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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 1, 2025 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ ♪ three little birds ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> joey: right into a fox news alert. fbi taking lead after new year tragedy unfolds in new orleans. >> griff: 10 dead and 30 hospitalized including two police officers after a man piled his truck through a crowd of people celebrating the start of 2025. >> alexis joins us with what we know so far. >> you guys were watching what was going on and so was everybody waking up in new orleans. there may be more questions than answers as they wake up in 2025. new orleans police confirmed fbi will take over this investigation and pull up the video. live camera there from the crew describing chaotic situation. i don't know if you have been to this area bourbon street, it is packed for every event, especially for what was going on new year's. this happened 3:00 in the morning. starting mass casualty
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situation. 10 killed and 30 injured when someone drove their car into that crowd on bourbon street in new orleans. there have been conflicting reports from police on what happened. is it a terrorist attack? is it not? breaking news is breaking news, they are trying to figure out as quickly as they can. sometimes more questions are left for people. they are trying to figure out. we have a statement from the governor, if we want to pull it up on the screen. people are trying to figure out what is going on in new orleans. governor saying horrific act of violence on bourbon street early this morning, please join sharon and i praying for all on the scene. i urge all to aavoid the area. they don't know what else could be around there. i'm sure we'll hear throughout
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the day from professionals and people trying to figure out what is going on, including the fbi, who took over. here is what the police had to say, watch. >> what i can tell you is this man, this perpetrator fired on our officers. from his vehicle when he crashed his vehicle. two of our officers have been shot. they are stable. he was hell bent on creating carnage and damage. >> i think you now, i do when i go to big event for work or for fun, you worry about something like this happening. we saw what happened earlyir -- earlier in germany at a christmas market. people are wondering can you let your guard down. that is why we see so many police. last night dump trucks were
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blocking the areas. we'll wait to see what protocol happened here. duncan, special agent in the new orleans field office did speak and said officials were investigating discovery of at least one suspected improvised explosive device at the scene. we'll figure out what else they find. they will update at possible 11:00 a.m. local there. they will hopefully have more. i'm sure people who have friends and family visiting want updates. >> griff: reach out if you can find out the first words out of the mayor, the city has been impacted by terror attack and first word out of fbi special agent in charge from duncan, this is not terrorism. anyone that lives there or has
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family there is trying to assess what sort of threat may persist for things like the sugar bowls later. al thank you very much. bring in former fbi agent nicole p parker. thank you for waking up with us on new year's day. you are seeing the news unfold and we're trying to parse and make sense of the conflicting messages coming from the mayor calling it a terror attack and the now fbi specialing agent in charge duncan saying it was not. >> griff, thank you for having me join. what a horrible tragedy. waking up with hope for 2025, i was out running and got a text message from fox asking if i could join and we're discussing another tragedy in our country.
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i agree, that press conference was not good. you cannot send a conflicting message out and give them assurance everything was okay, that is confusing. you have someone from police saying terrorism and fbi saying it is not terrorism but there were ieds involved. my gut instinct, this is terrorism. the fbi is taking over for a reason. there will be a lot of information come out. i know individuals on the ground there now. this is very serious. this is the real deal. they're going to do a full and thorough investigation. at this point, that is all i can tell you, this is the real deal. you will get more information coming soon. likely involves -- i think there
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is foreign terrorist organization groups involved backing this. there have been other things that have occurred in other countries similar in nature. there are people that hate america, hate our freedoms and what we stand for. this is a time when people are celebrating new year's, this issive 22, people have hope. like you said, big bowl game going on, people are coming together and this person was hell bent is causing destruction and chaos. the fact the fbi said it is not terrorism, i am not the spokesperson for the fbi, i am a former agent, i would strongly disagree with that statement and i believe it is terrorism. the fact fbi is taking over is a strong indication and based on information i have, this is a real deal and serious. >> nicole, this is nicole, chief kirkpatrick said they spoke to
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the white house and fbi will take over the investigation and then special agent duncan came out and said this is not a terrorism event, i feel like she was eluding to at thisim too. what would it take to declare this a terrorist event? maybe they are waiting for confirmation. what are they waiting for to give it that classification? >> rights, there have been instances i respond to and it could go either way, with local or feds. any time there is sign of something like isis, that goes to fbi. so anything that is declared or appears to be terrorist related whether it is or is not, if there are indications it could be, that will automatically go to the fbi. fact it is going to fbi is a strong indication of what is going on right now. again, i have sources that this
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is a terrorist event. >> joey: nicole, you have said things and have not said it together, you have people there, sources. you strongly believe this is a terrorist attack and you said potentially foreign actors inv involved similar to instances that have happened. if we take that face value, two out of three people called it a terrorist attack, we deduce the special agent in charge misspoke? if that were the case, is there own onus by the fbi to clear that up? they have to know fox and other networks are talking about this. is there someone in charge that will say let's go back and clear this up real quick. >> i agree with your statement. i left the fbi for a reason, unfo
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unfortunately, i can't explain what they did. i no longer work there. i can tell you that they're probably being very careful to make certain statements publicly because they want to make sure they have their ducks in a row and i respect that. when you have people from different law enforcement agencies giving different information that is never a good thing for the american people. they deserve transparency. i will leave it at that. i hope the fbi would clarify as quickly as they possible can. there does seem to be confusion and that is never a good thing. like alexis mentioned, when things break out there always is chaos. i workeds violent crime at fbi, when something breaks, it is go, go, go, go, and all hands on deck and get organized. maybe that is what that was.
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i would like you to know and viewers to know sadly and tragically, this does appear it wasn't just like someone drunk and drove their car into a crowd. this does appear to be intentional, probably well planned out, probably be didn't come up with this idea today. probably planned this out several days in advance, maybe more. this is a hot spot where people celebrate and those that commit terrorist actses, their goal is to create chaos, fear, havoc, death and distr destruction. >> you mentioned a hot spot, this is still ongoing. new orleans emergency prepared ness homeland security office twee tweeting because this is an active scene we urge residents to stay off bourbon and canal
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st street. they are concerned about what may still exist and walk us through maybe some of their concerns as people start to wake up in new orleans, what might be further concerns that they are being so careful about? >> right employs duncan mentioned ieds, that is a serious concern. they need to do -- this is a very active investigation, stay out of the area. they have to have all the space they need. this is a crime scene and they need everyone to stay away and fact there could be other ieds mentioned, they need to do major sweeps of the area. active crime scene in and of itself stay away from the area. i know that is not reassuring to
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tourists, your safety is first. i guarantee they'll evacuate the area in that surrounding immediate area. there is going to be a lot they have to do. this is i truly believe an act of terrorism and needs to be treated as such and this is all hands on deck matter and tragic this is how we're starting 2025 in america. >> 10 dead, two officers shot. eight blocksey don't want anybody coming, possible explosive device. we have the sugar bowl later today, what do you think the fbi will do in preparation for that? should people be concerned? >> it fbi has been preparing for the sugar bowl. i was an fbi agent in miami, we have the orange bowl and big events, the super bowl.
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those are things the fbi prep list in advance and are prepping with local counterparts, local, state and federal, all hands on deck. when this happens, this is type of thing they try to mitigate threat that this could occur. the tragedy has already occurred, i'm not saying they couldn't continue to reek havoc on other venue us, i hope and py the worst is behind new orleans. you are right, fbi works with local, state and federal counterparts for large events like a bowl game. e a lot of preparation goes into it. sadly, this event occurred. one thing i noted from one of the police chiefs, this person went around the barricade. they set up barricades to
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mitigate risk. this person went around that, this was a planned out, well orchestrated event and it is very awful and i -- it is stunning to me here we are, new year's day. it is not that stunning because in fbi and law enforcement, we know the large events, they target large events because there are lots of people and they want to harm as many people as possible. it is not shocking. >> joey: highlights fact with all efforts thwartsed everyday, we are still vulnerable and people can harm us. nicole parker, thank you for joining us and giving us your expertise. >> joey: bring in alexis mcadams with an update. >> we were going back through
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the press conference looking back at what the mayor started with and the fbi said and other law enforcement officials being briefed as this is happening in real time. we know there are 10 people dead. 10 people killed in new orleans, near bourbon street, at least 30 others injured and that could rise. they are at half a dozen local hospitals dealing with this major situation, a mass casualty situation. pull up this sound bite from the police. listen. >> this event started about 3:15. it did involve a man driving a truck down bourbon street at a very fast pace, it was intentional behavior. this man was trying to run over as many people as he possible could. it was not a dui situation. this is more complex and serious
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based on information we have right now. >> talking about how busy it is in new orleans and specifically this area, this is the bowl game today, allstate sugar bowl between georgia and notre dame. people are staying along there at bourbon street and canal. there was supposed to be a big parade happening for universities because it is exciting about the bowl game. they will have to change plans and get everybody away from there. this is an active investigation. imagine waking up in 2025 and hearing about this if you are in the area, i am sure people are nervous about what is next. gr >> griff: continue to find more information and bring to us as it unfolds. thank you. bring in sergeant joseph trees, founder of blue lives matter,
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joins us on the phone. joe, what do you make of this tragic, horrific news uven folding on your screen 10 dead, i 30 30 hurt, and we're trying learn more. the fbi agent in charge saying it is not a terrorist attack empl. >> joey will agree, they have determine if this is domestic terrorism, it will be some form of terrorism, may not be typical taliban but it is something that is not normal. this situation reminds me of a few short years ago, october 31, 2017, an individual caused terrorist attack by renting a home depot truck in new york city killing multiple individuals from a aarj /* /*
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argentina. i was on that scene. you have to respect the families of the people killed, that is number one. it is difficult to go identify who these people are one by one. correct way, be able to reach out to the family to notify them. one thing i did not like, they came onboard and said exact hospitals the individuals went to. i would have said we have certain individuals injured. god forbid this is something more, you don't want something happening at a hospital causing more problems or media bombarding the hospitals. they spoke about possible a secondary device. the officers have to do video canvas to see where this vehicle came from, what were his actions, how many individuals were injured, there may be more
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people come out of the woodwork later on. when he got out like in new york city, that individual had two fake firearms. they will have to track the background of the individual and freeze locations to do emergency search be warrants to see if there are more devices. were there other people in on it? this will be an extensive investigation. >> joseph, you heard superintendent kirkpatrick say there were 300 police there at the event managing crowd and providing safety and security. after the gentleman drove fast and hit as many people as he can. he started firing on police officers hitting two of them, thankfully they are in stable condition. what do you make on that?
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>> god bles the officers, if true, that is incredible to begin with. bullets flying, having innocent bystanders get struck is a big deal. these officers jumped into action, they are heroes and saved lives. to know there was not an officer killed during this, we have to acknowledge the 10 individuals who lost their lives and those injured. there could be people getting limb limbs amputated. less is more, you do not want to give false information. you do not want to give people on holiday like this or too afraid. give them just enough but give them exact accurate information. if they have to hold a press conference, hold it every four
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to six hours and give correct information. >> joey: we are sitting here discussing was this terrorist attack or wasn't it? last interview, nicole parker, former fbi agent said she had sources to lead her to believe it was. there was clear language from assistant special agent, this is not a terrorist event. fbi has protocol, is there anyone within the police or leadership of the city of new orleans who saw that and said we need to go back to the microphone now and clear this up. if you are not sure if it is a terrorist attack, what do you mean by go have a good time versus stay away, other conflicting statements made. >> i think they should not have mentioned anything. but when fbi gets involved it
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could, not definite, but could be more than an average investigation. they will want to rule it out if it is or isn't. my personal opinion, they should not have gone that direction during that press conference. >> griff: joe, thank you for it is getting up early on this new year's day for thissige tra. we'll bring more on this story after a quick break. we're learning more, the white house, president biden has been briefed, we'll bring you more as we get it. stick with us here on the fox news channel. 's dayquil plus a rush of vicks vapors. ♪vapocooooool♪ woah. dayquil vapocool. the vaporizing daytime, coughing, aching, stuffy head, power through your day, medicine.
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he was hit by police or if this was self-inflicted gunshot wound. the sun is up, crime scene tape is up. this will is bourbon st. and canal street, this is a busy area. people in town for sugar bowl, thousands of people heard this from police. listen. >> what i can tell you is this man, this perpetrator fired on our officers from his vehicle when he crashed his vehicle. two officers have been shot. they are stable. he was hell bent is creating carnage and damage. >> officers were arriving because of what was happening. they had all hands on deck like they did last night in new york city for the ball park drop.
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these take months to prep for, they are used to big events. officers were wounded, we'll see there injuries are. griff, you mepntioned this, president biden was briefed on this event. fbi is on the ground. white house knows about it, local law enforcement, state, local, everybody is involved at this point. >> griff: alexis, great work, bring us details as you get it. >> the man who plowed down the street killing 10, injuring 30 have dead. two officers have been shot, they are in stable condition according to the superintendent. that man is dead, whether self-inflicted or fire from police, we don't know yet.
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>> griff: bring in ed davis who led the boston marathon bombings. as a reporter, i remember covering you during the bofston bombings. we had a long stretch monday through thursday, there was little information but you continued to keeps us informed. there is conflicting messages over the mayor saying this was terror and the special agent saying it is not. what is your reaction and if it were terrorist nature what would be your concerns and thoughts at this moment? >> good morning. this is another terrible instance, it brings back 10 years ago.
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the critical mission for the police and prosecutors is to keep people informed. there are thousands, tens of thousands of people in the city about to go to the bowl game later today. they are uncertain and terrified. you want to give them as much information as you can. this has been a confusing morning. it is great information is leaking that the suspect has been killed and no longer a threat, that is a big component, but that did not come during the initial news conference. that is crucial piece of information that should have been you out there. it is confusing that they say the fbi stepped in, but there is no nexus to terrorism, those are conflicting statements. fbi has to come in on a federal case, there has to be a nexus, a
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connection to a federal crime. what kind of crime is this? are they just assisting state prosecution? that is unusual. this might be a case of the fbi chain of command not officially declaring this terrorism event. we ran into that in the marathon investigation. it took several hours to run fact pattern through the justice department and bureau to decide if they would take it over as a terrorist case. >> griff: follow-up, ed, specifically when you got the two brothers, we had a fuller picture. i'm struck that he woo didn't get any information particularly from the special agent if she's on the lead of whether or not this was isolated to this one individual we confirmed is dead
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or could others be involved in this. >> right, i can tell you from experience, when there is improvised explosive involved, that requires a level ofs expertise. there was a device on scene that may in fact be explosive does open the question as to whether or not this is a lone actor or even -- i don't want to enflame fear, keep option open there may be continuing threat in a situation like this. sometimes there are cells of people. this is something that points out how important it is to communicate with the public in early hours of an instance like this. >> joey: it is hard to get over the fact it felt like the fbi special agent was in a different press conference. you had police commissioner come
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out and say go on about your day and enjoy the festivities and i understand protocol when it comes to ieds, my question is on this point of a current threat ongoing threat ieds can be anywhere, do you feel there is some responsibility on behalf of the city or fbi to come back to the microphone and immediately or sooner rather than later and give people more information? >> something like this, in fairness to people involved, there is -- happening right now, you are getting information you are not certain of. the chief said on my way down here, i found you out about more victims at different hospitals. this is an unfold ing incident
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and there is partnership of two big agencies. i work with new orleans police department, they are big complex organization that handle eare normous amount of crime day in and day out and you have fbi coming in who also have their own protocol and chain of command. the fact that assistant special agent said something that might not be completely logical is not surprising at this juncture. it is up to everyone to pull it together, get experts on communication to the table and get valid information out there so people know how to conduct themselves today. >> griff: ed davis, thank you for taking time. >> thank you. >> griff: we'll bring you more on this story after a quick break, keep it here on fox news channel.
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>> griff: we can now confirm the suspect in the tragic new year's attack on new orleans is dead. police say he plowed into a crowd, exited his vehicle, fired into the crowd, exchanged gunfire with police, who fired back. the suspect is dead, unclear if he was hit by police or killed himself. we know 10 innocent people lost their lives and 30 hospitalized. >> and two police officers shot. this happened on bourbon street with new year's celebration and sugar bowl taking place later today. >> joey: there is a huge police presence at the scene. officials are trying to figure
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out the exact motive. >> we had this event started at about 3:15, it did involve a man driving a truck down bourbon street at a very fast pace, it was incontinuational behavior. this man was trying to run over as many people as he possible could. it was not a dui situation. this is more complex and more serious based on information we have right now. >> griff: governor know landry posting to x, horrific act took place on bourbon street this morning, please join sharon and i praying for victims and first responders on scene, i urge all to avoid the area. >> louisiana senator bill kaside posting, so tragic, give thanks to police officers responding, remember the wounded, dead and
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their families. >> joey: let's bring in a retired navy seal officer. you have seen him on this show and this network plenty times, a former navy seal commander. jocko, thank you for joining us. i wanted to ask you, i described earlier nature of a complex ambush and we get details and find out this person drove into a crowd and started firing and there is threat of ied. your reaction tells you how preplanned this may be? >> yeah, it is horrible to see and i'm hearing debate about whether this is terrorist attack or not, i don't know definition, this is demonic attack. this is horrific reminder there is evil and darkness in the world and we have to be awear
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and instrument people can use to implement evil can be vehicle, firearm, ieds, evil people execute these things we have to be on constant guard for. >> jocko, we have more questions than answers. mayor saying this was a terrorist event, superintendent saying this was intention al, ad special agent duncan in charge of fbi overseeing this said this is not a terrorist event. we have so many questions, who is this individual, we confirmed he is dead. where did he come from, what was his intention? any political ideology, anyone else involved? what questions are you looking for to be answered at 11:00 a.m. at the news conference? >>y first reports in combat are always wrong. i'm sure they are trying to
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collaborate information and put out solid word to us in the civilian populous trying to figure out what happened. we have football event down there, it is scombruft a terrible situation and i hope they are putting their brains together to put out words and figure out what to do next. >> jocko, speak about challenges created with lack of information, with conflicting pieces of information when you have got right now as you and i speak and america is waking up to this horrific tragedy in new orleans, it is still an active scene very much. they are trying to find out what may continue to be clues as to more people involved, what are motives. talk about challenges created in a vacuum of information. >> yeah, what they are going to need to do and trying to make happen, they need central
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location and some person in charge that is taking all this information in and will collaborate it and figure out what is what. they have different departments and agencies down there in silos. sounds like fbi is taking over. when they take over, they'll unify information andut approximate out unified word, common operational picture so we all have same understanding what is happening and i'm sure that is what they are doing now. >> joey: jocko, i want to put you in new orleans right now, you're a dad and have your family there. you woke up this morning and watched that news conference and trying to decide what you are about to do with your family, what are your questions that are lftz? are you staying in your hotel? did you get enough from that you would feel safe going out into the city? >> i wouldn't go anywhere with
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my family. you have authorities asking people to stay away. if i'm with my family, i'm not going anywhere, i will remain in place, shelter in place and make sure we have better understanding what is happening before i take my family out. i will hug my kids. >> joey: absolutely, brother. >> griff: hug them tight, hug your loved ones. jocko, thank you for getting up with us and giving you insight. >> appreciate it, hope things turn out for the best and pray for people would you knowed and killed today. >> griff: we'll bring you more on this story after a quick break, keep it here on fox news channel. omen experience side leaks with bladder protection underwear. try always discreet! it's rapiddry core absorbs up to 25% faster than depend and fits up to 95% of body shapes. try always discreet! designed to protect.
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>> griff: can "fox and friends first"ed fox news alert, the suspect in the attack in new orleans is dead. police say he plowed his truck into a crowd, exited his vehicle, exchanged gunfire with police, who fired back. suspect is dead, unclear if by police or if he killed himself. 10 know innocent people are dead and 35 people hospitalized including two police officers who were shot. >> this happened on bourbon
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street during one of the busiest nights of the year with new year's and the sugar bowl taking place later today. >> the city mayor says she's in contact with the biden information. we heard conflicting reports whether this is an act of terrorism. >> i have been in direct contact with the white house, with governor landry and unified command present here. what i'm asking at this time are prayers for those who have lost their lives in the city of new orleans. >> griff: just a few minutes a ago, -- bring in former assistat fbi director chris swecker.
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thank you for getting us. if you can address the assistant special agent duncan saying this was not terrorism after the mayor came out and said she had been in contact with the white house and this was a terror attack. >> this was an intentional planned suicide attack using a vehicle and a gun and a rifle, so labeling terrorism at this early stage turns on the motivation of the killer here. we don't know the motivation yet. fbi is correct to not make that call. it is really a secondary issue anyway. they have plenty to do there, get command set up, they have marshall casualties to deal with, they have to get to the location they came from, find out if there are co-c
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co-conspirators. it takes civil hours in a nightmare incident to get organized. if you label it terrorism is a secondary issue. >> joey: i understand what you are saying, my question it's just as much a definitive answer when you say this was not terrorism and you don't say, we can't confirm, we can't say. she decided to address terrorism aspect and did so definitively. then followed up talking about ied's. do we have any idea where that threat is or who and what area should be worried about it? and so i look back at that press conference and my question to you is, is there not anyone at the fbi who has sat here for the last two hours and said, hey, look, we made a press conference that only created more questions. we need to go back and clarify. >> she would have been better off not saying anything at all. just say, we're working it. it's a work in progress right now. saying it's definitively not
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terrorism or is. there's nothing to be gained by either at this point. you know, i understand she said she has some inside information. i plumed the same information sources. it's open right now. i agree with you. you don't say it's not terrorism if you do not have that definitive answer as to what the motivation of this killer was. i mean, important thing is to get out there, roll up your sleeves and work the case and get some answer as to who this person is. are there co-conspirators? is there danger from the ied? have they gotten, rendered it safe, if you will? there's a lot of issues here besides trying to get in front of the press and put a label on it. >> we're looking forward to the next press conference. hopefully we'll get more information at 11:00 a.m. eastern. what information do you think we may gain at this next press conference? >> most important is the status of the casualties and, you know, our prayers go in that
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direction. we want to know who this person is. and we want to know, is there anybody else we need to be concerned with? what motivated this person to do this in terms of, is there some other target, if you will? does he have ied's at his house? is someone else in danger? are neighbors in danger, or whatever location he came from? yeah, those are -- these mass attacks like this, this is your worst nightmare. the law enforcement has their task cut out for them. the way the information flows early on, it gets compartmentalized. you got to get unified commands set up. you got to get one person in charge. that's why the fbi has stepped up here. it is likely a terror motivation. they are in the lead because they have the broadest jurisdiction. they are assisting. they have the broadest capabilities. they can run down a lead across
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the nation in seconds. they have the capabilities to get this in place. they got a lot of capabilities they bring to the table. >> chris, fox confirming that both attorney general garland and fbi director chris wray have been briefed on this. clearly updates and information is moving swiftly, quickly, to washington. from all of that, just in the last minute we've got here with you, chris. i hate to be a critic of that press conference, but again, one of the things i did not hear was a definitive isolation to just this one suspect. so it begs the question, if there are other individuals potentially involved, if there is a continuing threat possibly to the thousands that are in new orleans for major events today like the sugar bowl later tonight. >> right. the person that gave the press conference was an assistant special agent in charge. that's fairly junior in the fbi in an office like new orleans. so i'm surprised the agent in
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charge wasn't stepping up, special agent in charge. the feel office wasn't stepping up to the microphone. he or she is probably very busy right now. look, it's better to not, if there's a danger, let's get it out there and get it out there quick. there should have been a joint press conference with the police chief and the fbi assistant special agent in charge. politicians, push them aside. mayors, push them aside. it's time to work the case. figure out if there's danger. >> we got to wrap this up. thank you so much, chris, former assistant fbi director. you've been very helpful this morning. >> who is he? where is he from? and what is his motivation? >> lot of questions as america wakes up. ten dead, 35 injured. continue to stay here at fox news with fox news live coming up next. happy new year. >> last night we had over 30


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