tv Gutfeld FOX News December 27, 2024 12:00am-1:01am PST
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god? yes. >> so start streaming fox nation's original exclusive premium content. >> we need you. they need me. >> the fox nation holiday sale. this is your last chance to save 50% off our annual plan. >> sign up today when you can't watch, listen. get the latest news, business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. >> and welcome back to this special edition of hannity. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left for this evening. but thank you for being with us. the other greg is next. the guy who's funny. have a great night. merry christmas, happy new year. rig.
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>> thank you. >> thank you so much, everybody. >> good evening and merry christmas everyone i'm joe mckee filling in for greg on this special edition of gutfeld! it's boxing day in many countries where where bosses treat their staffs and those less fortunate to gifts. that's why greg is still on paternity leave. >> now that christmas is over. >> everyone's focused on new year's. this afternoon, for instance, a venezuelan gang member counted backwards from ten before taking my cell phone. >> after a 40 year break. jolt cola is making a comeback with triple the caffeine content. it's so jam packed with caffeine that when president
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biden took a sip, his heart actually started beating. cnn is finishing 2024 with the lowest audience numbers in the network's history in the 25 to 54 year old demo, there's talk of layoffs and pay cuts. and in fact, christiane amanpour changed her name to christiane. really freaking poor. >> joe. >> new jersey residents are reporting questionable odors and tastes from their tap water, also exhibiting questionable odors and tastes. new jersey residents. yeah. fair enough. jenna bush hager announced on the today show that she doesn't wear panties. that makes her the second morning talk show host to admit to going commando. msnbc
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lawrence o'donnell says the next tunnel underneath the hudson river should be named after joe biden. well, he's not the only democrat who can't wait until the old man is underground. so now that everyone has unwrapped their christmas gifts, eaten their fill of turtle doves, and argue with their families, it's time to come together and share something everyone can agree on watching fox news. just kidding, just kidding. anyway, most of us are related to someone still gullible enough to tune in to msnbc. shout out to mary trump. but these days, it's hard to imagine. there was a time not so long ago when there were ideals the vast majority of americans agreed on. there was the easy stuff like country music and rap shouldn't be combined. cal is best left as a garnish, and you should never throw a surprise
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party for a 90 year old. and if you do? put down a tarp first. heck, even greg gutfeld didn't wear a white thong past labor day. remember, boss, taking all your clothes off at the beach doesn't make it a nude beach. then there were the important beliefs we shared that that kept our culture from falling into chaos. belief in meritocracy being a good thing, censorship is wrong, and assassinating people you don't like is not okay. but these days our culture is fractured. significant slices of the population have abandoned bedrock beliefs in exchange for the notion that any end can justify any mean. for instance, after health care ceo brian thompson was murdered in cold blood, a survey found that 4 in 10 young people found the killing acceptable. so those people cosigned being judge, jury and executioner. imagine the maxim that thinking creates murder is justifiable. any time
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you don't like how a business is run, who gets to decide? some spoiled brat with back pain and a unibrow? if that's how you rationalize an action, consider where that might lead. a bartender makes money serving alcohol to someone who drives drunk. kill him. a lawyer profits off defending a drunk driver. kill him. a hitman kills lawyers that defend drunk drivers. hire a different hitman and kill him. pretty soon, the entire country is baltimore. or chicago, or an eagles game. so instead of looking at the point of view of murderers, maybe we should take a page out of trump's book. his christmas message to 37 inmates who had their death row sentences commuted by president biden. go to hell. that's perfect. the only thing that could have made it better is if he would have said, go to hell
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and say hello to woodrow wilson for me. league of nations bottom line there's a stunning lack of forethought and empathy from liberals who want to recreate the social contract. in a way, ethics are a quid pro quo. i don't support censorship because i don't want to be censored. i don't support murder because i don't want to be murdered. many of the values we hold came from religion. i believe in the ten commandments because i believe they came from god. but that's not the only reason they're valid. society crumbles when people lie, steal, and murder. it's important that we remember there are some things that are absolutely right and some things that are absolutely wrong, not ideas. all ideas are created equally, morally or practically. that's why no one ever says nations experiencing tyranny or lawlessness are doing well. they say, i'm glad i voted for trump this time. period. let's welcome tonight's
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guests. christmas is over, but we always enjoy her presence. host of the outkick. morning, charly. arnolt. she gets the final word when dealing with nerds. heritage tech policy director kara frederick. her cravings are so strong, she stole santa's cookies. new york times bestselling author and fox news contributor. captain. and when the ball drops in times square, he puts it back up for next year. new york times bestselling author, comedian for nwa world champion tyrus. kat i'm just going to cut to the chase right off the bat. if you could murder someone you didn't like, who would it be? >> yeah. >> you know, i really don't want to murder anyone. wow. no. you guys don't like that answer. because, honestly, not
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just because i am such a sweetheart, but also, it just seems like a whole thing. like i'd rather just watch tv. you know what i mean? like, from what i've seen about murder, it seems like a whole thing. you do all this stuff, and then you get caught anyway. you know, it's just not really my thing. but i agree, i don't. it's not just because i don't want to be murdered. right? i think that part of this stuff comes from. and i think that i really liked your monologue. i think that a lot of us do agree on the same things that we want in terms of like, we all want to be happy. we all want to enjoy our lives. that kind of a thing. if we could, i think the more we can unite around that, the better, but it actually is harder than i feel like it should be. >> well, you're right about about that last point and about how murder seems like kind of a production. i mean, you have to get you have to get the people
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to go to the cliff. >> yeah. that is the that is the way to do it. is hiking. >> yes. hiking seems like a great way to have somebody slip if you don't know you all right? >> you always have the reasonable doubt provided by mother nature. >> people slip tires or take them on a cruise. >> same similar concept cameras on cruises. >> now, instead of going through the long list of people i'd like to murder because it's only a 40 minute show. i think the biggest thing with murder and this is something that, again, i don't condone murder, but no, but if you must, you must have an exit exit strategy. you must plan a murder from the escape back. >> right. i think the easiest thing is crushing the windpipe. the hard part is figuring a way not to leave your fingerprints. you know what i'm saying? you must have an exit strategy, fellas. >> and i know when you commit the murder again, don't condone it. >> but if you must, please. no semen. stop leaving the semen at every murder scene. for
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whatever reason, it's. apparently it's your. i don't know, i have not, i've yet to commit. only fantasized about it. but from what i understand, in every murder scene, every guy always gets caught because there is a semen sample somewhere around where it happens. so, fellas, that's not the time, okay? exit strategy. >> they call it a life of crime for a reason, not a five minutes of crime. because you need an exit strategy and do not exit leaving your calling card. >> no, don't leave your semen behind. that would be a great t shirt. >> but boy, don't i know it. >> yeah, charlie, we're going to switch gears, okay? >> because i, i've watched a lot of true crime lately though i could probably add to the conversation, but let's let's move on. >> i've i think we've had our fill of semen on t shirts, but have we? i speak for myself. do you think we're getting to a
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point where the ends justify the means? or have we lost our moral compass in this country? >> i mean, i totally believe that there is a large fraction of the people in this country that have lost all sense of morals and ethics. i think it's extreme leftism. i don't want to just point to leftism. i think it's extreme leftism, because it just seems like there's been so many different cases where we evaluate what are the worst possible things that could happen in this country, or to the people in this country, and you have these extreme leftists that are in favor of those things, allowing repeat criminals to come in through an open border. yes, having our taxpayer dollars subsidize the lives of those said illegals. yes. defunding the police. so that said, illegals feel emboldened and brazen enough to commit whatever crime they want without any type of repercussion. yes. and also then, you know, treating heroes like criminals so that nobody wants to do anything when there is a crime being committed. i mean, all of those things wrapped into one is literally exactly what we just witnessed this past week happening right here in new york city. a woman being set on fire, burning to
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death because of an illegal. and no one did a thing. no, you had the guy fanning his jacket, fanning the flames to make the fire go even stronger. no one wanted to do anything, and it's a really sad place that we're in. hopefully we find our way out of that. but yes, that is extreme leftism for you and the consequences of it. >> yeah, you're you're right about that. terry. you're a first time guest on the show. welcome. i'm going to throw you a softball here. i'll take it. how how do we help, help, help fix the stupid people that that want to kill us? >> it is a job that i don't think we're ever going to get to the bottom of. but we saw moral relativism. all these people who say stuff like, this is my truth and whatnot. there's no subjective truth in the leftist mind because you talked about empathy in your monologue. >> this heat map is my roman empire. >> it like, lives in my head rent free. and it's nature magazine did this thing in 2019
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where they basically mapped out what conservatives care about most and what leftists care about most, and what conservatives care about most are their friends and their family. what leftists care about most are the universe, or these nebulous concepts like rocks and inanimate objects. this is actually true. so i think it just comes down to that. we care about our friends and our family, and leftists have these just random conceptions of these universalist conceptions, and they don't care about the flesh and blood people in front of them. it's why they're so unhappy. that's been proven. >> that's a that's a great point. i like to think that i'm pretty conservative, but i also i also like the rocks, but. well, it's more of a battlestar galactica thing. but that was a great rocks person. >> you throw them at people, but not more than your friends and family, though. >> no? >> well it depends. well, well, let's. hey, you got to watch out, because usually in every murder it's a family member or a friend. it's usually not a stranger. so. >> well, that's a great way to
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start our first block of a post-christmas season. >> murder. >> up next, california gives criminals pause by actually enforcing laws. so they. >> let's go boom boom boom boom. take you home with me. >> stream exclusive new originals on paramount plus. >> the world is my oyster. what can i tell you? oh, no no, no. >> the next mega millions drawing is now available on jackpocket. >> jackpocket lets you order official state lottery tickets right on your phone. >> just pick your numbers and place your ticket order. >> see a scan of your ticket right in the app and get your winnings instantly. go to jackpocket. com to get the app and get your first ticket free
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more than 140 years. you can learn more at american it's coming your way. >> hey, hey. it's. video of the. day. >> prosecutors stop gifting misdemeanors for shoplifting. our video of the day comes to us from the seal beach police department in orange county, california. sadly, this video does not contain footage of actual seals. they released video of shoplifters hitting
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multiple stores earlier this month, making off with thousands of dollars in stolen merchandise. and while informative, it wasn't as fun as the women in prison movies i used to see on skinemax. it's part of the department's campaign to educate people on prop 36, which creates harsher penalties for organized theft. and by harsher penalties, i mean any penalties. yeah. specifically, it permits felony charges for petty theft with prior convictions and allows aggregating the value of stolen goods from multiple thefts to meet the $950 felony threshold. the video also includes police body cam footage of the women being detained after a foot pursuit. and it turns out these ladies knew all about the new laws, which they discussed while handcuffed in the back of a patrol car. >> just a felony. new laws. stealing is a felony. and this
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is orange county. they don't play. that's why extra county. that's where i went to jail last year and had to and got on probation for a year for still on target. >> wow. instead of using their real names, they called each other. brilliant. tyrus. are people going to mess with orange county after seeing this video? >> listen, no one you have to understand california is like different territories of different worlds. orange county is conservative california, which means our da show up. they're going to put you under the jail if they can. so but what the problem is, is that in the liberal cities, there's nothing left to steal. there's no i mean, there's no like all the toothpaste at walgreens is under six locks and keys. so they decided to migrate and start messing with conservative california. and to quote shakespeare, they up because. they're going to do time. and here's the thing. here's the
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part that should just drive you insane. they have enough knowledge to understand the laws. they know how the laws work. and instead of using that brainpower to get a job and better yourselves in crime, they thought their little shopping spree of stealing they really didn't need. now they're going to look at it because one of them who was looking out the window because she couldn't, she didn't want to hear the truth from. one told two it's like a it's like a messed up doctor seuss thing. one said the. two we are through. we're going in a little box and probably going to get touched by the warden who's a fox, but it's. but that's the that's the cold part is that they have the ability to be better, but the system allows them to do these things. and they've gotten away with it for the last few years. and this is a huge reality check. they should play that video to everybody who's walking into these stores. they should have it up there playing so they realize that, like this, this is the no fun zone.
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you're not doing this. and someone's going to say, oh, they're oppressed. and their great great grandmother was a slave. they give zero and orange county. >> no, they see they seem shockingly unconcerned about going to a women's prison where it's one of my biggest fantasies. and carrot a carrot to tyrus point. i mean, criminals are learning, but cops are learning, too. they're running fast like me. they're tackling like tires. they get to be cops again. >> that's true. well, and i will say the women's prisons in california now have men in them. so i would be a little worried about that if i were them. they shouldn't be so happy go lucky. but i grew up in orange county, so i understood when i was in eighth grade and a cop stopped me for jaywalking when there was no cars anywhere around, i was like, okay, orange county, they do not play here. so there's a reason why it's nice. it's a beautiful place because they don't incentivize behaviors that are propagated by these criminals. and i was wondering too, do they walk around like
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target with calculators to know exactly like what's not a felony? it sort of seems like they are way more well versed than even i am on all these new propositions and laws. so i guess well done girls. >> well, no, no, it's one and two. >> oh sorry. >> well, they certainly didn't seem to be concerned about getting caught cat i mean that's not that's not how shoplifting is done. am i right. >> yeah. no that's true. and also it's like not their first rodeo. don't they know they're being recorded like man talk about it later. i also this this video because this video does seem to suggest that the felony designation is a deterrent, which a lot of people have argued on the left before, that such things are not deterrence. this seems to suggest that it is a deterrent. and also, yeah, it's not like they were like stealing bread. right? but yeah, i feel like we have that much experience. again. exit strategy here. not good. not good again i don't i also don't condone stealing. it's not a victimless crime. do
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not condone stealing just like murder. but it's another thing where you do need an exit strategy. you must. yeah, if you must. one thing is like, do not be like. yeah. oh, no, that's stealing. i just did was felony stealing. yeah. like that's not how that's as far as exit strategies go. that is that is not one. >> well well they seem to one. one of the thieves seemed to know charlie that it was a felony. >> well, yeah, i mean they have done their research and if they would have done the research, they probably would have realized that there's probably some sales to be happening the week after, like some new year's sales. they could have stayed below the threshold right when it would not be considered a felony. so that was probably bad preparation on their part, but they definitely were not shy. i mean, the one girl grabbed a box on her way out and i think she kind of snuck out. she's like, should i take this? should i take this? yes. and just walks out with the box at her side like they clearly did not care. they had no fear of being caught. but that's what happens when you have leftist policies running the country. criminals get away with absolutely everything,
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with no harm and no foul of repercussions, and californians are finally realizing it. do you know, gavin newsom was actually against prop 36, which criminalizes this behavior? now he was against this. so california is waking up, as is the rest of the country. >> it's hard to figure out that gavin and i both have such great hair, but we differ in every other way. >> that's good, that's good. >> up next, some trolls and says draft the man who scored goals. yeah. >> if you'll be in the new york area. >> would like tickets to see gutfeld, go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> bye bye. >> cough chest congestion. hello, 12 hours of relief, 12 hours not coughing. >> hashtag still not coughing. >> mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion in any type of cough, day or night.
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prime minister. writing on truth social i said, wayne, why don't you run for prime minister of canada, soon to be known as the governor of canada? you would win easily. you wouldn't even have to campaign. he had no interest. but i think the people of canada should start a draft wayne gretzky movement. it would be so fun to watch. cat as as the biggest hockey fan here since gretzky is not interested. should he try with mario lemieux? >> i think it's really funny that this was posted yesterday, as in christmas day. like, where were you sitting there like, this needs to be said. i mean, obviously trump's having a lot of fun trolling with, you know, justin trudeau, who is who is so unpopular. and i think but i think he also is right. wayne gretzky said he has no desire to run. i think he could he could win without doing any campaign. i think that is also very, very true. but i think a lot of people
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could i mean, it's canada's done with it. >> i mean, yeah, there's lots of popular canadians. alanis morissette. >> oh, yes. >> anne murray. >> oh, that one guy, tim maple sirup maple. >> that's not a person. >> charlie. merging with canada. what do you think? i mean, it would strengthen the american zamboni industry. >> i, i actually really love canadians. they are some of my favorite people. consistently. yes. what do you mean? whenever i mean, well, you know, in the wrestling business, there's a lot of canadians. so i've got to know a lot of canadians. you know, just working with wwe and my past life. they're funny. they're actually so funny. they have some of the best senses of humor. and i feel like sometimes americans, we can be a little uptight and stiff. you know, sometimes it's nice to inject a little humor. so i would welcome them into this country, especially with wayne gretzky as their prime minister. i mean, i think that sounds awesome, and i feel like he's well qualified. i mean, if justin trudeau can be a drama teacher and become the prime minister, why can't wayne
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gretzky become prime minister with his legendary career behind him? >> right? good point as always, and the funniest comedian ever. norm macdonald, canadian. cara okay, trump's talking about making canada one giant state. why not just make ten states? because having been to alberta, that's like canada's texas. >> unlike quebec, there is not about canada. no, not at all. i mean, i've heard that canada crowns america, but i reject that. so i'm going to call him governor gretzky from now on. and i think one is better, you know, it's more simple. and canada really has nowhere to go but up. right? like, this is the country that they jailed the truckers from the freedom convoy. they worship di, they worship climate change. and now, as you said, the economy is in shambles. the entire country is in shambles. people are resigning right and left. but trump he his ethos is i'm an outsider. i'm a disrupter. gretzky could be that too. he's not part of the establishment like he can, you know, take something and again know where
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to go. but up. focus on outcomes, not process for the sake of process. and canada, maybe one day will crown america. >> yeah. and i mean there's nowhere to go but up. but then you get blocked by the polar bears. tyrus. >> hey, tyrus. >> you're an athlete and you know trump. has he ever asked you to lead canada? >> well, i can't, you know, disclose that it would go back to my murder list that we talked about in an earlier segment. listen, trudeau, he's got his own problems. like he couldn't be the moose right now over there if he was running. but i think they got the wrong guy. i think president trump, with all due respect, he picked the wrong guy. you want someone to clean up canada, make canada strong again. you got to go with bret hart. you got to go with bret the wrestler. best there ever was. best ever will be. he was the excellence of execution. so he could definitely balance a budget. so go with a wrestler. and you know what? i like canada as a state. and i think we should break it up. we should break it up to different places because canada is a big place. you
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can't call it. where would you put the capital? you know, once we once we call it new texas. like where would we put it? you know, so there's a lot. but i love what he's doing. he's letting trudeau know he's so insignificant and so out of it that he's like, wayne gretzky spends more time in la than he does in canada, but he's just probably all he can think of at that moment was like, quick, give me a canadian. and someone was like, wayne gretzky. yeah, he could kick his. perfect. so yeah, wayne gretzky, let's go with i really feel like they were sitting around christmas dinner table. you know? and so i just feel like this conservative thing is going to is going to show its face in canada. so we probably won't have to make the mistake because they're going to start working with us. and they're also like mexico, like china allergic to tariffs. so it's just should work out really fine for us. >> yeah that's a great point. and to your point, athletes usually are confident people and that's who can affect change, wayne gretzky said. you
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miss 100% of the shots you don't take. that's a very trump like quote, because he's talking about how i have to shoot. >> you could also pick someone from the cast of degrassi. >> oh god, that's drake show, isn't it? i knew that was coming. >> yeah, that's drake show. yeah. he is in a wheelchair at the end of the show. >> yeah, i've never seen it, but i forgot drake was in it. >> oh, i never forgot. so i think that i haven't seen a lot other than drake. i don't know what the rest of the cast is really doing, so i think that'd be great. one of them to be prime minister. >> you know, i think that it would be good for canada because it seems like our only canadian references are polar bears, sirup and drake. so it would really help broaden the horizons for everyone. oh, we're going to get we're going to get comments on the facebook page about that one i love you, canada coming up. a focus group concludes wokeness cost the democrats dude. >> the fox nation holiday sale is here.
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icons go head to head. >> what a champ! ryan, neymar, gonzaga playmaker and the nation's leader in dartmouth has the bulldogs high octane offense running hot. bam. next, they'll face ucla, their elite defense as the bruins look to lock down a huge statement win. ucla has all things rolling. >> it all tips off saturday at 4:00 eastern one pacific on fox. >> i had an incredible mother. father bruce at the time wasn't around that much. >> i've been in situations where i freeze going through a public breakup. >> it's been overwhelming. wait, who's your ex? charles? you are here to prove you have something about you. >> it's about taking that leap of faith. no. wokeness.
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>> got out of hand and killed the democrats brand. according to focus groups, dems are in a massive hole and even their previous supporters think they're weak and too focused on woke issues. now they've got their panties in a bunch, and i'm just talking about the men. participants included young men in battleground states who voted for joe biden four years ago, trump this year, blue state voters who previously backed dems but voted for trump this year in 2020, biden voters who didn't vote at all. they were asked to compare the democratic party to animals, and here's how they described it. and ostrich because, quote, they got their heads in the sands and a koala, since they are, quote, lazy and complacent, i would have said unicorn because they lie to children and they have weapons attached to their foreheads. the focus groups also concluded the dems are no longer the party of the working class, but instead the coastal elite
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snobs. which reminds me, biden is on vacation in ritzy saint croix, where every time he dips his toe in the water, the sharks swim away. but how does he feel about the sorry state of the democratic party? >> who cares man, i'm on vacation. democrats stab me in the back. you think i care what they do? no. i'm retired. i got to spend all that burisma money. surf's up. >> charlie, if you had to give the democrats advice, what would you tell them? >> if i had to give them advice? stay home, stay home. it would be better off for everybody. i think everyone's just happy this year. we got to say merry christmas again, right? yeah. finally. i mean, i will tell you the angry kamala. how dare we say merry christmas that was circulating the group chat quite frequently this week. i think people are
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finally waking up realizing, especially after the election, after, you know, kamala failed so miserably that conservatives really have said nothing. that isn't just based on common sense, science or the constitution. meanwhile, they're realizing that the really extremism coming from the left is doing nothing more than just creating more of a like insane society and dividing our country. and people are now realizing, okay, wait, people actually feel the same way that i do, and i can have more confidence speaking up for myself now. so i think we're we're getting to a better place. but yes, the merry christmas thing, i think sold everybody ahead of the election for sure. yep. >> and i never stopped saying merry christmas. i'm a badass. yeah. thank you, thank you. carrie, you just crushing it on your first appearance. and that's a good thing. i check with an seltzer before the show, and she. she said she pulled the country, and more people are watching tonight than we're going to watch the
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super bowl later this year. so. >> perfect. perfect. >> one of the survey results was that they found that the former democrats thought that they they couldn't fight for the american people. is that your impression? absolutely. >> and you look at the democrats have abandoned the working class and the middle class, and now they're just the party of the coastal elites or what people call, you know, the 1% and then the subsidized poor as well. and that's a problem because america was built on the backs of regular people, everyday people like you and i, you know, people who are not going to be vacationing in saint croix. i can't even pronounce them. am i pronouncing it right? i don't know, i've never been there. like, i can't even imagine going there because i cannot afford it. but yeah, it's the democrats. they've they've lost their minds. and i think this is evidence in elon musk. right. he doesn't say that. oh i became, you know, a red blooded conservative because i walked out of the room with, you know, an elephant on my shirt or anything like that. he's like, no, the democratic
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party left me. i stayed the same. and they left me because to charlie's point, they went woke. they went crazy, they went extremist. and we need to talk about that more. there's a reason why tulsi gabbard is not a democrat anymore. there's a reason why rfk jr isn't a democrat anymore. it's because we are the party now of common sense and we're for america. sorry guys, but merry christmas and god bless america. let's say it all again. yeah. >> cat. merry christmas and merry christmas as we don't say it enough. >> no we don't. >> we've got 11 more days. >> yeah. >> as one of america's most famous libertarians. yeah, you could probably have gotten more votes than chase this year. but yeah. what do you think is the democrats problem? why do you think so many democrats pulled the lever for trump this year? >> so i think part of it is people started realizing that
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what they were trying to brand themselves as, or brand some of their attributes, their attributes as didn't make sense. so they were constantly preaching democrats about inclusion and compassion. and there was this idea of, oh, they're too sensitive. they're too. but then you break down the way they actually behave and why that looks the way that that looks in practice. and that's not what it is. there's nothing sensitive and compassionate about judging people who believe differently than you in such an extreme way. and you can't be all about inclusion when really in practice, what you're doing is well. you need to agree with everything, i think, or else you're a racist, you're a sexist, you're a xenophobe. and not only are you those, not only is that the case, but if you talk to anyone who disagrees with me, then you're what? normalizing racism, normalizing this and this. so that's not inclusion. that's literally the opposite of inclusion. and i think that it
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got so extreme and there was such a demand for just complete purity and falling in line that people started saying, you know, this isn't nice, this doesn't feel inclusive to me, and you're not really sensitive. you seem kind of mean and judgmental. and i think people really just felt like nothing was good enough. and they got sick of being yelled at and screamed at by people who often had a lot more money than they did. a lot of these celebrities that came out were campaigning for biden and then kamala, and i think that that was what it had a lot to do with, is realizing that the way they were branding themselves, looking at it in practice was a lot different than the words that they would have used. >> you make great points, and as a fan of judging people, they've ruined that. >> yeah. >> i mean, oh, you're on the bus and you're going to make a speakerphone call without headphones. oh, tyrus, if like, what animal would you describe the democrats as jellyfish? >> no backbone. and nobody wants to touch it because it stings. ooh, that was good.
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>> yeah, yeah, they they need to go outside and try some competitive sports, do some push ups, try that crunchy green grass. >> go walk on that. get a little sun in your face. make a baby. just do something. put down tiktok for a half an hour. you know, get in a bar. fight. live life you know, get a scar. you know what i'm saying? get a tattoo of a woman who doesn't love you. you know what i'm saying? do something dangerous. but please, please. you think, which one do you want to do first, joe? do you want me to take you to your first bar fight? i'll take you. i'll set it up for you. i'll stand behind you in case it gets iffy. >> well, if only if i'm allowed to say. if you mess with me. you mess with tyrus. >> yes. >> and then. hey. >> and right before you knock him out, you'd be like, merry
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christmas, pop, you know? but i'm just saying, man, just put down the tiktok and all the. go outside. relax. >> yeah. >> so we're going to wedgie you. so we're going to laugh at you at the gym. so we're going to drive over you with our trucks. you'll heal. you'll be better for it. >> oh, that brings me back to my days of being a high school bully. but. up next, which track from home alone is most likely to break a bone? >> for the fox nation holiday sale is here. >> there's only one thing in my life that really matters. >> so start streaming fox nation's original premium content and you'll save 50% on our annual plan. >> you believe you were sent by god? >> yes, we need you. >> they need me. >> get fox faith. >> if you have christ, all the other stuff is overflow. >> and new exclusive series the fox nation holiday sale.
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>> our question of the day comes to us from our good friends at outkick. com who wondered which home loan booby trap do you think hurts the most? charlie? there's a lot to choose from in the movie. there's the iron to the face, stepping on the ornaments, flying paint can to the head, the bb gun to the genitals, the electric doorknob. are we missing any? what's your pick? >> yeah, i just have one question. why is it called a booby trap? i've always wondered that. like, where did that come from? >> women used to put mousetraps in their blouses. and when you put your hand in a booby trap. wait, seriously? >> really? seriously, i don't know whether to believe you. i'll accept that as a as the real answer. >> never lie. look at my hands. i've been booby trapped a few times. >> okay. my hands down! hands down! the worst booby trap was the tarantula on the face of marv. i mean, no, no, no, no, if you put a massive spider in the house, even if i don't know where it is, i haven't seen it. i will run very far away. so to
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me, that was. and it was the most epic scene. the scream that came from marv was legendary. so yes, that was it for me. >> are you kidding me? no. >> i'm so scared of spiders. >> harmless spider on your face. harmless is worse than a blowtorch on your head. that is simply factually inaccurate. i'm sorry. >> i am still going with it. >> simply false. >> crowbar to the breadbasket. >> that would be me. that right there. that's my pick. that i will take a spider anywhere rather than having my actual hair on fire. i mean, i mean, he has his hair, his hands of her, and he. and also he just stands there, which i would think is the worst way to deal with that. i'm not a pyrotechnics expert, but if my, you know, i mean that to me. yes. over a fluffy little spider. just saying hello. >> come on, karen, you know, i have to agree with cat, but my
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worst one is the nail to the bare foot, right? excruciating. because there's a reason why torture is slow and they draw it out. it's like beheading. oh, we'll keep it violent. we'll keep it quick. you won't feel a thing. but this thing you would feel. go in and then you got to pull it out at some point. so yeah, that. oh no that's wrong. yeah. so i'm right. it's the worst. >> oh, you make a good case, tyrus. >> besides his parents being stuck with a polka band. i would say the burning your hand on the doorknob is pretty because your skin's coming off and your fingers take forever to heal, and you're going to feel that forever. and then your fingerprints are permanently burnt on the door, which again, goes back to the exit strategy. >> yes. >> so that's a great point. yeah. >> thank you. >> now also there's the emotional pain of having being left behind by a group of people that go off to have fun. it reminds me of being in high school when the often we would
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ditch the loser kids and go have fun. well, yeah. >> i mean, i had a home alone two. my dad left. he just never came back. ever. real quick. you want? no. you want. if i can make you want to. oh, actually, like, take five seconds to say goodbye to my friend jack danes at nwa. he passed away yesterday. i'll miss you. i'll see you in valhalla, bro. >> rest in peace. don't go away. we'll be right back. i'm sticking with the fight. >> oh, well, you're in the big leagues now. >> how was your vacation, sir? >> well, i needed one with your 10% loyalty program discount. that's $225 for the night. >> not bad. >> $155 for the night. hold up. how? >> it's easy when you know where to look. >> trivago compares hotel prices from hundreds of sites so you can save up to 40%. >> trivago is my secret tactic.
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enroll now. >> saturday on fox. >> west coast icons go head to head as ryan nembhard leads gonzaga against ucla. >> oh my. it all tips off saturday at 4:00 eastern on fox. >> the fox nation holiday sale is here. >> you believe you were sent by god? yes. >> so start streaming fox nation's original exclusive premium content. >> we need you. >> they need me. >> the fox nation holiday sale. this is your last chance to save 50% off our annual plan. sign up today. >> thanks to charlie arnot, carol frederick, pat, tim kirshner williams. >> fox news at night is next. i'm joe mckee, and on behalf of greg gutfeld, i love you, america. [cheering]
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