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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  December 19, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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>> and all of a sudden it wasn't done. buckle up everyone. this is probably what governing looks like in 2025. >> trace: democrats are upset that someone finally took a second look at a last-minute 1500 page holiday spending spree and said this is pretty much junk. if this is a sample of the next four years, common sense might be out of a job so why are lawmakers mad at musk for exposing what's in there own bill? we want to hear from you. and the latest theory about the mysterious drones as they are now being spotted flying low over rural areas of new jersey. are they looking for something?
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john ferguson's back but we begin with a bite and harris spree that's got the doge police written all over it. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live with more on this. >> there he goes again, president biden pushing to approve new rules tonight that would forgive student loan debt for up to 31 million borrowers if i haven't already been beaten back by the courts numerous time for previously trying to do that. that's just a latex example of spending like drunken sailors while politicians run for the exits. budgets be. it's not just the white house. lawmakers are even worse say critics and that can mean government shutdown. check out some of these projects. these items were in the original omnibus bill and they say they should never and i may never have been there. to say nothing of being in the slimmed-down version which nobody wants. for example how about i nearly
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4% pay raise to line the pockets of lawmakers. plus an extra $6600 per year on top of their $174,000 a year salary. how about a reauthorization of the farmville. offering $21 billion in disaster relief to farmers and another 10 billion in economic aid it. a lot of conservatives say that's too much money bare. how about more for disaster relief. are you following these numbers? how about 8 billion to rebuild that baltimore area bridge which collapsed earlier this year. it's privately owned, it's insured and it collects tolls but it's 8 billion. there's also the state department agency that republicans have been accusing of blacklisting people in news organizations for challenging the government's official line about covid and other claims. the global and -- engagement center called by some the worst offender in censorship and the government. it's in line for some 16 million
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bucks if the democrats could have their way and others. lawmakers say the corruption doesn't stop there. just this week the epa awarded $1.6 billion via it's community change grant program. before that in it's entirety since it's existence it only awarded some 325 million. they are just handing out billions. as they run for the exits and some people would argue doge is a good reason they are not going to be able to do that hopefully. >> trace: we've got more surprises along the way. kevin thank you. after the house failed to pass a trump spending bill tonight americans are one step closer to possibly getting a government shutdown for christmas. live in new york city with the latest on this on the spending stalemate. good evening. >> we are about 24 hours out until a partial government shutdown. tonight at key vote on a new interim spending bill failed in the house.
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>> the democrats just voted to shut down the government. >> this comes after a chaotic couple of days on capitol hill when an initial proposal tanked under pressure from president-elect trump and his allies. elon bott -- elon musk andrew knack ramaswamy who said the massive bill included policy and funding... >> we arrived at a bipartisan legislative compromise, the senate democrats and republicans, the house democrats and house republicans, everybody agreed and then it was blown up by elon musk who apparently has become the fourth branch of government. >> in response to such rhetoric trumps spoke for attachment spokesperson saying he is the leader of the republican party full stop. even though the new trump approved a bill that cuts some 1400 pages would have extended current government funding for three months provided billions in disaster aid, and also
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suspended the debt limit for two years, it was met with fierce resistance from dams and republicans and now g.o.p. leaders are regrouping tonight to turn a new way forward because tomorrow's midnight deadline is fast approaching but house speaker mike johnson telling reporters he is determined to try new york. thank you. >> do you think >> to be honest with you yes. >> it's part of it. >> they do. they are there forever. >> do you think the government waste money? >> yes. >> sometimes yes, sometimes know. >> not as much as people think. >> what you think about the government spending $600,000 to digitize grateful dead memorabilia. >> wow. >> i don't know. maybe there's a historical. >> it's for a museum.
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>> for like a presidential museum or something? >> no. >> it seems like you could have spent on something for the public good. >> shout out to them i guess but i don't know if the government really has to put all the pennies into that. >> a museum that's for the public. >> yes, ma'am,. >> they are going to spend it. >> $600,000 going to digitize grateful dead memorabilia. >> really? >> it's a waste of money. >> that's crazy. >> i don't think $600,000 is that much money. >> i couldn't claim a ukrainian family on my tax return they already told me that. >> what about $45 million going towards ade i scholarship in burma, the country. >> i need more information about that. that's too much money. >> too much for a different country on di? >> i'm not talking to you. >> why not help the homeless,
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we've got all these homeless people around here. there's people that need the money and they don't choose to give it to us so they choose to give it to other countries that don't need it. >> can ask who you voted for. >> kamala harris. >> you should look into doge, you might like what you have to see. >> trace: the doge police out tonight. let's bring in... thank you both for coming on. here's president-elect trump on doge. he said this. >> through the department of government efficiency, elon musk has been working very hard with various people including the back ramaswamy. going to eliminate hundreds of billions of dollars of wasted fraud. i can only tell you they are finding things that you wouldn't even believe. we are looking to save maybe $2 trillion and it will have no
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impact. >> one of the ways that elon musk says you can save is to get rid of all the pork barrel politicians. >> i think doge is exactly what we need at this time in our country. they are good to be able to figure out ways to responsibly steward are government funds that doesn't hurt to look at where we are spending money. take a look at the defence budget doesn't necessarily mean that we are against military spending. the navy spending over $2 billion in wasted cruisers is not something that we should be doing. >> the spending bill went from 1500 pages to 116 pages. the original bill included things like the craziest things that congress snuck into its christmas spending spree. a feral swine eradication program,... dedicated to censorship. we will get another year of funding and spending, $3 million
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to test the inspection of molasses and we wonder why people are fed up. >> people are fed up and this is why the republican party one in such a massive way. to fix the economy. that's precisely what donald trump, elon musk andrew knack ramaswamy are doing with the institution of doge. they turn that bill from a mountain of a bill to the size of an anthill just by x and truth social. this is what takes leadership. donald trump said enough is enough. the democrats usually are playing chess when the boat -- when the republican party is playing patty cake and donald trump says enough is enough, we cannot be taken advantage of when the american people are being screwed off of their dollar. this is why in less than 40 days president trump is going to come into that oval office and it change the ways in washington. it's going to be uncomfortable for democrats and republicans but change has to happen. >> trace: you talk about president-elect trump and i go back to president biden and
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"the wall street journal" had a piece about biden's early decline. it said quoting here at the president was having an off day meetings could be scrapped altogether. on one such occasion in the spring of 2021 and national security official explained to another aid why a meeting needed to be rescheduled quoting he has good days and bad days and today was a bad day so we're going to address this tomorrow. the former aide recalled the official saying. may be the biggest cover-up in 20 years. >> i think that people saw back in 2020 if you had eyes and ears open you saw that president biden was not prepared to take office. they hit him behind the lockdowns and they could only keep him there for so long. as he started to have to be out in front of media, it became more and more apparent that the white house was hiding a diminished president from all of us. that is why people were so fed up. it's why he ended up stepping down and not running for reelection. it's why president trump had such a huge victory back in november. >> trace: which leads us to
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the next thing. biden saying he can't think of any regrets during his term. >> i guess if i thought about it there would be something but not generically. i set out to do two things, restore america's leadership in the world, i think we've done that. and to generate opportunity for ordinary people to have a shot in the economy and i think we've done that as well. >> his approval is at 33% and he just doesn't quite get it. >> he doesn't get it and i can remind the president of a couple of regrets. when we had a young american woman at home died because of the open border. when you add inflation that ruined households, those are some regrets that he probably should have addressed. he's not going to do it. he's too prideful. he's right out the door, he's
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already on christmas break, the inauguration is right around the corner for president donald j. trump's second term. >> trace: thank you both. >> you think i'm on trial, these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. are not on trial matter how hard you try to put me on trial. >> trace: fanny willis has been barred by the georgia court of appeals from prosecuting donald trump and his codefendants in their election interference case. let's bring in the lawyer who spearheaded the effort to disqualify her. it's great to have you on the show. clearly as we noted there, the case goes on but fanny willis and her team are out. it appears that this case is now kind of on life support, would you agree? >> i would totally agree. it's going to die on the vine at this point. i think the next step would be their appealing. they will try to get the
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supreme court to actually reverse this or decide differently than the court of appeals did. what's most likely going to happen is the case will go to the prosecuting attorney's counsel in atlanta and it would be the ones that decided whether or not they were going to prosecute this. we've been asking for a neutral and detached prosecutor to look at this case and i've always thought that once we had that they would say no. this is not a case we're good to prosecute and i still think that >> trace: public perception has played a big part in this case and the lead counsel for president trump said the following quoting today as the court rightfully noted, only the remedy of disqualification will suffice to restore public confidence. this decision puts an end to a politically motivated persecution of the next president of the united states. i'm wondering if he's right. do you believe that it does restore some public confidence here? >> i get does but i think what ms. willis does is also good to
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be important. it's unfortunate that she didn't take background originally. when we brought this disqualification, the facts weren't in dispute. she tried to say the facts were in dispute but they weren't. the nice would've been if she would've said i messed up and i would like to restore public confidence in this process. i feel so strongly about my case , she could have had a neutral prosecutor like at. i it's very telling that she's trying to hold onto this case and trying to hold onto her involvement in this case. it's telling how weak her case actually is because he's terrified if someone else takes a look at it they are going to get rid of it. >> trace: you talk about getting rid of the case but this entire time the ordeal, you talk about riddled with conflict of interest and the accusations of corruption. this is one of those things wear people are like are there any potential or their consequences for her? >> i there could be. i think we're going to see a new justice department takeover and i think as people start peeling
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back the curtain she has disobeyed subpoenas, tried to get people not to testify in front of the u.s. senate, in front of the georgia senate. what is it they are hiding, why are they bringing this information forward. if you have nothing to hide wire into being transparent? it's good to be very interesting to see what comes to light when may be there search warrants issued. maybe for subpoenas can't be dodged anymore. actually bringing these issues to light. it will be interesting to watch what happens. >> trace: it's going to be fascinating. it thank you for your time, think you for coming on, we appreciate it. >> thank you have a good night. >> trace: the fox news at night common sense department is now totally confused. it turns out the faa is now banning drone operations in certain new jersey counties until mid-january because of security concerns. it's unusual considering the last time common sense checked, the faa was a federal agency.
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part of the very same federal government that has been telling us for weeks that these drones do not pose security concerns. so one part of the government is saying the drones are not a threat and another part is saying it may use deadly force if the drones pose an imminent security threat. if common sense has this right in a matter of hours we've gone from having no security concerns to security being a top priority. one day we are told these flying objects are feckless figments of our imagination and now these flying objects are on the verge of being recipients of lethal force. but only in some new jersey counties. why doesn't the security alert include the entire state or the 11 states that have reported unusual drone sightings. do we know which drones are good and which drones are bad? common sense things like usual the feds didn't have answers so they fed us fables.
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didn't have proof so they offered platitudes. all the while we are surrounded by ufos. unqualified federal officials. >> there's a lot of drones authorized. we are following this closely. >> trace: the federal government is finally taking action tonight to address the mysterious drone sightings that have captured the nation's attention. let's bring in john ferguson. great to have you back on the show. this is the dhs, fbi... joint statement on the ongoing responses to the drone sightings. it says having closely examined the technical data and tips from concerned citizens, we assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful
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commercial drones, hobbyist drones and law enforcement drones as well as manned fixed wing... and stars mistakenly reported as drones. that's a couple of days ago and now they are on the verge of shooting thing -- these things down if they are security threats. >> i had been saying all along that the american people are never going to get the truth about these drones. there is no way that this administration is going to tell you the real reason. whatever they tell you it may sound good and half the people will probably think that works but never will you get the full truth from this administration. i'm sorry to say that. >> trace: we brought you back on because you came on the show the other night and people are like i don't know, it sounds -- now what you are theorizing sounds entirely possible.
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the housewife said this today. >> these drones are hours and that they could very possibly be sniffing out something very dangerous. some missing dangerous w from the war. >> w meaning weapon. that's what one of her friends told her. all of a sudden it doesn't sound very bizarre at all. >> it was insane how this video just went all around the world, it being my first tiktok video. what i said was the truth and i've been asked to go on a lot of different shows and a lot of people want me to reveal who i've been working with for quite some time now and i'm not going to do it. nobody would ever do that right? but again, i've been saying from the beginning that these are hours, they know what they are
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doing and they are going to confuse you. there's no way. i've been in some exchanges were they say these are chinese operatives flying chinese drones or whatever. that would be like us invading germany on d-day and the germans just say come on in. there is no place in no administration ever in any part of the world that were ever allow a foreign adversarial agency to come in and fly unmanned aircraft unlawfully in the continental united states. by the way, stay within the guidelines. >> trace: great to have you on the show. we will check back in with you, think you. thousands of amazon workers go on strike in several states. what is that mean for all the packages you are expecting by christmas? the update on that. it's important, it's next and why is whoopi goldberg joking about hypothetical murder plots to get rid of president-elect
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trump? can't make this stuff up. later, democrats and the media blasting elon musk for blowing up the 1500 page last-minute spending bill after he exposed what was actually in it. why are lawmakers blaming elon for telling the american people what was in their own bill? let us know. we will read your responses in the nightcap. ean? swish with the whoa of listerine. it kills 99.9% of bad breath germs for five times more cleaning power than brushing and flossing alone. get a next level clean... ahhhhh with listerine. feel the whoa!
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>> trace: the man accused of killing health care executive brian thompson two weeks ago in manhattan was extradited back to new york today from pennsylvania luigi mangione appeared in court were a new federal charges against him were unsealed including murder, stocking and weapons violations.
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he could face the death penalty. nah six days before christmas, amazon workers now on picket lines and what the teamsters call of the largest strike against the corporation in u.s. history. the striking workers now seeking better wages and work conditions. the union warns holiday packages could be delayed but amazon tells fox business it does not expect any impact on operations. the president-elect's admission that he was a warm spot for tiktok has complicated the future of a federal law that could bend the app in the u.s. live in west palm beach with more on that story. good evening. >> the supreme court will hear arguments over the future of tiktok on january tenth. if the justices don't act quickly enough and the app remains owned by chinese parent company, nine days after those arguments, it will be effectively banned in the u.s. and team trump is blaming biden.
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>> joe biden is trying to get rid of it very quickly so that president trump cannot save a platform that is widely used. it has to be -- has to comply with american security standards. it has to be -- can't be a national security threat. >> such a ban won't sit well with millions of young americans. republicans who railed against the platform say they want to strike a balance and dramatically reduce the risk of chinese spyware in data mining. >> none of tiktok's ownership should actually be related and directly connected to the ccp. we know that tiktok has been utilized as a tool for manipulation. >> the long histories of the new trump appointees who call tiktok dangerous are singing now a new tune. >> my view is the president's view now. my own view is members of congress don't apply here. the president is a fan of
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tiktok. he wants to save tiktok. >> all of this after tiktok ceo met with trump here at mar-a-lago earlier this week. we will see where it's going to go. >> trace: let's bring in conservative commentator alicia krause and the author of what's killing america jason rance. think you both -- both for coming on. trump acknowledges he's got a soft spot for tiktok but they said this today about it. >> there's nobody that appreciates fake news or the value of real american voices more than president trump because he's been a victim of the fake news. with tiktok it's interesting. does anybody disagree that we cannot have a platform with national security issues, absolutely not. >> trace: supreme court hears arguments january tenth but it seems like this is kind of a jump all right now, what you think? >> both sides are making very valid points. on the one hand you have a lot
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of users who actively love tiktok. is a very easy way for the president and others to reach certain demographics. of course there is the other hand. national security risk. the compromise of selling it to an american company seemed actually reasonable. we should always be alert and may be a little bit concerned when the federal government gets involved in anything having to do with speech. with a connection to china, i do think that there is a valid reason for the government to be concerned and to take a step in this direction. we will see what the supreme court says because it might not matter what donald trump thinks. >> i think he could have stopped ... meantime, the following here. the coverage of trump's cabinet picks almost uniformly negative. trump's nominees are at a combined total of 60 minutes and 47 seconds of coverage during the period. the conservative media watchdog group found that 96% of the
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coverage was negative. are you shocked? >> no. this is also clearly not april fools. we are in christmas season. it is not shocking to anyone who's paid attention, even the average american voter is consistently since covid, trusted media has been going down. it keeps decreasing and understandably because the american people look at the coverage and then they are like a weight, elon doesn't seem bad, doge doesn't seem like a horrible idea. rubio is a decent pick here. why are all the alphabet networks writing on them? there's no legitimate reason for them. >> writing seems to be a little bit off his game it seems. biden takes a swipe at billionaires who are buying newspapers. >> very few editors saying you can't write that. you have billionaires buying
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standard newspapers that are well-known and saying we're not going to do that anymore. >> those billionaires buying newspapers tend to kind of lean one way. >> all of a sudden they are all upset because they said we are knocking to do endorsements... at least he stepped up and said people don't trust us because we are so far to the left. i suppose i'm not surprised that anyone from joe biden or anyone else is complaining. i think maybe other newspapers, regattas of weather or not a billionaire owns it, should probably take a cue and say maybe we ought to course correct and if it's the progressive wing and other democrats who are upset, you probably are doing the right thing. >> trace: here's whoopi goldberg joking about a trump murder plot. >> i don't member the last time we even talked about j.d.
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>> you think it's must advance? -- mosque and vance >> you think they would take a break on the murder jokes for a while. maybe take a pause. >> just proof. civics has failed so many americans including my millennial generation. but clearly older generations as well. that's not how the constitution works. have been for bid something were to happen to donald trump, it's not going to be elon musk in office. it would be vance and then the constitution lays out who would be vp. it's not even funny. i'm all for... comedians have been great proponents of the first amendment and free to offend, i love it when people push the envelope even if i disagree with what they say.
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it wasn't even funny. if you're going to say something that seems a little harsh or grotesque, make it funny. >> trace: thank you both. coming up the owner in the "los angeles times" whom we interviewed on this show now reportedly taking off the editorial board again. also why did gavin newsom declared state of emergency over the bird flu when the virus has yet to spread from human to human? our panel weighs in on all of this coming up next.
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>> trace: the texas lieutenant governor says the auctioning of unused border wall segments is cancelled but pieces continue to be moved away from the border. a source telling fox news the laying dock biden the administration sold many segments of the wall for pennies on the dollar. christina coleman is live with new information on this. >> on tuesday texas attorney general... filed a motion to try to
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determine if the bite in the administration broke the law when it sold portions of the unused wall to an auctioneer. the filing reads quote this last-minute fire sale has been called a blatant sabotage, designed to prevent president trump from securing our border. on monday president-elect donald trump also weighed in. >> it's almost a criminal act. they know we are going to use it and if we don't have it we are going to have to rebuild it and it will cost double what it cost years ago and that's hundreds of billions of dollars because you were talking about a lot of wall >> we have new video from parts of the unused border while getting loaded on to flatbeds and leaving the area. it wasn't clear wear it was going. we are told as of now the border wall auction is off. >> the auctioneer got a clear message from someone in washington, don't go through what -- with the auction.
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they stopped yesterday. >> i presume the judge would say you can't sell those off, stop. >> texas and the governor greg abbott announced a new campaign for mexico and central america. the billboards will have very strong messages on them warning migrants of the dangers of being smuggled -- smuggled across the border by cartels. once has your wife and daughter will pay for their trip with their bodies. >> they inform potential illegal immigrants about the reality of what will happen to them if they try to enter texas illegally. they tell the horror stories of human trafficking. >> they will also have messages in different languages including spanish, russian and chinese. >> trace: democrats in sacramento have done it again. a knew state law taking effective january 1 prohibits libraries from banning books even those with material. let's bring in the host of the
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... the founder of american gravy concepts restaurant owner and chef andrew grewal along with... thank you all for coming on. the "los angeles times" libraries in california cannot ban books and the "los angeles times" rights as children book bands source sales are down. librarians are afraid. publishers which depend on schools and library purchases reported sales of such books are down significantly, even when the works received critical acclaim and authors have seen school visits cancelled, leaving them without a crucial income stream. the producers are not making as much money here so they think this law in california is awfully good to. >> think about the poor producers. it's been under dispute or that there are certain materials that are not appropriate for children. that was until california legislated -- legislators came along and... and they tried to pretend like
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this is just book banning of the valuable literature like to kill a mockingbird or catcher in the right and it's ridiculous the level of gaslighting they are doing on behalf of sexually explicit materials for children. >> newsom says california it was doge before doge was doge. they say the following, there's only one doge. avenue some cannot take credit for it. he's the reason that we exist. we invite him to formally absorb us into the state government like trump did with doge and elon. what you think? it wasn't that. >> i may have something to do with that twitter account. just saying. it's really taking off and the reason why is that people actually believe that california does need its own version of doge. there's a reason why our state budget has doubled in the last several years while our -- while our population has gone down and we've had a massive deficit despite having the highest taxes there's a big mismatch there.
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newsom's gaslighting. he's living in his fantasy world yet again, convincing us that he is the most efficient governor in the country while in essence he really is the most inefficient governor. we do need a doge within california and i think the public is one to push for that and this group which is now becoming real is going to hold them accountable and create a california bill of doge. ten things we will have all candidates have to sign. >> trace: $55 billion deficit in three years. "los angeles times" owner ask editorial board take a break -- break from writing about donald trump. they were poorly instituted the policy, banning editorials critical of trump unless they are also published with a piece that offers an opposing view. hasn't really happened yet but they are moving that way right? >> this makes sense from a business perspective. i america is sick of this mindless... i also disagree with it because
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i wanted out there. i want to see it and know it. i think we should expose the left's insanity and all these opinions which we can laugh at because otherwise they are going to hide it. we need to turn california red that's one way. >> kevin mccarthy said this about kamala harris running for governor of california. >> if she came back to california, she would not win the race for governor. i would step away for a little bit, rebuild on issues and look at the places that you can improve. that we've come back is about an issue and an idea to make the country better. >> trace: he says she would lose, is he right? >> the amount of -- kamala harris' presidential campaign was almost an exercise in cash incineration. people put a lot of money towards her campaign in the hopes of getting some sort of return. they are not very happy right now. if she ever ran again she'd be going back to them for money and that would be -- she would not
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be getting very many yeses. it would make it nearly impossible to win that race. >> trace: gavin newsom declaring emergency for bird flu. >> i asked him esther eat -- yesterday while you declaring a state of emergency especially after all the trusty loss during covid creating a disaster with all of these mandates and restrictions that were not based in any fact. his press office immediately responded saying there is a very low risk. my response was wait a minute, if there's a a low risk where's the emergency? our laws actually require there to be an imminent risk to humans and when there isn't, this doesn't require an emergency declaration, it requires us to use existing rules and people to just go and monitor how things are on the ground. >> you know the covid things were draconian and he did them and a guy who owns the business after think we don't want any more declarations. >> it feels like this is the mechanism by which is going to take the final blow and take out
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all the businesses with these emergency powers. even if there was some horrible pandemic that was about to hit, nobody would trust him or believe him and it would actually ignore everything he's saying. that's kind of like a really -- that's what i'm afraid of when it comes to something actually happening. >> trace: thank you all. democrats clearly not happy with elon musk blowing up the government spending bill so why are lawmakers mad at him for merely exposing the contents of their own bill? is this not what the american people voted for? we want to hear from you. let us know, we are back with the nightcap crew which includes you next. you can count on me. please have snow and
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>> trace: back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic the show musk go on. democrats blasting elon for blowing up there spending bill after he exposed what was actually in it so why are lawmakers blaming him for telling the american people what was in their own bill. >> because he's telling the american people what's in their own bill. that's the reason. >> it is that simple.
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>> because they are crooks, they are corrupt and stop stealing from us. >> give us our money back. >> these other kids in class that were cheating and then somebody told on them and they are mad at the who told on them. >> they want to pretend that elon is a party of one but what they really are ignoring is that he's speaking for millions of people and that's what really bothers him. they want to claim that he bought twitter to elevate his own voice, he was the most popular person before he bought it. they don't want to admit that he speaks for the people. >> i'm going to say something a little naughty and not so nice. if republicans and musk really wanted to say the government money than they should tell people what they don't want to hear which is we have to get rid of medicare, medicaid and social security otherwise our budgets are going to continue to be. >> trace: here comes the hate mail. >> what really happened wasn't elon musk just drawing attention to it, it was the fact that on x the american people can all
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discuss it. he crowd sourced people reviewing that 1500 page document and you had millions of people tearing it apart, finding problems with it and all of a sudden it wasn't just exposed, it was dug into by millions of americans and that's the problem. now we know it's would happen again. >> it's what we voted for is terrifying. there for the... patty they are all upset because they have lost control, no more status quo. these are go to change, it's not good to be pretty. they need to discredit him before he makes any recommendations on doge. this is what the american people voted for. leadership in america is listening and josephine says great consulting by man who knows a thing or two about money. thank you for watching america's late news, fox news and i. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. kevin corke tomorrow night.
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