tv Fox News Live FOX News December 21, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST
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hillsdale was founded in 1844. we're passing on a cultural heritage, the culture of the west. when the federal government started giving money to colleges, we didn't take it. that independence has allowed us to stay with our mission that we established 175 years ago. because we don't accept federal money. we are free to concentrate on the mission of the college. we care about freedom, and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america. (♪) >> to magdeburg, germany, where we're getting new details on the christmas market attack. the motive is unclear, at least five people are dead, among them a 9-year-old. at least 200 others injured. stephanie bennett digging into the evolving story from london.
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>> hey, edward. yeah, 200 others are injured, 41 of which they consider in serious condition. they also said that 15 different hospitals are currently treating all of these victims and those numbers are unfortunately likely to rise. >> well, i've seen a lot of misery. many people who were searching, many tears. bewilderment and extreme states of shock. >> and today mourners lay candles outside st. john's church 100 miles west of berlin in magdeburg, just five days before christmas. the market was obviously packed with people shopping and eating. witnesses say it happened around 7:00 local time and a black bmw drove through the crowd. and other markets shut down and others around the world and upped security, including in
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new york city. flags will be at half staff. german chancellor scholz says it will be a day of mourning. and a saudi arabian man was taken into custody shortly of the attack. he moved to germany in 2000 6 -- 2006 and working as a doctor. and his dissatisfaction at the treatment of saudi refugees in . officials say he's had physical and mental health evaluations and the results have not yet been made public. this attack comes almost 12 years to the day in berlin after an attack occurred there. that tunisian man, and the
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failed islamic state. and there is a memorial service tonight that should be getting around 1:00 eastern time. back to you. edward: yeah, stephanie, the german prosecutors saying they're preparing five counts of murder and 210 counts of attempted murder against that suspect. what is the mood in germany, do people feel safe? >> yeah, i think, you know, whenever an event like this happens, no matter where you are in the world, the outpouring of support from the public, from other leaders around the world, you also see just a mass presence of extra police on the ground, which many people say is kind of a comfort to have the extra security there. what's interesting is back in november, so about a month ago, at this particular market, security was already upped just in case anything would happen like many other markets do, and it just shows that, you know, no matter how many safety protocols you have in place, the car that was travelling at just this speed, it's hard to stop anything like that at such
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a random time as well with no prior warning. but i think the mood on the ground right now is just very upsetting. nothing like this would happen in their town. there's no other, you know, past previous history of anything happening in this city. olaf scholz says christmas markets are the peak joyous time for people to celebrate the holidays and something like this happening is tragic. edward: stephanie, just awful. thank you for the update. as the story evolves, we'll go with it. so germany was on guard for these types of attacks and what do we need to do to prevent them in the u.s. brigadier general bob spaulding joins me. how did this happen if you're on guard for it? >> even if you're on guard for it, if they haven't put up barricades in the market and cars driving around it-- you can go down to washington
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d.c. and the christmas market there and there's ballards put up for an attack like this, if you haven't put up measures to protect against it it's a possibility. the biggest challenge, why did they not extradite this person or why did they at least not question. why was saudi asking for this person to be extradited. it bears some thinking about how we allow these types of people into the country and then allow them to stay if, you know, they're being asked by another country for them to leave. edward: and this leads into my next question now. what concerns do you have for us in the u.s. after seeing this? >> well, i think it goes without saying, we've had, as you know, many tens of thousands of criminals come across the southern border and some across the northern border and something that, you know, the new president has said that he's going to deal with. so, i think it just bears in mind that, you know, national
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security is not just an away game for the united states, it's also a home game and we need to protect the homeland as much as we need to be prepared to fight abroad. >> so officials are still searching for a motive of this kind of thing. what are they looking for when they're looking for a motive? >> well, i mean, some of the things that you can point to in this person's past, social media posts, other engagements with other people, he's definitely unstable. probably has some kind of mental problem, but he also has, you know, some kind of affinity for islamic fascism and mentioned on posts about his support for hamas. so, i think we have to dig deal reap realizing he's unstable and he has some islamic leanings that may have contributed to this. edward: you talked about the open borders here. how does the open border policy of the past four years play into your concerns for the united states? >> well, i mean, you know, just
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like i said, we have a christmas market here in washington d.c. we have a lot of people across the border, some with unknown affiliations, some have come from the middle east. so i think it's something that bears watching and probably we need to be more careful in terms of how we prepare to protect the people that really are unguarded from something like a speeding car. i think the other thing is, you know, there's enough technology now where we can determine where a car is, perhaps we put a governor on in terms of what they're allowed to access rate to in these locations. these are available today and we haven't implemented across our networks in the country. edward: and so there are also, according to the customsen border patrol, 1.4 million g gotaways, has someone already come into this country that may want to do us harm? >> more than someone, a lot of people have. i think they're waiting for the time to do that and i think it's something that we need to
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preempt before something like this happens. edward: so today is called super saturday for the shopping, as people get in the last minute gifts. what do you advise them to do when going to a mall or a market, or an area with a lot of people? >> you know, it's really difficult, but you have to stay alert. you know, when you go into places like this, be expecting something bad to happen and if you're paying attention, if your head's on a swivel, perhaps you have the presence of mind to move out of the way. you know, unfortunately we get lulled into a false sense of security when bad things don't happen on a regular basis. you have to always be ready when especially when you're going to places like this. >> let me ask you this, do you feel safe in large gatherings when you go around in various cities? >> absolutely not. you know, i always keep my head on a swivel. i'm expecting something bad to happen because, quite frankly,
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after the last four years of everybody coming across the border, you have to be expecting these kinds of things to happen here in the united states. we've been very lucky, but still, things are happening across the country and we have venezuelan gangs, as you know, and others, and more could happen. so, we just have to be prepared. edward: how do you balance that being alert like this and also having fun? >> well, that's just it. i mean, it really, i think, over time if you practice -- if you practice, you are prepared, even though you're engaged. so, you know, it doesn't take a lot to just be-- to notice signs around you and just don't let yourself be lulled into a false sense of security. have your guard up. you can still have a good time, but you also have to be, you know, aware of your surroundings. this is good practice. some of this is instilled when you go into the military and it
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doesn't hurt for all of us to be more vigilant and aware in our day-to-day lives. particularly when we're out and about in places like this. >> brigadier general spaulding, thank you for your service to the country, too, merry christmas. so a new spending bill means a government shutdown has been averted, but it doesn't include that something that president-elect donald trump really wanted and a suspect in the murder of health care ceo brian thompson is back in new york and what's next as the charges are piling up. dition to the next level. so, if you find a lower price on the things you - want. - need. we'll match it. plus, with mylowe's rewards, you can earn points when you shop. to make the holidays even more... sweet. lowe's knows how to help you holiday.
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>> so lawmakers now home for the christmas holiday after finally passing a last minute spending bill to avert a government shutdown, but there's still a ton of questions for the republican party after this. madeline rivera investing from the white house. >> hi, good morning, edward. although the senate missed the midnight deadline to fund the government, the white house says no federal agencies will shut be averting a crisis. they'll approve the spending deal early saturday morning and came off the house passed the bill friday evening 366-34. all 34 nos came from g.o.p. members exposing the risks within the conference. >> i voted against the spelling
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bill it's unpaid for $110 billion and a host of things that i can't support, but you know, we've thinned it down a little this week, slightly better process. >> the bill puts the funding deadline to mid march, $110 billion in disaster aid and aid for farmers. it's not enough to address the debt limit which the president called forment and even if it doesn't have everything the administration wants, president biden had been largely silent throughout the spending fight and moved the -- a move the white house thought was intentional, and. white house press secretary says the final proposal includes disaster relief that the president requested for the communities recovering from the storm, eliminates accelerated pathway to a tax cut for billionaires and would ensure that the government can continue to operate at full capacity. the president is set to sign
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the bill today, edward. edward: and apparently you couldn't afor identification the windy conditions at the white house. >> a struggle. edward: as we averted the shutdown. i don't have that problem. sources telling fox that president-elect trump isn't happy with the spending package mainly because it did not lift the debt ceiling like he wanted. let's discuss this with phil wegmann with real clear politics and the man that sites behind me at the white house briefing room and policy reporter julia manchester. phil, let's start with you. in the honeymoon period for president-elect trump, it's politically dangerous to upset tim at this point, right? >> it is. i keep going to something that donald trump, jr. tweeted when the incoming administration tanked the first spending bill, we're not just the media now, we're also the government the argument being that because elon musk owns x and there's a grass roots army at the back of the president, that can kind of rewrite legislation remotely,
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but if that's the new governing paradigm then i think the christmas chaos we just saw was a dress rae hersal for the new year. we learned a couple of things, donald trump is good at breaking things, he was able to tank the first bill, but he wasn't able to build a coalition to get what he really wanted which was the debt ceiling increase. i know that sounds like inside baseball, donald trump is good at breaking things, it remains to be seen if he can build things and that's the question going into the second term because the bigger lifts like border security and tax cuts, those are going to be a lot more difficult than the end of the year cr. edward: i will tell you that biden, president biden just signed the bill, so it will be law. should the president-elect be in this conversation because it's president biden that signed the bill and he hasn't taken office yet. >> well, it's funny that you bring that up, edward, because in the leadup to this potential government shutdown and i guess
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the events that led to avoiding the government shutdown, you heard donald trump himself say that this would be essentially a biden shutdown and a lot of republicans also said this, but at the same time though, i think if you read the tea leaves to sort of piggyback on what phil said, this should have warning signs for republicans. republicans are touting this trifecta they have going into the new year with president trump taking office and republicans holding majorities in the house and senate, but the problem, particularly in the house, is that clearly speaker johnson has not unified the caucus, and republicans are not unified and you know, they're also not unified when it comes to donald trump and the threat of primary challenges being thrown around, particularly when it comes to these republicans that oppose donald trump on raising or eliminating the debt limit.
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now, these republicans, many of them would say that they would be open to that if there were structural spending reforms, but a lot of questions as to how the president-elect or soon to be president is able to work with these republicans who are very willing to seemingly put their own political futures on the line to get what they want. edward: right, and that goes to the razor thin margin in the house. the bill itself had extra spending in it and also it funds the government through march 14th. so here we go again. the spending was still there. i mean, maybe it was paired down as you heard chip roy say. it's still there. what does a negotiation look like with no debt ceiling pause? >> it sets up another fight and i think that what we've learned during the election is that donald trump didn't so much regain his control of the republican party as he tightened his grasp, but what we saw over these last few days is that his grip is not absolute. just like obamacare repeal,
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ancient history of 2017. you had conservatives like jim jordan and even mike johnson stand up to donald trump and the establishment and try to push him in a more conservative direction. there's a similar dynamic here where you have 34 house republicans saying we're serious about fiscal responsibility and we want some cuts and we're not afraid of these primary challenges. now, is that going to change when donald trump moves from mar-a-lago back into the white house? perhaps, but there's a similar dynamic here where once again, yes, donald trump is in control of the republican party, but he seems to be in the middle of these establishment republicans and then these conservative republicans who are both pushing and pulling him in different directions. edward: you have a new wrinkle with this, you have elon musk and vivek ramaswamy involved in this and with the house and the cr, can the president-elect's tax cut as well as the border agenda make
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it through congress from what you've seen? >> look, it seems that republicans for the most part are very much united on the issue of the border. one thing i am curious about, we'll see what happens with those tax cuts, i thought it was interesting that steve ban non, an ally of the president-elect said last week or he floated the idea of raising taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals. i just thought that was interesting because it seems to be a break with where a lot of republicans, you know, and fiscal conservatives are on that issue and i think it goes to show sort of how much this idea of economic populism has really infiltrated the republican party and how the old guard has been, you know, forced toen could front it in m -- forced to confront it. and not too off track of this conversation. virginia governor youngkin proposed no taxes on tips and
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they start their legislative session, excuse me, next month. so we're hearing all of these new ideas being floated and in many ways, they could compete with, i guess, the idea or the trump tax cuts in many ways, so the republican party itself is going to have to confront this because these on economic populism at least, i think that played a big role into how donald trump wanted november. edward: we'll have to see this push and pull. what about the time frame? what if the president does not get his priorities done in the first year and it takes a little longer, could parts of the agenda be in jeopardy? >> certainly. donald trump knows what's at stake here and he also has a good idea how much time is left on the clock. he realizes he's got one term. the big lifts are going to come in the first year, year and a half, before this he look to their reelection, he has a team to look at that, he's not a
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political novice this time around and they expect to hit the ground running. edward: and we're fair here. julia, what does the deal for the past 72 hours mean for mike johnson's future? look, i think his future in many ways is up in the air. i think speaker johnson has done his best to keep his caucus together, but there are clearly some willing defectors, going into the new year, a big request whether they can go on. we've seen republicans go through a few speakers, i don't think that mike johnson is an exception to that. edward: we'll have to see what happens. very interesting days ahead. phil, i'll see you in the briefing room soon. flight delays are pilings up in the middle of the holiday rush. what you need to know as you're headed to grandmas. later the fed is up with the usual festivities, why many americans are putting a cheesy twist on the holidays. we'll explain all of that. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot
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>> airlines scrambling to keep things running smoothly this weekend as americans make a mad dash home to the holidays. the ceo of breeze airways, happy holidays first of all, david. and what are you most worried about this holiday season, the weather, drones, f.a.a. staffing? what are you most worried about? >> the weather. the weather, a little slow
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start this morning as most of the airlines in the northeast when you wake up and there's snow on the wings, you've got to do deicing which takes a little extra time. we're off and running and delivering people to their destinations and we're excited for this time of year and we're back twice as big as we were back this holiday season. lots of planes and i counted 28 of our planes were airborne taking people to see their friends and family. edward: we've heard some tips that you should take an earlier flight because the delays then compound. what do you think about that tip? trying to get an earlier flight as opposed to a later flight because your risk of delay is less? >> yeah, i mean, it compounds, right. so, if a plane left 34 minutes late this morning because it was -- had to be deiced we try and make up that time, but when planes are full and everybody has luggage, we get our planes in 35 minutes so our team is great at turning airplanes and
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doing a great job. it cascades towards the end of the day if something else happens. the other tip to get there early. we had to hold a flight the other day for 12, about 16 minutes because there were 60 people missing in the security check point. so, you know, the tsa is doing their job their best, but lots of people going through check points and so, get there a couple hours early to make sure you get through the check point and you can relax and get ready for your flight. edward: 60 people. i'm sure they appreciated the fact that you waited, i've had plenty of flights take off when i've been late. you've expanded your flight routes over the past year. how full are you seeing flights now with your airline? >> they're good. i mean, we're in the mid 80's, high 80's for these days. you know, this two weeks is really go time for us. they say that black friday is when people get in the black for the first time and we have a big percent of our revenue in the next couple of weeks.
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and our team is up doing a great job completing all the flights so, yeah, it's a really great time of year to be able to fly and then we get into january and we've got some great sales going on right now. we actually have a friend, a buddy up there where you can-- >> i want to ask you about this. because you make flying affordable with breeze airlines, but you know, people-- do you think that people are back travelling freely with overall increased prices? >> yeah, yeah, they are. and you know, the best time to travel is in the off peaks. january is a great time to go because there's no lines and get through the security check point and that's why we have the buddy-up promotion, fly and take a friend free with you. so, you can buy that through the 4th of january and it's good kind of the 6th of january through june. so just a lot of promotions going on, so really look at those promotions once we get through this busy holiday season that we have going on
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now so you can go ahead and book in january and february when things really get cold. edward: how far out should someone book a plane ticket to get that best price? >> well, the further out you go, the better. so if you can plan on it, you know, we've got a great app, you can go on there and you can click on where you want to go and they'll tell you the days of the week that we fly it. you can see the fares and you can compare across the top where you can see dates where it can actually be less expensive so we make it easy for you to book and so, yeah, book ahead, book often and even go more often, you can go cheaper, four or five times instead of once. edward: i want to get this in with just 20 seconds that we have left. you founded jetblue and now you're doing again with breeze airlines. you know the in's and outs of this industry. what do you think is the major issue that the next kept of transportation secretary needs to tackle? >> well, certainly air traffic
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issues, getting staffed up. we're about 3,000 controllers short still, especially in jacksonville center and the new york trade con. make sure we have plenty of people in training so that we don't have the air traffic delays and then the new technology that exists that we can move into the air traffic to make it safer and make it more efficient so we have less air traffic delays, i think, should be really the number one priority. edward: david newman appreciate it. ceo of breeze airways, happy holidays. >> happy holidays. edward: for more on disruptions, chief meteorologist rick reichmuth is here. >> and we have winter beginning this morning, if you're going to have winter, maybe snow isn't that bad. 1.8 inches officially in new york central park. two inches at laguardia. along with this is now going to cause of course travel delays. take a look at this, we've got
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some delays really at almost all of the airports across parts of the northeast. expect that today. and it's windy and we'll see snow bands come through and cause some issues for us and then it's going to get really cold. any of the snow that melts in the streets, dry out, and it will be icing a lot. we will have the coldest air mass we've seen since 2023, so it's been about 12 months at least since we've had this cold of air across the parts of the northeast. a lot of people are thinking, hey, i want a white christmas. we've got 27% of the country, snow on the ground and snow we'll identify as a white christmas. it's national weather service's definition of that. where you are, if you've got a little snow you might like seeing that. 27% of the country seeing it, a lot of it here across the northeast and then in the mountain west with the elevation is where we've got the snow. all that said, we're about to see a weather pattern here that changes for us and brings in a
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lot of warm air, along with that, mostly a rain event that's coming this week across much of the west coast. we are going to see a lot of rain and higher elevation snow and maybe some flooding because of the rain and the cold air that we've got is going to retreat back up towards the arctic where we kind of like to see it. watch what happens here, we're going to get a pacific jet we call it, basically air mass moves in off of the ocean, instead of from cold canada and bring warmer air to almost the entire country. so we get some storms, but more rain storms for us, that we've got coming throughout this christmas week. that means, edward, if you're looking for a white christmas, pretend it's christmas today where we've got white going on and then mostly melted by the time we get towards christmas day. >> rain, snow, weather problems, if you have a problem with that reach rick at 555-1212, i'm kidding. [laughter]. we'll see you again. and some issues with the united
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>> so luigi mangione, the suspect in the murder of united health care ceo brian thompson is back in new york after waiving extradition in pennsylvania. he's facing federal charges on top of state charges, something his attorney calls highly unusual. and rebecca with where she thinks things are headed. appreciate it. and weapons charges in addition to state charges. where does it go and who takes precedence now? >> what happened was thursday morning, the reason his attorney is saying it's highly unusual. thursday morning he came into new york thinking he was going to be arraigned in manhattan state court.
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instead, the federal authorities issued a complaint and he was arraigned in federal court. so he's now facing charges in federal court and state court in new york and in state court in pennsylvania. the two charges, the two magic court issues will be the federal charges in state court and the federal charges in new york and state court and the federal and the state charges in new york because he's facing murder with terrorism aspect, which is a first degree murder charges which could in federal court lead to the death penalty or in state court, life in prison. so we're looking at serious charges and looking at the federal authorities and the state authorities both looking to seek justice for the ceo of united health care. edward: so in this scenario, who goes first, federal or state? >> the federal authorities
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have-- they take precedence and they will go first. the state magistrate -- the federal magistrate i know, who i've been before here, she is quite aggressive wither had time frames. she is a very fair magistrate. so, she had set down in the arraignment the time frame and now, he will be arraigned monday in state court, but the federal charges will take precedence. edward: i don't cover a lot of federal cases so does this mean that because the state court you have possibly a jury of your peers. in federal court would it be a judge or a jury of his peers? >> no, he will have a jury in federal court as well unless he waives that right, but i don't believe he will. we've seen indications about an insanity possibility plea. we'll see. edward: so there seems to be a lot of evidence. how do you defend this? how do you defend him as a client? >> well, i mean, the most important thing is what was his state of mind, not is he
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insane? anyone who would kill anyone, we could colloquial call insane. i believe his attorney is pursuing this, i could be wrong, but she had indicated in the past she might if she took him on as a client, since becoming a client she hasn't stated anything. what she would do would be to investigate his mental state. under new york law, does he have the mental state to form intent. now, that is very different than a colloquial thought of, wow, he must be insane. is he unable to understand the charges, unable to understand, was he unable to form intent when he killed the ceo of united health care, so what will happen if she does that will be what she'll have to medical examinations. edward: i want to get this in, only 30 seconds. there's a greater issue here of
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people being upset in general with the insurance industry and you could feasibly get one juror who is very upset with their personal situation who could just be a holdout. is that a concern? even though the evidence could be stacked against him just on the merits of the way this person feels. how big of a problem, in 30 seconds, how big of a problem is that? >> that's an amazing point and in 30 seconds, the jury p selection process in this case will be intense. the prosecutor will try to get rid of anyone who also a bias towards the insurance industry. you're absolutely right, great point. edward: rebecca, thank you for your insight on this saturday. i appreciate it. >> thank you. edward: so back to germany and the investigation into the deadly christmas market attack. officials still searching for a motive as they're preparing charges against a 50-year-old doctor from saudi arabia, accused of plowing a car into a crowd in magdeburg, germany.
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the attack killed a 9-year-old and four adults and injuring more than 200 more. the motive still unclear, but officials are taking note of the attacker's alleged dissatisfaction with the treatment of saudi refugees in germany. at this time a lot we still don't know, but the investigation continues and we'll have more after this. t holiday tradition is taking your tradition to the next level. so, if you find a lower price on the things you - want. - need. we'll match it. plus, with mylowe's rewards, you can earn points when you shop. to make the holidays even more... sweet. lowe's knows how to help you holiday.
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♪ >> a beautiful shot there of johnstown, pennsylvania. so, christmas traditions may be losing their charm. a new survey reveals a third of americans are over the usual holiday customs with 44% saying they'd either-- they'd even rather trade festive turkey for pizza or burgers. now, the thought of food has immediately made me think about entertainment correspondent allie, after thanksgiving are people over the food traditions? >> it's a lot. i think that anyone who has ever prepared any kind of holiday meal for their family knows it takes so much effort within 30 minutes or 10 minutes if you're my family, it's gone. a burger, pizza, anything that
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you really enjoy, why can that not be a festive meal. >> exactly. and this study grabbed a bunch of moms or dads sick of cooking from mid november to january 1st? >> absolutely. they just cooked thanksgiving dinner. they're sick of it. they want takeout. have a sushi christmas, why not? and i think they're forgetting the tradition of visiting family, they're going to caribbean vacations, no rules apply anymore. >> it's not burger or pizza, it's sushi for you? >> yeah, i've had a full sushi christmas. edward: we've all about there, opening a gift and forcing a smile. and those that faked after a gift giving during the holidays. >> so much is a farce. people give gifts because they
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feel they have to, they're not putting any effort into what they're buying people. and on the receiving end, someone feels like they have to put on a performance because they don't want the others to feel bad. i'm calling it right here, right now, let's stop pretending and be honest. you didn't deserve a present, i didn't want to get you one. i don't like this gift, feel free to give it to someone else. it will stop the useless spending and make everyone more holly and jolly. edward: and we have too much stuff. the report finds $10 billion will be spend on gifts that will ultimately be shunned or regifted. what have you gotten that may be regifted? >> oh, i'm sure-- well, i've got ones that we had to regift because my parent when i was a kid gave us the lead up to a dog, the chain, food ball and the collar and never gave us the dog so we had to regift those. [laughter] >> it was a terrible christmas, but i disagree on
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this one, i think faking is all about it. and women are faking things all the time and how bad to fake the gift and keep the christmas gifts and women do it all the time, and guys can do it, it's know the that hard. edward: and if you had to fake smiles on a gift that they've gotten, maybe that poker face is not so good when it comes to gifts? >> i've done it and all about putting on the big smile, oh, my goodness, thank you so much. i went to drama school, i know what it's about. i'm just saying, i think a little honesty could go a long way this holiday season and again, you said it, $10 billion worth of gifts. emergency what else that money could be put towards. tell you what, good idea, buy yourself a gift and encourage everyone else to buy themselves gifts and you're getting what you want and you don't have to fake it. edward: maybe just make a card. nobody writes cards anymore. last but not least, you know,
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love them or hate them, what do you think about the ugly christmas sweater trend? >> i love the ugly christmas sweater trend. i feel like i won an ugly christmas sweater contest by mistake, how i dressed. and people put real work into it and using electric engineering trees to make a train go around their body on a sweater, it's entertaining and i love it. edward: i just got a christmas sweater on sale that has a llama on it and my wife says she will not be seen with me wearing it. do you have one of the ugly sweaters? >> i do have several and i agree, i think the way that the christmas sweater trends works only if you go all in. people who try and make ugly christmas sweaters chic or buy a ralph lauren sweater with a bear on it, you need to go 100% or not at all.
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i love your llama. edward: and it lights up, too, and i bought it on sale, i have to admit. i appreciate it, thanks for the debate and the laughs, happy holidays and merry christmas. >> same to you. edward: yeah, so the weather outside is frightful and for holiday travels it's anything, but delightful. how winter storms could impact your holiday travel plans next. ♪ ♪ the weather outside is so frightful, the fire is delightful ♪ ♪ since there's no place to go, let it snow, let it snow ♪ r tha. with mylowe's rewards... yes. you get member deals and earn points when you shop. so, you can get more and give more too. join my lowe's rewards for free today. lowe's knows how to help you holiday.
8:56 am
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8:57 am
adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was talking to some vet■s last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don't mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they're going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please visit need a last minute gift idea? get the weathertech gift card! for laser measured floorliners, cargo liner, pet feeding system or the new garage wall protector. get your gift card instantly at
8:58 am
♪ >> we keep going to that upstate new york, white christmas there. nearly 4,000 flight delays and cancellations so far today and some nasty weather gets in the way of holiday travel plans. fox weather's brittany campbell in brooklyn with the latest, brandy. >> yeah, well, good afternoon here from brooklyn bridge park. this is one of the many locations where people woke up to measurable snow here in the new york city area. take a look at this nice and fluffy, but i want to show you guys what it looked like earlier this morning as it began to fall from the sky and really stacking up in many places. in new york city, the final reports have come in. national weather service stating they had 1.8 inches recorded in central park. not only is it the first measurable snow of the season
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in new york city, but it's the first measurable snow for the city in december. since christmas eve of 2021. other areas of new york and jersey also had snow totals recorded just under five inches. while it's unlikely that this will stick around for christmas, we met a man visiting from london, happy to see this on vacation. >> well, i'm pretty excited, i got here about a week ago and it was reasonably warm. i was slightly disappointed, but now like this, the weather forecast and this morning, woke up at 6 a.m. to look out the winter and straight on the streets so i can walk around. it doesn't snow often in london, maybe once every couple of years, but i'm thap that as soon as i got here it's snowing. >> all right, and this caused a lot of havoc for travel. and yesterday i joined those drafting from boston, and flights are canceled.
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hundreds of flights have been delayed and some canceled. new york city and boston airports are seeing the most issues right now, but the f.a.a. is saying that's due to volume. edward, right now, as you can tell it's not snowing so this snow event over for this area. next, we'll start feeling that canadian cold air come into town. we're actually expecting the coldest day of the season here tomorrow for most of the northeastern cities. back to you. edward: it's funny, the guy from london, you should have said get off the plane dealing with snow and bob is your uncle, that's the joke in london there. and back to miami, hope that works out for you. >> very soon. edward: thank you for joining us. safe travels and fox news live continues with griff jenkins and jacqui heinrich. that happens now. >> a 9-year-old is among five people killed and 200 injured
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