tv Outnumbered FOX News January 1, 2025 9:00am-10:00am PST
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national's chilling attack in new orleans. the fbi is investigating the incident as an act of terrorism. at least 10 people were killed when an individual drove a truck into a busy crowd of people on bourbon street. at least 35 others have been reported injured following the crash, the suspect got out of the vehicle, opened fire on police, and police say the suspect is dead and the fbi sources telling fox that the suspect his truck had texas plates. it is unclear if the truck crossed the border. but it was placed near eagle pass, texas, back on november 16. a change of ownership at some points between then and now. hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i'm kennedy and joining me on the couch, we've got fox news national corresponded kris jenkins, along with tammy bruce. author of fear itself. we got kaylee white who is
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independent women features and journalism fellow and carl fredrik, director of the tech policy center at the heritage foundation and former counterintelligence officer for the defense department. welcome to everyone. in store a nearly, summer day. indeed that many of us were not expecting as we went to bed and robbery and optimism and well, to this horrific news. joining me now, we've got fox news justice corresponded david spunt that he is at the white house with more details as they emerge. david? >> president biden is continuing to get updates. secretary alec mayorkas as well as our treene general merrick garland, fbi director christopher wray. the fbi is leading this case. we did hear from the president. he spent the night new year's eve in delaware at his home in the first lady or attending camp david for the day. here's what he has to say about
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this terrible tragedy. watch. [away from microphone] >> you understand that the person crossed the border? >> i'm not going to comment [indistinct]. [away from microphone] >> can you say if he was a foreigner or if he was domestic? >> i'm not going to say anything until i get all the facts. >> has the suspect been identified? >> i'm not going to comment until i [indistinct]. ciaa to national security team. fbi. there's a lot. [indistinct] anger and frustration.
>> president biden giving an update as we hear from officials. the president elect says when i said that rain was coming in far worse than the criminals we have come in our country, that statement was refuted by democrats. it turned out to be true. the crime rate is at a level nobody has ever seen before. our hearts are with all of the innocent victims including the brave officers. the trump administration will fully support the city of new orleans as they innovate -- investigate and recover from this act of pure evil. mention, kennedy, eagle pass, we have some updated information from our sources that yes, the truck did cross the border at eagle pass, texas, that was in november. november 16th is the latest we're being told but we're also told that the shooter in new orleans that committed this terrible tragedy was not the person driving the truck. the truck did change some hands. they're working on the province of that track and how it got to new orleans, who drove it. we're hearing several different names. we want to be careful. we don't want to say anything
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the fbi some sort of inkling that this is either a act of domestic terrorism or international terrorism. but we don't know at this point is which one and we are hoping to get that information as soon as possible. >> you have done great reporting this warning on this. it is quite apparent that the details are very fluid. governor greg abbott of texas just putting out a statement saying that his peers go out to the victims and that he has directed his texas department of public safety to mainly get to the bottom of it because what we know is that this vehicle used in the attack is traced back to eagle pass, texas, which is clearly a border town. but we don't have other details to fill in. a bit obviously wanting to join in with law enforcement to get to the bottom of it. we anticipate that we may learn from officials are no more why the truck was in eagle pass, texas, november but then ends up on bourbon street for this new
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year's day massacre? >> we're certainly hopefully that -- hoping to learn why it changed house, how it changed hands how many times do change hands because at this point, this is, we're just racing the truck itself as far as the shooter and the motive of the shooter and whatnot, those details are unclear. and of course, we don't want to speculate. but we just know that detail about eagle pass. what we are told that the shooter does not appear to have been in that truck when it was traced to eagle pass, some -- not quite 20 months ago but almost two months ago's. >> and it seems that this escalated quickly when we were learning throughout the morning that president biden was briefed along with chris ralph at the fbi and attorney general merrick garland. what is it like there at the white house? i mean, this is a holiday. this is the new year's day. are you saying an engagement there at the staff there? what do you anticipate for information coming from the white house? >> physically at the white house, it is quite because it is
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a federal holiday. the president is not here and the president is not here. the footprint at the white house is a lot less. however, in his statement president biden said he is continuing to get updates from his homeland security adviser, secretary alejandro mayorkas, merrick garland, the attorney general fbi director chris ralph, all involved. so of course, there's a lot going on behind the scenes to update the president on what is going on because as he said, in his statement people just were trying to enjoy the holidays, enjoy the holiday and this tragedy is crushing and life-changing and that is the engagement here at the federal level is that president biden is continuing to get those updates. >> kennedy: all right, very good, david spunt, thanks so much for your reporting on this new year's day. we will look to you for more updates. let's bring them out to -- absolutely. let's bring it out to the catch. so tammy, how does this strike you? how does this change the tenor of what we have been hearing and now what we are dealing with?
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>> first of all, you think the, okay, the excitement of new year's eve is over. the first day of the new year is going to be quiet. it is the launch of something new and open and exciting for what we are facing. and then this happens. and at the same time, we saw, of course, the attack on the christmas market in germany with the car. we know that this has happened before around the world. it is not an unusual technique. but we also know that it has happened sometimes because somebody is just mad at somebody else and is drunk and does this in a city. so i think we are right to be careful. they seem clearly on the ground that have seen something that makes it clear to them that it is terrorism. because there's a number of different reasons why people do this. it is an act of mass murder. sometimes it is not going to be terrorism. terrorism very specifically by targeting civilians to impact a policy, the direction of a government, something social or
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political. so this -- they seem rather competent in that regard. but it is heartbreaking obviously. and it is the kind of situation where you don't want to draw up conclusions. there's a lot we there's a lot we don't know, complete with the press conference later today, we will learn more. but it is about prayers and about recognizing that this nation with everything going on in the world, there are dangerous situations. law enforcement is important. they are putting their lives on the line every day. and that americans can stand up to this and, you know, we will have to deal with it. >> kennedy: yes, and this is your wheelhouse. are we expecting something the district has been there been chatter? what have you learned? >> yes. and i'm frankly surprised at this the first time we are seeing an attack like this. and i think to anyone with an ounce of counterterrorism experience understand that frankly once biden took office, given the vulnerabilities geopolitically, domestically, it was a matter of when, not a. so when you are evaluating these
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terrorist attacks, what you do, especially when you are initially looking for threats is you measure intent plus capability. and now we know given the vulnerabilities in our system because of some of the federal policies that have been revoked that have not been put in place that had been prioritized elsewhere like looking at conservatives instead of real extremism, legitimate extremism, we know that we have been sitting ducks. and nicole, we sat here and his cat yesterday and we talked about a former fbi agent and we said terrorists look at soft targets. we said and on the show before this attack to happen. that is what they are looking at. we know they have that prodigious intent, prodigious capability and what we need to look for going forward is a potential copycat attacks. obviously this should be all over the news. americans need to know so that they can be vigilant and be aware but everyone needs to keep their essay up going forward because you are most vulnerable after terrorist attacks in the most recent 24 to 48 hours post attack.
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>> kennedy: because we are in a transition period between a ministrations, does that give us greater vulnerability politically? >> look at, kennedy, let's start with the fact that people look up to the nightmare are numerous dates that no one wants to link up to and that is a massacre on bourbon street in new orleans as cara points out to well. a soft target bring in bourbon street. there's tons of drunk people look at 2:00 to 3:00 in the one, and that is exactly what that suspect plowed into. and you now have a situation with a lot of questions with people particularly in a state like new orleans, where they are scheduled to have the sugar bowl here later this afternoon. >> kennedy: and i say we will go for the organization. >> right, but events like this for months for possible security threats. bourbon street, new year's eve and new year's day don't because that is where people are normally reveling. there's plays out there. now they are trying to fill in, was this a islamic terror related incident or not? was it something else?
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we don't know the motive. ahead at press conferences one in which the fbi did themselves no favors because especially aletha duncan, who took over, said that it was not terrorism. right after the mayor, latoya cantrell said this is terrorism. and so now there's a lot of questions and people in new orleans, they also did not definitively clarify whether the incident was isolated due to this one truck and whether there are continuing security threats. that is what we hope to hear from officials and they can have this press conference holding faster because of the unanswered questions right now that now we have got a truck that is placed at eagle pass, texas, ends up in a massacre on bourbon street and we don't know whether or not there are other people involved or whether he acted alone or if a public safety threat exists now. >> kennedy: yeah, and that is the point of these acts is to as tammy said, it is to instill fear in order to change policy in this country. so what do we know now? and where do we go from here?
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not only law enforcement agencies, the fbi, the cia, dhs, all of that but also individual americans and, you know, thousands of people who are planning on attending the sugar bowl. the couple of details about the track in particular that definitely seemed to lend credibility through the idea that this was not only premeditated but an act of terror which we know the fbi is investigating it as. the first's images of the wreckage specifically of the truck seemed to suggest that it was an electric vehicle and an electric trucks are faster. they are heavier. but he would've been able to hit people without really any noise from the truck. which makes it the ideal weapon in a situation like that. and then there are the new details from david wood, where we know or our sources are telling us the truck did switch hands at some points which seems to suggest that there were other people involved in this operation. we know that several officials are looking into that, whether this was -- whether he acted alone or whether there were other people involved. if there were of other people above, to be part of the reasons
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why they are labeling this an act of terrorism. >> yeah, for the fbi to take the lead here? >> yeah, i think so at this stage obviously. is to get more information, they are going be correlating with other agencies. they are going to be correlating with agencies that have an international. they are already talking to them. i can assure you. but for now, given that this happens inside the continental united states, it is fully within the npr's [indistinct] to take the lead. i hope that they do it well because we know their track record has not been great over the past four years. so hopefully got spirit and pr to figure this out. >> kennedy: yes, and it is a wonderful opportunity to for the bureau for have the americans have rediscovered that have to stay happened all right, coming up, we've got more on that deadly attack in new orleans. were going to speaking to a retired atf agent that is happening right after the break.
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>> the fbi investigating today's truck crash as an act of terrorism. the bureau is acting as the lead investigative agency in his case. now they're looking to see if the improvised explosive devices found near the scene were possibly viable. let's bring in jason, former fbi agent and a hostage negotiator. jason, what -- based on what you know and it is very fluid situation, what is your immediate reaction and what questions do you want answered about this in this coming up press conference? >> thanks, chris. it is an interesting question and what i've learned being a part of all of these is initial information always turns out maybe to not be what we think. however, having said that, there are some things that definitely cause concern for the agents and troopers and rpd folks on the
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ground there. so the same questions we would want answered is, hey, is it safe, is there something going on given the aperture of the sugar bowl and other things going on down there? i want to make sure that is safe. mature as the investigation unfold, there's probably a team of agents working the aspect of rebuilding the -- retracing the footsteps of the subject, and covering all of those things. there's probably a team saying, what is next? as far as to keep everybody safe. just because they are focusing on one area does not mean that they are ignoring the other. self as far as the press conference comes, unnoticed, unique, we moved it back. i've been a part of many of these and a lot of times information that the talking points and the information you are about to go out there is the public information officer or as the leaders of the organizations has changed. and so it changes so fast that going out there, it makes it hard. so i know we want information and we want it quickly as the public to make sure everybody is it. and i know behind the scenes they are working on that.
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is because the fbi is a lead investigative agency does not mean it is not part of a larger team. so the superintendent, dr. patrick there a and who is and instead plays all should be in the joint of operations center where all information is coming from their troopers, from an opd, from from fbi field offices around the country to -- that may be involved now. they likely have the name of a person. he may have had some piety on him. they may be able to know who this person is and start working back that way. >> we at fox are working to confirm that. jason, as our ears localized at the police predicated area and canal and bourbon street, where this tragedy occurred and the big question right now is, for the thousands that are in new orleans just for new year's revelry but also the sugar bowl, how concerned are you that there may be an active threat or that there be more than this one suspect give more people
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involved? >> well, i think you got to be cautious about it but not scared. i think, you know, they plan these things months in the head. there's a committee about safety and security and all these things going through the sugar bowl in new orleans. they do this every year. and so they've been planning for these. at four, their crisis plans had to come into effect today and they have to implement them. but they plan for these things and so i think the law enforcement folks get in touch with the folks on bourbon street and largely the folks there at the sugar bowl. they will get the right information to them at the right time. so i will not be concerned. but you don't want to here is to win, right. you want to make sure we live on and do our things. if this wasn't terrorism, it is a little too early to tell. but i think what that means if the fbi is investigating this game if they are looking for the motive. the fbi will prove a certain set of facts by federal law to call something terrorism while it may look like terrorism, in a, and act like terrorism, it may in fact be at the end of the day, but you just need to slow down a
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little bit and get all the facts together which is hard to do when you got a lot going on like this. >> understandable but let me ask you, what you make of the clear contradictory information that was given and the only press conference we have had, listening to press conference with the mayor. latoya cantrell who merely literally the first thing out of her mouth was, good morning, this was an act of terror and then his special agent of the fbi that is in charge saying that definitively it was not. i want you to listen. we have that for you. listen here to the contradictory information that is given. >> first of all, we do know that the city of new orleans was impacted by a terrorist attack. all still under investigation. this is not a terrorist event. what it is right now is an improvised explosive devices that was found. and we are working, confirming if this is a viable device or not. >> jason, why the conflicting
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messages literally minutes after each other? >> well, we see this routinely progress. i call call it the big d little t. the little terrorism. the mayor could have gotten some information from new orleans police or some other agencies. people that work with her and that the fbi is charged with being able to improve that. what we have leads. we have to be able to prove motive. the fbi will never come out initially and just quickly and say something that is terrorism until they are able to prove in court. and that kind of looks bad sometimes because hey, you're like, you can't [indistinct] sometimes. but really, the bureau has a job to slow down, be methodical to be thorough and be able to prove it, which is hard to do. the court of public opinion is different from the court of public law. >> jason pack, thank you for taking the time today. we appreciate your insight and your time. had a good left of what is left as many in new orleans are mourning their love ones. jason, thanks. >> thank-you. >> we are awaiting a news
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conference in new orleans on that attack that is being investigated as an act of terrorism. on to the attack coming up. there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. in our family there was a passion for glass making that's passed down through the generations. on ancestry i was able to actually put together our family tree. each person is a glass worker. we stood on some pretty broad shoulders to get to where we are today.
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>> authorities are warning the public to stay away from bourbon creek -- bourbon street. we need save the suspect's car slammed into the nearest crowd and went "flying in civilians." alexis mcadams has the latest. alexis' practice is a horrible situations in new orleans. not only is bourbon street. all the time. this was new year's eve and thus, also the sugar bowl, is supposed to happen. 16,000 people. all the hotels nearly at 85% capacity and that is all there in this area. that gives you an idea of how many people were out. investigators say this guy tried to hit as many people as he could. he rammed his truck into the crowd. then opened fire. 10 dead. dozens injured and at least two
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police officers wounded by that gunfire. and we're trying to figure out exactly how this person was able to drive around a barrier. we're told there was some situation where they were trying to upgrade the bears to replace them ahead of the super bowl to take out the plastic, wooden ones and then put in stainless steel ones. were trying to figure out if those were up in this specific area on bourbon street. watch. >> last night, we had over 300 officers out here. and because of the intentional mindset of this perpetrator who went around our barricades in order to conduct this, he was hellbent on creating a carnage and the damage that he did. >> just got off the phone with the city officials in new orleans who told me they are just trying to piece this together ahead of this press conference. they have state, local and federal partners out there working this thing since 3:00 a.m. local. still a lot of unanswered
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questions including how did he drive right when the blockades were the barriers? according to the city and the department of public works upgrade to those blockades along that section of bourbon street. that is where the attack occurred. i'm told crews were placing those old bollards with the removable stainless steel ones to try and prep for the super bowl. the city had lots of big events. they were trying to make sure everything was up to standards. were those blockades giving up at the time? we are going to try to figure that out. we know that this happened at 3:00 in the morning, spitting on bourbon street in a pickup truck. first for the truck at his two officers were wounded. they are expected to be okay. at this time, they are trying to telling people to stay away from the sun because investigators say they found an ied in the area, at least two in the area i'm told by a city official including one possibly in the vehicle. where -- where they viable, is the question, this money? they have not said just yet. barricades near bourbon street were also supposed to be in place. i think that's the main thing we keep talking about is when we were out here, too, if you didn't think i was telling you
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about this. when we were here for new year's eve in times square, the nypd tries to block everything up at all of those locations, they try to use big trucks to make sure people can't get near the crowd. i don't. i don't know if they have that at this time. the driver was able to kind of go right around it. the sugar bowl taking place. more than 60,000 people as i said are expected to be there. they are not canceling at this time. they don't want terrorism to win according to a state senator which talked to a ago. >> all right, well, thank you. just so much going on, changing from moment to moment and now we also have a statement from the governor of louisiana and this is from jeff landry, of course. this is a fluid situation and we are coordination with numerous local and federal law enforcement agencies to ensure a complete and thorough investigation to bring those who may have been part of this incident to justice. we recognize that there are tourists around us, and we urge all to avoid the french quarter
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as this is an active investigation. we understand the concerns of the community. and we want to reassure everyone that the safety of the french quarter and the city of new orleans remains our top priority. so clearly now there is the implication that they are looking for more. they are investigating. they are not presuming that this is it. so they are saying perhaps they don't know. and it is constantly changing dynamic. it did remind me, grace, 2017, croc attack in new york on a bicycle lane, near -- lubber west side near the wall street area, killed 11 people. i think it was mostly tourists. and he got out at that park and also had a gun. was eventually obviously captured, there was an ice is like in that regard and obviously kind of visual signal. where still of course nobody has talked about the nature of what prompted this. what are your thoughts on this?
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>> it is interesting you mentioned the 2017 because the report out of new orleans, there's barricades or barriers that were permanently put up and are being replaced, or putting in 2017 specifically to prevent from a terror attack as alexis was reporting. but you wonder, what barriers was that this individual was able to drive past because for those of us here in new york, and we're working yesterday, he saw the security footprint for times square. you can't get a car anywhere near times square yesterday because of the layers of security, thousands of cops. so, you know, for an aerial view of what that the most busiest of new year's eve at canal and bourbon street where you can see in our lives shutdown, viewers can see where this happened, you know, what barricades were put, precautions to keep those people safe. that is going to be a question that has to be answered i think and certainly, the city now is going to have to look at, well, maybe we did not think of ourselves as being as vulnerable
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as times square. but now we know differently. >> it is interesting, kaylee, because all the focus, the focus on what nypd is doing. you almost get the feeling like that is the singular area we have to worry about. not that everybody has got their important area. new orleans, the first quarter, extraordinary. great american place and they know to keep it safe. but you can get into maybe a little bit of a complacency not that they were clearly. but when it comes to barriers, almost like what was put up after the attack here in new york, is that they are cement, all right. they were going nowhere. you can't get anything through. you can't break through the one tourist report was that he was in a hotel and he heard, like, a low noise that seemed like something blew up. it sounds like it was going through something that could be run over's back and there are lots of questions about whether the suspect knew the barriers were temporary, that they were not the permanent installations that the city was working to redo. you know, i think the questions
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about the barriers, though, to me, it strikes me as very sad that we even have to be wary about these things in the first place, that we have to be worried about permanent cement blocks just to celebrate new year's eve in big cities like in new orleans or times square in new york city. and i think that is o one of the tragedies of incidents like this is we are constantly losing parts of our hoai tran as a society. and i think senator bill cassidy made a really important point on fox earlier when he was talking about this and he was occupied the bears as well and he pointed out that the sun, we live in a free society. people to want to have to want to have to go through constant security checkpoints in order test to celebrate with their levels but they don't want to have to go through, are you not, the labor of having to worry about crime constantly. part one of the consequences of increasing crime is that we do worry about that and our society requires an active respect for the rule of law and incidents like this just shows that we are losing that very, very quickly. >> yes, it is to recognize it.
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our coverage of the terror attack in new orleans continues. a suspect allegedly opened fire at police after driving into a crowd. retired nypd inspector paul mauro jones is next. ♪ ♪ are you suffering from bladder and bowel leaks? it's time to take control and talk to a physician specialist about axonics therapy. you can even try it first to see if it works for you. call this number today. stop suffering in silence. upset stomach iberogast indigestion iberogast bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast.
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♪ ♪ >> new orleans police now say the suspect opened fire at officers just moments after he picked his truck into a busy crowd on bourbon street. the suspect is now dead and for the gunfights but it is still unclear if the individual was killed by police or took their own life. let's bring in paul mauro, from there river and retired nypd inspector. paul, thank you for joining us. i want to get your take on this. it comes as we just getting small bids by bids and hoping to get more from the fbi and of course a press conference
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coming. the local new orleans police media is reporting that the city council president says that this attacker was "not a local" and was dressed in full military gear. what is your reaction? >> what do you guys mentioned earlier, it is very reminiscent of the terrorist attack that occurred on the west side highway executed by an hour i was actually on scene for that and it has a lot of that footprint. if an attack on a holiday in [indistinct] in new york, it was halloween. he cannot gain access for the halloween parade because of prophylactic measures at the nypd had taken by parked trucks and other things to secure the event. and so he went on the website highway and did what he did. this is very reminiscent of that and that is believe me the kind of thing that is on the amount of investigators here. the fbi as we know has the lead.
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what they are going to be looking for for this to be a terrorist event and that is still a little vague is for connection to a foreign power. >> paul, let me jump in. fox news can now identify a high levels is within the new orleans police department says officials have identified the suspect drove the truck the suspect identified as sam shared dan jabbar. jabbar was carrying a glock pistol and 308 rifle and had been reportedly stolen in new jersey. at 308 rifle was equipped with an optics and/or suppressor. there are at least four to five other suspects involved. that is a. dho right there. identify, again, the suspect as a sam shared dan jabbar. but four or more individuals also involved. this is becoming a different story? >> yes, and that tracks with the information that i've been receiving as well including the
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identity. i would caution relative to the other people involved, let's see how they have confirmed that and where they are going with that. the initiative there maybe a little bit a soft. because we've learned so many times in the past. a lot of the early reporting on an event tends to be undermined as these things clear for the energy does look to be accurate. it does not look like he is from the area. what they are going to be looking for here and my suspicion is there's likely a manifesto or something like that in the truck or in his home or online somewhere or other he has created something like that. ikone going back to the event that happened in new york that was a manifesto in the truck. this looks so reminiscent of that. i will not be surprised if when they dump his computer, they are going to find out that he was looking at the event and maybe decided that he was going to try to copycat it essentially because it really, really does track to that. >> and paul, an outpouring that this individual did not act alone. and the earliest press conference we got with the fbi
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official agent telling us that improvised explosive devices may have been involved. this coordination would suggest perhaps that there could be an existing threat to the public and that the clock is really ticking right now for them to find out everything they can about this to keep the public safe. >> yeah, my understanding is that there were two ieds recovered, two different locations. they were pipe bombs with nails. and they were placed in disparate locations, at the location that the suspect did the event. so that the authors argue that maybe there are other end of the people involved because there is a lot of planning and coordination with him to go plan those and come to the location that he actually did the attack. but we will have to see. look, i am sure they are going at all of this very, very hard. you are going to have a lot of resources poured into this. a lot of people got woken up early after you know, new year's eve and they are out there working right now, not just new orleans pd.
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we will have louisiana state police. in terms of the terracing connection, the fbi, i don't understand that statement that the fbi agent made early on where she sat on unequivocally this is not a terrorism attack. you have to admit to the possibility that it is a possibility. and i think it's starting to clarify in that direction. the fbi, though, again, for them to bring federal terrorism charges, and some sort of a connection to a foreign terrorist organization, isis, al qaeda, or foreign government and that government and that is what we're going to be looking for. out west, just to posit this, louisiana has a terrorism statute. and sometimes the state statutes are better. we use them here in new york. we have seen recently in the case of the ceo murder of unitedhealthcare ceo thompson. so, in a, these things are fluid right now. he looks like the fbi has the tick and i would guess that they have some initiative here from inside the truck for this guy's background that he had a terrorist and then and it looks like that is the way this is going.
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>> and as we learn more about the motives, hopefully the official will be able to tell us. but i think if you put it into folks context, paul, it has been a number of years since we had a high-level coordinated terror attack in the u.s. and so we are waking up not only to a tragedy in new orleans but what may be a concern of the style of attack that we have not seen in some time, and now learning that this individual identified as jabbar that was according to the city council president dressed in full military garb, armed with a pistol and rifle and now working with multiple possible accomplices who is -- whose whereabouts and identities are yet unknown. be at a moment, is this a refreshing moment that we have sort of the threat that we have seen in the past now showing up today? >> you know, we used to have a saying in the nypd intelligence that the further we got away from 9/11, the closer we got to 9/10. for those who do this sort of work, this thing, this islamist
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inspired terrorism or any terrorism inspired however, never goes away. that is your we met and that is what you're supposed to be doing 24/7. so the people in the business, this has not gone away. it may have to wait for the public. unfortunately, that ignorance is bliss. stuff is always bubbling under, especially under large events and the year that we had two other events here in new york. one in chelsea, a bond that that nadon and another one at port authority. these things tend to come with copycats. they come in waves. we can be blind to what is going on in gaza and things overseas. while we may have been living in a little bit of a cocoon here, thinking that terrorism is in the rearview mirror, those in the business, it has not gone away, and you know, i can tell you that they've been on this and will continue to be. >> paul mauro, thank you for your time. we appreciate that. we're going to turn now and come back to our new york city newsroom with alexis mcadams who has a little more details emerging.
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alexis, what can you tell us? >> and he reported we are finally getting more information on exactly who investigators believe the suspect is. according to high levels of law enforcement sources outdoor -- are in new orleans and federal sources we are hearing the person is haunted dan jabbar. okay? we have heard that there were dozens of names kind of floating about which happens when you are out of these breaking news scenes. they are trying to piece it together. and. and so as the meeting to try to get the person information out to take a look on your screen. it is still an active investigation around noon local there. you can sink you can sink the police are still out there. the two trucks that were there there, at the scene has after investigators say johnson then jabbar drove into a crowd in new orleans according to police they said he was trying to run over as many people as he could. an open fire. police say he was carrying a glock and a rifle. that is coming into the fox news newsroom from a source out in louisiana. okay?
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dozens injured at this point. so how badly are they injured? we don't know. but you should see these videos which we are trying to, you know, ps2 and seek what is too graphic and what is usable on air because the kiosk after this happen and just horrible. you can hear gunshots in some of these videos, griff, that you can see people running for cover. that you can see that truck that was just smashed in, as we are now learning some electric vehicles that possibly came into the eagle pass area in texas, back in november. high level police sources telling me that this suspect, thompson j jabbar is an american citizen. we are trying to figure out more on what it. window early this morning, debuter on the court fox & friends," we were trying to piece too, was this a terrorist attack? was it not a terrorist attack. abbye i'm saying it is. no matter what they classified ad at the beginning, people were running for their lives and scared and also, you know, that this was done on purpose. this guy tried to hit and killed as many people as possible.
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those ambulances were moving into treat as many people as they, and in these videos, which was hard to watch you get to see on social media people standing and looking over either their loved ones or their friends who are laying on bourbon street. because it happened so quickly and the police rushed in to try to render aid to people. that so many did not make it. so we're going to have to see how many were injured. continues to go on. but we are going to piece this together. and license plate, as you can see, too, in the video was from texas. they are hopefully going to be able to release this suspect's identity in that press conference and talk more about the ties to a possible terrorism. >> and we shall be following it. alexis mcadams in our new york newsroom. alexis, thank you. let's now bring in nicole parker, former fbi special agent and nicole, you have been reporting to someone today. i know you are following this. what can you tell us. what is the latest you are hearing and with these new details as alexis was just hansson did jabbar is the suspect. we also now learn that four or
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five other suspects be involved. >> right. >> right. that is a very key element is that assessment date has been named and from the get-go, my intuition was that it was not a single lone wolf individual acting on their own. it does seem to be highly orchestrated. multiple individuals involved. and i think what is important to note, again, is that there was confusion in the beginning and that is understandable because it is a very fluid situation. but you have contradicting statements in the initial press conference and the fbi has come out and said very clearly that unequivocally that they are investigating it as an act of terrorism. and sometimes situations start off and you're not sure who is going to take the lead. in my it spans, when there is mention of potential terrorism, they say, you know what, we're going to turn this over to the fbi. the fbi will run with it and they will work jointly with the local state and federal partners and that is exactly what is happening right here. i think the key element to gather evidence to determine why is this being, you know, labeled at terrorism. there was actually something that was found and discovered early on that they stated
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unequivocally in that, you know, press release that the fbi put out that there has to be very clear evidence that leads them to believe that it is terrorism related. i know the source that have provided certain information i'm going to withhold that until it has been reconfirmed. but it would not shock me if it is linked to a foreign terrorist organization group or inspired by something like isis. we want to make sure that we have all of our ducks in europe before reporting information. the fact that the fbi is there, i guarantee that the press' management unit or sending people down. new orleans has all his hands on deck they are going to need the fbi resources from headquarters to assist along with their, or yeah, local and state partners. >> and i just want to javonne that because there have been some reports and confirmed by fox about a international terrorism link. but if indeed that is what the officials give us as some have suggested, does that, you know, we were talking to paul mauro
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just a moment ago. it was talk about how, you know, there's a 911 and really a 9/10 kind of mindset. if indeed you are looking at the national tariff inspired event, are we, you know, in a new era this as we begin this new year? >> i hate to say it but i don't think we're it necessarily in a new era. it is premature to say where this individual came from or the link that was allegedly with eagle pass, but i do believe that it is a fact that there been people who have crossed airport and we know that there are individuals in america right now america right now terrorist cells that do not have our best interest in mind. we do not know where they may have come from, when they may have come over. but i have said it many times on air on fox. i believe at times we are seeing that. because when we do not have national security, border security equals national security, again, i cannot confirm that this person has crossed the border. i understand that this person is actually absolutely potentially from houston to. so we just want to be careful. but i do believe that it would be naïve to think that we don't have terrorist cells operating in the united states. >> nicole parker, thank you for
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your time and inside. give us more information as you get a. meanwhile, more on this breaking story in just a moment. ♪ ♪ so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah my name is brayden. i was five years old when i came to st. jude. i'll try and shorten down the story. so i've been having these headaches that wouldn't go away. my mom, she was just crying. what they said, your son has brain cancer. it was your worst fear coming to life.
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so you can manage your diabetes with confidence. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> we continue to cover the tragedy in new orleans in the early morning hours of the first day of 2025, a terrorist attack, as the fbi says they are investigating now, a suspect identified, with weapons in possession and a source telling fox news and isis flag in his truck we will will bring you the very latest as we get it. also part of the investigation the recent development that four or five other suspects may be involved. stay right here on the fox news channel as we continue to investigate and bring you details from the tragedy on bourbon street. we'll be back. >> first of all, we do
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