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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  December 15, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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will: it's the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this, president-elect donald trump the receiving a warm welcome at yesterday's army-navy game. >> 125th contest between army and navy. >> usa! usa! kevin: now, if you thought that was cool, how about this? duck dynasty stars jace and jeff robertson, well, they weren't there, but they're going to give us an update on their father phil's alzheimer's diagnosis and how they're keeping the faith. great guys are coming up soon. rachel: and, will, have you checked out my favorite christmas move city yetsome. [laughter] we're going to talk about. that's have you actually watched it's a wonderful lifesome. will: this is going to -- my mom watches it's a wonderful life every christmas, and all of us kids declined. [laughter] rachel: we're going to find out. [laughter] ♪
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[speaking spanish] kevin: the great jose feliciano. that's a beautiful shot outside. a brisk morning here in gotham, new york city. nice and early, and we are thrilled that you are with us. 7:01 in the east. this is "fox & friends" weekend. kevin corke, will cain and the great rachel campos-duffy -- will: she just turned to me and goes, did you watch it? [laughter] by the way, the whole audience has your back. rachel: i know. i heard kevin does too. will: everybody going, have you watched? have you watched? it's like i have thousands of toot theres, thousands of proctors -- will, have you done your homework? rachel: did you, do your homework? will: find out. rachel: i just want the say, every single person on this couch was, like -- rachel: condition help it. welcome, kevin, glad to have you
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on the couch. kevin: i'm just thrilled because every now and again i get to come up to new york, i used to live over in murray hill. my neighborhood is still cool, i don't care what they say. [laughter] you know what's fun? getting to work with the variety of folks i get to see on tv just like you do at home. this is the first chance i've gotten to work with you do -- will: it is. kevin: we're both espn veterans, and everybody in my family out there loves you. rachel: well, thank you. guess who else got a warm welcome yesterday? kevin: who? rachel: the president at the army-navy game, and this guy was there too. will: i was. navy upset army 31-13. during the game you can see president-elect donald trump made his way and got a warm welcome from the crowd. he was joined by j.d. vance, nominee for secretary of defense pete hegseth on his right there, you see senator doug -- dave mccormick of pennsylvania and
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many, many more including daniel penny who, just days after his acquittal in new york city, was part of the box that was absolutely joyous. there's tulsi gabbard and house speaker mike johnson. senate majority leader john thune -- kevin: elon musk. will: and, yes, me. [laughter] rachel: you were there too. what's the message -- i mean, listen, all those nominees, so great to have them there, especially our good friend, pete hegseth, who, by way, america loves pete. i'm just telling you, if you're on social media, you get it. people want him to be nominated. donald trump, obviously, inviting -- sending the message by inviting pete. i'm standing by pete. but what's message with daniel penny, guys? kevin: a couple things stand out to me. first of all, it's a redemption story. i think if you think about what he was e attempting to do and the jury obviously, i think, echoes this, if you're trying to help protect others, and i think that was his instinct as a marine, let me see if if i can
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help protect other people. and he's been acquitted. obviously, there's still a civil circumstance that he's gown to have to deal with -- going to have to deal with, but in the criminal case, i think the people spoke and spoke loudly. and i think by being there yesterday, this is once again an american story the of redemption and to say, and i think the president was saying this without saying it explicitly, listen, you are what's good about this country. you are trying to make it better. you are trying to reclaim your life. you had a very tough circumstance. he did the best he could in a very split decision circumstance. i was actually quite happy to see the warm reception that he received by all the luminaries who were there at the game yesterday. will: i think it is an endorsement that we need men to step the up and do the right thing. and that is what daniel penny did. secondarily, speaking to soon-to-be vice president j.d. vance, he's been through a lot. daniel penny's been through a lot emotionally, financially.
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unfortunately, it's not over. there will be a civil lawsuit, and he'll continue to have to deal with the a fallout from this moment where he stepped the up and did the right thing. he didn't mean to kill, and i'm sure he's not pleased with the way this turned out for jordan neely, but he tried to do the right thing in new york city. of last thing i'll say, that suite was full of notable people. names, all mingling. daniel penny, shy, quiet, unassuming, not trying to be a star. i can poms you that. off -- promise you that. off on his own with his friends and family. everybody wanted the shake his hand, buts this is not a man speaking -- seeking the spotlight. rachel: no, that's very clear. i like seeing him next to donald trump, two people who have been through hell in the justice system trying to do the right thing. different circumstances, but both trying to do the right thing in their own lane of, you know, how they affect the world. and i just thought those images were super powerful and a sign that we're turning the page,
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hopefully, on the woke world and america's back. van jones, if you want to talk about america being back, this is a really interesting clip of van jones confronting is it chris solizzo? i believe so. they're talking about how and why donald trump won. listen. >> how the hell did donald trump figure out the mainstream media is the fringe and the fringe is now the mainstream? but, like, how the hell was he, the 78-year-old guy who doesn't even have a computer and still, like, writes handwritten notes, how did he become the guy who cracked the code on, to your point, running a cultural -- i don't even want to say campaign. >> it's a movement. >> -- movement, heading a cultural movement versus -- >> everybody keeps, i mean, the problem is you have a framework in your mind that how could donald trump, how could donald
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trump, how could donald trump. guys, can we put it out? donald trump is not an idiot. donald trump, let me just be very clear, donald trump is smarter than me, you and all critics. you know how i know? because he has the white house, the senate, the house -- >> totally agree. >> -- the popular vote. this dude is a phenomenon. he is the most powerful human on earth and in our lifetime, and we're still saying, well, how was this -- we look like idiots. >> you're totally right. rachel: you're totally -- i lov- [laughter] you're totally right. it's so great, you guys. the five stages of grief, and the last one is acceptance. will: this baby hasn't learned how to walk, how to talk. what we're watching is not notable, it's only notable that it's them noticing the the first step on the way to adulthood. of course donald trump is
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incredibly smart. everyone knows this. that's like understanding that gravity exists. what they don't understand is the unique combination of things that donald trump -- i was texting with another old friend if of ours ab j.d. vance. you know what's interesting about j.d. vancesome not that he's smart, he's smart or and normal. that's's a rare combo. donald trump is smart and, believe it or not, normal. then on top of that, rachel, strong. and that is what they neglect to continue to appreciation. that -- appreciate. that strength is the outlier, okay in he saw the cultural movement, but seeing it and doing something about it is one step because they all pushed back so hard on it and tried to stop him. it took unreal strength to push forward with that intellect. rachel: you know, his strength is something that both sides admire and get. i mean, nobody could withstand what donald trump has been through since he, even before he took office in 2016. but this, it shows such naivete
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on their part. donald trump doesn't just understand culture, he is pop culture. kevin: yeah. rachel: he was tweeting directly to the people back in 2014 and '15. he understood the zeitgeist. i think it's why -- i always predicted or theorized that's why they hated him so much. he was part of american culture, and he was able to understand i can take strength, intelligence, political savvy, the fact that i don't owe anyone in this town anything, and then his love of pop culture and his ability to understand it and use it to his advantage. i mean, he took a mug if shot that was supposed to humiliate him, and it was bad ass, i'm sorry. [laughter] kevin: and sold millions of t-shirts with that on it. rachel: yes! kevin: i've always said and if you've studied this like we have, obviously, but even if you look at it at a cursory level, donald trump is the one politician maybe in our
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lifetimes, i would argue certainly in our lifetimes, that is one of one. will: yeah. kevin: we've said this previously. some said that about bill clinton, a brilliant communicator. others said it about barack obama, but i don't think there's any way you can measure what we have seen over the last 8, 12 years -- will: no doubt. kevin: -- and the singular unique talent, and i don't think we'll ever have it again. the real question i would have in not looking too far ahead, what happens to the party post-donald trump because again, i think he's truly one of one. rachel: kamala was obama, okay? kamala was -- that whole thing, the whole joy thing was a whole curated obama movement, okay? and donald trump just destroyed it. will: just a t everything mu version of it -- temu. it was a kirk lan brand, costco version of it -- rachel: thank you. it's over. he's no longer the kingmaker. he's done. donald trump destroyed him.
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will: meanwhile, luigi man eurozoneny -- mangione has a give send go legal fund. michael moore, the filmmaker, has defended the anger that has been directed at the health care industry and sort of begun to celebrate luigi mangione if. this is what give send go has said about the money that is being raised for him on their platform. we're not here to celebrate violence, but we do believe in the constitutional right to to fair and legal representation. i respect give send go actually doing -- i don't support -- rachel: yeah. will: but give send go has tried to make their name on we're not going to make judgment and editorial calls on you and what you want to raise money for, and you have a constitutional right to defense. rachel: i totally agree with that. listen to what michael moore actually said. here's a quote from michael moore. he had his own little manifesto. the the anger is a thousand percent you'ved. it's long overdue for the media
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to cover it. it's not new, and i'm not going to tamp it down or ask people to shut up. i condemn murder, and that's why i condemn america's broken, environment, rah a patience, immoral health care industry, and i condemn every one of the ceos in charge of it. these insurance corporations and their executives have more blood on their hands than a thousand 9/11 if terrorists. will: it's gross. rachel: but let me just talk to you guys about a something. the health care system that he is criticizing and all these other liberals who have joined up and, by the way, i am no defender of the health care system. i don't like it east. but it's called obamacare, and you liberals put it in place. in fact, you said we're going to take over the student loan industry to pay for obamacare, and then you guys said we're going to forgive student loans. so i don't know how you're paying for obamacare. a whole bunch of great doctors who loved the system before with all its plays -- flaws, didn't want obamacare, hate the way the insurance company has a
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absolutely taken over it, got out of the industry and told their sons and daughters not to go into the industry because it was so miserable, and now we have a shortage of great doctors and a system run by corporate hospitals and it's a mess. let me just say one last thing on michael moore. michael moore is the person who praised the cuban health care system where people, by the way, are starving right now. he was also a big enabler and cheerleader of the nicholas -- of hugo chavez and nicholas hama a door row. and so i would caution anyone who's reading those rants by michael moore to take advice from him, because if it was up to him, we'd be cuba and venezuela right now. will: i wanted the highlight, he says he doesn't want to tamp down the anger, he wants to pour gas leap on that anger -- gasoline. kevin: grossly irresponsible. will: grossly. kevin: now, he did say i'm not condoning murder, but when you say things like i want to pour
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gasoline on that, how do you think people interpret that the? it's pretty -- look, you and i have talked about this. regardless of what you peel about your personal circumstance when it comes to health care, the make the suggestion or to even tangentially make this link between what happened out here on the streets of midtown manhattan was vile, it was violent, it was indefensible. and to somehow if suggest that, well, you know, you ought to be mad about health care, it almost looks like you are in sort of a tacit or maybe not so direct way saying that i understand the guy's anger. no, i don't understand the guy's anger that would lead you to kill something, a father of two. you can be upset about your coverage, about a lot of things. i'm upset in traffic. i don't go driving into the car next to me because i'm mad about it. you understand what i'm saying? will: absolutely. rachel: of course, 100%. by the way, if you don't want to be used by this insurance finish these the insurance companies and this health care industry that's not working, i think one of the solutions -- and it's part of the trump plan -- is
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make america healthy again. i think this is really important to get rid of chronic disease so we're less reliant on this system until the system is reformed. kevin: indeed. rachel: as drone sightings spread across the northeast, one new jersey congressman is asking why we should believe defense secretary mayorkas after a grilling him over why they haven't been giving him any answers. watch. >> she he kidding? how -- is he kidding somehow does secretary mayorkas who infamously told us for years that our southern border was secure and closed when we know it's not, now insult intelligence that we haven't seen anything unusual? rachel: despite concerns, one fbi official on saturday called the local response an overreaction. and one driver's christmas spirit may have landed him on the naughty list. wyoming highway patrol sharing this picture of a decked-out mustang on line, reminding other drivers of what not to do.
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if reminding drivers that it's illegal to have red or blue lights on the front or side of your car saying in an instagram post, quote, while this might if look cool and be festive, we would remind you that it's illegal. please remember the stay safe when celebrating the season. i don't know, i like it, guys. [laughter] you guys hate it? will: well, it's just not safe. that's not the point. key key i love it. at least give him a warning -- rachel: it's a christmas pass. conservative -- kevin: given the brother a warning. will: all right. you've been on me, i know. i've gotten the messages -- [laughter] you've got your attack dog, and you've been on me because of this moment on "fox & friends." well, i want a suggestion for a new movie -- rachel: have you seen, have you actually watched it's a wonderful life, will? will: this is going to -- my mom watches it's a wonderful life every christmas, and all of us kids decline. i've got the messages, i see it. i'm i'm getting texts and you just asked me. in fact, at the patriot awards
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somebody comes up to me and goes, will, have you watched it's a wonderful lifesome i said, please, please, do not say that around ray a chel. [laughter] rachel: i texted him this week. will: you texted me and my wife. rachel: he texted back, are why are you texting my boss? will: has will done his homework? if. rachel: did you? will: i, i, i kid. rachel: you did! [laughter] will: i did watch a little bit of rachel's favorite movie -- rachel: a little bit? will: i watch watched it, and here's a little bit for you. >> look, daddy. peaches says every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings. >> that's right. that's right. if. ♪ ♪ will: see -- rachel: i'm going to cry watching that -- conservative cf i love that. will: erin just said she's never seen it. i liked it.
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it holds up. i liked it. what, do you think that was unenthusiastic? i liked it. no, it's good. i don't like jimmy stewart as a teenager, i'll tell you that. what? it's the true. i didn't like him, you know -- rachel: this is, like -- will: didn't pull it off. don't get mad at me, i'm just telling you truth. i liked the movie, i did. i liked the message -- rachel: there's a little jimmy stewart in will karen. honestly -- will cain, there's a little bit of that in you. did you feel that -- will: i remembered you saying that. rachel: did kathleen -- will: i kept looking for me in jimmy -- [laughter] rachel: there's a part of will that's just very -- i'm going to get emotional here. i'm sorry, i just am. the way -- your loyal i to our friend, pete hegseth, through this and the grudges you hold toward those -- [laughter] will: i do hold grudges if you
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went after him, her or anybody else, because i would do do the same for you. rachel: i know. and i'm going to tell you what, that's -- i'm going to cry right now, so i'm just going to let it go. [laughter] i have been very moved, and there's a little jimmy stay wart in you whether you gave a very lukewarm review -- [laughter] will: thank you. let's lighten it up. here's my favorite christmas movie, ken. kevin. ♪ hallelujah! hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah ♪ >> dad, it's incredible! will: it's the best. conservative e conservative i love that, i do. that is a really good one. will: clark -- and your favorite christmas movie. kevin: i really love yours, that
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was funny, but my favorite might have something to do with the name of the star. take a listen. >> excuse me, where's the lobby? >> down the hall and to the left. >> thanks. kevin: kevin! [laughter] i love home alone, home alone. -- home alone 2. that is by far my favorite. will: and home alone 2. kevin: yes. will: like 'em too. i did lovest it's a wonderful life. and it holds up for an old movi- rachel: you liked the hometown -- will: yeah. bedford false, i liked the community. all right. texas congressman wesley hunt next. we's knows the best holiday tradition is taking your tradition to the next level. so, if you find a lower price on the things you - want. - need. we'll match it. plus, with mylowe's rewards, you can earn points when you shop. to make the holidays even more... sweet. lowe's knows how to help you holiday.
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(diver exhaling) (music intensifies) (diver yells) (shark roars) - whoa. (driver gasps) (car tires screech) (pedestrian gasps) (both panting) (gentle breeze) - [announcer] eyes forward. don't drive distracted. ♪ [cheers and applause] kevin: president-elect trump making a triumphant return to the iconic army-navy game in front of a roaring crowd of thousands in maryland yesterday. rachel: ray our next guest used to also play in the army-navy game when he played for west point before spending nearly a decade as an army helicopter pilot.
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will: joining president-elect trump at yesterday's game and says only in america is all this possible. the military veteran, texas congressman wesley hunt joins us now. congressman, i saw you there yesterday. we never got to pull each other aside and shake hands, but i did see you there yesterday in the suite. what i'd love to ask you is you have a unique perspective. you played in the game. and i know it's cliche, and i hope everybody watching heard this, if not, i'm going to say it anyway. it's the only game in the world where the men on the field playing the game would die for the fans in the staid a yum watching the game. give us some perspective. >> no truer words have ever been spoken. yesterday was a rough day for us, i'm a west point graduate, my brother and so is my sister, so needless to say, it wasn't a great turnout for us. but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter the score. we know that every single cadet and everybody on that field, as you pointed out, is willing to die for this great nation. and the winner of that game also
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gets the commanders and chiefs trophy. so the fact that our future commander in chief was there to watch this game speakes volumes. and one fun fact, our last commander in chief, joe biden, did not attend that game. so the importance to know our president has our back, he supports us, it means so much to us especially in these trying times. we know we need strong leadership, and president trump is going to display that for the next four years, and we are really glad he showed up. kevin: can i just ask you about that? i know some people have made the suggestion that democratic presidents get booed, and yet i think barack obama did make it at least once, bill clinton made it at least once. i'm just curious, do you feel disrespected, or do you just sort of let that the roll off your back, the fact that the commander in chief himself didn't make time at all over his four years to come to the army-navy game? >> it absolutely is a sign of disrespect. and keep in mind every four years the president of the united states gives a
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commencement speech at the academies. they do, like, a rotating tour of that. so the fact he didn't show up to that game does kind of hurt because, again, the commander in chief is the leader of our military. that is the person that decides whether or not we go to war or not. that is the person that can decide whether or not we live or die, the person that can decide whether or not we're going to pay the ultimate sacrifice. so to see that leadership that's been missing for the past four years, that void of leadership that's been missing for the last four years, it really meant a lot to all of us there. rachel: congressman, tulsi gabbard was there, somebody that donald trump has indicated he's going to stand by despite the democrat attacks, but so was pete hegseth, you know, a former west point -- he was accepted into west point as we famously found out because he's so meticulous -- >> he went to a safety school, princeton. [laughter] rachel: that whole thing crackings me up. only pete hegseth, in you -- if
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you know him, he's so organized -- will: real quick, just color on that, propublica was going to write a story suggesting pete lied about getting accepted. weirdly, west point said he didn't ever appliment. that's the real scandal, but pete produced the letter of acceptance. rachel: pete produced the letter, and now the people are going to have to -- pete's going to be the boss with. i'd just hike to get your idea of what the people in the crowd think about pete hegseth as a potential secretary of defense. >> pete is a friend of mine. i was able to do modern wars with pete on multiple occasions even before i was a congressman. he took a chance on me. president trump selected him to serve this great nation, and he is going to do one heck of a job as the next secretary of defense of this great nation. and regardless of all the smear campaigns, of what the left might say, the reason why president trump picked pete, president trump picked tulsi, the reason why president trump
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picked kash patel is because he doesn't want business as usual in washington. and what we know about those three individuals is that they're going to to go back to d.c., they're going to shake things up and put the american public and the american taxpayer first. that's what pete is going to do, and i cannot wait for him to get confirmed. kevin: yeah. i think a lot of people certainly share that sentiment. real quick, we talk about h64 longbow? apache? what are we talking about here? >> that is my favorite aircraft of all time. kevin: atta boy. >> for eight years, 55 in baghdad. so, again, that was just an honor to be able to serve this country in combat. it's been an honor to be able the continue to serve in the halls of congress. and to actually go to that game, i have not been to that game since my senior year 20 years ago, to be able to sit there with the president of the united states of america, donald trump, was an honor, and i'll never forget it. rachel: oh, that's a great moment. will: all right, congressman, thank you so much for being with us. >> have a blessed day and merry
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christmas to you all. rachel: merry christmas to you. why would fires raging outside of pepperdine university, will's alma mater, but a cross overlooking the university is still standing strong. love that. that story next. there are moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis symptoms can sometimes hold you back. but now there's skyrizi, so you can be all in with clearer skin. ♪things are getting clearer♪ ♪yeah, i feel free to bare my skin♪ ♪yeah, that's all me.♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ with skyrizi, you can show up with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. don't use if allergic. serious allergic reactions, increased infections, or lower ability to fight them may occur. before treatment, get checked for infections and tb. tell your doctor about any flu-like symptoms or vaccines.
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♪ will: fox wild fire alert, the franklin fire in malibu raging through more than 4,000 acres forcing evacuations in the area or and shelter in place orders at my alma mater, pepperdine university. but miraculously, a cross overlooking the city was left completely untouched by the blazing fire. standing 20 feet tall, it was rebuilt after the original one burnt down six years ago. pepperdine university's jim gash
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joins us now. jim, great to see you this morning, president of pepperdine, my friend. this is not uncommon. i feel a little bit guilty that sometimes this show can be east coast biased. this is a big story on the west coast, but it happens often. it happens around pepperdine. tell us about this fire. >> well, as you know, will -- and thanks for having me on -- pepperdine is situated in one of the most beautiful parts of the country overlooking the pacific ocean, but it's nestled within the santa monica mountains which is a beautiful, untouched part of nature. part of that includes the possibility of wildfires, and as you've said, roughly once a decade or so we have fires in the area. and on occasion, hose fires encroach on campus, and this past week was one of those occasions. will: you know, it happened when i was a student in the '90s. unfortunately, by the way, fires are often followed by mudslides, but it's amazing how pepperdine has stood strong through it all. how close did this fire get to the university? >> well, i would say close
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enough to where it burned various parts of the university. almost entirely vegetation was burned, but what happened was as it came over the mountain through the malibu canyon area, you know, we triggered our shelter in place protocols that's tried and true that we put in place where the county os angeles fire department for such a time as this. and as a result, we brought all the students to the center of cam campus, keeping them off of the roads so the first responders had free roads on able to assess where the fire is. but there were places mere some of our buildings that -- near some of our buildings that burned. will: right. >> but again, it was vegetation. will: i've seen pictures, jim, where it's literally across the road. students mt. library, i think there's a picture of you looking out, you can see flames in the background. it truly is incredible. it's not just person dine, i want to highlight that. it's all of southern california that deserves attention on these
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things that happen in southern california. but pepperdine stands strong. it's hard not to see, for example, the story of the cross there that has been spared and see that faith is not a part -- i know it's part of pepperdine and a part of perhaps the outcomes there as it stands strong the through these disasters. >> well, amen. and what i would say is in our community, we prepare for such eventualities. but also bathes our time in prayer together. so it's prayer and preparation and then it's execution. it's execution by our own first responders. we have our own fire department on campus. we have our public safety, but we also coordinate very closely with the firefighters in the area. and they are the ones who do the execution. we prepare, we plan, we pray. and as you see, the cross on top of the hill looks over us though. i will tell you, will, that if things went differently, we had further damage, we would still be fully faithful and still praising god for his provision
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regardless of the outcome. our faith is not -- will: exactly. absolutely. i'm glad you said that. thank you for that. and i also want to highlight one more time, this is a story of southern california often and many to other place, by the way. northern california, montana have the deal with wildfires, but appreciate -- i'm proud of pepperdine. i appreciate seeing you guys and what you do for these disasters. jim gash, thank you so much for being with us. >> thanks, will. will: all right. donald trump's iconic year ending with him being named "time" magazine's person of the year. kevin joins rachel's pop culture round-up next. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are
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supposed to be eating. ♪
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♪ rachel: all right. it's time for another pop culture round-up, and we're here with kevin! thank you, kevin, for joining us for this one. starting off with this, president-elect trump is being named "time" person of the year after an avalanche of iconic moments like his mug if shot, his fist in the air after getting shot and even his garageman vest. who could forget donald trump waving outside the mcdonald's drive-thru window. this campaign was amazing. kevin: don't forget the garbage truck, lee got the vest. at the first valley -- rally he
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said the vest members me look thinner -- [laughter] which is classic trump stuff, right? i'm a big fan, and there was no other choice, he had to be the person of the year. rachel: of course. he beat all the forces that were up against him, the media, everybody, and he came out winning. i told my kids at the end of that campaign, i was, like -- when he came out with the garbage, take it in. politics will never be like this again. this is his last campaign. all right, let's check out moment because i love this. this is a hilarious moment of jill biden getting shot down by a no-nonsense kid, watch. >> hello. how are you? hi. happy holidays. hi. >> happy christmas! >> happy christmas, yes. rachel: the first lady getting corrected by this little kid. as my mom would say, kevin -- [speaking spanish] this was epic! kevin: kids say the darnedest things. do you remember that?
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i thought, good for you, mom and dad, telling you it's about christmas, baby. happy holidays, you want to do that, that's on you, that's cool, but it's okay to say happy or merry christmas. rachel: absolutely. donald trump started his 2016 campaign, do you remember that, saying we're going to bring back christmas, merry christmas. kevin: absolutely. rachel: i think this kid is marking the new era. we're bringing christmas back. kevin: and props to your mom and dad. rachel: as a parent, one of the best things about sending my kids to religious school, we don't celebrate winter. we have christmas break and christmas concerts. kevin: love that. rachel: all right. donald trump's son barron is reportedly a ladies' man at new york university. even the liberals are loving him. what's your thoughts? kevin: couple things what's that song, they want a guy in financ- rachel: oh, yeah. blue eyes, finance -- kevin: 6-5, something like that. rachel: yeah, yeah. we should have had that -- i'm looking for a man in finance,
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blue eyes. trust fund -- conservative key trust fund. see what i'm say having. [laughter] rachel: lee -- he's got it! kevin: you know what i like? he's been relaxed about his stardom. i'm, like, you go, baby. rachel: he's a guy of his generation. he's got his pulse on it. he was able to use that savvy about being a gen-zer and help his dad in social media. kevin: joe rogan. rachel: absolutely. all right, kevin -- kevin: that was fun. rachel: that was amazing! we're going to turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. rick: good morning, guys, it's a little chilly out here. are you cold? >> yes, it is very cold. rick: you were nervous, if you look at the monitor, i don't know if we're on. rachel, are we on? okay. there we go. i could try to get you so you could see yourself because you were worried about fixing your hair. it didn't work d. >> no, it didn't.
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that that's okay. rick: all right. there you go, now you can fix your hair, you can see yourself. there you go. you look great. thanks, guys, that was it, i think. is that it? am i still going? i'm still on. we still have more time. there there you go. here's what we've got coming out across the west, more rain, more storms, big bigtime storms up throughout the pacific northwest, this moisture across parts of the tennessee valley and snow coming across the interior sections of the northeast. by the time we get towards next weekend, we're going to get a chance of snow across the big cities. seven it back to you -- send it back to you inside. rachel: all right. phil robertson of duck dynasty family is battling alzheimer's. we're going to get an update on hofuw he's doing. stay with us. you shop. so, you can get more and give more too. join my lowe's rewards for free today.
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♪ kevin: 50 minutes after the hour now. last week the robertson of duck dynasty fame revealed that their patriarch, phil robertson, had been diagnosed with alzheimer's. now the family is expressing their -- expressing their gratitude for the support they've received. >> so the outpouring of love, of support, of prayer just has
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almost been overwhelming for me. kevin: overwhelming, indeed. our next guests are duck family treasure stars and sons of phil robertson, jace and jep. i'm so grad you guys are spending time with us this morning. obviously, merry christmas to you and yours. this is one of those topics that hits so many families across mesh. we love phil -- across america. we love phil, i hope you know that, and i'm hoping the support you receive of from around the world has been a renext of that, guys. -- reflection of that. >> we appreciate that. you know, we decided to go public a couple weeks ago about this, and and he actually had, has add had a blood disease for years that they've always managed, but it kind of just accelerated, and his body started breaking down. you know, he's had multiple fractures mainly in his vert bray, and he has two currently
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now that he's going to have a procedure on. but at the same time as he's getting that worked on, we just noticed that, you know, mentally we're, like, what's happening here? and so once we felt comfortable9 with the, you know, with the doctors giving us a diagnosis, we went public, actually, it's been a blessing because somewhere in that outpouring he's really found a newfound peace. and, you know, he's a quarterback at heart. everybody, you know, is familiar with the story about him starting over for terry bradshaw. and when he decided to hang up football because they played during duck season, he became a duck hunter, and terry bradshaw went on to win four super bowls. it was hard for him during this process to be on the sidelines with that quarterback mentality. but, you know, when we went
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public, i really believe the praiser of the people worked, and now -- prayers of the people worked, and now he's content with sitting on the porch telling stories and having us bring him meals every day. [laughter] kevin: well, listen, there's so many of us who are, obviously, praying for him and praying for you all as a family. i'd be remiss if i didn't is ask is you about part two of season three of duck family treasure, available now on fox nation. for the folks who have missed it, i'm just going to put it out there, it's a lot of fun, it's very interesting. tell the folks about that, if you would, in the time we have left, guys. >> we went to maryland, did some hunting up in the northeast and found some really, really old stuff. jace found a super rare coin -- >> yeah. it was actually, the coin -- i found a coin that was made in america a hundred years before america became a country. while we were under british rule. so it's my favorite episode just because it was an incredible find. but the whole show is really
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about family, and, you know, we're talking about my dad today. i mean, he's doing better than you think even though his body's breaking down and some days he's, you know, we're not sure if he's with us, but this is about legacy. so we're not devastated. we realize there's a god and he's alive, and we know this is part of the process. and so you really appreciate what we have and the resurrection and what we share as a forever family. and that's really what the show is about, and that's why i think most kids that i know that have seen it really love it. because it's something that you can watch with the entire family. it's an incredible adventure, so i think you'll enjoy the new episodes. kevin: well, i can just tell you this, especially for folks who like to get out and go traipsing around the yard with or get out in the woods a little bit, you
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never know what you're going to find. people talk about treasure hunting, if you will? i must say every now and again i'll find something and say, how luck i am i? you never know what's actually out there. listen, guys, just again, on behalf of all of us here with the "fox & friends" family and across the country, you know how much we love you all, and we wish you the very, very best this christmas holiday season, and obviously, we're praying for phil and for all of y'all. and a quick reminder, everybody, don't forget part two of season three of the duck family treasure now available on fox nation. 55 minutes after the hour now. jace and jep, thank you so much. we appreciate you. don't go anywhere because we have the author and the here -- mother of elon musk, maye musk is coming up after the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ wait, did you rob my bank? sharing is caring, bro!
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