tv FOX and Friends FOX News December 27, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST
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to do the humane way. >> democrats are facing an identity crisis and some say young progressives like congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez could save them. >> passed over one of the youngest most media savvy women of congress for a key leadership public role. >> plus, fox weather alert, dangerous tornadoes sweeping through the south as millions of americans make their way home from christmas festivities. we are tracking the latest severe storm warnings. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. >> katie: incoming border czar tom homan vowing to build family facilities as he looks to deport illegal migrants and u.s. born children and he insists the government can all do it in a humane way. >> todd: chanley painter joins us now. >> we are learning more details
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about how the incoming trump administration border czar plans to carry out the largest deportation operation in u.s. history. tom homan telling "the washington post" the administration will build family facilities and detain and deport illegal migrants. the report reads in part, quote u.s. immigration and customs enforcement will look to hold parents with children in soft sided tent structures. similar to those used by u.s. border officials to handle immigration surges. the government will not hesitate to deport parents who are in the country illegally even if they have young u.s. born children he added leaving it to the families to decide whether to exit together or be split up. homan goes on to emphasize the importance of showing the american people it all can be done in a humane way. he also addresses the expense to taxpayers for the massive removal operation, projecting ice will need at least 100,000 beds for detention and at least $86 billion. president biden ended family
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detention in 2021 as immigration advocates criticized detention and separation as harmful to children. homan making clear the targets target of this operation will be illegal migrants with criminal records. trump has pledged to use national guard troops to help support the operation. but homan says the deportations will not involve sweeps through neighborhoods. homan notes a separate plan is underway to find the more than 300,000 migrant children that have gone missing since crossing the u.s. border. it's all slated to begin on day one of trump's second term as promised during his campaign. guys? >> todd: chanley painter, thanks. >> katie: thank you very much. they are getting busy. they are serious about this. they want the criminals out a long docket of people to get through who have committed additional crimes in america outside of crossing the border illegally. and they intend to implement these new policies on day one. >> joey: yeah, i think the first step they are going to have they are going to try to strong hand these sanctuary municipalities
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into cooperating in some way. when they say they are not going to do sweens. they are not going to go after specific individuals. they are going after criminals. what that tells me they know there are tens of thousands of these folks that end up in a jail it if it's not just overnight. if they are not already criminals they are doing criminal activity here. i'm excited to see that because that is what should happen. if you are doing something bad enough this country put you in jail. that should be a place. >> good place to start. >> easy way to get rid of folks that shouldn't be here. >> look, when it comes to the family detention, it obviously is a headline, people pay attention to that, it raises some eyebrows, at the end of the day, you need to be able to disincentivize what we have seen the last four years and saying you are potentially going to be deported with your entire family, disincentivizes the birthright citizenship that you are seeing so often over the course of the last four years. and when it comes to the humanity part of it that tom homan is saying. i think some people out there
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may say why do we need to emphasize that? it's clear because you need to win the p.r. battle. the american people voted on november 5th to deport criminal illegals. they did not necessarily vote for what some in the left media would call inhumanity. so i think it's really really splatter on tom homan's part to say, look, we are going to do this in a humane way. we're going to give the people what they wanted which is deportations of people that should not be here. but we're going to do it in a kind and gentle way. >> katie: it's been interesting to see this word humane battered around for the past four years under biden. this is not humane. letting criminals into american communities they go and commit murder, rape, lighting a woman allegedly on fire in new york city. that is not humane. it's also not humane to lose hundreds of thousands of children who are wrought to the border without their parents or to then give them to stranger who has not been vetted -- most
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of the time as being a trafficker or sexual abuser inside the united states. and so, the word humane is one that has been used in many different ways. but the trump administration has a different version of what they would like to do. >> joey: most humane thing you can do is take care of your young. you are not taking care of your young when you are sending them on thousand mile journey with coyotes on people that will hurt them in evil ways. can you call sending families back or splitting families up inhumane. i get that at the end of the day, this is an issue that was not created by tom homan or donald trump and any remedy to it is going to come at a human cost. that's not their fault. that human cost may be heartache over families being split up or the fact that now it looks like hundreds of thousands of children whose parents have acted in such a way that they are -- they are completely detached from them for one reserve or another. that is inhumane. the current state of things is
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incredibly inhumane. we spoke with jennie taer a "new york post" reporter who has covered the crisis firsthand. >> the media is trying to paint this picture. they are already starting this is going to be massive sweeps that trump is bringing in. that could not be further from the truth from what we're hearing from the trump transition team and people like tom homan. they don't have the resources right now nor will they in the future to be able to deport all of the people who are here illegally. the real priority for them is the criminal illegal immigrants. there is about 600,000 of them that are currently roaming the country on ice's non-deand it docket. we know he going to set up family detention centers like you said. they are trying to leverage everything they can. but being able to deport all of those targets is going to be impossible. in fact, 600,000, 700,000 is going to be a task to do in a year. but we know that the priority of that administration is going to be those criminals.
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and tom homan even says, you know, sanctuary jurisdictions are not going to get in the way of that. >> katie: tom homan has threatened to put these mayors and prosecutors in jail for violating federal law for harboring illegal aliens. also, giving these parents of children born here a choice. he has made the point before during congressional testimony that in america, if you are an american citizen and you commit a crime. that requires jail time. we separate parents from their children all the time. so he is giving them a choice. either go together or can you separate. but it's up to you. we are not going to tolerate law-breaking and then these illegal immigrants taking advantage of american goodwill and gaming the system by saying i came here illegally and had a kid and i get to stay indefinitely. no, we separate parents for violating the law all the time and they have done that through their actions. >> todd: to your point on humanity drove home a really important point when it comes to pointing out what is inhumane
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and what is humane. tom homan doing a good job making that point as well. again, you have to worry about '26. we just finished an election. >> katie: oh no, todd, not yet. >> todd: you have to not lose those people on the margins that voted for trump because they said something has to change. you don't want to give them any excuse to go back to the way it was. and that's why winning the pr battle, which tom homan is trying to do. delineating this actually is inhumane what we are doing is perfectly fine. and is actually better for these individuals and our country is the way to go if you are homan. >> katie: risk losing the voters if you don't do what you said you were going to do. >> win the p.r. battle by being truthful. >> joey: the point i was trying to make there is nobody who holds hands and sings kum ba yah to this problem. the problem is already there. inhumanity of it is already there you don't have to look further than new york city something ha that happened last
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week. something haunted my dreams seeing that video. some americans being hurt. we talk about hotels in the city that are housing migrants and that the amount of money the city, not just the state but the city is spending on this migrant crisis even the very democrat mayor here is framing himself as a party swapper over this. but one of the ways perhaps, that governor kathy hochul is going to pay for it is through the religion of climate change signed a law a climate superfund. here is what it posedly does. holding big oil climate polluters environmentally responsible for damages. top oil companies will be required to pay a combined total of $75 billion over 25 years. i feel like a court case reverses this quick. >> katie: this is going to make energy for hardworking new
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yorkers more expensive why you are seeing energy firms writing a letter to governor hochul 246789 legislation is bad public policy that raises significant implementation questions and constitutional concerns. moreover, $75 billion price tag will result in unintended to consequences and increased costs for businesses and households. so, she thinks she is doing good for the environment. but she is really punishing people who just have having a ladder time with inflation and want to keep their houses warm in the winter time. >> todd: i think joey hit the nail on the head. this is all about raising money. they just try to do the congestion pricing. she said no, let's not do it the week before the election. oh, let's bring back congestion pricing. if you are trying to drive in and around new york city. right? you got to deal with that cost just to come into this neighborhood here. now, if this ultimately goes through and doesn't get stymied by the courts, it's going to pass onto the consumers. we all know you are going to have to pay for this when you go to the pump. it's going to cost an arm and a
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leg to drive in the city. now, one part of this could be, yeah, they are trying to raise revenue. the other thing is they could be trying to eliminate your car which is what the left wants to do whether it's california, new jersey, here in new york city and new york state fact of the matter is there is not enough transportation to get people from point a to point b you do need a car. put it in what's in it for me terms. 0.0 trains. so unless we are going to do this live from the connecticut bureau every day i need a car to take me in. and so many people work on this ship and work these jobs that make new york city the city that never sleeps needs to drive in, too. it's a horrible idea. hopefully the courts step in. >> joey: i think this is one city i'm going to sound like i'm going back on my own statements that you have seen me samillionl autonomy. this might be the one city where every car in the city should just be like a little some sort
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of grided tesla that you program in where you are going. i spent enough time in the city to know that 90% of the traffic is because this guy in this lane wants to be in that lane and this guy in that lane wants to be in this lane. if there was some sort of organization here. >> katie: we have organization streetlights. a lot of people come to see the christmas tree. come see the fox tree. absolutely beautiful. >> joey: times nypd to do is close off streets not a hit against the cops only thing they allow them to do. will. >> todd: i feel like joey has advocated for big government. telling me what kind of car i want to drive and for strong my ability to move freely throughout the city. >> >> joey: people who live here voted for these people. i'm not going to condemn them. >> todd: going down to georgia and put a road block in joey's front yard and bringing new york down to you. >> katie: speaking of new york, biden's former press secretary
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jen psaki is scolding democrats for snubbing congressman alexandria ocasio-cortez from a top committee post as the party fairs identity crisis. take a listen. >> house democrats missed what i would consider a big opportunity. they passed over congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez for the top democratic spot on the oversight committee instead they josie gerry connolly older member backed by former house speaker nancy pelosi. why does that matter? one of the few committees in congress generates national attention or media coverage. under jamie raskin it became a political platform for countering republican misinformation. while i have deep respect for nancy pelosi. on this the show many times and fierce and nothing against congressman conley at all it felt like an obvious chance to apply some of the lessons we learned from the november election. pals the over savvy member of congress for a key leadership
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public role. >> katie: incredible. the democrats should be further to the left. even though the entire country shifted to the right. so just keep it up jen psaki with that great analysis of what actually happened. >> here on the weekends, when i'm filling in on the weekends. the person in the middle rachel campos-duffy. not a fan of aoc's ideology. but very quick to admit that aoc is effective. that is absolutely true. >> katie: is she effective at governing or getting attention? >> joey: the amount of members who can raise enough money to finance their political campaign with tweets or posts is counted on one hand. you are talking marjorie taylor greene. used to be matt gaetz. aoc. >> katie: trump? >> joey: yes, but i'm thinking house of representatives. so, on the democrat side. she is something dinner. she is a brand. and she has the ability to invoke emotions because we will sit here and complain about her and they will give her money. but what jen psaki isn't
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acknowledging because i think she knows this is the way that democrats run their party in the house is seniority rules. that's who they are. that's what they do. so what she is advocating for isn't as something as simple as putting a media star in charge. she is advocating for them to change how they do business. as long as nancy pelosi is a member of congress and has the phone number to every major donor, that's not going to work. that's not going to happen. winning an election be damned. >> since aoc came in house there has been rivalry between her and former speaker nancy pelosi and pelosi was in a hospital after hip surgery in europe when all of this went down to ensure she was not going to be the head democrat on the oversight committee. >> she did her dirty from a hospital room in germany. look, i think to the point that psaki is making when it comes to youth. i agree with joey. i think they do, if they want to win elections, going forward. they need to tap into the youth. because that has been their bread and butter since the dawn
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of time since we had parties. >> katie: isn't republicans -- didn't voters just reject that this election? >> todd: they shifted to the right in the democrats want to win elections going forward they will need to get younger. the msnbc base of viewers in their demo which is 80 to 97 is going to die off sooner rather than later a. poll guise if i'm being mean to the group that watches us. they need to get younger. aoc would help accomplish that goal, to the overall point, november 5th was a mandate on the right. american people want conservatism they wanted things to go back to the way they were in our country since our country was founded. aoc and democratic socialism is not the way to get there for jen psaki to say that shows that to your earlier point, she is completely out of touch with what happened in november. >> katie: young people, it's interesting.
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because the young men are very conservative. and young women are very liberal. so, watching this play out curly as well is going to be very interesting to watch how they vote, but also how they work together and maybe date. >> todd: can i say it? in 2026. >> joey: my comments are going to be short. i don't know that americans swing toward conservatism but they certainly swung toward populismened there is a lane for that in aoc. young enough and popular enough among young people that she can be malleable. and populism is that in a lot of ways. >> todd: her district didn't it go trump aoc odd to begin with quite a split. >> katie: a lot of people there. >> todd: turn now to headlines, the mom of michigan school shooter ethan crumbley asking a judge to release her from prison during her ongoing appealed process. her attorney saying she should not search time until her case reaches the state municipal court. earlier this year ethan
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crumbley's mom and dad became the first parents to convicted school shooting committed by their child. both were given at least 10 years in prison. police in bolder, colorado now working over 100 new tips in the jonbenet ramsey case. the 6-year-old beauty queen found dead in her family's basement. 28 years ago. police say new leads have been flooding in since the release of a new netflix documentary. this all comes as ramsey's father john is preparing to meet with the bolder police chief next month. john telling fox news digital this week that he is pushing for authorities to allow an outside lab to test crime scene evidence. and disgraced former senator bob menendez postpone sentence until after wife's corruption trial. what a christmas they must have had. the democrat's lawyer telling the judge the sentencing falls in the middle of his wife's upcoming trial and comes at a risk of poisoning the proceedings against her. bob menendez resigned after
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being convicted on 16 counts of bribery and corruption charges. the fbi says it seized take a look. remember those gold bars from his home. sentencing currently scheduled for january 29th. and finally. i have never said this word. finally ample bees revealing the shocking high price for the new year's eve ball tickets at times square. i haven't done it since last year when i read this same story cost for table of two over $700. if you want to get private, katy baf listen. just talking in general. it's almost 2300 bucks. the deal includes a five hour premium open bar. all can you eat dinner buffet and of course the shame pain toast at midnight it. may be worth it if you are staying dry. people gathering in times square expected to be get soaked by rain for waiting for hours to reign in 2025. >> katie: no thank you. not my thing.
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>> todd: you are out there for a while to begin with. a lot of times in a how can i put this gently on tv under garment that allows you to be in one location and not have to us i don't the facilities and not get wet from above no thanks. >> katie: more power to the people no thanks. >> joey: i don't understand it. it might be the worst humanity has to offer. it really might. to say go out there and crowd yourself with a million strangers and not be able to use the bathroom or stretch your arms that just sounds horrible. >> katie: it's a rough go. the illegal migrant accused of burning a woman to death on a subway train is due back in court today. >> joey: the mayor wants the feds to get involved. we will tell you what that could mean right here, next.who ♪ now with vitamin d for the dark days of winter. mylowe's rewards is here. join for free today to unlock member
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joe, what is your reaction to mayor adams saying the fed should get involved? more of cry for help than anything else. constraints that new york city and new york state legislators have put on law enforcement when dealing with migrant criminals. we have sanctuary city laws that directly protect migrant individuals, not those people that are, you know, doing jobs and trying to get on with their life. but the laws protect people who are here committing additional crimes including heinous crimes like we saw on the subway system. that is who the beneficiary is to new york city sanctuary city laws. when you bring in the federal government. one thing is that they could bring everything from the death penalty. but on the other end of the spectrum they could at the least very least deport this person if they are not found criminally liable you are on the council this is the most liberal city
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councils in our country. how do you see this triangle working. the city council far left. mayor adams signaled he is interested in working with the trump administration and then ultimately the trump administration. how is this all going to work in practice? >> unfortunately the counsel's statements and actions recently have basically indicated that they want to double down on the far left policies that not only make our cities less safe. but also those policies that made new york somewhat of a laughingstock of the country. i mean, a lot of the issues we spoke about in 2024 on the national trail were the result of poor policies in new york and chicago and elsewhere. to see the council double down on protecting crams criminals. again, you are talking about sanctuary city policies that shield the nypd from cooperating with ice. the only people who benefit from that are people who are committing crimes. it's unfortunate to see that the council won't take any action. i am a little bit encouraged to hear mayor adams change his tune
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on migrants and willing to work with the trump administration. that's something that all new yorkers could look forward to and frankly, donald trump and tom homan can't rescue us soon enough. >> todd: if kamala harris won. do you think mayor adams would be making a statement like i just read? >> i don't know if he would make a statement that we just had. but we would still be dealing with the reality and there wouldn't be any light at the end of the tunnel. this was a problem that was three years in the making. and, you know, we hear about crimes like burning people on subways. but we have to remember, too. there are countless, if thousands, perhaps, crime victims who are new yorkers who are the victims of the petty crimes that are going on some of these migrant shelters and some of these gangs that are forming. this is things like robberies, picket pocketing, gun crimes and things like that. so while the makes the big headline. there are thousands of people also the victims of crimes by people who are here illegally. >> todd: joe, let's move from policy to practicality. is this all an attempt by mayor
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adams to curry favor with the incoming trump administration in light of the federal corruption charges that adams is facing? >> look, it might be. but i think it's a lot deeper than that i think it's more about trying to rescue new york from the hold that really the democratic pa-party put us in. this is a combination of sanctuary policies. culmination of state bail reform and raise the bail laws. cull minute nation of president biden day one did all the work trump did on the border. you know, i think maybe adams might be more interested in trump these days, but, frankly, this problem would still exist because of four or five years, if not longer of democratic policies at the state, federal, and local level that the net result was that this guy was here on a subway in coney island and he had the ability to commit this action. >> todd: you are a new yorker. you have been a new yorker your
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entire life. should people feel safe in this city going into 2025? because, joe, i got to be honest, no will yo take my family into the city and i haven't for the last five years. >> and that's unfortunate. they feel safe bail reform. people deserve to feel safe. unfortunately, todd, if you have taken the subway, i know many people watching have. whether they are here as employees or here on vacation. you all feel that unease and that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see someone, you know, mumbling incoherently on the train or doing something aggressive to their fellow passengers. we all felt that unease. and, unfortunately, until we start cracking down on petty crimes and. we will still feel same feelings as long as we tolerate this
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behavior. >> todd: sad time was i used to take the subway and never felt that it shows it is possible. it's just that the current policies and policies to your point over the last five plus years have led to what we see in our once great city and horrific events like sunday's. joe borelli thank you for your time. happy new year to you and yours. tis the season for new year's resolutions. if it's not yours waist line usually wallet. taylor riggs telling you what to do to get ahead. taylor is next ♪
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delays. it comes as 13 million are facing a severe storm risk in the pacific northwest and south. let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. adam? >> good morning, katy. there is big weather stories across the country, including some cold folks are experiencing in the northeast. you can telling i'm bundled up. i made some friends back in the green room joey jones, you come to the green room i will try to get you on tv. it was ellington and carter? ellington, can you tell me carter is address dressed appropriately do you have a coat on. >> i don't want to mess up my outfit. >> adam: i actually have a great outfit as well. i think you are making a good point. i'm going to join you, you are tough. i'm tough. let's going and do this forecast. chilly here, right? >> yes. >> temperatures across the country. 28 degrees, he willton you are crazy. a little bit warmer in the middle of the country. mid 40's in chicago. it is that. ultimately causing some of these big storms sweep across the
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country that is going to be a big part of this tornadoes in texas and louisiana yesterday lee end threat for today more so talking about risk for severe weather when you get going back into saturday those are weather headlines for now. toss it back inside. on the count of 3 back to you. >> 1, 2, 3. >> back to you. >> that's joey. >> joey: i just became the coolest friend, uncle they have. thanks, adam. the new year is right around the corner. now is the time to plan your 2025 financial goals. as americans hold more than a trillion dollars of credit card debt. having the right personal finance resolutions is crucial. co-host of "the big money show" taylor riggs is here with some tips. we have gotten these five tips. we will get to them in just a second. when it comes to just looking at your overall financial landscape and making decisions going into this next year. a question that you brought up that was big for me last year is if i get a little bit of money,
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do i put that money towards removing debt or towards investing and savings? and how do you make that decision? >> if it's credit card debt you always have to pay that off first. your credit card rate is arguably 20%. that's what we call bad debt. you have to be paying off past credit card debt before can you even be thinking about your future. then you want to try to hold about six months of liquidity for emergencies. you don't go back into debt. once have you done that, start thinking about investing and saving for your future. >> joey: all of this is predicated on if i have a little bit of extra money. that's the big question and probably largely why president trump won. you got these five ways to save money. to get a little bit of extra money. let's go over them. i will let you go over them here and explain them to us. >> the first is you have to have a realistic budget. this is very clear. we don't know what we are working with until you lay it out on pen and paper or an excel spreadsheet. once you do that, then can you start to see where you are spending. are you spending more on eating out than you are saving. so you need to have a budget so
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you really know that first that is key. then we need to talk about, you know, how we can save. what percent of your money realistically can you hold off to the side? some people argue 20%. if things are tight right now. i even allocate 10%. do what you can but try to save a little bit. then we talk about it is those high interest rates. if you need to refinance high debt or if you need to pay off the 25% credit card, that has to be number one. because, remember, we can't move forward smartly unless we really tackle our past problems if you will. really paying off that credit card debt. we talk about credit card debt as being the bad debt. that's the very different from a mortgage which we could talk about later that sort of, quote. good debt that has to be the key. and then really when we think about savings and moving forward, it's all about keeping up with inflation, what can you do to preserve the principle of your money. >> joey: when you are talking about paying off that credit card debt. in my mind i call that red debt
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there is no equity there to show for it. a lot of people do like a debt consolidation loan or get a credit card at lower interest rate and pay all those credit cards off with it. is that a smart way to do. >> it i do like that consolidating into one and not just paying the interest on five different credit cards and then you never cut into the balance and actually start reducing the debt. you are just keeping up with the interest. that's how the credit card companies get you. right? so if you can think about a consolidation plan and tackling, again, getting that balance back down. that is really the key. we have talked about with the home ownership, that's actually totally different story. i calculate that as good debt. you are building equity. you are investing in your future. you have a family there. so i have i think if you have a decent to low rate on a home, don't even worry about paying that off. that's sort of, quote. good debt. as long as you are making your payments. i think you are okay. >> joey: what would you call a decent to good rate our perspective has changed. >> i know when i was growing up in the 80's my family had 15 or 20% rate. we all got the 3% to 5% rate.
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right now mortgage rates are at 7%. actually anything above below that is good. above that you could think about refinancing. rates they say are trying to go down next year. might be more opportunities in the future. >> joey: on that one last thing. how much is the sit and wait effective? like a lot of people in my life say i want president trump to get in office and see how things go. >> yeah. >> joey: do you have to attack the situation you are in? >> there is nothing urgent, again, if you want to wait. especially on mortgage rates that move every month, certainly can sort of wait to refinance. because there are some costs in refinancing. i'm going to stress, it's the credit card debt that if you can tackle immediately, given that it's probably over 20%, that really should be the priority. >> joey: yeah, are there any resources -- i know one we are about to plug are there any resources people with go to to learn how to do their budget and things like that. >> there are so many good tools online i found. you don't need to go to college or get a masters in all this
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stuff. you know, talk to friends. reach out on twitter. i'm here. we are always here to help. and really just if you lay out your budget and, again, start to allocate about what you can, ask family and friends for help. people would love, i'm sure to lend a hand. >> joey: one place people can go. you can catch t "the big money show" at 1:00 p.m. eastern on fox business network. a lot of energy and great stuff like this. taylor, tranks for joining us. >> thank you. >> joey: the associated press just put out its list of top female athletes of the year. one of them has people talking. one of them has people talking. riley gaines will tell us why, here. ♪ perks from the palm of your hand. with every purchase, all members earn point toward mylowes's money. get free gifts to bring home, member deals to get more projects done and free standard shipping. start earning for free with mylowe's rewards today.
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>> katie: outrage as al geesh boxer named among the top three me mail athletes 2024 by the associated press. the boxer caused controversy after his gender was called into question during the paris olympics where there was a gold medal won. our next guest has been calling out the unfairness since being forced to compete against a trans swimner college and has made the fight for women's sports her mission. riley will be with us shortly. but, in the meantime, we are
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going to wait for her to come on the show. she has been outspoken opponent of men and in women's sports and we looking forward to speaking to her soon. joey, over to you for some headlines. >> joey: turning now to headlines. police in plano, texas, just outside of dallas arresting a suspect in a shocking hit and run caught on camera. a driver plows into a 12-year-old girl who was walking to school. she gets up and the suv speeds off. thankfully the girl was not seriously hurt. the suspect is charged with a felony. police say a tip from the public led to her arrest. and two time democrat presidential candidate marianne williamson is launching her bid for dnc chair. >> i feel that in order for the democrats to ride like a phoenix on the ashes of our electoral defeat. we need to look at more than just the issues of data analyst and field organizing and
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fundraising. we need to transform. in a way we need to reinvent the democratic party in order to counter what maga is bringing to the table. >> joey: do you remember her from the splash she made running from the democrat presidential demonstration both in 2020 and 2024. now to football. the seattle seahawks keeping their playoff hopes alive in an otherwise ugly game against the chicago bears with a two teams combining for a total of 13 punts and 10 sacks. >> his career could end up -- allen for a short gain under pressure again. >> is he going to get swarmed. pressure. lookout. and is he going to go down, again. >> joey: we call those stats a first quarter for the giants. the seahawks are still on the cusp of making the playoffs. their best chance to make the post season is for the rams to lose tomorrow against the cardinals those will headlines.
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>> katie: riley gaines joins us now to talk about the associated press naming khalif boxer one of the top female athletes of the year although this individual failed a gender test. so, first, riley, just your reaction to this new list of athletes and what it means for the future of imwith's sports. >> yeah, you are right. well, first of all, let me start by congratulating caitlin clark a huge achievement. look, as you said this was a male boxer who was previously barred from world championships for failing a simple sex eligibility requirement test which the only requirement was to have two x chromosomes. he failed that now his medical record, even in further detail has been leaked by a french journalist which might i add the ioc had the entire time. they knew this when he stole a gold medal from a deserving woman at the games. it has showed us that khalif not only does he have xy
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chromosomes. male levels of testosterone no and word for word micropenis. what the associated press has done here, they nominated an award. this is the message i received. they nominated and awarded khalif because he is a male. his achievements are comparable with the other athletes who are nominated and even one ones who weren't nominated. like mcglaughlin broke her own world record at the games for the fifth time after a long injury break that kept her off the track. so i message that i got was he was nominated because he is a male and because they want to punish women for speaking out. >> katie: riley, there seems to be a lot of inconsistency when it comes to these big athletic organizations despite the biological facts. as you mentioned in 2023, the international boxing disqualified khalif because of the failure of that gender test. but then the international olympic committee continued to
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defend and allow this person into the 2024 olympics to compete against women, one of which forfeited the fight after, you know, starting the fight and being clear that she was in an unfair situation at the top levels of the athletic field. so, in terms of the progress that's being made on this, how do you get all of these athletic bodies on the same page when this comes to recognizing basic, biological gender testing? >> well, bottom line is these athletic bodies, similar to corporate america, similar to academia, similar to our government, to the media, really what they follow is green, right? they don't necessarily follow red or blue, they follow green. >> we have to get them where it hurts. and that is their pockets. i believe we should see these female athletes suing the ilc for knowing this was a male leading up to the games and continuing to put these women in harm's way. forget about the fairness aspect. the ioc knowingly put these women in danger by putting them
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in a ring with the male who had the intention of knocking them oncology machines. the boxer who forfeited i would love to see her ultimately suing the ioc. that's how we win. i think largely, at least the american people, you know, speaking for our nation, we had our voices heard on november 5th. and while i certainly believe people turned out to the polls to embrace donald trump. i believe more so people turned out to the polls to reject absurdity just like this and so that's what the free market is all about. we spoke. i hope we are heard. we have work to do. trump in office, he will certainly fix a lot of the hopefully at least at the federal level that's going on and likely force the ncaa's hand, which maybe that's. >> katie: education department. >> -- federal law. ultimately it's up to us to hold our leaders accountable. >> >> katie: absolutely. we look forwards to seeing what the future holds. thanks, riley, transfixed is now available on fox nation. thank you very much.
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