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tv   Your World  FOX News  December 23, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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everything like that. it overtook me and i broke down. they will never be forgotten. >> we will make sure he's never forgotten. he passed last monday in california just days before his 99th birthday. we loved jack and we are so grateful to have known him. we think his family for their service and their sacrifice alongside their dad. before we go the stories giving back this holiday season. we are making donations on the part of our staff to two great organizations. some of them will be matched by fox and we are grateful to that. helping people recovering from the devastation. >> fox is on top of the last
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minute christmas rush as some stormy weather could jam travellers up and owes amazon driver strikes could slow deliveries down. we've got fox news coverage with rook taylor on the rush to get out. steve bender on some storms settling in and max gordon in the city of industry california on those amazon strikes not letting up. we begin with brooke taylor at dfw international airport. >> things are starting to pick up here at the dallas-fort worth airport. it surprisingly been a quiet morning and afternoon. people were getting through security and just minutes but now we're getting into those evening flights, the security line behind me starting to build up and we are even tracking some delays. this isn't any groundbreaking news but just a few tips. make sure you are planning ahead get to the airport early. give yourself plenty of time. we just checked flight aware
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a few seconds ago before we were going on air. there are more than 2900 delays right now. 41 cancellations. this is for u.s. flights. we've seen those delays spike since this morning and this afternoon and what we are not tracking any major storms, rain and winter weather could be causing holiday travel slow down. those in the northeast already saw snow over the weekend causing a trickle-down effect of delays. airports having the most issues right now. san francisco showing 49 delays. right here in dallas about 30 delays and we have atlanta and chicago. we spoke to travellers right here in dallas on their way to visit family, listen to what they had to say to us. >> we even gone valet so we could pull right up and not have to deal with the crowds or anything. jumped out of the car and got here... >> any issue so far? >> smooth sailing. >> i got a message from the
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airline saying its very busy at the airport, come two hours early. i thought we will come three hours early. >> we have to check back in with that guy, hopefully he didn't cry but i have a feeling he's okay. projecting 119 million people are going to travel this holiday season. 7.8 million people flying and a majority, 107 people will be driving. we know cancellations and significant delays. they cause a headache especially during the holidays so just a reminder, there's a new rule from the transportation department that goes into effect. it basically requires airlines to give customers an automatic refund so if you have a cancellation, if your flight is delayed significant -- significantly make sure you check on that. >> no crying and air travel but thanks brooke.
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>> good to see you man. i can say that it's pretty smooth travel here as well. it's smooth sailing. but it is going to cost you. i want to get on the escalator if i can because perhaps metaphor , and opposite metaphor for costs are going. what's it going to cost you to go somewhere on a plane this holiday season, $830 is the average ticket price for a round-trip domestically. if you are going overseas, $1600. that's an increase of about 13% compared to last year. and if you've got to stay somewhere once you get somewhere, i wouldn't recommend new york city. it's beautiful there. all the lights but $430 the average hotel room in new york city. orlando, chicago and vegas perhaps better options if you are
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looking to save money, although i don't know about biggest. it is one of the most popular destinations according to the folks at hopper. they say vegas, new york city, orlando, los angeles and fort lauderdale are the most sought after travel locations other than grandma's house or mom's house or wherever you were going to be with family. behind me perhaps to see all those folks headed somewhere. big travel time. back to you. >> rich: thanks very much from fili. today's the day to get out before some winter storms close in. to steve bender with the latest. >> you heard jeff talk about how quiet it was there, that could change starting tomorrow. when you look at this you don't want to see red because that's a bad indication that there's some major delays. new 3000 of those today. the active weather through the great lakes, but north of major hubs like chicago, detroit getting a winter remix pushing through. this will start to push
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into the northeast. here's the snow expectation out of this. it's confined to upstate new york. driving if you are deciding to go that method, that is looking go to. you will have to contend with this winter remix. we do have some freezing rain. that is the worst-case scenario for driving if you are near baltimore or washington, d.c. fili looks a little far north. the reason why freezing rain is the worst, it will freeze on any type of surface. that means your driveway, your sidewalk or those roads. many will be travelling this area. that's where you looking at that glaze. it doesn't take much. if it gets any thicker than you have to worry about power outages because of the weight of all of this. we look at a wide view of our christmas forecast. you will notice there is -- snow up in the northeast. some dynamic showers so
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we could see some delays out of areas like dfw again. notice the west coast. they are now seven sort -- storm systems in a row. looking like a white christmas. a lot of people are excited about the possibility of a white christmas. looks like out west, especially that i train, looks like a real possibility. >> rich: and this holiday season fox weather is the best gift you can give. scan the code to download the app for free or find it on your favourite connected device. you're winter storm headquarters, always on, always free. to those nationwide amazon strikes now in day five, threatening to slow critical last-minute deliveries down. max gordon is in city of industry california with the latest. >> this strike has been expanding. over the weekend, two additional facilities have joined the strike. that makes nine total
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across the nation. scenes like this are playing out where we have delivery drivers blocking vans, essentially trying to slow down operations. amazon contends that package deliveries have not been slowed but anecdotally some of the drivers say they have not been getting out to their roots very quickly and that it is indeed slowing down the process. now what is happening right here is these amazon workers or delivery drivers have been talking to their fellow drivers who are still on the job about the strike and the union. we talk to one worker about what that process is like. >> basically what we are telling the drivers is we are out here striking and fighting for your rights. a lot of them are scared which they have their reservations which is understandable. i let them know i'm here, i'm pushing the limit. i'm supposed to be a work at 10:45 today but it's more important for me to fight for what we deserve.
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>> here are the nine facilities. there are now four in southern california, one in san francisco, two new york, one in georgia and one in illinois. organized by the teamsters union, the delivery drivers say they are demanding more pay and better working conditions. they claim to represent about 10,000 amazon workers. with two days to go before christmas amazon says their operations have been largely unaffected by what they are calling a protest by the teamsters. amazon is refusing to recognize the labor action as a strike. the workers that walked out aren't amazon employees, just contractors. they say have they have no reason to bargain with them. the company accuses the union of bringing in outsiders to protest. the teamsters union says this is the largest strike against amazon in history and they say its going to continue until amazon joins them at the bargaining table.
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>> rich: it's not just amazon, starbucks union strikes are expanding to a dozen states and will last throughout christmas eve. are these efforts going to backfire? this apparently is a high time for leverage, it's the middle of the holiday season. are they really effective? >> questionable timing, i think if you're thinking about the real message that you were getting across here which means that you're just struggling to find a middle ground here and you are leveraging the time of the year if you are the worker trying to get things that you want. as you mentioned in the previous report there, and these workers at amazon are not workers at amazon, they are contract employees who are interrupting workers at amazon from delivering packages. they also think they are speaking for those people who are driving the trucks but they don't have the same work environment so that's funny. with the starbucks thing it's interesting because you remember a few years ago some of the
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workers were pushing to unionize, some refused to unionize. the unionized workers are the ones who are walking out and not working and hurting the company from which they want the benefits, the pay and so forth. i want everybody to get what they deserve and to get market rates and to feel comfortable and happy but let's face it, there's millions of jobs available in this country. if somebody doesn't like where did they are working, go work somewhere else. >> it's not just the holiday season, there's only a few weeks left in the biden administration. what does the trump administration mean for the calculation, notches for these two companies buffer unions versus labor or versus management. >> it could mean there could be some more guidelines and some more pressure laid down in this time against the unions from the government versus what we had last time which is where joe biden if you remember goes to the picket line and rouse everybody up and says keep on
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keeping on. keep heading against the management and the company. that company, where you work and wear you get compensated and we're people have taken risks on their own to start those companies, to develop products. everybody takes risk and a job from high to low. it's very risky as it is to work these days so everybody needs to be efficient. maybe we get some support from the president on the corporate side of things so they can see it their way as well as see at the workers way. >> rich: they showed us the cost of holiday travel is more expensive than it was last year. despite the travel costs going up, flights are still full, travel records, people at the airport, we are breaking records every year. when we finally go to see some relief from this inflation or are we ever going to? >> it's what the market can afford in some cases which is actually economically speaking a-ok a little bit.
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but it's kind of like the market is affording itself those prices so as long as those prices are high as they are and people are paying them they are going to stay there or go higher. what's happened is i think the airlines have gotten there you know what together when it comes to treating passengers may be a little bit better and trying to get ahead of some of these delays. he did all that report in philadelphia which looked good as did his interview going down the escalator backwards. >> rich: thank you so much for joining us. coming up republican senator rand paul releases his annual festive's list of wasteful spending. good place for the doge duo to start looking, weight until you see what made the list this time around. plus joe mentioned taking a final parting shot at his former party. his message for democrats is going viral. first, suspect in the united health care ceo murder arraigned on state charges today.
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alexis mcadams outside the courthouse on what's next. >> luigi mangione was in the courtroom here behind me just earlier this morning and according to nypd sources, he didn't appear very nervous even though he's looking at possibly the death penalty if he's guilty and that federal case. those details coming up after the break. lowe's knows that holiday list can stretch further than your budget. with mylowe's rewards... yes. you get member deals and earn points when you shop. so, you can get more and give more too.
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>> united health care ceo murder suspect luigi mangione pleading not guilty to multiple state charges today. live from the new york city courthouse with the latest. >> there's two cases that he's facing. the first one is the federal charges and then there's that state case. today was the first time he was
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able to go in front of a judge for those state charges including murder. that's a look at what he looked like when he walked into court. most people would think he would look nervous but sources say he's been pretty calm, cool and collected as much as he can beat when you're looking at the death penalty if you're found guilty. look at what he looked like in court. we had a camera in court which was different today. you can see him sitting there next to his attorney. the judge says what is your plea, he says not guilty. there are two separate cases. he's hit with multiple charges, ... it is expected to stick according to the di -- d.a. office. what looked like something out of the scene of a movie, he was flown into new york city just the other day. he was walked in an orange jumpsuit and shackles around his legs and also around his waist.
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these were authorities that spend days looking for him then finding him in altoona, pennsylvania, at a mcdonald's. his team says things like this mean he's not going to get a fair trial. >> this has to stop and my client is entitled to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence and we are going to fight these charges whether it's in state or federal to the fullest extent. >> this picture was snapped moments after he was taken out of court. it appears that he smiling as he's in the back of the cop car. i don't know what he smiling about. he's on his way back to custody. could be coming any day and he could be looking at the death penalty if he's found found guilty. we will keep an eye on it. >> rich: his attorney calling the state and federal murder charges highly unusual. what lies ahead on both cases. the reed from former d.c.
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homicide detective ted williams. things for joining us. help us sort this all out. you got state charges and then potentially federal charges. is this a problem, how does this work? >> it probably will not be a problem because it will go along two tracks. the federal charges will go pursuant to federal law in the state charges, those 11 counts, will go pursuant to state law. but i have to tell you, i do believe i see some problems down the road in this prosecution. while the prosecutors say that they have an overwhelming case against luigi mangione, one of the things that i'm deeply concerned about is this... that took place the other day where they walked him into the federal court after getting off the helicopter in a jumpsuit.
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i think that was dumb and stupid because you've given the defence fodder here now to move for a change of venue. i can just about guarantee you there will be a change of venue in this case. >> rich: this is something that his attorney brought out. the biggest staged perp walk i've ever seen. he's being treated like political fodder. she says she's worried about a fair trial in this one -- mice ... you look at what this means going forward. change of venue, state charges, federal charges. this could go on a real long time no? >> it could go on a long time if it's in state court. but i have a feeling that the feds may go first. it could go a lot faster. what you are looking here at is,
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if i was the defence lawyer in this case and being a lawyer myself, i would have an immediate psychiatric evaluation by a well-known psychiatrist because i have a feeling that if the evidence is as overwhelming as it is, that one of the things that the defence is going to look at is mental illness and mental disease and it will probably not be not guilty by reason of insanity because there you have to show that at the time that he pulled the trigger and killed brian thompson that luigi mangione did not know the difference between right and wrong. i think that is going to be a very difficult thing for the defence to show. >> always appreciate it, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. >> rich: a suspect in the burning death of a woman on a
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new york city subway train in custody. his immigration status is in focus. to new york with the latest. >> police say that an illegal migrant walked right up to a woman and committed and unthinkable crime. the object that you may have in your pocket right now that turned into a weapon to kill. lowe's knows the perfect gifts don't have to stretch your budget. that's why we offer a free select tool when you buy select tools and batteries from our top brands. so, perfecting the holidays... oh, you're good. is easier than ever. lowe's knows how to help you holiday.
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us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need-- now and in the future. subject 4: cancer makes me feel angry. not in the feel on the outside, just the inside i'm angry at it. subject 5: when your kid is hurting and there's nothing you can do about it, that's the worst feeling in the world. announcer: 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. subject 6: those that donate to st. jude, i hope that you will continue to give. they have done so much for me and my family. announcer: join with your debit or credit card now, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear. [speaking spanish] subject 7: are you ready to go have some fun?
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subject 8: yeah! subject 7: yay! subject 9: when we came here, we didn't know what tomorrow would hold. st. jude showed us that tomorrow there's hope for our little girl to survive. announcer: let's cure childhood cancer together. please donate now. >> rich: another check on travel today. things may be smoother than they will be tomorrow as some storms set in. more than 3000 flight delays and cancellations. we are back in 60 seconds.
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>> rich: the house ethics committee has released its report into matt gates. to capitol hill with the details and reaction. >> the report says former representative matt gates paid to have with a 17-year-old girl
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in high school. he criticized of the ethics committee when he made senate rounds after he was nominated for attorney general last month. >> any reaction to the ethics committee. said they said they are not good to release the report after the meeting today, any response? >> i've been focused on what we've got to do to reform the department of justice. i've been meeting with senators, i haven't paid much attention to that. >> the report says there were at least 20 occasions were he paid for or drugs. on x he asked why the report wasn't presented in a form were he could challenge the findings. he tried to suppress the report with a court injunction. house speaker mike johnson thought congress should withhold the report since he resigned. >> the question that was asked to me of weather that was appropriate for the report to come out, it deals with a former member of congress and i think that's an important guardrail
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for us to maintain. >> the house rejected an effort by illinois democrat sean kasten to compel the ethics committee to release the report. >> i think our hope for all of us who care about american democracy and the rule of law and respecting the claims of the women who allege that they were sexually assaulted including at least 117-year-old girl. >> the report says he accepted special gifts connected to a 2018 trip to the bahamas. he also used age to expedite a passport for a woman with whom he had. he told the state department she was a constituent. she was not. >> rich: to new york were suspect to -- is now charged with letting a woman on fire on a subway train. >> the migrant charged with murder across the border not once but twice illegally. the first time back in 2018. he got deported after getting arrested by border patrol in
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arizona. then he came back as i got away. at an unknown time and place and now faces first and second-degree murder charges and first-degree arson. he's accused of letting a woman on fire and murdering her on in your -- new york city subway car on sunday morning. >> as the train pulled into the station, the suspect calmly walked up to the victim who was in a seated position at the end of a subway car. the suspect used what we believe to be a lighter to ignite the victim's clothing. which became fully engulfed in a matter of seconds. >> reporter: police arrested him with a lighter in his pocket after three high schoolers recognized him from the nypd wanted picture and reported it to police. new york city councilman joe parelli said democrat policies are to blame for migrant crime. >> i wish more democratic elected officials would come to the reality that crime on the subway, migrant crime around
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shelters has reached new levels that is unsustainable and unfortunately something has to be done about it. >> the brooklyn district attorney tells fox news every new yorker deserves to feel safe on our subways and we will do everything in our power to ensure accountability in this case. the brooklyn d.a. office tells fox they don't expect an arraignment before tomorrow but added that it could happen late tonight. >> if you can get into a little bit what this whole got away issue is down at the border. this isn't the first instance we've seen of this right? >> we've seen migrants cross the border illegally but turn themselves over to border patrol. got a ways are the people who know that they will likely be sent back so they're the ones who try to evade law enforcement and sneak up possibly through people's ranches. all different types of strategies to evade law enforcement. this guy the second time after he got deported after the first time in 2018, the second time he took that second strategy and we
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don't know where he crossed, when he crossed but we know that he ended up in new york and now he's facing murder and arson charges. >> rich: a holiday drone show in florida takes a tragic turn leaving a young boy seriously injured. how did this happen? the latest on the investigation and in washington... we will explain after this. y s”" ♪ when they became heroes. ♪ how they ruled the school. ♪ and what you got from your parents— the places on mom's side, and dad's side. ♪ detailed dna results. inspiring family history memberships. now's the time to save at ancestry. lowe's knows the best holiday tradition is taking your tradition to the next level. so, if you find a lower price on the things you -
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some pretty interesting stuff. let's take a look at this list a voice for government spending together here. the first one, $12 million for a las vegas pickleball complex. $10,000 for bearded ladies cabaret drag ice show. 4194... 20 million for a "sesame street" like show in iraq and to .1 million four paraguay and border security program. so unclear if elon musk or vikram swami have actually red this report. maybe they will be highlighting some items during their christmas holiday but musk is already ruffling feathers on capitol hill after pressuring congress to trim that 1500 page government funding bill down to just over 100 pages and here are some democrats on how they feel about it. >> i don't think we are witnessing of -- the start of an oligarchy.
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i think we are fully here. >> we are not just going to have president-elect trump as a billionaire rage tweeting at 4:00 a.m. we will have elon musk also injecting instability into how we tackle very complicated and important issues for our country >> many people are saying that he has perhaps emerged as the leader of the republican party moving forward. >> doge is getting some help from a familiar face. trump appointed katie miller to join them. she is steven miller's wife and was the press secretary for formers bite -- former vice president mike pence. some democrats do want to work with doge. they hope that elon will reach out to them the next time he's in washington so we shall see but it is the talk of the town. >> rich: so is this a good place for doge to start? steve moore joins me now. 420 grand to study rats and cocaine seems like a pretty good deal. but when you look at what they
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are going to do here, they are going to run up against congress, they are going to run up against of these departments and the federal government, how effective do you think it can be? >> i think it can be extraordinarily effective at exposing the mass amount of waste and duplication and fraud in our budget. we've known it's been there. after working on the budget issue 40 years into 1984, i've seen so much waste, so much inefficiency and finally we have a guy, that's why thought it was humourous, we can't have elon musk do this. who better? who in the world would you rather have to find efficiency in the way things operate in one of the great businessmen and entrepreneurs of our time. the vikram swami is a pretty smart guy as well. i don't understand why the democrats keep attacking this idea. if you believe in good government because democrats say they do, wouldn't you want to
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get rid of the waste and inefficiency and duplication and make government as cost-effective as possible? i'm here to tell you i think this commission will find hundreds of billions, not hundreds of millions, hundreds of billions of dollars of potential savings and then the question is will congress act on it? >> you've seen the budget grow just a little bit. but when you look at this, they are reforming the federal government, is there something that doge can hit on that there's a political consensus between you can't fire any government employee for anything all the way up to you are slashing departments, is there a compromise here? to think maybe even some democrats could get on board with. >> you mentioned when i came to washington in 1984, just to give you a perspective on how things have changed in those 40 years, the budget then was $1 trillion.
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now it's $7 trillion. do you know what the debt was? >> less than 100 billion i would say. >> we hit the trillion dollar mark. 1 trillion-dollar in 1984. you know what we are at today, 35 trillion. think about that. that's going to go up and up unless we do something dramatic to change the direction of this. yes, i think the commission can make these changes but i want to go back to what i just said. congress is ultimately going to have to act on these things. do you think that the mentors of congress, all those projects that you just highlighted in my friend's excellent report, those were inserted into the budget by members of congress. it's called bringing home the bacon. if they keep doing this i'm here to tell you they're going to
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bankrupt our country. >> a lot of this, most of this is all discretionary spending. it's the smallest part of government funding. can you bring the government in-line even to two to 3% of gdp which is what a lot of economists say weather government should be in deficit spending, without touching entitlements and without touching the pentagon. >> i'll tell you this, no donald trump is not going to cut social security and medicare benefits because people paid into that system and they deserve the benefits. but that doesn't mean we can't control the cost. there's hundreds of billions of dollars of fraud in these programs. look what happened with the ppp program. look at medicare and medicaid. we know. you don't have to take my word for it. the u.s. government accountability office has been reporting to congress hundreds of billions of dollars of fraud. and nobody does anything about it. that's why this is an exciting
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possibility right here. can it work? i sure hope so because if it doesn't what are we going to do next? >> rich: thank you for joining us. >> merry christmas christmas my friend. >> rich: you to. independent west virginia senator joe mansion taking a parting shot at his former democratic party and fuelling fierce reaction. first the investigations underway right now after a holiday drone show takes a tragic turn. with mylowe's rewa. yes. you get member deals and earn points when you shop. so, you can get more and give more too. join my lowe's rewards for free today. lowe's knows how to help you holiday. go-friends, gather! keke! chris! jason! boop! friends. let's go, let's go, friends! money, power, friendship. let's go! ♪ is a bitcoin etf the same as owning bitcoin directly? while bitcoin etfs might offer
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>> rich: and investigations underway this hour after a holiday drone show leaves a young boy to undergo emergency heart surgery. in atlanta with the latest. >> 25,000 people were all gathering looking up at the sky at this holiday drone show. no one could've imagined a malfunction like this to happen. most of it caught on camera even. take a look at this video happen saturday night at the orlando holiday show. drones were seen falling from the air. according to the faa, several drones collided and then plummeted into the crowd. appearance nightmare. >> before they went down the
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green one went straight at us and i went to the left and my son went to the right and it hit my son. >> his parents say a drone knocked him out on impact causing injury to his chest. he was rushed to the hospital and then he underwent open-heart surgery. the family says this little boy will be spending christmas in the icu. experts suspect programming failures or some type of interference with the gps technology used to link the drones and there base camp. it is still under investigation. the city say that this was up permitted event by the faa and now they are the leading investigators into how this could happen in the first place. >> rich: any sense of how long this could take before they figure out what went wrong here? >> right now we don't necessarily know but speaking and hearing from drone experts there's a lot of technological things that go into play in terms of the technology as i mentioned. the technology that could
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potentially make them collided so we will give you those updates once we get those. >> rich: joe mansion calling the democratic brand toxic. taking a final dig at his former party, or democrats taking note? lowe's knows the perfect gifts don't have to stretch your budget. that's why we offer a free select tool when you buy select tools and batteries from our top brands. so, perfecting the holidays... oh, you're good. is easier than ever.
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visit ♪ ♪ >> toxic independent west virginia senator joe manchin taking a final parting shot at his former democratic party. watch. >> i am not a democrat in the form of what the democratic party has turned itself into. the national brand, absolutely not. their brand got so bad. it has been so maligned from the standpoint. it is toxic. >> the incoming chair of the house progressive caucus is of the democratic party was a
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little bit more like chairwoman and unless i joe manchin, i think we would have win this election. >> they've got to be nuts. >> do democrats need to start listening? let's talk with phil wegman from "real clear politics." thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. alex, let's start with you. do you think joe manchin has any influence of the democratic party that he is no longer part of it as he the senate? >> you know, he had a lot of influence. it was president biden, joe manchin influence in the senate. as he is leaving the senate, he is leaving -- he has left the party saying something as extreme as this is a toxic party. that is why i left. they have a lot of rethinking and rebuilding to do. i think still has influence because of how influential he was when he was in the senate.
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also because the democrats are trying to figure out what is next for them. what went wrong in 2024. what they need to do to rebuild. when he says something like the party shifted away from the party of good jobs and looking out for the working class to a party of caring too much about social issues, i think democrats have to take note. this is what they are struggling to try to figure out. >> who fills the void here? we have heard a lot from senator john fetterman. did we just lose phil? okay. alex, back to you. i will ask you that question. who fills the void right now? is it john fetterman now, this interest democrat who seems to be trying the consensus builder? >> i think so. i think that a is slipping into the spot that mentioned in kyrsten sinema from arizona had -- which is basically, i'm willing to listen to both sides.
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i willing to also push back against if the president is a democrat, i don't care. i could push back against something the president wants to do. now we are hearing from fetterman saying, i'm not just going to oppose a speech and cabinet picked just because it is a trump cabinet pick. if it's someone i think could do a good job in the role, i will support the person. i think that is shifting back to the traditional senate. back when a presidential cabinet pick could get some 80 votes in the senate. and, you know, also i think fetterman knows that if he wants a seat at the table, if he wants a voice, if he wants occasionally to get invited into a meeting with the white house, he has to be able to not just be somebody who wants to be a pain just for the sake of because trump is the president. i think he feels and then void. i'm sure whoever is the next democratic president is going to have a headache with the likes of john fetterman just like
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president biden consider joe manchin a headache at times in the senate. >> we've got you back now. are these conversations happening among democratic leaders in the senate? they are going to lose their majority in just a few weeks now. it wasn't all that long ago that there were 60 democratic votes in the senate. i don't see a map anytime soon where there is a majority of democrats in the senate. >> limited to senator joe manchin. i think some of his colleagues probably are of the opinion that this is because he is on his way out the door. you know, there's going to be a question for these remaining democrats of whether or not they have reevaluated the progressive project. they've got a ready case study in presidents the 11 who campaigned for the democratic nomination in 2020 as a moderate and govern especially on social issues as a liberal paving the way for donald trump to win the popular vote. the first republican to do that
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in two decades. are they double down on rep x -- rerun the playbook or try something else? >> switching gears. speaker mike johnson's future is in doubt after he came jeffrey says there will be no democrats to save him. what do you make of that over in the house republicans are going to come in and take control and keep control with a very thin margin? >> yes, a very thin margin for sure. he is basically trying to set the precedent of what we are not just going to support you to keep the status quo. or if republicans end up in a situation like we saw in speaker mccarthy was ousted that they can't figure out for a matter of weeks of who their next leader will be, he's basically saying i'm not going to step in until my caucus to look out for you. i think a lot of that is
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stemming from how these government funding negotiations went down. he said that himself. we had a bipartisan deal. president trump got involved. elon musk got involved. and now he went back on the deal. hakeem jeffries is a shame because of that, i'm not going to allow the democratic lawmakers to step in. when push comes to shove them if there's a speaker fight, we will see what hakeem jeffries ends up doing. >> i am hearing grumbling and frustration from republicans. i'm not hearing outright rebellion. the only person who has a good sense of whether or not speaker johnson will maintain his gavel is the incoming president of the united states. >> that will do it from here. we are going to head over to another studio right now where "the five" starts shortly. ♪ ♪ >> i am brian kilmeade.
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