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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  December 19, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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surprised if an independent prosecutor looked at this and decided to continue it against trump. but if they did, they are facing a world of problems here. first of all, the rico theory itself barely holds together. but also the evidence that you are relying on does seem to trip the wire on that recent case that you referenced. some of what she has cited occurred obviously during trump's first term and relies on evidence that is derived from the white house. all of that creates a new level of challenges. >> bill: thanks, jonathan. breaking news. >> dana: i love breaking news in the morning. >> bill: we had a lot of it. >> dana: thank you so much. we appreciate you. so there is this, there is the possible government shutdown. how to deal with that. lots more to come all day on fox news. harris faulkner is up next. >> harris: before even taking office president-elect donald trump is flexing his influence
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over the republican party. it is his party. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the incoming president joined his doge, department of governmental efficiency, the co-chairs for that. he joined them to push for major changes to congress's current spending bill. it was supposed to be a little continuation into the new year and then they would work on it more. no, it is like an omnibus. the thing is huge, 1500 pages. doge is making it very clear that they are serious about slashing the waste that lawmakers put into bills. overall. musk posted about this particular bill. this bill should not pass responding to vivek ramaswamy's call for every congressman and woman and senator to read the entire 1,547 pages. in a point statement trump and vice president elect j.d. vance said republicans want to support our farmers, pay for disaster
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relief and set our country up for success in 2025. the only way to do that is with a temporary funding bill without democrat giveaways combined with an increase in the debt ceiling. anything else is a betrayal of our country. republican senator josh hawley with more. >> why would you saddle donald trump with this terrible spending bill before he even gets into office? sean, the worst part is, it dumps it back in his lap in march. under this bill they would shut the government down again. have to do this all over again. have to raise the debt ceiling again later the same year. it is ridiculous. a horrible plan. i can't believe republican leadership dreamed it up. >> harris: trump's team was aware of the contours of the deal and did not object to them. a new piece with the headline the trump mandate reaches a whole other level. earlier this week cnn data
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reporter said this. >> it's donald trump's party and his g.o.p. opponents can cry if they want to. trump had a big control over the republican party before but now it is even stronger. there are very few folks who dislike donald trump on the republican side who are still in the united states congress. he should be able to ram through legislation on at least on the ones he just needs republican votes. >> harris: chad pergram is on capitol hill. chad, i want to start off with a conflict and question. did trump's team know the contours of this bill and how would that have changed things would be a question that i have. i don't know if we have the answers yet. >> it is hard to believe that if you had house speaker mike johnson meeting with president-elect trump repeatedly talking to him on the phone, going to mar-a-lago and the army navy game this this did not come up. something people are looking at. who knew what, when was aware of what and whether or not it was processed with republican
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members. this is a complicated political riddle to solve since there is so little time. the previous bill imploded in such spectacular fashion. republicans are trying to find a way out of this cul de sac with the government funding deadline looming in the we hours of saturday morning. >> we're working with he and the vice president to address some of the things. he wants to start the presidency on a sound footing. we want him to as well. that's one of the things we're all focused on and we'll get it resolved. >> president-elect trump stunned republicans asking for a last minute debt ceiling height wanting it included in the spending package. that way it is off the table next year. hakeem jeffries says the only reason mr. trump wants that is, quote, so that house republicans can lower the amount of your social security check, hard pass. democrats don't like that the g.o.p. renegeed on a deal.
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>> the situation we find ourselves in is republicans have rolled back once again what we negotiated with them. the ball is their court. but we have a billionaire calling the shots for the gop and we'll see what they do today. this is up to them. >> republicans have leaned on democrats to provide votes to pass every major fiscal bill this congress. democrats were stunned when musk blew up the bill yesterday. >> my main question is if elon musk is kind of co-president here. i don't know why trump doesn't hand him the oval office or speaker johnson should ask musk the gavel if they want that billionaire to run the country. >> most conservatives won't -- finding trillions of dollars in immediate cuts is a massive undertaking. especially with just hours to do
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it. harris. >> harris: quickly, the timetable for a potential shutdown. >> 11:59 p.m. tomorrow night. they are almost out of track right now unless something happens right now, the government will shut down on the weekend before christmas. >> harris: chad pergram. thank you very much. ari fleischer knows his way around the white house. fox news contributor and former white house press secretary, perfect day to talk to you on this. senator josh hawley has said other things. he adds to the comments we showed moments ago, ari, pointing a finger at gop leadership for letting this come down the pike. you heard chad say we're up to the wire now. >> yeah. look, face it, if you are a house republican you operate under a curse. you are cursed. you are cursed by your margin and your lack of unity. with a three-vote margin the only way republicans in the house can get everything done is if they have complete unity.
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they have to stick together. they don't. what are you going to do if you are the speaker? you have to pass something. you can't get republicans to vote for it. not enough. so you have to ask the democrats to help you get it through. that's the problem. speaker johnson could pass it with nothing but republicans if republicans were unified. that is the curse of being a republican. now they have to figure out how to get unified and do it fast. >> harris: the most powerful person just won the house, white house and the senate. that's donald trump. he told them reportedly not to do this. he reportedly said give them a little more time at the beginning of the year. this was supposed to be a cr, measure that gets you a few days out. kicks the can down the road a little bit. this looks more like an omnibus. have you seen this thing? it's this thick. >> that's correct. and it looks like an omnibus because it didn't get enough republicans to support what they were working on and went to the democrats. >> harris: quick thing with
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that. marjorie taylor greene said this. i don't know of a single republican member who negotiated this deal. it was only leaders at the top. did they talk to the rank and file and should they have? >> i suspect it was the leaders at the top and members of the appropriations committee. appropriations runs supreme on these things along with leadership and the ones who cut the deals and scratch the backs of democrats, democrats scratch the backs of republicans. that's how it has been done. the way forward now, recognizing that the senate is still controlled by the democrats and white house whose signature you need is controlled by the democrats until january 20th you have to place a clean cr. not have the government shut down. wait until january 3rd until you get republican reinforce nullities in the senate and then try to get it done by the time trump comes in. why would joe biden sign it especially with the debt limit provisions. house republicans don't want to
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increase the debt limit. trump is asking republicans to do something they don't want to do. this is a mess. it will stay a mess and i really don't know how they will get out of this one. >> harris: is it a mess or is it just speaker johnson's mess? they had to have known how difficult this was going to be going into the end of the year. >> well, don't forget you have to get this thing signed into law. donald trump is not the president until january 20th. if you want it done prior to january 20th you are asking joe biden to sign it. so that's why it is a mess. you want purity for house republicans. you have to still get through the senate and to have joe biden's signature. that's the mess. >> harris: we will go around in circles with this. i'm confused by why they couldn't do just what donald trump and what the 76 plus million people trusted him to do and that was to put something in motion that he could take ahold of in january. joe biden is basically missing
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at this point. why hasn't the president of the united states even talked about a potential shutdown that is going to happen at 11:59 tomorrow night? you only have one president talking. again, you and i could go around in circles. let's move to this. i promise to bring you back. the very things that propelled president-elect trump to victory are creating chaos for liberal leaders in canada and europe especially. the left leaning economist has a piece called canada's conservatives are crashing justin trudeau. "the new york times," missing in europe, a strong leader for a new trump era. internal political squab squabbles. germany's liberal chancellor faced a no confidence vote. voters' top issue there is immigration. 77% say it is their most important issue.
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in france total government chaos, the issues driving that purchasing power and immigration. in canada a dismal 28% job approval for the prime minister justin trudeau and voters' top issue by a mile the cost of living. economist steve moore. >> you have know what, trudeau will be gone in a year. trump -- not just a u.s. revolution. i think it will happen in britain, europe. it is a power to the people movement. >> harris: ari. >> it happened under ronald reagan and i think it will happen under donald trump. when reagan got elected he ushered in a wave of european elections where conservatives who had been banished from western europe particularly were able to rise to power. i think you will see that again. a worldwide reaignement brought to you by europe's bad decisions about immigration. brought to you by the inflation that took place in europe and the creation of welfare states
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over there that are unsustainable. western europe has always had this weakness where they counted the united states on defense spending. along comes donald trump. i think steven moore is right. a reaignement of conservative many and hopefully it hits western europe. they are the ones that need it most. >> harris: i saw paris and it looks like a third world country. people are all over the streets. it is like if san francisco blew up. it is so sad. ari fleischer, thank you. breaking news last hour president-elect trump's georgia election interference case is now in limbo. a state appeals court disqualified district attorney fani willis. it is all over that love affair, if there was love involved, with her ex prosecutor nathan wade.
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incoming border czar tom homan has a huge warning to sanctuary cities and states. >> i want to arrest somebody in the country illegally that is a criminal. that is our priority. why would any elected official not want to help us with that? >> harris: many leaders in the democrat-led jurisdictions are digging in their heels setting up a major constitutional battle with the incoming trump administration. former assistant district attorney and police officer phil holloway in "focus" next.
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>> harris: the liberal district attorney fani willis who went after donald trump in georgia just got kicked off the case. georgia's court of appeals has just disqualified her from prosecuting the 2020 election case against donald trump and
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his co-defendants. they are citing conflict of interest. well, no kidding. the court began looking into whether willis should continue the case after that romantic relationship with the ex-prosecutor, nathan wade came to light. the court said this. while we recognize that an appearance of impropriety is not enough to support disqualify indication, this is the rare case in which disqualification is mandated and no other thing can -- she put in there he was making more than anyone else on the staff and his resume didn't match. it will now be up to the prosecuting attorney's counsel of georgia to find another prosecutor to take over the case. that process could be delayed if fani willis decides to appeal to the state supreme court and tries to get back on the case. president-elect trump told fox
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moments ago quote, whole case has been a disgrace to justice and that should not be allowed to go any further. phil holloway, former assistant district attorney and former georgia police officer and legal advisor to georgia's sheriff's department. you know that state and its legal system. fani willis, talk to me about what they saw outside of what we all knew. >> the statement or the part of the opinion that you referenced in the lead regarding there is no other remedy that will suffice and the best and most important language in the hearing. this is the case because look, this is the one that has the elected district attorney taking lots of taxpayer money, funneling it to her admitted paramour and benefiting from
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that financial arrangements by if you recall to of the trips and all those things. if it is not a direct kickback it has the smell of potentially a kickback and her testimony, of course, they said had the odor. nobody believed her testimony when she tried to explain this. it is more than the conflict of interest with nathan wade. this is also about what we call forensic misconduct. there is out of court statements where miss willis goes into the well of a local church here in fulton county, georgia, full of potential voters and full of potential jurors, by the way, i might add. and maligns and impugns the defendants in a public way. prosecutors aren't allowed to do that or try their case on the courthouse steps nor in the well of a church. this is something that was actually predicted. i predicted this outcome. she can appeal to the georgia
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supreme court. i have news for her. the georgia supreme court is not going to take this case. it is discretionary. they'll affirm the court of appeals. this case is going to be effectively over. the prosecuting attorneys counsel in georgia won't find another d.a. that wants to take that case. >> harris: is there anything else inherently true about this case that would get it dismissed at this point? >> the former president, president-elect trump has asked the court of appeals to dismiss the case. of course, in this opinion they said look, this is not -- this does pity rise to the level of dismissal. that's a separate issue. there are other requests being made of the courts on the grounds of presidential immunity and that sort of thing but this
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effectively kills the case, harris. it is an orphan indictment. an indictment without a prosecutor and the prosecuting attorneys counsel will not find any other d.a. that wants this. they would have to shut down their whole office just for this case, shut down all their operations and redo everything she did and try to fix the problems she created. it is not going to happen. >> harris: i want to get to this. glenn youngkin is pushing back on sanctuary cities in his state. >> any state adopts a sanctuary practice meaning a practice that impedes communications and cooperations when an illegal immigrant who commits a crime in virginia and is detained and subject to an ice detainer, they don't comply, they should lose their funding. >> harris: we have watched as at least five democrat-led cities have reinforced and enhanced
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sanctuary policies in defiance of trump and his plan to deport illegal immigrants. san diego could be facing another major roadblock. county sheriff is not having it. after the city adopted its new policy designed to stop jails from working with ice, she said quote, the board of supervisors does not set policy for the sheriff's office. the sheriff has the sole and exclusive authority to operate the county jails. end quote. last week i spoke with a republican city council member. >> i think this is a knee jerk reaction to trump. newsom trying to double down on trying to trump-proof the state. they say it's protecting families. if these people hadn't committed the crimes we wouldn't be in this place. it is more about criminals making sure we deport criminals. >> harris: here is what is happening. a major constitutional showdown forming between the sanctuaries and incoming administration. phil, i go to you for your thoughts on this.
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>> as a former deputy sheriff i can tell you the policies set by the sheriff in san diego and look, it is not just san diego, california. sheriffs across the country are going to do the same thing i predict. when local law enforcement and federal law enforcement are not working together, when they are working perhaps at cross purposes, it only serves -- it disserves the community. it doesn't do anything to promote the public good, the public welfare, peace, tranquility and lawfulness of local jurisdictions. so you are going to see local sheriffs doing the right thing regardless of local policymakers. look, it is talking about the power of the purse. even the federal government here has some room to operate. the federal government can cut off funding for lots of these jurisdictions and perhaps cities or counties, sheriffs offices, police agencies that get federal grants and funding. the power of the purse is
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powerful. over time we'll see more and more of the local law enforcement leaders doing the right thing regardless of what their local officials might otherwise want them to do. >> harris: what you are talking about is a little bit of the doge working its way into the legislative side of things. that attitude of where can we cut and make it more efficient? great to see you, always appreciate your time and expertise. >> you, too, merry christmas. >> harris: one celebrity is making a big difference. paris hilton's push to end child abuse at institutions is one step closer to becoming a law. a victim herself. her story is compelling. she has been rallying congress for years on this issue. the fiery debate over fairness in women's sports is getting hotter by the second and is not going away. >> that is not fair to the female athletes. they are missing out on those opportunities because some folks
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want to politically kowtow to a small group of gender extremists. it is absurd. >> harris: more fallout after republican senators went after the ncaa president over biological men in women's and girls sports in their lockers rooms as well. republican senator tommy tuberville is a champion for women's rights. he is next. go-friends, gather! keke!
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>> it is imperative that you protect opportunity for women in sports. >> the only person who doesn't seem to bear any responsibility in in is you and the ncaa who the are governing body. you won't even defend them or take responsibility. it is outrageous. >> our job is to promote fairness in sports. biological males shouldn't be allowed to compete against biological females. go to amazon and buy a spine
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online and take a stand. >> harris: republican senators met with the ncaa president on a different issue but this one took over. why are biological men allowed the play in women's sports and share locker rooms and more? democratic senator dick durbin tried to move on. >> how many athletes are there in the united states in the ncaa schools? >> 510,000. >> how many transgender athletes are you aware of? >> less than ten. >> less than ten out of 510,000. >> yep. >> harris: he tried to downplay it and there was a lot of reaction to durbin. senator, each trans identified male athlete impacts hundreds of female athletes.
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why make females have an unfair fight to accommodate ten trans athletes. >> it should be easy to protect women. today the division i volleyball championship begins over multiple teams forfeited over a trans athlete that played for san jose university. one of that group's spokes women and former collegiate athlete said this. >> when president baker made his statement it was very obvious he wasn't prepared. it shows that the ncaa needs to make some changes. we're not letting up. females aren't letting up. >> harris: i often have them on on issues like this. thank you. republican tommy tuberville of alabama, a member of the armed services committee. you saw the salute. thank you for your service. he also introduced a bill challenging president biden's
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changes to title ix which allow men to use women's bathrooms and locker rooms. you said there would be a slippery slope and you were right. >> harris, thank you for your fight on this and thank you for bringing it to light before the election with president trump in your interview. it had a big push to get him elected. but at the end of the day i have a granddaughter named rosey grace. she is not going to dress with biological boys in dressing rooms or take a shower with them or compete with them. dick durbin said with becker we only have a handful of biological boys in women's sports and ncaa. we aren't just talking about that. we talk about elementary school, junior high, talking about senior high, we're talking about all women and they are being downgraded simply for the fact that the far left wants to add gender into the mix along with climate hoax and all the other nonsense they are trying to push on this country and they're trying to destroy it.
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we won't allow them to destroy women's sports. we'll fight for it and try to keep these whacko judges out of the fight and put them in the right direction. >> harris: rosey gray has a grandfather fighting for her and other little girls and this really is going to take a fight. app apparently there is a push by charlie baker or ncaa or leadership in sports but want to make hundreds of thousands of people capitulate for fewer than ten other people. we don't do that in any other part of society, do we? >> you are exactly right. charlie baker does not believe this. he hates lawsuits, harris. he is under the gun with lawsuits right and left trying to keep the ncaa afloat. at the end of the day i know complete entire high school sporting teams across the country in different states that are all biological boys participating in women's sports. the entire team. don't tell me it is a small
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problem. it is a small problem gaining momentum on the left and they are pushing it. we have to stop it in its tracks. if we don't we'll end up with a huge tragedy and you won't have title ix or women's sports and wrong because title ix is one of the best things to come out of this building up here helping women become leaders across the country. >> harris: there appears some on the left who don't agree with you on that. i don't know. they are supposed to be the party of women. they can't define a woman but now we're asking them to define a man and woman in a small space locker room and in sports. it is not hard. all right. we'll move on. paris hilton on capitol hill scored a major legislative victory this week on an issue very personal to her. stop institutional child abuse act is headed to president biden's desk. it passed the senate unanimously and cleared the house with overwhelming bipartisan support. the new legislation would require regular studies and reports. it would then work on solutions
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to prevent child abuse and deaths in youth residential programs. paris hilton shared her own experience as a victim. >> my family was told it was an emotional growth boarding school and it was somewhere where i would be horse back riding and it was this beautiful place and they had all these fake brochures with photos that were not even of the locations and it was just a complete scam. my family was lied to and manipulated. it breaks my heart there are hundreds of thousands of children that are being sent to these places every single year. >> harris: an emotional growth boarding school and it was a nightmare, a dangerous one. she took to social media with this post. thanking you, senator and others for their support. she got emotional after the senate passed it. >> i've worked so hard on this bill the past couple of years and just to be here today and
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see our bill pass in congress, this is just a huge, huge victory for all the survivors and all of the families who have been victims of this industry. >> harris: senator tuberville, can you tell me what maybe some of the talk on the hill was about this? >> well, i tried to explain it to a lot of my fellow senators here. i didn't know anything about this three years ago. i got involved with paris hilton's bill here and i actually wechbt to utah. went to some other states and looked at some of these places and i was appalled how they are treated and drugged. so i got into the fight with her and we've been pushing this thing for several years. but it is a huge problem. all this bill says is start reporting your problems that you are having. if you don't you'll basically lose your license. a huge problem. we have a drug problem. a lot of these kids on drugs go into some of these places but
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again at the end of the day it is about treating people the right way. all you have to do is read paris hilton's book. i was amazed what she went through. here is a young girl that had everything going for her and her parents actually believed the people that were supposedly taking care of her. they were doing just the opposite. be careful what you do and the places that these kids are put into and they cost a fortune to put them in. 10,000 to 15,000 a month. it is a fortune. >> harris: you can't legislate morals but you can change the game and as you were explaining to some of those colleagues on the hill and what we'll see with this bill that's the goal here. thank you very much, senator, always great to have you in "focus." if you thought it couldn't get any worse president biden's approval rating hit a new low on his way out the door. he isn't gone. he is 32 more days. a frightening report on what white house aides are now saying about how they had to handle a
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very diminished commander-in-chief. it is not over yet. oh my goodness. what are we living with right now? president-elect and republican, trump swept this election cycle. some democrats are still in denial about that. >> let's remember the democrats only lost by less than 2%. so we keep acting like there was a landslide against the democrats. that's not true.
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>> harris: president biden's approval rating slipped further than we've seen in recent polls. didn't think that was possible. 34%. that's dismal of u.s. adults approve of the job performance he is doing now. whatever that is besides pardons and commutations from his buds and son. 66% disapprove. "the new york times" is reporting white house aides are now describing biden is weary, older, moody, fragile, after years of insisting he could run for a second term. the "wall street journal" has this headline. how the white house functioned with a diminished biden in charge, quote, presidents always have gate keepers. in biden's case the walls were higher and controls greater according to democratic
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lawmakers, donors and aides who worked for biden and other administrations. there were limits over who he spoke with and what they said to him and limits around the source of information he consumed thchlt part wasn't true. >> he has the judgment and experience to do exactly what he has done in making very important decisions on behalf of the american people. i speak with not only sincerity but with a real firsthand account of watching him do this work. i have no reluctance of saying that. he has the intelligence, commitment, and the judgment and disposition that i think the american people rightly deserve. joe biden is extraordinarily strong and that cannot be debated. >> harris: power panel now. former republican u.s. senate
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candidate tiffany smiley of washington and doug schoen. former clinton advisor. kamala harris may be a lot of things but ob servant isn't one of them unless she is lying. >> i don't think what she said is accurate, true or reflects the facts. joe biden is effectively done as president. donald trump is in charge. those are the facts. >> harris: that was short. tiffany. >> i think the facts are -- hold on, tiffany, >> now after president biden has kicked off the ticket. harris lost to president trump. white house aides are now saying that biden is an old frail man. something the american people have known for years. it is no wonder, harris, that president biden's ratings keep going lower and lower. he has given the american people zero confidence who is even running this country. the american people voted in a
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mandate vote for president trump because they want authenticity, transparency and accountability within their government. that's exactly what they know they'll get with president trump. look, president trump is bringing in people from all walks of life. government outsiders, democrats, even people who didn't believe in his vision to save our country previously. they're jumping on board with president trump now. when you look at president biden's appointees and his administration, it has failed the american people time and time again. donald trump is building a dream team and exactly what our country needs. >> harris: doug, quickly, you were the polling expert for the clintons for bill clinton when he was in the white house. you know how this works. talk to me about 66% of people disapproving this current president. >> yeah. very good question, harris. donald trump has a 45 to 50% approval and is effectively in charge because joe biden's
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approval is at one of the lows i've ever seen. bill clinton in 94 was at 38, 39. that was a crisis. he wouldn't have been he reelected with that number. joe biden at 34% effectively only has partisan democrats. the country has moved on. this is not a question of ideology, just a fact. and you can see by the way he moves, the way he acts, and his absence since he withdrew that he is effectively not making decisions. no one is in charge. that's why world leaders and indeed the congressional leadership is rallying around trump. not biden. >> harris: wow. we are taking a look at some video and some pictures and what we've known since even previous to june. if you look back even a year ago he is simply not the same person. so when you look at that on the world stage and doug, i want to go back to you for a moment on this.
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a lot going on around the world. ukraine, russia, a situation where, you know, with china now aligned in some kind of a way with russia as well, iran as well, north korea putting troops on the ground against ukraine, all of this happening under this one watch and a government that may shut down in less than 24 hours. we don't hear from biden. >> we don't hear from biden. we also do not have a strategy, as you are suggesting, to deal with the crisis in the middle east, with the fall of the assad regime in syria, the fact that there is going to be a peace process almost certainly beginning in ukraine. the biden administration is m.i.a. you would want them to coordinate and cooperate with the trump administration, but what we're seeing is a government that is exhausted. >> harris: maybe you wouldn't at this point. if he is not functional. >> i would hope they would but
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sadly there won't be any. that's sad too say. >> harris: some democrats are in denial about president trump's victory. house and senate see majorities. that was certified just this week. republicans also took the senate and retained the house majority. the certification of his landslide just this week. the white house chief of staff rahm emanuel is not in denial. his new op-ed is head lined the road back to power for democrats and here is part of it. november was a drawing reminder misjudging the mood of a nation can be catastrophic. if democrats are to make the most of the next election they must ready their messengers. abandon failed orthodoxies and embrace strategies with a record of delivering seats, success and real prosperity. here is al sharpton. >> i would not say jarring.
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let's remember, the democrats only lost by less than 2%. so we keep acting like there was a landslide against the democrats. that's not true. i think, though, that rahm is right if there had been more emphasis and projection on the pain that people were feeling they would have edged that 1 1/2% and won the election. >> harris: tiffany. it is going the take more than messaging and messengers and people weren't having a feeling. they were having an experience with bad economy and illegal immigrants and crime. >> exactly. like the democrats lied to the american people about joe biden's help, gas lit the american people on the economy and immigration and even told people they were racist if they didn't vote blue. it is no wonder they lost this election. al sharpton is just another far left out of touch democrat that lives in his own echo chamber and has no sense about what the american people were feeling.
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what they were experiencing in our cities and our towns and our schools, with our kids. so just shows how completely out of touch they are. this is a great opportunity for america. that's exactly what donald trump is doing is bringing in people from all walks of life who can get this country on the right track. >> harris: he is bringing in democrats. two of his top picks are democrats. rfk junior and formerly a democrat tulsi gabbard. just to stay with kennedy for the moment. you were on this program, doug, months ago when he got into a race and i said a kennedy is in the race it changes the game for somebody. now the game is changing. have you ever seen what you are watching with trump picking somebody of the opposite party to be in his cabinet? >> i have seen it in the distant past, harris, but not recently, no. and i think on a political level trump is talking about a potential realignment where
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working class voters of the type that jfk appealed to, rfk and donald trump appealed to move away from the democratic party and rahm is right. we democrats are out of touch. we have to get tough on the border, tough on inflation, tough on the cost of living, and tough on sanctuary cities and crime. otherwise we will keep losing. so it is not just 1 1/2%, it is a party that's out of touch with the american people and losing the voters that have been the bedrock of our support for generation after generation. >> harris: i want to wish you a merry christmas and also to you, doug, a happy hanukkah. they occur on the same day. hanukkah kicks off on christmas this year. a dual celebration. thank you for being with me. "outnumbered" after the break.
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