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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 31, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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[applause] >> kat: thank you for having us. i am kat he is tyrus thank you for joining and happy new year! >> tyrus: happy new year! [applause]he ♪ ♪ f
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>> hello, everyone. happy new year! i am kennedy along with nicole... , charlie hurt, katie... , and tom schillue. 5:00 here in new york city and this is "the five". happy new year's eve, america. you so deserve this. we are hours away from giving 2024 a well-deserved kick in the keister and saying hello to 2025. so let's get our glasses on and to make noise with our beautiful noisemakere s and raise ourselvw because we are blasting into the new year with i freddie cannon full of fun topics. first uptime square is the place to be.e tohey,, how are you? unless you need to. t thenhe it is time to bust out te adult diaper, baby. about a million people will be packed intlio the area to watch' the ballve drop
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but here is the ticker pick -- kicker. if the rumors are true there arr no portable restrooms insight. and if -- if nature calls, as she always does, some folks would rather stand in a sake diaper thet n lose their spot. bucket list. a bucketful of on the way people are ready to party. check it out. >> we were trying to go while we were in line after that we know we would not be able to we have diapers just in case and pads. if it comes to that. i hope not we are not drinking anything but we will see. p >> 8:00 p.m. last night i have not had a sip of water. just for this ball drop. >> any a concerns about security tonight? >> absolutely not.use because i got what i wanted for christmas. this hat. this is my president right here this is my president, baby!s,
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>> but y if you enjoy access to bathrooms maybe get yourself the most expensive ticket inp times square to see the ball drop with your own eyeballs -- eyeballs. for the cool price of $7500 per person. that is $15,000 per couple. eight floor terrace access, a ball drop of you, buffet, desserts, and more importantly a fiveso hour open bar. howley somebody is integrating themselves into times square. dr. saphier? >> my question is they are showing they arethem having the diapers onem their backs they aren'tre wearing them how will they get them on?e >> kennedy: those ofsed the people in line so we see them line up in the building since 9:00 this morning. we'rod e a good few blocks away from times square maybe two full city blocks away. so what theys are hoping is that while they arey still in line they can sneak up to a public restroom. but once they get in the n which is what you see peopleca during the broadcast they can't goon
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from there. hopefully you have yourin depend on.g >> it will be cold.o. >> some people haven't been hydrating all day. >> they are doing this to themselves. just in case of renal failure. >> that is the doctor in you. i mean come on guys, not hydrating? at the end of the day i o think it is funny whatt they are doing but butto -- depriving themselves of water and standingay tout without westrick --me restrooms? sqi cannot do >> i think the best way to enjoy times square is as a broadcaster. >> or a broadcaster --ma of you are from home. >> that is what most are doing this year. >> i try really hardat anytime i see people to try to find something to relate to. i cannot relatf e to any of this. >> have you ever been inould times square on new year's eve? >> no i have not.f there are many things i think you should do ine your lifise that is not one of them. i in fact my goal in life is to go as long as possible before i have to start wearing
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diapers. >> would you rather wrestle an alligatork ng covered in o steak that's or hang out inua retimes square for 12 bits? >> without question i would take the alligator.>> w >> have you done it, katie? >> no. i actually admire the people who were doing thison. i amm losing my i amow so ready for the show. i admire these people for actually dedicatinglogood themselves. good for them. they areg ready to ring in the new year.s mo they have their gear. we and here we are moren comfortable but itco is fun to see people from foreign countries doing this. i think it is great. p lathe only worse place tos be in times square is the day after. do not go there tomorrow it is really bad. >> garbage? g >> they times square alliance you arear absolutely right. the second that ball drops, they are there with crews. it's an army of people -- >> do they wear hazmat suits? >> pretty much.
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a few flecks of confetti. other than that, it's venezuelan gang members. >> why can't we get the rest rooms? i mean, i try to research this. you know, people have said, well, red tape, red tape. every mayor in the city since i've been here, guliani, dinkins, bloomberg, they all pledged it. the current mayer says he's going to get the bathrooms. they can't get them in. people sue the city. >> maybe they will be nicer to donald trump. he knows people. >> bring them in. >> just what they did with the skating rink. he brought back the skating rink. everybody said it was impossible. we should put trump on the rest rooms room issue in new york city. >> consider it done. up next, hitting the gym more, meditating daily. oh, my goodness. or volunteering at the local orphanage. new year's resolutions are
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harder co keep than a bald guy's toupee on a windy day. research shows 9% of americans actually achieve their resolutions. so what are "the five"'s resolutions? do you believe them? >> i don't do resolutions. i can break promises to myself every day. why make a big deal? i don't like resolutions. puts pressure on you. like i don't like trends and fads. they're usually short-lived. now, this will sound silly. i do try every day of the year like what i can do? we all can be doing more. spending more time at home, out doors, social media. it's something that i do every day. i don't put pressure on myself for something big because we all know by the end of january, probably will forget about it. >> absolutely right. unless you have a short list that you keep in eye view every single day, i think it's a fool's errand. >> the poll that shows 9% of
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americans achieve it, 9% are liars. i'm not much of a resolution guy. but i can guarantee you anything i have made i probably didn't keep because why -- if you want to change something about your life, you change it, right? you don't have to wait till new year's eve to do that. >> i agree. you shouldn't be waiting for a magical moment. it doesn't happen. what about things like the idea of meditating? something you can go back to. you're not necessarily failing if you don't do it every minute of the day. >> the problem with resolutions it's like a shaming, you should be going to the gym more, you shouldn't be on your phone. think of something new and fun, it's great. i want to play tennis. i've been saying that for five years. >> they're joining the tour this year, right? >> to be on the tennis tour. resolutions are great if you're new and growing as a person. people break them because it's like the shaming thing.
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something that is wrong with you. >> that's a really good point. feels like the guilt is built in. >> do something new and expand your horizons. >> i learned margon and pickle ball. >> two new things. >> i like resolutions. i like doing -- >> what are your resolutions? >> dry january. i did it last year. >> doing it this year? >> i'm doing it this year. i have the halo app. so you commit to prayer and they have all of these different -- >> i like that. >> i like that during lent as well. i like the cold showers. >> i love that. i believer in that. >> breathing and breath holding. >> 4-7-8? breathe in four, hold it for seven counts and breathe out eight counts. you can go back to it
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constantly. finally while some folks are soiling themselves in times square, right outside, others will be ringing in the new year in more comfortable settings. the vast majority of americans actually stay home for few years eve. if you're doing that, you're doing it right. only 5% go out to a bar or restaurant to celebrate. are you part of the -- >> i always stay home excite tonight. i'm going to dinner with my husband. partying it up. i'll be in bed by 10:00. it's fine. we're still going out. >> something about falling asleep before midnight. >> i think that is a watershed moment in your life when you -- used to be i would go stay home. but then it becomes i don't even stay up. i just go to bed at regular time. >> are you doing anything tonight? >> i'm going home. >> good for you, charlie. i'll be lucky if i walk in my door and get to see my dogs before next year. >> you're sounding like a sour
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grapes. >> burning the christmas tree? sounds great. >> katie? are you staying home or are you -- >> i won't be home. i'll be embracing the new year. it's great to celebrate the next day. you don't have to worry about staying up late. if you been up a lot of nights like me -- >> you won't have to talk anymore. >> by 6:00 today, you won't have to say another word for a week. >> dare and bet. >> tom? what are you doing? >> i like to stay home. we'll get together with some friends tomorrow. yeah, i keep it quiet. in my younger days i liked to go out. you're single. you want to meet a gal or whatever. once your married, you don't need to go out. >> you don't have to look for the kiss when you're married. >> you can find it. just smack -- >> spend new year's eve with a cold shower. >> that's right. >> you're going to be a monk by
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april. >> i'm going dancing to live music. i'm excited about it. >> what shoes are you wear something. >> gold flats. >> are you going to wear glasses? >> yeah. >> is it like a domestic animal or -- >> wouldn't you like to know, nosy charlie? i'm not taking the dog. lemmy would love it. he would have his nose on the ground like a hoover looking for ham. don't go anywhere. there's more fun to come this new year's eve. coming up next, we'll say good-bye to the biggest political losers, sleepy joe and cackling kamala. that's next. ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance so i saved hundreds. with the money i saved i thought i'd get a wax figure of myself. cool right? look at this craftmanship. i mean they even got my nostrils right. it's just nice to know that years after
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i'm gone this guy will be standing the test of ti... he's melting! oh jeez... nooo... oh gaa... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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♪ >> charlie: will, 2024 was not a good year for democrats. look like it's about to get worse. kamala harris is on comeback and joe biden continues to nurse delusions. the outgoing president thinks he could have won in 2024 according to people familiar with biden's thinking. biden doesn't see that as a critique of harris' campaign of somehow. he has told people that he believes that as the man who stopped donald trump in 2020, he could have done it again. so while joe tries to salvage what is left of his legacy, they're pointing out how the warm fuzzy days of uncle joe are gone for democrats. >> i don't know what history will tell us, but i can tell you the american people have really lost all trust, faith and confidence in president biden. it really deteriorated with the
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pull-out in afghanistan where his whole image of being a kind, decent man just was destroyed in the way those service men that he's never really fully, you know, recognized or talked about, lost their lives in that. and went downhill from there. he's no longer viewed as uncle joe any more. >> kennedy: and things are no better for the salad queen. she's millions in debt. kamala harris is weighing her political future with an ex-adviser saying she's not out of the game just yesterday. >> i don't the world has seen the last of vice president kamala harris. i don't know how she will show up again but she's a young politician who garnered over 75 million votes in this election. she will be back. when it comes to donald trump and his presidency, people are like donald trump has bluster.
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we'll wait and see what he will do. >> charlie: so katie, my favorite line in the "wall street journal" story, biden doesn't see it as a critique of the harris campaign. he thinks he would have won. in other words, you're a loser and i'm not. >> katie: okay. he would have lost. he would have lost. his whole point when they were trying to push him out of the race, show me the polling that kamala harris can beat trump. they couldn't do that. they pushed him out anyway. he thinks he would have a better chance. they just couldn't answer why he left the race. in the next couple years, we'll see more detail about what actually led up to that process given that we don't flow exactly how that went down. let's not forget he posted a letter on x and we didn't hear from him for 24 hours, no confirmation.
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who put it out. we 80 just led to believe that three weeks after saying i'm not leaving and then he changed his mind and not pushed out. he would have lost at a higher level than kamala harris, which is saying a lot. >> charlie: remarkable. nicole, does kamala harris is a political future? >> nicole: we have to remember that she was rejected in 2019. the only reason we have continued to see her since then is because she checked boxes. it's not a surprise she lost the election. democrats rejected her first in 2019. republicans joined in the last election. talking about president biden, knowing when to bow out gracefully is the mic drop. we saw president biden. he stumbled down the tarmac as his exit. maybe he left after the mid-terms, bowed out and let the
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democrats have the new generation, maybe his legacy would have been preserved, whatever that would be. i have to agree. he no longer has that uncle joe moment. he's grumpy grandpa. it's been the demise mentally and physically and also afghanistan. i don't think history will look positive on him. >> he's starting a diaper trend intimes square. kennedy, exit polling has -- as they have recalibrated and figured out how wrong the polling was, exit polling shows that perhaps the only time in the history of polling in america, there's more republicans, self-described republicans than democrats. that's with the media on their side. what does that tell you? >> it tells me that people are hurting and the government that has been in place is not working for them. the beautiful thing about this country is people can make a change. they can do it collectively, do
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it individually. when the economy feels down for individuals, the trends tend to be kicking the people the hell out of office that won't admit that the economy is bad. you know, really scolding people for complaining that they can no longer afford things. joe biden isn't the man that he was in 2020. joe biden is essentially a vegetable. you know, shame on him and shame on his handlers for allowing him to get to this point where this is how he will be remembered. and you know what? maybe history will look on him kindly. jimmy carter, god rest his soul, was a horrible president. now as people are talking about him, they're saying wonderful things about him. and joe biden, unless there's a miracle of science, he doesn't have time on his side. he doesn't have decades toe rebuild his image and quinn a
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nobel peace prize. so i think what you see is what you're going to get for quite some time. i think that he would have done better than kamala harris. i don't think he would have beat donald trump. he won have won one battleground state and i think there's enough democrats that are disgusted by the way he was kicked out of the race that they still would have remained loyal enough to him to vote for him. >> charlie: or could have tried not to rig their own primary and let the voters decide. today we saw video of president biden leaving st. croix to go to his beach house in delaware. he's been on vacation 575 days of his presidency. that's 40% of his presidency. would you take a job if you got 40% paid vacation? >> tom: i might. he's going from one beach house to the other. >> charlie: think about the cold showers you could take. >> tom: people familiar with joe
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biden's thinking, who are these people that are familiar with his thinking? is there a roomful of these people? do the editors have them on speed dial? >> charlie: i think you play be the only person. when you to your impersonation, i can't tell the difference. >> tom: i tried. for kamala, if i could give her advice, i would tell her -- i think she has some future. i don't know what it is. i don't think it's in electoral politics. i don't think voters like her. i'd say don't do anything close to electoral politics. she should take a page from al gore, maybe produce a document documentary. >> charlie: grow a beard. drive across the country. >> tom: if she had something. act like the obamas. she was in the white house. acted like you're the former vice president. you can go around the world,
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produce films, get a netflix deal. people will love her. don't run for office again. >> katie: her whole career is failing. maybe she should do that. >> kennedy: i think californians have been so abused? i don't know that they would do that. >> katie: we'll see. >> tom: maybe. >> charlie: okay. ahead, professional trump haters like don lemon are ending the year on a sour note. ♪ your parents have given you some amazing gifts, but what about the inherited ones? celebrate them with ancestrydna, the simple test that shows your deep family roots, from your mom's side and your dad's side, with some serious detail, trace the journeys and history that shaped who you are today, and see the traits they passed down. your connections to the past are all waiting.
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when our country needed you, you answered the call. you took the oath. you served. and you sacrificed to defend our great country. visiting angels knows veterans. you are the heroes among us. and we are honored to serve you. ♪ visiting angels america's choice in home care ♪ ♪ >> nicole: 2024 was a total disaster for the trump hateders and the media. they were sure as day that the president-elect would crash and burn in the november election. boy, were they wrong. instead of admitting how wrong they were, now they're bitterly
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lashing out at maga voters. take a watch. >> you're so [bleep] stupid and you deserve it. you [bleep] deserve it. you're so dumb. yes, i'm gloating over your stupidity. >> the guy with the ged and his fake oakley sunglasses, goatee and pickup truck, the universal twitter bro that you see in every avatar on twitter, that guy is thinking to himself, i could have been the senior in software designer at google if it wasn't for dei or immigration. >> all those maga readers out there, maga readers, notice the contradiction, would pick up "the washington post" and have more readers what is the logical fallacy here? yes, reader. >> nicole: they couldn't be more out of step with the american people that can't wait for 45 to become 47. according to a new poll, a majority of americans, 57%, say they're more hopeful about 2025
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than 2024. among those that say they were hopeful about 25, the top run is that donald trump will be president. kennedy, watching don lemon, media golden boy that went from golden boy to wet towel like faster than you can say breaking news, is he a victim of trump dearrangement or what? >> kennedy: yeah, i feel -- it's like the arbiter of intellectual academic thought, don lemon. you're dumb and you're stupid. you're so stupid and you deserve it. voters are like yeah, i know. we do deserve it. thank you. we deserve lower taxes and to make jokes again. so we're all kind of happy about that. you look at people like rick wilson and don lemon and jennifer rubin and they are leftist elites. that's what the democratic party has become.
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they're so out of touch with american people, particularly american workers. they think that, you know, their narrow vision of how the country should be should be shoved down people's throats because at least don lemon is saying what he believes out lied. they think people are dumb. they think they're better than everybody else and that's why democrats lost. >> nicole: charlie, you talk about the voice of the media. how can you trust the media at this point? if we were to watch rubin longer, she says she's not political. she's just factual. she wrote an entire book in 2021 about trying to defeat donald trump. >> charlie: what is funny about people like jennifer rubin, these people were not influential before 2016. all trump has done is exposed the fact that not only was nobody listening to these people but they had absolutely no idea what most americans believed. as kennedy points out, especially working people, no concept whatsoever. i really think that that number
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you highlighted, that 57% hopeful, this goes back to what you just said, most americans are not as partisan as these people would like to believe. they -- you know, they're not -- politics isn't the first thing that they think about. they're just looking for a reason to be hopeful about next year. it turns out that president trump embraced all the policies that makes him more hopeful. joe biden embraced none of them. and kamala harris. embraced none of them. >> nicole: them, it was very clear that they were out of touch with the american people throughout the last even just the entire election cycle. what i have a problem with is when you saw biden and his gritted teeth and he was talking about carter after he died and when it was asked about comparison trump to it. he's like trump can learn decency. decency? look what they said about republicans. what about about trash, weird,
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deplorables, every name that they continue to call republicans? who is being decent and who is not here? >> tom: it's never been the case. guys like rick wilson and people in the political strategist world, they were never dignified, but they thought that was their business. we're in the trenches and we talk dirty and everything. the candidates, we put them out there and present this phony persona for people to vote for. trump destroyed that. there's a discussion on twitter this morning about whether trump had a landslide or not. you know, well, it wasn't quit a landslide. you can't talk in planetary earth-based analogies when it comes to trump. think of outer space. like the solar system. trump came in like another planet. he sent these people out of their orbit flying off in to space. but then you have people like rick wilson and you have jennifer rubin and don lemon. they are just orbiting around
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the trump planet and they stay there. they're like the birds feeding off the rhino, just eating the bugs. you know, trump has created entirely new economies of thought. they will stay obsessed with trump. other people like mitt romney, they went off in to orbit. they're gone. we'll never seen them again. it's amazing. the people. they won't give up on trump. so yeah, it was more than a landslide. it was a total shift in the universe. >> nicole: katie, one of the reasons that donald trump won is he used the media effectively. he went on the podcasts. unfortunately for the other channels, they have continued to stick with the mainstream media talking points and they will lose viewers. >> katie: these people are unhinged. while they accuse maga of being uneducated, not knowing how to read, they're making the most shallow arguments about why donald trump is bad for the country. it shows that they're losing control. they're losing control of the
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narrative and people understanding when they watch them and what they say, that any normal person sees that and is like i'm going the other way. one of the biggest myths about donald trump, that he's a far right fascist. actually he's pretty middle of the road on a lot of issue. he leans to the right where most of the country is. that is where the democrats are losing. they're panicking over that. they don't know how to get it back. >> nicole: it was a race to see who would go more moderate first. donald trump took that. all right. coming up ahead, good riddence to the woke in 2025. did president trump kill it? more next. ♪
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>> katie: has woke finally gone broke. >> donald trump's resounding victory in november might have been the final nail in the coffin for identity politics. this fox business headline asks, is 2024 the year that dei fell apart? politco is saying farewell. they said dei politics are going through an extinction event. you're seeing universities and the florida board of governors and everywhere in between getting rid of it. >> charlie: it's not that its collapsing now. it never took hold in america now anyplace. it's extra amazing that it w was -- it took hold based on universities, higher education. the media bought into it as well. it's totally racist. so good riddance to it. corporations followed along because corporations are stupid. they don't want to upset
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anything. but it really does show that no matter how absurd the lie, you can get people to believe the most ridiculous lies. pedalling racism as some sort of moral virtue, you can pedal it to people. >> katie: dr. saphier, american airlines also got rid of this in their program. people started hearing oh, they're choosing my people on who they are? med schools also did this. how do you feel about them getting rid of this? >> nicole: my son is a pilot and i went to med school. and dei is in every form of our society. we've had to do modules about dei and things that are another thing that we have to do that contributes to the administrative burden that drives physicians and everybody out of healthcare. these dei policies were intentional to do away with
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ameri americatocracy in the united states. it's not about the best scores or research or better with patients, it's checking the boxes, race, where they came from. it inserts a level of racism in it. it's no surprise that they're doing away with that. the pendulum has swung so far to the left, telling children to cut off body parts, saying men can have babies and breast feed. we had to right the wrong. we're finally making some progress there. we have a long way to go. >> katie: kennedy, there's a grass-roots push about it. >> kennedy: we've seen it with harley-davidson and bud wiser. what is surprising is the companies that fell for it. now they have to do a quick turn around because the programs have been publicized and fallen out of favor. walmart is dismantling their dei program. tom and i were talking about
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this last night. costco is one of the few companies where the bored of directors is begging the shareholders to keep their dei program in place. but they'll look at their customer base and say absolutely not. it's not made the country better. it's made people more divided. when you're forcing people to look at each other there's a racial lens, you are naturally dividing them. it no longer feels good. it feels wrong. that's a big part of this election has been a cultural course correction. because people want to be happy with their neighbors. people want to go in introduce themselves and want to be excited when they hear the national anthem at a football game. i hope we can get back to it so we're not just hyper obsessed with how we look at define ourselves and our politics by that. but truly getting to know one another as individuals and getting past something that also
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was really imposed upon us during covid. >> katie: right. the corporations also don't want to get sued. people are finding out it's illegal, these programs. tom, what about a new golden age of comedy now that dei might be gone? >> tom: i'm not so positive as every win else is. i think they're going to change the names of these things. they're determined to keep it around. >> right now there's people that are majoring in dei. the entire plan was to get this army of people out there and continue this whole thing. they're going to hunker down. they're still at these companies. the dei departments are in american companies and universities. i think they're just going to stop publicizing it, stop seeing so much of the stuff from big major retailers and things like that. i think they're going to change the buzz words and keep at it, which is why i think the trump administration shouldn't go soft on this. they should prosecute.
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they should find out where people are engaging in illegal behavior and go after these people that is something that -- gutfeld tweeted that the other day. we have to see a new era where these people have to use the laws of this country to go after it. that's what you need to do. yot rest on your laurels and say it's over. >> katie: violates a very basic principle of america. no discrimination. the trump dance and the top viral moments of the year are next. ♪ narrator: ontario, canada, your third-largest trading partner and number one export destination for 17 states. our economic partnership keeps millions of americans working. we're here, right by your side. [title: ontario, canada] [title:] [title: paid for by the government of ontario] here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein,
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improve weight management, and support blood sugar for powerful, effective results. rush to walmart and find force factor ultra berberine.
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♪ >> tom: welcome back. time for the most viral moments of the year. the trump dance exploding in popularity after the president-elect's big victory. everybody and their mom was grooving to it. he even took the sports world by storm. also, how about this? australian break dancer ragon launching a million memes after flopping around the summer olympic stage like a drunk seal. and 2024 was also the year that everybody fell in love with moodang, the baby pygmy hippo,
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becoming a global sensation. for more viral moments, you can tune in to who will forget tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. i'm on that show wrapping up the year. it's a lot of fun. kennedy, what was your favorite viral moment of the year? >> katie: i had to be moodang. i dress i'd my dog for her as my pet contest. i told the judges her name was moodang. now we have our own moodang. i did it as one more thing at the richmond zoo. you have a baby pygmy hippo, people can name it now. the name in time means bouncy pig. >> tom: a pygmy hippo is different. it's a special kind of hippo. i don't know all about them. but -- >> charlie: they're less dangerous. >> nicole: nothing cute about them.
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>> kennedy: that guy can't eat you. >> tom: yours, charlie -- >> charlie: i have to say, i'm not a viral moment kind of guy. but generally i do not like viral things. i liked all three of them. i love moodeng. i love raygun. i inspire to dances like her. >> tom: was she as bad? >> kennedy: yes. worse. >> tom: really? >> charlie: comes a point when you're so bad, you become good at it. she created something new. my favorite of course is the trump dance. you know, the voters coming out of the polling booth doing the dance after -- the entire family voted for him, that was beyond thrilling, which is why i'm wearing this had. >> tom: it's amazing, for all the things that trump has become famous for, took a long time for this -- 2016, he wasn't -- he was not famous for the dance. maybe he would do a little bit of it, but it just -- really took off this time around. >> charlie: it's amazing he's
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still reinventing himself. this is why democrats so despite donald trump. because donald trump is not just good at culture, he's become culture. they can't control it. it freaks them out. >> tom: that's right. doctor, your favorite moment? >> nicole: i enjoy the trump dance. i'm rejecting all three. i have to -- >> tom: what? >> nicole: fight, fight, fight. that's it for me. that's the moment. that's my choice. >> katie: that was a good one. >> tom: it's its own dance, a dance of victory. katie, can we get you to to this? >> katie: i like the pygmy hippo but i'm going to do it. >> tom: doing the trump dance. is it the floss that he's doing? it's a little floss dance. >> nicole: a little bit. >> tom: that's it. one more thing is up next. ♪ if you have heart failure or chronic kidney disease,
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♪ ♪ >> well, it's now time for one more thing .re i will t go first. this is so much fun. thank you. a dandd in england tried his sus virtual reality headset and went a little too far, got a little too close for comfort. and he toppled arse over tea kettle right into the old tellyn but hopefully he's better. great spokesperson for home bargains. he got a banging deal on a new tv t. that's one way to upgrade your set. >> i've done that without the goggles. just plain ol' regular day canne run into the tv. >> i love when people touch the tv when their football team -- >> anger management is less expensive. this morning on "fox & friends" we had funfox learning how to e her champagne. take a look at this. >> you get the bottle of
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champagne, find the seam, and slide. you have to hit the knob there.f flattelan your blade.r go forbl it. you got it. there you go. >> first try, pretty cool. the origins are tied to napoleon bonaparte during the french revolution. a little history. >> how many bottles did you drink?>> c >> nun. >> is that why you lost yourlo voice? you gostt so drunk? >> charlie, what is your one more thing, dear? >> speaking of viral things, you know the gende r reveal things, the craze that's really annoying? check out this family's toddlere getting xca little too excited d popping the gender reveal balloon way ahead of schedule. >> i love it! >> the noise scares the toddler, the sister is upset she ruins his surprise, and i begin to realize now he has four daughters.abou >> beautiful. >> that's great.f th
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>> how about this one? after 20 years with the new york city policedepa depart, officer julissa rivera decided to take a leap of faith, literally. she jumped off of tombstone rock in utah to kick ofayf retirement at a big way. on the way down, you can't hear it, but she swore like kennedy and the green room. >> and the red room. all right, dr. nicole?. >> i like dash the corgi playing piano in central park. i wish i was there to see him. i would stop by and give him a little kibble. i'd like to see maybe a bow tieb on next time, maybe a little more flair. >> he does not have 15 pieces of flair, you're right.enne beautifully done. happy new year, everyone.r that's it fousr us. have a wonderful night, whatever you do. watch fox news all night long. happy new year! >> jimmy: jimmy failla wishing you a happy new year, america.


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