. what? look, men, don't be the anti-hero support taylor swift. >> oh my goodness, that's terrible. all right. it has been great being with you all that is going to do it for us. stay tuned. because life, liberty and levin is next and we'll be back tomorrow night. we'll see you then. taylor. yeah. you've done. >> cause baby, now we've got bad blood. hey, now we got blood.
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>> hello, america. i'm mark levin, and this is life, liberty and levin. saturday. welcome. we're glad you're here. you know, i've been thinking about this. this horrific problem that we're having with people pouring over the border, drugs pouring over the border, women being sold into sex slavery, children missing over 300,000 unaccompanied minors, the mexican cartels making billions of dollars off of fentanyl, off the death of american citizens. we really have three problems. one, we have an administration and a democrat party that has destroyed willingly, so knowingly, so sabotaged our immigration system. we don't need a new immigration system. we don't need bipartisan legislation. we need to enforce the law, but also so-called birthright citizenship. where does this come from? and the third issue is chain migration,
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that was adopted in 1965 as part of the great society. really, no western nation does that anymore. but we continue to do these things, all three of them, to the detriment of the united states of america. there was a time when democrats understood that we needed to have an orderly immigration system, that people coming into the country need to be known. they need to show allegiance to our country and our culture and disassociate themselves from their past countries and governments. arthur m schlesinger jr. many of you haven't heard of him, but he was a very close aide and confidante to john kennedy, later, somewhat, lyndon johnson. he was a harvard professor, and he wrote a very famous book called the disuniting of america. when even elitist scholars of the left believed in having a serious immigration system. as a matter of fact, in 1965, when they voted on this act, which has so destroyed american immigration policy, this this
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hart-celler act, one of the people who was most critical was a man named theodore white. theodore white was a liberal. he was a democrat, but he was an author. and he wrote about the presidential elections every election cycle. and he said this was the most senseless, damaging, revolutionary act of all the acts. and not too many people are paying attention to it. what did they know back then? what did harry reid know in the 1990s when he came out against illegal immigration and then flipped when chuck schumer came out against illegal immigration and then flipped when the afl-cio and the teamsters union and even the farm workers union all opposed to illegal immigration, now they all support it. is there something wrong with us? no, i don't think so. i want to read something from professor samuel huntington, the late a harvard professor, and i think he put it succinctly and well, the difference is between a patriotic public and a denationalized elite. parallel other differences in values and
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philosophy, growing differences between the leaders of major institutions and the public on domestic and foreign policy issues affecting national identity form a major cultural fault line, cutting across class, denominational, racial, regional, and ethnic distinctions in a variety of ways. the american establishment, governmental and private, has become increasingly divorced from the american people. and that's what this election was about. it wasn't a class election. it was about the establishment versus we the people. politically, america remains a democracy because key public officials are selected through free and fair elections. many respects, however, it has become an unrepresentative democracy because on crucial issues, especially involving national identity, its leaders pass laws and implement policies contrary to the views of the american people. concomitantly, the american people have become increasingly alienated from politics and government. this was written
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nearly 20 years ago. donald trump wins a landslide election. among other things, he's talking about closing the border, mass deportation. the people support it. now the media are pushing back. the democrat party is pushing back. academia is pushing back the same so-called elites, the same ruling class, the same establishment that put us in this position now with massively open borders, with people overwhelming our cities and our towns with foreign gangs coming into the country, fentanyl coming into the country, god knows what's happening to women and children who get caught up in this process. the crime going through the roof, our educational system overwhelmed with people coming into this system, our health care system overwhelmed. but who gives a damn, right? because it's all for the democrat party. because they decided that rather than securing the border and ensuring lawful immigration, their future was with what? birthright citizenship, they call it all these illegal aliens. they'll have children, they'll be citizens, they'll be
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democrats, and the democrat will have a monopoly party for the next century. thinking like marxist communists. the party first, the country last, and the people last. but i want to talk about this just a little bit. what is birthright citizenship? we hear this, and i want to begin with kristen welker, who is the meet the depressed moderator. there have been great moderators there. she's not one of them. in fact, what she does here is maniacal, and much of what she does is maniacal misleading, and in this case, a flat out a flat out lie by omission. watch what i'm talking about. last sunday, in an interview with donald trump on this issue of so-called birthright citizenship, go. >> you've promised to end birthright citizenship on day one. is that still your plan? yeah, absolutely. the 14th amendment, though, says that, quote, all persons born in the united states are citizens. can
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you get around the 14th amendment? >> that's not what the 14th amendment says in section one. she's a liar and she's not the only one. and i say that because i mean it. it says in relevant part, all persons born or naturalized in the united states and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the united states and of the state wherein they reside. the fact that you're born in the united states isn't enough. there's been no law passed, none that conveys birthright citizenship onto illegal aliens or their children. there's been no supreme court decision that definitively confers birthright citizenship on to illegal alien children. none. nobody's 100% certain how this came to be, but everybody seems to be 100% certain that the president can't fix it. well, does the constitution confer birthright citizenship on children of illegal aliens? of course it
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doesn't. what does jurisdiction mean? she purposely, purposely read it out of the constitution. does it mean geography? jurisdiction has nothing to do with geography. it has nothing to do with geography. zero. it had to do with political allegiance to the united states of america. now, how do we know this? because that's what the author said it meant. think about this. tourists, diplomats, students here on visas, let's say they give birth in the united states. does that make their children american citizens? does that mean they're not citizens of their home country? of course not. we don't confer citizenship on the children of tourists and diplomats and students. why, then, would we confer citizenship on the children of illegal aliens? well, the constitution doesn't. jurisdiction means subject to the laws and rules of the united states. it does not mean
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the conference of citizenship by the fact of one's physical presence in the united states. this has absolutely nothing to do with the history of the 14th amendment. it does not support that view. on the contrary, this part of the 14th amendment, which is one of three post-civil war amendments, 13th, 14th and 15th, dealing with the aftermath of the civil war, not immigration. it was addressing the fact that recently freed slaves were to be treated as full citizens throughout the united states. it had to do with freed slaves, freed african black slaves, nothing about immigration of any kind, legal or illegal. some of the former confederate states were resisting this through so-called black codes, and the amendment's language put an end to it. the drafters of the amendment weren't even thinking about immigration, let alone illegal immigration. at
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constitution, they write, the citizenship provision of the 14th amendment may be seen as a repudiation of one of the more politically divisive cases of the 19th century. under common law, free persons born into a state or nation where citizens thereof. but the horrendous dred scott decision that predated the civil war. chief justice roger taney, writing for the court, ruled that the rule did not apply to freed slaves. the court held the united states citizenship was enjoyed by only two classes of people white persons born in the united states as descendants of persons who, at the time of the adoption of the constitution, recognized as citizens in the several states and who became also citizens of this new political body called the united states of america, and to those who, having been born outside the dominions of the united states, had migrated here to and been naturalized therein. free slaves fell into neither of the categories, the court said, and this eventually
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led to the civil war. the court further held that although a state could confer state citizenship upon whomever it chose, it could not make the recipient of such status a citizen of the united states. so even a free man descendant from a former slave residing as a free man in one of the states, that the date of ratification of the constitution was held to be ineligible for citizenship. so these are the factors that the citizenship clause of the 14th amendment specifically addressed, not immigration, generally legal or illegal. and i'll prove it to you. on january 5th, 1866, lyman trumbull, an abolitionist, an ally of abraham lincoln, the senator from illinois, introduced the first federal civil rights bill in the nation's history. now, elements of the civil rights act of 1860 eventually became the template for the 14th amendment. so look how outrageously evil welker
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was in not mentioning the language that is the relevant language, the most important language in this entire debate. she just blows it off. section one of the 1866 civil rights act. remember, this was used as the template for the 14th amendment, be it enacted, that all persons born in the united states and not subject to any foreign power, excluding indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the united states and such citizens. and it goes on to explain that they have equal rights not subject to any foreign power. you come here. you're an illegal alien from mexico. you're still subject to your citizenship requirements, and mexico still has power over you. so in 1866, the civil rights act, which was considered a tremendously humane act, and it was and it
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had been vetoed by andrew johnson, the president at the time, and it was overridden the first presidential veto. and i don't know how long by both houses of congress. and they said, you know what? but we better enshrine this in the constitution. so what did they do in the 14th amendment, ratified in 1866, in part because ratification was a condition for the states that had seceded to get back into the union, nothing to do with immigration. in fact, due to the jurisdiction requirement, most native americans were excluded from this amendment as they were considered to be citizens of separate countries. the reservations, it turned out later, that is independent tribes. now i'm just explaining the historical context for this. obviously that's changed. but when you look at the original intent of the language, the reason that that's in the 14th amendment, it has nothing to do with giving birthright citizenship to the children of foreigners who are here illegally. it didn't even enter their minds.
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now, in 1898, in a decision that cited by the birthright citizenship crowd in the united states versus wong kim ark, it can best be described as an activist decision. by the way, the supreme court conferred citizenship on an individual who was born in the united states as the child of lawful permanent residents, that is, legal immigrants. even so, not the birth child of illegal aliens of the united states. now that decision was wrongly decided. but unless the supreme court reverses it, it is what it is. there have been other decisions to sort of chipping away at the edges of this, but the fact of the matter is, there's no supreme court decision conferring citizenship on illegal aliens. there's no history around the 14th amendment that does that either. none. so what are we to make of this? well, it ought to be challenged. the media in the
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form of well, in this case, they lie. everybody's lying about this except the people who actually support upholding the constitution and enforcing the law. we have in front of me here. an article was done in the new york times, conveniently after the election, after the election. and it says under president biden, more than 2 million immigrants per year have entered government. data shows recent immigration surge has been largest in history. we've had major surges in this country of immigration. this is the biggest surge in way over a century. in 170 years by biden and the democrat party. when you look at birthright citizenship for illegal aliens, when you look at chain migration, meaning a person who becomes an american citizen, having been an immigrant, apparently illegal, even they can bring relatives into this country, as i've pointed out over the years here, as i've
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pointed out a few months ago here with graphs, they can bring in up to 20, 30, 40 people. and i want you to think about that. if there's 20 million illegal aliens here and they bring in five people each, it's 100 million people. the democrat party is counting on this. they're banking on this. this is why they want no voter id, this is why they want all kinds of barriers to what they are doing broken. that's why the border is open. they're more than willing to tolerate the sexual slavery of women. they're more than willing to tolerate the missing 325,000 unaccompanied children. they're more than willing to tolerate the rapes and the murders. they're more than willing to tolerate the venezuelan gangs and the salvadoran gang. ms. 13. they're more than willing to tolerate all of it because they are power hungry. and they view this as the surest way to make sure the democrat party cannot lose. and in the new
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york times article, it says the immigration surge of the past few years has been the largest in u.s. history, surpassing the great immigration boom of the late 1800s and early 1900s, according to the data. the new york times looked at annual net migration, the number of people coming to the country minus the number leaving averages 2.4 million people from 2021 to 2023, according to the congressional budget office. total net migration during the biden administration is likely to exceed 8 million people. that is a faster pace of arrivals than during any other period on record, including the peak years of ellis island, when millions of europeans came to the united states. even after taking into account today's larger u.s. population, the recent surge is the most rapid since at least 1850. that's in 175 years. 175 years. mass migration requires mass
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deportation. and so now, as the late professor huntington said, the establishment, the ruling class, and the form of the media in the form of politicians, the democrat party, some republicans, they're now going to try the big pushback, even though there was a landslide election in immigration, was the number one issue. and people support, support deportation. we have so-called sanctuary cities. you know what sanctuary cities are. you know what sanctuary states are these blue state democrats? they're confederates. this is the ideology of the old confederacy. a confederacy. this isn't federalism, where governor abbott, as an example, was trying to enforce federal law, but the federal government wouldn't enforce federal law under biden. this is a case of illinois or california or the state of new york or these other dark blue states saying, we are independent from the united states. we don't care what the constitution says. we don't care what a president
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elected by a landslide says. we don't care what the immigration laws are. we are not going to permit you to deport our citizens. we are the ones that commit heinous crimes. that's fine. sure, we can figure that out. the communist chinese will assist us, and iran will assist us. and syria doesn't exist anymore. so we don't even know who these people are. but, you know, putting that aside, these democrats are like the old confederacy. they don't believe in the union. they don't believe in the rule of law. they don't believe in citizenship. it's democrat party first. no, they don't support slavery per se, although their policies do advance slavery. women in slavery, children in slavery. and they care little damn about it because they say little damn about it and they do nothing about it. no, but it promotes a heinous policy that anybody can come into the united states, that anybody can come into the united states and use our benefits and use our schools
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and use our hospitals, overwhelm our welfare system. and of course, in the end, the democrats want them to vote. they want them to vote in the cities. they want them to vote in the states. they don't want voter id because they want power. so this is what we need to remember. the old confederacy is alive and well in the modern democrat party. just different people, different direction, but still anti-american. i'll be right back. >> customize and save with liberty mutual. >> customize and save. >> and then i wake up. >> is lemieux with you in all your dreams? oh, yeah. >> only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. >> for more than a decade, pozega has been trusted again and again and again.
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welcome back america. >> we have a wonderful general on great patriot, retired four star general jack keane. you're much familiar with him, but i'd like to talk to jack keane because he makes a hell of a lot of sense to me. and i'd like to give him time to speak. general, syria. obviously, everyone knows syria has collapsed. assad lasted about a week after the rebels, you know, took after him. turkey is backing these rebels. they're not good guys. they're isis. they're al qaeda affiliated. they're terrorists. and iran is backing them. but iran couldn't back them anymore. russia couldn't back them anymore. hezbollah couldn't back them
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anymore. i want to ask you about this. we've had many discussions about this. the biden regime has been holding back israel, holding back netanyahu in many ways, withholding weapons from them, demeaning him. if it wasn't for netanyahu and israel and their military, obviously with our backing, but primarily them at the point of the spear, iran, hezbollah, hamas would have remained powerful. there'd be some phony peace deal. there'd still be threats, and none of this would be happening, would it? >> oh, you are so absolutely right. when we look back on this whole situation and we examine it, iran operationalizes its proxies, hamas, hezbollah, the houthis, the iraqi and syrian militia to do what? to destroy the state of israel and also to drive the united states out of the region. when we look back on
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that event, we're going to see that there was certainly tactical success by hamas in attacking israel on october the 7th. but the whole landscape is a strategic failure. and the results are telling us that loud and clear, hamas and hezbollah decimated as a result of it. iran now loses its number one strategic platform that that they have fought so hard to keep by propping up the assad regime. it is what they need. if they're ever going to hope to dominate and control the middle east. it is the platform for them and for everybody to understand. in 2011, when the assad regime was being opposed by its people in the streets and they were gunning them down, and the people kept coming and coming and coming, and opposition groups grew up around them, all of us to include me predicted the assad regime was about to fall within weeks or days. and
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what happened? iran operationalized hezbollah. they didn't put a few thousand of them in there. they put tens of thousands of them in there with iraqi militia and even people from afghanistan who they paid to come in. this is tens of thousands. they became the ground force because iran excuse me, syrian army's incompetent and so are their generals. they put their irgc generals in there, and they put down the opposition. over a couple of years, there were 5 to 6 irgc generals killed as a result of it. and then the in 2014, the opposition began to regain momentum again. mark and kasim soleimani goes twice to russia, to putin himself in early 2015, and he urges him. the syrian air force is incompetent. the maintenance rates are horrible. they're no longer effective. we need russian air power. this is how desperate the iranians are to
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hold on to syria. and putin comes in the fall and he begins carpet bombing. the syrians use chemical weapons against the new momentum that was created and that regaining that momentum and that opposition was put down. this is something that iran wanted. it was their major prize to accomplish their strategic goal. you cannot overstate how important this is to them and what a major failure it is to iran. you are absolutely right. none of this happens without prime minister netanyahu's clear strategy, and his objective was to defeat hamas and defeat hezbollah. and nobody but nobody was going to stop him from that. even the public displays of animosity towards him about his aggressiveness, the international community coming down on him, he was not going to put up with any of it. he made up his mind. the survival of israel is at stake, and he's
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saying to himself, once and for all, we're going to end this once and for all. and i think he knows he suffered as a politically and rightfully so as a result of that attack, his system failed. but boy, mark, he has made up for it because he's got these guys on the run and he wants to end it on his watch. and he is about doing that and he's not finished. >> boy, that's a great synopsis. now, general iran is weak not only because its surrogates are pretty much obliterated. iran is weak because it attacked israel, and israel attacked back. and it turns out that that last attack from israel did far more damage than people actually realize, including not taking out their nuclear sites and so forth, but but hurting their nuclear capabilities and also their air defense systems. so iran is weak because of that. and every
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step of the way, the biden and blinken administration kept telling israel to pull back, don't heighten the conflict. they've cut arms off from israel. so israel and netanyahu have been fighting with one arm tied behind their back. pretty much. what do you think? >> oh, yeah. absolutely true. and the trump administration is coming in now. and obviously they've been talking to prime minister netanyahu multiple times. and out of this i believe, will come a joint policy. but i think some of the options are on the table are very clear, mark. i mean, iran is back on its heels significantly, and this gives us opportunities to deal with them. i think very privately that the president of the united states, in conjunction with prime minister netanyahu, in conjunction with the arab allies in the region, can issue an ultimatum to the mullahs, to the supreme leader. and the ultimatum should be very clear. begin to dismantle your nuclear enterprise with a date. certain
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iaea, the un inspectors will will verify that, along with regional and us inspectors. that's number one. number two, stop supporting your proxies and tell them to stand down with their attacks. obviously, hezbollah has already gone to a cease fire. hamas is getting close to it. so what are we talking about then? we're talking about the houthis and the iraqi and the and the shia militia. the alternative to that, if they refuse, if they refuse to do it, maximum sanctions go beyond anything that we did in the first term. and the goal would be to bankrupt your economy to in conjunction with israel. and maybe israel actually takes the lead here. that would be something they'd decide among themselves, cripple the nuclear enterprise that we talked about doing on the last israeli attack, and cripple their rockets and missiles. there are other options available, but the main goal, the main strategic goal, should be iran
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is on its heels and let's stop them from their malign activity once and for all. the time is here. we should not squander this strategic opportunity. >> we'll be right back. where are you headed? >> where am i headed? >> am i just going to take what the market gives me? no. i can do some research. >> you know, that's backed by jp morgan's leading strategists like us. >> when you want to invest with more confidence, the answer is jp morgan wealth management, vicks vapor stick provides soothing non-medicated vicks vapors. >> easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapor stick and try new vapor shower max for steamy vicks vapors. >> dry. >> tired. itchy. burning my dry eye. symptoms got worse over time, my eye doctor explained the root was inflammation. sidra was made for that, so relief is lasting. >> sidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease.
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wholesale pricing through christmas. get a classic standard mypillow for only 1488. upgrade to a queen size just 1888. king size only a dollar more. get my body pillows for only 2988 and ready multi-use. my pillows only 988. it's perfect time to stock up for christmas gifts for everyone on your list. go to or call the number on your screen. use your promo code to take advantage of our wholesale pricing, including my classic standard my pillows only 1488. but that's not all. i'm so confident you're going to love our classic my pillows that i'm going to extend my 60 day money back guarantee until march 1st, 2025, plus orders over $75 shipped absolutely free. >> welcome to fox news live. i'm chanley painter. new york governor kathy hochul is sounding the alarm on recent mysterious drone sightings after they caused a temporary
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shutdown of stewart international airport friday. she, along with other governors and leaders, are calling on the federal government for more assistance and to do more to find answers. the fbi says it's been investigating hundreds of reports of drones flying over new jersey and the east coast since mid november. federal officials claim many are manned aircraft and that there is no current threat. abc news and anchor george stephanopoulos will pay $15 million to settle a defamation lawsuit filed by president elect trump. it's over an on air interview where the anchor repeatedly falsely claimed a jury found trump liable for raping writer e jean carroll. this despite the fact the jury only found him liable for sexual abuse. i'm chanley painter. now back to life, liberty and levin. >> welcome back. >> america. general jack keane. so israel is decimating syria's
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military capabilities because the prime minister says we don't know who's going to take over there, but we sure as hell know they're not going to be able to use these weapons against us. and the prime minister has recently said he's concerned about minorities there, christians and kurds and druze and so forth. so what's your thinking on this? >> well, i think all of that is a problem. certainly israel has done the right thing here in eliminating all those bases, air bases, army bases. they've all been deserted by the syrian army. and obviously the munitions, the depot sites, navy ships that the syrians own. all of that is fair game for these factional organizations in syria and for people to understand while it's the organization that claims they deposed the syrian leader, bashar assad, actually, it was the southern organization that actually moved into the capital. first. there's about 6 or 7 groups here that could likely control territory in
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syria. and it's very complex situation, but we don't want any of them because most of them are all radicalized groups getting their hands on those weapons. and their intent could change rather rapidly. and certainly israel is very much aware of that, that they the fact is they could organize against a principal objective, and that is to penetrate into israel. so absolutely, the right call on their part. and they went after chemical weapons, which assad still has in his bunkers and depots, the united states. i give them credit for it. also, 75 targets were hit isis targets in eastern syria to make certain that they were not encouraged by deposing assad, and then that would give them the incentive to start attacking the syrian kurds and the syrian arabs that the united states are assisting erdogan is a real problem here. you know, he has
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a corridor in northern syria. he has he backed the radical leader who took over al-julani in deposing assad because, you know, he's been wanting assad to go like we all did for years. but now, what is he doing now? he's attacking the syrian kurds who we support in eastern syria. so he's he's going to be a problem. biden is not going to do anything about it. but president trump has a huge opportunity. and i know for a fact that president trump dealt with erdogan once before over the same issue. and it stopped as a result of a phone conversation that he had with president erdogan. i just know that for a fact. and i believe once he's in power here, one of his early calls will likely be to erdogan. if he hasn't started talking to him already, to tell him to knock that off. so our audience understands his motivation. he believes if you're a kurd and you're
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motivated against turkey and you want to take a piece of turkey back that you believe is yours to establish kurdistan, that is not the motivation of the syrian kurds in eastern syria. their motivation is to get rid of isis and make sure that they don't rise again. but that's that's beside the point. it is a complex situation. we don't need to get involved in any consequential way in syria other than to protect our own interests and make certain that isis does not rise again in eastern syria, which they have the potential to do. >> general, thanks so much. your your knowledge is really unmatched, and i appreciate it every time you come on. god bless you, my friend. >> great talking to you and your audience as always, mark. >> thanks, general. we'll be right back. >> i love pickleball, but it was taking a toll on my body. then a friend told me about multi collagen protein and she's been beating me ever
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>> the war is here. a great storm from the north has come against israel. you've got the scriptures calling each one of us not only to pray for the peace of jerusalem, but every city throughout israel that's under siege. this massive grocery store should be crowded. people are lacking food. >> exactly. >> the international fellowship of christians and jews is preparing meals for precious elderly citizens who can't get out. so many bombs yesterday, 71 because of the war. much of her roof is gone. the ceiling is gone. she's frightened from hezbollah. >> hezbollah? yeah. >> how does she get food? the international fellowship of christians and jews, we come in. you provide groceries, vegetables and hot meals. it's you. your emergency gift will
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spakovsky. hans, immigration is a big issue. it is birthright citizenship, chain migration, but isn't. the biggest problem is the saboteurs. when an administration is sabotaging its own country, not following the immigration laws, wide open borders, just changing all the rules when it comes to parole and all the rest for the purpose of bringing as many foreigners into the country as possible for the purpose of having as many babies born by illegal immigrants as possible. when a country that is, when a government lacks virtue, the whole system collapses, right? >> right. now, that's exactly right. and that's what's been going on for the last four years. i mean, look, even the new york times recently had to admit that more illegal aliens came into the country during the four years of the biden administration than ever in our entire history. >> yeah, it's nice to them to put it out, you know, a month after the election. but they finally did get around to it. but here's the thing that troubles me. and you've written
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extensively on this, too. chain migration. most of the western european countries have given up on that. that's a matter of law in 1965. so that can be stopped by congress. this birthright citizenship is not, as you've pointed out in the constitution. in fact, it's not in our law. we have a couple supreme court decisions, one in particular, but still illegal aliens giving birth to children in this country does not automatically confer citizenship on them. so these things need to be challenged, don't they? >> yeah, they do. and president trump has said he's going to do it and he should. look, if you look at the history of the 14th amendment, you look at its passage. it was very clear that it did not confer birthright citizenship. in fact, most of the legal scholars today, liberal ones who say it does obviously have never looked at the original history of its passage. and they ignore the
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second half of the citizenship provision. you know, what it says is you're a citizen if you're born or naturalized in the us and you are subject to its jurisdiction. and that second phrase is crucial. lynn trumbull, he was one of the senators who was a key sponsor and writer of this amendment, said that means that you are you owe your political allegiance to the united states, not any foreign power. and an individual who is born in the united states, whose parents are citizens of a foreign country, whether they're here legally or illegally, owes his or her political allegiance to that foreign country. they are not citizens of the us. >> aren't you amazed when you hear the same people who lie about that provision, or come out with some heart wrenching story? tell us we need to follow the constitution. we're a democracy. we need to follow the rule of law. and then when you point out what the constitution says and what the
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rule of law does not do, they say, oh, excuse me, but we're going to do it anyway. isn't that amazing? >> yeah it is. and you know what's what's also interesting about this, and this probably won't surprise you, is that, look, the understanding of the 14th amendment for decades after it was passed was what you and i are talking about, which is it does not confer birthright citizenship. it was during the franklin roosevelt administration that suddenly they started pushing the idea that that second part, that second requirement did not matter. but it's important for people to understand. the last time the supreme court looked at this issue was over 125 years ago, right. there's only three cases on this. and in one case, the slaughter-house cases, 1872 the court specifically said this citizenship clause does not apply to children born in the
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us who are citizens of a foreign nation. if, in fact, mark, as you know, if, if that were true, if being born in the us made your u.s. citizen, there would have been no need for congress to pass the indian citizenship act in 1924, because american indians were not considered citizens of the us. why? because they owed their political allegiance to their tribal governments, not the us government. >> right and to the left and to the media today and the democrats. none of this matters. they only look at history and the constitution if they think it delivers them what they want. but they used the 14th amendment as a grab bag for every kind of radical agenda item. we'll be right back. >> jack the turkey with gravy and fixings. fa la la la la la la la la. dad, we are at a restaurant. tis the season for ham and pork roast. fa la la la
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hunger in america at help no kid hungry. org. >> welcome back america. now we see all these phrases being used. hans von spakovsky like mass deportation. let me ask you a question. we have federal prisons. we have state prisons. we have local jails, county jails filled with all kinds of people, millions of people. would we call that mass incarceration? in other words, do people get a pass just
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because there's a lot of them breaking the law, just because there's a lot of murderers and rapists and burglars and so forth. so you know what? and we can't divide this guy who's a parent from his child. it's funny how they they project all these emotional arguments on top of their position. and people who knowingly, voluntarily come into this country illegally defying our laws, and they know they're doing it. it's amazing how they try to how to define this. it seems to me if you have mass importation, then you need mass deportation. no. >> well, that's true, and particularly because, look, the vast majority of the aliens who entered illegally in the country, particularly in the last four years, are single adult males. you know, the number of family units? yeah, there are some, but they're they're very small. it's almost all single adult males. and you probably know this, but the number of deportation orders that have been issued by immigration judges. so these
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are for illegal aliens. they've had all their due process rights, they've had a hearing. and finally an immigration judge said, you are not entitled to be in the us. the estimate is there's over a million and a half of them just sitting at the department of homeland security that have not been enforced, and just enforcing those will cause a huge number of aliens to be removed from the united states. >> well, the whole goal here is to overwhelm the system which they have. break the system which they have, then run around with phony arguments for bipartisan legislation and immigration reform. if they would enforce the laws, we'd be perfectly fine. hans von spakovsky, i want to thank you. keep up the great work, my friend. >> thanks for having m >> you got it. we'll be right back. >> asthma. does it have you missing out on what you love with who you love? get back to
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>> welcome back america. on this issue of immigration, notice the left never discusses assimilation with an assault on our history and our culture and erosion of national identity and patriotism. the devaluation of citizenship. we have dei and esg, multiculturalism biculturalism all for the purpose of undermining a national identity and unity. we have more than that massive migration with an emphasis on illegal immigration, birthright citizenship, chain migration. this is revolution by immigration. it will destroy this country as fast as it destroyed the roman empire. they lasted a thousand years. we're not even at 300. i'll see you tomorrow night on life, liberty and levin. ♪ ♪
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