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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 3, 2025 9:00am-10:00am PST

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hayden: the fact st. jude will take care of all this, this is what's keeping my baby girl alive. chelsea: it's everything for us. we wouldn't know what to do. we couldn't afford for our little girl to survive. and st. jude gives us that. [music playing]
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>> it has come, top of the hour, noon on the east, you are looking live at capitol hill, the 119th congress is about to officially convene. last hour we watched, all of the pomp and circumstance. now we are moments away from a critical vote to determine if mike johnson will remain speaker of the house. we are told that it matters the president-elect ways and as heavily as donald trump has weighed in. johnson is facing the slimmest house majority in nearly a century. he can only afford to lose the support of one or so republican lawmakers. i am always swim on the numbers because things can change. we know at least one republican lawmaker who has put his name in
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the hat for who he wants to vote against mike johnson. that is congressman massey. let's watch. this is "outnumbered." >> pursuant to the 20th amendment of the constitution of the united states, for the meeting of the 119th congress of the united states, the house will come to order. the prayer will be offered. >> would you pray with me? gather us together sovereign god from the north and south, from the east and west, from the right and the left and in your mercy, consecrate the work you have called us to do in this 119th congress.
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as we convene to establish and uphold the laws of this nation, may we devote our hearts to you and stretch out our hands to receive your instruction. with our spirits oriented toward you, may we be willing to put away selfish motives. and the sin that we often cling to and allow no evil or wickedness to gain a foothold in or penetrate this governance. on this day and the days and months and years ahead, may we be found to be free of fault and true of faith and allegiance when we lift up our faces to you. may we, without fear or reservation, nor purpose of evasion stand blameless before you and the people we serve. we ask this and pray your blessing on this congress and on these united states in the strength of your design name, we
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pray. amen. >> let's go now to aisha. it is official. >> it is official. we do not have a house speaker because we are in this limbo land where we are officially into the 119th congress but they have not begun on this house speaker vote. what you will see here shortly is the first vote, which is going to be a forum call to establish the attendance, how many members are here today. we are expecting all of them to be here except matt gaetz, who decided not to come back to congress. that is what we are going to be first. that will happen through an electronic device and if all 434 members are here, and the magic number for mike johnson is 218
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to win. when he walked in a few moments ago, i asked him, do you think you can get this on the first round? he told me, i hope we will. we hope we can. he is going and hoping he can do this and it won't be one of those moments where we see the house plunging into chaos where they go round after round after round. he can only lose one republican. we are expecting he will lose thomas massey. he said he will not vote for johnson today. there could be anywhere between 12 to seven other defectors, others who might put in another name today. we could see some folks vote present. they have to be careful because that changes the math and if there are too many present votes, they could tip the scales. all of this starts right now. we are going to see this quorum
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call coming up. you see steve's police on the house floor. johnson has been meeting with some of the holdouts trying to get them on board. we know trump has been making phone calls to these holdouts. notably, he has not been able to talk with thomas massey, but he has talked to others. we will see if trump's pressure, conversations will eventually help johnson sealed the deal in the first round. >> we are in it. i want to bring in bret baier. aisha has said it and you sent notes out to us. the president-elect is making phone calls and i want to get a drill down, anything you might know on that. >> this is history, a new
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congress, 119th congress. that is the acting clerk. nothing is set in stone. the president-elect is making some phone calls to the undecided republicans. they are not know votes like thomas massey has said he is. he made a number of calls, did not call thomas massey. not because he couldn't reach him. i don't think he wanted to call him because of his expressed no vote and how clear he stated that. we are told he has had some conversations that were positive for speaker johnson. there is a growing optimism that johnson may get it on the first round but there is a lot of uncertainty. in trump world, they are watching this closely. they don't want it to be 2023 where there are four days and 15
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rounds of votes. they would like this to be clean, number one to get moving, and most importantly, to certify the election that just happened january 6th. >> we played this from marjorie taylor graham last hour. she has come full circle on this. she is back where she was in the beginning. you put your party and president first and she has been one of those who has argued against and with mike johnson but everybody has to get on board to fulfill trump's promises to the american people. how much pressure or help does she give the situation in terms of those undecideds? how big is her voice? >> it is pretty big in the caulk of the who have expressed concerns about speaker johnson, especially how he ran the continuing resolution and there
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was a lot of angst about that, especially after people dug into what was in the bill going forward. that was a negative moment and made people angry. we need to support speaker johnson. it is important, other voices are saying that. there is no plan b right now. for the folks who are undecided or that he is a definitive no, you don't know how to get to something if there is not another alternative and right now mike johnson is the only person who can get close to the numbers needed and they think he is going to get there. >> who else could get one vote shy? that is not just a little bit close. that is as close as you can get. >> it is amazing how slim the majority is. matt gaetz is not there.
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it is 434. then you have 218. but you could have somebody vote present. once that happens, the overall number shrinks. all jeffrey passed the do is get all 215 democrats to vote for him, which he is going to do, and then four republican vote present and suddenly you have a speaker jeffrey. it is not going to happen today but it is that close that could happen. >> with all optimism for the incoming president and however slim it is for the house, it is amazing if it gets done in the first round. that is a rubber-stamp to the american people that they heard you. that they hear the voters. really quickly, last thought. >> there is a lot of concern about spending. they want to make this point
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clear. that is what thomas massey is saying, that is what a lot of these undecided guys are saying. what is said to ensure than the new congress will operate in a different way is the question. >> brett, always great to have you. thank you very much. someone else who spends an inordinate amount of time on capitol hill is chris jenkins. he is part of our lineup on "outnumbered." you were telling me what these next moments are like inside that room. >> they will take the roll call and will establish whether or not all 434 members showed up, otherwise we have to change the math but we expect to have all 434 there. there is a lot of anxiety for mike johnson to see if he can get clear but there is also an enormous amount of pressure on the dozen to two dozen republican holdouts.
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they are facing making a choice right now. do they want to make a statement or do they want to make laws, which is the mandate november 5th voters sent to washington, giving republicans a trifecta in the senate and the white house. any vote that does not support johnson right now, this is the case he has made to these holdouts, saying i understand what you are saying but i am not cutting the old and we have to get down to the business of the country. it is not just the pressure of trump. it is how the rest of the country will be if this does not happen. you will have first vote, second, third boat, or someone else get elected speaker. >> who can come without a vote? >> it is important to note democrats are salivating at this today. what they don't want is what
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happened in november. donald trump got the white house, got the senate and retained the house. democrats were hopeful they could take the house than they did not. we have the trifecta. if you look at trump's presidency, he has short of two years to get anything done. now is the time and the opportunity. you don't want to delay trump's plan. he has endorsed mike johnson. a vote against johnson is also a vote against donald trump. >> talk to me about the politics. i understand what it is for the democrats. they salivate because they might get lucky. what are the policies for the
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republicans? don't they say to the american people, we want -- we heard you. >> they don't have anybody else. that is how mike johnson became the accidental speaker in the first place. talking to republicans on the phone earlier today, enough with the reindeer games. unlike last time, the republicans control all the seats at the table, the house, the senate, and the white house, the executive branch. get your business together and run the table because that is the only way with such a narrow majority you are going to get any republican business through. one of the problems is, matt gaetz resigned because he wanted to become the attorney general.
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michael walls will become the national security advisor and at least sonic will become the united nations ambassador. those are true votes that the republicans will later lose. that gives the democrats -- you think they are going to play game today? that will give the democrats a lot of harm to play fast and loose with the republicans. somebody is out sick one day, expect every democrat to show up and shoot down any thing legislatively the republicans try to get done. >> if there is a rubble republican running in one of those districts that is purple, they can put pressure that starts to change the account. that is something we could see today. we hope not. what our enemies think when we go in circles like this is all, it is this array, but this is kind of how it gets done.
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>> to be clear, michael walz and stefanik, those seats will be filled, but why we are waiting for them to be field -- filled, republicans will basically have a zero vote margin. >> the house comes back in. the chamber is packed. it is a lot louder than what we heard even an hour ago as they were doing the close of business for the hundred 18th. the chamber is packed, every speed is taken on both sides. many members appear to have their families with them, which is beautiful, conversation has broken back out of the house but give that call for the house via electronic device. they are going to do the roll call, so on and so forth.
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this is an important moment. i am glad the public gets to see this. >> i hope the importance is stewarded wisely. we have the slimmest majority. act like we have the majority then. the reality is that this demonstration symbolizes nothing but a petulance we cannot afford right now. what we need is unity and these behavioral demonstration, they are doing this during preseason i what we need is for them to get on the field and a game where it matters. one republican undecided, talk to the hill, wants to give their name of the two biggest issues are cuts on spending and involving members instead of staff on what is going on. absolutely valid and important points. there is no alternative. we have issued that mandate and we are waiting for bated breath
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for the legislature to honor and earn the salary that we pay. these guys have to get their act together but it has been surprising. i hope i am not disappointed. >> that is mike johnson in the center. see the lady with the jacket on, she is there. you can see him. there he is. i want to get this end, representative elect nels, republican of the state of texas does mike johnson is going to get it under the first roll call because there there is no one else. exactly what we were just talking about. he was very confident and might johnson retaining my gavel and stating there is no one else. i want to bring brak bret baier now. everyone is leaning on that
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point. if there were another person who could get once votes shy of this, their name would be in lights. >> you are looking at the speaker elect, he is representative elect until he get the vote, talking to marjorie taylor greene, jim jordan, another name that surfaces all the time as smart speaker. in the past few minutes, victoria has said she will support mike johnson. that is one on the list of the undecideds who was not sure. i am sure she was on the list of phone calls from trump this morning. again, this is pressure from the outside from folks who have not declared as of yet and to all of this, you may have a couple of guys like chip roy, scott perry,
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others who think they want to make a stand enough to get it to a second ballot, for people at home, they say why do you waste the time. some of them say we want to make a stand, a point to show how important cutting spending is and how disappointed we were about how the continuing resolution went down. i don't know if they are going to do it but they are gathered in the back of the chamber, talking to each other as this quorum continues. it is packed because there are a lot of representative elect to have brought their families. this is a big moment. once they get through this moment, they get sworn in. families are there to -- that in. >> i want to talk about marjorie taylor greene, who waste the center screen right now, and the importance of the optics of someone who -- and i
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don't know if you follow her. i follow them all on their social media platforms. the transition she has personally and professionally made to get behind what the american people want and that is majorities, that is what they voted for. she is ready to give that. the visual of seeing her with the potentially returning speaker of the house has to be powerful for people. i would think he wants to be chairman of the rules committee. jonathan said he is not going to do more deals. he is not doing one now. he is talking to people who support him. >> it is a visual and does send a message. if he were to make chip roy head of the rules committee, he would lose 30 other vote from middle-of-the-road republicans, conservatives, but who don't
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think the way of operating rules committee like really wants to would be the right way to go. when you have this slim of the majority, you have to get something across the finish l line. you have to make some compromises. a lot of these folks are operating as if they have a 20 seat majority. they do not. they basically have two or three members who can vote the other way and it goes down. >> we have guests on the couch today and one of the things brought up, if you think it is tough now, wait until it looks like others can get confirmed and you have a zero majority until their replacements are put in. there would be republicans but there will be a gap of time. i think she made a good point. you want to make iabout what happens in the gap. >> you think it is tough now and you have a trump agenda, that is
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one reason larry kudlow talks about big reconciliation, not just extending the tax cuts but putting it all in one bill because the house republicans will have one shot and you mentioned that the continuing resolution, i would call it an omnibus bill that was a giant bucket of mud. it's >> i think that was a mistake and it was called out by elon musk and others, put out there and got a lot of people upset and i think speaker johnson probably -- i should say representative elect johnson until the vote happens, probably has learned from that experience. that said, when you lose these other two, and i think they are in the chamber now. they will be sworn in before they resign. the purpose of that is because they want to have these numbers.
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but you are going to have the slimmest of slim majority. that is why it is leaning towards one budget reconciliation effort to put everything in one vote. that said, when you get into the complexity of tax law and all the things that go into that. it could be a long time before you get that through. it is not going to be easy to get that fast. you are talking about march, april and some people thought you needed to win early. this is more about the slim majority because that is heading down to one. >> for the american people, one thing that will be an advantage for the president and his to-do list is that there are so many areas where he can get away in the head of that. they might have to be through executive action but the crisis of the border, as they
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investigate terrorism attack, it is just that crime is crime and so on and so forth but with these different things going on, there are opportunities for wins for the american people. and our own safety and security. >> i have been told it is going to be shock and awe and executive orders that all the things that will happen january 20th. they are going to throw a lot in the first day that will have to be digested but it is action happening right away, before congress gifted act in gear and passes whatever impact this. >> keeping up with the incoming president, we will be up all night long on and now you're -- on inauguration night. thanks for being with us. we are going to take a break. "outnumbered" continues in a moment. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone.
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>> the possible speaker elect, mike johnson, all of these titles, have to be careful here, is up on social media and bret baier is following that part of our story today. this is an active situation right now. >> definitely. democrat huddling there, including nancy pelosi. what is happening here, through social media, they are engaging some of the undecideds, including victoria, who just that she is now on board and committing to thing he is spelling out. i will read it if that is okay. the american people have demanded an end to the status quo and returned to
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fiscal sanity. if we don't follow through for fiscal responsibility, we don't deserve to hold power. the national threat is a threat to national security. republicans have an opportunity in the next two years to make meaningful spending reform, to eliminate trillions and waste, fraud, and abuse. here is what he says. i commit to work with the department of government efficiency to protect the american taxpayer. task that working group with reviewing existing audits of federal agencies and entities created by congress and issuing a report to my office for public release.
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take appropriations and reviews to expose irresponsible or illegal practices and hold agencies accountable for those who hold government agencies. that is a direct answer to what some of these undecided lawmakers said they were concerned about. >> they are also an answer to want trump want. they make this decision to execute slicing the parts of government that are overpriced for taxpayers that are under serving to taxpayers through doge. i always pay attention to what people put first. the first thing you put is what you are focused on. people money is important.
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they voted based on their money. he is answering yes to the critics and the holdouts but he is listening to this president because that is who has his thumb. on the scale, in terms of where voters believe help is coming. >> exactly. there are a lot of questions of doge and how that interacts outside of congress and maybe some of that messaging is to say i hear you and we are going to link them with this group of effort that is not going to be affected by lobbyists. republicans have been bad about the deficit and the debt. they have stunk as much as democrats have in recent congress, as well as adding to the debt. >> it is swampy there. but this is the moment. i am glad the american people get to see this. it is important.
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it is so close that has been in the country for years and right now, there are majorities and an opposite party from what we have had in terms of our president. this is a moment of change, or it becomes not a true moment of change. this is it. brett, i know you are with us. i want to bring in griff. i wonder if you could talk about this together. you were talking about the moments before those nominating speeches. >> you can speak to this if you can, the historic nature of what we are about to watch. the g.o.p. conference chair will make the nominating speech. that is the next thing we will see after they decide what the core number is and if she will nominate johnson for speaker and that speech itself may be historic in nature because it will be an opportunity to talk
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about the mandate she believed the country gave republicans to govern with speaker johnson and may be opportunity to take a look back at what happened in 2023 and move beyond and try and say, we look like we couldn't govern then, this is our chance to get our act together and carry out the country's business. you probably have insight into the speeches. >> that will be by pete aguilar nominating hakeem jeffries as you look on the house floor. the g.o.p. conference chair, she will give the nominating speech for mike johnson and that speech back in 2023, it was jeffries and mccarthy and took about 15 o happen. you are looking at the back of the room. these are some of the undecideds in the back of the chamber.
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scott parry and others who have said they weren't sure how they were going to vote, they are caucused in the back of the chamber and we just don't know, if one of them both know or present, it will go to a second ballot and that is depending on how many people are on the floor when the quorum is finally called. it is historic and it is a process and from time when we look at this, we forget how many years this has happened and the first congress to now and that this happens every time. it hasn't always been this chaotic. it has sometimes gone very smooth and as matter of fact. >> all of those times it happened that we didn't see it and didn't watch and we weren't captivated by being on the precipice of what is going to happen next because this country wasn't quite as divided as it has been.
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12 of the last 16 years had democrats in the white house and had bicameral majorities on the hill. let's listen in for a second. >> all time has expired. 433 representatives alike have recorded their presence. a quorum is present. credentials, they have been received showing the election of rivera as resident commissioner from the commonwealth of puerto rico for a term of four years. eleanor holmes norton as delegate from the district of columbia, james c -- as delegate from guam. >> the procedure of bringing in the 119th now is underway. on the house side, they have to choose a speaker. this is a bicameral event right now. you have a senate and house
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members who have come together as the nation watches, a brand-new congress with republicans with the majority in both but it gets sticky in the house, as you know. we noticed only one member elect who has not voted president and they were expected to be there. that is hank johnson. he is a democrat out of california. what you heard is with 433 -- of georgia, excuse me. with 433, they have enough for a quorum. if, for some reason at this point, they don't get what they need and they go to a second vote, what procedurally has to happen? >> it is triggered automa automatically. you raise an important point. what they just read is there are 433. the magic number is 217.
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>> less now for republicans. if he doesn't get 217 or more on the first vote, it will go to an extra and we were just being, and this is lisa mcclain here, the congresswoman making the nominating speech. >> hank johnson has just entered, so we are back to 434. he hadn't arrived yet. their worst some confusion about whether or not hank johnson out of georgia would show up. that would have dropped the threshold for republicans to 217, put them in a little less hot fire but let's go to lisa mcclain. she is nominating mike johnson for speaker. >> on november 5th, the american people gave us a great opportunity to get america back on the right track. they gave us an opportunity to
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get back to normal and to get back to the real issues the country faces now. people want the opportunity to take care of their families. they want to provide for their children and give them a prosperous future. ladies and gentlemen, we have the opportunity today to do just that. we have an opportunity to take our country back. with speaker mike johnson, senate majority leader john soon and donald trump in charge. [applause] we have the opportunity to put
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america first again. [applause] we have an opportunity to do something about crime. we have an opportunity to do something about the border and we have an opportunity to take care of our veterans. we and every single member in this chamber and those of you watching at home and on tv, should be looking forward knowing america will be respected again. our country is the last bastion of hope. if we fail, then who? this is why we are focused on the issues that the majority of americans care about.
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god, family, country. faith, freedom, and traditional american values. [applause] we should be making it easier for people to achieve the american dream. over 14 months ago, mike johnson took on a daunting task. no speaker is perfect and no one will ever be. however, achieving perfection requires incremental gains and hard decisions along the way. none of us will get exactly what we want. the fundamental collective goal of this body is to make progress for the american people in which
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we represent. we have done just that under mike's leadership. we should be celebrating and building upon his effort. our effort. mike has remained the same kind and caring person as he was before he assumed this role. he is an honest broker, he shows you his true belief that face value. he is steadfast in his values of faith, family, and love of this country. he knows our brightest days are still ahead of us. and i do too. i am hopeful for the next congress. i am optimistic we will focus on those issues people care about. i know mike will be an integral
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part of this country's come back. he will lead us through another successful republican majority. as chairwoman of the unified house republican conference, i can say proudly that we are ready to govern. [applause] it is my honor to present our conferences nominee for the speaker of the people's house, the honorable mike johnson from the state of louisiana. [applause]
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>> the clerk recognizes the gentleman from california. >> thank you, mr. clerk. [applause] >> thank you mr. clerk. i have had a little practice and my colleagues took notice. i rise to place a name in nomination but first i want to acknowledge my colleague from michigan for her heartfelt and personal nominating speech. you served your conference well. [applause]
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mr. clerk, today i rise on behalf of the governing majority of the house of representatives. [applause] the american people have sent a strong message they want their elected leaders working together to tackle the affordability crisis. there is only one leader in this chamber with a track record of compromise, conviction, and compassion. there is only one leader who understands the needs of the working people and has lived the american dream himself and is committed to ensuring its promise for future generations. there is only one leader who knows how to negotiate a bipartisan deal and stick to that deal.
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[applause] house democrats are united behind the most powerful legislative leader in this chamber, hakeem jeffries of brooklyn. [applause] house democrats are committed to bipartisanship and common sense solutions to america's most pressing challenges. in the face of chaos and dysfunction over the last two years, our caucus has kept the government funded, kept our allies protected, and the
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economy secured from the catastrophic default. in the 119th congress, we will work with the incoming administration to make life better and safer. and the incoming administration was also recognized that we are divided and while compromise remains a dirty word, congress will be able to keep the lights on or pass anything of substance without the buy-in and blessing of house democrats and hakeem jeffries. [applause] make no mistake. democrats want to bring down the cost of living, build more housing, and lower the cost of everyday items like food, medicine and child care. even as the rhetoric rises in
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this chamber and the public square, we will not stop advocating for the policies that do the most good for the most people. because of his leadership, we will never abandon our values or sacrifice our bedrock principles of freedom and democracy. when we were threatened, ukraine, when they attacked israel, it was hakeem jeffries and democrats who delivered the votes and stood tall for america's national security. when the least, the lost, and left behind were threatened with devastating cuts, hakeem jeffries stood with mothers, children, and veterans. when the administration wanted to raise the debt limit in order to finance tax cuts for the wealthy, the well-off and the well connected, leaving
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middle-class families to pay for the bill, leaving them high and dry, hakeem jeffries did not just say no. he said >> hell no. >> i am honored to rise today at the house democratic caucus to place into nomination, the pride of brooklyn, the gentleman from new york, hakeem jeffries. [applause]
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>> of the names of mike johnson, representative elect from the state of louisiana and hakeem jeffries, representative elect from the state of new york have been placed in nomination. are there further nominations? being no further nominations, clerk appoints the following tellers, the gentleman from north carolina, the gentleman from new york, the gentleman from wisconsin and the gentleman from california. the tellers will come forward and take their seats at the desk in front of the speakers roost.
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>> politically speaking, we knew those were going to be different speeches. you saw lisa mcclain for the republicans nominating mike johnson for speaker of the house and pete aguilar nominated hakeem jeffries. he is an interesting and called it a nice beach and he jumped in there and figured mike as we figured he would. >> this is how the house chooses it speaker, this is the process and you have the tellers, who are overseeing what is about to be the vote right now for speaker, to be the first roll call. it appears another republican, is saying he expects for
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multiple rounds. we could be in for high drama and after this vote starts. >> bret baier has been with us this hour. he has to work on special report, there is going to be a lot going on. what are the politics here? the people have spoken. if it turns out to be true and there are multiple rounds, what does that accomplish? because that is a great question. for the folks who are going to vote no or president, if that happens, it is a statement, that we are really serious. we are not happy with the way things are run. there is no other path right now. they don't have a plan b. it is possible this gets wrapped up in the first round. the roll call starts. it lasted about 53 minutes last time.
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i am going to anchor "america reports" at the top of the hour. as you finish up, we will be in the middle of the roll call and see where it goes. the politics of this are messy if it goes down and if it goes to multiple ballots, we are in for the long haul. >> to what harris was talking about earlier, there are about 18 republicans in addition to tom macphee who we are launching here who are potential nose. in terms of ship roy, mollie hemingway tweeted something we later confirmed about when they had that doge meeting on capitol hill with elon musk, december 5th, almost one month ago, all the members and the republicans there were light, we are so eager for government efficiency and cutting waste and spending and chip got up and looked at those
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members and said two-thirds of this room, including many of the speakers voted for on the buses and continuing resolutions and creating the bureaucracy that it hurting this country. he has called out the republicans who he has been butting heads with on that floor today. >> how do you resolve that and go forward? >> by electing a speaker johnson and leaving it in the hands of trump and the people in his economic team to force the republican who had been recklessly spending, even in the last four years, to cut spending. >> they are taking a vote right now. it has begun. they are voting for house speaker right now and we know democrats, will although for hakeem jeffries. mike johnson, we knew one person
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who said he will not, but there could be others we have seen in recent days who really want things to be different and how they do it. >> one of the things we are watching is whether or not republican vote present because that could change the magic number. if we are headed for high drama, after the first round, there is an option that johnson could let the process, which triggers or hit the pause button. >> what could you say at this point. those have been happening all along. >> you were talking about the fact johnson said no deals will be cut. in the tweet you saw put out, he
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did not announce committee ships. we expected the drama to trigger at least of the second one before johnson. >> we have a closing argument expert on the couch. >> the question i have, what entity that the message you are sending is more important? to the rest of the republican party, the democrat party or the american people. all of this is pregame. if the end result is them voting for speaker johnson no matter what, get it done now so it restores our faith and reassures a our votes were in the right place and sends a broader message to the democratic party that they won't be able to mess with us. i come from a team analogy here. on that field, you are united front. this is the one time we are out of the gate.
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they need to say to the democratic party, yes we mean business and we are putting the party above our individualized temper tantrums and reassure us we are in a new land, not the one we are stuck in. >> when we saw the two nominating speeches, they called them the governing majority to resounding applause to their side. i thought it was very interesting. they made the case that they are the ones funding the government, being responsible and the house they have to run every two years. you know the campaign ads are being cut and this is the signal, this is what the democrats are going to try to run on. >> here is how i know the democrats aren't truly united.
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they took joe biden off the ticket and put in didn't even tn that. but come on, spare me with that. it is easy to vote for hakeem jeffries 100% because there is no reason not to vote for him. you know he is not going to be there so it doesn't really matter. but how we get there, to emily's point, how we get there does matter. what do you want the american people to see you flex to? coworker politicians -- >> wait, was that catastrophic? that is what they are telling us, that was catastrophic to house speaker elect johnson's speakership. the whole point is it is not because they have knots emitted anyone else. there trying to make him sweat. it hasn't even been punished -- they are now punishing potentially the american people. >> and it has to come up again. they are going to be voting on basically what they just voted on and fought over again coming right up again. griff, your last words now, keep everybody short here so we can handed over live because they
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are voting. >> last words, we are on the bs right now in the roll call, going to be one of the first indications we may be in for drama this afternoon. >> okay come i don't know how close we are. let's listen. >> johnson. >> carson. carson. carter of georgia. >> mike johnson. >> johnson. carter of louisiana. >> hakeem jeffries. >> jeffries. carter of texas. johnson. cassar. >> jeffries. >> jeffries. case. jeffries


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