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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 28, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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higher risk of catching from an infected animal. david: i want to be clear, the c.d.c. is not suggesting this could mutate into some new pandemic, right? >> right, not at this point. they're monitoring this closely. what they're saying, it has mutated and the genetic analysis indicates that this mutation shows it could be more transmissible to other humans so they're watching closely and warning people to be careful. again, if you're feeling the symptoms if you're not feeling well to check in with your local health care provider. >> christina coleman, thank you, appreciate it. and thank you, folks, everyone at home for watching. have a wonderful new year, stay here for the latest news, fox live continues with the great griff jenkins and anita vogul from d.c. coming up next.
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. >> fresh off a government spending deal that left many unhappy with mike johnson, lawmakers will determine whether johnson will keep his gavel three days before the house meets to separate donald trump's electoral college. i'm griff jenkins, anita, great to be with you. the last show before the end of the year. >> and great to be with you, also, i'm anita vogul. and more on how the in-fighting could affect trump's certification coming up. with weeks ago for the inauguration, an ambitious 100 first day agenda as doge leaders clash with maga supporters over foreign workers. matt finn with the latest on this. >> hi, anita, looking forward the first 100 days, one of the
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most timely topics this morning affects more than 170 million users of the wildly popular tik tok app. the united states has issued tik tok a january 19th deadline to divest from its chinese-owned parent company or the social media app will be shut down here in the u.s. the u.s. supreme court is scheduled to hear arguments about tik tok beginning january 10th, but late yesterday, president biden filed documents asking the supreme court to delay the january deadline and instead, as the future president allow him to make the ultimate decision about tik tok's fate here in the u.s. the trump deem tel team telling fox news, a tension between free speech rights on one side and foreign policy and national security on the other. as the incoming chief executive, president trump is the right constitutional actor to resolve the dispute through political means. also this morning, there are some heated battles going on
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the trump world, between elon musk and vivek ramaswamy and some other pretty big names weighing in over the h1b visas which normally allow foreign workers into the u.s. musk says he'll go for those he came in on one. and opponents of the visas say they take jobs from americans and argue that trump's new appointee for ai advisor is too in favor of these visas. anita, griff. >> all right, matt finn live for us in palm beach, thanks for starting us off. >> all right, to capitol hill we go. the new year could bring a contentious house speaker vote and some are expressing doubts whether mike johnson should
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keep the gavel. and madeleine rivera, we may be in for fireworks. >> and house speaker mike johnson could have a hard way to go. and next congress will begin with 219 house republicans and 215 house democrats. johnson can only afford one republican defection if all democrats vote against him. he's on thin ice with the right flank of the republican conference after last week's messy fight. and more democrats passed the bill than republicans and the republicans say they want conversations with johnson ahead of the speaker's vote on january 3rd so they can iron out their issues with him. >> the spending bills are out of control. again, it gets down to communication. it's your ambassadors, you can't talk to every single dadgum member, but you've got to have people willing to do that and currently that's lacking in this leadership and in those in the past.
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>> it's unclear who could replace johnson who has survived an ouster bid earlier in the year. prolonged fight over the speakership could delay the electoral college result and president trump's agenda. and here is congressman zinke. >> to have a speaker's battle that's distraction and delays getting the american first policy through. the promise made should be the promise kept and the house has to do their part. they cannot do the part without a speaker. >> president trump's input could make or break johnson's prospects, he has not yet weighed in on johnson. >> do we have any idea when the president-elect may put his finger on the scale and will it be for johnson? >> it's anyone's guess, but anyone said president-elect
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trump is not pleased with johnson, but he really wanted the debt limit increase and that's not the way it would go. >> anita. >> well, for more on this drama, we've joined by republican congressman from arizona and member of the house judiciary and oversight committees, andy biggs. representative biggs, great to see you this morning. who would you believe we're going through this again a little over a year after kevin mccarthy was ousted. here we go. what's interesting to me is that mike johnson is known as a likeable guy, everybody seems to like him, he's known as thoughtful, smart, he's a lawyer, he gets along with both sides, but as madeleine just mentioned he did not get that debt ceiling deal that president-elect trump wanted. so, what happens to him here? is he able-- he needs 218 votes. does he have the votes? can he get them? >> it's pretty darn close right
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now, anita. you've got one member and two members who said they're not going to vote for him. and one said under any circumstances he's not voting for mr. johnson and for mike to become speaker again he's going to have to have everybody else and there's a lot of discontent particularly with what happened last week in the spending, but beyond that, the fact that we did this-- we did that kind of spending fight three months ago and three months before that and continues to go on and on and maybe things were not done as openly and transparently, we were promised no omnibus bill. last week's first bill sure looked like an omni, we were promised no deal on the eve of christmas. a lot of things that people have dis'probation with mr. johnson about. he's going to have to assuage those concerns if he's going to become speaker again. >> like you said, he's going to
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have to do some assuaging. and i want to hear from the caucus and what he had to say about the impending vote. >> we're working with the speaker's office to make sure we can advance president trump's positions. and if we can't, next friday could be a long day. >> wow, a long day. madeleine and griff were talking about what could seal this deal is president-elect trump coming out and giving a stamp of approval. and the certification of the presidential election, i can't imagine president-elect trump wants anything to go wrong that day. that day needs to go smoothly, right? >> yeah, january 6th is the x day for us. we've got to make sure that goes as smoothly and perfectly
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as we can as we rev up and get ready to go. the question i think, what andy harris was talking about is mr. johnson, the speaker, has got to get it together and determine whether he's the guy who can really deliver the agenda and there's some important things on the agenda. i mean, you've got the reconciliation bill, you want to have up there as close to president trump's swearing in, which is the 20th of january, as possible. and so the question is, is mike johnson capable of doing it? i mean, you know, there's a lot of people who feel he's not, but i'm getting back to your original point, i do think that the way president trump comes in or doesn't come in or whether he stays silent. all of those are signals to the members of the congress. >> and quick answer here, are you a yes vote for johnson? >> i have not committed publicly one way or the other and not committed privately, either. i've kept it to myself hoping
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we'll get it ironed out before january 3rd. >> we'll be watching that. while i've got you here, i want to ask you about another topic, a lot of talk about the h1b visa that sort of clears the way for highly skilled foreign workers to come into the country. elon musk is calling for more people to have access to the h1b visa or change the process to make it easier for them to come in. let's listen to a tweet he had about this. so, elon musk says, the number of people who are super talented engineers and super motivated in the usa is far too low. think of this like a pro sports team. if you want your team to win the championship, you need to recruit top talent wherever they may be. that enables the whole team to win. your thoughts on that? >> well, first of all, h1p visa isn't limited to stem graduates, computer training and those types of things. it's a broader category.
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h1b visa recipients in the u.s. tend to get paid less than u.s. citizens work longer hours, they're tied to one company, they can't leave. all of those benefit the ownership and so i understand why people who own companies want the h1b visas, but the other aspect of it is, when you do skills tests and assessment, another report i was looking at usa stem graduates of which there's a surplus right now for jobs, and they can't get those jobs because they're competing with h1b visas, they do better. the last point to make here, nobody's trying to say no more h1b visas, what elon and others are trying to do, expand the number of h1b visas, not leslie limit it to categories and we have to really look at that possibly at some point, but right now, let's get a hold of our border and the millions of people who have come into this country illegally and try to resolve that first.
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>> well, that's the thought of a number of people in congress who say america first, right? representative andy biggs, thank you for joining us today and your vote on the 3rd and see how it ends up. >> thanks, anita. >> griff. >> russian president vladimir putin apologizing to the azerbaijan president, amid the claims that a plane was shot down on christmas day. stephanie is reporting to us from london bureau. >> president putin did apologize, but stopped short that russia was responsible. and president zelenskyy offers condolences as well. and the survivors of the crash on christmas day said they heard bangs as they approached
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grozny in southern russia. >> 20 or 30 minutes after takeoff we felt two explosions, the plane was supposed to land, but it didn't. something exploded inside twice. a man's hand was injured. we panicked. >> the aircraft took off from azerbaijan and was to fly to grozny, but it was diverted to kazakhstan where the plane hurdled toward the ground and landed short of the runway and burst into flames. of the 67 on board, 38 were injured. a flight attendant injured his arm and tried to control the situation after the plane crashed. >> this were people who panicked and we tried to calm them down telling them not to panic. >> tazerbaijan transport minister says it was damaged from the inside and out. u.s. military forces say that
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russian air defenses may have struck the plane while trying to fend off drone attacks in the region. and john kirby told reporters that the u.s. had early indications that russia was responsible, but declined to comment any further. now, n.a.t.o. for now is launching a full investigation and hopefully we get some more answers, griff. >> stephanie bennett tracking that from london, thank you. the biden administration is set to announce a weapons package for ukraine next week, as the look at the cease-fire deal. thanks for being here, and happening worldwide, let's start with the ukraine aid package, 1.2 billion dollars leaves about 4 billion and change in the presidential
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drawdown authority, but looks like biden is trying to get more weapons out of the window before the trump administration takes over. >> that's exactly right. president biden is looking to try to give ukraine as much leverage as possible before the trump administration comes in. i'm not sure what kind of hand that leaves trump with here in order to broker a cease-fire, but that's really what the biden administration is looking to do, what they've always been trying to do here is just push as many weapons, as much material as they can into ukraine to strengthen the ukrainian position. >> was there anything, colonel, significant in this package in terms of weapons? i know there were some surface so air missiles and some defense systems. anything different from what we've seen before? >> more of the same, a lot of what we've seen before, the drones, surface to air missiles, air defense systems and i think those are intended to harden and fortify the ukrainian positions and strengthen their hand in kursk, they're losing a lot of
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leverage there. >> retired station chief dan hoffman weighed in on this and here is a little of what he had to say, take a look. >> this was the reflection of the biden administration's failed policy. they never gave ukraine what they needed when they needed it, too little, too late. that's why ukraine continues to suffer the these attacks on the critical infrastructure, denying people heat and power. biden administration behaved as if ukraine had infinite amount of time to defend themselves from the russian onslaught. >> colonel, do you agree, too little, too late? >> i do. we've always been half in, half out with this and dribbling some of the weapons in. there's never been, i think, an organized policy around ukraine or organizing a cease-fire, most people at this point in ukraine want this war to end, zen wants the war to continue. i think in terms of organizing a cease-fire, organizing an end to this there's got to be a way
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for putin to feel pain, got to be for a way for ukraine to gain something and that's never really been established here. >> let's talk about the cease-fire possibility in gaza. it seems that it's dwindling. we did hear in recent days, jake sullivan saying that they thought they were close this time. where do you see it? >> i'm skeptical. i never thought they were close, really, in large part because netanyahu is organizing and he's coordinating with two different elements, the military wing of hamas run by mohammad sinwar, the brother of the slain hamas military leader and the political arm of hamas, which is organizing out of the middle east out of qatar and much more pragmatic and much more practical. sinwar wants to continue the war. he's not going to give up these hostages. i don't think he can give up these hostages because they're
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organized by many different factions there inside of hamas, i don't think he knows where they all are. and the political arm of hamas wants to get to some kind of temporary cease-fire so we can organize longer truce and come to some negotiations about israel fortifications in the south. i just don't think it's going to happen and i honestly never thought it was going to happen under this administration. >> so as the trump administration comes in and this is the hand they're being dealt. how do they approach it? president-elect trump seems confident he can-- >> it's complicated. the one-on-one diplomacy, that we saw the first time in office. he knows netanyahu, knows netanyahu's motives and knows the way that netanyahu organizes and thinks about
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things and he can push on those levers and come to some agreement on that side of it and then from there some kind of an agreement in qatar with the political arm of hamas. >> i'm about out of time, but i get so excited to talk to you, joe, because i've got it to ask you, we had the chinese spy plane flying over u.s. warships, and that's almost an elephant in the room and how will trump approach this? >> six generation, chinese stealth fighter. they may have leap frogged our capability on sixth gen, it's hard to tell, but this is something we have to address. great power competition is something that president trump prioritizes. when he came in the first time, national defense policy was china, china, china, we'll see that the second time. they seem ahead of us in war ships. >> seem ahead of us in war
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ships and could be ahead of us in 6th gen. >> thank you. >> a mega millions player here in california closing out the year with the ultimate holiday prize last night. wins numbers for the staggering 1.2 billion dollar jackpot. after a three-month drought of no grand prize winners, the players can choose annual payouts or a one-time cash payout of nearly $550 million. a merry christmas for that player. >> i bought tickets, but i'm not going to look now. new york city officials reject an ice order to detain the illegal my grant accused of setting fire to a sleeping woman on a new york city subway. the latest on that story coming up. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? hashtag still not coughing?! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough,
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day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. big news for mahomes! i'm switching to iphone 16 pro at t-mobile! it's built for apple intelligence. that's like peanut butter on jelly... on gold. get four iphone 16 pro on us, plus four lines for $25 bucks. what a deal. ya'll giving it away too fast t-mobile, slow down.
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>> the sheriff for manatee county, florida says the home owner was in the right when he shot a suspect who later died thursday night. >> i praise this husband for doing what he needed to do to protect his home and family. if you're going to be that brazen to come into my home, you should expect you're going
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to be shot. >> the suspect was wanted for a parole violation in illinois where he had been convicted of another burglary, a survivor suspect is a migrant from chile who overstayed a work visa. anita: an illegal immigrant from guatemala has been charged in the death of a woman who was set on fire on a new york city subway train last weekend. police are also investigating an incident last night at penn station, where a man was found badly burned. cb cotton is live in new york with the latest on both stories. >> that man is in critical condition and like the woman killed almost a week ago, he appears to have been homeless. msa officers found the man in his 50's with burns to both legs and his upper body. the new york post says so far, investigators have not found evidence that someone else was involved. but according to the outlet's
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sources, the man told police he was asleep and woke up on fire. meanwhile, investigators are still working to identify the woman tragically torched to death on a brooklyn subway train. the brooklyn district attorney says they're making progress using advanced dna testing, and sebastian zapeta entered the country illegally, and deported and later reentered according to ice. the city corrections department has no plans to honor a new detention request. and the lawmakers are sounding off on the city's sanctuary laws. >> the city not cooperating with ice to deport people in this country illegally breaking havoc and committing crimes is outrageous. >> new york city mayor eric adams directed the n.y.p.d. to explore bringing federal
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charges against zapeta, but the brooklyn district attorney says any charges from a potential federal indictment would not necessarily strengthen the seend results and adding this. >> i think that this crime took place in new york city, in brooklyn and that the people of this county should serve on the jury. >> so we expect zapeta to appear back in court on january 7th where the indictment against him will be officially unsealed. back to you. anita: we'll see what happens with the federal charges, i believe the federal charges could carry the possibility of the death penalty. so we'll be following that. cb cotton, thank you for following that for us. griff. griff: anita long time cbs sportscaster greg gumble has died. he said he had family health issues and the family announcing that he died from
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cancer. he announced two super bowls and the first black announcer in the u.s. calling play by play of a sports championship. greg gumbel was 78. stians and. that christmas morning, wise men brought gifts from outside the holy land. but in this year of war, this holy land and her people are living in fear. many of the elderly are alone and suffering. like the wise men or wise women, would you open your heart and give a special holiday food box to someone here in israel this christmas hanukkah season? right now, the hardships in israel are felt by everyone.
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people like hanna who can't buy food, that is where the fellowship comes in. that's where the fellowship is called. to feed the hungry. happy hanukkah. through the international fellowship of christians and jews, your special holiday gift of just $25 can answer their prayers this hanukkah and christmas season. it's people like chaya that you can touch. please call, scan or go online now to help rush emergency food and healing to elderly jews and their christian neighbors struggling to rebuild their lives from the war. you are a christian. those words of isaiah that the spirit of the lord is upon you. you're bringing hope. you're bringing tomorrow to her and to so many others. what will happen when tens of millions of
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christians and millions of jews together, we make this holy day season holy indeed.
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>> the c.d.c. says the bird flu has mutated as a 65-year-old patient in louisiana is suffering the nation's first severe infection. the agency maintains that the risk of a widespread outbreak remains low. will the let's go to christina coleman for the latest on this. >> the c.d.c. says genetic analysis a mutation of the virus was discovered inside of the louisiana patient. the first human bird flu case ins 10 states, including
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california, michigan and texas. no evidence that the louisiana patient passed it to anyone else. and health analysis from the louisiana patient, the virus evolved in a way that can make it more transmissible to humans because it more easily binds to the cell receptors in the upper respiratory tract. >> flu mutates easily. eight places on a flu molecule where it can mutate. h-5 is the molecule where it attaches to the human or animal cells. that's never gone cell to cell. >> cough, trouble breathing, the louisiana patient who was hospitalized in critical condition, after coming in contact with a dead bird or with a back yard block. after working on dairy or poll tri farms.
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california had at least 650 dairy farms with cows infected with the bird flu more than any other state. >> i'm much more concerned about california than anywhere, california worries me because of the spread in cattle in california. that's absolutely unprecedented and that's why we have the level of alert here and we need to be vigilant. >> also, some house cats and at least 22 large cats in zoos and animal sanctuaries died after contracting the bird flu, again, the c.d.c. says the risk to the general public remains low. griff: christina coleman following that story for us. thank you. anita. anita: with a growing number of americans turning to weight loss drugs to shed the extra pounds, more and more employees are reportedly also asking for the drugs to be covered in their employee benefit plans. rebecca caster has the latest on this emerging trend. >> mashed potatoes and gravy
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and pie. >> as much as americans eat over the holiday gaining an average two to five pounds, an estimated 40 to 45% of us are planning to make dieting and weight loss a top new year's resolution. >> obviously, the weight loss drug trend is very, very big. >> with those ozempic, and companies including coverage for the drugs as part of the employee health plan. >> i know some want to lose weight and had a lot of friends that need help to get there and that's great for them. so i think that covering it under health insurance if that's something that's able, that's great, yeah. >> including ozempic or costly weight loss drugs and employee benefits can result in increased health care costs for employers. still, industry experts say a significant number of employees surveyed say they would consider changing jobs to access benefits, including weight loss drugs could play a
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big role in 2025 with retention. >> we will see a growing trend of people going to seek out benefits to cater to their individual needs not the blanket benefits we've soon the past decades. >> as more and more companies cover weight loss drugs and industry experts suggest reading the fine print and more caps and limits to cut down on costs. >> all right, for more on this, we're joined by fox news senior analyst dr. mark segall. we want to dig into ozempic, wegovy, the diet pill sort of revolution. it was a few years ago, no one heard of it and now everyone wants their hands on it, even elon musk, dr. segal, seems to
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give it a plug, christmas of him in a santa suit talking about ozempic santa. elsewhere in the incoming administration you've got rfk, jr. saying hold on just a second, that doesn't necessarily address the underlying cause of weight gain, which is sometimes the wrong foods we eat and the lack of possible exercise. how do you see it? >> it's possible, griff. good afternoon, to agree with both of these men. let me tell you why, i agree with rfk, jr. that we have a sick care system where we're obese, 47% of americans or more are obese and from the doctor's office, obesity leads to all kinds of problem, diabetes, blood pressure and i'll treat in the doctor's office and do anything to get my patients who are obese to shed pounds.
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and the way we eat, i think of food as medicine, a lot of the food we eat has sugar and fat and lures us into eating more. that's not going to work overnight. in the meantime, i need tools. one of the major tools that we need senior ozempic, wegovy and one with two hormones, mounjaro and that elon is pushing. i like that tool and i want insurance to cover that tool across the board. i want medicare to cover that, why? it's a preventive and it improves health. listen to this, debacterias, which is where this started, griff, don't make enough of these hormones in their gut after they eat, and by making more artificially, we lead to more insulin being produced and when insulin is produced we get the sugar out of your bloodstream and you lose weight and your sugar is better controlled. that's a good thing for short-term.
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griff: so, doctor, it seems like an important point you're making if i understand correctly for those of us thinking hey, my new year's resolution is to lose weight and using that as a tool, but the second part is a better diet and exercise? . i agree with both. the new year's resolution, exercise, eat better. talk to your doctor about these tools, ozempic or wegovy and the one of the headlines, i don't want this available on the street. i want everybody to have the right doctors guiding them on that and that also means getting insurance to cover it so there isn't a gray market here. do both. talk to your doctor what you can do in the short-term with the drugs and long-term, change your life style. griff: dr. segal, before we rupp out of time. i want to address the bombshell wall street article talking about the origins of covid and we had the former c.d.c.
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director red field on talking about what he thinks happened. listen here. >> i don't know the political reason why people aren't honest, but clearly the intelligence agency has been duplicitous in the coverup of the true origins of covid. griff: he sees it as a coverup by the intel community, president biden not fully briefed. what's your take? >> and i've interviewed dr. redfield about this, too, and he had access to high level classified information and i think that he's onto something here because the wall street journal report, griff, makes it look like there was a suppression of the narrative, that some intelligence communities, including the fbi, said hey, wait a minute, we think this could come from a lab and that information was suppressed and ralph barrack in north carolina who worked directly with that lab in wuhan said before the house this year, hey, they did a terrible job with safety measures. so, you had a lab in wuhan that was working on a bat
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coronavirus and they had safety violations and they were manipulating that virus. there's no way that that can be taken off the table here. griff: one day hopefully we'll get to the bottom to all of the truth in the name of transparency, pull the curtain back so america can know. doctor, thanks for taking the time and happy new year. >> happy new year, griff. great to be with you. griff: anita. anita: well, president-elect trump and california are drawing battle lines around electric cars. that debate is next. awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. now is the time to go back in time. and shine a light on the family journey that led to you. detailed dna results. inspiring family history memberships. now's the time to save at ancestry.
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>> i will sign day one orders to end all biden restrictions on energy production, terminate his insane electric vehicle mandate. anita: well, president-elect trump vowing to roll back the ev mandates setting up a battle
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with california governor gavin newsom over a rule every new car sold in his state musting electric by 2035. for more, let's bring in the president of browning auto group, matt browning. good of you to come in today on this. president biden recently signed a waiver helping to make sure that this ev mandate can go through in california. you owner nine dealerships in the state. what does this mean for you? >> so the waiver was originally signed by obama, rescinded by trump in his first term and then taken up again by biden and then they recently allowed the advanced clean air two car act to pass which allows california and 11 other states to have their own rules, so it's a bifurcated system with the epa in california. and what it means, it's a lack
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of choice for people in california and 11 other states and the mandate is impossible. anita: let's go ahead and put the map up of california and those 11 other states so our viewers can see where the ev mandates are happening. there you go, it's coast to coast, mostly on the west coast here. so you know, president trump is likely to push back on this and this whole issue could end up in the federal court system, but i want to take a look at what gavin newsom says about this. here is the post. naysayers like president-elect trump would side would the oil industries and consumers over automakers and california would foster new innovations in the market. matt, to your point, are these innovations that customers want? what do you see when customers come onto the lot? what percentage of them are looking for ev's versus fuel-powered cars? >> fair question. you know, we've seen in
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california, and california recently has been eclipsed by colorado as the number one ev state. what -- it's about 25% of the market and it has not grown much in the last year where now there is a lot more choice. in new york, which is actually, they have to follow this rule next year, where 20, 35% of their vehicles need to be sold as electric vehicles, that's-- they're at 11% right now. it's impossible, this is a national mandate that 11 states have taken up. it's just literally impossible. there is an ev market out there for sure and, but consumers want choice, as americans we want choice, and choice is being taken away by this ev mandate. anita: let's look at the market share. you mentioned that so let's go ahead and put the numbers up on the screen. the market share right now in, you know, 2025 -- well, approaching 2026 it's going to be 35% and then you see as we
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get to 2035, it's inching all the way up to 100%. this is in california. but like you said, not everyone -- not everyone wants an ev vehicle and one of the reasons people are skeptical is because of the time it takes to charge these cars. can you give us an idea? there are three level charges. level one and level two are somewhat accessible to the public, but level three is hard to find. how long does it take to charge these cars? >> level three charger with accessibility to one and the cost about it, that's at 25, 30 minute charge. level two chargers for an ev vehicle is 12 to 15 hour charge depending on range and the type of battery. level one, plug it into your wall socket and that could take forever. you imagine i was driving here today and go to pass the apartment buildings and where are people going to charge their vehicles? it's really going to be impossible. anita: and those people are
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charging them in their garage or home and taken 30 to 40 hours. >> yeah, it takes a long time. anita: takes a long time. matt browning, thank you for joining us today. appreciate it, best of luck to you and happy holidays. >> thanks for your time. anita: griff. griff: anita, the risk of strong tornados in the south are growing as millions are travelling this holiday weekend. where are delays expected? we'll tell you. that's next. c] i could make a custom pin ♪ ♪ watch the dog walker get in ♪ ♪ so ziggy won't complain ♪ ♪ ♪ when my in-law comes a-knockin' ♪ ♪ i can open, maybe lock it ♪ ♪ if my home just had a brain ♪ if you're living with dry amd, you may be at risk for developing geographic atrophy, or ga. ga can be unpredictable—and progress rapidly—leading to irreversible vision loss. now there's something you can do to... ♪ ( slow. it. down.) ♪ ♪ ( get it goin' slower.)♪ ask your doctor about izervay. ♪ (i. zer. vay.) ♪
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♪ ( gets ga goin' slower.) ♪ izervay is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection or active swelling in or around your eye. izervay can cause eye infection, retinal detachment, or increased risk of wet amd. izervay may temporarily increase eye pressure. do not drive or use machinery until vision has recovered after an eye injection or exam. izervay is proven to slow ga progression, which may help preserve vision longer. ♪ ( i. zer. vay.) ♪ ♪ (gets ga goin' slower.) ♪ so shift gears and get going. ask your doctor about izervay.
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>> dangerous storms have already hammered parts of the southern u.s. this week and now millions of people across the south face the risk of life threatening weather with an outbreak of tornados possible today. forecasters are urging millions of americans across the south, particularly in the areas where you see here, to keep their guard up this weekend. >> like you said, griff. americans are beginning their journey home after spending time with family and friends on vacation this holiday season, but weather could be one of the headaches for travelers with snow, rain, and ice making roads dangerous and of course, delaying flights. madison scarpino is at the hartsfield-jackson international in atlanta, are
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we seeing lots of delays in flights today? >> a decent amount of delays, but as you mentioned a lot of people are still staying out of town for the holidays, which means millions are going to be headed home this weekend. there's also people travelling for new year's, so, definitely expect the airports and roads to be hectic. now, the airports that are seeing the most issues right now are dallas here in atlanta and houston, but there are issues with flights nationwide. we're already seeing thousands of delays and over 170 cancellations across the country today. and we saw the same types of numbers yesterday. and a lot of these travel disruptions are because of severe storms. tornados ripped across parts of the south over the past few days. there were extreme winds and hail, and that weather is expected to continue this weekend. so, if you are flying, know that delays might continue but many travelers were prepared at this holiday season and are
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staying positive. listen. >> come early, we're going to have a great time sleeping at the gate and we won't be late. not as bad as i thought. i thought before the holidays, before christmas eve and day, i think it was a lot more busier then. >> so, here is a look at what's going on with traffic here in atlanta. triple-a says that out of the nearly 120 million people travelling this holiday season, most will be driving. so roads will likely be backed up across the country and that bad weather we have been talking about is already proving to be an issue with all of this as well causing several accidents in places like texas, so, if you are driving be extra vigilant and check the traffic ahead of time if you can. roads will likely be backed up until around 7 p.m. tonight. anita. anita: oh, boy, i hope that everyone travels safe out there and gets to where they need to go. madison scarpino, thank you so
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much for that live report. >> thank you. griff: before the new year's eve festivities takes over in times square. local visitors were invited to say goodbye to unpleasant memories of 2024, and they write down what they'd like to forget on a blackboard and wiping it away. they're doing it now. one more hour coming up.
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