tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News December 22, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday. stay where you are. this is a big show. it really is we have congressman barry loudermilk who is a subcommittee chairman for the january 6 review. i our buddy steven a smith just to stir things up a little bit. but before we get to this, this is the interim repair the failure of the unit six committee. i guarantee you i am the only one who's read this entire report and th in the congressmad the people who wrote it. i don't think there's a media personality out there or host out there who took the time to read this report. if you read this report which is online you are going to be stunned and shocked.
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you may not think it will be, but you will be. this is incredible to stalinist committee, a robust committee a committee that obstructed, that destroyed, that witnessed tampered, violated house rules. this isn' is an unbelievable, unbelievable story of the pelosi stalinist liz cheney committee. and i want to touch on some of the source of stereo are but listen to this. this is a big deal but first of apersonalpolicy rejected all fie republicans who were suggested by then speaker kevin mccarthy preach he picked to paris to who hated donald trump or we note liz cheney and adam kinsinger. the make a list cheney device chair. the vice chair is typically of the same party. but, they made her the vice chair said she represented the republican party she was bipartisan. the committee was bipartisan. no it wasn't. the democrat does not get to pick all the members and called a bipartisan committee.
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they followed no rules. they did not follow typical committee rules she said get trump, and more than that get trump under the 14th amendment, under the insurrection clause. we want to get him a insurrection january 6 we want to prevent him from ever running for president of the united states again. that was the game plan. that was the game plan and what you will find out you'll hear some these tidbits and she did not care about security at the capitol. she did not lift a finger. as a matter fact neither did the secretary of defense as best as i can tell where was the secret service? the same great service at beutler were they in the capitol protect and the vice president? no. most of them are outside the d-uppercase-letter select committee as they write, this was to prevent president trump from sticking reelection in 2024. it was no secret after speaker pelosi failed to secure a
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conviction for the second time with impeachment, the only way to guarantee president trump could not return to office would be if he was found to have quote engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the constitution of the united states in violation of the 14th amendment. the idea was published in major newspapers within days of generally six spoken about frequently and left-wing circles. speaker pelosi knew the best pathway to stop trump from returning to the white house was if the select committee could craft and narrative, compelling enough to convince the department of justice and the judicial system, along with the american public president trump was insurrectionist. that was the entire point you know whose name appears well over 1000 times in the committee report? not this on the road committee. over 1000 times as part of its investigation, the subcommittee learn the select committee and
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tribute summaries more than 1 terabyte with the terabyte sounds like a lot. it is a lot. that's equivalent to the text of 500,000 books, half a million books. that would be the biggest library on earth. that is what they destroyed. that is what they destroyed a match in the cover-up, it's massive. concerning, the committee rights, the documents are archive the select committee delivered more than 100 encrypted password protected documents. never provided the passwords. it is unclear why the sudden lack committee chose those documents to be by password for the simpler the select committee is the stalinist pelosi cheney committee. the subcommittee is the committee that has investigated the select committee. despite playing a prominent role in its hearings the select committee refused to archive any of the video recordings a
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collective witness interviews or depositions as required by house rules. it's the most massive cover-up and american history. in depositions, none of the subcommittee nor the american public the full context shown during the select committee hearing. remember, brought in a top notch producer from hollywood. this was a slick situation. the hearings, the graphics the cherry picked witnesses and of course you needed to censor other information you need just destroy other information you need to keep certain witnesses as far away from the hearing table as possible. that is what went on here. and so, when this report comes out the press all but ignores it but i guarantee you nobody has read about me. representative cheney's influence on the committee's work and the cannot be overstated. she was the driving force.
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her hate for trump knew no bounds. before the select committee publishes final report 15 current and former staffers approach the "washington post" to express deep frustration with representative cheney heavy hand of the oversight work the article states committee staff members were floore florida unte final report would focus almost entirely on trump. another staff member stated the select committee became a cheney 2024 campaign, many of us became discouraged. the article continues people familiar with the committee's work said cheney had taken a far more hands-on role than chairman benny thompson. and she said by multiple staffers want the report to focus on trump has pushed for the hearings to focus extensively on his conduct and not what she views as other so-called sideshows. the key witness they use, you might remember this. cassidy hutchinson who is she?
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she is a big deal. when cheney took her under her wing so to speak. when hutchinson gave sworn testimony and her testimony changed over time but his lawyer change at the behest of individuals the report says including the vice chair liz cheney. cheney covertly assisted hutchinson and influence her to fire her attorney. and then they smeared her attorney. they smeared her attorney. her attorney who is willing to help her for free, she needed an attorney. until he trump people found her an attorney not to cover up but because she needed an attorney. she could have picked anyone she wanted but select committee findings and evidence disprove cassidy hutchins allegations member the hollywood guys, the media, the democrats all the stuff is prime time either 8:00 p.m. eastern or 10:00 p.m. eastern. oh my god, cassidy hutchinson who? it is unbelievable. despite the select committee's exhaustive interviews of hundreds of witnesses, cassidy
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hutchinson was the only witness to testify to a series of specific outrageous claims about president trump on january 6, 2021 the only one nearly all of her allegations about incidents to which she was not an eyewitness and the parties, she credited for relaying those to hurt categorically detoher cater claims. wow. ultimately chairman loudermilk evidence available to the select committee. disproving her eight most sensational claims. finding one, president trump did not attack his secret service detail at any time on january 6. that was her testimony that he did. fighting to, there was no preplanned off the record move to the capitol in the days the g up to january 6. finding three there is no evidence president trump agreed with rioters chanting hang mike pence they have details where they have photographs they have
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references, footnotes, this is a thorough complete report fighting for cassidy hutchinson falsely claimed drafted a hand ripped drifted note for generally six is the report. fighting five, president trump did not have intelligence indicating violence on the morning of january 6. finding six, the report states quote cassidy hutchinson lied about the classification status of documents to disparage mark meadows. the then chief of staff finding seven representative cheney and cassidy hutchinson attempted to disbar her first lawyer. at lafayette square park in the summer of 2829 or whether meat is not reporting on this does not attack his secret service detail at any time. we talked about that. the select committee did not give president trump secret service driver to give his
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recollection of those events until november 22. he testified he had not been contacted by the select committee knew until that time he testified it never happened. if an allegation being made so and so they secret service driver told me xyz or overheard him speaking. if your d student at that the first thing to do is say all right, are we talking about customer at the secret service i let's get it in here and get his testimony under oath. what else? select committee proactively took measures to prevent the public congressional republicans in contravention of house rules this includes all video recordings of hundreds of interviews. transcripts of several key interviews and several terabytes, several terabytes
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hundreds and hundreds of thousands of the equivalent of books of data deleting data, the select committee concealed many vital interviews from subsequent congressional committees by giving custody of those transcripts to the executive agencies, to the biden regime. likely department of homeland security. instead of archiving the transcripts as mandated by the rules of the house. the select committee deleted copies of the transcripts gives it to the biden regime and destroys them. the incoming republican majority cannot see you then. do you believe this? because of this decision it took the subcommittee summer months to recover copies of those transcripts from the department of homeland security. so now you have the majority in the house bag in the biden regime can we have some of our documents back? it was like pulling teeth they redacted a whole bunch of that they withheld a whole bunch of
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them. when the documents were finally delivered they were incomplete and contained significant reductions the select committee's efforts to conceal those records from later congressional review led to delays they were sabotage. sabotaged by the committee, the committee members on the staff and somebody needs to get to the bottom of it. the subcommittee longs and negotiations of the white house and the h dhs recovered 17 trand interview transcripts. seventeen, wow. the select committee failed to archive in clear violation these transcripts included united states secret service agents and other white house employees. many of these transcripts directly refute the narrative told by the select committee. yet they were never archived in the house. additionally select committee did not conduct most of these interviews until november 2022. after democrats lost the majority in congress. wow. media concerned about this? no it's like george
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stephanopoulos he smears donald trump they get a brand-new contract all the immediate circling the wagon. look what were doing to the firsfirst amendment, first amendment? you accuse people the most horrific crime thus not protected by the first amendment let's go to nancy pelosi what role did she play? uncovered hbo video footage in 2022 ho2022 home box office rela documentary film pelosi in the house. focus on tha life and career spr emerita nancy pelosi this documentary film was directed produced by her daughter alexandria. the documentary included footage speaker pelosi members of the house and senate leadership after being evacuated from the capitol complex on january 6, 2021. select committee was in possession of alexander pelosi's footage not publicly release any of the video and furthermore it did not archived this footage at the end of the 117 congress, the
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democrats. they are handed over republicans took majority of the house of representatives in 2023. despite attempts to conceal the footage, chairman loudermilk will be on this program and moment secured various clips from hbo containing candid details regarding the events of individuals of the u.s. capitol generally six the. may 23, 2024 loudermilk road to hbo they got the information for the footage which the select committee chose to conceal from the public, conceal its release contained a shocking new information regarding speaker pelosi's movements and communication on january 6. and one clip holding a backlit from the capitol, speaker pelosi takes responsibility for the lack of security at the u.s. house and very panicked exchange, speaker pelosi admits to her chief of staff terry mccullough, that they bear, she bears responsibility for not having adequate security is not a question of how they had, they
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don't know, they clearly don't know and i take responsibility for not having them just to prepare for more meeting the national guard and security generally. party generally six u.s. capitol police chief was required by law to receive approval from the capitol police before directly requesting assistance from the d.c. national guard. delayed law enforcement efforts to secure the capitol's entire section on the pentagon that is shocking. what did the pentagon no wonder they know it because our friendly acting secretary of defense christopher miller dismissed president trump as the report says, january 6 to use any and all military assets necessary to ensure safety from the planet demonstrati planned e generally six. that is where president trump told us acting defense secretary we need national guard i'll call up national guard. we gotta make sure it's protected.
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finding one he said that he ignored it. to ryan mccarthy intentionally delayed national guard response to approved by the secretary of defense failed to communicate deploying orders to the d.c. national guard. there sitting there for hours secretary of the army ryan mccarthy d.c. national guard was physically moving to the capitol full knowledge of these forces d yet to receive any orders. the false statements contributed to decisions made by congressional leaders regarding the security response of the capitol. finding four by the loudermilk committee the department of defense inspector general published a flawed report that contains fabricated information, ignores crucial information, failed to interview key individuals appears to have
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collaborated with the dod to portray false narrative. they had scores of whistleblowers in the national guard and other parts of the pentagon coming to this committee, to tell them the ig report was bs. finding five dod and dod ig knowingly and accurately explain on the d.c. national guard leadership for the delayed response. finding six comic dod ig was not responsive to the subcommittee's request and at times obstruct the subcommittee's work. the subcommittee has detected in a properly close relationship between the dod inspector general and the dod. which compromises the inspector general's ability to conduct objective oversight. no wonder they do not want pete hegseth as secretary of defense. we have a good old boys and a good old girl's defense there. what about the secret service? our fantastic secret service where were they? the numbers you come inside was limited by the secret service were there to protect the vice president of the united states for the counter assault team was outside the building and did not
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enter when it was breached because they did not know the layout of the capitol. complete screwup. secret service either did not receive or did not any intelligence products the threats to the u.s. capitol generally six including the fbi nor folk report, the postal inspection service report. secret service protective intelligence division personnel at marsh for trump. that break did not include any indications of potential civil disobedience. secret service guidance did not include instructional while exterior area should be swept by k-9 for buildings like the dnc and it goes on and on. this is the real generate sixth report but you wi you will notie initial report. this committee, this pelosi disgusting stalinist chain committee, on to allege a violation of four criminal statutes by president trump in both the run-up to the right and during the insurrection itself,
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as they called the former president for prosecution to the department of justice. they recommended conspiracy to defraud the united states for obstruction of an official proceeding of congress for conspiracy to make a false statement aiding and insurrection. none of those charges were brought, some ar included some f the comments. these are? there needs to be a federal grand jury under a new u.s. attorney or yes a special counsel to investigate whether in the extent to which members of congress on this committee and their staffers and witnesses who testified under oath committed federal offenses. this is not covered by the speech and event cau an event ci explained last week. this is way outside congresses lamina trying to influence a criminal investigation for trying to cause a criminal
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investigation. trying to prevent a donald tru trump, disqualified for running for president again. you want to talk about it insurrection? you want to talk about a coup? this report, that committee, that is insurrection. that is a coup. this is a grotesque attack of the american system. this is not about retribution this is about getting it right and fixing it for that generally six committee, was the most outrageous committee certainly in modern american history if ever
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♪ ♪. mark: will come back america. you hear me talking about representative barry loudermilk he is the chairman of the subcommittee the house of housel services committee. he has done a fantastic job he and his staff. it is much harder to dig through what another committee has done with the enormous amount of information and the enormous amount of information it's been destroyed and so forth. then it is to conduct a regular investigation. so congressman, i want to ask you this. you walk into this responsibility but you are
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handed this responsibility or staff is headed this responsibility and then you find out they destroyed the hundreds of thousands of books we cannot find the videos. you really had to work hard to piece this together, didn't you? what's we absolutely the absole a lot of credit to our team they were dedicated to this task. they were relentless. we were not sure if we're ever going to recover at all but we haven't the videos you just referenced are gone. no one seems to know it happened to them. but one thing we started realizing as there's a reason we don't have this information. it is not just haphazard there is missing documents. there seem to be rhyme or reason we started digging i start digge started finding out its documents and information that did not play into their start witnesses accounts of things that happened. nor in some cases it was information that did not support their predetermined narrative that trump caused all of january
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wanted to get at. as you have seen in our report is a massive failure some entities of his government and the big concern we had as a cover up that followed. how many agencies stood quietly they pin everything on people like donald trump former capitol police chief son, d.c. national guard they sat quietly they allowed the select committee to take all of this and put it on their shoulders. we want to make sure america understood what really happened and more important that justice will be served. >> congressman loudermilk let me ask you this. if you sat down with the "new york times," have they interviewed about this heavy set out the one "washington post" have they interviewed you about this? how about 60 minutes, george stephanopoulos the today show is anyone say we read this report it's unbelievable. we have questions for you, have they?
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quicwhat's no, not about this. the "new york times" have interviewed me about the secret service when we first uncovered transcribed interviews have been sent to the department of homeland security for they interviewed me about that. the article they printed what we were actually telling them and what we had revealed. the problem we are having went one reason i've heard this from some people within that main stream media they are watching what we are doing for they are amazed at the information coming out but they cannot spin it because it is just fact. that is why were not getting a lot of coverage on this because they cannot spin this on the light of which lives at cheney the select committee proposed all of this novel that they produce in december two years ago. when they cannot put a political spin to the left they just ignore. thirty-six chairman of the
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committee to so-called vice chair of the committee do they take responsibility for the destruction of records? the destruction of videos the withholding of information, the transferring of the property the house of representatives to the bided. do they take responsibility for any of this? >> they should but they haven't. this is part of the problem. i can give congressman bennie thompson a little bit of a break. from what we have seen in our investigation he was more of a figurehead it was alyssa cheney who was calling the strikes and balls during this entire game they're playing. it was her that was in the lead of this. now he'll argued he kept everything he was required to keep. well, he is has a different interpretation of house rules protecting and archiving government documents at me and d the clerk and others have. this is, it's a case of semantics on their part. but when you have anything relative and transcribed interview that exonerates the former president of the united states and you don't think that
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is relative? it is contrary to what your start witness has said. i think that is very important. not only to preserve and archive, but for the american people to see. they will continue to say we have documented everything. we kept all the supporting documentation and it is available. that's fine, they did. it is the non- supporting documentation that tells the true narrator: at this very moment, children at st. jude are fighting to survive.
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in . mark: welcome back america. the interim report, the report on the report i the january 6 committee, i read this report and it is so bad what was taken place on this committee. with they were trying to do to donald trump. how they were manipulating witnesses and testimony. how they were censoring information and the massive destruction. as a massive amount of information that was destroyed. how they are trying to influence the criminal justice system. congressman barry loudermilk is the chairman of this effort. it seems to me, for my own background when the trump administration steps and their need to be a federal grand jury that looks into the potential violation of federal laws this is no joke. trying to instigate criminal investigations we have two people steve bana and peter navarro who action to federal
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prison as a result do you agree? we've been asked all along as we uncovered things when you have uncovered this so well. my response is always been it's really an executive branch i would never trust this department of justice to hand out equally. they've proven they will not. but now we are moving into a new era with the trump department of justice they can move forward with this. that is why we made a recommendation that the department of justice to investigate liz at cheney for potential violation of federal law. i am only using liz's own standards that she used for if
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you go back to july of 2022, and one of their televised hearings liz cheney started talking about donald trump making a phone call to one of the witnesses if it was not even successful he just attempted to make a phone call to someone that interviewed. she potential witness tampering just because he attempted to make a phone call. now, compare that to what we have the evidence liz cheney actually did. she did communicate with cassidy hutchinson. she did acknowledge it was inappropriate communications. cassidy hutchinson changed her testimony. then according liz cheney did encourage her to fire her previous attorney. then, liz cheney did help her find a new attorney.
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and then liz cheney then try but she did try to get disbarred in georgia and d.c. these are the things she did. just because donald trump attempted to make a phone call that he should be investigated. this is why we are saying. i cannot make that determination but the department of justice can. >> i cannot imagine she has anything to hide they just destroyed a zillion pieces of data and video and so forth and so on. it seems to me nancy pelosi needs to be examined for a number of these people need to be examined. somebody gave orders to try and influence witnesses for somebody gave orders to try to prevent other witnesses from giving timely testimony but somebody called in hollywood to create these productions.
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barry loudermilk i want to thank you and your staff you have done a great, great service to the american people by this is a fantastic report ship. can get online i encourage everybody watching, get it. god bless you my friend. take care and have a great holiday. >> god bless you mark and merr meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours.
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of nonsports, talk about current events, politics, philosophy, whatever. which is a good thing. so i noticed the other day you were talking about it don't line up with one party or another we don't line up with one philosophy or another. your calling out democrats who took a lot. my question to you is this. this is the stereotypical sports guy, a black eye on espn to tow the line or else. because of you i watch more and more espn. i do not buy that to be the case at all i fight a lot of different opinions a lot of different guys in a lot of different areas. isn't that problematic? what's it isn't problematic. i would not confined to the world of sports it's been
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skilled up until recently and really coming across that they have a high moral ground to stand on. essentially guilty people into believing whatever it is they are singing about. i think that ship has sailed. think with this latest election results, the american people have spoken. there is no way around that when you consider the fact donald trump won the swing states he basically elevated his cachet in every demographic that you can find he won the popular vote as well as the electoral college vote. it was an indictment against the democratic party. they went too far left. they ignore the commonsense middle-of-the-road sensible motor as far as i am concerned i do not believe most of american citizens are on the fringes weathers extreme right or left i think most of us whether it center-right or centerleft want to be an assistant of compromise want pete to see people communicated with one of their getting along expressing their levels of disagreement in other words disagreeing without being
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disagreeable per se. we did not see that. as a result when you engage in demagoguery, fear mongering and that is your battle cry in order for you to receive votes, the american people set enough of that nonsense and i am happy about that the fact that i speak up about that and people attack me you know me well enough we go back about 20 years now i could give less about them attacking me or whatever the case may be a fair minded individual going to call balls and strikes like i see it and i think this, just like in 2021 could argue folks did not vote for biden they voted against trump. i think in this case it was odd about voting for trump it was about voting against the left and how extreme and they became and how hypocritical their message was ultimately absorbed to be by the american people pray that is why they lost this election that is what donald trump is going back into the white house. mark: and we come back my question to you stephen a.
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smith, you say it you probably i think you voted for kamala harris. >> i did. cook could do see yourself, looking back on this, watching how trump was conducting himself, watching his views commonsense he says that's the philosophy. reaching out to an awful lot of people on the democratic side even on the left. could you now see yourself today voting for donald trump? when we come bac
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mark: welcome back america. stephen a. smith can you see your self, seeing what you see now? i was a donald trump cannot run for president again. but under he couldn't let the current circumstances could you see yourself voting for him? works quite possibly not going to sit there and dismiss that anymore. we are beyond that. he would have to prove a lot and i am not talking about policy now, for a second allow me too say this, what concerned me about donald trump and the reason i voted against him and voted for kamala harris was because i felt that he would be defensive. that he would create chaos because he demands such a level of loyalty and fealty to him. that would take priority over
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governing our nation. that was my concern. and so i am looking for both sides to work across it all from one another. having said that, when you cease of the things he said, if he follows through on some of the things that he has said it is not just about eradicating inflation and improving the economy, and controlling our borders these are things i care about make no mistake about that. i so they would support them in that regard. but, it cannot be about fealty to him and loyalty to him. it has to be about getting the job done on behalf of what's in the best interest of the american people as opposed to yourself. and not engaging in the kind of juvenile tendencies tweeting all the time and going after people who were irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. you do things like that and show you are the adult in the room, yes, i do not think anybody could dismiss donald trump at this particular moment in time but not just because of him, but because of what we've seen the democrats do. we are not falling for it any
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longer. the american people are not falling for it any longer. i voted democrat and i' i gotta take something right now, i do not like the fact that i did. do not like what i'm seeing. do not want to hear about were about law, known as above the law. nobody nobody's about the lobbyo out and you parted your son and try to blame everybody else before but i do not want to hear about defund the police. i do not want to be open aboard as i do not want to hear this stuff but i don't think most of the american people want to hear that but we are thinking about the state of affairs we are not about america only but being about america and prioritizing what's going on in this nation with the disenfranchise and everybody else in between, looking out for the best interest of what it is for america, that is not a crime. i thought a crime for american politician, commander-in-chief, or senator, or congressional figures you have that mentality but i want them to have that mentality. so i think about things along those lines. no longer interested in nor do i believe any of us should be
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interested in listening to a bunch of fear mongering to tell us who we should not vote for. why don't you come up with the plaplan that tells us why we shd vote for you? that's what i'm interested in if donald trump, jd vance, marco rubio, or the host of other republican candidates coming down the pike, that is the kind of message they are going to put forth, i am down for. i am open minded enough that i entertainentertain that for a py perspective. that's what i want for the american people that's what i want for this nation. mark: that's why we love you, my man. one quick question i don't have a lot of time. you get this all the time who's going to win the super bowl question were kind of a dumb question but i like it anyway. >> aboui got to tell you somethg right now you can never count out patrick mahomes is the reigning two-time super bowl champion. this guy josh allen with the buffalo bills, the way he is looking right now he's might leading candidate for league mvp honors he looks absolutely
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phenomenal. it would not surprise me at all if the philadelphia eagles played the buffalo bills in the super bowl and josh allen and the buffalo bills ended up winning the super bowl championship. the way this kid is looking, he is looking that special. mark: site nobody got great quarterbacks everywhere. he is like the stand out of the bunch. it is unbelievable. i love your show at espn but i love the other shows you are doing but i'm glad you're stepping out and doing other things. you're very smart guy. god bless you my friend. >> god bless you, merry christmas happy holidays to you and yours. you take did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remthe baroo. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. so you're like a guru now? oh here it comes— join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations.
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was throwing juveniles in prisop for a long period of time who did basically nothing one ofng them committed a suicide. he said i am pardoning nonviolent people. i do not want to hear anything from you liberals. when donald trump pardons almost all of the generate sixth people who have them put in prison or have now criminal records. i do not want to t hear anythin. any of them who did not get commit actt s of violence againt a co shop they shall be pardone. they threw the book of theses people. many for misdemeanors anded made them plead comment many decided to fight. they push the misdemeanors up to felonies. throwing the book at these people, fine. none of them were black widows hurt murdered three ex- lovers. none of them. we'll see you tomorrowthi' nigh. ♪ ♪ ♪
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